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In-Game Pulsating Popup Packs Ad: Community Reacts


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    bandit5bandit5 Posts: 923 Member
    You would think ea would know who has brought all the packs and allow them to turn off the cart from options.
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    EsiaEsia Posts: 68 Member
    God, at least make it stop pulsating. It's an accessibility issue, some people are not able to play their game now.
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    jooxisjooxis Posts: 515 Member
    I have logged in now after a few years just to say how much I hate this and how I will not be buying anything more or probably even updating the game.
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    SimmingalSimmingal Posts: 9,122 Member
    edited February 28
    As I said in the other thread
    If the cart button has to exist
    give us option to toggle it off completely. button, pop ups, all of it.

    I know for a fact I will never be shopping while inside my game,
    I can get sales/pack info on EA App
    and I will hate to be constantly misclicking it
    when I meant to click something else.
    Eventually making me very Crumplebottom.

    it does not make me want to buy things
    it mostly just makes me want to stop playing.

    Also the pulsating needs to stop.
    Its too distracting and immersion breaking to have that jumping around in the corner of the screen while playing.

    + it just feels off to have it in live mode and manage worlds
    as it has nothing to do with playing the game
    I just don't want extra buttons there
    Post edited by Simmingal on
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    HermioneSimsHermioneSims Posts: 819 Member
    Someone mentioned that this new icon* breaks the immersion, and that's the worst part to me. When the save opens I want to forget about my real life to focus on that of whatever weird sim family I'm playing with in that moment, and an ad out of the blue really makes me fall back to reality very quickly. :/

    *(plus pop up, in my game I had a huge pop up with the ad opening automatically the moment the map loaded the first time. At least my icon has been static static thought, up to now)
    You can follow the Legacy Miller from my blog and the forum thread, *Chapter 8.26 posted on the 30th of May 2024*
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    Fatberta93Fatberta93 Posts: 2 New Member
    I am extremely offended about this. As a console player i have no option for additional content and I would like to know why do console players are held hostage of EA greed?! I am tempted to cut my losses and delete the game. The first screen already is just ads, in addition the game is already very buggy with new packs corrupting existing save files, and the gameplay is lacking in comparison with past versions. This is ridiculous - i understand this was done in past games too, but if you shoot yourself in one foot doesn’t mean you should also shoot the other one!
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    CAPTAIN_NXR7CAPTAIN_NXR7 Posts: 4,515 Member

    What's the BPM to this pulsing button, so that I can at least punch my office punching bag to the beat if nothing else. You know, to keep myself fit 'n all that?
    And no I won't hook it up to my discolights. I don't feel like partying.
    kemowery wrote: »
    Just goes to show that EA doesn't really understand who the Sims fanbase is. We're a bunch of neurodivergent shut-ins with sensory issues, and they thought, "Well, what they'll really react well to is changing their UI to include a pulsing button that intrudes on their gameplay to try to sell them on the DLC that they already decided not to buy."

    Late-stage capitalism, meet pathological demand avoidance.

    First thing that came to mind. How was this not taken into consideration? I'm not even flabbergasted anymore. Just...flabbered. Or gasted. Or whatever. I'm unable to say anything constructive at this strange moment in time.
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    doveevobdoveevob Posts: 1 New Member
    This is my final straw. Together, my husband and I have spent over $1000 on this game. We own nearly every pack and most kits. When new ones are released, it’s almost guaranteed between the two of us that one of us will buy it for me. I was already planning to buy the new stuff pack. No more. I cannot overstate how truly done I am.

    I am disgusted that a game we invested so much money into would release such an obnoxious, distracting, game immersion ruining feature. I feel quite truly robbed.

    I won’t invest a single penny more unless this feature is not only revoked, but a promise is made to the community to never implement it again. There is no excuse. Without a seamless, immersive game experience, what is the point of playing at all?
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    leighabbr0leighabbr0 Posts: 1 New Member
    This seems incredibly tacky (verging on insulting), considering we already have perfectly acceptable banner ads when loading the game. Personally, I already own such a majority of the packs that it's pulsing just to show me NOTHING. So many of us have spent HUNDREDS of dollars on this game.

    EA, we're going to buy the packs we want. Keep working with creators we love to sponsor reviews, keep working with your gurus/social media team, and focus on updates that fix broken gameplay features you already sold us. We will all still be buying, without you being overtly pushy, honestly.
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    Mstybl95Mstybl95 Posts: 5,883 Member
    I own and bought everything since sims 1. You just made it very easy to walk away and buy no more. I'm so glad you will have competition because I've been staring at that green pasture since sims 2 was still being made. I'm dropping you like the bad boyfriend you've been. This is just insulting.
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    ScrapdashScrapdash Posts: 1,237 Member
    Shocking addition, won't be updating or playing till this is gone.
    Can't think of anything more immersion breaking than a blinking icon! Bad enough in any game but in one that is supposed to be an immersive make believe world it's a deal breaker. Do they even understand how their own game works?
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    ghiasappifanieghiasappifanie Posts: 140 Member
    I get migraines and little visual disturbances like this can be triggers. I hate this.
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    fireflysmelodyfireflysmelody Posts: 11 New Member
    I've been playing The Sims for the last 24 years. I own all addons from Sims1,2, and 3. I own most from Sims 4 and despite the many bugs that EA has failed to correct for years I've stayed with the game. I'm done. I refuse to hand over a single cent to a company that is incapable of doing its one job - selling a functional game - properly and instead focuses on dishing out half-made content that keeps breaking the game more and more with each 'patch'. It's a joke. And now you force a pulsating GIVE US MORE MONEY TO RUIN YOUR GAME button that is making it impossible for thousands of people to play the game due to health? Yeah, that's not how inclusivity works.
    Fix it pulsing. Fix every single reported bug. You want to claim inclusivity, be inclusive. You want our money? Make a game that deserves it.
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    GordyGordy Posts: 3,052 Member
    I don't think we should compromsie and accept a non-pulsating button. The button should be an option, or removed entirely. If we give these companies an inch, they'll keep on trying to take more and more. They'll try to normalize it. It's like putting a lobster in water and slowly turning up the heat, little by little
    The Sims 4 hasn't introduced a new musical instrument since 2017
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    flauschtrudflauschtrud Posts: 246 Member
    I just did some testing (for bug reports, sigh...) and today the button did not pulse anymore (yesterday it did very obnoxiously). I'm wondering if they disabled something on the serverside to stop it after the community outrage. But maybe it's just another glitch and it will be back tomorrow...
    I make gameplay mods! You can find them at CurseForge.
    My first attempt at creating a Sims comic: The Parker-Goth Legacy.
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    RySBIRySBI Posts: 333 Member
    Who decided this was a good idea? Being pressured constantly like this lowers the quality of the product and makes me not want to play at all. In fact I was planning to buy cottage living but I won’t now if they don’t add an option to remove this annoyance.
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    GlacierSnowGlacierSnow Posts: 2,397 Member
    I really dislike aggressive and invasive marketing like this. I have been playing the game for many years. I am perfectly aware of what packs exist and what is in them. If I have not bought a pack yet, there is a reason. Either I do not want it, or I am waiting for bugs to be fixed, or I am waiting for mods to turn off some feature I don't want, or I can't afford it at the moment. It is never because I don't know it exists. And I suspect the same is true for anyone else who plays this game. Marketing in-game is utterly pointless.

    I also cannot handle having flashing or pulsating things in my field of view. They distract and irritate me to the point where I am unable to concentrate on what I am doing. I already could barely tolerate the flashing calendar icon. Two icons doing this is too much. Since I only play offline, luckily I have not updated yet. And I will not be updating until this button at least does not flash or pulsate, because it doing that will make me unable to play the game.

    That means I can't buy any new packs either (and I actually was planning to, but now I can't). So the marketing tactic has had the opposite effect on me as the one desired.
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    Endless_DaysEndless_Days Posts: 54 Member
    Either EA removes the shopping cart icon or I never buy another one of their products again. The lack of disrespect shown here is truly next level.
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    FreddyFox1234FreddyFox1234 Posts: 568 Member
    There’s so much anger from the sims community, and especially concern over health issues preventing people from even playing the game at all now, that I feel sure the pulsating aspect will have to be well toned down or removed altogether.

    Sadly I’m not convinced the shopping trolley will go. It’s an improvement if it can stay unobtrusive and doesn’t flash, but I really don’t like having this in-game advert (which is what that button functions as) in live mode. It has no place there.
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    rhaliusrhalius Posts: 478 Member
    I'm not playing the game until they remove that garbage, I give it till the end of the year before I uninstall the game if it's not gone by then.

    EA just don't get it, they never will. They refuse to understand it.
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    CaffeinatedsquirrelCaffeinatedsquirrel Posts: 2 New Member
    I can't update my game. I have visual issues, and it would make it unplayable :(
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    babajaynebabajayne Posts: 1,866 Member
    edited February 28
    I was totally going to buy the new stuff pack tomorrow but not anymore! I won’t even update my game because of this thing.
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    EA_CadeEA_Cade Posts: 7,433 EA Community Manager
    Hey all,

    Just wanted to let you all know that I'm here, and I'm sharing all of this with the relevant teams on our side. I'm swamped with meetings today but I'll be passing any information I get here as I can.

    Please do remember to post in accordance with the forum guidelines. I don't want to have to remove your post full of well thought out points just because you sprinkled in that "EA is a stinky meany face" as well.

    I know you're a passionate bunch and this is a topic you feel strongly about, but please help me help you.
    Found a Bug? Let us know here. Having a technical issue with your game? Reach out to us here. 9alz5vu73pb0.png
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    kemowerykemowery Posts: 372 Member
    RySBI wrote: »
    Who decided this was a good idea?

    Probably someone who thinks they'll get a bonus if they can wring an extra dime or two out of the customer base.

    I suspect there's only a limited window in which most of the sales of a DLC pack occur. Once it's been a few months, or several years, unless someone is coming to the game brand new they've probably had plenty of opportunities to buy the various DLC packs and they probably have their reasons not to. I know there's quite a few packs that, had I known how little I'd use them in the future, I wouldn't have bothered to buy them even on sale. And there's multiple kits that I looked at and said, "I will never, ever use these."

    There is a way to make older packs more attractive, and that's pack refreshes. Add functionality, extra items, and cross-pack compatibility. For instance, Journey to Batuu isn't terribly well-regarded, but what if outside of Batuu your astromech droid kept all its functionality and you could use it to help with the exploration in Jungle Adventure or with hacking or break-ins? What if in the acting career you could star in some Star Wars movies, complete with droids, aliens, and lightsabers? What if you could--without modding the game--use your various occult sims's powers in Batuu? Well, now that's a more interesting pack. (I'm choosing JTB as the example because due to licensing constraints probably none of these things could be implemented.)

    But doing that would require a lot of programming, and people who didn't buy JTB might not change their mind just because it's now a better version of the thing they didn't want. What doesn't require much programming at all is adding more garbage on the UI and hoping it will get some non-zero number of people to impulse-buy old DLC.
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,716 Member
    @EA_Cade, got to be honest, I'm kinda hoping at least one of those meetings you're swamped with was called in response to this. Just a foolish hope. :)
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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