Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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Editing & Modeling Tutorials ~


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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    *Noms delicious food since she hasn't eaten all day*
    @PeaceSign101 You're welcome! Yeaaaah, that was definitely not a good idea. xD

    Really? That sucks >_< I would love to see them though!
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    PeaceSign101PeaceSign101 Posts: 1,413 Member
    Here are the pictures I was originally going to use Mizzie! They were all trying to represent different personalities, but that didn't work out much. I planned on my assignment have two different meanings. The colorful you would normally think of and the colorful as in a variation of things. :) I don't even know if that makes sense .-.

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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited August 2015
    I think that kinda makes sense. xD It's such a shame you didn't get to use those, because the outfits were so cute! My favorite is the orange one then, then the purple! I think you could have used the orange one though. Seems fine to me for brightness :O
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    PeaceSign101PeaceSign101 Posts: 1,413 Member
    I think that kinda makes sense. xD It's such a shame you didn't get to use those, because the outfits were so cute! My favorite is the orange one then, then the purple! I think you could have used the orange one though. Seems fine to me for brightness :O

    Yeah, the orange and purple outfits were my favorites too :) Hopefully sometime in the future I'll be able to use them. And it was same thing I thought about the brightness. Against a bright, contrasting background it looks so dark D:


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    LeslieM25LeslieM25 Posts: 2,766 Member
    Before you read your scores and comments, please read this.

    While grading I noticed that most of you lacked the fun part. Your models either looked sad or emotionless, which is not how they should be considering the requirement was fun. Please either make your own poses, request for poses, or search harder for poses that actually fit the requirement. We grade harder as the weeks go by, and something like this will continually get you docked points. As many others have said in the past, the pose makes the picture.

    Also, I know some of our poses are pretty useless for creative assignments or the really sassy/sexy assignments, so I'll do my best to create poses for this community when I get the chance. Hopefully Leslie, Eli, and others will help this effort.

    Something I also noticed was that some of you seem to be unaware of what fashionable is. It is okay to admit that you have no idea how to dress your model, and please ask questions if you are unsure, or head to Google and look up examples (fashion and editorial are your main key words).
    I will definitely be doing more poses very soon. I'm about to turn in the last assignment for Miss Universe so afterwards I will only be in Bob's Surivor comp and will have more time to make them. I'm going to get this one polished up and post it very soon, maybe tomorrow.
    Come check out my poses and more on my Simblr!
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    LeslieM25LeslieM25 Posts: 2,766 Member
    Man I might have to do the next assignment just because it sounds so fun! I love the next challenge too!
    Come check out my poses and more on my Simblr!
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    LeslieM25LeslieM25 Posts: 2,766 Member
    @PeaceSign101 You're welcome :smile:
    Come check out my poses and more on my Simblr!
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    LeslieM25LeslieM25 Posts: 2,766 Member
    If anybody finds pictures that you think would make good poses post them here or send them to me. :)
    Come check out my poses and more on my Simblr!
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    ayedenayeden Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you for the scores and the comments. I spent an entire afternoon trying to figure out how to cut her out of the cas screen. I lost count of how many videos and methods I tried. I finally gave up and went into photoshop elements, used the background eraser as big it would go and clicked on the green area. That was probably why some of the hair looked pixilated @Eliavah but it was the only one that worked to get rid of all the green background. I am looking forward to your tutorials on cutting out the sims and give it a shot.
    @MizoreYukii What didn't you like about the top? I think I understand the fashion concepts so far, but I am struggling with translating the different types into what is available for sims. The bottom of her skirt is weird looking probably due to the pose. Not sure what I could have done with that other then use a shorter skirt.
    The background isn't cc. I made it in photoshop. I tried creating a base stage that I can change the background, flooring, coloring etc as needed. The blue wall is an icy texture I found on google. I wanted to give the background a bit of texture but not overpowering that it distracts you away from the sim. Will make sure it isn't blurry the next time a similar background is needed.
    I kept going over the edges of the shadow with the fuzzy blur brush, it just stopped making a visual difference. Will try the Gaussian blur on the next one. I am not sure how to make a larger shadow at her feet. Did it need to be larger or just darker so it didn't blend in with the floor as much?
    I am not sure why you aren't seeing the full version of the picture on photobucket. When I click on the picture I posted, it comes up on photobucket and lets me zoom in. When I download it is the same size as the orignal. Will look at imgur for the next assignment.
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    PeaceSign101PeaceSign101 Posts: 1,413 Member
    Ugh D: I'm feeling rather frustrated and upset right now.

    Today I was really excited because my Dad promised me that we could contact the owner of this Doberman Pinscher that we liked, asking if we could meet her and possibly buy her. Everybody was really excited to finally get a dog that we all liked and really wanted. But I knew my Mom wasn't fond of medium or large dogs and even if she said she wanted a Doberman Pinscher, she didn't. And my suspicions were correct. Before my Dad, Sister and I were going to message the owner, my Mom had searched up these Labradoodle breeders and is now trying to convince us all that getting a nice smaller dog is a much better choice. My Dad is very picky when it comes to dog breeds and it just so happens that he actually likes Labradoodles so now nobody really has a say on what dog we're getting. But the one thing is that even though Doberman's are really sweet, amazing dogs, they do look scary while the Labradoodle just happens to be sweet and amazing and looks cute. What ticks me off the most is that I REALLY wanted a Labradoodle, and when I did, I swear nobody wanted one.

    And that concludes my rant :)

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    EliavahEliavah Posts: 2,270 Member
    Cookie that orange one is awesome! I love the purple the most but I think for the assignment we had the orange would've been best c:
    And I really dislike the stereotypes placed on bigger dogs :c. I used to have a chihuahua and a pitbull and the chihuahua was a biter, but the pitbull was a lover haha.
    @ayeden ; The cutout was very good this week though (: I usually draw my own hair so i'd give you some tips if I could :( but yeah. Hopefully Leslie or Mizzie can help you out <3 you did a great job with the background, I think the blurriness could've possibly been maybe you stretched out the texture too much ? make sure you get a bigger image and scale it down, because scaling up always makes it blurry. :3
    I personally liked the background, but I see what Mizzie meant by just a biit of blurriness.
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    LeslieM25LeslieM25 Posts: 2,766 Member
    edited August 2015
    @ayeden Hair is really hard to cut out for sure. I have gotten it all cut out but had that tint of green left over. You feel like you can't cut that out because you will lose your hair though. Here's what I did for that. First, I cut out all of the really bright green that wasn't mixed with the hair color. Then I just selected the area of hair that had the green tint then desaturated it. Then I used the color picker to pick up a color from the hair right next to that section. Then I think I just used the bucket fill tool and either soft light, overlay, or maybe color to fill it. I would just play with it to see what matches the surrounding hair best. Make sure it isn't set to 100% opacity too. I like to go with 50% or 25% and build it. Then when you're done, the annoying green tinted hair is no more. :)

    Oh and almost forgot, click on some of the other entries who used imgur to see what we mean about it being better than photobucket. You can just click on the picture I just posted too to show my pose. The pictures fill the browser and are much better quality.
    Come check out my poses and more on my Simblr!
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    LeslieM25LeslieM25 Posts: 2,766 Member
    Eliavah wrote: »

    Those are all good ones. I like them! A couple look like model poses I literally just found and saved to make later lol. Great minds think alike again. :D
    Come check out my poses and more on my Simblr!
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    LeslieM25LeslieM25 Posts: 2,766 Member
    @PeaceSign101 Hey I just realized that the model in green is posing with one of my poses! Yay! I seriously love when I see someone using my stuff that I make. It makes me happy! :smiley:
    Come check out my poses and more on my Simblr!
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    @PeaceSign101 Ohhhh! I see what you mean now. xD You can make the sim brighter or darker with gimp though. I'll be covering blending this week.

    @LeslieM25 I love that image! Glad you're releasing that pose. And I'm glad you like the assignment and challenge. :3

    @ayeden I'm so sorry you had trouble. D: Hopefully these tutorials help you!
    What I didn't like is that it looks like a swimsuit top. I mean, it works for the outfit as a whole, it's just that I would have preferred something a bit different. It wasn't really an issue, as I said before.
    I know it can be hard to translate them but I think it's a matter of where you are looking. One of the best creators I know is Missfortune Sims. Hers are the easiest to translate into fashionable. ^-^ I don't know how all of her Sims 4 stuff looks (she was much more fashionable as S3) but so far they look really good. Unfortunately, I'm not as savvy with the S4 creators as I am S3, so I'm not sure who else I could suggest. I'd try asking Bob or Leslie.
    Ohhh! We're going over image "shopping" this week though and how to find the right sizes, so this should help for next time.
    Hmmmm....did you have the shadow selected? if you did, you can't go outside the edges. It only affects the inside. If that wasn't the case, I'm not sure why it wasn't working.

    @PeaceSign101 I'm sorry D: That really sucks. I dislike people who don't even consider their kids' feelings. They seem to forget that their opinion matters just as much as theirs. Anyways, whatever happens I hope you like the dog. And little dogs are actually quite mean sometimes. it's always the big ones who act so nice.

    @LeslieM25 Interesting method! I found a guide that goes over how to correct the hair in a much easier method. xD I'll be posting it along with the rest of the tutorials. You should write that method down though so people have multiple choices.
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    MinstrelMinstrel Posts: 126 Member
    Thank you very much for your comments! I am taking on board every thing you say and hopefully come the next assignment I should be a lot closer to nailing it.

    The pose was a bad choice on my part. I get so bogged down on certain things (such as clothes and other CC) that I miss key elements - namely the 'fun' that was supposed to be present in this assignment. I think I chose it more to suit the character I had created rather than the targets outlined in the assignment... Oops!

    Also, the whole all-red was another bad discission. Originally I wanted to do a kind of neon-disco theme, but I had to give it up due to a lack of fitting CC. I'm quite a perfectionist when it comes to the way something looks, and I made everything all one colour due to 1) misunderstanding the objective, and 2) my need to have things look neat and orderly, I'll work on that, promise.

    And as for the background, sorry for it being so bland... I think I chose the blue because I thought it was a contrasting colour? I can't remember, but even so the blue is too dull to make Circe stand out. The floor... Yeah that was a last minute attempt to give the image a floor at all really. I couldn't find what I wanted.

    So yeah thanks guys! I also have a question regarding the whole tattoo thing. It seems like it got a mixed reaction... Should I avoid doing things like that in future to make Circe unique? The tattoo does actually have red in it but you can't really see it.

    (Oh also, I can't remember who mentioned it, but I am using imugr to host my images so I'm not sure why you can't click on it to see the full image? If someone could let me know what to do that would be great!) ❤️❤️
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    LeslieM25LeslieM25 Posts: 2,766 Member
    Minstrel wrote: »
    Thank you very much for your comments! I am taking on board every thing you say and hopefully come the next assignment I should be a lot closer to nailing it.

    The pose was a bad choice on my part. I get so bogged down on certain things (such as clothes and other CC) that I miss key elements - namely the 'fun' that was supposed to be present in this assignment. I think I chose it more to suit the character I had created rather than the targets outlined in the assignment... Oops!

    Also, the whole all-red was another bad discission. Originally I wanted to do a kind of neon-disco theme, but I had to give it up due to a lack of fitting CC. I'm quite a perfectionist when it comes to the way something looks, and I made everything all one colour due to 1) misunderstanding the objective, and 2) my need to have things look neat and orderly, I'll work on that, promise.

    And as for the background, sorry for it being so bland... I think I chose the blue because I thought it was a contrasting colour? I can't remember, but even so the blue is too dull to make Circe stand out. The floor... Yeah that was a last minute attempt to give the image a floor at all really. I couldn't find what I wanted.

    So yeah thanks guys! I also have a question regarding the whole tattoo thing. It seems like it got a mixed reaction... Should I avoid doing things like that in future to make Circe unique? The tattoo does actually have red in it but you can't really see it.

    (Oh also, I can't remember who mentioned it, but I am using imugr to host my images so I'm not sure why you can't click on it to see the full image? If someone could let me know what to do that would be great!) ❤️❤️
    If you need any recolors of clothes just ask me. I will gladly do it for you if I have the time. Recolors are very quick and easy to do. I could help you learn to do it if you want. I think knowing how to do a recolor on clothes is extremely helpful when you're editing. That's how I got into learning how to make CC in the first place. I was in the Candy Queen comp and the theme was peppermint and there was like nothing in red and white, so I taught myself. The same with poses. They're very easy to do. It also doesn't take me too long to make a pose so I would be happy to help with that too. As for the background color, I posted a very helpful article on color before but here it is again. It's very helpful to have good understanding of color terms as well as how colors interact with each other in a picture.

    As far as not being able to click your picture, I don't know what's going on. Are you using the BBCode link? I suppose you would have to in order for it to show up right? Maybe it's something in your settings on Imgur. I think there is a setting that makes your pictures public, but that doesn't mean that they're published to Imgur. So maybe your pictures aren't set to public?
    Come check out my poses and more on my Simblr!
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    LeslieM25LeslieM25 Posts: 2,766 Member
    What I just said to Minstrel goes for everyone else too. If you want to learn how to make your own recolors or poses, just ask and I would be very happy to help. I can also make stuff for you guys but it kind of like the old give a guy a fish saying, it will be much more beneficial to you to learn to do it. Recolors and poses don't take long so if you have requests, just pm me and if I have time to make them, I will. :)

    @MizoreYukii Thank you! I love that picture too! I was so sad when that comp got cancelled and I didn't get to do anything with it.
    Come check out my poses and more on my Simblr!
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    LilacErinLilacErin Posts: 3,884 Member
    Why guys! I'm thinking of setting up a pose request thread. Would anyone be interested or is it a silly idea?
    I'm a sad girl. I'm a mad girl. I'm a bad girl.
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    @Minstrel You back from vacation yet? ^-^
    And it's completely fine, I understand! Especially the perfectionist part. it takes me forever to edit because I want things juuust so. Hahahah xD

    As the saying goes, you can't please everyone! I only commented on it because you added it as part of the outfit (or am I remembering that wrong?). If you had made the sim with the tattoo when you applied, I would have ignored it in this picture, but since I remember you saying you added it, I talked about it but didn't dock any points for it.
    As for future assignments though, I would avoid adding stuff like that when it's not really relevant to the theme. If you add it, it means your sim is dressing that way and it's considered an accessory/makeup, and for this assignment it wasn't fashionable. If we had done a punk assignment or something though, it would have fit perfectly.

    @LeslieM25 I know! I wanted to see where that would go. I wonder where Ashley went though....

    @ZapGirl I'm sure they would love it!
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited August 2015
    Alright, so I have about half the tutorials done. I still need to fiddle with something and then go over searching and manipulating, but I should hopefully be done soon. It's so much easier when I don't have to write double the tutorials. xD Lol

    Edit: Ohhh just remembered I had a few others to do. LOL
    I hope you guys like these tutorials! These are painfuuul.
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    BobSkellingtonBobSkellington Posts: 9,206 Member
    edited August 2015
    Alright, so I have about half the tutorials done. I still need to fiddle with something and then go over searching and manipulating, but I should hopefully be done soon. It's so much easier when I don't have to write double the tutorials. xD Lol

    Edit: Ohhh just remembered I had a few others to do. LOL
    I hope you guys like these tutorials! These are painfuuul.

    I don't even like editing, I can't possibly imagine having to do tutorials. xD
    Beauty obtains attention, but personality is what captures the heart. ♥
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    Alright, so I have about half the tutorials done. I still need to fiddle with something and then go over searching and manipulating, but I should hopefully be done soon. It's so much easier when I don't have to write double the tutorials. xD Lol

    Edit: Ohhh just remembered I had a few others to do. LOL
    I hope you guys like these tutorials! These are painfuuul.

    I don't even like editing, I can't possibly imagine having to do tutorials. xD

    Editing is fun though! Frustrating at times.....but fun once you get to know the tricks. :3

    Did you see my Urusla from the Little Mermaid?
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    MizoreYukiiMizoreYukii Posts: 6,566 Member
    edited August 2015
    Alright, I have most of the tutorials done now. I am taking a break and heading to bed though, but here are the first few. Please post any questions you have or if you see a mistake please point it out.

    And yes, that's a lot of tutorials. Just remember I still have quite a few left to do! Busy week for you guys!

    First things first, I have made an update to the Gimp Get to Know Your Program. I remember that I didn't include this helpful bit. Hopefully this makes things easier on you!

    Next, to make your life easier when editing, we are going to cover how to save your screenshot folder to Gimp! When you hit “Open” and navigate to your Sims 4 documents folder, select your screenshots folder (but don’t double click or open it) and then move your mouse over to the left and hit the first folded up paper. Doing this tells the program that you would like to bookmark the folder for easy access later.


    If you would like to remove the bookmark, just hit the second button or right click and hit remove.
    Post edited by MizoreYukii on
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