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Read this! Cyclic Redundancy Check (Updated 6/4/09, 18:00 CDT)


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    Alexia0108Alexia0108 Posts: 19 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Hiya Simmers,
    I'm sorry that a large amount of you are experiencing problems with your games, i am one of them - since 5th June 2009, when the sims 3 came out in Great Britain. I have been battling with my PC to get it to install the game:

    "CRC error: The file C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\GameData\Shared\Packages\FullBuild1.package doesn't match the file in the setup's .cab file. The medium from which you are running the set up may be corrupted; contact your software vendor"

    This is what i'm experiencing, and to be honest, it's really irritating..however i sent it back to EA using the 90 day guarantee, as i was told that the disc could possibly be faulty, feeling hopeful of this, i sent it back to EA, and i recieved it back a couple days ago, i was sooo pleased, that they'd sent it back in the matter of the week, and were also polite about it. However, tried to install it, and it only did "1 BLOCK!!!" i was so upset it gave me the error message of "Cyclic Redundancy Check" and that was it, then i told my mum who took me to her friends house, whose quite good with PCs, it had about 6/7 blocks left and then it said:

    "CRC error: The file C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\GameData\Shared\Packages\FullBuild1.package doesn't match the file in the setup's .cab file. The medium from which you are running the set up may be corrupted; contact your software vendor"

    I cleaned up the system, and disk Defragmenter, and disk cleanup. And it didn't work, i just don't know that to do - i'm completely stuck, my laptop can cope very well with the game, but i'm questioning now whether or not it is my laptop as i exchanged the game with EA but it still isn't working.


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    cathybbcathybb Posts: 22 New Member
    edited August 2009
    I finally resolved my CRC error.

    First, I had to uninstall the game manually using Sim Big Guy's instructions. This was because the 1.3 patch caused the entire game to fail. I could not install or uninstall. So manual uninstall I did.

    Next came the CRC error upon installation. I have another computer with less power, so I tried installing on that one. It installed without problems. So.. it is either the DVD drive itself or the DVD.

    As simple as this sounds, I went and bought a DVD or CD cleaner. I cleaned the DVD using the instructions that included not to go around in circles but to rub with the cleaner and special cloth against the groves from inner to outer. I had to clean both sides.

    I was then able to install Sims 3 again. Why could I install on one computer before cleaning it?.. no idea. Dell wanted to sell me a new drive and I decided that I would just wait until Christmas if I had to and buy a new computer. I probably will still do that but from what some Techie friends tell me, a CRC error is either your DVD drive or a DVD problem.

    I notice that this subject is not being addressed by the EA tech support. Most of this thread is user helping user.
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    AlpineGalAlpineGal Posts: 7 New Member
    edited August 2009
    I also went through the same thing as reported here with the CRC error. After spending 12 hours trying to install and then trying a repleacment disc, then read the tips here and trying, found nothing worked. I bought a new DVD drive and had no problems since. Expensive game this turned out to be!
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    calinahcalinah Posts: 54 New Member
    edited August 2009
    I too have the problem upon re-installing. My disc gets to packages and says "FullBuild2: Data error" cyclic redundancy. So now, I can't even copy @ paste a new folder to my desktop! This whole thing is rediculous! What in the world was WRONG with that first patch? There must be thousands of us out here with the SAME problem. EA you need to go back and go thru that patch with a fine toothcomb and find out what was in it that has caused so much problem. :cry:
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    AlpineGalAlpineGal Posts: 7 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Just want to add in case EA thinks I have a "loser" PC.

    I own every single Sims 2 expansion and stuff pack and also the Life stories games- all 3 of them and no problem.

    Why would I think my DVD player not compatible with Sims 3 when all these other games work- oh yes and Spore and Cute and Creepy work fine with my DVD too.

    Just not the Sims 3- an explanation why this is so would be nice?
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    DarthDookuDarthDooku Posts: 10 New Member
    edited August 2009
    What if you had your harddrive replaced. Is this some kind of security so you dont have multiple installations of the same game.
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    GrosieJosie12GrosieJosie12 Posts: 80 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Man this error sucks! I have tried installing twice. I am getting the sunset valley cache error, so maybe I thought it was because it clashed with my previous installment that I saved in an external when my laptop crashed. Now that I have cleaned the slate it still wont work. **** game cd's :evil: Oh by the way, Autumn, where did you get the hairstyle from? I want that!
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    spongmonkeyspongmonkey Posts: 1 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Here is my tale of woe.

    bought the game on release day, popped it into my PC and it installed and worked first time, smug was I!

    PC was: E8400 Core 2 Duo CPU, 4GB RAM, 7950GT graphics card, Windows XP SP3, 200 SATA hard disk

    cut to today, I bought a new graphics card (GTX260) which requires Vista to run in DX10 mode. I reinstall my PC with Vista Business SP2 (same spec as above SAME DVD drive that worked previously), install all my usual software (same as I had on XP), FarCry from DVD and L4D. Now I try to install Sims3 and get this CRC error on sunset valley.objectcache

    Here's what I tried to resolve it:

    1. clean the disc
    1a. remove Roxio and all traces of it
    2. try in another machine
    3. try in a 3rd machine (all machines so far have CRC error)
    3a. look for firmware update for my DVD (even though i'm sure the disc is faulty)
    4. try mounting DVD in an XP virtual machine (same error)
    5. chkdsk /r on my C: to check for bad sectors
    6. copy entire DVD to C: (fails on the same file)
    7. try step 6 on all 3 machines used so far (same error).
    8. try to ring EA Techs and find out they're not open on weekends
    9. contemplate having a little cry (I'm a 28 year old MAN!)
    10. get angry and walk the dog
    11. take DVD to the kitchen and clean liberally with some Jack Daniels rubbing with a very soft cloth and blotting dry with kitchen roll
    12. put disc back into original PC and it bloody works! (I told my wife whisky fixes everything!)
    13. taking an image of the working disc with iso recorder for the future (

    I hope this tale is of some help to others on the forum, EA just seem incapable of making decent discs. When I had SIMS 2 EVERY SINGLE DISC cracked at the centre and was unusable.

    Please EA let's have some better QC with regards to the discs your produce!? We love your games otherwise we wouldn't spend so long trying to make them work, but please throw us a frickin bone?
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    AuroraBorealiseAuroraBorealise Posts: 4 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Okay, well I was getting pretty upset with my game, as it wouldn't install. So I started reading around. I didn't bother doing anything anyone said as I had recently read a post saying to clean the disk. So I did. And it worked. I had the C:/.../Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Caches/Sunset Valley.objectCache error message. Try cleaning your disc before you try anything else. It worked for me. :D
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    astrosoupastrosoup Posts: 1 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Post removed
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    BeckeeeBeckeee Posts: 1 New Member
    edited August 2009
    This is absolutely rubbish, i've done everything EA have told me to. They told me my computer isnt meeting the minimum requirements... erm yes it is thank you, its brand new. And it is loads better than my laptop but it still won't run. I just don't know what to do, i'm completely stuck and nobody seems to be doing anything about it other than 'troubleshooting tips' that i have already tried before. Something needs to be done :/.
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    uscfanaticuscfanatic Posts: 54 New Member
    edited September 2009
    I had the same issue..

    Then I saw everyone going "then I put the disk in my DVD-ROM" and I was like, wow, I've been using my CD-ROM. So I put it in the DVD-ROM and so far its like 90% isntalled with 0 errors.. It even passed fFullbuild1.package. :lol:

    It just passed fullbuild2.package and now is uploading files like a madman, - Horray!
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    Kailah_marieKailah_marie Posts: 1 New Member
    edited September 2009
    okay so, im running my defragment so, hopefully this will work but yeah it always has an error at the full build one thing so idk

    it still stopped at full build 1
    !!!! its driving me insane i mean seriously.
    ohehmgee i cleaned it and it worked
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    tingler80tingler80 Posts: 1 New Member
    edited September 2009

    I dug and dug and found this - it worked for me

    Reinstall the installation InstallShield software.

    1.Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
    2.Select Run.
    3.Type C:\Program Files\Common Files into the text box and click OK.
    4.Right-click the InstallShield folder, and select Rename.
    5.Change the name to InstallShieldOld.
    6.Start the game installation again to reinstall the InstallShield components with the newest version.

    FLAWLESS, Speedy install.
    Again, this is what worked for ME - I hope it helps some others...

    After having my suddenly corrupt hard drive replaced in my laptop which played the game perfectly fine before, I was suddenly having this CRC problem.

    Well, I want to let you know this has (so far :wink: ) worked for me! Don't forget to try EVERYTHING before giving up on your game. :)
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    LoganEvilmeLoganEvilme Posts: 1
    edited October 2009
    I was getting the same error message as everyone else. I first thought it was the disk and returned it to the store. After that didnt work I ran check disk and bought a new external harddrive. I installed on the new hard drive with the new disk to have the same problem. This should have ruled out the disk being the problem and the harddrive being the problem. I then copied all the files to the new harddrive as suggested and suprise suprise no luck with that either. I then went to the EA download manager and downloaded the whole game. At this point I have not played the game but it did install without errors. So it may have been my DVDrom that was the problem. As i wrote before thoughtI havent played the game yet, so I will see.
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    xXCeriXxxXCeriXx Posts: 1 New Member
    edited October 2009
    The only method that worked for me was using my mums really old laptop to rip 3 files to an external hard drive (FullBuild0, FullBuild1 and FullBuild3 - these are the files which seem to cause the probs) If you dont know where these are located...Click explore the disk in my computer, double click the 'GameData' folder, then 'Shared' then 'Packages'

    If they copy successfully, you then copy the disk manually to your own laptop (as described by a few people previously) The only difference is you copy the contents of the 'packages' file from the external hard drive.

    One this is completed you take the CD out, double click 'sims3setup' and the game will then install from the computers hard disk.

    If you dont have access to a host computer and an external hard drive im at a loss im afraid :(

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    bethh_xbethh_x Posts: 16 New Member
    edited October 2009
    I've just given up with this game tbh. I'm playing sims 2 until christmas when I get a macbook and it should install onto there. The only thing I think there is left for me to do is to buy a new DVD drive, but I sure as hell am not doing that.
    But good luck to people who are still trying, hopefully it'll work eventually :)
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    AstridCarverAstridCarver Posts: 1
    edited October 2009
    I didn't use a disc. I downloaded the game directly from EA and I STILL get the .cab error. So it's not a dirty disc, because there is no disc.

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    KwyetRayneKwyetRayne Posts: 2 New Member
    edited October 2009
    bethh_x wrote:
    Okay so I downloaded EADM and logged in but when i put in my product code it says "the product code submitted is already used" - well obviously i used it when i tried to install the **** game from the disc.
    What do I do? :(

    Did you ever find out how to fix it? I got the same message. I have a feeling that I need to unregister completely from EA (if I can) and then re-register cuz then my code will not be in their system anymore.
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    BeckyB99BeckyB99 Posts: 1
    edited November 2009
    I have had a few problems loading Sims 3, and have managed to overcome them. Here's how it worked for me:

    1. Tried to load from the DVD. Got the CRC Error at the Sunsetvalley.object stage.
    2. Copied the DVD to the HD. Same error.
    3. Downloaded the game from the EA Store. Same error.
    (by now, I was thinking the problem was not one with the DVD - because the problem arose when installing the downloaded version as well).
    4. Renamed the C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield folder as InstallShieldOld.
    5. Sims 3 then installed from the DVD - in part. It didn't stall at the Sunsetvalley.object stage, but did stall at the Fullbuild2.object stage - same CRC error message as before.
    (Now I've decided that InstallShield was the original problem, but can't the source of this new problem).
    6. Removed the DVD and cleaned it with paper towel dipped in vodka.
    7. Tried to install again - it worked!
    8. Run Sims 3. I've got v 1.00 from the disc, and immediately I'm prompted to get a patch.
    9. Download the patch. InstallShield runs to install it, but then I get an error that the version of the game I have can't be established, so the upgrade stalls.
    10. Hunted around and found a .rar patch checker. Ran that and found that one of my downloaded files from the disk had not copied properly.
    11. Went back to the disk and copied the relevant file over to the relevant directory on the HD.
    12. Downloaded the patch again. It installed and took me to v 1.46. It seems to work now.

    Moral: there were at least two problems. First a conflict with InstallShield on my PC, and second a flakey DVD. The DVD had to be cleaned, and even then there seemed to be a copying error which wasn't apparent until the patch to v 1.46 was applied.

    HTH someone.
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    _sunshine_07_sunshine_07 Posts: 38 New Member
    edited November 2009
    Frustrated!!! :cry:

    I bought the Sims 3 on the 5th June and playing the game has been brilliant.
    I am obsessed with the Sims :)...

    However, The Sims 3 expansion pack is coming out this friday and I am excited to play even more familys but I am not sure whether to buy it with my birthday money.

    As simmers will know expansion packs are considerably dearer :roll: than the sims 2, especially for a 16 year old who doesn't earn yet.

    I have bought many things from the store with my free £6 credit but can not download as an error pops up and the software update fails after 99%.

    Any advice about buying the expansion pack? , help about the glitches :roll: (errors and updates!)?

    HELP!!! will be very much appreciated :)

    Hannah x
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    xAznBrucexAznBruce Posts: 2 New Member
    edited November 2009
    Well, like the week after Sims 3 came out was the time I successfully installed Sims 3 onto my computer, I had to use EADM for it, but for my brother it easily worked... I recently tried to install it again except I keep on trying and around 1/4's of the installation bar and it keeps on repeating that there's an error with E:/Cache/Sunset Valley.configCache (I don't fully remember it) the last time I tried installing it again was yesterday night, I kept on clicking Retry and when it got to almost the end, I didn't budge no more. With EADM I logged onto the EA Account I registered my Sims 3 code (I bought mine at Target) onto it and it said that it was already verified. What can I do now?
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    xAznBrucexAznBruce Posts: 2 New Member
    edited November 2009
    tingler80 wrote:

    I dug and dug and found this - it worked for me

    Reinstall the installation InstallShield software.

    1.Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
    2.Select Run.
    3.Type C:\Program Files\Common Files into the text box and click OK.
    4.Right-click the InstallShield folder, and select Rename.
    5.Change the name to InstallShieldOld.
    6.Start the game installation again to reinstall the InstallShield components with the newest version.

    FLAWLESS, Speedy install.
    Again, this is what worked for ME - I hope it helps some others...

    After having my suddenly corrupt hard drive replaced in my laptop which played the game perfectly fine before, I was suddenly having this CRC problem.

    Well, I want to let you know this has (so far :wink: ) worked for me! Don't forget to try EVERYTHING before giving up on your game. :)

    Going to try it out, I hope it works(:
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    LisamouseLisamouse Posts: 4
    edited November 2009
    I've had this game since the day it came out. I managed to install it on both my old and new laptops without a problem. The old laptop plays the game a lot slower (maybe system requirements aren't quite up to scratch) and the new one was running great. Then the new laptop died 1 month after I got it (still haven't got it working again properly btw).

    My sister and I have been trying to install it on her laptop, which definitely has the system requirements and my newer laptop. The redundancy check error has happened 80 odd times for each attempt to install. It makes progress in the installation (though I imagine it would be missing a lot of parts) and then it stops around the 70% mark. I don't think the CD is damaged (maybe a few minor scratches) and we've tried every solution on the board but no luck still. I only wish that the computers I actually could play this game on would install the game so I can play. I got all of 3 days at the very beginning and then all this s*** happened :(
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    1wder1wder Posts: 670
    edited November 2009
    Like so many other people, I've been getting the crc error (fullbuild1.package)
    I bought the game in June and it installed fine then. Recently, my game began to crash, so I uninstalled it. I also bought World Adventures. When I tried to reinstall Sims3, I'd get the crc error. I tried a lot of the methods and the safe mode one worked. However, when I tried to install WA that way, it too got the crc error. I've tried all of the methods on this forum and it still gets stuck on fullbuild1

    I guess the thing that frustrates me most is that, even though I have fullbuild1 on my computer from the original game, it won't install from WA. Any help/ideas?

    Edit: Amazingly, after about 2 hours, it finally did install :)
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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