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Under The Tartosan Sun


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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited November 2022
    I've been working on the next episode and this one is back to our ladies, Danielle and Londyn. I wanted to get Danielle caught up with a couple of new novels and finally get around to sending Londyn off to film another acting gig. I wasn't planning to focus on them but I noticed something in my notes about Danielle's novels recently and it gave me the inspiration for a new plot line for her. I have to collect some more random conversation shots and maybe stage a meeting with Danielle and her publisher. I have a bit to do in CAS and then shoot a few scenes and then I can start writing. I should have the next episode done this weekend.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited August 2023
    Chapter Twenty Six

    Since coming home from their honeymoon Danielle and Londyn have turned their energy back towards their careers. What energy is leftover after...their romantic interludes. Londyn secured her biggest role to date, in a big screen adaptation of The Urbz. When she arrived at the studio she had the first opportunity to properly thank Venessa for officiating her wedding.

    "Thank you so much Venessa for officiating my wedding! You did a magnificent job, albeit, a bit unorthodox." Londyn told her as she wrapped Venessa in a friendly embrace. Venessa had a little something for Londyn too.
    "You are welcome. You and Danielle are such a lovely couple and you're very lucky to have found each other." Venessa said as she clung on to Londyn so she could whisper a confession in her friends ear. "I have to come clean with you, Londyn. You know how...nervous and flustered I was.."

    Londyn stepped back and started to laugh at the memory of Venessa flubbing her lines and generally causing merry chaos. "Yeah, girl, I have never seen you like that. You are a consummate pro and always so pulled together, so what in the world happened?"
    "Well", Venessa said, drawing out the moment a bit, "you know how I love to do comedies..."

    "You didn't...," Londyn said and paused as the light bulb came on over her head.

    "Yeah I did. I thought you two would be nervous as heck, so I'd lighten the mood a bit." Venessa said. "I wasn't going to push it so far that it ruined your big day. I was watching your faces and reading your body language. I did get worried I had gone too far when you whispered to me that you had never seen like that. I trust since you two didn't tear me limb from limb afterwards you weren't upset?"

    Londyn smiled and shook her head at Venessa pulling off that gag, and she and Danielle, and frankly the guests, were none the wiser. "No 'Nessa, we weren't upset at all. We were too busy falling deeper in love with each other and trying not to explode at the sheer joy of knowing we were sealing our love forever. I can honestly say every guest we talked to afterwards thought you were absolutely charming, funny, and a perfect choice. It was so nice talking to again dear, but I have to get to makeup and wardrobe pronto."

    Londyn's trip through makeup and wardrobe was just that, totally trippy. By the time they were done with her, she was barely recognizable.
    She had seen other actors transform themselves dramatically for roles, but she wasn't sure that was for her. Londyn is at least ready to consider it after seeing what a difference a bit of hair and makeup can really do. But it is nice to go back to looking like herself when it's all over.

    Like her friend, Londyn is feeling the spirit move her to do comedies. Who knows, one day she and Venessa can do a few comedies together. Everyone says Londyn has a natural feel for the timing needed to deliver a line, or pull a face, that leaves the audience on the floor in gales of laughter.
    As a former Salty Suds Spokesmodel, Londyn's mop handling skills are finely honed.

    For all her confidence and composure, after reading the script with Danielle, Londyn knew there was one scene where she was going to struggle with her emotions. This was going to be her first on screen kiss since she had met and fallen in love with Danielle. Despite Danielle's assurances, Londyn still felt a bit uneasy.

    "I'm not jealous of the actors or actresses you may have romantic scenes with. It's just part of the job, and I know your heart. You'll see, you won't freeze when the time comes."

    "You look rattled. Are you ok?"

    "This is my first romantic scene since I met my wife and I'm feeling nervous. I feel queasy about kissing anybody as passionately as this script is calling for."

    "It's ok. I went through the same thing once. I just closed my eyes and pictured my hubby and afterwards I realized it was no big thing. If it helps, pretend I'm not me."SQSYcIh.png


    "Remember what I said. You're not kissing me. When you make your move you won't see me, your eyes will see your wife instead."

    "Thank you Yessnia! Your advice worked perfectly"

    "You've done a fantastic job throughout this entire movie Londyn. Take it from someone who's been around awhile and seen a lot of stars. You, young lady, are going to be a star too. Now get out of here and go see your wife. I know you're dying too if that kiss was anything to judge by."
    Post edited by DaniRose2143 on
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,270 Member
    Londyn's facial expressions remind me of a young Lucille Ball. I think she'd be perfect for comedies.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,138 Member
    That's a really good comparison. Lucille Ball was one the best comics period, not just the best female comic. Her stuff always cracks me up and I'm surprised I didn't catch that. I have to find a way for Londyn to do the VitaMeatavegamin routine or something like it.🤣

    For the few that don't know what I'm on about..
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,912 Member
    That had to be the best comedy segment Lucille Ball ever did.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,138 Member
    @GalacticGal Welcome back. I’m still trying to get back in the flow after my vacation.

    That one, the chocolates on the conveyor belt, and the grape stomping are all legendary moments that are still funny 70ish years later.🤣
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,912 Member
    Thank you @DaniRose2143 I was in the Boo Box for about a week. Great to be out and able to stretch. It was very lonely, but I'm okay. I recall the other comedic bits, but I still find the Vita-Vita-Vegamin the best of them all. My younger sister was the real fan.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,718 Member
    @DaniRose2143, Ah the dreaded stage kiss... Good that Londyn and Danielle are solid in their relationship.
    Total aside, it is the one thing I most dislike about the acting scenarios. The supporting romantic role seems to almost always be female. Not that I have an issue with Cassie do romantic scenes opposite women but for some reason it just feels to me like there is an assumption in the scenario that the active sim is male. Maybe it's just me...
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,912 Member
    @DaniRose2143, Ah the dreaded stage kiss... Good that Londyn and Danielle are solid in their relationship.
    Total aside, it is the one thing I most dislike about the acting scenarios. The supporting romantic role seems to almost always be female. Not that I have an issue with Cassie do romantic scenes opposite women but for some reason it just feels to me like there is an assumption in the scenario that the active sim is male. Maybe it's just me...

    For Erik, it was too often a male Sim, but that was years ago. I think they tweaked it a bit since then.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,138 Member
    @luciusstorm Their bonds of love and devotion are stronger than anything the universe can throw at them.
    I really can't say much because I've never had a male sim in the acting career. I play almost exclusively female sims, but Londyn is one of the few actresses I've had that wasn't Venessa Jeong. For whatever reason I've always seen Venessa as being lesbian so I just assumed the game was making her co-star female to match her orientation. It's very possible they defaulted to female sims in this supporting roles.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,061 Member
    @simgirl1010 @DaniRose2143 Hey, isn't that set basically the same as the I Love Lucy set? Mid-century furniture too. It HAS to be a callback...

    (and that chapter was lots of fun :) )
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited March 15
    Chapter Twenty Seven

    Londyn continues to receive rave reviews on her performance in the Urbz movie. Her star is on the rise and even more offers, bigger roles, are piling up on her agent's desk. But while Londyn's career is on the rise, Danielle's career has been experiencing some troubling times recently. Her first six novels were all bestsellers and flying off book store shelves. Critics have been heaping praise on her work, especially for someone so young in years and experience. Her most recent novels haven't been flying off the shelves. Critics are still raving about her work, but the books just aren't selling in the same gaudy numbers. Quietly, there was a storm brewing and Danielle was about to find herself right in the eye of it.

    One of the things that Danielle's fans love about her is her accessibility. She can be found online chatting with her fans at least once a week, more often twice.
    It was her fans that clued her into the fact that things weren't what they appeared to be, and that something fishy was going on. When her career launched following the runaway success of her first two novels, her publisher, SimReads, had Danielle doing all manner of public appearances to promote her books. But now she wasn't getting sent out to book signings, tv talk show appearances, and such as often. She was also having a hard time making contact with her boss, Faith Middleton. When Faith would finally answer back, it was now by email or text, where before she would pick up the phone and call or SimFace with Danielle. During her chats with her fans, Danielle was being asked more and more how and where readers could find her books. Everywhere they went her books were noticeably absent almost overnight. Danielle began to digging for answers, and what she found was painting a troubling picture.

    The downturn in sales, and the scarcity of her books, started after the sixth book, 'Heart And Soul'. The previous book, 'Wild At Heart' was the first one inspired by Londyn. It marked a turning point in her writing, just as Londyn had marked a turning point in her life. Every book from 'Heart And Soul' on were lesbian romances. As Danielle fell deeper in love with Londyn she became more introspective about her life up to that point and she had an epiphany. Just like Londyn, she had always been a lesbian but she had been in denial where Londyn had always embraced her truth. She had to admit that deep down that was why her relationships with men had always been so short. She always found some reason to break it off with them, but the reasons she came up with helped her avoid the truth she wasn't ready to acknowledge. Now that she was facing the truth it was natural that her writing reflected who she is.

    As her questions and concerns mounted, Danielle began trying to talk to Faith to get some answers. She kept calling and calling, but she never got closer than Faith's secretary.
    During one of her chat sessions a fan named Ashleigh, gave Danielle the most productive lead. Ashleigh had struck up a conversation with the manager of her favorite bookstore, and a large corporate chain at that. He told her that it had been nearly impossible to get more than a handful of Danielle's books lately, and only once a month or every other month at that. The last Danielle knew SimReads said they were shipping out large quantities of her books. It also struck Danielle as odd that a major retailer with loads of buying power couldn't get hold of her books easily. She was beginning to see disturbing signs of what she was afraid was at the heart of this.

    Danielle sat down and had a heart to heart with Londyn.

    "I think my novels are being held back by SimReads because they are lesbian romances, or because I'm out and proud, or both."

    "I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but for all the ground we've gained it feels like it's all being taken back from us. There have always been those who can't accept that which is different and they've come out of the shadows again. I think you need to keep the heat on SimReads and force them to talk to you. I will be right there at your side the whole way. I've dealt with this before and I will guide you through this if you need me."

    "Just knowing I have you in my corner gives me all the strength I need. They are going to talk to me and I am going to get to the bottom of this, no matter how ugly it gets."

    Danielle's persistence finally paid off, and she got an audience with Faith via SimFace. Things did not start off well and they only went downhill from there.

    "Danielle. What's so important that you felt the need to pester my secretary for a meeting? She's busy and so am I."
    "Hello to you too Faith."

    "Now that we have the niceties out the way, get to the point."

    "Oh, so you want to be rude eh. I wanted a civil conversation. Fine. Why are you sitting on my novels lately and only sending out a few copies here and there?"

    "Frankly your books have been bad recently. Nobody wants to read them so why should I waste resources."

    "What are you talking about? The critics have been raving about them. My fans, which I know you are aware, I talk to frequently have been asking why they can't find my books. Don't give me that, 'your books are bad and nobody wants to read them' nonsense Faith."

    "Your books were great when you were writing regular romance novels..."

    "Wait. What do you mean, 'regular romance novels'?

    "You no longer write 'boy meets girl, boy wins girl's heart' stories."

    "You have a problem with me being a lesbian and writing about love from that perspective?"

    "I didn't say that. I said you don't write normal romances."

    "You just did it again, Faith."

    "What do you want to hear?"
    "The truth!"

    "You want to talk me about truth? How about when you signed your book deal you didn't tell me you were going to start writing this...trash. I signed you to that deal because you wrote lovely stories where the man sweeps the girl off her feet and whisks her away."

    "Well pardon me for not having my moment of awakening beforehand. I wasn't ready to confront the truth about who I am. My lovely wife unlocked my heart and set me free. I can see how you truly feel about me written all over your face when I said 'my lovely wife'. By the way Faith, if you think the women in any of my stories are weak and were easily swept off their feet you weren't paying attention when you read my books."

    "I will take this moment to remind you that you are under contract to me and that you still owe me two more books! If you think you can insult me and get out of that contract you are sorely mistaken. I will see to it that you fulfill your contract or I will sue you for breach of same! I would suggest to you that you don't waste a lot of time or energy writing them, because I will see to it those two books never see the light of day!"

    "I've been listening to all of this! You've hurt her and trust me, people are going to hear about this. You picked the wrong woman to make mad."

    "Come here, hon. I've got you. I'm sorry you had to meet someone like Faith. I'm proud of you. You stood up for yourself and you fired back. Your strength and vulnerability only makes me love you more. The truth about her is going to get out, I will see to it."
    Post edited by DaniRose2143 on
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,061 Member

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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,138 Member
    @mightysprite Uh-oh is right.
    Londyn has spent her entire life dealing with the Faith's of the world so she knows what to do with them. Add in that Faith just reduced Danielle to a puddle of tears, that she hurt her emotionally. That will really get Londyn fired up. Faith thinks she can bully and outsmart the ladies. She couldn't be more wrong.
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,270 Member
    Maybe Danielle should write the two 'traditional' novels and then find another publisher. Boring suggestion? That's why you're the writer and I'm the reader. :D
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,138 Member
    @simgirl1010 That is one of the possible outcomes. The one thing that is sure, Danielle will have a new publisher. One that will fully support her in writing the novels she wants to write and that she believes in.
    Faith went too far with that last tirade. The anger on her face and the force behind her words scared Danielle and that was more than Londyn could take. She's going to see to it that Faith doesn't get away with being a bully. Londyn knows a thing or two about contracts too.

    @mightysprite I'm happy you've enjoyed both episodes. I need to get caught up on your story soon.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,061 Member
    Well now, if her contract didn't specify hetero stories, then legally she could write two more lesbian romances, leave them on Faith's desk and walk away.
    Or maybe that's more of a Londyn move.
    And I'm guessing Faith is the kind of person to try to intimidate people rather than resort to what's really in the contract.
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,718 Member
    Suddenly reminded of a bit from a movie...
    Will: You wouldn't happen to know off the top of your head, what her contract calls for would you?
    Stewart: She's obligated to one more book and then we get a first look at her next two.
    Maude: One more book. Good. How about an 80 page reminiscent of all the restaurants I've loved?
    Stewart: Well, whatever you say. There are no specifications in the contract.
    Maude: Perfect. I'll start eating out right now.

    Wolf (1994)

    Go get 'em Danielle!
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,138 Member
    It was Faith’s threat about what she intends to do with Danielle’s books that broke her. You can be sure Londyn’s looking over that contract. As an actress she’s had a couple of contracts and she’s learned how to understand them. She trusts her agent but not blindly that’s why she learned how they work and to decipher the language.

    There are so many ways this could play out. Just sitting here I’ve thought of a couple more. It’s been hard for me to look at those pictures again. It hurts to see them mad or upset. I know it’s goofy, right? I just hope I didn’t take things too far or not handle the subject delicately enough.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,912 Member
    @mightysprite Uh-oh is right.
    Londyn has spent her entire life dealing with the Faith's of the world so she knows what to do with them. Add in that Faith just reduced Danielle to a puddle of tears, that she hurt her emotionally. That will really get Londyn fired up. Faith thinks she can bully and outsmart the ladies. She couldn't be more wrong.

    I'm guessing the next segment will be rather explosive? I like the strength of character shone in this piece.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,138 Member
    @mightysprite Uh-oh is right.
    Londyn has spent her entire life dealing with the Faith's of the world so she knows what to do with them. Add in that Faith just reduced Danielle to a puddle of tears, that she hurt her emotionally. That will really get Londyn fired up. Faith thinks she can bully and outsmart the ladies. She couldn't be more wrong.

    I'm guessing the next segment will be rather explosive? I like the strength of character shone in this piece.

    @GalacticGal Thank you so much. I love to make my female characters strong and independent. I take that back, I love to make strong characters period. Some of my 'bad guys' are weak but they're also not main characters or ones that you want to cheer for.

    As far as the next episode being explosive, I doubt it. In all of the scenarios that I'm thinking over there's no outbursts. The ladies find a way to take the high road and still come out on top and take Faith down a couple of pegs at least. Faith is not going to be a long running character. I already have more than enough characters and storylines. She's just one of those that will pop in and right back out again just as quickly as they came. I did have her go off right away instead of the slow meltdown I had originally planned.

    Until the patch for the mean sims bugs is released I'm probably going to give you all a steady diet of Londyn and Danielle. Both of them now have the hidden moodlet for being near an unfriendly relationship when they're together. I never would have known anything was there other than those times when I cheat an emotion for a scene and then go back and remove it. They are still as lovey dovey as ever, but I want to keep an eye on things. None of the other couples have this issue, yet.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,138 Member
    @luciusstorm I'm so sorry I missed replying to you earlier.🥺
    I'm working through several ideas that may be close to that. I can also envision another scenario too. Either way, Faith made a major mistake. As a woman who has always been out and proud Londyn has dealt with others just like Faith. It broke her heart and 🤬 her off because she knew at some point Danielle was going to have her first encounter with homophobia and it clearly devastated her. Just like when it first happened to Londyn, it was overwhelming. You know it's coming but nothing prepares you for that first encounter with hate, whether its homophobia, racism, or any bias. It can be soul crushing to come face to face with another who hates you without even knowing you because of something that shouldn't matter and is beyond your control. We're born who we are and that should be good enough, no matter what we look like, who we love, what god we worship or don't.

    I went from explaining the latest episode of my story and what my characters were feeling and right into a full on rant.😊 I meant every word of it though.❤️
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,718 Member
    @DaniRose2143 <3<3<3

    This above all else, to thine own self be true.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,912 Member
    @DaniRose2143 <3<3<3

    This above all else, to thine own self be true.

    Or, as others have put it, Stay Within Yourself.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,061 Member
    We're born who we are and that should be good enough, no matter what we look like, who we love, what god we worship or don't.

    Amen sister!!!

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