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Afterlife Game pack idea

AineAine Posts: 3,044 Member
edited November 2017 in The Sims 4 Ideas Corner
I woke up in the middle of the night with a game pack idea in my head, so I thought I'd write it down here.

Afterlife Game Pack
New and improved ghosts, new afterlife skill, new psychic skill, new psychic career, functional cemetery lot, funeral event, new ghost traits, new sim traits and more.

Improved ghosts and ghost needs
The idea is to make sim ghosts more ghost like and less like transparent sims. First of all they need their own need bars, as they're starting a new phase in their (after) life. Ghosts can have their bonus ghost traits that they get when their sim lives end. Ghosts have different needs than alive sims - their needs revolve around their unfinished business, mainly haunting sims and lots. One need could be 'haunt' where ghosts could do all kinds of mischievous things, depending on their afterlife skill. Another need could be 'scare' - ghosts need to make their presence known in order to keep their tether to the sim world. More interactions would appear the higher Afterlife skill the ghost achieves. Update: on second thought 'scare' might not be the best way of putting it, but ectoplasm would be an awesome need for ghosts! (thanks @Dannydanbo )
Ghost needs:
Acitivity (as in Spooky acitivty, spiritual activity) - It motivates the ghosts to try to interact with the living world, either by creating chaos, or creating peace, or simply being mischievous (neutral).
Ectoplasm - The the energy which ghosts are made of, without it they dwindle, become invisible and powerless. Ectoplasm can be replenished by 'stepping into the twilight' a place between dark and light, in the dust of a light beam. Ghosts disappear for while and when they've replenished their ectoplasm, they appear again. Ectoplasm can also be found around the world, only visible to ghosts, they can 'absorb' the green gooey stuff and buy some more time before they have to 'step into the twilight' again - it's the coffee for ghosts.

Afterlife Skill
Afterlife game pack comes with a new skill for ghosts. Alive sims start out not being able to see ghosts, but ghosts can still make their presence known by making noises, move things around and make creepy spectacles all over the lot. Sims will ask themselves what on earth is going on when creepy noises appear in the night and things start to move and float around mid air. Ghosts will be particularly powerful during the night. Ghosts don't need to sleep, but during day time everything seems to go more slowly, and things seems pointless and almost as if they're not there, it's like ghosts kinda have day depression, as if the light makes them drowsy and calm. As ghosts get higher Afterlife skill, they unlock new interactions and can even make sims with low psychic skill see them! Be careful though, because if the sim have the 'don't believe in ghosts' trait, they won't see you no matter what you do. They might shrug confusingly as things things move around, but that's all.

Psychic skill and and career
There's a new psychic skill (that could be an active career, but that might be too much for a game pack, not sure) that goes with the new psychic skill. Ofcourse you don't have to work as a psychic to be psychic, or level up the psychic skill. Sims can't see ghosts at level 1 of psychic skill, but they start to learn about ghosts and after life right away, and start practicing contacting sims that have moved on. On the lower levels of the psychic skill, sims learn to communicate with sim spirits using charms, herbs and potions. With these new skills sims can either repel or invite sim ghosts to their lot. On the higher levels of the psychic skill, sims can communicate more clearly with ghosts, be able to see ghosts and talk to them, and help them move on. Ghosts aren't very good at interacting with the world sometimes, so a good psychic can help fulfilling their unfinished business.
In the psychic career, sims start by doing séances and helping with ghost problems, and as they reach higher career levels, they can help out with police investigations and find missing sims (and pets).

Unfinished business
All ghosts have their own 'unfinished business' - it's the afterlife equivalent of an aspiration, and can be somewhat similar to the aspirations the ghosts had when they were alive sims, but is not directly linked. One ghost might want to witness a family grow and have a certain amount of kids. Or they might want to help sims find love. Ghosts can be either good-natured or bad-natured which is set by their trait, and they don't have aspirations as alive sims do, instead their unfinished business is directly linked to their ghost trait. When a sim dies on the lot, you will be able to choose a ghost trait that are added to their traits, which will in turn decide the 'unfinished business'. Bad-natured ghosts don't want to help sims as their unfinished business, but rather wreck as much as they can, haunt a wedding, scare the kids etc. When a ghost sim has achieved their goal, they are at peace and can move on, if they want. Update: Maybe, instead of choosing aspiration like goals, ghosts choose alignment tracks that determine what will give the ghost peace and the ability to move on. So when a sim dies, the player get to choose good, bad or neutral. Or a track will be automatically assigned to them if they are not on an active lot.

Cemetery lot and funeral events

The game pack comes with a new functional cemetery lot where sims that dies on the world are moved, and their urn/tombstone are moved aswell. Unless the dying sim is on the active lot, then you get to choose if you want to move the ghost to the cemetery lot or not. When ghosts are moved manually, they carry their tombstone/urn with them.
When sims die, you can plan a funeral event, where you invite sims to the cemetery lot to have a funeral and mourn, and have dark chocolate cake, while you hand out handkerchiefs to the guests. There's alot of crying going on and sims tell stories about the dead sim to each other. When you plan a funeral, a sim must have died in the world, then you choose which sim you want to have a funeral for, it could be any dead sim. Then you choose location, and you can have the funeral on the active lot or the cemetery lot, but whichever you choose the dead sims you have the funeral for and their tombstone/urn will be moved to that lot. You can choose to just mourn in front of the tombstone/urn, or you can place a casket for sims to place flowers on and say their goodbyes to.

Since vampires also are technically dead, they should be able to at least see ghosts, and maybe interact with ghosts easier than normal sims. Maybe there's other awesome interactions that could be added between these supernatural life states?

This is just a start of an idea I had, and I'm sure there's alot you can do with this. What do you guys think about this idea, and what kind of features and interactions would you want in an Afterlife pack?


---> Afterlife Game Pack Idea - improved ghosts, cemeteries and funerals, psychics, new skills, new career and more! <---
---> Burglary Stuff Pack Idea - Burglars, alarm systems, and diamonds to steal!<---
Post edited by Aine on


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    SilentKittySilentKitty Posts: 4,665 Member

    Interesting ideas, I will ponder this a bit :)

    Would good ghosts also have a need-bar for haunting or scaring alive sims or is it only the bad ones who does so?

    I really like the idea of good and bad ghosts!!

    How does this affect those who prefer to have nothing to do with supernaturals? They can't opt out of vampires by not buying it but there will be ghosts in their saves.

    Is there some way we can encourage having more good or bad ghosts in the game?

    I really like this! I love my ghosts by they feel a bit underwhelming after the awesomeness of the vampires.

    I will be back :)
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    AineAine Posts: 3,044 Member
    edited November 2017
    @SilentKitty I haven't thought out all the details yet, I just wrote down the ideas I had, but I'm sure there are ways to make the certain aspects of ghosts optional. I would imagine that anyone that would buy the pack would like ghosts, and the updated ghosts won't be in their games unless they buy it. :D
    My thought was that psychics could learn different ways to repel or invite ghosts on lots - I guess you could have a lot trait aswell, if you don't want to do the psychic part. The good and bad ghost idea needs some pondering for sure, but I imagine that having a sort of afterlife aspiration-like goal for ghosts and a modus operandi for them would make it enjoyable to play them.

    I was thinking that all ghosts have the scare need, but the scare need for good ghosts goes down very slowly. Do you have any ideas for possible ghost needs? Maybe there could be a corresponding ghost need that reflects the possible good things ghost wants to do, but I haven't thought of an option yet. What's the opposite of haunting? Some sort of positive protection maybe?
    Maybe ghost needs need to be even more simplified, I'll think about it. :)

    ---> Afterlife Game Pack Idea - improved ghosts, cemeteries and funerals, psychics, new skills, new career and more! <---
    ---> Burglary Stuff Pack Idea - Burglars, alarm systems, and diamonds to steal!<---
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    LongsocksLongsocks Posts: 44 Member
    I really really love this idea! So Unique too! I want it... like now please.
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    GodleyjeansGodleyjeans Posts: 336 Member
    This is a pack we need! I’d happily pay full price for this if it meant dying in game didn’t mean the end
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    SilentKittySilentKitty Posts: 4,665 Member


    Some light pondering here :)

    - I like the idea of a ghost staying because of unfinished business, there is some reason why they choose to remain.
    - I like the idea of good and bad ghosts. But maybe it should be ghost and bad ghost. The word good comes with certain ideas on behavior, for me at least
    - How will the need to scare sims play out for good and bad ghosts?

    So this is just my take on it :) I like discussing things and trading ideas. Also, this is my first and only iteration of The Sims. There might be stuff that "everyone knows about ghosts" that I don't get.

    If there was a really good sim, who always did the best for those around them. Why would that sim suddenly feel the need to scare all sims. I like your idea of unfinished business.

    All ghosts have their own 'unfinished business' - it's the afterlife equivalent of an aspiration, and can be somewhat similar to the aspirations the ghosts had when they were alive sims, but is not directly linked. One ghost might want to witness a family grow and have a certain amount of kids. Or they might want to help sims find love. Ghosts can be either good-natured or bad-natured which is set by their trait, and they don't have aspirations as alive sims do, instead their unfinished business is directly linked to their ghost trait. When a sim dies on the lot, you will be able to choose a ghost trait that are added to their traits, which will in turn decide the 'unfinished business'. Bad-natured ghosts don't want to help sims as their unfinished business, but rather wreck as much as they can, haunt a wedding, scare the kids etc. When a ghost sim has achieved their goal, they are at peace and can move on, if they want.

    Let's say that the hypothetical good and kind sim always wanted to "help sims find love". What is the motivation for scaring sims? Unless it is like that mischief-interaction when one sim scares another and they both laugh about it. Then it would be ok. Just thinking how the good ghosts are going to work as npc-sims. Your old neighbor "kind Bob" scaring your sim to death while floating about with a golden halo might seem a bit confusing. Since the ghosts are divided into good and bad it should feel different when you interact with them in my opinion.

    I would be really happy about bad ghosts being able to scare sims to death! That would be interesting.

    Hmm. Also, what decides if a dead sim comes back as a good or bad sim if they died and you were not there. Grandma died while you were playing the sister-in-law in Oasis Springs. What decides if a sim comes back to their family as good or bad. Hmm, how are those who are really invested in their legacy going to take that grandma "turned evil"? If they bought the pack because they wanted to be able to hold funerals for their beloved familymembers, are they onboard with the idea of them perhaps going dark-side. We have had Casper-the-ghost for quite some time now so I have no idea. Can't compare this with earlier iterations, I'm just thinking about it.

    Would played ghosts not being able to turn evil unless it was chosen help out the players who doesn't read the fine print? I think I would be ok with my sim going dark and working it into the story. But I could see this potentially blowing up the forum.

    I think this is fun! I would like to see something done with ghosts. I have to run now, they just brought out the cheese, crackers and marmalade. Hope it isn't too difficult to follow. If it is confusing forgive me but if I don't move all of it will be gone :D
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    SimsLovinLycanSimsLovinLycan Posts: 1,910 Member
    If this pack was ever made, I would need it in my life.
    There is a song I hear, a melody from the past...
    When I woke for the first time, when I slept for the last.
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    MagdaleenaMagdaleena Posts: 974 Member
    edited November 2017
    Heck, this sounds awesome. The ghosts, as they are right now, are really quite underwhelming anyway.

    If you play as one, they definitely should have different needs than when they were alive. They don't need to sleep, they don't need to eat, they don't need to pee, basically no bodily functions, because they don't really have a physical body anymore that would do those things! They're dead. Their body that would do these things is rotting underground or turned to ashes.

    Perhaps if they died of starvation or something, they'd still attempt to make food, but they can't actually eat it and they'd make a mess because everything just phases right through them anyway.

    Maybe there could also be a psychic medium trait that makes sims see ghosts from the beginning? Maybe as a reward trait, maybe a part of a new ghost-related aspiration... hmm. Maybe vampires could see them by default, because they're technically sort of dead too?

    Also, we really do need funeral events and graveyards. Wasn't this supposed to be a game that covered a sim's life from birth to death (and even after that)? There really isn't much to do in the death department yet. How do we not have official funeral events?

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    DannydanboDannydanbo Posts: 18,057 Member
    Vampires have their energy bar that requires them to sleep to refill it. Ghosts could have an ectoplasm bar and when it's run out you disappear until it refills. As your ghost gains experience, they can earn a slower rate if deplenishment. At the top level they can appear or disappear as they like.
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    AineAine Posts: 3,044 Member
    edited November 2017
    @SilentKitty I realize that a scare need might not be the best way of putting it, the idea I had was that ghosts had a need that motivated them to try to interact with the living world, that's also why I figured 'haunting' was a good need, sine you don't really have to intend to scare living sims, it's just because ghosts have the need to try to interact and communicate with the living, and not being very good at it, they end up doing things that are 'scary'. In essence ghosts have this innate need to attempt achieving their goal, whichever their unfinished business is, and to do that they need to successfully interact with the living world, but they need to slowly build up their skill of doing that so there's alot of trial and error.

    So the way I imagine it, is that when a sim dies, you as the player get to choose the unfinished business, aka the ghost 'aspiration'.
    I just had a thought - instead of the unfinished business being similar to aspirations, ghosts would choose 'alignment' - good, bad or neutral. Then their goal to achieve peace would be dependent on those three alignments instead, and it would be very clear if the ghost would want to create havoc, spread peace, or just hang around and do whatever neutral ghosts do. :D

    @Magdaleena I definitely think vampires should be able to see, and interact with ghosts easier. It would indeed be cool if psychics could teach other sims to see ghosts - like passing on their wisdom. I already imagine that the psychic skill would enable sims to create and share knowledge of herbs, charms and similar to communicate with dead sims.

    @Dannydanbo I love the idea of ectoplasm as a need! That's an awesome idea! So to summarize, ghosts have one need that motivates them to try to interact with the living world, I'm not sure what's the best thing to call it (good, bad or neutral), and an ectoplasm need for energy - maybe it could be tied to things going slow for ghosts during day light, like draining faster during that time or something similar. I love the idea of them appearing and disappearing as they please with higher skill - I was thinking something similar, but also that some sims still can't see them, because they don't believe in ghosts. :p

    What other needs could ghosts have, lets see what can we come up with!

    ---> Afterlife Game Pack Idea - improved ghosts, cemeteries and funerals, psychics, new skills, new career and more! <---
    ---> Burglary Stuff Pack Idea - Burglars, alarm systems, and diamonds to steal!<---
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    NaomiSImblrNaomiSImblr Posts: 158 Member
    love this idea :)
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    kochamkluskikochamkluski Posts: 12 New Member
    I think the "scare/haunt" need could be named something like "attention" meaning both good and bad ghosts have a need to be noticed. It could drain much faster for bad ghosts cause they want to scare people and make mess. Good ghosts would rather help people without being noticed, like guardian angels but sometimes they feel lonely or want their loved ones to see that someone watches over them.

    It would be cool if type of death gave ghost unique power like sims that died in fire and become good ghosts can extinguish fire and bad ghosts can set fire (never played as ghosts so not sure if that thing is already there but if there is it could get somehow improved).

    As for cemeteries they should be in a patch but funerals might be GP-exclusive. Or maybe in patch too but only as "party" with no coffin and stuff but some limited interactions, but GP could expand the event adding coffins and even more interactions.
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    AineAine Posts: 3,044 Member
    edited November 2017
    @kochamkluski 'Attention' could definitely be a name for the need. I went on a thesaurus spree and found these words that could describe the needs:
    Acitivity (as in Spooky acitivty, spiritual activity)- it would be what you describe as attention, but it's more neutral meaning would apply equally to good and neutral ghosts aswell. It motivates the ghosts to try to interact with the living world, either by creating chaos, or creating peace, or simply be mischievous (neutral).
    Ectoplasm - The the energy which ghosts are made of, without it they dwindle, become invisible and powerless.

    I love the idea of their death giving them powers. The question would be how they would affect neutral ghosts, or if neutral ghosts should even be a thing. I like the idea of having alignments though.

    Some parts like funerals could definitely be patch worthy, but I just want it as detailed and complete as possible. :)

    Btw I think perhaps we need a third need that is the ghost equivalent of hunger, except it's not for food, but something else. What do ghosts eat?

    ---> Afterlife Game Pack Idea - improved ghosts, cemeteries and funerals, psychics, new skills, new career and more! <---
    ---> Burglary Stuff Pack Idea - Burglars, alarm systems, and diamonds to steal!<---
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    SilentKittySilentKitty Posts: 4,665 Member
    Hmm... I will get back to you if I get something good about what ghosts eat. I was toying with the idea of using ghosts for buffing and debuffing npc-sims. My old MMO-healer talking I think, ”You can be a good ghosts, giving everyone happy buffs”. I blame my having watched trailers for WoW-classic too many times.

    Hmm, if the attention-meter involves other sims, a bit like social for normal sims I think it that might be good to have a need that doesn’t involve talking to sims. Or just that the ghosts have a balanced social need.

    And... How do you recharge ectoplasm? Do you collect it at graveyards? Is it in the air and you filter it perhaps? Should there be recharge ectoplasm instead of eating?
    I really like the idea of ectoplasm for ghosts, it is the only thing I connect that word with. Can it be found where sims have died previosly. Ehh, if the gjost start to collect ectoplasm from a dead sim lying on the floor just after Grim departed I would feel like a dementor from Harry Potter. Something for evil/mean ghosts?

    I don’t know. Just having fun :)

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    kochamkluskikochamkluski Posts: 12 New Member
    I think it could be something in between of hunger and sleep needs, it decays when ghost is materializing meaning pretty much not being "asleep" in his grave and could be recharged either by "sleeping" in their gravestone/urn or by haunting living sims (could work like vampire drinking plasma with leaving sims exhausted with option of intensity). There could be new ectoplasm fruit or some new collectibles one of which could be ectoplasm. those could be collected by sims with spiritual skill mentioned before.

    maybe it could decay more rapidly if the ghost is near or experiences their death cause like if died from laughter, near playful sims and looking at playful paintings. Or this could be solved as 3rd need "fear" or something like that it would drain only in proximity of death cause. If the bar expires it wouldn't kill the ghost but banish him for 24 hrs (maybe less) from material world. It should recharge pretty fast passively when ghost isn't close to death cause.
    Don't really know what ghosts of sims that died of old age would be afraid of. Afraid of elders would be too extreme I think since it might be hard to take them away from "fear" factor.

    But I imagine it would be hard to make and control.
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    AineAine Posts: 3,044 Member
    edited November 2017
    @SilentKitty @kochamkluski
    I like the idea @dannydanbo mentioned where the ectoplasm is more like the vampire energy bar - it gets drained and then slowly replenishes. Nor sure what the best way to do that is, but I do like the idea of ghosts becoming more sluggish and finally disappear when their energy has drained. So ghosts won't die or anything, just become really sluggish and invisible and powerless. Maybe there could be a poetic thing going on where ghosts 'step into the twilight' to recharge - they're not sleeping, just slightly not being there, or being 'in between' light and dark. Yeah, I like that! Almost like they're resting in a soulful kind of way in the dust in light beams. :) Then they could replenish the activity bar by interacting with the living world again until they need to 'step into the twilight' again.
    But it would be cool if ghosts could 'find' ectoplasm around the world, and it would be only visible to them, but they could find it all around, but there would be an extra amount in the graveyards - on the ground, on tombstones, on urns, on trees... etc. That way they could prolong the time until they have to 'step into the twilight' - much like Sims drink coffee, but instead ghosts 'absorb' ectoplasm they find around the world. :p

    ---> Afterlife Game Pack Idea - improved ghosts, cemeteries and funerals, psychics, new skills, new career and more! <---
    ---> Burglary Stuff Pack Idea - Burglars, alarm systems, and diamonds to steal!<---
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,878 Member
    I like this idea a lot! I've been disappointed with ghosts since Sims3. They're just not disturbing enough. I think one of the interactions for a live Sim would be to get the chills and start rubbing their arms whenever a ghost (seen or unseen) enters the area the live Sim is. I like the notion of having to deal with 'unfinished business'. I like that this could be linked to a ghost trait. So far, this has been rather well thought-out. I do hope the devs pay close attention to it. If we could have something other than comedic ghosts in the game, I'm all for it.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DannydanboDannydanbo Posts: 18,057 Member
    edited November 2017
    You said you didn't know what to call their need to try to interact with the living. How about CONTACT. Isn't that what mediums try to do, make contact? "Hold hands and keep quite while I try to CONTACT the dead!" But maybe they will contact us first.

    Edit to add: Of course, we should add mediums and trying to contact the dead and them us. Maybe at a certain skill level, a ghost can interact with the lights or table or at a high level, take over the medium for a moment or two.
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    filipomelfilipomel Posts: 1,693 Member
    This is such a cool idea, but I do have a comment on the Unfinished Business aspect of your idea, I would think it would be pretty cool if the unfinished aspect was determined by the sims aspiration when alive, if the aspiration was never fulfilled. I believe each category of aspiration should have a corresponding unfinished business aspiration that sims receive when they die, turn into ghosts, that have not fulfilled their lifetime aspiration by the time of their death.
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    2HubbiesNLove2HubbiesNLove Posts: 658 Member
    edited November 2017
    I'll add to this... I had wrote something very similar to this back in April. Great minds think alike. Ghosts need love too.
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    HarlowandMeHarlowandMe Posts: 231 Member
    I love this Idea, Especially in a way it is a new Life stage, I would love to play my sims that died, Maybe their grave stones, and urns could be like their coffin's like vampire's, were they could restore their ghostly ways:))
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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    What about a ghost hunters career, one devoted to helping friendly ghosts move on and containing the threat of harmful ghosts?
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    AineAine Posts: 3,044 Member
    edited November 2017
    What about a ghost hunters career, one devoted to helping friendly ghosts move on and containing the threat of harmful ghosts?
    I was thinking that could be part of the psychic career, where you skill up the psychic skill and do all kinds of ghost-related things. When I was thinking about this idea, I imagined psychics being able to help ghosts move on by helping them with their unfinished business, aswell as help other sims deal with aggressive ghosts. :)

    I guess it would be cool to have a 'ghost buster' career where you deal with the supernatural in a more 'scientific' way, but I imagine that would so similar careers would be kinda redundant. Also I personally would love a supernatural career like the psychic career.

    ---> Afterlife Game Pack Idea - improved ghosts, cemeteries and funerals, psychics, new skills, new career and more! <---
    ---> Burglary Stuff Pack Idea - Burglars, alarm systems, and diamonds to steal!<---
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    HagfisherHagfisher Posts: 950 Member
    For ectoplasm, what if a ghost has a high enough gardening skill and can 'haunt' a fruit plant and make it produce ectoplasm fruit? Or grow unique ectoplasm fruit? It's very important for the ghosts' ectoplasmic reticulum.

    Sorry, I had to add that pun.

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    AineAine Posts: 3,044 Member
    Hagfisher wrote: »
    For ectoplasm, what if a ghost has a high enough gardening skill and can 'haunt' a fruit plant and make it produce ectoplasm fruit? Or grow unique ectoplasm fruit? It's very important for the ghosts' ectoplasmic reticulum.

    Sorry, I had to add that pun.
    Maybe ghosts could make more ectoplasm somehow when they find it, but I'm not sure what is the best way, it doesn't have to be a plant though. Maybe if a cowplant dies they could become cowplant ghosts and produce ectoplasm instead of milk. :D


    ---> Afterlife Game Pack Idea - improved ghosts, cemeteries and funerals, psychics, new skills, new career and more! <---
    ---> Burglary Stuff Pack Idea - Burglars, alarm systems, and diamonds to steal!<---
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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    Aine wrote: »
    What about a ghost hunters career, one devoted to helping friendly ghosts move on and containing the threat of harmful ghosts?
    I was thinking that could be part of the psychic career, where you skill up the psychic skill and do all kinds of ghost-related things. When I was thinking about this idea, I imagined psychics being able to help ghosts move on by helping them with their unfinished business, aswell as help other sims deal with aggressive ghosts. :)

    I guess it would be cool to have a 'ghost buster' career where you deal with the supernatural in a more 'scientific' way, but I imagine that would so similar careers would be kinda redundant. Also I personally would love a supernatural career like the psychic career.

    Why not have them two branches of the same career? One focuses on a more scientific approach, one focuses on a more supernatural approach.
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