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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    edited August 2021
    Loving the Tribal Council as well as Gilligan as the host. I wonder if any snarky sims will ask him about why he didn't fix the boat?

    Looking forward to laughing at our castaways struggling in Survivor.
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    MonaSolstraaleMonaSolstraale Posts: 1,394 Member
    edited August 2021
    Nanna Berg is my candidate for the survival challenge.
    @SoulGal7 I see you have already found her ;)


    I grew up in Oasis Spring with my mom and dad. My parents were quite old when I was born and I am therefore their only child.
    I have been given quite a lot of freedom to live my life the way I want to.
    My background is pretty dull and insignificant. I love physical challenges but other than that I am quite ordinary with no special qualifications.
    My parents have taught me the joys of animals and farming and maybe I will buy a farm if I win the lottery.
    Oasis Spring is a pretty boring city so the choice is between a trip to Batuu or this challenge. I am ready for new adventures.
    Post edited by MonaSolstraale on
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @MonaSolstraale - Nanna looks so great! She will be a wonderful addition to I'm A Survivor Challenge :)
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    adpfeiferadpfeifer Posts: 4 New Member
    This looks super cool! I'm excited to follow along when it begins!
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member

    Name: Lee Lokela
    Origin ID: Karababy52
    Gallery Link: Lee Lokela
    Short Bio:

    Lee was born and raised in Sulani where he still resides today. He's enjoying the freedom of living on his own and practices the beach bum life most days. He spends his time fishing, swimming, sunbathing, looking for treasure to collect, sell or donate to a local museum, and sailing around the islands in his outrigger canoe visiting friends; aquatic and Sim alike. Now and then he likes to climb the rocky hills around the island and sometimes even the local volcano, just for the thrill of it. Lee has a healthy respect for nature and always picks up trash others have left behind on land and sea.

    He entered Survivor mostly for the prize money. He hopes to win and use it for conservation efforts to bring Mua Pel'am back to it's pristine condition of the past. Lee would also use a portion of his winnings to begin building a research and learning center to teach locals and visitors alike about Sulani's history, island flora/fauna, and aquatic life only found to live and thrive in the crystal blue waters surrounding the islands. He hopes it will help others begin to understand why it's important to preserve and maintain the tropical paradise he calls home.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Karababy52 - Lee is an excellent candidate for I'm a Survivor! Will add him when I am in-game! Good luck, Lee!
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    @SoulGal7 Thank you, glad you like him! And thanks for your lovely comment in the Gallery about him! Good luck everyone! <3
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited August 2021
    @divanthesimmer @MaggieMarley @pammiechick @VanPelt81 @EliteGirl @Irishsong @LegacySims2017 @Skeilah @Minraed @MonaSolstraale @Karababy52 @lisabee2

    Chapter 2: Meet The Survivors & Tribes (Compilation)

    Sul Sul! Welcome to another segment of I'm A Survivor. I'm your host, Gilligan, and today we will be meeting all of the Survivors. So, let's begin by introducing them in alphabetical order.

    We certainly have a lot of Survivors looking for their SoulMates. I hope they know that this is the I'm A Survivor show and not The Bachelor/Bachelorette Show. They all come from different places, have diverse backgrounds and no two survivors are the same. Do you have any favorite survivors yet?

    In our next episode, we will spend a day with each of the tribes to get to know the Survivors better. Good luck to all the tribes. Outwit, outplay, outlast! This is Gilligan signing out.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    From Left to Right: Eve Appleton, Lara Rose, Tristan Luke, Bella McCallister, Daphne Staley, Buck Borris, and Jackson Buckingham.



    From Left to Right: Nanna Berg, Stan Cooper, Ashley Bryant, Ingrid Kwon, Christopher Romeo, Josiah Kerns, and Acacia Straud



    From Left to Right: Isabella (Izzy) Santino, Lee Lokela, Frieda Bacon, Castaway Todd, Chelsey Doyle, Adam Appleton, and Sadie Girard. 


    To spread out the survivors equally at the start of the challenge, each tribe has one survivor who has the paranoid or loner trait; one survivor who has the active trait; one survivor who has the mean or evil trait; one survivor who has the self-assured trait; one survivor who has the collector bonus trait, and one survivor who has the quick-learner bonus trait. I felt that these traits will either help or hinder a tribe and wanted to be fair to all tribes.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~




    Adam is a single young adult from Henford-on-Bagley. He aspires to be a Country Caretaker and his traits are Active, Animal Enthusiast, Mean and Collector (Bonus).

    Adam enjoys staying active. He'll tend after the animals, clean the yard, do a bit of fishing, and even do some jogging and swimming from time to time to keep his physique look. His favorite pet is his llama named Rufus. He loves to talk about him to anyone who will listen. Adam tends to Rufus' care whenever possible.

    Because Adam has a competitive streak with his sister (Eve Appleton), he can have a bit of a mean attitude. This could go against him when it comes to being on a team, but also trying to win for himself.

    Creator: LegacySims2017

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    Eve is a single young adult from Henford-on-Bagley.  She aspires to be a Country Caretaker and her traits are Self-Assured, Animal Enthusiast, Jealous and Collector (bonus).

    Eve is always confident when it comes to what she does. She takes pride in taking care of the farm animals, doing household chores, and cooking. Her favorite is watching over the chicken coop. Tending the baby chicks is the one thing that she loves the most. She finds them to be the cutest things ever.

    As Eve is self-assured, it's hard for her not to be jealous when she loses a competition against her brother (Adam Appleton). She can also be jealous when she loses against others when it came to her hometown competitions they put on. Hopefully she can hide this jealousy when it comes to working as a team but also in it to win it for herself.

    Creator: LegacySims2017

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Frieda is a single young adult from Willow Creek. She aspires to find her SoulMate and her traits are Cheerful, Goofball, Good and Alluring (Bonus).

    Frieda is a typical 20-something who was kicked out of her parents' home in the search of bacon. She wants to prove to her parents she is NOT a spoiled diva, but an independent young woman. She wants to prove to 20 somethings around the world that as long as they try their best in life, that's all that matters. Oh, and she wants to win so she can buy a lot of bacon.

    Creator: TechnologyYes (EliteGirl in the forums)

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Nanna is a single young adult from Oasis Springs. She aspires to be a Freelance Botanist and her traits are Bro,  Active, Self-Assured and Collector (Bonus).

    Nanna dreams of adventure and exploring the world. She loves new challenges and is ready to face what is to come. 

    "My parents were quite old when I was born and I am therefore their only child. I have been given quite a lot of freedom to live my life the way I want to. My background is pretty dull and insignificant. I love physical challenges but other than that I am quite ordinary with no special qualifications. My parents have taught me the joys of animals and farming and maybe I will buy a farm if I win the lottery. Oasis Spring is a pretty boring city so the choice is between a trip to Batuu or this challenge. I am ready for new adventures."

    Creator: MonaSolstraale

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Buck is a single young adult from Strangerville. He is an Actor, Stuntman and Ranger.  He aspires to be an Outdoor Enthusiast and his traits are Self-Assured, Adventurous, Maker, and Collector (Bonus).

    Buck can start a fire with an ice cube, drown a fish and build a snowman out of rain. Surely he can survive a show with a few other contestants, right? He wants to be on Survivor to prove that he can survive anything (or that anything can survive him).

    Creator: divanthesimmer

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Ashley is a single young adult from Del Sol Valley. She is an Aspiring Actress. She aspires to be a World Famous Celebrity and her traits are Self-Absorbed, Materialistic, Evil, and Gregarious (Bonus).

    Ashley is in it to win it. Fortune and fame is what she wants and she's willing to do whatever it takes to get it.

    Creator: divanthesimmer

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Jackson is a single young adult from Oasis Springs. He's a bartender. He aspires to be Fabulously Wealthy and his traits are Squeamish, Romantic, Cheerful and Business Savvy (Bonus).

    When looking at Jackson's muscles, you'd think that Jackson Buckingham would be the perfect workhorse for a tribe. Reality is not what it appears. While he can lift weights, his squeamish nature will be super problematic in this setting. Because of this, Jackson's strategy is to be cheerful, flirty, and ride the coat tails of the more stronger players to get ahead since Jackson is in this for the Million Simoleons.

    Creator: vanpelt81

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Stan is a single young adult from Del Sol Valley. He's a businessman. He aspires to be a Mansion Baron and his traits are Hot-Headed, Materialistic, Hates Children, and Business Savvy (Bonus).

    As the only child of parents who were millionaires, you can't even imagine how spoiled Stan was. Never had to do anything and always got what he wanted. But that changed when he became a teen. Unfortunately his parents died in a car accident, which left him a new family. A family who weren't rich, with 3 extra kids to take care of. Those kids only worked on his nerves, but the parents were great, loving and caring. He had to work for his simoleons and learn that the party's over. As a teen he worked part-time as a fast food employee, and yes, he learned to appreciate the ones who had less, but he didn't want to be 'one of those'. Years and years later, when he financially could live on his own, he left his foster family, promising he would give them a better life... but he never contacted them anymore. Not because he didn't want to, but because he only thought about earning many simoleons...just like his real father back in the day. He forgot the entire world around him, and eventually his foster parents died from old age, leaving Stan behind with a feeling of immense guilt. "I'm done living this luxury life...", so he said. One day, he bumped into this experiment and thought 'maybe this way I can show them that I'm REALLY done living the way I did all these years. I can do it without simoleons too. I know I can'. Maybe... Or... Maybe not?

    Creator: SCNVM (Skeilah in forums)

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Chelsey is a single adult from Henford-on-Bagley. She aspires to find her SoulMate and her traits are Clumsy, Romantic, Loves Outdoors, and Alluring (Bonus).

    Although Chelsey is a bit on the clumsy side, lovelorn Chelsey has decided to try her hand at a survival challenge. Will her years of Girl Scout membership pay off? Well, if things get dicey, she can always use her secret weapon...a stash of Thin Mints! No one can resist Thin Mints! An unfair advantage for immunity? She thinks not.

    And, Chelsey heard that the host, Gilligan Survivor, is pretty cute. She might just hoard those Thin Mints and share them with Gilligan instead. Who knows...there might be a chance for love here. 

    Creator: Lisabeesims (lisabee2 in the forums)



    Sadie is a single young adult from Hidden Springs (Sims 3 World). She aspires to be an Academic and her traits are Genius, Geek, Kleptomaniac, and Quick Learner (Bonus).

    Sadie comes from a humble background.  She hasn't figured out her life's work as yet, but hopes university will help her figure that out. She is hoping that the simoelons she gets from winning I'm A Survivor will assist with paying for her education. 

    Creator: RavenAngel888

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Josiah is a single young adult from Sulani.  He is a Marine Biologist. He aspires to be a Friend of the Animals and his traits are Neat, Child of the Islands, Loves Outdoors and Animal Affection (Bonus).

    Since he's from Sulani, Josiah hopes he can conquer all the challenges and outwit, outlast the SOLE SURVIVOR. But if he can't, maybe he can find someone to live life with? Preferably someone who loves animals and the ocean. (A mermaid, perhaps?)

    Creator: pammiechick

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Ingrid is a single young adult from San Myshuno. She's a Grave Digger. She aspires to be an Angling Ace and her traits are Loves Outdoors, Child of the Ocean, Geek and Collector (Bonus).

    Ingrid has been a student of Survivor since she was a toddler. Some of her earliest memories were of watching Survivor with her parents (part of their family's "Survivor Pizza Nights") rooting for her favorites in the iconic reality TV game show. Ingrid can respect most strategies in Survivor, except the riding coat tails strategy (which is just taking the laziest route to getting simoleons when it should be about the adventure with the simoleons the added bonus). Ingrid hopes to be as legendary as a certain pirate survivor in a make shift skirt, a certain used car salesman who controlled the game in every facet imaginable. Or, if she has to get medically evacuated, be as legendary as the guy that couldn't go number two.

    Creator: vanpelt81

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Lee is a single young adult from Sulani. He aspires to enjoy the Beach Life and his traits are Loves Outdoors, Child of the Islands, Self-Assured, and Home Turf (Bonus).

    Lee was born and raised in Sulani where he still resides today. He's enjoying the freedom of living on his own and practices the beach bum life most days. He spends his time fishing, swimming, sunbathing, looking for treasure to collect, sell or donate to a local museum, and sailing around the islands in his outrigger canoe visiting friends; aquatic and Sim alike. Now and then he likes to climb the rocky hills around the island and sometimes even the local volcano, just for the thrill of it. Lee has a healthy respect for nature and always picks up trash others have left behind on land and sea.

    He entered I'm A Survivor mostly for the prize money. He hopes to win and use it for conservation efforts to bring Mua Pel'am back to it's pristine condition of the past. Lee would also use a portion of his winnings to begin building a research and learning center to teach locals and visitors alike about Sulani's history, island flora/fauna, and aquatic life only found to live and thrive in the crystal blue waters surrounding the islands. He hopes it will help others begin to understand why it's important to preserve and maintain the tropical paradise he calls home.

    Creator: Karababy52
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Tristan is a single young adult from Oasis Springs. He aspires to find his SoulMate and his traits are Cheerful, Goofball, Good and Alluring (Bonus).

    Tristan was formerly known as Hoops Jordan, and changed his name in hopes of becoming famous. He lived with his parents until they died of old age. What Tristan would do with the one million simoleons from I'm A Survivor is to use the money to buy himself a house and furniture for the house.

    Creator: TechnologyYes (EliteGirl in the forums)

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Bella is a single young adult from Magnolia Promenade. She works as a Technician. She aspires to be a Nerd Brain and her traits are Genius, Mean, Materialistic, and Quick Learner (Bonus).

    Bella always wanted to be an astronaut, and although she currently is just a technician, Bella is sure that with her handy-hands, she’ll reach that top someday. Bella happens to know everything about fixing things and she loves to learn. When she has some spare time, she's either reading books, or simply planning to trap someone in one of her genius jokes. Yes, she also has a side like that!

    Creator: SCNVM (Skeilah in the forums)

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Christopher is a married young adult, who lives with his wife in San Myshuno. He aspires to be a Computer Whiz and his traits are Geek, Bookworm, Genius and Quick Learner (Bonus).

    Christopher thought he was signing up for the Archival Challenge, but had instead signed up for I'm A Survivor.  Well, after calling his wife in San Myshuno, he decided to try his luck.  Afterall, he could win one million simoleons, which could really help him set-up his own Gaming Business. Yes! Be bigger than MySimsGo franchise! Okay, he was in! I mean, seriously, how hard could it be?

    Creator: Irishsong22 (Irishsong in the forums)

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Lara is a single young adult from a Newcrest suburb. She aspires to find her SoulMate and her traits are Good, Active, Loves Outdoors, and Alluring (Bonus).

    Lara knows that in a life and death situation, you let go of the sentimental and only bring the things needed for survival. Anything else will only slow you down. Extra clothes? Extra shoes? A whole turkey dinner? Who has pocket space for all of that? Not a survivalist, that’s who. Living sparsely off the land from what you can catch and what you can gather is vital, and sometimes getting those supplies can be hard work.

    Lara is ready to apply her skills to the challenge and show herself that she’s able to reach anything she puts her mind to. She pushed herself to graduate college (women’s studies at the community college), to move out of her parents’ house (in with roommates, one of which is her older sister), and now she’s looking for her next big challenge! After all, if you’ve gone camping once you’ve gone camping a million times, right?

    [In reality, Lara is a young adult with only the barest idea of what’s going on, but she's doing her best and trying to look like she does. She could win simoleons to help her pay off her loans? Heck yeah, sign me up! Maybe they’ll put me on one of those bachelor shows next!]

    Creator: Irishsong22 (Irishsong in the forums)

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Isabella is a single young adult from Newcrest. She is an Aspiring Actress. She aspires to find her SoulMate and her traits are Good, Cheerful, Outgoing and Alluring (Bonus).

    Isabella, (nicknamed Izzy), was born and raised in San Myshuno, but now lives in Newcrest. Izzy recently moved out and lives on her own, away from her five over-protective brothers.  She dreams of making it big someday and is always looking for the next adventure. 

    Creator: garnetgrl1973

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Daphne is a single young adult from Henford-on-Bagley. She is an Actress and aspires to be a Master Actress. Her traits are Clumsy, Romantic, Paranoid and Muser (Bonus).

    Daphne is a bit spoiled and clumsy and paranoid but that might make things funny! She wants to be an actress and she thinks a win might start her career! She's a farmgirl from Henford-on-Bagley but she wants to go to Del Sol Valley and leave the farming to her parents!

    Creator: pammiechick

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Acacia is a single young adult from Willow Creek. She aspires to find her SoulMate and her traits are Goofball, Paranoid, Romantic and Alluring (Bonus).

    Acacia is the second oldest of four children. Her mother is the second gen heiress of a legacy but alas Acacia wasn't destined to be the next heir since she lost the heir poll for the third gen heir. Her grandfather on her mother's side is a vampire (Vlad in fact) and both of her parents are mermaids. She used to be a mermaid herself, but in order to enter this competition she had to cure herself of her mermaidism and is now a regular human sim. Her grandmother on her father's side is Princess Cordelia, so she has some royal blood.

    Acacia has spent most of her life being controlled by an evil voice who has been making her grind every waking moment to max skills and complete aspirations. She is a romantic at heart who would love to find 'The One' - something which she has never had an opportunity to do before since she wasn't voted in as heir of her family. She also loves a laugh and has an arsenal of awful jokes at her disposal. Acacia has a bit of a paranoid streak so she will probably suspect people of plotting against her... whether they are or not. She hopes that by entering I'm A Survivor that she can escape her boring and limited existence in my save, win some independence and hopefully also the million grand.

    Creator: Thisisarealpainx (MaggieMarley in the forums)

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    Todd is a single adult from San Myshuno. He is a Financial Analyst. He aspires to be an Outdoor Enthusiast and his traits are Bookworm, Child of the Islands, Loner, and Collector (Bonus).

    Todd was once a financial executive, but he found himself daydreaming of escaping the drudgery. One day he reached the end of his rope and left the financial world behind him forever. He packed up all his important belongings, rented a yacht and sailed off into the sunset in search of a more serene life. When his ship crashed up onto an unknown shore, it only took him a moment to realize that he was living his dream.

    Now, after being rescued and returning to the "real world", Todd daydreams of his island time. He is hoping that with his skills as an island survivor, he will win the million simoleons. Then he will have the finances to buy a tropical island and really "get away from it all. Permanently.

    Creator: Minraed

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Post edited by SoulGal7 on
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    What a fun group. Well, a fun 3 groups. It’s going to be a wild competition. :grimace:
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    MaggieMarleyMaggieMarley Posts: 5,299 Member
    Thank you for tagging me! It's great to 'meet' all of the contestants and to see which tribe Acacia ended up in :) As for my favourites I really like Ashley just based off of her traits and she's so pretty too of course. Ingrid being a grave digger sounds interesting, I want to know more about that lol. I noticed that Acacia and Daphne share two of the same traits so I wonder if they would get along. Lee is really cute and so is Josiah <3 I can't wait for the next episode!

    Just one thing: Acacia's surname is spelled Straud with an 'a' rather than an 'o'. Not a problem and I doubt it'll come up again but just thought I should point it out!
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    My favorites are Daphne Staley and Izzie Santino. I wonder what will happen in this “Survivor” game when it comes to the contestants. I wonder if my sims Frieda Bacon and Tristan Luke will behave in this challenge. I predict that Buck Borris will win this contest, mainly because he’s experienced with the outdoors. Just a guess on my part.
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    divanthesimmerdivanthesimmer Posts: 1,462 Member
    Nice meeting all the tribemates! Will be interesting to see how they get along (or not) and how they'll fare in challenges.
    Check out my SimLit blog here:
    Follow me on Twitter @divanthesimmer
    Follow me on Tumblr:
    Origin ID: divanthesimmer
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    What a great bunch of contestants! They're all so different from each other, this is going to be so much fun to watch! As for favorites? There are a few standouts for me, I'll admit, but I don't like to choose favorites so soon. I'll wait until I see how they actually act when interacting with their team mates and their environment first. Good luck everyone! <3
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Karababy52 wrote: »
    What a great bunch of contestants! They're all so different from each other, this is going to be so much fun to watch! As for favorites? There are a few standouts for me, I'll admit, but I don't like to choose favorites so soon. I'll wait until I see how they actually act when interacting with their team mates and their environment first. Good luck everyone! <3

    Same. Going to wait 'til we see how they interact with one another and face their upcoming challenges before I pick.
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    IrishsongIrishsong Posts: 1,754 Member
    I'm looking forward to this! Any reason you're posting to the forums rather than a blogger or WordPress? You posted there for your bachelor challenge and I'm curious.
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I went back to looking at each tribal image and started laughing at small things...

    Gnome Tribe - It looks like Lara Rose has her hand in Eve Appleton's pocket.
    Freezer Bunny Tribe - It looks like Stan Cooper has his hand on Nanna Berg's buttocks.
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    divanthesimmerdivanthesimmer Posts: 1,462 Member
    Irishsong wrote: »
    I'm looking forward to this! Any reason you're posting to the forums rather than a blogger or WordPress? You posted there for your bachelor challenge and I'm curious.

    I saw on the first page of the thread that the chapters linked there are on WordPress as well.
    Check out my SimLit blog here:
    Follow me on Twitter @divanthesimmer
    Follow me on Tumblr:
    Origin ID: divanthesimmer
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited August 2021
    Irishsong wrote: »
    I'm looking forward to this! Any reason you're posting to the forums rather than a blogger or WordPress? You posted there for your bachelor challenge and I'm curious.

    Hi @Irishsong - I am posting in both. On the first page of the challenge, there is a link on the chapters there. It has a link to my new WordPress site. I created a new site just for this challenge. I hope that helps :)

    @divanthesimmer - thank you for letting @Irishsong know about that, too :)

    @LegacySims2017 - lol Well, anything's possible with those group shots. I had to squish them all together to get them all in the photo with their tribe totem.

    @Karababy52 - Yes, they are a diverse mix of sims for sure.

    @MaggieMarley - Oops sorry about Acacia's last name misspelling. I have corrected it in the story. Good observation about Acacia and Daphne sharing some traits. Believe me, I did a spreadsheet on all the survivors to choose tribes for them. So, yes, for now, I decided to have just one paranoid/loner sim in separate tribes, and that is why Acacia and Daphne are on separate tribes.

    @EliteGirl - After now having played all 3 tribes, I would not underestimate any of the survivors. Some of the survivors who we think might not have a chance, may surprise you. This is exactly what happened in one tribe, so...yes...anything can happen. :)

    Thanks for all the comments everyone. I am just finishing up the next chapter, and it will be out later today :)
    Post edited by SoulGal7 on
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @divanthesimmer @MaggieMarley @pammiechick @VanPelt81 @EliteGirl @Irishsong @LegacySims2017 @Skeilah @Minraed @MonaSolstraale @Karababy52 @lisabee2

    Chapter 3 - Meet The Gnome Tribe Members

    Sul Sul! This is Gilligan from I'm A Survivor. It's the first day of Summer and it is cloudy and hot. A great day to visit the Gnome Tribe. 


    Here they are! And they have just arrived at their camp, and as they head inside, the main gate is locked.


    Lara Rose wastes no time and immediately does some sit-ups.

    Lara: "You never know when there's going to be a Fitness Challenge, and I've got to be ready! I'm the only active sim on the Gnome Tribe, so it's up to me to keep in shape. I am going to be the Sole Survivor...huff...puff...if it kills me!"


    Bella McCallister, apparently, already has some gripes and lets Skelly know about them.

    Bella: "Skelly, whose idea was it to have us sleep on some rotting logs? Those things are not comfortable at all. How am I supposed to get a good night's sleep and compete to win? I need my rest. When I am well-rested, I can think better. Lots of thoughts. Great thoughts. Listen, Skelly, I know how to win this. I'm a genius you know, and I have a strategic plan. This is like a chess game. Strategy is how to play. And I know you won't tell anyone...will you Skelly?"


    And Jackson Buckingham is the first Gnome Tribe member to find the Hidden Immunity Idol!

    Jackson: "I know how it works. There is always some hidden immunity idol around the campsite. But it was really just by accident that I found it. I was just scoping out a place to facilities...and there it was! Dang! I am feeling lucky already!"


    Eve Appleton has wandered over to the horseshoe pit.

    Eve: "Games. They always have some games that the survivors compete in. Maybe it will be horseshoes or ping pong, but whatever it is, I'm up for it. So, yeah, sometimes I get upset when I don't win. So what? Don't you? But this time it's going to be different. I am going to win these games for the Gnome Tribe and for myself. I'm going to win it all!" 


    Daphne Staley is looking around and Eve comes over to chat with her.

    Daphne: "I was just getting my bearings and suddenly Eve made a beeline for me and wanted to chat. Eve seems friendly enough, but can I trust her? She told me she has the skills to win and wants me to be part of her alliance. Something about beating out her brother....but what about that group that's over by the horseshoe pit now? I saw Lara get down and do those sit-ups, and that Buck, he looks pretty rugged...and those looks pretty buff.  *fans self* Should I be part of their alliance? Buck's single, right? I know they are talking about it me? Are they talking about me?"


    Tristan Luke is sizing-up the other tribe members.

    Tristan: "I see a lot of tribe members who look pretty good already. Some have physical strength, and others have mental prowess to plan strategies. I don't have either. But what I do have is a pretty simple strategy. I am going to be the most likable survivor at camp. Be friendly to everyone. And that way, I won't be seen as a threat to anyone, and then I will Outlast them all!"


    Buck Borris makes his way over to the horseshoe pit and Lara and Tristan follow behind.

    Buck: "Alliances. That's what this is all about. Finding out the strengths and weaknesses of the tribe members. So even though there's nothing I couldn't do alone, I need to find some strong tribe members to form an alliance with. Control the vote. Lara, of course, would be a good alliance choice. I saw how she aced those sit-ups as soon as we entered camp. And that Tristan fella seems pretty sociable. Maybe I'll start with them..."


    Buck, Tristan and Lara are chatting. What's up? Is there a possible alliance forming here?


    Meanwhile, Bella has gone over to where Jackson is and has started chatting with him.

    Bella: "Look, Jackson, you've got the brawn and I've got the brains. I've got some ideas on how to win this.  And by looking at those muscles, I think we'd make a great alliance. We're a sure thing to win. Think about it, alright?"


    Just then, Eve interrupts Bella and Jackson's private chat. Eve is wondering if Bella is trying to get Jackson to form an alliance with her.

    Oh no! Jackson put the immunity idol back on the rock. No! Jackson, it should go into your inventory! Quick grab it before Bella or Eve see it!


    When Bella leaves, Eve has a private chat with Jackson.

    Eve: "Look, I just want to beat my brother, Adam, who's on the Freezer Bunny Tribe. We need to stick together. I can do this, and I think you can, too...."

    Oh my! Jackson seems to be in demand today! What will be do? Whose alliance should he join? Now if he would only pick up that Hidden Immunity Idol and put it in his pocket, he wouldn't have to worry about being part of any alliance. For now, anyway.


    Daphne heads over to where Buck, Lara and Tristan are. Daphne knows she needs to make friends and join an alliance with someone. But who? Who can she trust? In the meantime, maybe she can just do some innocent flirting with Buck. That's one way to be part of an alliance. Right?

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    As the day went on and the tribe members settled in, some of the tribe members started to unravel...


    Daphne overheard one of the tribe members talking about their camp being on a fault line, and she suddenly had a fear that there would be an earthquake. 


    Daphne: "Earthquake! Earthquake! There could be an earthquake here!" screams Daphne incoherently as she runs over to Tristan. Oh gee! Now Tristan's scared, too!



    Tristan was so scared, that he ran around the camp and right to the stone that had the Hidden Immunity Idol on it. Yes! Tristan has it now!


    And he makes a bunny and sets it down on the rock again. Noooo!  That is not how this is supposed to work. Place that Hidden Immunity Idol in your pocket. Keep it! Ugh!


    Meanwhile, Jackson is having problems of his own and finds that the latrines are very buggy. Bugs! He hates them! Ewww...

    Buck and Tristan have a water balloon fight together.


    Oh! And it looks like Buck missed Tristan!


    Tristan: "You call that a throw? What were you aiming for? The clothesline?"


    Uh oh! Buck doesn't look too happy. Is he a sore loser? Look at his face.


    But this might just be his "game face",  as all is good and the first alliance has been formed between Buck and Tristan. [Note: In this game, an alliance is formed when sims become friends.]

    Over at the campfire, having a seemingly nice chat are Lara, Jackson and Bella. Suddenly, Bella insults Lara.


    Bella: "You think you're so good because you can do sit-ups. Huh? Well, you're not! Just wait until the chess match. I will annihilate you!"

    Oh geez! Bella...not a good thing to make enemies on your first day. Poor Lara is just not sure what to think about Bella after that incident and leaves the campfire area.

    Lara looks back and sees Bella chatting with Buck and Tristan.


    Lara: "Oh no! I just realized something. Is that Bella's plan? Intimidation tactics? Does Buck see me as a weak survivor now? Buck looks really interested in talking to Bella and perhaps he's thinking of having Bella as part of his alliance instead of me? Dang!"

    Eve organizes a fun water balloon fight with Daphne and Lara.  And Daphne misses Eve on the first throw.


    Eve: "Come on Daphne! I'm over here. Do I need to move closer for you to hit me?"


    But she isn't so lucky with Lara. Whoa! What an arm! And Lara nails Eve with the water balloon in the face! Eve is certainly getting hammered here!


    Eve: "Hey, if I have to get hit in the face with a water balloon to make an alliance with another survivor, I am going to do that!"


    And the second alliance is formed with Eve, Daphne and Lara. 

    Eve is thinking that perhaps this is a better strategy to form alliances. In fact, she later has a water balloon fight with Jackson, and he joins her alliance,  too.


    Eve's victory is short-lived as out of nowhere some spiders descend on her!



    Oh gosh! Eve has been bitten by a spider (on her butt!) and has some horrible reaction to the bite! She's sick! She might have to be Medevac'd off I'm A Survivor! [See Notes below.]

    Tristan rushes over and sees that Eve is hurt and Buck was just standing there, not doing anything.


    Tristan: "Buck! You should have done something, dude! You could have swatted that spider away. Now look at Eve...she's sick! Not cool, man...not cool..."

    Even the nicest sim, like Tristan, can "lose it" sometimes. Tristan walks away and Jackson comes up to him.


    Jackson: "Tristan,'s okay, man. I think Buck feels bad, and look...he's over there apologizing to Eve. He couldn't have done anything. It happened so fast. Everything's fine..."


    And then Jackson gives Tristan a bro hug. And right then and there, they decide to form an alliance with each other.

    Eve sits down at the campfire and Buck sits beside her.


    Buck: "'m sorry about what happened to you. If I had a cupcake, I'd give it to you so you would feel better. You know...sometimes you can shake these illnesses by yourself. We'll just wait and see what'll be fine. Alright? Are we good?"

    Eve nodded her head and forgave Buck for not helping her. What Buck said was true. She might be able to fight this herself. And as she bit into her hotdog, she smiled.


    Eve: "I am NOT giving up that easily. I'm a survivor! I'm going to make it! Buck is right. What's a little bug bite? It won't kill me... right?"

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Later that night, a ghost visits their camp...


    And the ghost discovers their Hidden Immunity Idol...still sitting on the rock. Don't take that Hidden Immunity Idol there ghost! I think he wants to be a member of their tribe. Afterall, he is in the tribe colors. [Note: This is the ghost of Felix Psyded.]


    Let's hope that Hidden Immunity Idol is still there in the morning, as we bid the Gnome Tribe Members good night. And let's hope that Eve can recover from that illness herself. Outwit! Outplay! Outlast! This is Gilligan signing out.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    If you have any suggestions for challenges, game play, rules, etc. let me know!

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    1. All actions the survivors do is autonomous because full autonomy is on. They might change clothes during the day/night. The only time autonomy is off is during a challenge when I will start them on a challenge, and the rest will be their own doing.

    2. Each Tribe Member has a soccer ball and a journal in their personal inventory.

    3. If a pop-up occurs for a sim about a like/dislike, the answer will always be "Yes".

    4. If a sim gets ill from a Creepy Crawlies attack, or any other reason, no medicine will be given. Sometimes the sim may recover on their own. If they don't, and in the case where they are poisoned by the Creepy Crawlies, that sim will have to be evacuated to the nearest hospital (Medevac). The sim will be away for one full sim day from their tribe (to recover). If medicine is given, the recovered sim will have 1 penalty point against them, due to their illness. [In the actual Survivor, evacuated sims are eliminated from the game, so I felt this way was a bit better.]

    5. While each tribe is played, the front gate is locked so they remain at their own campsite; however, when they are not in play, I have no control if they leave the lot or not. That's just how the game works. Nothing I can do about it. So, from time to time, we might see a survivor with a relationship score for someone outside of their tribe and that is the reason.

    6. Lot Challenge traits used are: Creepy Crawlies (bees, spiders, etc. attack sims), Cursed (things go wrong & sims can get dazed/angry from lot trait), Filthy, Gremlins (things break), Grody (sims can get nauseous from eating, drinking or using the bathroom), Off-The-Grid, Quake Zone (chance of earthquakes), Reduce & Recycle (lots of trash), Spooky (ghost might visit), and Volcanic Activity (might be hit with lava bombs).  Additional lot traits used are: Private Dwelling, Island Spirits and Convivial (Easy to practice Charisma, Comedy & Mischief). 

    7. Each lot is a Tiny Residential Lot (Micro Home), which will help with the initial relationships and skills.[This will be active until the first Tribal Council has been completed, and then lots will be changed to a Residential Home Lot.]Micro homes have the following perks:
    - You Got The Touch: All skill building on the lot receives a double-time boost.
    -Cozy Comforts: All objects on the lot that grant Comfortable moodlets double their buff amounts. (There are no comfortable items on the lot!)
    -Lighten the Load: Household bills are reduced.
    -Feelin' Fine All The Time: All moodlets granting the 'Happy', 'Inspired', and 'Focused' emotions double in duration while on the lot.
    -Let's All Get Along: All relationship gains (and losses) are doubled while on the lot.
    -Let It Grow: Garden plants on the lot grow twice as fast.
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    @SoulGal7 Aaaaaw, your portrayal of Tristan Luke is perfect so far! Keep up the good work! Tristan may not be the brightest, but he is a good guy with good intentions. I wonder what the other tribes are going to be like, drama wise. I enjoyed this chapter, too!
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    @SoulGal7 I suggest a dance off contest where the winner is one who dances the longest out of all the other contestants! And a karaoke contest, to see which sim sings the best, and by best I mean that other people don’t think the sim is horrible at karaoke.

    And another contest being two teams of two sims in a foosball competition. The contest winner of course is the winner of the foosball game. And of course, a dartboard competition to see who is the best at darts.

    I also suggest a basketball game, which the physical fitness people might have an advantage. And a rock climbing wall contest with the rock climbing object from the “The Sims 4: Fitness Stuff” would be interesting. I understand if we can’t do the rock climbing wall challenge.
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    edited August 2021
    Chapter 3 - Meet The Gnome Tribe Members
    What a great first day. I was laughing while reading throughout. You did a great job.

    My poor Eve. I hope she can recover that creepy crawlies illness on her own. She's formed some great alliances so far. I'd hate to see her lose those.

    I think Tristan was my favorite for the first day of the Gnome Tribe. Very funny guy with a wild side. He's definitely a people...err...sim person. Will have to wait and see how he does on challenges.
    Post edited by LegacySims2017 on
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Omg! What a great start!

    I have no idea what’s going to happen but there’s tons of drama already!
    Daphne is already trying to get Bucks eye but does he even notice her? Time will tell…

    You’re doing such a great job! Can’t wait for more!
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    VanPelt81VanPelt81 Posts: 2,990 Member
    edited August 2021
    Laughing already at Jackson's fear of bugs.
    The only way it would've been better is if he had the spider encounter instead of Eve >:)
    Can't wait to see these alliances play out.
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