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Caldey Isle, now has over 2000 downloads!


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    StellaTorontoStellaToronto Posts: 2,123 Member
    Hi 17mars, mortia, anetherron, RLP4444wildblue. Thank you all for the encouragement & kind words.
    I have every intention of releasing Caldey Isle soon, but there's still a few things that need working on.
    Hi sharonxyz.
    I really like how the festival lot turned out.
    I hope to spend more time visiting the festival this weekend & I'll post pictures of my visit.
    Thanks for all your care & work on it <3
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    sharonxyzsharonxyz Posts: 811 Member
    Hi Stella, It's so good to see you post, I was worried about you! Hope life is treating you well. I've had some ups and downs myself, but You are the one so brave to do a beautiful world that you have a LOT of people looking for it daily!! It's already a masterpiece. Please note: this is the first time I have ever done a lot for a world and I am HONORed thtat you'd want my contribution. I've done some testing before; I'm a pretty good proofreader, although I'm not sure if 'proofreader' is all one word :) If you would like to give me a current beta, I'd be happy to double check your addresses, descriptions, and I could help finish descriptions if that's needed, and I could base the tone on the ones you have written so far. With the dozens of pics from you and Bats on Simblr, a link to both of your Simblr links would show off the world with out you doing a thing...they are so beautiful and so varied. As for the tombs 'network', I think you know that's a one woman show except for testing. If you wish to change anything on the festival lot, PLEASE feel free to do so, as your cohesive style is one that I know you have been working on alone for years...make the whole world yours, be proud, let your fans play it, and don't worry too much. I know you are a perfectionist and could keep working on it forever, but let us play with it (do a final release or a beta 2, your choice). Once you release it, if you wish, you could gradually do more extensive versions of some builds using the store stuff that makes CAW worlds so slow. fyi, for the festival lot, I used only eps, not even sps, so that's why I'm happy with the lot; it's is good as I can get without adding store. But it's accessible now to more people and the pictures speak for themselves. Your work is amazing, you are a very creative person!! xoxo
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    StellaTorontoStellaToronto Posts: 2,123 Member
    Hi sharonxyz. It always cheers me to hear from you. <3
    If you'd do proof reading on the lot descriptions you'd be a life saver.
    I'll try to get all the finished lots back into CAW & exported this week.

    At present I'm walking my parents through publishing a book.
    We now have a publisher & this week we got the schedule for submissions & revisions.
    I've know for a while there'd be editorial changes needed. I'm hoping my folks can deal the revisions & I won't be roped into doing any writing.
    As is, I still have quite a few photos & illustrations to generate/edit in the next few weeks.

    I'll take your suggestion of posting links/pics from my simblr to this thread.
    Batsheba's done an amazing job of documenting her travels around Caldey Isle.
    She's seen things I've never seen in all my time living on the island.
    I'll post pics of your festival lot tomorrow.
    Thanks as always XO.
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    sharonxyzsharonxyz Posts: 811 Member
    Hi Stella, I will look forward to proof reading your descriptions! You are a wonderful writer as evidenced by your comments throughout the tomb (yielding a tomb like no other and such fun!). I am very strong at grammar and spelling and that is because I recognize a need to check a reference as needed!! :) My wife likes to test me sometimes (and I love being tested, always have) and she'll give me a word to spell or define. I've always wanted to learn Latin, as I oft give her 'informed guesses' based on the latin roots and such, plus new words stay in my head (a bit of an obsession, I think). As for writing...let's just say I do like having written (just a few magazine articles a while back), but really do not enjoy writing. I far prefer being an editor. My primary careers have followed the art route, as was a given at a very young age but sometimes I wonder what if I'd done this or that.... It's very cool that your parents are publishing a book. Are they self-publishing? Books from small publishing companies are often the best. I hope you aren't buried in the tedious bits too, but you are very giving to help them. Your love of history and your travel experiences are quite unique and clearly add wonderful authenticity to your builds. I'm' glad you plan to share your pics. Between you and Batsheba, I feel like I've toured a place from so many perspectives...and when I say a place, I mean a real place as it looks so incredibly real.

    Thank you for sharing this world :) If you ever want to share your earlier works, I'd love to see them as well :)
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    sharonxyzsharonxyz Posts: 811 Member
    Hi Stella, Just saying "hi!" and wondering if you would post the newest beta, I'm so anxious to see everything you've done, it all sounds so perfect. Hope all is well with you!
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    MiyamaniacMiyamaniac Posts: 67 Member
    @StellaToronto I have been lurking around this thread since it came out but I have never been active on this forum much. It looks gorgeous! :smile: Can't wait for more updates.
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    MoinesseMoinesse Posts: 155 Member
    If you celebrate Thanksgiving, then Happy Thanksgiving to you and all who read the post. Just don't forget to set your scale back 10 pounds tonight. :)

    My poor Witch is going crazy hiding out in one of EA's worlds, hoping to sneak away to Caldey Isle as soon as it's released. Her evil doppleganger and ex-husband has chased her across 3 worlds and the final meeting will take place on Caldey Isle.

    BTW, if you get a chance could you post what store contents you may be using in your world! The only store set I don't own is the castle set.
    Also, I love the outfit your sims is wearing. Not sure If I own the set. If you know what outfit he's wearing and where you got the tricorn hat, please let me know.
    Thanks again for all your hard work.
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    StellaTorontoStellaToronto Posts: 2,123 Member
    Hi Miyamaniac. Glad you like my little island. I've been working long hours on finishing it up. Tester's found routing problems & I keep finding things that I can't just let alone. Anyway I'm really pushing for a general release for next week, an early Christmas present. Finger's crossed :)

    Hi Moinesse. We've already celebrated our Thanksgiving in October, so no turkey for me this weekend :/
    There's no store or SP content used in the making Caldey Isle. All EPs used except Gen & ITF.
    Some of the lots were built with store content, but I removed it for this world. I left space where possible to add your cows, chickens, canning, baking, glassblowing etc.
    My sim riding the horse is wearing The Formal Assaliant from the Buccaneer's Bounty set (64sp).
    The tricorn is CC (it's a stand alone hat accessory & you don't need a hat slider to work with most hairstyles. I'll have to to do a little digging to find where I got it from.

    sharonxyz <3
    I have 2 chapter's of rewrites & editorial notes for my parents publisher to get through before Monday, but da#$n the torpedoes! The world of Sims comes first ;)
    You'll have the finished Caldey very soon. Burning the midnight oil to get it done.
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    sharonxyzsharonxyz Posts: 811 Member
    Yay!!!!!!! I'm doing a happy dance! Thank you! xoxo Sharon :)
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    StellaTorontoStellaToronto Posts: 2,123 Member
    I'm so close to uploading Caldey Isle.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what you all get up to with it :)

    Aliens are frequent visitors to the island :o

    Sharonxyz has done a beautiful job of building Caldey's Festival grounds.
    Pictured here the Festival grounds are all set for the Fall season.

    There's many beautiful little parks & beaches scattered around the island.

    Elemental park might be small but it hides a few secrets ;)

    The Upper Town pond has a few unusual properties. On occasion your Sims will defy gravity.
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    Winifred_WillowWinifred_Willow Posts: 423 Member
    The world looks beautiful from the pictures shared, looking forward to playing in it :smile:
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    sharonxyzsharonxyz Posts: 811 Member
    Hi Stella! Just wanted to say WOW! :D I am loving this world and you have done so many wonderful additions! Haven't found any more errors, except one extremely expensive property...nine figures! This is a small map with the utmost details, secrets, fun tombs and very, very nice for all price ranges, and you've really covered that with the apartments and small simple lots. I'm particularly taken with a lot (the one that points out the Great View in the title), as it's priced as a steal, has all one needs to begin and enough land to prosper with gardens or whatever one wishes. This little masterpiece is going to make a whole lot of sims very happy indeed. Plus lovers of medieval worlds (like myself) will have a historically accurate place to immerse. Thank you for all the hard work and love that you put into Caldey :) hugs, sharon
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    MoinesseMoinesse Posts: 155 Member
    Hi, checking the posts. Was hoping to find a download for your world.
    I can't believe its only a week+ few days until Christmas. It's been a busy time for me since Thanksgiving.
    Going to leave for the holidays soon and would like to install Caldey on my laptop. Could you give us an approximate date of release?
    Again thanks for all your hard work, looking forward to playing in your world.
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    RLP4444wildblueRLP4444wildblue Posts: 28 Member
    Hello, StellaToronto. I hope you have a safe and joyous holiday .
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    sharonxyzsharonxyz Posts: 811 Member
    Hi Stella, just checking in and hope you are well. I noticed you repeated my observations in Simblr and my guess is that too few people have seen the world to offer any feedback or answers. My hope is that you will release a public beta so that all the other CAW experts can see your beautiful work and, perhaps, see what I'm seeing that I noted previously. The world is amost perfect and perhaps no one else will have my observations. If they do see it, this is the thread that will give you answers. I also want you to share the world as it's your first public work and it is just so beautiful and with all the tombs so many simmers will love to play with it. Food for thought :)

    xoxo, sharon
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    sharonxyzsharonxyz Posts: 811 Member
    Hi there :)

    I'm putting my sim through the tomb in the Curiosity shop and had a couple questions:

    1. Is marketplace key 4 on this lot? Is it in this world?
    2. Is the keystone for the marketplace hideaway on this lot

    I couldn't recall if the tombs required revisiting tombs already visited. I'm putting my sim in static mode when I go back in game. She thinks I'm an idiot sending her in circles, and though she may be correct, it's not her place to tell me. :)

    BTW, you used one trigger that I hadn't encountered before...always exciting to find. I believe you had two different triggers assigned to one chest and the sim refuses to 're-examine'. Is that possible, to have re-opening a tomb that has been looted still trigger an action? It's where there is a revealed hidden door that can not be opened until one finds the switch; opening the emptied chest triggers the door with the light trail, but perhaps there is yet another switch I haven't found. I believe I'm correct in assuming that triggers and activated behaviors need to be on the same lot. But EA did teach me that keys and their matching keystone can be in different worlds!! Maybe only the worlds in the WA expansion. I need to research this stuff further. It was mind blowing when I learned that dive wells could lead one to a different lot in that world.

    Hope this makes sense. I guess it's a good time to ask: is the multipart tomb adventure complete or still in progress? :D
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    StellaTorontoStellaToronto Posts: 2,123 Member
    Hi Sharon.
    The named keystones are always placed on the lot where they're needed.
    Generic shape keys can be used anywhere in world.
    Have you found keys in kitchen & consignment cellar?
    Chests can be opened multiple times & objects with multiple triggers are set to go off at same time.
    Are the chests now locking & treasure spawning?
    I rebuilt most of the tombs in EIG in hopes of getting them to actually lock & treasure to spawn on markers.

    The Mine tomb has two parts, I assume this is the one you're referring to.
    You should be able to run it. It's missing the story trigger text.
    I hadn't received Starsapphires founder story at time of placing lot.
    You can access entrance to 2nd part right away but can't unlock until completing first part of tomb.
    Your recalcitrant Sim should prepared to get wet on this one.

    Only the Standing Stones tomb is not finished, the rest you should be able to run.
    The White Tower tomb, I've changed since current release, but it should run in present form.
    This tomb covers multiple lots.
    Thanks for all your efforts.
    XO StellaT.
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    MoinesseMoinesse Posts: 155 Member
    hum-I was so looking forward to finding all the secrets. I love puzzles and exploring areas. But now I know where a few are. Looking forward to playing and I am sure there are lots more secrets.
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    flstriderflstrider Posts: 1,912 Member
    Stella, A tomb covering multiple lots? do the dive wells allow you to do this? I have always wanted to try something like that
    My World's thread linked in Sig

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    StellaTorontoStellaToronto Posts: 2,123 Member
    Hi RLP4444wildblue
    Sorry I was so late in reply to your lovely wishes for the holiday.
    I've had a merry Christmas & I hope you had the same.

    Hi Moinesse
    There are a great many lots on Caldey with tombs or hidden areas. I'm kinda tombs obsessed ;)
    If you like poking around & solving puzzles, Caldey Isle will be your kind of place.

    Hi flstrider
    • Yes dive wells can be used to link any 2 place on the map.
    • Miner drill holes will also do this, only works if you drill the hole yourself, luckily a Sim can carry a miner tool in their inventory.
      The debug drill holes don't seem to work in this capacity.
    • The SN Llamas box also allows you connect to other lots.

    P.S. I've finally exported & uploaded Caldey Isle for general release. :smiley:
    I'm now taking new pictures & writing up release notes.
    I'm working today, but I hope to have this accomplished soon.
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    Moon_WillowMoon_Willow Posts: 732 Member
    Where did you upload it to, I can't see anything on the exchange that is newer than the 12th December.
    Gallery ID: Truet318, check out my latest builds on the gallery.

    The Road goes ever on and on And I must follow, if I can,
    Until it joins some larger way,
    Where many paths and errands meet.
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    StellaTorontoStellaToronto Posts: 2,123 Member
    Hi Moon_Willow
    Sorry for the confusion. I've uploaded to mediafire & simsfileshare.
    I'll upload to the exchange, but I try to avoid using the launcher & that can't be avoided when uploading to Exchange.
    Caldey Isle doesn't play like most worlds, so release note might be useful when getting started.
    Thank you for patience.
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    flstriderflstrider Posts: 1,912 Member
    @StellaToronto Thank you for the information I was unaware that the dive wells could connect anywhere in the world. I knew they did that on a particular lot to different floors, just never tried to connect them to a different lot. I was totally unaware of the drill holes, may have to play with that.
    My World's thread linked in Sig

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    ClayworldClayworld Posts: 1,106 Member
    I can't seem to find the download link. I went to your Simblr site, and I'm totally lost. Sorry to be so very dense.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @clayworld you are not alone, I tried to find the dl link as well, and was gonna post and ask where the link is :)

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