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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,807 Member
    edited January 2021
    Ignore this
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @thuggishsplicer I dl+installed Zé Roberto & Julietta, but they don't show up in the game, I guess it's the missing pets EP for me, that caused it. But now we know why! If you ever get the time or inclination I would love to have them w/o the pets but i totally understand if you don't want to separate them! Don't worry about store content or patterns they just get replaced by the game.
    Oh I just saw another nick name for Jose, ' Zezé ' wouldn't that be so dang cute for a toddler! :)

    @everyone & new people There is a stickied thread at the top By @Pary . I have some wonderful sims that I have fallen in love with from there! Pary's thread is a God Send for us who can't make nice unique looking sims! or to help you Populate towns! You guys are amazing creators! <3 [ Bravo Award ] :)

    @Brandontaylor I would love to see both Quinton and Ariana and Dwight have kids! I really like how they look! looking forward to more!

    @GraceyManor LOL @ Sissy! I agree! If Linda wants him, that is! :) ahh update OK! that is nice! :)

    @Gguy love your update! yes woohoo can complicate things alright.
    LOL at being stuck in the elevator! :D
    love Bart Hammer's eyes! I like Vampires very very much as well!

    @Silverofdreams30 thank you i love toddlers <3

    @Turjan :) Glad you think it's funny! they might think I am just part of the family, but I am stronger! they can't lock me in my room ... at least not yet!

    Yes! Gladsten got very very Glad! I was a bit nervous that Frida would change her mind after oogling and <3 -ing with Max so much!

    TY about the prettiness of my sims, I am practicing with sliders but all the supper good looking sims are others creations! I still can't stop staring at @AlexaKry's Max ! ~~Oh I wanted to correct Max is not a mash up in himself.
    His hair, face shape, and gentleness plus Tyler's facial features is what drew me to Her sims so madly.
    If we could smush those two boys together it would be very similar to my husband in his youth.

    Carl is nice! I love his eyes!
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Episode 2 – A Stranger

    And I listen for the whisper - Of your sweet insanity
    While I formulate denials - Of your effect on me
    You're a stranger - So what do I care?
    You vanish today - Not the first time I hear - All the lies

    June went without much happening in the life of Greg and Pongo. Cooking what he had left from the mountain village, cleaning and the dishes was done in the sink.


    Greg Preston’s Diary 11th of July 2724 AD.
    Life was fine by the River, although we did get bad whether from time to time having to spend more time inside. On the better days, I spend most of my time cleaning, feeding and talking with the Chickens. I also liked to see the wildlife passing our cottage, Deer and Wild Horses.

    Moon Down over the cottage


    Jenny Richards Diary 14th of July 2724 AD.
    After not seeing a human being for more than two years. I suddenly saw this small house. I knew it would be dangerous to get close, so many have been shot attempting to approach other people and a had no weapon, but I was so hungry and needed to meet someone to help me, that I took my chances.


    Jenny Richards Diary 16th of July 2724 AD.

    Greg was an old loner, but kind. We came of at the wrong foot to begin with, but he slowly seemed more and more content with me in his cottage.


    Jenny Richards Diary 23th of July 2724 AD.
    He had a wonderful dog and I could get food and showers, I loved it here after years of sleeping outside. After a while, even though I would still consider him very strange and introvert, I would say we had become friends. I was not sure what to do, should I stay here with this odd older man, he had never actually asked me to stay and could I even trust him?


    Greg Preston’s Diary 25th of July 2724 AD.
    I had been a bit sick, nothing serious but I slept more than usual. This morning when I woke up I went outside to ask Jenny if she needed some bread with jam. I could not find her, she was gone. I rapidly went trough all my stuff, nothing was stolen.

    I went outside, as the chickens has hatched, lovely of course, but I must admit it was not the same joy without her. As strange as that may seem, I missed her.


    Greg will visit the mountain village, before winter time comes and will close down the mountain trail.
    Should he:
    A: Get the cheap dishwasher
    B: Keep doing the dishes in the Sink and save the $ for harder times

    (If tied or no one answers default will be the last option)


    Nice shots, that park bench looks like it is formed after some sort of biscuit (or chips not sure that what it is called)

    @GraceyManor Great updates, so high quality pictures from the ball.

    @bekkasan: thanks for comment
    Yes I also expect it to be hard and not sure it will be possible for this first one to survive at all.
    beautiful picture with snow against a clear blue sky
    Comments at you story site (later)

    @DivaDoodle; thanks for comment
    Great opening pics with the doll-house.
    With comment our updates at you place

    @emorrill: Have been a fanatic music collector since the 70’s, interested in almost any kind of music.
    Ya I is hard to find full venues in town, but it helps if you send several sims there at the same time, seemingly the bar becomes a “night hotspot” every many wants to go that night.

    How did you set up your world settings like that, with the taxes and bills? Story Progression??
    I did not set it up, will do it manually (sigh), there is a tax mod but it seems to be very complicated and add the tax on top of the normal bill, something I can’t use as my sims will have a hard time already in a would with no (or few) job options. The bill is adjusted to 2%/a week with the retuner mod.

    @Nikkei_Simmer: Nice to see Satoshi again, had almost forgot about him.

    @Emily4331: Thanks for comment.

    Great update, got me very interested in Daisy, maybe because I don’t have the plant sim in my game so she is a complete surprise to me, that I really like.
    Regarding the relationships, can recommend Nraas relativity mod, I use it in my new story – it makes relative longer days – freeing time to socialise on top of all the other tasks you need (but of course also takes a bit longer to play a day if you don’t ever speed up.

    @Gguy : Great update, I can live with the Pz getting stuck

    Curious wildlife gathering around the cottage

    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    GguyGguy Posts: 254 Member
    edited January 2021
    @Tamijo Never had one come up into a high rise building before. Thought Crystal FINALLY got herself a neighbor, but then i saw the paparazzi tag XD. You know, speaking of people, i should probably arrange a little casual meetup between Crystal and Elspeth Cook. Those two used to be pretty good friends an eternity ago, but then they just stopped hanging out.

    Also, liking this new story of yours. Great work on the pictures as well, you aced the angles. Oh, and i vote for A, he has so much other work to take care of already, wouldn't hurt if he had some mechanical help.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hey friends. :) Hope you're having a great Monday.

    It's freezing here in the basement! :grimace: Friday night we got dumped on - almost 5 inches of snow. It's been a couple of winters since we got that much in one snowfall.

    Anyhoo, I'm just hoping my frozen fingers can type. (turns on space heater...)

    @Nikkei_Simmer Fantastic chapter! :star:
    She had looked deep within herself to see if she could picture spending the rest of her life with him and her answer was a resounding YES with no hesitation at all.
    ^How I felt the moment I met my husband. <3 Well...more like the next day when we chatted for 2 hours straight getting to know each other after our religious class. :mrgreen:
    I take it your wife is an artist? ;)
    Furrowing his brow, he followed the outline that he'd so painstakingly prepared the night before. With the direction of the plot in place it was a matter of writing connect-the-dots and having his characters work towards the ending while he, as the author, got to throw in red-herrings, plot-twists and other malodorous situations to forestall the eventual demise of the villains in the story as well as a few of the protagonist's sidekicks along the way.
    ^Gosh I understand this all too well. :lol: 👍
    I am SO proud of Yasunobu for finally standing up to Mayumi! :star: And yes, he would've been smart to divorce her a long time ago. I hate to say something like that, but she's just plain awful and toxic. :(
    Good chat he had with Satoshi. (I think I need to see Satoshi with shorter hair and his shirt off. :lol: Then he'll really be sexy. ;):love: )

    @DivaDoodle I'll have to look up on NRaas how to disable the tragic clown accident. ;)
    Ooohhhh okay. I did add that toddler mod to my game. 👍 I just haven't tested it out yet. :p
    Oh My!!! note: do not Ever say that to yer hubby and also change the word 'love' to something more, well, *unseemly*, when I did, Silver Fox was done for the night. :o:*
    ^Ha ha! :lol: I would imagine. :smirk::p

    @GraceyManor Love Linda's blue ball dress. :love:
    Linda: Do you always try to charm your citizens?
    Ryan: Only when I think they're worth charming. ;) Care to go for a walk in the gardens?
    ^That was cute. :blush:
    Lol! The cousins thing was a little annoying :lol: , but it was cute banter between the two. :)
    Oooh, nice kiss! <3
    Annnnnd...there she goes. :neutral:
    Tell you what, if my man kissed me like that I sure as heck wouldn't leave him standing there, I'd lead him to the bedroom. :smirk::p
    Oh yeah I was gonna tell you, I like to imagine the songs that pop in my head for my stories playing in the background like songs do in the movies too. :mrgreen:
    Looks like Sissy is tired of Linda's behavior as well.
    "Girl, if you don't wake up and stop your nonsense, I'm gonna bite you in the tush." XD
    ^Ha ha! I'm with Sissy. :joy:
    Yes! Linda is allowing him to talk to her. :star:
    I knew he did the security check because he was jealous. :smirk: But like I said, it wasn't the best move on his part.
    Aww, he confessed his love. <3 But...does she feel the same? :confused:

    @bekkasan You're welcome. :kissing_heart:
    I don't mind the kids fussing but I don't like the fighting.
    ^Yeah, that's really what I meant earlier.
    Kids fussing is kinda normal isn't it? ;):p
    I still can't get over how beautiful Damien and Mary's wedding was. <3 And also how well you wrote it all out to get those happy tears coming out of my eyes. ;):kissing_heart:

    @Brandontaylor I'm anxious to see where you go with Daisy as well. :)

    emorrill LOL I remember when your daughter would watch you play and say that the sims were your dolls. So cool she's learning fast.
    ^Aww, you remember that? I'm kinda sad because... I don't. :cry: (My memory is shot these days and has been for a while). But thinking harder on it I do remember. <3

    emorrill As long as Sam stops short of Alex's toothbrush and underwear, the rest is fair game, I guess :wink: . But yeah, I'll be patient :lol: .
    ^Lol! :lol:;);)
    Sorry to make you - and everyone else - wait. <3 Hopefully I can get started writing the next chapter today. 🤞
    I'm in a musical mode at the moment (well, when am I not? :lol: ) but just for you I'm going to throw out this song that's been creeping into my head ever since finishing off that last chapter. :smirk: I dunno if you'll like it, but it's cute. Enjoy. :)
    @Tamijo If I were in Greg's situation, I'd totally be talking to animals as well. <3
    Gorgeous shot of the moon there. :love:
    Oooh, who is this new lady in the story? ;)
    Aww, she and Greg have become friends. Good. They both need human interaction. (I think we've ALL seen how much we need human interaction this past year no matter HOW introverted we are! :confounded:;) )
    Oh no, she left without saying anything? :( Poor Greg...
    I vote B: he should save his money for harder times. Winter can be real cruel...ask me how I know this. ;)
    Have been a fanatic music collector since the 70’s, interested in almost any kind of music.
    ^That's kinda like me. :smiley: Though I more started in the 90's. You're older than I thought you were. ;)
    Question: Are you a Weird Al Yankovic fan? :smirk:
    I see. Thanks for explaining about the taxes and bills. 👍
    Love that last picture. <3

    ***I'm SO anxious to begin writing Chapter 12 and the first scene, of course, will be with Emily and Shane. At the same time, I'm super nervous. :cold_sweat: This is a HUGE scene that I've been playing out in my mind for MONTHS and I only hope that I can get it down just as perfectly as it has been going through my head. :star: I've been taking a short break to give my mind a rest and hope that when I go right back to it, everything will just flow.

    I don't want the stress from the unknown in my life to interfere with my writing, so I keep telling myself to push through it. Gotta keep swimming. 👍 I don't want to keep y'all on that cliffhanger for too long. ;):kissing_heart:

    Can y'all believe I've been writing my Stardew Valley story for a year now? :smirk: Crazy huh?

    Happy Simming everyone!
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    edited January 2021
    bekkasan wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer yaah! About time he stood up to her and shut her down. I just hope Haruo stays out of her way so he doesn't end up taking her wrath.

    @bekkasan – yeah...I wish Haruo would, but you know him; impulsive and prone to being a hothead. And as for Yasunobu...push a mellow dog far enough and he will turn around and bite.
    DivaDoodle wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer No no no! keep Satoshi in his underwear AND Long hair ! <3:D:D:D
    ok I will back down from the clothes but plz long hair! If not this style then another long hair! He is Awesome!!!

    Satoshi: ? why is everyone talking about me?

    oh update! ''It's better if we no longer consider ourselves a couple from now on and maybe it would be better if we slept in separate rooms'' YES!!!!
    ''Mayumi was so enraged, she vowed to make Yasunobu’s and everyone else’s life a living hell.'' um hasn't she been doing that, from day one?

    Oh I am So Happy! She is like a rabid Dog!

    @DivaDoodle - I dunno...
    bekkasan wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer I love long hair on guys, but not on Satoshi! :open_mouth:
    It may come down to a coin-toss, :mrgreen:

    Mayumi is most definitely like a rabid dog...and like such, really needs to be put down. Though unfortunately in real life...things don’t go that way for abusive people.

    @Sprottenham – Thanks,
    Mayumi to some may seem like a caricature; unfortunately she is all too real – she’s an amalgam of two such mothers who live and breathe air in the real world. I truly hope that you never have the misfortune to meet one of these types of people – narcissists can destroy a person and that person will never know what hit them.
    Turjan wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer You really have it in for Parker. You say he always gets River in people's games? Point taken, though that was my fault. Then again, it didn't last. The River in my game got a bad rep for dumping sim after sim, and the last one she ever had for any length of time was Iqbal Alvi of all people. Who dumped her in the end :lol: . But yeah, what's wrong with your Holly?
    Your Mayumi got a bit of a caricature by now. If she goes on like that, she will simply explode :lol: .

    @Turjan - Boy... your River must be a real piece of work. :mrgreen: Mine got the faithful moodlet that never left. I don’t know about Holly, must be she has an Electra complex (the opposite of Oedipal complex) – goes after the bad boys...mainly due to her father.

    I truly wish that Mayumi was a caricature or a parody. Unfortunately her inspiration lies in the real world and I wouldn’t wish her upon anybody.
    Tamijo wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer: Nice to see Satoshi again, had almost forgot about him.
    @Tamijo - Yay... Satoshi’s back, alright!!!
    Yeah, I think I’m going to go throw-up now from this picture. @Featherbelle loves them; I loathe them.

    I’m still trying to figure out how to get him together with Molly or some other gal. In fact there’s some really nice NPCs that have started town. :D
    emorrill wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer Fantastic chapter! :star:
    She had looked deep within herself to see if she could picture spending the rest of her life with him and her answer was a resounding YES with no hesitation at all.
    ^How I felt the moment I met my husband. <3 Well...more like the next day when we chatted for 2 hours straight getting to know each other after our religious class. :mrgreen:
    I take it your wife is an artist? ;)
    Furrowing his brow, he followed the outline that he'd so painstakingly prepared the night before. With the direction of the plot in place it was a matter of writing connect-the-dots and having his characters work towards the ending while he, as the author, got to throw in red-herrings, plot-twists and other malodorous situations to forestall the eventual demise of the villains in the story as well as a few of the protagonist's sidekicks along the way.
    ^Gosh I understand this all too well. :lol: 👍
    I am SO proud of Yasunobu for finally standing up to Mayumi! :star: And yes, he would've been smart to divorce her a long time ago. I hate to say something like that, but she's just plain awful and toxic. :(
    Good chat he had with Satoshi. (I think I need to see Satoshi with shorter hair and his shirt off. :lol: Then he'll really be sexy. ;):love: )

    @emorrill - My wife (she was practically a stranger who e-mailed me out of the blue) and I were the same way on the phone. After two months of practically slow-chatting (each person waiting for the other’s e-mail); I popped the question in December of 1999...and well...things went from there. And considering the proposal wasn’t even in person... well... um... we’ve been married now 20 years and all. She’s been by my side through thick and thin. When you meet the right person, you know. It hasn’t been all roses...but y’know, no relationship is. You have your rocky moments...and the thing is that you work through them and not throw in the towel (unless the relationship is outright abusive) just because. And no, she's not an artist, but she likes to write. Still hasn't figured out how to make that love-of-writing make money though.

    I think I’m about ready to write this legacy the way I wanted to in the first place: to go to those unpleasant spots as well as the touchy-feely romance spots. Because with character development, you can’t just have that happen without the characters going through something that jars them out of their complacency.

    Haruo has a temper (it’s par for the course for having been stepped on by his mother all his life); River won’t put up with that and she will need to put a leash on that during the course of their relationship. He will have his selfish moments. In fact this story may go slower than the other one...that I had worked on...that I’m replacing. But I just want to do a good job on this one.

    Like I said earlier in the feedback; step on a mellow dog long enough and it will get up enough gumption to bite you.

    Again...just like in real life; sometimes the abused don’t even know that they’re being abused or they’re cowed because of the potential for retribution. And until they see it happen to someone else in front of their eyes and the monster drops their mask of civility; they don’t truly see the horror behind it all.

    @Tamijo @emorrill: I may start throwing in some "music" into my story as well... but the music that I listen to will probably not be familiar. - I appear to be firmly stuck in the Baroque.

    But there may be a few contemporary pieces stuck in there as well. Hope y'all love Celine. :p
    Post edited by Nikkei_Simmer on
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    @emorrill I'm not sure if that's what she said anymore. You must've commented something like this in 2015 or 2016. Or maybe it was somebody else. It's really fun to look back and see how long this thread has been going on.

    @Tamijo I really like to see Greg with the chickens. There should be a possibility to get roast from that coop.
    **That bench is from Showtime, I think there are some items that are food related. But it isn't exaggerated as Katy Perry's Stuff Pack.

    @DivaDoodle I'll gladly share them without the dogs. I'll try to do it today, but if I get too sleepy, I'll make the upload tomorrow. It's good to know that the pets can bring up this issue.
    **There's another common nickname for José that is Zezinho (that's a diminutive). There's a Brazilian actress called Zezé Motta and, when you mentioned that nickname, I remembered her. Another fun fact, Donald Duck's nephews (Huey, Dewey and Louie) are called Huguinho, Zezinho and Luisinho. I'm not sure if it's the same in Portugal. XD

    @Turjan I'm glad you enjoyed. I hope my sims make a nice difference in your town.
    Carl is really cute.

    --- x --- x ---

    This is an old screenshot, but I'd like to share with @Nikkei_Simmer how much Jamie Jolina can be awesome.

    32918880568_8cc57c2dc1_h.jpgM04-010 by Marcos Da Silva, no Flickr

    Of course it's important to control her flirty trait, though.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    This is an old screenshot, but I'd like to share with @Nikkei_Simmer how much Jamie Jolina can be awesome.

    32918880568_8cc57c2dc1_h.jpgM04-010 by Marcos Da Silva, no Flickr

    Of course it's important to control her flirty trait, though.

    When it comes down to it; if I play with Jamie, I'm gonna shove her in the Brain Enhancing Machine.

    Maybe that may get rid of that trait. :evil chuckle:
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited January 2021
    90 The Watcher Watches: Danny & Belinda -> Love <-

    Well of course after Max's last remark, The Watcher Knows she must keep a closer eye on these sims, especially Max!
    stop laughing! :D it is not because of his looks! it is because I am excited at what they will do next!
    btw, Max really did break my mod that prevents the point & laugh! who knows what else he will break!

    But it is pretty awesome that my sims know things, and change things and break things, willy nilly!

    In one game, The Original Tulip got herself pregnant without permission! Even though I have that mod set to false! it is always false! I had directed her to woohoo in the shower with her not controlled stinky BF, she marched into the bathroom followed by her BF,
    I thought 'weird, shouldn't she follow him?',

    But she had decided and stopped off at the wardrobe, first, woohoo'd and I heard chimes! Her action said woohoo in the shower-- No one said anything about the wardrobe!

    tricky sims! :o but you bet, I love it!

    Anyway, back to Max! ;)
    hang on, what is Faelie looking at? I back up in her line of site.

    oh ok, thinking of rocks! Good, Gladsten! I can always count on you to be the Good One!

    What's going on here? boxing gloves?
    'Don't even think about sharing custody again, Faelie!' thinks Gladsten. does Gladsten have this one remembrance?
    "I'm talking about the wonder of babies" says Faelie
    When Linda gave up her adopted daughter, Fawn had gone to live with adopted Daddy Gladsten. Frida, Gladsten's wife, then adopted her. That was my story, but I guess Watcher never followed through.
    I'm glad they reminded me! [ping] it is done with MC!

    Max are you thinking about the science of making babies?!
    "no Watcher I have a new wish!" Max informs me.
    Ahh ok, yes you can have a science career, if you wish to, Max!

    hmm, come to think of it, we best ask Faelie if she would like to move in so we can see if she wants to work as well! We are missing out on her wishes!

    "Love, will you come live here with me, until we build a spacious house, just right for us?" asks Max
    "yes Max that would be wonderful!" says Faelie
    'together always' thinks Faelie
    'my wonderful wife!' thinks Max
    'And babies soon' thinks Faelie
    'Just as sweet as Bébé' thinks Max

    And as they kiss, I see Faelie's wishes, she wants a job as an educator, and she has several wishes for Max as well!

    Danny greets Quigley, whom Belinda has called over, because I need to see something!
    Fawn is ready to age up but has refused to come over! So we must go to her!

    Cutie pie pie! : ) somehow Quigley has run away somewhere LOL never mind, we celebrate!
    Belinda learns her new trait! Good sense of humor!
    We make a group and head home for Fawn to meet Faelie and Max and maybe, hopefully, Quigley!
    I don't remember if they know each other or not.

    Thanks Faelie, for helping Watcher! and for serving the food in such a normal manner!
    This will really help Quigs and Fawn to greet each other! :D
    "You're welcome Watcher, I love to help!"
    Fawn thinks 'Am I being punished? Why do I have to eat way out here in the back yard?' lol poor kid!

    "Faefae" says Bébé
    hang on what is that?! ♬Some enchanted ev-ening!♪
    ♪When you meet a stran-ger♬
    ♬From across the room♪

    Quigley takes a closer look. "Fawn, are you the one for me?" he thinks

    Fawn can't even think!

    And Quigley does the only thing he knows! The way he was introduced to 'love' by the heartbreak kid, Daydream Ivy!

    But Quigley, remember the aftermath!

    ''Watcher I would never drop Fawn like a hot potato the very next day, like Daydream did to me!!!''
    Quigley is lonesome, and wants someone to love. for keeps.

    But before Fawn can meet up with her 'handsome stranger', Max must have a word.
    "Hello young lady" begins Max
    "Have you improved your skills in exercise today?"
    "Not yet sir." says Fawn

    Max don't you think that was an inopportune moment to ask that of Fawn?
    "No Watcher''
    '' I Must practice my family oriented skills! I want to be a good Father!''
    ok Max

    Quigley calls to Fawn.
    But Fawn will be busy for a long time!

    Oh that's strange the TV just broke :D
    'huh. I guess I don't have to exercise then' thinks Fawn
    And she rocks out to the music.

    So Quigley rocks out,
    in the babies room where Watcher put their sleeping bags.

    "Quigley we noticed you like Fawn!'' says Belinda
    ''Yes! I had met her in school! Now that she is a teen, I can ask her to prom!' says Quigley
    ''That's really nice Quigley, I'm happy for you!'' says Belinda

    They wake up very early from their sleeping bags

    Then Quigley goes online to learn how to be a good boyfriend.

    Post edited by DivaDoodle on
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Tamijo C.) Find her!
    Oh sorry! I mean B keep doing the dishes in the sink, The cheap dishwasher drives everyone crazy.

    You pictures are lovely! I love the mist in the background! and the huge moon! is that a mod?

    @emorrill brrrrr 5 inches of snow WOW! keep warm sweetie! Why are you in the basement? get to the living room!

    @thuggishsplicer aw ty that is so very nice of you! I love all those nicknames for Jose!
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member

    Generation One

    Chapter Seven - "Haruo and River"

    (Part One)

    Chikamori Side of the Triplex

    Well, no one ever said mornings were dull at the Chikamori/McIrish residence. In fact mornings were exceedingly early as the Chikamori family and their friends who lived at the same address went to sleep early and got up very early in the morning. Which was why Molly was in the Chikamori’s kitchen looking to make cinnamon rolls at 12:35 in the morning. Despite the fact that the appliances looked new, they were second-hand thanks to Mayumi cutting corners on the purchase giving orders to the contractors that they were to look for the cheapest possible price on the appliances. So thus half the appliances worked and the other half were just for show. Mornings generally were calm however things got heated when Molly, needing to use some good appliances to cook breakfast came over clad in her nightie which made Mayumi see red; not just at the interruption, but at Molly's presumptuous disregard for proper etiquette, dress and deportment around the oh so high and mighty Mayumi Chikamori; educator extraordinaire and highly regarded as being beyond the capacity of mere mortals such as the rest of her plebeian family and those whom they associated with. To her her family's friends didn't even register on the human scale let alone uneducated peon scale.
    Hearing noises in the kitchen in the middle of the night or early in the morning; take your pick, Mayumi had gone downstairs to see what the noise was all about. Exiting the elevator she looked left.
    Mayumi couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her appliances, her bowls, her mixing spoon...all of which was being touched by the little plebeian hands of that little tart next door. What exactly in the Sam Hills was this?
    Mayumi saw Molly using her oven and went ballistic: stark-raving, bug-eyed, frothing at the mouth insane. "ARE YOU A TRAMP?!"she screeched at the top of her lungs while waving her hands in the air.
    Molly looked at her as if Mayumi was psycho.
    "Excuse me, I addressed you!" If Mayumi's voice was any shriller and louder, she could out-scream a fire engine. "The least you could do is answer, or are you as dimwitted as you are a tramp?!" Yes, Mayumi was making friends and influencing people. When the only response Mayumi got out of Molly was a raised eyebrow and a curled lip punctuating a sneer, Mayumi exploded, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?! You Botoxed street-walking harlot!"
    "Just what...did you say to me?" ...luckily, Molly hadn't turned the stove-top on to make pancakes yet and she dropped the spatula on the frying pan. She looked at Mayumi with a disdainful look. "I dare you to say that again."
    "Oh, I dare, you miserable 🐸🐸🐸🐸, first you walk into my house dressed like you got out of someone's bed ." Mayumi snapped. "Then you prance around in my kitchen nearly stark 🐸🐸🐸🐸 naked. You are nothing more than a worthless pole-swinging tart!" Mayumi screeched. "I think you'd drop trou for every-".
    That was all Mayumi could get out before a resounding smack was heard as Molly's fist connected with Mayumi's face. The cat fight was on and Molly got in several good stomps on Mayumi's fingers which caused Mayumi to shriek in pain which brought down the rest of the family including Yasunobu and Satoshi who tried to figure out if he should cheer on Molly whom he had a major crush on. Satoshi nearly cheered Molly when she gave Mayumi a good solid uppercut, the crack of clenched fist meeting jaw pretty much made Mayumi see stars. Satoshi thought it was a pity that bag didn't get a concussion. Then Molly slapped the ever-lovin' crap out of Mayumi which seemed to be the right idea since Mayumi deserved a good slapping.
    Mayumi was enraged and was in the midst of a tirade against Molly when Fiona came over from the McIrish side of the triplex trying to figure out just exactly what the ruckus was about that had awoken her. Mayumi screeched, "You people best remember that this is MY house..." Fiona decided not to interject herself into this argument and stood to the side listening and waiting for an opening but far enough away that she wouldn't get hurt if things got heated.
    "Excuse witch, this is YOUR THIRD of the house...not the whole house...Fiona paid for one-third of this home and the Harts have the other third!" Molly interjected heatedly as she got in Mayumi's face and threatened to make her into a pretzel.
    "But it was MY Husband's good credit that got us that mortgage! So I'd shut your yap if I were you..." Mayumi hissed venomously as she got in a mean scowl. "Because we can take it all back if you aren't careful and I wouldn't care if you seven became homeless. It would serve you tramps right." Mayumi huffed and wiped her shoulder at Molly as if she was some disgusting bit of garbage that had been deposited on her neck.
    That did it for Molly: the insults that she endured from Mayumi; the condescension and worst of all, the simple fact that this pathetic excuse for a human being would just as soon cast her son, her husband, her cousin and his son, and the rest of them out including her and her daughter, Molly had enough; seeing red, she pounced on Mayumi for the second time that morning. Mayumi, despite her evil and mean-spirited traits got the worst of it. Bruised and battered, Mayumi screeched, "You haven't heard the end of this, you 🐸🐸🐸🐸."
    "Takes one to know one, you insufferable 🐸🐸🐸🐸!" Molly snarled clenching her fists ready and willing to make good on trouncing Mayumi and beating the ever-lovin' hamster droppings out of her. And she'd deserve every bit of that beating; that sanctimonious flea-ridden hag.
    Satoshi wished Molly would knock his evil sister-in-law out. Because she seriously deserved nothing less than utter abject humiliation; forced to bend knee to those who were kinder and gentler human beings.. But the likelihood of that narcissistic witch even thinking of doing that in her wildest fever dreams was a complete fantasy. Satoshi knew that his brother had practically walked eyes open into a literal nightmare of a relationship. He had seen the woman when Yasunobu had first started dating Mayumi but no matter how sweet she played it, there was something vicious, cunning and evil about that woman. And Satoshi knew that his brother was making the right choice in cutting that malicious virago (in the worst possible definition of the word) loose to fend for herself, perhaps she would come to know that she would not be able to treat others in that fashion without consequences or maybe her karmic retribution would catch up to her. She couldn't be doing herself any favours with her current behaviour.

    Yasunobu rolled his eyes as he realized finally the effect that Mayumi's temper-tantrum was having on the rest of the family and he thanked his lucky stars for having the guts to snap at her yesterday. She finally had trodden on Yasunobu's last nerve and he'd had enough of her 🐸🐸🐸🐸. And he was finally rid of the cantankerous old bat; maybe in his declining years he would find someone who would take care of him and be kind, gentle and sweet.
    "AND how about you put some clothes on, you painted floozy!" screeched Haruo's mother at Molly who turned around and slapped Mayumi for the second time that morning...HARD.

    (end Part One)
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Emily4331 lol, that would be us!! :grin:

    @DivaDoodle Ah! I forgot he wore that when he got to the inn. That is his leathers that he rides his motorcycle in. He looks pretty smokin in them if I do say so myself. :grin:
    You need to remind Max that he is not married til he says I do under the arch! :grin:
    I'm glad that she is at least moving in with him. That will get things moving along.
    Quigley and Fawn make a cute couple. Hope it works out.
    Goodness, down boy! Her Dad is in the other room!

    @Brandontaylor Gosh 150 days is only a couple of years in my saves. My sims have epic epic lives since I use pause frequently too. :grin:
    I always make the spouse of the sim who plucks the plant sim the other parent in my stories. He raised her, nothing step about it! :heart:

    @thuggishsplicer Thanks so much for commenting. I was pleased at how well the picture turned out of her looking in the mirror. I wanted you guys to have a sneak peek of Mary.
    If you upload more families I will use them. I'm better at making singles and couples and turning them into families eventually. I need a variety of ages too.

    @GraceyManor hehe, bite her puppy!
    About time! :heart: But I expect she will still give him a hard time and do what she wants without thinking it through. Silly girl.

    @Gguy Nice pics! The stray cat is adorable.
    That is a really cool shop. Great idea to call it a pawn shop. It looks like it fits right in with the city vibe.

    @Turjan It might have been her then as the female was from LL and the male was a sim I created that crash landed on the planet. He eventually repaired his ship and made his way back home to Lucky Palms. :grin: Those were the last two store worlds I needed so wanted to play both of them. He did bring her with him but I think it was shortly after that the puter crashed and died.
    Thanks for the comments on my winter pics and rainbow ones. :smiley:
    I really wanted y'all to get that peek. I was pleased with how the picture turned out.
    I hope work will be more normal this week rather than 'pull my hair out busy'. I've got some pics to turn into an update.
    I've downloaded the genetics mod and will put it in the SI folder to try it out and see how I like it. I wasn't sure if it would affect genetics in my ongoing saves so am leaving it out of them for now.

    @Tamijo Commented on your thread but forgot to say I love the capture of the moon and I'm learning some new artists that even though they may have been around for awhile that I just didn't know.

    @emorrill Thanks again for the comments on the wedding. It was a struggle writing the vows but I'm glad that it evoked emotion.

    @Nikkei_Simmer Lol, I enjoyed the cat fight and it seems to me Mayumi doesn't know when to quit!
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    xxcrazyskittlesxxxxcrazyskittlesxx Posts: 16 Member
    I finally finished a house I have been working on for a week now!
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Nikkei_Simmer YIKES! cat fight! or sexy kitten and rabid dog fight I should say!
    I hope they have a household meeting and vote her out!
    Yes it was her husband that got them the mortgage but he ain't her hubby no mo! ;)

    @bekkasan TY always love reading your comments!

    Ah ok it is his motorcycle leathers! Jamie looks so good wearing them! I think I even like it better than the towel! ok maybe a tie! <3

    lol I know, hopefully with both Belinda and Faelie reminding Max, he will pop the question one day.

    Fawn's parents had gone home for her birthday, but since they celebrated in their bedroom, I just left them there haha

    I hope it works out for Quigley, I really like him!
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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    @DivaDoodle Thank you :smile:
    DivaDoodle wrote: »
    TY about the prettiness of my sims, I am practicing with sliders but all the supper good looking sims are others creations! I still can't stop staring at @AlexaKry's Max ! ~~Oh I wanted to correct Max is not a mash up in himself.
    His hair, face shape, and gentleness plus Tyler's facial features is what drew me to Her sims so madly.
    If we could smush those two boys together it would be very similar to my husband in his youth.
    You could try the RandomGenetics mod. You could set Max and Tyler as parents of a sim via MC and then press "Randomize Genetics" until you have the mix you want. But yeah, just practice with sliders. Everyone has their own preferred style, anyway.
    Congrats on your two cute couples :smile:

    @emorrill Nice earworm :smile: . That's what your story is about in the end, anyway, right?

    @Turjan - Boy... your River must be a real piece of work. :mrgreen: Mine got the faithful moodlet that never left. I don’t know about Holly, must be she has an Electra complex (the opposite of Oedipal complex) – goes after the bad boys...mainly due to her father.
    Yeah, I guess "my" River had been waiting for ages as part of Gobias Koffi's harem (I don't think she ever noticed his other two relations, one of them my founder's wife Jamie Jolina (no surprise there)), then got a couple twins by my founder, and the rest went downward from there. She had five kids in the end and was still living with some of them when she died. Holly was a different story. She was completely bonkers, collected two kids from two different fathers (Mortimer Goth and Miraj Alvi) and lived off child support, always spending more than she had. Both had interesting, though probably not very happy lives.
    Regarding your Mayumi, it feels a bit too close to home. That's what I meant. And yes, I know how difficult this "love your parents" thing can be, especially when it gets forcefully demanded as some kind of inalienable right, which also expressively includes the right to behave like complete a**holes. Bonus points for getting told exactly that into your face.
    The sad thing is that something like the scene with Molly would probably end up with Molly in jail in RL, as cathartic as it may seem at first.

    @bekkasan Thank you. Yes, the sneak peek was appreciated :wink: .
    Ah yes, looks like I remember your Lunar Lakes story now. Amelia is flirty, but I hardly see that in my game.
    Regarding the RG mod, no worries, it won't do anything to your existing sims. Unless you want to. I remixed some of my older sims after editing their parents, but I repeated those remixes until they looked really close to what they looked before. I wanted subtle differences, but I still wanted to recognize them as the sims I knew, if you know what I mean. The mod is only automatic for newborns.
    While Barney and Helga were still busy chatting, their respective spouses were (more or less) patiently waiting for other things they had in mind.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    That was the point of the cousins be annoying.XD
    Yeah, probably shouldn't let jealousy make you jump to
    decisions like that...but might not have been a bad idea to
    check him out...XD Thanks! Its one of rustynail's dresses.
    She feels the same, no worries.
    Linda: Don't apologize...I'm glad you said it...because I feel the

    lol yeah I kind of lost my patience with her while writing..
    gosh I hope I'm not that difficult.XD
    I thought they were game items, but they seem to be missing

    Wouldn't have it any other way with my ladies. :D
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    GguyGguy Posts: 254 Member
    @bekkasan The Pawn shop thing worked because a Consignment Store and a Pawn Shop serve a nearly identical role. They both take used items and sell them to new people. Only real difference is that in a Consignment Store you actually own the items up until the point when they're sold, while in a pawn shop, if you give em away, you lose ownership.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    Turjan wrote: »
    Regarding your Mayumi, it feels a bit too close to home. That's what I meant. And yes, I know how difficult this "love your parents" thing can be, especially when it gets forcefully demanded as some kind of inalienable right, which also expressively includes the right to behave like complete a**holes. Bonus points for getting told exactly that into your face.
    The sad thing is that something like the scene with Molly would probably end up with Molly in jail in RL, as cathartic as it may seem at first.

    Yup, been there, done that, got the t-shirt (to hide the scars)...and the bonus points. Plus on top of that my mother told my wife. "You took my son away from me..." Nothing like being told they "own you.

    And of course...with the "Molly" situation... they'll twist the situation to make it seem as though it's YOUR fault.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,223 Member

    Thank you,
    it was fun trying a new way to do a photoshoot.


    Congrats to the unplanned baby.
    Max is a handsome sim, he and Faelle is a cute


    Great update


    Great updates.


    Thank you
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,223 Member
    A little sneak preview of Liam watching TV.
    I just edited a little bit in PSP 7.

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    Hey friends. :)

    I've got some reply comments to make and I promise I will. :kissing_heart: I just HAD to get started writing Chapter 12 and it's going really well so far. :smiley:*squeeee!*

    My "musical tourettes" I tell ya! :lol: Anybody, even myself, who mentions - or types - something exact or remotely close to a song lyric I am familiar with, the song quickly enters my mind and overpowers it! :joy:

    Then I begin to wonder...did I write it that way because of the lyrics from that song I've known for so long? 🤔 Probably not, but it makes me wonder anyway. :p

    Here's the song. Another oldie and a goodie my friends. :blush: Enjoy!

    The thread has been flooded with music lately and I'm kinda loving it. :blush: 🎵 Music is life. Thanks everyone. <3

    Sim on!
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    TamijoTamijo Posts: 1,072 Member

    Episode 3 – Above and Afar

    Visionary mountains - Above and afar,
    Like answers to questions - Of life, love,
    Love and the longing to survive - Truth though distorted.
    Are words I create - Today the parting - Tonight, tonight
    At the peak of your - Visionary mountains.

    Greg turned 56 in August, but he did not think about it at all, just another day for him at the cottage by the river.

    Greg Preston’s Diary 28th of August 2724 AD.

    This was my last day in the cottage, we would leave for the mountain village tomorrow. Pongo would come with me. I found some old pieces of fence, at a ruined farm to secure the chickens and not lose them to wild animals.


    Greg Preston’s Diary 7th of September 2724 AD.

    It took me 8 days to get back to the mountain village, naturally much harder to do the uphill journey than the downhill. I still have a small house here and to begin with It was quite nice to be back.


    Greg Preston’s Diary 15th of September 2724 AD.

    I have now been here about two weeks. It is starting to get on my nerves. I am looking forward to get back to the river. I have bought, a shelf, a bicycle, food and other small things. I saw a very smart dishwasher, but decided not to get it, it was to heavy and expensive. Tonight, I need a good meal at the restaurant, heading back tomorrow.


    Greg Preston’s Diary 26th of September 2724 AD.

    I borrowed an Oxe and Wagon from one of my few friends in the village, now I was back in the river cottage with all the new stuff I bought. I have 6.721$ left after getting back to the cottage


    Greg Preston’s Diary 2rd of October 2724 AD.

    The first I did after coming back was to tear down that awful fence around the chickens, then just cleaning up a bit in the garden. Anyway, this morning I woke up to horrible weather, staying inside I just cooked a bit of food, glancing out the window I saw her, Jenny was back.


    Editorial comments for those who want a deeper look into the setup and tricks behind the story:
    I don’t think I will keep updating too much on these kind of things in the long run, but for now I expect that some might be interested what the restrictions are for my story, so here is a few details.:
    Stuff like the fence I see as a storyline “purchase” and it will have no effect on the household economy.
    (will be bought and sold to 0 value)
    The mountain village is a save of it own, so will have no side effect in the “main save” also just a storyline décor. Can’t gain skill or anything else to be transferred to main save there.
    Every sim will start with 1 (or more) skill in everything as that seems to be the value totrigger the sims to be more active.
    The Book Shelf was something I decided Greg should get, to test if he would read skill books, expect he won’t but off course hope he will. (he paid)
    The bike and also a sun protective parasol was both stuff he bought, while I was watching him from my “Heavenly” house, (the secret lot created to later import new characters)
    Jenny (my name) was not a character I created. She was really a homeless sim that suddenly called him. I just edited her to look homeless (nothing else). She is still the personality the game created. I just called her back and invited her over. (she now lives in the “Heavenly” house not to lose her, as I have “remove all homeless every night activated”)
    Another action I will take (sort of against my intensions) is repair, as I would rather do that than have “outsiders” in the game, that goes for every outsider, they will be avoided at all cost no matter the consequence. The only allowed AI will be the post and the newspaper, everyone else will be annihilated, besides the very few that will be adapted as characters like Jenny

    Thanks to all who voted

    @emorrill: Thanks for comments
    Don’t know Weird Al Yankovic at all.

    Wow she is really an aggressive woman that Mayumi, not the first time we have seen her in a cats fight as I remember it. Get the impression her world is slowly crumbling around her, just that she haven’t noticed it yet.

    Far from an expert in Baroque, but I do not dislike it. Just know some works by Bach, Vivaldi, and Handel, when I listen to classical music at present, I mainly prefer small chamber setup playing relative late works (Late Romantic to Modern) something like this:

    sorry that It is quite long
    A piece by Claude Debussy from 1915

    @thuggishsplicer: Thanks for comment

    @DivaDoodle: She found him.
    As always comments at you site

    @bekkasan: thanks

    @Silverofdreams30: Thanks

    My active stories: Appaloosa County..*.. Sinful Sisters.....*.....Earlier stories:..*..Survivors the River..*.. A Memoir of Grace "Slick" Joplin
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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,153 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer Oh, wow.. there is no doubt in my mind that people like that exist, though I have never (luckily yet) met anyone this horrible myself (and hopefully never will). What an awful person. I hope this is not someone you would have to deal with nowadays.

    Reading the beginning part of what happened in the kitchen made me think she would deseve a slapping, and I must admit I was pleased to see that she got one and then some.
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Turjan :) ty about that genetics mod. I read on Mikezumi's great gentics thread so learned of it, when she first posted about it. but I don't have an artists eye like my sisters do, the gene must have skipped me. and am sad to say I don't see the difference that you others see. Also I can't even make the game or MC whichever it is randomize genetics work, maybe once it worked but who knows what I did. Usually the sim always looks as before, I am doing something wrong I'm sure, to not make it stick!

    I like your pic and caption, I love when they wait! lol :D but they are vying for the same bed!

    The guy in blue is super handsome! <3

    @Silverofdreams30 Don't pay any attention to what Max says, he lives in his mind, in the future! LOL Or do you mean he Will find a way w/o me to get his baby? :o

    Liam is so beautiful! <3

    @emorrill nice music fun oldie! we did line dancing at our 7-8th grade sock hops, at lunch time in the gym! :D

    @Tamijo perfect Manfred Mann song you chose to fit the scene!

    The village on the mountain top looks really good!

    Yay Jenny's back! Soon as I saw your pic the JA song Commin Back to Me came into my head
    "The shadow in the mist could have been anyone, but I saw you, coming back to me"

    I love the mist in your pic! So lovely!

    Last pic , He looks Happy! :) Good doggy Pongo!
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer LOL I think the Brain Enhancing Machine is a really evil machine. I myself don't mind flirty sims. It's been ages since I played a heartbreaker, though.

    @DivaDoodle I love Fawn's style! But Quigley is too young to date in bed... He's got a cool name!

    @bekkasan I decided to upload a few more families, I'll add the links here.

    @Silverofdreams30 Liam is cute!!

    @morrill Speaking of music, today I was in the mood for this one:

    --- x --- x ---

    So, I uploaded a bunch of households:

    ==The Castros==

    (from the very first save back in 2019)


    The Castros


    ==Other Families==

    The Ramos


    The McIntyres


    The McGraws


    The Heilmans


    ==Appaloosa Plains==

    The Whipsnakes:


    The Millers


    The Marshalls


    The Johnsons


    The Foxes


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