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Read this! Cyclic Redundancy Check (Updated 6/4/09, 18:00 CDT)


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    MikeTheTreeMikeTheTree Posts: 3
    edited January 2010
    No problem Edremz.

    Tried to install it on my Macbook earlier, that failed and I got a crc error. I must have a bad disc :roll:.

    Instead of using the disk, I'm downloading it of EA Download Manager and, fingers crossed, it seems to be working :lol:
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    AmyElAmyEl Posts: 9
    edited January 2010
    I just used Ace Utilities to clean my registry errors. Worked 100%.
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    ZartanZartan Posts: 3
    edited January 2010
    Ok, I had the same problem as everyone here with World Adventures and tried practically everything with the exception of checking to see if the disk was scratched because it was fresh out of the case into the drive.. not even fringerprints touched the underside.. but I looked eventually anyway, and there it was.. BIG half-circle scratch accross the entire back that looked like it came from the cd flopping loosly in it's case.

    CD was actually purchased scratched.

    I can't emphasize enough to everyone, check your disc's surface.. you might be surprised.
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    SaraEJSaraEJ Posts: 11
    edited January 2010
    After 10 hours of cursing I finally tried this.. And my problem was solved in a mere of 40 minutes. Thanks to you DonJuan :)
    And to EA - this might be the last time I buy something that hasn't been out for 3 months. This was ridiculous!
    DonJuan wrote:
    Hello all, sorry to hear about your issues with CRC checks.

    For Disc based Simmers:

    Something that you could try to do would be to copy the contents of the install DVD to a folder on your hard drive and install from there.

    I just successfully installed Sims 3 from the DVD so I cannot attest to whether or not this will solve the issue.

    If interested follow these steps:

    1. First, run Windows/Microsoft Update if an internet connection is available and look for any Hardware updates that are related to your DVD drive and install them.
    1. Then create a folder called something to the effect of "Sims3Install" (without quotes) on your hard drive, (e.g. C:\Sims3Install\).
    2. After which, insert the Sims 3 DVD into your DVD-ROM drive.
    3. Close the Autorun prompt that appears and open My Computer.
    4. Navigate to your DVD Drive and select all the files/folders (you can also press the Ctrl + A keys).
    5. At this point drag and drop all the files/folders into the \Sims3Install\ folder.
    6. After the file copy process completes open the \Sims3Install\ folder and double-click the "Sims3Setup.exe" and attempt to install from the Hard Disk.

    Hopefully this will help some with the CRC issue.

    If anyone attempts this please post your results.

    Best of luck and hang in there. :mrgreen:


    As chrissyms0 had mentioned, upon searching the site for "Cyclic Redundancy Check" EA has also included these steps as a possible work around. There steps may be easier to follow then the ones posted above.



    This is typically caused by an error reading the disk. There are a number of steps that will help to prevent this error from occurring.

    * End all unnecessary background processes. This will help insure that the installation is not conflicting with programs and processes running concurrently.
    o How to end background processes
    * If that does not resolve the issue, you should continue with some basic installation troubleshooting. These steps will resolve conflicts with the actual installer, itself.
    o Installation troubleshooting steps
    * If you still experience the issue, try CD-ROM troubleshooting to verify the integrity of the disk.
    o CD-ROM troubleshooting steps

    * If none of this works, you will want to attempt a hard drive installation of the game. In this process, you copy the game files to the Desktop, so that the disk, although necessary for running the game, is not necessary for installation.

    1. Right-click the Desktop, select New, and select Folder.
    2. Insert the Install Disk into the drive.
    3. Exit any autoplay screen that may appear.
    4. Open My Computer.
    5. Right-click the CD-ROM drive containing the Install Disk and select Open.
    6. Click Edit at the top of the window.
    7. Click Select All.
    8. Click Edit again.
    9. Click Copy.
    10. Close the window.
    11. Right-click the New Folder on your desktop and select Paste. (The game files will now copy.)
    12. Once the files from the Install Disk are copied proceed to step 20. :mrgreen: (Edited by DonJuan to remove the multiple Disc steps, since there are none as someone pointed out :D )
    20. Upon completion, remove all disks from any drives.
    21. Double-click the Setup folder.
    22. Double-click on the Sims3Setup.exe icon, looks like two silver arrows and a half-cirle on a blue background. (The installation should now begin.)
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    bobickbobick Posts: 7
    edited January 2010
    okay this is really starting to bug me now.. i've been trying to reinstall my sims for the past 2 days now!
    i've tried everything people have suggested and nothing seems to be working like, i got it to install once but it just wouldnt load up, it would get as far as a pretty black screen (getting my hopes up) and then pf back to my desktop.
    i cant have a faulty disk as the game has already been installed and its not damaged either.
    i had to uninstall it 3 days ago as it totally screwed up, i lost my user interface and everything and i didnt knock it off with tab or w/e, that was the first thing i checked. so theres me thinking its all fine a simple uninstall/reinstall job will get me up and running again, i was wrong.
    this is really making me feel like an EPIC FAILURE, i feel useless and i'm rather jealous of those who tried these solutions and fixed it. WHY MEEEEEE lol (feeling sorry for my self)
    i think i may actually cry if i dont get it fixed soon.

    EDIT: tried installing again and hit retry everytime the error message came up and its installed fully, now just have to update and see if it actually loads...
    update, got the same error message again hitting retry, but its not working =( ARGHHHH

    okay i give up </3
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    Tiinaa_95Tiinaa_95 Posts: 2
    edited February 2010
    Hi Im having the same problem. Ive installed the game before installed fine, played it for weeks. Got a bit bored of it and unistalled it. Now trying to re-install it again comes up with errors one about sunsetvalley ( C:/.../Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Caches/Sunset Valley.objectCache )
    and a billfrog error. Please need some help :cry: really want to play the game and get the other expantions. x

    Okay i tried copyin the disk file onto my documents, a error comes up sayin sunsetvalley file cant be read? what does it mean? x
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    TrixorTrixor Posts: 118 New Member
    edited February 2010
    Meh, i've had some CRC issues too when i tried to install WA.

    However, i figured out it was actually my Blu-Ray DVD player acting like an ***.
    I swapped it for a normal DVD and it worked fine.

    Might be that most of them are just hardware issues and are fixed by either reinstalling the DVD player or swapping it out for a new one.

    If it was the game itself, we would all be having issues..
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    kimabc3kimabc3 Posts: 325 Member
    edited February 2010
    If your game is installed try this go to C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Caches, then delete the files in there and try to reload the game and if you have any custom content try this, still no joy try this section many answers of load screen crashes + more stuff,

    Hope it works keeping my fingers crossed :)
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    Tiinaa_95Tiinaa_95 Posts: 2
    edited February 2010
    Hiyaa.. i had the same problem as all of you. I tried everything to copying the game e.x.

    The way i got my game working is i went into my local game store told them the problem they said they couldnt do anything exept clean it. Thats what they did and installed the game and works. Havent played it yet but has installed.

    Hope That helps :-)

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    AstroBoy67AstroBoy67 Posts: 4
    edited February 2010
    My World Adventures is really starting to vex(irritate)me!
    It says cyclic redundancy check when i cleaned my disk
    "this happened with my sims 3 base game and it worked and got past Fullbuild1."
    I've benn trying for 3 friggin hours
    This is what is says:

    Error:Data Error (Cyclic Redundancy Check"

    p.s. my computer is a laptop
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    lauralooloo13lauralooloo13 Posts: 2
    edited February 2010
    I bought sims 3 about a month or two after it came out.. I've been playing it since then. I bought world adventures for my birthday. I've been playing fine with only a little custom content. I get to the loading screen about a week ago and it just won't load. sooooo, i uninstalled against my best judgement and now when i try to reinstall i'm having problems with cycle redundancy check on the sunset valley cache and and on the full build package 0.
    I'm not that advanced technology wise and my computer meets all standards.. I'm about to give up on this and reinstall my sims 2 again. I love sims 3 but it just won't work come on EA! get with it. I'll gladly buy all your sims s***.. IF IT WORKS. i got rid of all files and custom content and am trying to make a clean install but it just takes hours and i run into the CRC. i cleared my ea download manager updated my windows vista. I obviously can't exchange at my small town walmart so.. help.
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    tresqualltresquall Posts: 3
    edited February 2010
    Tiinaa_95 wrote:
    Okay i tried copyin the disk file onto my documents, a error comes up sayin sunsetvalley file cant be read? what does it mean? x
    It means that there are some files on your disc (to be precise, your Sunset Valley package) that are corrupt. I suggest getting a refund, if you can.
    Also, I had installed TS3:WA with no problems a few weeks ago. I had to uninstall because of the infamous launcher issue on the base game (see my blog). After that, I couldn't reinstall because of the CRC. What should I do? I just bought High End Loft Stuff. Am I going to have the same problem? It's a bit early on to get angry in my case... But who knows? We may have a lawsuit on our hands :mrgreen: Totally kidding, EA.

    :!: Tres :!:
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    AstroBoy67AstroBoy67 Posts: 4
    edited February 2010
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    AstroBoy67AstroBoy67 Posts: 4
    edited February 2010

    Read Carefully

    Get a cotton swab and use a sink to wet the cotton.
    wash the TRANSPARENT part of the disk in the middle

    THEN MY SIMS 3 WORLD ADVENTURES REINSTALLED 100%! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
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    KawaiiMomoKawaiiMomo Posts: 70 New Member
    edited February 2010
    Well I decided to reinstall sims 3 and WA since I just bought the new stuff pack, and got the crc error on the wa disc, and kept retrying and following the steps EA has given and to no avail.. I then tried my external DVD drive I use for my netbook and it installed with no problem and I know my internal DVD drive is and works fine (only disc it doesn't work with was WA and I had also installed other games too with no problem and watched dvd's etc today also) so my question is, is it all just 'voodoo'? Will it just decide not to work at one time but not another? Is there something wrong with the disc? Or is there some other problem that I don't know about (mind you as I said, this was a reinstall, therefore I have already installed it before with no problem) But at least it worked with the external drive so I guess it's not a huge problem for me..
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    edited February 2010
    im haveing that two but on my base game had it installed then reinstall and crc error
    so how do i install it in2 a drive?
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    hockeychick23hockeychick23 Posts: 136
    edited February 2010
    Guys, I was having the same issues as you. I tried just about everything everyone has suggested. After about 4 hours I almost gave up. But I used one of EA's suggestions.$p_sid

    That is the suggestion I used. I right clicked on the task bar. Chose task manager then went to all the processes. I closed all the processes except explorer.exe and taskmgr.exe and of course the ones that would not close (DO NOT CLOSE System,Local Service or Network Service is that comes on). Once you close everything that needs to be closed, pop in the disk and install it. Installs like that. Should have done that first before wasting 4 hours doing things that did not work.
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    edited February 2010
    This is stupid tried everythink i even restored my laptop 2 factory settings
    had my disc cleaned 2day no hope at all it seems my drive just stops at fullbuilt1 arghhhhh im going 2 trie and just retry but im fed of that whats it gunna be like wen i finally installed lets think
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    Emilywatson88Emilywatson88 Posts: 261
    edited February 2010
    i got the game for christmas and suprise suprise, CRC error. at first i assumed it was a faulty disk so i returned it to the store, where they had no more in stock. i could only have an exchange, not a refund, so had to wait for them to get more in. just my luck that its nearly two months later!

    so i finally got my second copy, really excited, and again the same error message.

    after reading practically this whole thread i tried downloading the game from EADM - it worked!! im now happily simming.

    now im annoyed that i paid (well, my brother did, but still) for a disk, and i only have a downloaded version, when in fact i should have both.
    what happens when i get a new laptop? when this one (inevitably) dies and i lose everything on the hard drive? yes, i should back it up (and i will), but i shouldnt have to, i should have a working disk!

    I'm not returning it after iv registered it and downloaded the game, then EA will accuse me of stealing or something (as they can obviously track it due to the code on the manual with the disk matching up with my online account).

    So what do i do?! i want what i paid for
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    chloesmithchloesmith Posts: 1 New Member
    edited February 2010
    I dunno if this will help but when my Sims 3 install kept getting an error at the fullbuild1 file I tried installing it again but did the custom install instead of the automatic one.. I went through the instructions it installed completely.

    Hope this helped some people.. !xxx
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    plimmliaplimmlia Posts: 238
    edited February 2010
    Hello there is anybody interested in my new competition 'Building Spectacular'? It is a house building competition for aspiring builders. If you are interested then please click on the link in my signature and sign up there.
    Kind regards
    Head Judge of 'Building Spectacular'
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    Gemski18Gemski18 Posts: 1 New Member
    edited February 2010
    I kept getting the error when I re-installed sims after removing it some months ago, I saw a post about programs that clash
    I realised I didn't have clonedvd when I first installed, so I've removed it and just started installing.

    .... and it's worked!

    just a tip if you have that program, there are some others, I cant remember but just search for which programs clash.

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    DarkFaery89DarkFaery89 Posts: 8
    edited March 2010
    This is really annoying me. I've defragged, tried installing with no background programmes running, tried moving all my disk to the desktop, only to get the issue of my help file not being able to be read then the whole browser freezing and crashing on me shortly after this. I've had the game for 2 months and had no issues until last week when it suddenly wouldn't play past the launcher freezing. I'm getting really fed up and seems like my parents wasted their money on a Christmas present right now.
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    nita1983nita1983 Posts: 1
    edited March 2010
    i had the same problem....easy fix...well it worked for me

    when the lil screen pops up saying sunset valley crc or whatever it is, eject the disc, wait a few seconds, put the disc back in and click retry....worked a charm

    hope this helps anyone else
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    kate57268423kate57268423 Posts: 2
    edited March 2010
    Yeah, I'm defragging right now. I had to uninstall my Sim game because it wouldn't update and was light years behind in updates. ._.
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