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    Th3_H0wling_Ch1ldTh3_H0wling_Ch1ld Posts: 144 Member
    It really is a lot of work but helps when you find talented ppl out there that makes Tray builds related to certain characters. So my Elven family lives in a 'Elven Castle' that is basically Rivendell which i placed in Brindleton Bay and a Hobbit house which i placed in Willow Creek

    (Haven't played them as of yet but found a handy mod that basically turns their phones off permanently which will help)
    My Legacy Family & Story Family are in one Save. Much easier...
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    @GalacticGal I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully someone can find a way to save it for you and that you don't lose everything. Lucky that you made backups for all of your game folders before you got the pack and the update. At least once you're back up and running you won't have to start all over again from scratch.

    Thank you. Hubby is now talking about saving the hard drive and placing it into something with more memory and more power, such as I need. We'll see just how long that takes. I had just gotten my first Infant in game, after the long wait from October, last. I'm beside myself not being able to play. I'm clearing a few unnecessary apps from my laptop, hoping the room will allow me to play at least. The latest I had on the laptop was MWS, since it was last May, when I kept myself busy in the hotel room while my hubby was at work. We were in MA at the time. Just checked the Mods folder on the laptop and replaced MCCC and Road to fame. Was very happy to see the small mod another player created for me. Bless him. I also have to hunt down the longer Starlight Accolades mod, but it's cool. I'm just hoping I can play. It will make the wait for the resurrected gaming rig, far easier.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    Metior_Ice wrote: »
    @GalacticGal I’m sorry that happened! And like Dani said, at least you won’t need to start over from scratch. I was looking forward to more updates too!

    I was going to focus on catching up this week before trying to continue Chapter 9. I really do hope you get things working again!

    Thank you so much. I do have imjur and thankfully before the collapse occurred, I managed to edit and place my pictures there. Once I get over the sting of things, I will rally and try to recapture the main elements of the update I had in progress, already. Sometimes, it's just hard to be me. Finally got almost 100 emails cleared off yesterday, just to find 45 more (I cull what I don't wish to review before I get started) to clear off today. So very much activity from the Sims Forums, oh my.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    Oh no @GalacticGal , seems like you’ve been having a lot of problems with your game lately! Little Jamison looks adorable, by the way. I like to give my characters middle names too, although not in game. Just as something I add for fun. So that if one of the children misbehaves then their parents can yell their full name at them :D And then sometimes I use the full name when their partner is proposing. I’ve done a few weddings in my stories, but not written out any of the vows or anything like that, so if I do so in the future I can use the full names. You know, “I, Peter Robert Masterson, do take you, Caroline Elizabeth Masterson, as my lawfully wedded wife” sort of thing (and yes, I did make those middle names up on the spot hahaha).

    Yes, I have had a hard time of it, but at least I don't believe this time was due to Operator Malfunction! Phew. Hubby said some time ago I needed a new computer. Seems my replaced hard drive is now about three years old, so I guess he's right. I generally use a computer until it goes Kablooey on me. Which I fear the fig just did. :open_mouth: And, as @DaniRose2143 pointed out, I did copy my entire Sims4 folder over to a Flash Drive Saturday before the Patch dropped. Thank goodness! If I can successfully play the game on the laptop without the laptop expiring on me, as well, that is, I will have to repeat the wedding. But, with MCCC I can accelerate little Jamison into being. Yay. I'm just so very nervous about doing that. My phone is completely incapable of handling emails, let alone the Forums. Color me scared.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    _Gina_Gina Posts: 253 Member
    That sounds so awesome! :)

    You have? Could you please share a link or something? I've been trying to find a phone disabler for a while now, but all of the ones I found are sorta old and not working anymore. :(
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    Th3_H0wling_Ch1ldTh3_H0wling_Ch1ld Posts: 144 Member
    edited March 2023
    @_Gina Haven't tested to see if the mod works yet but i'll see if i can find it now....(I've got a lot of mods)

    Edit: Found it!! It's called Zero's Disable Phone for good (click on each sim and select the option to disable the phone)
    Though haven't tested it it might work but who knows

    I'm going to test it out (if my game actually works :| )
    My Legacy Family & Story Family are in one Save. Much easier...
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,151 Member
    I’m on break and I was just looking at what I have ready for the next part of Rayvn and Judith’s current story arc. I have a lot more material than I thought. I have enough to dedicate two full chapters to that alone. I’m also at that decision point that I’ve been dreading. I can now go one of two directions, stay true to the premise so far, or go for a darker storyline and bring tons of drama. Metric tons of drama. I’m only four chapters in so nothing has really become canon, except that Mimi is sooo amazingly awesome!🤩 I’m also just past the halfway point of the next Under The Tartosan Sun.

    The muse has found me and she’s wringing the words out of me.😁
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    _Gina_Gina Posts: 253 Member
    @Th3_H0wling_Ch1ld Thank you!

    @DaniRose2143 Well, if you don't want input please ignore this. In case you do...
    I root for drama. >:)
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    blaq797blaq797 Posts: 145 Member
    Well, Axys Save, it seems like a second go around with strangerville Mothra is coded.. Almost had it, like less than 8th of inch to go on the hp bar.... Nope, gotta do it again...

    Bobbi's save; decided to see what happen with science baby.... BAD idea, have have 3 newborns on top of 2 toddlers and a child... Sorry Bobbi...

    A new game, moved Axia in [the twin of Axys originally] to del soto area, then I did some reorganization of the entire game areas. Outright deleted the Roswells, moved the rest elsewhere. Likewise, in Henley, moved the thomas family elsewhere. Evergreen area, I also deleted that really annoying household that calls a sim up randomly... Copperdale has some REALLY nice lots there, one just has to move the families elsewhere, like Willow Creek, Oasis or San myshuno. A number of 30x30 lots there.. I cleaned out or left only one original household in: Glimmerbrook, Henley, Evergreen, Copperdale, Tartosa, Del Sol, Strangerville, and San Seq. then went back to DelSol and saved the game.

    All the editing was done when the game was only 5-10 seconds old really. Shouldn't be TOO much of a problem right? lol
    Sorry, Avatar is merely my favorite Sims 4 sim.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    edited January 19
    The Long Wait, a NEW Erik Cantrell Save

    The couple arrived back at their home in Henford-on-Bagley. Standing before the gate, Erik wondered why she didn't just go on through to the house. “Are you all right?” he said, placing a warm hand on her shoulder and leaning over to gaze into her face.
    “I think you should call the mid-wife. I think the pains I ignored earlier was a mistake. I wanted to see you win. Oh,” she suddenly groaned, “I hope he comes soon…”

    Erik gently lifted his wife into his arms and carried her up the steps into their house and then took the long flight of stairs on up to their bedroom. While they traveled upward, Kayleigh called Anne Rutledge, their mid-wife, who promised to be right there. From her phone, she unlocked the security gate.
    “So just how long have you had these contractions,” Anne said, as she listened for the baby's heartbeat. "Baby sounds good."

    After checking Kayleigh's dilation, she said, “I think you will benefit from sitting in the birthing pool. It should help ease the pain.” Kayleigh and Erik went upstairs to change. Erik had already setup the birth pool, before they left, and proceeded to fill it with warm water. Gingerly, Kayleigh got in, with Erik holding onto her arm.
    “Easy does it,” he said, climbing in behind her.

    “How's the water? Not too hot or too cold, I hope?”
    “It's pleasantly warm, feels good. Thank you.”

    For the longest time Erik just held her. He knew she was in intense pain, and hoped Anne was correct about this helping.

    “Have you gone to sleep? Anne thinks you should work out a bit on the birthing ball, to try to speed things up a bit,”
    “Hm, in a minute, the pain's finally starting to ease up a little,” Kayleigh mumbled.

    “You know just how much I love you,right?”

    After a few more minutes, Kayleigh got out of the pool, with Erik's assistance. She began to work out on the Birthing Ball. Her contractions grew stronger and the pain was back in abundance.
    “What can I do to help? Erik was quick to ask, troubled at the amount of pain she was having.

    “Massage my back, please?”

    “Maybe we should sway,” she told him after a couple of minutes. “Not that that doesn't feel great, but it only helps while you're working the muscles.”
    Erik held his wife close as the two gently swayed to an unheard beat. Back and forth, back and forth … keeping a steady rhythm.

    In another few minutes, Anne checked on Kayleigh's dilation. “Okay, back into the pool with you, you're very close now. Good job, you two.”
    “I just want him to come out,” Kayleigh said as she climbed back into the pool. Erik brought the bassinet over to the side of the rubber tub.

    “Okay, now turn over onto your side. Nice and easy.”

    Another position change and the baby was suddenly there.
    “Oh, my goodness, I think he's coming,” Kayleigh said, gripping the side of the pool.

    Kayleigh turned to sit upright. Anne handed the wee babe to his mother, who waited with open arms. “Erik, he's here. Oh, he's so beautiful. Look, he's your spitting image.”
    “Hello, Baby, we've been waiting to meet you.”

    “Oh, no, don't cry. You're safe, Mama's got you. There, there now.”

    Erik took a quick shower in the master bath, dried off and took the baby while Kayleigh got out of the pool. “Hey, you look pretty sleepy. It's okay if you take a nap. You and Mama worked hard. I love you so much, my little Jamison. My beautiful, beautiful boy.”
    Post edited by GalacticGal on
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,569 Member
    Great updates everyone! Some comments below:
    P.1130 Aw the wedding has begun, everyone looks great. Haha Erik getting tongue tied. Aww congratulations to Kayleigh and Erik! Woah the place they're staying for their honey moon looks amazing! Oof, the fans followed him inside, c’mon guys. Lmao this line cracked me up, “It’s like they’re crawling out of the woodwork!” 🤣 Oh no they returned sooner than expected, That’s a honeymoon no one will ever forget. Aww baby coming! Congratulations! P.1132 Congrats on the win Erik! Aw Kayleigh’s belly is big, ready to give birth soon! P.1133 Oh no sorry to hear. Jamison looks absolutely adorable! Hope it's able to be resolved. P.1134 Aww Jamison is born. That’s a neat mod! Lovely shot of Kayleigh holding him❤️
    P.1130 Jillian looks adorable sleeping in Thomas’ arms.
    P.1131 Lovely shot of Strangerville, I love that world so much. Update 3- Haha Wade looks like he’s having fun playing with his father. Lmao that he’s only one who will play with him🤣 Aw the parents had a date night, my sims need that🤣 Forgot that the new pack includes a movie theatre lot. Aww she learned to sit❤️ she’s adorable! Update 4- Dallas looks cute getting ready to take a bite from the spoon. Haha Wade had to accept that she’s snuggly sleeper. Her face after trying apple sauce😆 The shot of her meeting Captain❤️ Baby #2 on the way, exciting!
    Thank you, and you’re right! Infants are a real challenge. Warner is usually working so its just Colette taking care of Reese and Nora. She’s burned out by noon😭 At least the infants are too cute, so its worth it😆
    P.1131 Thank you, I’m sure when the time does come, everyone will make great parents and have plenty of fun. Reese and Nora are so much fun to play with. P.1133 Ooo can’t wait for the next updates! Im extremely curious to see what happens to Ravyn and Judith.
    P.1131 Mikkel looks adorable as a toddler. The shot with Jack holding him🥰
    P.1132 Aimee and Aurelio look cute.
    P.1132 Happy birthday Jason! Aww and grandpa came for a visit!
    P.1132 Oof Mortimer is not happy with the news of a baby. Least he came around when Bulan was born. Bulan looks adorable. Oo Bunga sold the bakery, understandable.
    Oh no, infant down! At least they’re safe now. Oof and moms down for the count.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,938 Member
    edited March 2023
    Thank you @BlueSeaWaves The last update is a recreation, if not an entire rewrite of the chapter stuck on my as good as dead gaming rig.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    edited March 2023
    @BlueSeaWaves Yes he does, He looks amazing as a dad. <3

    I haven't had much time to play lately but I got a few things...

    I love the changing table!

    Jillian is just so freaking cuute.

    So a little back story.. Thomas' kids are now all grown up and his oldest daughter, Rashidah has moved in with them. She is enjoying helping take care of her toddler half siblings. She wants to be a mom one day. Here she is bathing, Jack. He woke her up and she gave him a cookie then decided to give him a warm bath.
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    Brd709Brd709 Posts: 2,144 Member
    edited March 2023
    And just like that, Daisy and Jayce's infants become toddlers!




    Just before the triplet's birthday, Jayce's former housemate, Duane Talla calls him up for a fabulous living room renovation. I didn't know about their back story until i randomly decided to look up Duane after the renovation. I just assumed Jayce was a townie that the game randomly generated.

    Here is Jayce going over some colour schemes with Duane:

    This is Duane's house located at 2 Mitchell Court in the Bridgeview area of Newcrest:

    Duane gave Jayce a lot of suggestions new living room:

    Jayce sends Duane away while he gets to work on his living room.
    Here is Duane's living room before:

    Duane's living room after renovation:

    Duane was in love with his new space and thanked Jayce for doing his living room up.

    As we give Daisy and Jayce a break from parenting, we move on to a returning family in 1995 - The Bheeda's!

    Twins Harriet and Nicola who are the children of my sim self's eldest daughter Sienna arrive outside their parents home in Copperdale:

    Harriet and Nicola look on nervously before contemplating going in:
    HARRIET: So, are you ready?
    NICOLA: We've gotta go in some time!
    HARRIET: How do you think they'll react?
    NICOLA: Most likely they'll freak out, considering it was your antics that got us here.

    Looks like the Bheeda's will be back together for a little while!

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    KerriganKerrigan Posts: 1,578 Member
    edited March 2023
    What happened in my game today? Let's see...nothing scandalous, I hope...oops, actually something scandalous. Marcus and Celeste are demonstrating no chill!

    Also, Jay lost their swimsuit rushing to get something to eat...

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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,151 Member
    @BlueSeaWaves Thank you❤️ I can't wait to see more from Colette, Nora, Reese, Warner, and...well everybody.🙂 I've gotten some good feedback on the last chapter of S&D and I know now which direction Rayvn and Judith's story is going to take. I don't want to give away too much, but it is much more like what I normally write than the last chapter.😉
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    zucchinionpizzazucchinionpizza Posts: 98 Member
    @mightysprite i looked up about him having 500k but there's no lore behind it so i was wondering why santa would have so much money lol
    Check out my gallery (ID : zucchinionpizza) for base game builds ♥

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @GalacticGal finished the updates on 1112 and will try to finish a few more updates today.

    I can’t believe Judith of all people was taking an interest in Erik… and Thorne Bailey… :D

    @DaniRose2143 I’m officially caught up with Schemes and Dreams. I’m absolutely loving the story so far!


    The more I see updates with Judith, the more I want to spin her into a villain, or at least a recurring antagonist of sorts. She definitely fits the role.

    She’s got that whole everybody loves me vibe and I own this town… it’s very easy to see her take that to a fault.
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    Th3_H0wling_Ch1ldTh3_H0wling_Ch1ld Posts: 144 Member
    edited March 2023
    I apologize in advance i know i was going to check the phone disabler mod but i'm kinda having a few mod issues with other mods so don't know when i'll actually fix that but once it's sorted out and i can (finally) test the mod i'll tell you :}
    My Legacy Family & Story Family are in one Save. Much easier...
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,151 Member
    @Metior_Ice I’m so happy you’re enjoying Schemes & Dreams. There will be another chapter later this week. I can’t say much about what is coming for Rayvn and Judith but it will be more like what I normally write.🙂
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @DaniRose2143 either way, they have been fun reads. I’ve seen Judith appear in multiple stories, not just you and @GalacticGal. I also followed the arc with Judith in @luciusstorm ‘s updates. She’s quite the character in every story.

    I have a feeling that Judith won’t appear in my story until much later, after my merfolk take steps to blend in more with humans.

    Right now, my merfolk would look extremely out of place among humans, but that’s by design. I’m at a point in my story where merfolk have lived away from humans, keeping their distance. Humans haven’t taken notice of their musical talents or anything.
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited March 2023
    The royal visit to San Sequoia!
    Princess Roddy Furystrykar checked his makeup. Then he went downstairs. His parents, Benjamin and Shine Furystrykar were waiting. 'Ready to go to San Sequoia, sweetie?' Shine asked. 'I'm ready, mummy!' Princess Roddy replied, cheerfully. 'Then off we go!' Benjamin said, smiling. He called air traffic control, which gave them clearance. Then Benjamin, Shine and Princess Roddy went out into the front garden. Benjamin got his broom out, and Shine and Princess Roddy's wings appeared. Then the group took to the skies!

    in no time at all, the princess and his parents had arrived in San Sequoia. Princess Roddy was amazed by the scenery! The group landed in Gilbert Gardens. Benjamin cleared his throat. 'His Royal Majesty, Princess Roddy Furystrykar, has arrived!' he said, announcing the arrival of the princess. Princess Roddy curtseyed and waved to the onlookers. Then he was given a tour of Celebration Centre, the city's recreational centre, which he enjoyed.

    The next stop was Anchorpoint Wharf. Princess Roddy got his portable table out. Then he, Benjamin and Shine had some food from the nearby stall. It was delicious! Afterwards, Shine gave her adorable firstborn a great, big, loving and warm cuddle:
    She cuddled him tighter:
    Shine gave Princess Roddy a very great, big, loving smooch on his forehead. Princess Roddy giggled. Later, the group met Bernice Robles, who isn't related to Carla Robles, the owner of Carla's Cantina in Selvadorada. Benjamin was the first to say hello:
    Afterwards, Shine said hello. Then it was the turn of Princess Roddy:
    He told Bernice a funny anecdote:
    She loved that. Bernice suddenly felt a kick. 'Looks like the little one enjoyed that story too!' she said, chuckling. 'What trimester are you on?' Shine asked. 'I'm on my second trimester, Shine. I'm starting to get a bit nervous. This is going to be my second child. The first is Aurelia Robles.' Bernice said. 'You'll be fine, lass!' Shine said. 'Thank you, Shine.' Bernice replied. 'Mrs Robles, mind if I do a quick health check?' Princess Roddy asked. 'I don't mind, Your Royal Majesty!' Bernice replied. 'Alright, let's get started.' Princess Roddy said. He used his powers to check the health of the life growing inside Bernice:
    Princess Roddy smiled. 'It's healthy!' he said. 'That's wonderful!' Bernice said, cheerfully. After chatting some more, Benjamin, Shine and Princess Roddy said goodbye. Then they went to the cinema, where the group watched a romantic film:
    They enjoyed that. Then Benjamin, Shine and Princess Roddy went back to Dianthus Hall, where the princess gave Eachann a lot of affection.
    Friendship bracelets!
    Princess Roddy had made a friendship bracelet for his sweetheart, Jessica Lacey. He headed over to Rustic Residence. Jessica Lacey smiled when she saw Princess Roddy arrive. 'Roddy!' she squealed. 'Jessica!' the princess responded excitedly. The two sweethearts caught up. Then they exchanged friendship bracelets. Princess Roddy gave Jessica a pink friendship bracelet, whilst Jessica gave him a black friendship bracelet. Princess Roddy smiled warmly and fist bumped with Jessica:
    Jessica gave the princess a loving hug:
    Then they chatted some more. Afterwards, Princess Roddy said goodbye and went back home.
    Hugs and Affection from Aunt Shelly Heart!
    Princess Roddy went into the Dianthus Hall kitchen and made another friendship bracelet:
    Later, Shelly Heart came in. She smiled and gave the princess a great, big, loving hug:
    'How was the royal visit to San Sequoia, my adorable little cutie pie?' Shelly asked. 'It went well! It's a very pretty place!' Princess Roddy replied, cheerfully. 'That's good to hear, Roddy!' Shelly said, smiling. She gave Princess Roddy a very great, big, loving smooch on his cheek:
    And another great, big, loving hug:
    The pair then chatted to each other.
    Learning to ride a bike!
    Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar headed over to Anchorpoint Wharf in San Sequoia. Sophia and Hamish wanted to learn to ride a bike, so they asked their parents to help them:
    Benjamin and Shine obliged. The pair watched as their daughter and youngest son got on their bikes:
    With encouragement, Sophia and Hamish slowly got the hang of riding around:
    Eventually, they mastered the art of riding a bike! 'Well done, our clever little ruby!' Shine said, proudly hugging Sophia:
    'Atta boy!' Benjamin said, proud of his youngest son:
    Princess Roddy was proud of his siblings for mastering bike riding. Afterwards, the group went back home to Dianthus Hall.

    Almost forgot to mention that Bernice Robles gave birth to a girl. She's called Patricia. Right now, she's an infant.
    Post edited by ChuChuExpress on
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    _Gina_Gina Posts: 253 Member
    @Th3_H0wling_Ch1ld Don't worry about it. I might check it out myself... but I feel like it might not work since it's sorta old and doesn't seem to have been updated.
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    blaq797blaq797 Posts: 145 Member
    So, game with DJ... and Lilith Compas nee Pleasant... Restarted this game, moved him to Brindel. Bay, the lighthouse island. Made sure he got hooked to Lilith this time.... Took the time to adjust Lilith a bit, removed the Klepto trait from her for creative and active instead of the other two.

    Whoever designed the Britchester version of Lilith really should've had a good look at the example of the Sims 2 version beforehand, without having seemingly made the Klepto trait a hidden Perma-trait for her...

    That said, it a is a very rare game that I dont start on baby making after numptuals. This is one of those rare games... Finishing up Lilith's degree so that she can start work night in the oracle branch while DJ does the science...

    Good screenshots from many of you. I feel more can be told with words instead of pictures myself...
    Sorry, Avatar is merely my favorite Sims 4 sim.
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,207 Member
    I still havent got my brand new mod folder fully ready. Playing with a throwaway-save, with "homeless" teen. she lives in big lot at HoB , but has not money for a house yet. So she keeps crashing into otser sims houses for food, shower and sleep (always welcome trait she managed to earn with fishing aspiration)

    Her first visit was a household in Willow Creek..

    As soon as she arrived, Summer and Travis started a fight.
    Summer won that one..
    Fail, Travis...

    He was annoying to my sim too, who was cooking salad (from her own ingredients, so shut up Travis, you not going to cook anyway)

    Summer arrived, and here we go again.. now Travis won.

    Liberty did not moved from computer before bedtime, she simply cared less.

    she was nice and planted these for them.

    Then left to school without eating, in hurry.
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina

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