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S3SBrowser - A tool to keep your store purchases organised

crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,771 Member
edited February 13 in Nominated Threads
Hey guys,

today I finally want to share my Store tool with all of you.

You can download everything you need here: Downloads

Instructions can be found here:
Installation & Startup
Tutorial: S3SBrowser

Feel free to ask any questions you have or give feedback. If you want to help me to get pictures I can make publicly available, please share your ingame pics in this thread. I'm unsure what the best way would be to get set and compilation pics but maybe someone has an idea. They should be square and 200x200 would be great.

To make it as easy as possible, it would be great to name them the same way I did. A list can be found here: List of image names

If anyone knows the sims3pack name of any sets I'm missing, I'll be grateful to know them as well.

Have fun
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    crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited February 2012

    Instructions on updates can be found here: Updates


    02/04/12: Updated Data. Some extra pictures added
    01/30/12: Updated Data. Some extra pictures added

    12/23/11: Updated Software and Data. Fixed some bugs and added the new sets. Some picture names were changed, especially the ones with Umlauten. Check the linked update page for details.

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    StarbucaneerStarbucaneer Posts: 2,561 Member
    edited December 2011
    Thank very much just downloaded the files will.

    thanks for creating this :thumbup:

    best regards

    Simming since the beginning! :)
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    remiller66remiller66 Posts: 97
    edited December 2011
    Looks great! I'll give it a whirl and post my feedback.
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    tlc10175tlc10175 Posts: 2,550 Member
    edited December 2011
    Wow thank you my friend and I hope you feel better! I am looking forward to having fun with this. I wish I had time to do images. I will bookmark this thread and see what folks post. =)
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    MsrednotdeadMsrednotdead Posts: 9,215 Member
    edited December 2011
    Really easy to use, I just need to find some time now to do some images, especial.y hard for the compilations I guess.
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    crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited December 2011
    You can always download the pictures from the website yourself. I use those, I just can't publicly share those :)
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    gngrsnpgngrsnp Posts: 3,682 Member
    edited December 2011
    Yeah, Thankyou.
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    HappySimmer3HappySimmer3 Posts: 6,699 Member
    edited December 2011
    Cool! Thank you and I hope you feel better soon!

    The Sims 30695923002_cffaca4078_t.jpg

    Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?!
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    MSladyTSOMSladyTSO Posts: 2,586 Member
    edited December 2011
    Thank you as always for all your work, and FEEL BETTER SOON!!
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    smashbridges20smashbridges20 Posts: 7,397 Member
    edited December 2011
    This. Is. Amazing.

    I don't think I have words to thank you enough for your hard work! I am floored and so very thankful to you for this! I cannot *wait* to put it to the fullest use that I can this weekend. This will make so many aspects of my life easier with store stuff and collections!

    THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    BlythelyreBlythelyre Posts: 4,357 Member
    edited December 2011
    Missing sim3pack info:

    Replicated Reflection
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    BlythelyreBlythelyre Posts: 4,357 Member
    edited December 2011
    One more thing, the pictures keep changing to random ones from the same folder. So, for example, my Kids Compilation picture shows up for all the compilations.
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    crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for the reports.

    Others have reported that. Replacing pictures does not seem to work correctly atm.

    To remove the ones you already added, delete the userdata.xml in the base path.

    For now, use the approach to copy the images to the image folder in the base path.

    Use the following subfolders

    Compilation: Images of the compilations
    Items: Images of the items
    Patterns: Images of the patterns (not used yet)
    Set: Images of the sets

    and the names provided in the linked Excel-List

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience, it's something I never really tested cause I have all my pictures.
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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,605 Member
    edited December 2011
    I'm using the subfolders and still getting the pics randomly changing to others in the same subfolder.

    Is there some reason why some of the image names are png's and some are jpg's? Are we supposed to use the specific file type for specific items, the same ones as you have in the image name list?
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    SunnyBelleSunnyBelle Posts: 1,262 Member
    edited December 2011
    I'm using the subfolders and still getting the pics randomly changing to others in the same subfolder.

    Is there some reason why some of the image names are png's and some are jpg's? Are we supposed to use the specific file type for specific items, the same ones as you have in the image name list?

    I have the same happening. I am using .jpg for the compilations and .png for items and sets. Putting them individually into the sub folders under images, which I made myself. They are still randomly changing.
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    crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited December 2011
    If you use the subfolder approach, the file needs to be named the same way as in the Excel sheet (including type) or the database can't find it. The reason that some are jpgs and others are png is that I copied mine from the EA website or extracted them from the package file where not available. The website provides jpg for sets and compilations (but not all of the time) and pngs for the items (not sure if it's always the case. The extracted files are always pngs.

    You can use another file type but then you will need to use the select image approach which isn't exactly working correctly atm.

    I'm working on getting some pics for you. MrHawk and SimsVIPAdmin have allowed me to use their ingame pics from their websites. I'm renaming and making them the right type and will then upload.

    What do you guys exactly mean by randomly changing. Does it show one pic and then suddenly another one for the same item ? Really weird. Do you have any entries in the userdata.xml file ?
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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,605 Member
    edited December 2011
    OK, if I use the install/update data to update the images, the program crashes. So I use the 'select image' option. I only started with the first item in the whole thing, the sparkles trashcan.

    If I select the first set and choose the store image for Animals Abound, it goes in the first slot. Then I choose the image for Panda + Friends and it goes in the second slot. But when I 'save all' the images change to being both the same picture (whichever one I did last). I guess it's not really random, lol.


    PS. You feeling better today, Crin?

    PPS. I changed all my downloaded package file names to be the same as they are in the catalogue - does this mean it will not scan my downloads and detect which files I own?

    PPPS. Another update - thought I would try with the next item pics too - the Asian Fusion trashcan. Everything seemed to save ok whilst I was still looking at that item, but when I closed the program and re-opened it both trashcans had the pic for the Asian Fusion one and the Asian Fusion set had the pic for the Panda + Friends set.
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    crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited December 2011
    I downloaded the hair pics from SimsVIP_Admin and some of the ones from MrHawk's The Simalogue and renamed and converted them to PNG (thank you both)

    You can download them here:

    Do as follows:

    - Unzip the rar-file to the base folder you are using
    - It should make the folders you need
    - Copy all your pics to the corresponding folders (if they have the right name)
    - Move the file userdata.xml to the desktop to get rid of the info saved in there. This approach does not seem to work correctly atm.

    There are some pictures already in it. I will try to add some more the coming days.

    @elanorbreton: The select picture approach seems to be faulty. I can't even get a pic to show this way. Hubby needs to look at it over the weekend.

    What do you mean by 'Catalogue' ? The way they are named in the game ? Unfortunatly the program can't scan those. What you could do is re-download all sims3packs from the site (I know it's a pain) from your purchase history and just have the program scan the downloads folder. If you still have the original sims3pack, you can scan those. I'm working with Msrednotdead to get the missing file names. There should be a data update tomorrow after the new premium items comes out.

    P.S. I'm really grateful for the feedback. I've postet the tutorial on the 6th on my German blog and have hardly gotten any. You guys are awesome.
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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,605 Member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks heaps. Have downloaded the images, had a quick look and lots of hair ones are showing up, didn't check them all.

    I realise now that I didn't have to use the 'update data' option, it put all the pics in automatically.

    And, yes, I did mean their in-game names. Never mind, I'm sure it won't take me long to tick the ones I own. Presumably, any of the extra info has to be filled in by hand anyway (on the bottom left-hand section), so I can do it all together.

    PS. Do you need any help with doing some pics? I could easily copy Mr Hawks Simalogue ones and re-name them and do them as png's. But I thought they were the same pics as in-store and wouldn't be able to be used?
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    crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited December 2011
    Good to know that it works.

    The update data option is meant for people that don't know how to copy stuff manually. You can just download to your desktop and have the program move the images to the correct folder. I will tell hubby that it crashes the program (which it really shouldn't)
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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,605 Member
    edited December 2011
    Lol, I typed my edit while you posted yours so you may miss it - let me know if you need some help and which ones you would like me to do.

    Oh, and maybe it crashed for me cos I'd already moved the pics into the correct folders before I clicked the option. Duh!
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    crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited December 2011
    Still shouldn't crash the program. Maybe give you a message but not crash :)

    MrHawk has some ingame pics (the older ones) so I can use those. I can't use the ones that are from the website of course.

    If you could take some ingame pics of the newer stuff you have, that would be great. I'm working on MrHawks pics right now. Shouldn't take too long to get them all and I'm sure he'll appreciate it if there's not too much downloading done from his page.
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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,605 Member
    edited December 2011
    Well, it did give a said 'S2SBrowser has stopped working' and I had the option to close the program or look for a solution. I closed it.

    Unfortunately, the only stuff I have from 2011 is a couple of individual items and the freebies. Most of my stuff is old!

    I had started to do the set pics from Mr Hawks pages (just using the W7 snipping tool - that doesn't count as downloading from his page, does it?) but if you can't use them then I guess that's no good.
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    crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited December 2011
    I'm really unsure how to do the set pics anyways. Can't use the EA ones, so ???

    He seems to have ingame pics up to Oct 2009, so even pics of the freebies and the few items you have would be good. Anything newer then Oct. 2009 will help.

    If I could give everyone the item pictures (which is around 3000), I think that would be a good start. It's 'only' about 250 sets and a handful of compilations. Those are not hard to download for everyone.

    I'll be afk for a while.
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    CharicharnCharicharn Posts: 1,612 Member
    edited December 2011

    Just wanted to say Thank you for the effort in doing such a nice program (will check it out when I get a chance :D-surgery on my eye :P and it gets tired quickly)

    Hope you are feeling better


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