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    hellohannah2hellohannah2 Posts: 839 Member
    Hey everyone, Sorry to just pop in and leave an update, but I've been pretty busy with my new job - will catch up with you all soon. & to the new people, welcome!! I'll check out your stories very soon


    Jack: Chapter Fourteen is out now :)HERE
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    RipuAncestorRipuAncestor Posts: 2,332 Member
    Hello everyone! Here's the newest chapter of the Chrysanthemum Tango!

    Chapter 16: Dead Ends and New Leads
    When one door closes, another can of worms is opened. That's how the saying goes, right?

    Have a lovely time, everyone!
    My Sims stories:
    The Fey of Life - fairytales in life are few and far between (Forum thread HERE)
    The Chrysanthemum Tango - a story about life, death, magic, and how to be a good landlady (Forum thread HERE)
    Forget-Me-Not - some things just refuse to stay buried; an Ambrosia Challenge story (Forum thread HERE)
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    InfraGreenInfraGreen Posts: 6,693 Member
    @hellohannah2: I feel really bad for missing Dustland Fairytale's return initially. Time to re-acquaint myself...



    This is where Clara stopped. This is where I, as an unlawful stowaway, had to stop too.
    A thousand bared teeth, a thousand bowed heads

    outrun / blog / tunglr
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    My, my, it's been a while. I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long. V-V I really don't have much of an excuse, but... I'll try to explain. I suffered from major depression for about two years some time ago, and after those two years, I started to get better. I still get what I call "depression relapses" where I start to feel depression creeping up again. And I was having a major depression relapse for a while. I may have done some things I regret, but as of right now, I'm back on my feet. :) I actually spent most of the day on Tuesday at my mom's work because they needed some help, and I got paid a lot more than I thought I would for it. XD Sorry if I miss your reply, but I've got many pages to go through and find replies to... There's so many things I want to start doing this month, like a bullet journal... And I've been staying up late (midnight to 2 am now) and waking up SUPER late recently...

    Now, on to the replies! :D

    @ValoisFulcanelli Thank you for the well wishes, and might I say, those sims look amazing! Especially Shane (I think? With the purplish hair). I shall definitely check it out! :D

    @sweetnightingale Ohhhh, they look beautiful! :)

    @CCYNTHIAA I'm a little late to the party, but welcome! :D If you need some help navigating the forums, then I've got a wordpress site stored in my signature that you can click on. :)

    @gnasling Yay! Another chapter! Also, I'm sorry you failed your test... Good luck this time around! :D

    @FayeShinomori Omg! At least you're okay, and thankfully it didn't hit your house! I'm fortunate to live in Colorado within a few miles of the mountains, though due to the dryness fires are very prevalent here, and we do get hail in the middle of summer... And very unpredictable weather... We do get tornadoes in Colorado, but not near my house, thankfully... But meh. Palantia (probably butchered that) is gorgeous!

    @TheoriesOfHappiness Again, I'm late to the party, but welcome to the thread! :D Can't wait to check your story out. :)

    @thesealofthesims Thank you for the well wishes as well. :) Everything is doing better now.

    @MayaRose1138 Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. :( I actually enjoyed reading the story.

    @calaprfy Welcome! And it's perfectly fine to be an older man and still enjoy the sims. :)

    @KatNip I'll check it out. :) Also, welcome! :D

    @Jellysimwich Welcome to the thread! :D Also, your profile picture is beautiful! :)

    Alright, now to go and work on stuff, update my simlit stories, and possibly start two new ones if I have the time (which I probably do). :)
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    TheoriesOfHappinessTheoriesOfHappiness Posts: 1,126 Member
    @SilentWolf101 thanks, can't wait to read yours either!
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    lisabee2lisabee2 Posts: 3,708 Member
    I am so excited that my short story is in the June short story contest ... not gonna lie I am proud of this story :) If you have not given it a read then please here is a link ..


    if you like it go please go vote (you have to pick 3 stories for the poll) all story submissions are listed ... (plus so many other wonderful authors and their delightful stories are submitted too)
    New readers can visit here first: In-a-NUTSHELL
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    sweetnightingalesweetnightingale Posts: 2,084 Member
    @SilentWolf101 - Hey, long time no see! Thanks so much. :) I'm assuming you were talking about the picture of Laban and Ileah on their wedding that I put up some time ago. Colors of Lovimg was a fun story to get started. Hoping to do some more work on it next week. Life has been kinda busy lately. Pretty much all of yesterday, I made a hodge-lodge of a house in Sims 4 for some Sims I'd just made. Hehe. I'm not a builder, so I went a bit crazy with the stylized rooms. LOL. It took me a bit to get used to since I'm still in Sims 3 mode. LOL. It's fun to mess with and easy to take apart if you need to though. I love my Sims 3 but the build features are so much more user friendly in Sims 4.
    Simming With Sweet Nightingale.Forever in Time, Short Stories, and much more
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    thesealofthesimsthesealofthesims Posts: 722 Member
    Where does the time go? I keep thinking I'll get to the comments, then said comments pile up on me.

    In a big development, I got a job. Yeah, a real job. I start the 25th of July, and it's M through F, although the hours aren't set yet. So, my time will probably be a little more scarce now. But I'm not leaving here by any means. :)

    @TheoriesOfHappiness: Sorry about your leg, but when I get my rewrite done, I'll be sure to let you know. I wasn't that far into the story, so hopefully, it shouldn't take long. :)

    @hellohannah2: Makes sense. Just trying to go for a bit of that realism in my story. Problem is, most of the towns could really be Anytown USA. I agree with your placement of most of the towns, but I'd say Monte Vista was based more on Italy. I know Sims University was based around New England, even though it's not a full "world."

    @MayaRose1138: I think we all go through periods like that. Mine is still ongoing. So, sometimes it's helpful to step back and take a break.

    @sweetnightingale: Midnight Sun Challenge. What's that if I may ask? I like the sound of your story, of course, I'm slow in the reading.

    @gnasling: Well, I think I can blame part of my writer's blah on one reviewer. On one of my stories that a lot of people seemed to like, he really laid into me, just because he didn't think it was that good. I know it's just one review, but it kind of took a bit of the wind out of my sails. But I'll get over it. I can imagine that wouldn't be fun.

    @BabyDollAnne: You came to the right place.

    @FayeShinomori: I never understood the fascination people have with chasing storms. To me, that just sounds crazy, but no offense meant to your dad. Oh, I would have freaked out if I'd seen a big spider in my room. On the times I have, I've actually gone out and slept on the couch, even if I manage to kill it. Still, it shows your pets can really look out for you.

    @calaprfy: Nothing wrong with that. Welcome to the group. :)

    @Lckygrl1975: Life gets us all at some point.

    @Julyvee94: Thought about it, but I don't like downloading if I can help it. With my luck, the internet would break. :tongue:

    @KatNip: I can't promise I will, but I've been gathering up the stories I like and saving them to my favorites.

    @Jes2G: Hi. :)

    @Jellysimwich: Hi, jelly. Nice to meet you. Well, I'm not a wife, being that I'm a guy. :tongue: I was a pet owner too, to four nice dogs, although some of them took to other members of the family. But I digress. Nice to have some new faces. I'm a SimLit writer myself, although I post my stuff on FanFiction.Net as TheFreelancerSeal. I had two Sims stories, and I still do, but one I'm going to take down and rewrite and the other, I'm just going to polish up, although if I have to add more chapters, I might have to take it down and repost it, just so everyone can see what I've done. Mostly I write about my Sims family, the Daniels, ever since the glitches kind of scared me off. My last generation consisted of patriarch Daniel, who was a rock star, his wife Sun Young Kim (my first foreign Sim marriage) and their children. Their first son, Adam, was my heir and he married Ayana Yuki from University Life. Well, that was when the glitches started with their kid. So, I've been writing as a way to let them live on. Anyway, it's nice to meet you once again, and welcome. :)

    @MunnieSims: Welcome back. :)

    @SilentWolf101: Welcome back. It's great to see you here. :) Wow. I'm sorry to hear that. :( But I'm glad to hear you're doing better. :)

    @lisabee2: That's cool. I once had a story of mine in a contest as well, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. :tongue: I don't know if I'll have a chance, but if I do, I'll be sure to vote. :)

    All caught up again.
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    TheoriesOfHappinessTheoriesOfHappiness Posts: 1,126 Member
    congratulations on the job!!
    awesome, i can't wait to read it! i have so much free time cause of said leg, and i've gone almost overboard in update scheduling for my stories, it'd be nice to have some more reading material!!
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Congrats, @thesealofthesims! That is awesome.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    gnaslinggnasling Posts: 208 Member
    @thesealofthesims Congrats on your new job :)
    I totally understand how that feels. Take the time you need to feel better about it and then you'll be back to writing in time :) It can really bum ya out.
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    lisabee2lisabee2 Posts: 3,708 Member
    @thesealofthesims .. happy dance for the job!! that is awesome! TY for the good word and voting :)
    New readers can visit here first: In-a-NUTSHELL
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    lisabee2lisabee2 Posts: 3,708 Member
    @SilentWolf101 <3 Good job on fighting "the black dog" (as Winston Churchill called it) Many great creatives fought it .. got to get him right when he shows up and not suffer him a moment in your life!
    New readers can visit here first: In-a-NUTSHELL
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    sweetnightingalesweetnightingale Posts: 2,084 Member
    @thesealofthesims - Congrats on the job!!! I'm so happy for you. :) You must be so excited!

    Well, the Midnight Sun Challenge is a Sims 3 challenge where you create a single Sim who is to be stranded on this 10x10 (very tiny) deserted island. The creator has made a custom world for that, an original one and one update to Island Paradise with a pier and a houseboat shell. You get them money by starting out fishing and then selling the fish. As time goes, you can get them more stuff. You're basically living off the land for quite some time. It'🐸🐸🐸🐸 legacy type of thing where you have five gens by the time you're done. You get a spouse by going to one of the WA worlds, which you can only visit each of them once per gen. For story purposes, I'm having to tweak things a bit so that's why I said my story is loosely based on the challenge. :)

    I do hope you enjoy he story. Right now, it's just getting started, so I've only got one chapter up, thus far. Forever in Time is my longest story by far, but the others I have going are pretty easy to catch up on. :)
    Simming With Sweet Nightingale.Forever in Time, Short Stories, and much more
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    SubtleSimmingSubtleSimming Posts: 196 Member
    Hey guys! Chapter 2 of An Unclean Slate is now out :)

    The Past
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    So, I've decided that I WILL in fact start up a new story called Scarlet Teardrops, which delves a bit more into the mature/adult content (at least the first gen will). But it shall be a legacy run by supernaturals. :) I'm currently working out all the little loopholes, combining some challenges and creating a general plan-of-action for this story so I don't randomly drop it and (hopefully) don't get stuck so often. :) I shall post a link for anybody who is interested once it's done. :)

    @TheoriesOfHappiness :) Hehe, so many things to do, so little time to do them. XD
    @sweetnightingale Hehe, probably. XD I've got the memory of a goldfish, so even I don't know. XD
    @thesealofthesims Thank you. :) And yes, it's definitely nice to be back and to be doing better now. Congrats on getting a job! :)
    @lisabee2 I love the new profile picture! Absolutely adorable! :) It's a difficult battle when fighting, but as the hero's journey states, the good guys (or girls) always win. :) Unless you're in a Shakespearean story... Then you're bound to die.
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    MunnieSimsMunnieSims Posts: 235 Member
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    TheoriesOfHappinessTheoriesOfHappiness Posts: 1,126 Member
    wise and true words, hahaha
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    SubtleSimmingSubtleSimming Posts: 196 Member
    Hey everyone, Sorry to just pop in and leave an update, but I've been pretty busy with my new job - will catch up with you all soon. & to the new people, welcome!! I'll check out your stories very soon


    Jack: Chapter Fourteen is out now :)HERE

    I've been binge reading and I'm only on Jolene: Chapter 5 but so far I LOVE it!! Keep up the fantastic work!! :)
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    Generation one of my journal might be a long one. They are still in week 1.
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    mastressalitamastressalita Posts: 2,874 Member
    @SilentWolf101 : Are you interested in Reading Circles, groups of folks that make a commitment to read each others works? There is one started currently for "darker" toned works that still has a lot of openings in it, It Was a Dark and Snarky Night.

    As a sidenote, my friends' webserver has had some hardware failures and he's working on repairing it right now. Because of Wordpress's "image caching" due to the fact that WP is on a secure socket site and my friend's server, where I host all my images, are on a regular server, it appears (from my end, at least) that the images on my stories are still appears (as they are loading out of WP's cache). However, if anyone encounters any issues (as I know the Short Story voting is up right now, which is pretty much the one time people will roll in to actually read my monthly short story, heh), please hold tight! Server fuctionality will be restored probably before the end of the night, as he's already hard at work on the issue.
    Have a Sim story site? Please submit your link to the Stories and Legacies Index!
    Check out my Simlit at Sim Stories: Hijinks from the World of Sims 3!
    My Simlit Discussion/Updates | The Fringe | Short Story Challenges
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @mastressalita Ohhhh, I've never actually heard of reading circles before! Now I'll go check it out, as it sounds interesting to be able to read other people's things and know that they would also be reading mine. :)
    @TheoriesOfHappiness Hehe, thank you. :)
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    Alright, update on the story: I've got all the challenges that I want to combine, plus a few extra, created some general rules, and have finished the main character/founder of the story! Everybody, meet Raelynn Montgomery! Now, to create some other characters... :3

    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    edited July 2016
    Just testing something. Every time I try to post a new comment on my own thread, I get a 'body is 5 characters too short' error, even when I post hundreds of words.

    Edit: Hm, it seems fine here. Wonder what's happening?

    Anyway, hello lovely people :) I'm a bit busy with family visits today, but will be back with some replies and updates later.
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @ValoisFulcanelli Hello, Valois! :) And have fun with the family! Though that is an odd problem... Maybe try refreshing the page?
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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