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  • vanilla game dark skintones are still all pixellated and don't work with half of the makeup options, but sure, we definitely needed an obvious $20 advertisement for another franchise that already has a billion other games out with fully-developed canon lore that doesn't clash with this series'
  • i'm having this issue with sims who aren't kleptos and with the NAPs all forcibly turned off and every lot i have is still getting stripped bare every time i visit it, so waiting for a patch is probably the only safe option here lol
  • i feel like i've never seen anyone irl with some of the undertones present in the darker end of the default skintones lmao
  • sometimes i genuinely feel like i'm only playing because of the sunk cost fallacy (both literally as in money and figuratively as in time) it's just frustrating that interpersonal stuff between sims get put on the backburner for shiny new... ladders? crafting? please just fix extended family trees so i don't have to…
  • I guess I wouldn't mind, because I love making occult factions/clubs and having all my interpersonal drama centered there, but they do tend to be obnoxiously shallow gameplay-wise. Let a virtuoso spellcaster go autonomous for 30 seconds and they'll make 80 clones of themselves; vampires have to be micromanaged into…
  • this feels like a weirdly aggressive non sequitur, making space for diverse sims doesn't detract from the fundamentally broken AI. like, hijabs and relaxed gender frame settings aren't the things that make the emotions mechanism bad lol
  • I actually really love Paka'a Uha and I seem to run into them at gyms lol. I never play with premade NPCs but so far they're the only one with a cool enough aesthetic to make me want to try it out.
  • I'm sure everyone knows this one by now, but the "child of the island" trait allows you to summon and interact with island spirits on Sulani, and if you manage to befriend one long enough to get them into your household/get their relationship bar high enough, offspring will inherit the "Sulani mana" trait, which lets them…
  • Every time, unless it's not a household I intend to play. It just makes skill grinding later on so much easier tbh and that's the only reason why I bother. The necessity of the high chair and how broken the AI is around high chairs is literally the #1 thing I absolutely hate about TS4.
  • Baby Ariel. I feel... weird that there's a real life person's simself walking around lmao. Also I just hate Don Lothario on principle.
  • jungle adventure. i've had it for two years now and i have played it exactly zero (0) times. the cas items are admittedly pretty good though, i guess. i just don't think i paid the right price for it.
  • ugh i don't care about "unexpected," i want basic functionality like non-blood-related family members recognizing each other as family members so they don't autonomously flirt with their married-in aunts/uncles
  • Both. They're adorable and fun to play with, and awful to try to take care of when the AI tries to outdo itself.
  • One of my longtime gripes about TS4 is the lack of interconnectivity between packs and I feel like if we can't get a full "farming" pack (which I feel like would comprehensively cover everything you listed), this would complement Tiny Living, apartment-living playstyles, and the off-the-grid lot trait from Island Living.…
  • > @Calypso_Moon said: > I LOVE TINY HOMES! I was so excited when I first heard about the pack, but now am just absolutely DEVASTATED that there are no freaking ladders. Which is what will actually make a tiny home tiny, instead of trying to work around a stair case. They already have the animation for the pool ladder, why…
  • TS4 was the first Sims game I played at length. I found it consumingly entertaining for like forty hours, and then didn't touch it for eight months. There's just no individuality to each sim. I like using cheats and mods to trim the fat and to mix up gameplay a little, but honestly, if not for career mods/mcc/cc in general…
  • Most of the time they don't even leave if you try to force them off the lot with MCC :/
  • > @LadyKyn said: > The Larry head's are gonna be a fashion statement now, huh? Least now I can see Larry anywhere. > (Image) > > (He's probably voodooing the other mascot. :V ) that look is so couture actually tbh like who would have thought to put a lobster head on? High Fashion.
  • Seeing sick pets stresses me out so much lol. I know the functionality is there to provide a reason for sims to populate the veterinarian lots, but the sick animal animations are so unnerving.
  • > @Quess_is_Baked said: > (Quote) > That's harsh. I'm sorry to hear that. Not sure why that may be the case though, my sim kept everything in his inventory. Might be a mod that causes that tho, assuming you use them. I had to update a few and aside from my usual culprits, one or two that I wouldn't have expected.(Quote) >…
  • Since buying DU all my harvestables/collectibles have been disappearing from my inventory :( I haven't even gotten to use the actual DLC yet but I load up the game, see 30+ hours of work gone out of all my households, and all my desire to play vanishes lmao :/
  • Is there anything that fixes the new harvestable inventory glitch? God, I'm desperate, I love my garden so much and I miss all my plants :(
  • i never play straight sims tbh but right now these are my two favorite couples the florence welch-looking redhead is a witch with a black cat familiar, her wife is a vampire who has a pet fox (she…
  • I just find this so weirdly unnecessary lmao. Like, all of my played sims have full party/other outfit slots! I'd like to actually see them when I'm out and about away from a household!

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