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Weekly Sales Page


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    stephenhamburgstephenhamburg Posts: 315 Member
    Yeah! An early birthday present, actually four early ones, got off work early, thanks to my manager, thought I had the appartment to myself tonight, but nice surprise-not the case :smile: just 5! ads back to back, I haven't had that many in a looonnngggg time, and come home, see my nick mentioned and wonder, ello ello ello what's this then, and then Collectionne Stancke and a shiny green download button.

    Well that's the old year going out nicely hehe
    Happy simming to all simmers.

    wishlist free since 10th June 2015
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    simgeek79simgeek79 Posts: 2,173 Member
    Hooray @60smusicluvr and hooray and Happy Birthday @stephenhamburg !!! That's awesome :) Glad to hear your day is going so well and I hope it only gets better <3 Glitter and Glam is also making its first appearance on the sale page since I began tracking it so that's pretty great having two new sets showing up. Hope lots of people can benefit from them.
    I now Own the Store!!...Thank you to everyone who helped me get here <3

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    Cynth220Cynth220 Posts: 1,162 Member
    simgeek79 wrote: »
    Hooray @60smusicluvr and hooray and Happy Birthday @stephenhamburg !!! That's awesome :) Glad to hear your day is going so well and I hope it only gets better <3 Glitter and Glam is also making its first appearance on the sale page since I began tracking it so that's pretty great having two new sets showing up. Hope lots of people can benefit from them.

    I just discovered I'm a fair bit of an idiot. *blink blink* I own 2 bits of the Glitter and Glam bedroom set, guess from the old Free Content weekends. So it's sitting at 200sp for CYS. Go figure.
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    bcsmasbcsmas Posts: 272 Member
    Since I keep forgetting about this thread and only remembered about it last night when I was looking for something, I just want to say thanks for this thread and keeping track of all these weekly deals @simgeek79! It's very helpful! :)
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    simgeek79simgeek79 Posts: 2,173 Member
    Awww. you're welcome @bcsmas :) This is actually the first time I've owned everything on the Sale page! Mind you I haven't bought much off of the page myself but look at it as helpful for those sets that aren't on this final DD list i.e. like Stancke, One with Nature and Jet Set Elder.

    I'm so excited!! I now own all of the venues, 93% of all of the sets, and all of the individual items (with the exception of a dozen that are coming up on the DD in the next few weeks). I didn't start off wanting to own the store but somehow, I got hooked. Thanks to the Cascade thread, the amazing DD Stalker spreadsheet, Eliana's calculator and the generosity of some amazing simmers I have managed to get to this point of owning the store without any significant overspending or being overgifted. It wasn't without a lot of late night deals (and somewhat miserable days at work) oodles of calculations using my own set cys calculating spreadsheet (calculating deals down to 0 rather than a negative number) and plugging the deals into my Google calendar to remind me / wake me.

    @Cynth220 if you can wait a few weeks (sometime on April 10th depending where in Canada you live), deal 428 is the best Glitter and Glam Bedroom set on the DD at 42% off. I plugged the deal, the full price and your current CYS of 200 into Eliana's calculator and you would only owe 48 pts, probably better to wait for the DD then settling for a 23% off deal, at least that's what I would do and save my points and others for other deals that aren't so easy to get. (To get it free, you would need items in the set whose value add up to a total of 235 points).
    I now Own the Store!!...Thank you to everyone who helped me get here <3

    Are u new to the Store? Then check out: the Daily Deal Thread
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    Cynth220Cynth220 Posts: 1,162 Member
    simgeek79 wrote: »
    Awww. you're welcome @bcsmas :) This is actually the first time I've owned everything on the Sale page! Mind you I haven't bought much off of the page myself but look at it as helpful for those sets that aren't on this final DD list i.e. like Stancke, One with Nature and Jet Set Elder.

    I'm so excited!! I now own all of the venues, 93% of all of the sets, and all of the individual items (with the exception of a dozen that are coming up on the DD in the next few weeks). I didn't start off wanting to own the store but somehow, I got hooked. Thanks to the Cascade thread, the amazing DD Stalker spreadsheet, Eliana's calculator and the generosity of some amazing simmers I have managed to get to this point of owning the store without any significant overspending or being overgifted. It wasn't without a lot of late night deals (and somewhat miserable days at work) oodles of calculations using my own set cys calculating spreadsheet (calculating deals down to 0 rather than a negative number) and plugging the deals into my Google calendar to remind me / wake me.

    @Cynth220 if you can wait a few weeks (sometime on April 10th depending where in Canada you live), deal 428 is the best Glitter and Glam Bedroom set on the DD at 42% off. I plugged the deal, the full price and your current CYS of 200 into Eliana's calculator and you would only owe 48 pts, probably better to wait for the DD then settling for a 23% off deal, at least that's what I would do and save my points and others for other deals that aren't so easy to get. (To get it free, you would need items in the set whose value add up to a total of 235 points).

    Oh, no~! :lol: I never knew what all was in the set aside from the lamp that Bree uses in her build The Frisky Mermaid, which is why I looked since I knew I had 2 bits already. Had to get off line for dinner (nummy chicken burgers with home made ranch dressing to top them!) so I never finished the post. I only really want the Light anyway, but I wanna work on Faire Folk Den to drag down the Make a Wish compilation.
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    simgeek79simgeek79 Posts: 2,173 Member
    I love that lamp too, I use it all the time as well. :)
    I now Own the Store!!...Thank you to everyone who helped me get here <3

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    simgeek79simgeek79 Posts: 2,173 Member
    edited March 2015
    As I mentioned earlier, the Sales Page certainly helps in some instances but really and truly the best deals lie in the Daily Deals. Using the awesome DD spreadsheet in conjunction with LadybugLeslie's Cascade thread is really the way to go for saving points. For those not familiar with the spreadsheet, I thought I'd take a minute and approximately eight inches of space to explain what it looks like and how I've used it.

    When you first open the DD spreadsheet (which can be found on the first page of the Current DD (Daily Deal) Rotation thread it can be quite overwhelming :s ...I know I was quite baffled but after a little poking around I was absolutely amazed at the amount of information on there and how one can use it to one's advantage.

    The spreadsheet is made up of twelve different worksheets. You can see the different tabs along the bottom of your screen. The first one is called "Welcome and Information". This is what appears when you open the spreadsheet. It is full of useful information that will really help you navigate the spreadsheet as well as link you to other helpful posts, sites and tools. Please do take some time and read through it, it has saved me tons of sim points - who wants to overpay? Let's be honest, a lot of these sets / items are grossly overpriced - any discount is better than none. I almost own the store and have not had to spend as much as I initially thought I would so definitely a worthwhile read. The second tab "Current Rotation-3rd Cycle" is for the worksheet that shows you all the deals in order of their Deal Number starting with the current deal. The current list has 977 Deals and we are currently at Deal Number 161. The spreadsheet team have also already calculated the dates for the next rotation so that you can continue to plan your deals / cascades accordingly.

    If you're looking for a particular set, I would recommend using the third tab for that. It's called "Sort by Item / Set". This worksheet contains the current DD list but it's sorted in Alphabetical order so you can scroll down and find the set / item you are looking for, and see if it has been offered multiple times and if so, what the different discounts were. They have been colour coded based on whether its the best deal (green) the worst deal (red) or somewhere in between those two (yellow). If an item has only shown up once, it remains white and you of course will only see it listed once on that worksheet.

    Once you determine which deal you want, note the Deal Number in the first column (A), go back to the second tab "Current Rotation - 3rd Cycle" and scroll down until you find that deal number (this time in Column B ) then tab across to the right until you find your time zone, that will tell you when (date and time) the deal will appear. If you're not sure what your time zone is, go to the daily deal on the store page see what it is, go back to the spreadsheet, find it on the Current Rotation worksheet and tab across until you see your current time.

    Another helpful tab I've used a lot is the sixth tab, "Sort by 'Part of Set'". This is great if you want to complete a particular set and want to buy parts of it at a discount through the DD. Again, it's listed alphabetically so you can easily find the set your looking for, find out what items in that set are on the DD and what their Deal Numbers are. You can then go back to the second tab and find them on the Rotation and mark the dates. I use Google calendar to remind's been so handy. I've used it for over a hundred deals since December and I only missed one because I got distracted making supper.

    Sorry for the uber long post but I can't stress to enough how helpful that spreadsheet really is and if you can embrace it, it really will pay off. :smiley:
    I now Own the Store!!...Thank you to everyone who helped me get here <3

    Are u new to the Store? Then check out: the Daily Deal Thread
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    bcsmasbcsmas Posts: 272 Member
    simgeek79 wrote: »
    Awww. you're welcome @bcsmas :) This is actually the first time I've owned everything on the Sale page! Mind you I haven't bought much off of the page myself but look at it as helpful for those sets that aren't on this final DD list i.e. like Stancke, One with Nature and Jet Set Elder.

    I'm so excited!! I now own all of the venues, 93% of all of the sets, and all of the individual items (with the exception of a dozen that are coming up on the DD in the next few weeks). I didn't start off wanting to own the store but somehow, I got hooked. Thanks to the Cascade thread, the amazing DD Stalker spreadsheet, Eliana's calculator and the generosity of some amazing simmers I have managed to get to this point of owning the store without any significant overspending or being overgifted. It wasn't without a lot of late night deals (and somewhat miserable days at work) oodles of calculations using my own set cys calculating spreadsheet (calculating deals down to 0 rather than a negative number) and plugging the deals into my Google calendar to remind me / wake me.
    Yes, I was so happy to see Collection Stancke on the list today! It gave me a green download button :D Besides using it to find items not on DD, I was using it to compare prices of items that had showed up several times lol.

    Yay for almost owning everything!
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    Naley22Naley22 Posts: 1,147 Member
    does the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center go on sale sometimes? i have enough points to buy it but i thought i remember seeing it. i looked though the list and it didn't catch my eye. maybe i missed it?
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    Sweet2Sweet2 Posts: 1,736 Member
    Naley22 wrote: »
    does the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center go on sale sometimes? i have enough points to buy it but i thought i remember seeing it. i looked though the list and it didn't catch my eye. maybe i missed it?

    I vaguely remember venues appearing on the sales page last year, but there haven't been any at least since summer, I think. Can't say if the Learning Center ever was. But it doesn't appear to show up on MMAO and it's not on the DD.
    My Page Another lot and Household Uploaded :)

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    Cynth220Cynth220 Posts: 1,162 Member
    @Naley22 Mm......Tiny Prodigies on the Weekly? I don't *think* I've seen it. Fairy sure it's exclusive to Aurora then again I could be wrong, I mean, look at "Stankey"! It's never shown up before now in recent history. (Stankey is that German-named collection. Someone keeps calling it Stankey.)

    @Sweet2 You sure you're not thinking of the DD? I've seen Duke and Amore and the Bakery turn up on there frequently.
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    Sweet2Sweet2 Posts: 1,736 Member
    Thanks to sims vip I've found that there were even worlds in addition to venues and compilations two years ago, why are the weekly sales so disappointing now? :disappointed:
    My Page Another lot and Household Uploaded :)

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    simgeek79simgeek79 Posts: 2,173 Member
    @Naley22 no the Tiny Prodigies learning centre hasn't been on the Weekly Sales Page since I started tracking it in December and Sweet2 is correct, it's not on this last DD list unfortunately. I too never had it appear on my MMAO prior to getting it. I ended up getting Aurora Skies standard and the venue separate as the Gold world overcharges for the two items combined. But if you can wait till you get a really good deal on the MMAO for the Gold world, that might be a more cost effective way to go. Or keep an eye out for the different lottos / contests that are going on in the Gift Gathering - Thank Yous and Gifting forum, many venues, worlds and points have been donated by many generous simmers on these store forums so do check them out if you haven't already :)

    I agree @Sweet2 the sales are disappointing... My guess is that now that there is the ability to get free points with the ads a lot more people are buying things so they really don't need to drop their prices since they're making sales. Whereas years ago, people had to buy the points and were much more frugal with them making sales low, so they had to offer good sales, deals on the more expensive items. Just basic Supply and Demand. It's taken me almost 6 and a half years to almost own the store, the majority of which was purchased in the last six months. Unfortunately not everyone gets 1000 pts a day in ads so EA should take that into account. I've been lucky and had so many generous people gift me things but again, not everyone posts on the forums asking for gifts so that isn't an option for them.
    I now Own the Store!!...Thank you to everyone who helped me get here <3

    Are u new to the Store? Then check out: the Daily Deal Thread
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    Naley22Naley22 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Thank you for helping me out everyone!
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    Sophie-DavidSophie-David Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks for the info on Tiny Prodigies. I actually came to this thread today looking for this data. I will have to weigh up the Aurora Skies Gold option versus separate purchases at some point in the future. Perhaps Tiny Prodigies will surprise us and appear in the Weekly Sale like Collectionne Stäncké did.
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    simgeek79simgeek79 Posts: 2,173 Member
    No worries, I will keep my fingers crossed for you @Sophie-David :smiley:
    I now Own the Store!!...Thank you to everyone who helped me get here <3

    Are u new to the Store? Then check out: the Daily Deal Thread
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    Cynth220Cynth220 Posts: 1,162 Member
    @simgeek79 Hey, I ain't knockin' the spreadsheet, I got the Slim version booked for future references. Though I ain't gettin' up at 2 in the morn to get Nautical Living for free, I can wait. 's not that important, even if I do get up for *other* reasons.
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    Sophie-DavidSophie-David Posts: 98 Member
    Thank you @simgeek. :)
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    simgeek79simgeek79 Posts: 2,173 Member
    The new weekly Sales are up. I'll update my first page when I get home from work. Good luck everyone!! :kissing_heart:
    I now Own the Store!!...Thank you to everyone who helped me get here <3

    Are u new to the Store? Then check out: the Daily Deal Thread
    - Cascades & Daily Deals & Love Kids Stuff? Check this out!
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    LadybugLeslieLadybugLeslie Posts: 698 Member
    I'm so happy! I was able to snag Cante Captivating for 10 pts, which means after I get Best of 2010 in a few hours, I'll be able to get World Inspiration Compilation, instead of having to wait until CC popped up on DD. Yay!
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    simgeek79simgeek79 Posts: 2,173 Member
    Yay!! That's great @LadybugLeslie :smiley: Lots of sets to cross off from that cascade!! I still need Sweet Escape Nursery Future Shock Kitchen and Rebel Just Because but no green downloads with these discounts. But good news is I'll be getting them free in the next few weeks off the DD so I just have to be patient :confounded:
    I now Own the Store!!...Thank you to everyone who helped me get here <3

    Are u new to the Store? Then check out: the Daily Deal Thread
    - Cascades & Daily Deals & Love Kids Stuff? Check this out!
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    LadybugLeslieLadybugLeslie Posts: 698 Member
    patience is a virtue, yada yada yada. Waiting for Best of 2010 has taken an eternity- funny how fast the deals fly by when you aren't paying attention and then of course you miss one.
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    Sophie-DavidSophie-David Posts: 98 Member
    > @LadybugLeslie said:
    > patience is a virtue, yada yada yada. Waiting for Best of 2010 has taken an eternity

    Tell me about it - this is a big one! Ten minutes and counting...
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    Cynth220Cynth220 Posts: 1,162 Member
    > @LadybugLeslie said:
    > patience is a virtue, yada yada yada. Waiting for Best of 2010 has taken an eternity

    Tell me about it - this is a big one! Ten minutes and counting...

    I had a harder time with April 2012, took about 5 minutes, Best of took less time than that.
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