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Zoo U Course: Building Tombs! Guest Lecturer: Lissykin! ViewAll Lessons Now! (see post 1)

ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
edited March 8 in Nominated Threads
Hi, Everyone! Welcome to Zoo U!

ZOO U MASTER THREAD (this thread will contain all links to Zoo U courses and bookmarking this thread will allow you to always find us)

Course 5: Building Tombs!

Description: This course is intended for beginning builders.
Lesson 1: Triggers, Behaviors, Torches and Doors
Lesson 2: Dive Wells, Hole in the Wall, Keys and Treasure Chests
Lesson 3: Statues, Processors, and Sundries
Lesson 4: Fog Emitters and Finishing Touches

Guest Lecturer: Lissykin

Lesson 1: Triggers, Behaviors, Torches and Doors is here:

Lesson 2: Dive Wells, Hole in the Wall, Keys and Treasure Chests is here:

Lesson 3: Statues, Processors, and Sundries is here:

Lesson 4: Fog Emitters and Finishing Touches is here:

Want to know what time the class is for YOUR time zone? Go to this site and use their Time Zone Converter!

POST ONE: Course Description and Lesson Links
POST TWO: Information for Zoo U Students
POST THREE: Class Roster for Each Lesson of This Course
POST FOUR: Previous Zoo U Courses with Lesson Links
POST FIVE: A Note From Your Teacher

Attendance is highly recommended but not mandatory as you could view the thread after the class is over. However, the attractive idea here is that you will be doing a step-by-step build with other students and with a teacher available as you build to answer your questions and to give advice if needed.

Registration is not required, but would be very helpful so that I can gauge interest in this project and have an idea of my class size before I start the class. No obligation is incurred by registering and you may register and attend the first class without continuing through the entire course.

Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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    ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
    edited August 2012
    Zoo U students, after registration, please do the following (some things are marked optional, but if it is not marked that way, I will assume that you will do it before the next lesson).

    1. Bookmark this thread so that you can find us for the next lesson. This is where the class will be taking place.

    2. If you have not accepted a friend request from me, please consider doing that. (this step is optional)

    3. IMPORTANT: The class may involve moving back and forth between this thread and your game. You will be posting questions and comments as well as seeing the photo and description of the build step you are supposed to be doing. It is important that you can have the forum opened to this thread but minimized as you build and have your game open but minimized as you come here to post. Please try this out before next week by minimizing this window right now, opening up your game and starting a new game, saving your game and hitting the "windows" key on your keyboard (if you have a Mac, kindly scroll down to post four and my friend Wibble will tell you how to do this!) and posting something in this thread (like "Testing that I can post while my game is open") and then going back into your game to make sure all is running well. This all works fine on MY computer, but everyone's machine is different and you don't want any unpleasant surprises next week.

    4. I am going to be adding some links to useful threads I'm making for students in Zoo U. It is optional that you do any of those, but they will help you have a smoother time as a builder. I would at least go look at what has been posted, but even that is not required. (This step is optional)

    Here is a link to a thread about Tester Families:

    Here is the Exchange link for my favorite Tester Sim if you don't want to make your own:

    Here is a link to a thread about making a Builder's Blank Neighborhood:

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    ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
    edited August 2012
    To Register for "Building Tombs!", the fifth course offered by Zoo U, please post at the end of this thread with the words:
    "Register Me!"

    I will be sending friend requests to all who register, and it would be very helpful (but not required) that you accept my request.

    Here is the Class Roster for Lesson 1

    Here is the Class Roster for Lesson 2

    Here is the Class Roster for Lesson 3

    Here is the Class Roster for Lesson 4

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
    edited August 2012
    Previous Courses From Zoo U:

    First Course: "Building a Farm" is available in three lessons as an online self-paced tutorial. See links below.

    Lesson Number 1, "Building the Barn" is available here:

    Lesson Number 2, "Building the Farmhouse" is available here:

    Lesson Number 3, "Finishing the Farm" is available here:

    Second Course: "Using the Constrain Floor Elevation Cheat" is available in five lessons as an online self-paced tutorial. See links below.

    Lesson Number 1, "Beginner CFE, The Rules for CFE" is available here:

    Lesson Number 2, "All About Arches (Part One)" is available here:

    Lesson Number 3, "All About Arches (Part Two)" is available here:

    Lesson Number 4, "All About Vaulted Ceilings and More" is available here:

    Lesson Number 5, "Water Slides, Pool Covers, and Airship Hulls" is available here:

    Third Course: "Roofing 101" is available in two lessons as an online self-paced tutorial. This thread is also monitored so students may ask their roofing questions here. See links below.

    Lesson 1: Roof Basics can be found here:

    Lesson 2: Porch Roofs and Victorian Roofing can be found here:

    Roofing Questions Answered:
    Post your questions at the end of this course thread!

    Fourth Course: "Building a Modern from an Image" is available in three lessons as an online self-paced tutorial. This thread is also monitored so students may ask their questions here. See links below.

    Lesson 1: Building the Shell can be found here:

    Lesson 2: Finishing the Exterior can be found here:

    Lesson 3: Decorating with Questions Answered can be found here:
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
    edited August 2012
    Here is a note from our teacher!

    Hi! I’m Lissykin. Thank you for attending my course on tomb building. In the next few lessons, I will teach you how to navigate the basics of building an exploreable tomb.

    There are only two requirements for this course. The first is that you must own the Expansion Pack World Adventures. There are special items included in the pack that make tombs possible. Without this, the game will not function as intended. The second is that you must download and install the lot: Forgotten Sepulchre 1 located here:

    For the sake of the tutorial, I’m assuming that everyone is at a beginner level. If you are more experienced with tomb building the beginning may be a refresher, or teach an alternate way of doing things.

    I’m excited to share what I’ve learned, and I hope you’re excited too! I will be answering any and all questions here on this thread, please don’t be shy! If the question occurs to you, I promise at least two other people are thinking the same thing. There are no silly questions.

    Thank you again for attending! :)
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
    edited August 2012
    Feel free to post now!
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    MariskaAmyMariskaAmy Posts: 901 Member
    edited August 2012
    Register Me!

    Would love to learn this =]
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    MsrednotdeadMsrednotdead Posts: 9,215 Member
    edited August 2012
    I want to register but have a problem. I dont get back from holiday till the 12th. Can I stil register and then catch up on the first lesson when I get back?
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    LissykinLissykin Posts: 2,794 Member
    edited August 2012
    Hi Msred! You can absolutely catch up when you get back. :) The beauty of this course is that its designed to be self guided. I'm here if you need me. :)

    Have a super safe and fun trip away, and I'll see you here when you get back. *hugs*
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    BlythelyreBlythelyre Posts: 4,357 Member
    edited August 2012
    Register Me!!! please....
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    JediArielJediAriel Posts: 4,870 Member
    edited August 2012
    Yay, Lissy!!! I would love to learn how to do this!!! So 1PM GMT is 8AM CST, right? It's usually a bit early for me to function properly, but I will do my best. :D

    So please, Register Me! Thank you!!!
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    LissykinLissykin Posts: 2,794 Member
    edited August 2012
    @JediAriel: Woot! Glad you're going to join me! The time is 1pm PST.

    I made a mistake on the times!! I'm going to fix this in the OP and list the time zones. It won't be that early, promise! *blushes with embarrassment*
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
    edited August 2012
    I want to register but have a problem. I dont get back from holiday till the 12th. Can I stil register and then catch up on the first lesson when I get back?

    I will put you on the class roster right now! As your teacher posted to you, you can absolutely catch up on your own as the lesson will be available forever once it's up. You can also ask your teacher a question on this thread if you are having trouble doing it on your own.

    Welcome to Zoo U!!
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    ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
    edited August 2012
    MariskaAmy wrote:
    Register Me!

    Would love to learn this =]

    Blythelyre wrote:
    Register Me!!! please....

    DONE! Welcome to Zoo U!

    Please note that we had a little problem and the time is changed for lesson one. I am very sorry if this causes any inconvenience.
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    ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
    edited August 2012
    JediAriel wrote:
    Yay, Lissy!!! I would love to learn how to do this!!! So 1PM GMT is 8AM CST, right? It's usually a bit early for me to function properly, but I will do my best. :D

    So please, Register Me! Thank you!!!

    You are registered! Welcome to Zoo U!

    If you noticed, Lissykin mentioned that there was a little mistake with the time zone. That is now fixed in post one. We will be in class at 1:00 PM PST. SO sorry for any inconvenience!

    By the way, your user name is AWESOME!!!
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    CrescentMoonPyeCrescentMoonPye Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited August 2012
    I never made it through Course 2 [flunked out - my puter kept skipping class due to its being broken], but do not take that as disinterest on my part!
    I hope to go back to the dorms in Zoo U as soon as I am able, but until then, I will sit on the sidelines singing the 'Zoo U unofficial Fight Song' i]because I think Wibble thought it was somewhat funny[/i to cheer you all on in your learning pursuits!!

    *singing the Zoo U Fight Song ... la la la*... 8)

    "Make the Town look better no matter what!
    Use whatev'r you must, even Cheat a lot!
    We are Zoo U, trying to help you! [Rah! Rah!]
    Follow through! We believe in you! [Rah! Rah!]

    [sing this next part rapidly as you can]
    So swing your virtual hammers overhead,
    Don't give up creatin' till you're dead,
    Keep yellin' loudly 'Build! Build! Build!' instead!
    Because we are grads of Zoo U! Zoo U! Zoo U! [Rah! Rah!]

    We are proud of you!
    Upload neat stuff too!
    Here's your commencement glue,
    Now go do what you do!
    Because we are Zoo U! Zoo U! Zoo U!

    Go Grads! Go Team!"

    ::do 3 backflips and a legsplit to finish the cheer properly::

    :XD: (heehee, I'm helping some more... I have nothing better to do with my time... sadly)
    *snort, giggle*

    edits: Yeah, sorry about those - Submit keeps erasing my editing so I have to redo it :P
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    blewis823blewis823 Posts: 9,046 Member
    edited August 2012
    Great thing you are doing here. Lizzy in invited me here and although I can't make a commitment and register, I will definitely follow along with the lesson. I really want to know how to build a tomb lot.

    Need to get some use out of WA. ;)
    Nothing to see. I don't even care about the forums.
  • Options
    ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
    edited August 2012
    I never made it through Course 2 [flunked out - my puter kept skipping class due to its being broken], but do not take that as disinterest on my part!
    I hope to go back to the dorms in Zoo U as soon as I am able, but until then, I will sit on the sidelines singing the 'Zoo U unofficial Fight Song' i]because I think Wibble thought it was somewhat funny[/i to cheer you all on in your learning pursuits!!

    *singing the Zoo U Fight Song ... la la la*... 8)

    "Make the Town look better no matter what!
    Use whatev'r you must, even Cheat a lot!
    We are Zoo U, trying to help you! [Rah! Rah!]
    Follow though! We believe in you! [Rah! Rah!]

    [sing this next part rapidly as you can]
    So swing your virtual hammers overhead,
    Don't give up creatin' till you're dead,
    Keep yellin' loudly 'Build! Build! Build!' instead!
    Because we are grads of Zoo U! Zoo U! Zoo U! [Rah! Rah!]

    We are proud of you!
    Upload neat stuff too!
    Here's your commencement glue,
    Now go do what you do!
    Because we are Zoo U! Zoo U! Zoo U!

    Go Grads! Go Team!"

    ::do 3 backflips and a legsplit to finish the cheer properly::

    :XD: (heehee, I'm helping some more... I have nothing better to do with my time... sadly)
    *snort, giggle*

    edits: Yeah, sorry about those - Submit keeps erasing my editing so I have to redo it :P


    Cressie, I would like to see inside your brain! Or maybe I wouldn't! :lol::lol::lol:
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    MariskaAmyMariskaAmy Posts: 901 Member
    edited August 2012
    Hahahah xD Great song!

    Definately does raise the morale n_n
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    ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
    edited August 2012
    blewis823 wrote:
    Great thing you are doing here. Lizzy in invited me here and although I can't make a commitment and register, I will definitely follow along with the lesson. I really want to know how to build a tomb lot.

    Need to get some use out of WA. ;)

    Hi, blewis! I'm so glad you said what you did because I need to clarify for the new Zoo U students out in our audience!

    Registering is good because it lets the person who is doing A LOT of work to make a course know that there are people out there in the Sims community who are interesting in learning about the topic. Plus it's just kind of fun to be on the "class roster" but you are NOT making any sort of commitment when you register.

    Most people who register will try to attend when the class is "live" just so that they know they will have a teacher available to answer any questions that come up, BUT you are just as much a valued member of the class if you have to do the course as an online tutorial a few days after it was up live.

    So, that being said I will go ahead and put you on the course roster for lesson 1 (since it sounds like you will, at some point, be following this lesson) and you are in no way obligated to do anything.

    Welcome to Zoo U!
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    CrescentMoonPyeCrescentMoonPye Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited August 2012
    MariskaAmy wrote:
    ... Definately does raise the morale n_n
    Good! Yay! That's what a fight song should do! Motivate!

    If the lesson gets tough, the builders get going! Whooooo!
    ::pulls out pom pons::
    Glue, Glue, Glue! We are Zoo U!
    Hammer, Hammer, Hammer! Make your tomb a slammer!
    Chisel, chisel, chisel! Don't let your energy fizzle!
    Zoo U! Zoo U! Zoo U! Whooooo!
    ::jumps high and does flip::
    Zoo! You definitely DON'T want to go in there [me brain], trust me. It's like a sim tomb, filled with cobwebs and poor quality nectar... and traps, so you can't get back out.
    (I'm like that skeleton guy that puts warning plaques on the wall of my brain - but if you come in anyway, don't expect me to put up a tent for you or feed you high quality dried brown lumps that give you a moodlet)
  • Options
    ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
    edited August 2012
    MariskaAmy wrote:
    ... Definately does raise the morale n_n
    Good! Yay! That's what a fight song should do! Motivate!

    If the lesson gets tough, the builders get going! Whooooo!
    ::pulls out pom pons::
    Glue, Glue, Glue! We are Zoo U!
    Hammer, Hammer, Hammer! Make your tomb a slammer!
    Chisel, chisel, chisel! Don't let your energy fizzle!
    Zoo U! Zoo U! Zoo U! Whooooo!
    ::jumps high and does flip::
    Zoo! You definitely DON'T want to go in there [me brain], trust me. It's like a sim tomb, filled with cobwebs and poor quality nectar... and traps, so you can't get back out.
    (I'm like that skeleton guy that puts warning plaques on the wall of my brain - but if you come in anyway, don't expect me to put up a tent for you or feed you high quality dried brown lumps that give you a moodlet)

    LOL! Fair enough! We've been warned and if we go on in anyway, that's on us!

    You are now the official Zoo U cheerleader!
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    CrescentMoonPyeCrescentMoonPye Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited August 2012
    You can register me too, Zoo, it's just that I won't be able to actually do anything with it/practice until I get my game back! But I'd like to see if there is something in the lesson that I hadn't tried yet [which I'm sure there is].

    Now, classmates, let's make a people pyramid! The person who ends up on top, wave the Zoo U pennant wildly.
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    ZooProfessor3ZooProfessor3 Posts: 9,847 Member
    edited August 2012
    You can register me too, Zoo, it's just that I won't be able to actually do anything with it/practice until I get my game back! But I'd like to see if there is something in the lesson that I hadn't tried yet [which I'm sure there is].

    Now, classmates, let's make a people pyramid! The person who ends up on top, wave the Zoo U pennant wildly.

    I'm adding you to the class roster right now! Welcome to Zoo U!
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    sharonxyzsharonxyz Posts: 811 Member
    edited August 2012
    Register me, Please !!! :D
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    niac1234niac1234 Posts: 6,735 Member
    edited August 2012
    register me!! :D

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