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One Month One World One Year Challenge 2022


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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    April 11th: An unexpected guest

    It started out as a typical school day. Sofia and Kaori even bonded over a couple games of chess together since they both have a logic class.
    I was practicing my debate skills in the bathroom when I heard a knock at the door.
    Curious, but also cautious, I went to see who it was. As I opened the door, Eleanor Elderberry cheerfully greeted me and asked if Sofia was home. I plastered a smile on my face and invited her in, telling her Sofia was out back playing chess.
    She immediately went out back to find her and presented her with a gift. "This is for you my dear," she said handing her a package.
    "I just wanted to thank you for being so good to Rohan," she said. "He doesn't have a lot of friends and has always been a loner, so I'm glad he's found a good girl like you." Sofia stammered a thank you and invited her in to chat. Everyone went into the main room and got comfortable on the couches while I stayed back in the kitchen.
    It was almost dinner time, and I wasn't going to risk casting a delicioso spell, so I grabbed out some chicken and got to work.
    When I finished, I brought out the food and invited Eleanor to join us for dinner. She happily accepted, but I noticed Sofia shot me a look. I shrugged, what was I suppose to do? Throw her out?
    Eleanor had been eyeing the upstairs when I called everyone to dinner, but she came and sat down when I called, thanking me for inviting her.
    Fortunately only Sofia and I knew there was something suspicious about the Elderberrys, so Kaori, Carol and Gemma happily chatted with this seemingly sweet elderly lady, and were able to carry the conversation.
    Kiyoshi showed up as we were finishing and introduced himself to Eleanor as he helped himself to dinner.
    We chatted for a bit longer before Eleanor excused herself to use the bathroom, scooting up the stairs before I could point her to the one downstairs. Dang she was fast for being elderly!
    I didn't want to run after her, so I waited a minute before casually heading upstairs. I caught a quick glimpse of Eleanor pulling her head out of our room and closing the door as she heard me coming up the stairs. "Oh thank heavens!" she said placing her hand on her heart. "I got all turned around up here and couldn't find the bathroom. Could you point me in the right direction sweet heart?" I showed her the bathroom and fiddled with my presentation board until she came out.
    She stopped and admired my work and asked me how I was enjoying my classes before she excused herself, saying she should be going.
    I walked her to the front door and thanked her for stopping by, closing the door behind her with a sigh of relief.
    Sofia came over looking upset, "Do you think she knows what we're up to?" she asked quietly.
    I rubbed my temples, "I don't think so," I said. "I get the feeling she was trying to find out more about us. She was snooping around upstairs when I found her."
    Sofia pulled out the gift Eleanor had given her, a wooden horse carving, and showed it to me. "What do you make of this?" she asked. I picked up the statue and examined it, but couldn't detect any magic attached to it, which of course didn't mean there wasn't.
    "I think that Carol would love to have this in her room," I said, tucking it back in the box and placing it at the foot of the stairs. I pulled Sofia away to the table and quietly told her that even though I didn't sense any magic on it, we shouldn't discuss our plans near it. "I'll place it in Carol's room," I said. "I doubt we'll be making any plans in there, and it will be less suspicious than throwing it out."
    I also made a note to tell Kaori and Gemma to stop using any magic until we could better discern the intentions of our magical neighbors. In fact it may be time to tell them everything.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited April 2022
    April - Day 11: "Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind, be led by the dreams in your heart..."


    A familiar routine developed for Cale, until Friday rolled around. That night was the first soccer game he would actually get to play! He wasn't a starter, but he hoped he could prove to coach he should be. Although they didn't win, it was still thrilling to hear the roar of the crowd when he made a goal after coach put him in to replace an injured teammate! The coach was so impressed, he promoted Cale to first string! Tomorrow night, he would be a starter!

    Saturday night Cale arrived early on the Britechester campus for the game and found the Foxbury mascot, Larry the Lobster, standing by the arena doors inciting cheers from everyone that wore Foxbury colors. Cale wasn't wearing the team colors, yet, but somehow the mascot knew he was a team member.

    He could tell it was a girl, and her voice sounded familiar, but she wouldn't tell him her name and coquettishly insisted he guess. Cale failed at every attempt, but the mascot just laughed and agreed when he asked for a selfie with her.

    They won! Yay! Cale had been on fire that night making two goals! He watched one of his teammates chatting with someone and suddenly knew.

    It was her! She was in the Larry the Lobster mascot costume!
    (I know just how I want to celebrate our victory. Ohhh Yeahhh...)

    Cale invited her back to his dorm and, well, I'm sure you know what happened next. ;)

    Sunday Cale spent some time doing homework and other things, but most of all aging up some more babies before going to visit Fox. This is Abbie Anderson, daughter of Amiyah. She was the girl Cale was with on Spirit Day when that guy walked in his dorm room to talk to Cale's rose plant. Next to her is Jane Johnson, her Mom is Jazmin, the girl watching Cale beat up Sam at Larry's Lagoon. Jazmin has CC green eyes, so I'm guessing that's why Jane ended up with random blue eyes.

    There are many more babies to be aged up, but I need to download some more houses first before Cale can do that. All Cale's Baby Mamas with their children will be grouped together and live in houses. At least until I run out of space to place them. Not sure what I'll do then. I might need to figure out something else.

    Early evening, Cale finally made it to Fox's house. They shared a handshake at first, but then immediately pulled each other in for a warm hug as evidenced by the daily post pic.

    "Hey man, good to see you! Haven't seen you around much."
    "Yeah, sorry about that. Things get crazy during the school year for me. You said you need to talk to me? Everything okay?"
    "With school, yes, but there's something else that's puzzling me."
    "Okay, well let's go inside and you can tell me about it. I hope I can help."
    "Cool, okay, yeah, me too."

    "First of all, did you hear we won last night? It was SO cool! What a rush!"
    "Of course I did, I was there."
    "You were? Dang, wish I'd known. I would've looked for you after."
    "No worries, I had to go soon after. My fiancé wasn't feeling very well."
    "Oh sorry to hear that. I hope she's okay."
    "She's fine, it was just a headache from all the loud cheers. So, what's puzzling you?"

    "I think I'm starting to remember stuff."
    "You are!?"
    (Oh no!)

    "I had a really strange dream a couple nights ago. It was really fuzzy and everything was green, but..."

    "I recognized someone in it."
    (Dang it! The memory pod must be malfunctioning! Not good, not good at all.)
    (Be cool, relax your face.)
    "Who was it?"

    "My Step-Dad."
    (Oh, just him. That's to be expected. Maybe everything is still working as intended.)
    (But what if he remembered others?)
    "Was there anyone else in your dream? Where did it take place?"

    "Yeah, I think I was in it, with a girl. But I'm not sure. If it was me, I was wearing goggles or a hat. It was sooo blurry though I couldn't tell, don't know who was the girl either. I don't think I've ever seen her before. Or at least I don't remember her anyway."
    "And I think I saw a fire, the one I told you about. But..."
    "But what?"
    "There was something weird about it. I didn't recognize the house. And I saw another guy. He was wearing goggles or a hat too. I guess it could've been a girl though, they had long hair."
    "It's just so frustrating! I mean, I'm glad I had the dream, but none of it makes any sense! It has to be memories of the time I lost, right?"

    "I don't know. It could be, it could not be. Dreams have a funny way of twisting everything around. Those people could've been some strangers that you glanced at on campus and just don't remember, but your subconscious does."

    "Hmm, I guess that could be why I didn't recognize them. But what if they're people I really do know? What if I am remembering stuff?"
    "I think you are remembering some things, but is it from the time you lost? It's hard to say. I hope so for your sake. But you've been through something traumatic and I think your mind is playing tricks on you with the present at the same time."

    "For instance, your Step-Dad and the fire? Maybe you saw a house while you were running and your mind used that to place your Step-Dad and the fire there, instead. Perhaps your subconscious, because of the fire, purposely made it appear somewhere else? To protect you? Or out of a wish it hadn't happened to your house? Maybe? I really don't know. I just know dreams are hardly ever real, they're fantasy mixed up with reality."

    "If you have anymore and you can recognize anyone else, come talk to me again. Maybe if you have enough of them we can figure out what happened to you, together. Okay?"
    "Okay, I really hope I'm starting to remember though. It's so frustrating not knowing. I don't even know how old I am. I'm not a teen, I know that much."
    "How do you know though, for sure?"
    "I don't, not really. It's just a hunch. Anyway, thanks for trying to help Fox, I knew you'd try. You're my best friend right now, you know that right?"
    "I know, I consider you my very good friend too Cale, you're a great guy. I'm...glad we met. You...make me like hu- manity more than I did before we met. There isn't a lot of good guys out there. But I think you're one of them."
    "Nah, I'm hot headed and I can be mean, very mean. I've done some stuff I haven't told you about...but, thanks for saying that."
    "You are? Really? I never would've guessed."
    "Believe me, it's true. You just haven't seen that side of me and I hope you never do."
    "Alright, well, can you stay awhile? Maybe play some chess or something?"
    "Sure, I'll beat you at chess, sounds like fun!"
    "Beat me? Pfft, you can try."
    "Oh, I will, just watch me!"

    "You've been staring at the board for 5 minutes now Fox, are you going to make a move or are you going to admit I've got you cornered?"
    "I'm just trying to decide which way to move so it won't hurt too much when you lose."
    "Ha! Yeah, right!"
    (He's right, he does have me cornered, but I can get out of it.)

    "Whoa! Look at that gorgeous babe that just walked by the house!"
    "Huh? Yeah? Where?"

    "She's right by that street light? See her, what a body!"
    "Man! I must be blind, I don't see any girl."

    "She must've walked away. No girl out there that I can see. Are you sure?"
    "Oh yeah, there was a girl out there. Honest! I wouldn't lie to you Cale."

    "Did you cheat Fox? There wasn't a girl out there at all, right?"

    "There really IS a girl out there. One of the most gorgeous I've ever seen. Seriously! Well, next to my girl. Maybe you can still catch her if you hurry."
    "Well...alright, I'll go see if you're lying or not. But only because I haven't gotten laid even once since I started Uni."
    "Oh Wow, that's harsh. Yeah, go get her Cale. I bet she'll be a Tiger in the sack. At least she looked like it the way she was swaying those curvy hips and she had those luscious BIG-"
    "That's enough, I'm sold! We'll finish this later. IF, you're right and I get lucky. Otherwise, if you're lying? You just might get to see my mean side Dude."
    "Whatever you say Cale, but go, go, you're wasting time, she's getting away!"
    "I'm going, I'm going."

    (Holy Simoly! Look at her, Fox wasn't lying. She's freakin' GORGEOUS!)

    A little while later Maralyn left in a daze, not even noticing Fox sitting at his laptop.

    (I sure got lucky there was a girl out there.)
    (Luck had nothing to do with it. You know they'll pick up any available female to pollinate in the vicinity.)
    (Helps too there's more in the area because of the game.)
    (She is gorgeous too, by human standards.)
    (Oh come on, by YOUR standards too. Admit it, you like the human females just as much as Cale.)
    (*sigh* I do.)

    Cale fell asleep after Maralyn left. Finished with the work he'd brought home, Fox shut down the laptop and sat on the sofa thinking about his life.
    (How did I ever get to this point? I hate you Eros.)
    (You hate your brother?)
    (Right now I do. Why do I keep doing this?)
    (Because you don't have a choice and you know it. It's the best for everyone.)
    (*sigh* But is it really? I just don't know anymore.)
    (The humans are influencing your mind.)
    (Maybe...but it doesn't matter. I can't stop or...)
    (I know.)

    Cale left very early the next Monday morning, even before Fox was awake. Back at his dorm, he worked out for a little while, and then went to take a shower. When he walked out of the bathroom, she was standing there by the elevator smiling at him. A Goddess in gold.

    It didn't take much seducing at all to lure Lilith to his bed. All he did was a flirty introduction and her romance bar was half full! Incredible! Cale didn't even use Beguile on her, it wasn't needed. Hopefully vampire baby(ies) are on the way now! I'm hoping Cale gets one baby, at least, from every occult. I think alien is probably going to be the toughest. We'll see...

    After their lovely romp, Cale left for Larry's Lagoon, had some breakfast, attended three classes and had soccer practice again that night. He has it every night, of course, except Sunday.

    Cale was promoted to the highest ranking soccer level! He's at the top, the best! Literally! He was elected MVP of the team and given a trophy for it! Congratulations Cale! Poor guy doesn't look too happy about it at the moment, but he is. He's just injured, again, from working too hard to reach this goal.
    (Why didn't you put a tub in the dorm Watcher? I could really use a soak right now.)

    I'm sorry Cale, I had no idea what being on the soccer team involved. You'll be alright, just go hit the showers and get some sleep.

    He took my advice and then went to his room to admire the MVP trophy. He really was thrilled and hoped his Mother is proud of him, and Fox too. He guessed he must know or would know by tomorrow.
    (MVP, unreal.)

    It's real Cale, you earned it fair and square. I'm proud of you, very proud of you! <3
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my April 11th post above! I'll get started on comments/replies next. Hopefully I'll have them finished before I have to go. If not, I'll post them later this morning. Hope y'all had a fabulous day/night! <3
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    ShadamiShadami Posts: 4,353 Member
    Carebear92 wrote: »
    @LegacySims2017 lol can only do so much with gardening lol had to add more stuff. Going to try play more now, my grandfather passed away this morning.

    Sending hugs your way.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Glad to see Savannah is making progress in her aspiration, Congratulations! Fishing and a bonfire on that beach is always fun for Sims. I love that island. <3

    Oh no! I am so sorry to hear about your Grandfather, you have my sympathies. :'( Sending love and light to you and your family. <3

    Dylan looks fantastic with blond hair, Wow! Hubba Hubba! And those boots! Morgan looks great too. Love the retired Sage Ethren's house! <3 Great idea using the Tarot cards to determine the number of Sims Dylan must kiss. I like how his true love might be at the very beginning (Kaori) or someone somewhere else in the circle (Morgan?).

    Funny how he calls them 'Muggles' when they don't understand about the Sages. hehe Guessing you're a Harry Potter fan. ;) I love this Ethren Sim, glad they put all of these 'retired' Sages on the Gallery.

    Thanks, glad you like how I handled his 'dreams' because of the memory pod leak. :) The toddlers are adorable! Can't wait until he has the 100 though and I'll age them up to teens to see what they really look like. :) Nope, no aliens yet, I'm hoping he'll get some though. The aliens, well Eros, is only upset about Aurora's failure.

    The Mind Control Project is targeting 'humans' not aliens so I doubt they're mad about that. However, it would be good for born aliens or hybrids to get the mind control activator too. Especially if they grow up to not believe in the cause. Which they most likely wouldn't having been born in the 'Human' world and only know of their ways.

    Thanks about Cale finishing the first term. He's almost finished with the second now. Fox is a mystery, is he good or is he bad? Or perhaps somewhere in the middle? I guess you'll have to decide from my last update what you think he is. ;)

    No worries about Dylan, he'll get there! Don't stress you're behind, you have real life to consider. The only reason it hasn't been too hard for me is because I'm retired and have a lot more time than most to play. But, even then, I myself sometimes don't have time to play for a variety of reasons, that's just life, it gets busy and challenging sometimes. *Hugs*


    No worries, sometimes we need some time off, I understand. Take care of yourself! *Hugs* <3

    I have not seen any of the challenge Sims at Uni yet, except Hunter. All the other soccer team members as far as I can tell are game generated. I purposely didn't put any challenge Sims or other Sims he knows in the dorm with Cale because it would've caused complications and most likely ended his 'memory loss' much earlier since they know him and could've filled him in on his past life.

    However, I'm hoping some of them show up at some point soon since he is starting to remember anyway through his dreams. Plus, it'll just be fun, cause some drama and I miss seeing them! Especially those he has permission to 'romance.' ;)

    Yeah, it's not hard to get our Sims A+ across the board, every Sim I've sent to Uni has done it except one. However, that guy still got an A. It is a bit of a challenge though having Cale on the soccer team. He needs to attend 3 guest lectures and the only time they happen is during soccer practice weekdays. Now that he's at the top though, I might have him skip a couple practices to do that. We'll see...

    Sweet of Paige to text and wish DJ good luck! Whoa, Velma sure gave him the third degree. I understand though, she was just worried. Your idea to make it look like Robin was whispering worked quite well, good job! Estelle is very pretty, so happy for Robin in a committed relationship! Hi Selena, nice to see her there too!

    Uh oh, doesn't look like Aaron and Hunter are too happy to see DJ. hehe Oh well, they'll warm up to him I'm sure. :) Glad you had DJ notice the scar and have Cale say something about it. I don't think anyone has mentioned it until now. :) Art History Style Influencer for Cale! That's cool, I like it. It makes sense really since he's so in love with girls. Robin's right, plenty of opportunity to romance the ladies in hot outfits (which he'll design) with that career. hehe

    So happy seeing all these challenge Sims in the dorm with DJ, this will be fun to read! Can't wait to see how DJ will do with his studies and if any romances may develop in that dorm. I'm guessing Cale will at least, but maybe DJ and Cale can be each other's wingman. hehe I have a feeling DJ will be concentrating mostly on his studies though, but of course he'll need to relax and have fun too! :)

    Hmm, yeah, he does have somewhat of a sly smirk eh? The party for my Son went well. We had fun, thanks! :)

    Ohhh, I've never heard of that brand before so I was confused, especially since it's not capitalized. My mind went straight somewhere else. o.O Thanks for the explanation. :)
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    edited April 2022
    April 12th: The Keepers of the Light

    OK, so a lot happened today.
    The morning progressed as usual, and the only thing of note is that I told Kaori about Sofia, Rohan, and our plans for the evening. I was going to wait to tell the others until we got some answers.
    That evening Morgyn joined Sofia and myself upstairs while the others watched TV down below.
    "Are you sure you still want to do this?" he asked pulling out his wand. "It does carry some risks, especially for you Adam."
    "Yes," I nodded, "I understand the risks and take full responsibility for whatever happens."
    Morgyn looked over at Sofia, "And you?" he asked.
    Sofia reached over and squeezed my hand, "I trust Adam's judgment in this."
    "So be it," Morgyn said quietly, waving his wand at us.
    There was a flash and when I opened my eyes I was looking at myself. "Hey handsome," I said cheekily.
    Sofia blushed as me, and admired the switch. "This is so weird!" she laughed. "My body looks good on you," she said and blushed even harder. "I mean you look good as me!"
    Morgyn interrupted, "I appreciate all the self love going on here, but we really should get going."
    At the library, I headed in first and Sofia and Morgyn casually followed a ways behind. I found Rohan and greeted him with a hug, hoping to prevent him from going in for a kiss.
    He seemed very excited and told me he had something very important to show me. He lead me down into the basement and into a darkened alcove full of bookshelves.
    "Sofia," he began taking my hands, remember that morning when you saw me in those robes and I said I'd explain everything later?"
    I nodded and he released my hands, "I've been given permission to bring you into our inner circle!" He snapped his fingers and was suddenly shrouded in a hooded black robe and mask.
    "You see, we're what some call spellcasters," he explained, "beings capable magical acts!"
    I feigned surprise at his revelations, gasping and stepping back a bit. To be honest, acting wasn't really my thing and I may have over played it, but Rohan was too hyped to notice. He stepped forward and grabbed my hand, bending over to place a kiss on it.
    "I know this is a lot to take in Sofia," he apologized. "But trust me when I say it is a great honor to be trusted with this secret. Very few know about us."
    "Rohan," I said trying to sound nervous, "what is this all about? I'm confused."
    He smiled, "Follow me, I'll show you."
    Going over to one of the bookshelves he whispered a spell and the shelf swung outwards, revealing a door. We walked down a darkened corridor and stopped at another door. "Whatever you see beyond this point is to be kept a secret," he said pulling on the handle.
    I genuinely gasped this time.
    In the center of the room a group of four enrobed figures sat around a familiar looking table, hands up and chanting. Rohan but a finger up to his lips to indicate we were to be quiet. "What are they doing?" I whispered.
    "They're trying to contact a spirit who is very important to our organization," he explained. "He was our founder, but he disappeared many years ago. We reach out to him every night in hopes that he'll return home."
    I was skeptical, "That's all you do?" I asked.
    Rohan shook his head, "There are other things we do too, but I don't have permission to share that with you yet."
    When the ritual was over, Rohan brought me over to the head of the organization who I immediately recognized to be Ekram. I tried to introduce myself but I was told to remain silent. Ekram's eyes bore into mine and I could tell he was searching for something.
    I began to panic a little, and tried to throw up some barriers to protect my true identity. Ekram's glare became more intense and I knew I'd blundered. "Tell me Rohan," he asked while continuing to stare me down, "who is this you've brought before us?"
    Before Rohan could respond, Ekram waved his hand and mumbled a spell and I could feel my disguise melting away.
    Rohan gasped and I reached for my wand to teleport to safety, but nothing happened.
    "Leaving so soon?" Ekram sneered. "You'll find this a difficult place to escape, it is heavily barricaded."
    He looked me up and down as his people gathered behind him. "You look familiar. What was your name again?" he demanded.
    A robbed figure who I guessed must be Eleanor leaned forward and whispered in his ear. Ekram nodded, "Adam, that's right. Our new neighbor. You were right to suspect them than my dear. Apparently they have a few secrets of their own."
    In desperation I threw a spell at Ekram, hoping to cause a distraction to cover my escape. The group scattered but Ekram countered my spell and cast it back at me.
    I dodged and tried another spell. We grappled together, finding we were fairly evenly matched. The fight got rather heated and we ended up knocking over the seance table and pulling down some curtains.
    I was tired and almost tapped out so I put all my energy into one last spell which Ekram easily parried. With a laugh he broke past my defenses and flung me to the floor where I lay panting.
    "Not bad for one so young," he said with something like admiration. "Now the question is, what to do with you. We can't have you spilling our secrets."
    I lifted my weary body up off the ground and noticed a portrait which had been covered before our fight. I blinked not believing my eyes, it was Guidry!
    "Why do you have a portrait of Guidry down here?" I asked, feeling a bit dazed. Ekram looked shocked. Well at least I think he looked shocked, it's hard to tell with the masks.
    "How do you know about Guidry?" he demanded. "Have you been spying on us!?"
    "Is he the one you're trying to contact?" I asked, ignoring his questions.
    Ekram's hands began to glow, "Answer my questions boy, or you will get another taste of my power."
    I sighed, too tired to argue. "I know him because I've met him before. I lived for a time in a house that he, well, haunted for lack of a better term."
    Ekram turned and whispered with his followers and I took this opportunity to edge myself towards the door.
    He unfortunately turned before I'd gotten too far and asked if I could prove my claim.
    I had to think about it. "Well he did give me the clothes he passes away in," I said, "but they're back at my place."
    "No," Ekram said, "I mean are you able to contact him, call him here?"
    Well if it got me out of this mess, I'd give it a try.
    I sat down at the table and closed my eyes, trying to ignore the ring of robed figures surrounding me. I put myself into a trance and reached out, searching for Guidry's unique resonance.
    At first there was nothing, but then I felt a familiar energy and excitedly followed it. "Guidry," I called in my mind, "I need your help, please respond."
    I felt the energy grow stronger and heard my name being called before a burst of light filled the room. A number a green specters filled the air, sprinkling everyone with playful sparkles, and scaring them from the room.
    When I came out of my trance only Ekram remained, eyes plastered on Guidry who was now floating near his portrait, looking up at it almost sadly.
    "This room seems almost familiar," he said sounding far away, "like a dream within a dream."
    Ekram rose from the table and approached Guidry slowly, "It is an honor to finally meet you, Master Guidry."
    He bowed and Guidry seemed to snap from his reverie, looking around until he saw me. "Adam?" he asked floating over to the table, "why have you called me here? Is there trouble?"
    Guidry joined me at the table and Ekram slipped in across from him. I explained what had happened and how the group he'd started over a century ago had been searching for him ever since his disappearance.
    Ekram's followers began to return and gathered around as we talked, listening in awed silence. Guidry explained that he had run away to be with a woman he'd fallen in love with, but it had ended in tragedy, and he'd slowly forgotten about his life before Glimmerbrook.
    Ekram said he had many questions but Guidry excused himself, stating daylight would make it more difficult to travel home, but that he'd happily return whenever they called upon him.
    After our ghostly friend left, Ekram pulled me into a hug and thanked me, which of course completely caught me off guard.
    "You are forever welcome here Adam," he said. "Thank you for bringing Guidry home to us."
    I didn't know how to respond, and was in desperate need of a nap, so I told him not to mention it, asking if I was free to leave.
    "Of course," he said growing more serious, "but I do have some hard questions for you and Sofia that I will require answers to. Go home and rest, we can talk later."
    I groggily climbed the stairs and ran into Morgyn who looked very worried. "Adam!" he cried when he saw me. "What happened down there?"
    I looked over my shoulder and told him we could discuss it later. He got the hint and walked me home, saying Sofia had headed home hours before and that he'd swing by that night for further discussion. I dropped into bed and was asleep instantly.
    Post edited by RememberJoy on
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,262 Member
    edited April 2022
    One Month, One World, One Year Challenge: The Adventures of Dash Joseph Faireborn
    Table of Contents
    April 2: Best Friends!

    Special Appearances By: Velma Pagan ( @Shadami ), Robin Keyes ( @permanentrose ), Selena Lilly ( @lilypadmeulin ), Cale Conrad ( @Karababy52 )
    Yesterday D.J. was introduced to his dormmates. It was nice to see Velma and Robin again. D.J. was also happy he was going to make some new friends throughout the four terms of college.  But he also knows he'll need to focus on his university work. He's got four classes his first term. Part of being in Communications, one of his college instructors outlined in the syllabus that each student will need to be able to debate a topic.

    However, today was Sunday. One more day before D.J.'s first college term starts. He texted Paige yesterday that he was hoping to invite her over to the dorm to check it out. D.J. texts Paige and sees if she is available. She responds that she is just working on potions and tutoring other spellcasters and that she could use a break.

    D.J. invites Paige over and introduces her to some of the other female Sims. He then gives her a quick tour of the dorm.


    D.J. brings Paige back outside after the small tour. Following behind was Cale.

    "Who's this pretty lady I haven't met yet?" Cale asks.
    "Paige, I'd like you to meet another of my roomies. This is Cale."

    Paige is put off of Cale with his flirtatious moves right away. But because he is one of D.J.'s dormmates, she acknowledges him with a simple hello.

    "D.J. is showing me around campus." Paige states with an emphasis on D.J.'s name hoping that Cale backs off of hitting on her.


    Cale catches the hint right away, but thinks that D.J. and Paige are an item because of her reaction.

    "Nice catch!" Cale whispers to D.J. before heading back into Drake Hall.

    D.J. and Paige walk around the outside grounds. In the middle is a giant statue of a Britechester academic book with a plaque in front.

    "Something like this should be at the Magic HQ!" Paige exclaims.

    The two continue to walk around the campus area. As they walk and enjoy the scenery, Paige talks about what it was like growing up adopted. D.J. would listen and show compassion. She asks about his life growing up and he would share about himself. Mostly after running away and ending up in Mt. Komorebi and meeting new people. Then moving to Windenburg and making new friends there as well.


    There was a vendor open selling quick bites for students who were out and about studying or enjoying the great outdoors of the campuses. D.J. orders food for himself and Paige.


    Afterwards, D.J and Paige find a nearby bench to sit. He looks over at her.

    "I'm glad I got to know you, Paige!" D.J. says.
    "Me too." Paige replies. "It's almost as if we're besties."
    "I wouldn't mind having you as a best friend. I mean, we've shared so much with each other."
    "And we've dueled. Speaking of which, you still owe me that rematch sometime. I still can't believe you beat me."
    "It was beginner's luck."


    D.J. escorts Paige back to the entrance of Drake Hall. They give each other a hug as D.J. thanks her for not just being a good friend, but a best friend.


    Side Notes:
    • The daily image doesn't really have anything to do with the title/caption. I just wanted to have a place to put it as I was amused with it.
    • Yes, Cale autonomously flirted with Paige. Cracked me up. The screenshot I took right away looks like she is almost disgusted. But I snapped it at the right spot in between her facial expressions as she became flattered.
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,262 Member
    April 11th Comments:

    Trying to have 8 Sims in the dorm is a challenge. I'm going to end up cheating the other 7 at the end for those who fall behind in their courses. The Sim won't go to class on their own. And some Sims have classes at the same time. My main objective is to get D.J. through college. But I really think I can just cheat the others.

    That Eleanor...being nosey. I bet Rohan didn't even know she went over there. I would definitely be suspicious of that horse.

    Congrats to Cale on all his soccer achievements. Oh, so Fox and Eros are brothers. The plot unfolds a little more. I like all these little mysteries that you make us try to figure out before you release them. Maybe put 4 toddlers and their mamas in a household and then place them "Not in a world"? Or when it comes to twins, just make sure you have a household close to 8 members and then still place them so they're not in a world...homeless pretty much. Just make sure you have a disable culling cheat so you don't lose any of them.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited April 2022
    April 7 - Elixirs & Brews Pub Night

    When Ethren had left, Morgan and Dylan freshened up and headed to the Elixirs and Brews Pub. When they got there, it wasn't very busy and they took a seat at the bar.

    Dylan: "Morgan, you can order anything you like. My treat me here."


    Morgan: "Well, I hope you're not thinking that "THIS" is the dinner that you were going to take me on. Because the most expensive item on the menu is fish and chips at $18 simoleons...and I was thinking WAY more expensive than that...!" she said laughing.

    Dylan: "Oh geez..." he said suddenly remembering that this was the day he had planned to spend with Morgan, "'s tomorrow, isn't it? And, you know, I actually had the restaurant all picked out. It's pretty fancy..." he said thinking how things had changed.

    The Bartender overheard their conversation: "The fish and chips are the best in town. Fresh caught today," he said smiling at them.


    Morgan: "Well, I am kind of hungry, so, sure, that's what I'll order."

    Dylan than ordered a round of fruity fizzy drinks for them. It was Happy Hour, so he even got a discount.

    As their order was being prepared, one of the residents came in and wandered over to the bar. Her name was Emilia Ernest and she looked rather sad. They introduced themselves.

    Emilia: "Do you ever feel that you don't fit in? Like, you thought everything would be wonderful, but it's not?"

    Dylan and Morgan looked at each other and both nodded.

    Emilia: "I figured you would understand, being teens and all. You know I really try. I do! I try so hard, but it is just never good enough. You know what I mean?"


    Dylan and Morgan just shrugged their shoulders, not sure what Emilia was talking about.

    Emilia continued, "When I got here, I really didn't know anyone. I met a sim, got engaged, and that made me happy. He's a "Charm", you know...the son of the oldest family in Glimmerbrook, and he's from a line of distinguished Spellcasters. Oh...he's a wonderful sim...don't get me wrong...but...well, it's his mother. She is so demanding! I'm just an Apprentice Spellcaster, and it's just not good enough. And we haven't even gotten married yet, and she's talking about our children. And she has even hinted that our children may not be...may not be...Spellcasters...because I....I don't have the bloodline. It's so disheartening..." she said looking down sadly.

    Dylan: "Pardon me for asking, but what is a Spellcaster...?"

    Emilia quickly looked around, " are muggles...I'm so sorry to have bothered you with my problems..."

    Dylan stood up and tried to comfort her: " have problems. I am sure everything will work out," he said and she thanked him for his kindness.


    Bartender speaking to Dylan and Morgan: "You're not from around here, are you?"


    Morgan: " visiting..."

    Bartender: "So, who are you visiting?"

    Dylan: "Ethren Reyes."

    The bartender laughed, "You're visiting Ethren Reyes and you don't know what a Spellcaster is? two just crack me up. Now, that was a good one! And said in such a deadpan tone, too. Oh you are good! The microphone is over there if you have any more routines you want to try out..." he said laughing and busied himself with another customer.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    A sim who had sat beside them at the bar, now looked at them curiously.


    L Faba: "So...YOU are the BOY who came here for help..."

    Dylan turned to her, "Do I know you?"

    L Faba: "No...but Ethren came to the Realm and told us about you. I am L Faba, the Sage of Mischief Magic. You can call me L."

    Dylan: "You're one of the Sages? Oh, Ethren told us we had to go and visit you."

    L. Faba: "Yes, he did mention that. He was still busy searching the tomes for this curse you have. You must have made quite an impression on him. It is not like him to miss out on Ghost Night at the bar..."


    Morgan and Dylan swallowed, " Ghost Night?"

    L. Faba laughed, "Oh my dears...there is a lot that you don't know about Glimmerbrook. But, please come and see me tomorrow, and we shall talk..."


    Morgan: "Can't we talk tonight?" she asked.

    L. Faba: "No, it would be best to meet in the Realm. That way, I would have all the knowledge at my disposal, should the need arise."

    L. Faba headed off leaving Morgan and Dylan at the bar.

    Dylan: "Well, at least we met one of the Sages and know how they look like," he said enthusiastically.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    And suddenly, some confetti was thrown announcing it was Ghost Night.


    And, of my gosh, look who the first ghost is who showed up at the bar! None other than Kirk Sewell, the thug who was crushed to death by the vending machine in Mt. Komorebi while fighting Dylan.


    Oh gee, and Dylan seems to have recognized him, too. Maybe Kirk won't know who Dylan is with the new disguise Dylan has on. Let's hope!


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Dylan was overcome with anger at seeing Kirk at the bar. He couldn't get away from those thugs. Could this ghost thug still report him to the mob? He wasn't sure. Maybe he and Morgan should just leave.

    Morgyn: "You have a lot of anger for one so young..."


    Dylan turned around and saw a sim sitting at a table gesturing to him.

    Dylan: "I just saw a sim and disliked...and I was just overcome with anger suddenly..."

    Morgyn: "Please sit down, Dylan. My name is Morgyn Ember. I'm the Sage of Untamed Magic."

    Dylan: "How do you know my name?"


    Morgyn: "Well, you are all they can talk about in the Realm. A muggle, who is cursed, and who has a retired Sage searching the ancient tomes for a cure. Yes, you are quite an oddity, Dylan."

    Dylan: "You're one of the Sages that I've been told to visit. I was hoping you could help me get rid of this curse."


    Morgyn: "Ah yes...the curse. I am very familiar with curses. It happens quite frequently in the Realm. And it is better to discuss that tomorrow when you visit us. With the three of us there, our knowledge in the three schools of magic, may help find a cure. But tonight, perhaps there are other questions you need answered before you arrive in the Realm..."

    Dylan: "Well I did meet L. Faba, and now yourself. I guess there is just one more Sage to meet. But what I would like to know is what is a Spellcaster?"

    Morgyn smiled: "I see that you have a curious mind. That is very good. As to your question...a Spellcaster, Dylan, is quite simply one who studies magic, by "casting" spells as well as concocting potions to cause a variety of magical effects. In the Realm, L. Faba, Simeon Silversweater and myself teach students in the areas of magic which we are most skilled in. With training and practice, a Spellcaster advances through different ranks, with the highest rank being a Virtuoso."

    Dylan: "So, you're like a teacher..."

    Morgyn: "In a way, I am a teacher; however, my role in the Realm is much greater than that. You will understand more when you visit..."

    Dylan nodded, "And how do I get to the Realm? Ethren never told us..."


    Morgyn: "Ah now that is an interesting feat..." he replied, "...The Realm is a location outside the normal dimension other worlds exist in, and within Glimmerbrook, there is a portal to this world. However, not all sims can see this portal or are allowed to enter. But do not worry, when you come to visit us tomorrow, it will be there for you to find..."

    Dylan looked at Morgyn and was speechless.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    While Dylan chatted with the Sage, Morgyn, a ghost came over and sat beside Morgan. He introduced himself as Felix Psyched.

    Felix: "Now, I understand that you are a muggle, and you are now at that age when you might be thinking of pursuing your studies at the university level. You are fortunate to have come to the Elixirs and Brews Pub tonight because it is University Recruiting Night! There are several excellent programs at the University of Britechester which I am sure you would be suitable for. Britechester, as you may not be aware, is an esteemed institute of classical education with degrees mainly in the Arts. And, being the founder, I am somewhat partial to the University of Britechester myself. However, I am also here to support any students who wish to pursue degrees at the newer, Foxbury Institute. Foxbury leans more towards the sciences, as well as other programs."


    Morgan: "I really haven't figured out what program I want to go in..."

    Felix: "Ahh...well...let's chat some more..." he said and began explaining about the programs, scholarships and housing at both campuses.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    The bar was filling up rather quickly and after speaking with Felix Psyched, Morgan met many of the town residents. She noticed that Dylan was engrossed in a conversation with L. Faba at the bar.


    Morgan even met Emilia's fiancé, Darrel Charm, and shared a toast with them.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Morgan headed back to the bar and a sim sitting there looked up when she approached, "Sul Sul! If you don't mind my saying so, that is a rather beautiful necklace that you are wearing. May I ask who gave it to you?"


    Morgan: "It was given to me as a a fortune teller..."

    Simoeon: "Of course! You are Morgan! I should have known. My name is Simeon Silversweater, the Sage of Practical Magic."

    Morgan did an arm pump: "Oh my gosh! are Ethren's successor. Oh, I'm so happy to meet you. Ethren told me you could help Dylan."


    At that moment, Dylan sat down beside them.


    Simeon: "And here is the BOY now," he said introducing himself and then looked closely at the two of them, "I understand now what Ethren was speaking of. Dylan, you indeed have an aura of jealousy surrounding you, and have an aura of..."

    Morgan interrupted, "...of protection...I have an aura of protection...the fortune teller told me I was Dylan's know, to help be his friend. And because I'm female, she gave me this necklace so he wouldn't kiss me, and you know, then possibly hate me forever. I can't really be his protector if he hates me, right?"

    Simoen gave Morgan a knowing smile, "Yes...of aura of protection for Dylan. I didn't quite see that before, but I see it now..." he said looking directly at Morgan.

    Morgan looked down thinking, "Oh gosh! He knows! He knows I'm crushing on Dylan. Oh gosh! Please don't tell Dylan...please don't tell him."


    Morgan looked up and saw Dylan watching her, and thought, "Oh gosh! Is this the look he gets? Is he going to try and kiss me?"


    But Dylan looked over at Simeon and spoke to him, "Simeon, I am so happy to meet you. Do you you really think that you can help me with this curse?"

    Simeon looked at Morgan and then at Dylan, "I know that Ethren is dilligently searching right now, and each of us, L. Faba, Morgyn and I will also search the ancient tomes tonight. I do believe this curse is in L. Faba's field, but visit us tomorrow and we shall have an answer for you."

    Dylan and Morgan thanked Simeon, and Dylan excused himself to use the facilities.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    When Dylan returned from using the facilities, he saw Morgan dancing to some tunes near the jukebox.


    Dylan thinking: "Gosh! Was it just a few days ago that Morgan and I were in a dance competition?", he said looking at her longingly, :"I could watch her dance all night. She really has all the right moves..."


    Morgan saw Dylan return, and as most of the bar patrons had left, they decided to leave, too.

    They headed outside and talked about their night, and of what revelations they had learned.

    Morgan: "You will never believe what happened. I spoke to the ACTUAL founder of Britechester University, and he told me all about the program offerings, some scholarships that I might be eligible for, and the campus housing. He did talk about Foxbury Institute, which is a rival university, but I could tell his main interest was promoting Britechester. Imagine, talking to a ghost about uni! lol"

    Dylan: "Oh! Now that is a good one! A ghost recruiter. But wait until I tell you what Morgyn Ember told me...and how we get to the Realm..."


    They walked back to Ethren's house together, and Dylan looked up at the sky and saw all the stars. He wanted to spend a bit more time with Morgan before they headed inside.

    Dylan: "Morgan, have you ever seen such a sky filled with stars? And look at that moon! Would you like to stargaze with me?"


    They lay down on the grass, and Morgan pointed to a star in the distance, "Have you ever thought of going up there? Maybe to another universe?"

    Dylan: "I used to wish it all the time. I had a up-bringing, and I used to look up at the sky and wish I could roam among the stars and discover new worlds..."

    Morgan smiled, "Well, you'll almost get your wish. I guess we'll be discovering a new world when we go and visit the Realm tomorrow..."

    Dylan nodded and helped Morgan up. He looked at Morgan then, and in an instant something in him changed. In that same split second, Morgan saw it too, but it was already too late.


    Dylan looked at her mesmerized: "Morgan, I don't think I've told you how beautiful you look in the moonlight," he said and moved closer to her.

    Morgan stood there and was overcome with emotion at what he was telling her.

    Dylan took her hands in his and gazed at her face, and leaned in to kiss her.

    Morgan closed her eyes waiting for Dylan to kiss her. It's what she wanted, too.

    And then WHOOSH! They were thrown apart.

    Morgan seemed to snap out of it first, "Oh my gosh! It happened again. I felt it, Dylan, and if it hadn't been for this necklace...we would have...I know it...we would have kissed...I was powerless to stop it...and it was stronger this time..."


    Dylan looked away. He had felt it too. But the thoughts he was having of Morgan when he had gazed at her were not just of kissing her. No! He had wanted to do so much more than kiss her, and he had never had those feelings about her before. Oh gosh, this was embarrassing! Dang!


    Dylan: "Morgan...I'm so sorry. It just happened. One minute I was fine, and the next minute, I wanted to...oh geez..."

    Morgan: "It's alright Dylan. Don't get didn't happen...and that's a good thing, right?" she answered. Even though Morgan knew the risks with kissing Dylan, she felt rather sad that he hadn't succeeded. This curse was playing havoc with her emotions.

    Dylan: "Morgan...I...I don't want to be this sim...I don't want to do things that I have no control over..."


    Morgan looked at him, "Dylan...we're both just tired. We probably should get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow, and I'm sure they will be able to help."

    Dylan: "Yeah, you're right."

    And the night ended without further incident. Of course, Morgan wore that necklace to bed, so that might explain things.


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    The Elixirs and Brews Pub is a reno by lilsimsie. I picked this one because I loved the ambiance, and it had a piano. I thought that perhaps Dylan would play piano for Morgan, but then other things happened - like Ghost Nite! This actually worked out rather well for my storyline, as Felix Psyched, founder of Britechester, was one of the ghosts who appeared.

    Post edited by SoulGal7 on
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    So sorry to hear of your grandfather's passing. Thinking of you at this very difficult time. Hugs to you. :heart:
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    permanentrosepermanentrose Posts: 3,789 Member
    Gonna try to get back into the groove of posting tomorrow! I definitely miss everyone and this challenge! ❤️❤️
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited April 2022
    And now some comments:

    @Karababy52 -
    Thanks for the compliment on Dylan's new hair. I actually tried out around 5 different styles until I settled on this one. I might use a bit of a different style when he goes to uni, not quite sure yet. Ahh...and congrats to Cale for getting the MVP Award in soccer! Very cool! Last year when I played with Sakura, I just had her quit as it was so exhausting. And, of course, Cale knows a good way to celebrate his victory! lol And so he talks to Fox about his dreams, and Fox certainly is aware of that memory inplant. Oh gee! And then we find out that Fox is actually Eros' brother. Oh bummer! So maybe Fox is an alien/part alien, but he is there basically to monitor Cale. Although, there is something in a backstory here about Fox and why he is doing this. Remains to be seen there in a future story when that all comes out. So sorry, I got mixed up with Cale trying to have alien babies. I think I read @LegacySims2017 comments about the 100 Alien Baby Challenge, and mixed this up completely. Of course, it would make sense that the aliens would want to control humans, and does lead-in to next month with Strangerville. And Fox talks about his fiance...maybe she is made-up, or, maybe she is real. Another mystery. Ooh, and more toddlers! Love how they are all aging up. Toddler Army! lol

    @LegacySims2017 -
    Apr 1-Love DJ's new look! Nice to see all the challenge sims in Drake Hall. And great choice for DJ since he had a dragon familiar called Draco. Great choice. Ha! And Cale is a roomie...yep the ladies' man has arrived, already hitting on all the females in the dorm. lol Oh gosh! Aaron and Hunter are not in good moods. Yikes! And what's with Velma giving him the third degree...of course, we all know where DJ went off to, but I guess he isn't sharing that with anyone. And yes, a little reno is good to have a kitchen area.
    Apr 2 - And Paige visits campus and gets a tour with DJ...and who shows up to try to flirt with her...Cale, of course. lol Love how Paige is not impressed with his moves on her and is more interested in DJ. Yeah! Ahhh...and they become besties. That is so sweet. I am shipping these two together. :)

    @RememberJoy -
    Apr 11 - And look who came for a visit...Eleanor Elderberry! Of course, Adam, and especially Sofia is not happy to see her. Oh geez...and then Adam invites her for dinner. lol And poor Eleanor is probably just lost and confused in their house and was trying to find the restroom...or a computer...sims are always addicted to those! lol Well, at least Adam kept an eye on her and she left shortly afterwards. But...geez...I could just see how tense that dinner was!

    @permanentrose - Missed you, too! Glad you took a little break and now you're back. :):heart:
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,262 Member
    One Month, One World, One Year Challenge: The Adventures of Dash Joseph Faireborn
    Table of Contents
    April 3: Intro to Journalism!

    Special Appearances By: Robin Keyes & Estelle Uha ( @permanentrose ), Hunter Mulligan ( @afai1261 )
    Ever since D.J. had started writing down his adventures and then putting them into books, he became fascinated in writing. This is why he chose Communications as a major. The courses offered would help him expand on what he is already doing.

    D.J. has two classes today: Intro to Journalism and Communication Basics.

    For his Intro to Journalism class, D.J. takes on journalizing about his dormmates for his final exam. Throughout the week, he talks to each and finds out about them and what makes them tick and be the Sim who they are. D.J. would come to learn that some of his dormmates are hiding things. He can sense something different about them, but cannot put his finger on it. One in particular is Robin Keyes. When he first arrived, Robin had told him that she knew something was different about him and it wasn't his new looks. "Does she know I can do magic?" D.J thought to himself. But he also sensed something different about her as well. Something he never sensed during the yoga and meditation club meetings. "Maybe she is a spellcaster herself!" D.J. continued to think. He also had some curious notions about her partner Estelle and Aaron's boyfriend Hunter.


    Side Note:
    As this is the first time I am playing Discover University (as other packs, I bought them when they came out but never really dived into playing them -- thanks to @Karababy52 for putting this together so I dive into these packs now), I am finding out that my other household members will go to class on their own. I read that they won't unless you force them to. I am curious if this was an update from after the posted information I read. In any event, I am thrilled the Challenge Sims go to class on their own. However, I do have to make them do homework and work on their own presentations.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited April 2022
    April - Day 12: "A Blast from the Past..."


    The next day Cale had one class very early in the morning and then he was free for the rest of the day until soccer practice. He didn't have any homework to do that night either since the next day was his last day of his second term. He spent the day mostly relaxing in hopes his injured arm would heal faster, but he did romance a few ladies too.

    After practice, Cale decided to check out a gym one of his classmates told him about. It was open 24/7 and supposedly, a lot of hot babes were usually there. Cale liked the sound of that, maybe he could finally get some action.

    He walked inside and saw a pretty little thing smiling at him so he walked over to chat her up.

    "Cale! Is that really you? Wow! Look at you, you're gorgeous! Where have you been? I haven't seen you since Mom kicked you out of the house."

    (She knows me!)
    "Hi, uh, I've been around. Um, sorry I didn't call."
    "I guess I don't blame you, considering what happened."
    "Hey, I thought we were chatting sweetie."
    "Oh sorry, he's an old friend, well, more than a friend."

    "I missed you though, did you miss me?"
    "Oh yeah, of course I did! We, sure...had some fun together, right?"
    "You can say that again. You, me and Gloria. Bet you never thought you'd have sisters did you? Gawd, you look so good! Have you been working out?"
    (What!? Whoa! I had her before AND her sister? That's so hot! Yeah, I'd say we had some fun together. Ohhh Yeahhh, I'm getting lucky tonight. I just know it!)

    "Yes I have, I'm also MVP of the Foxbury Soccer team!"
    "Oh my, so that's how you got all those muscles."
    "Yeah, muscles."
    (Mmm, I want some of that myself.)

    Tsk, you already did Alicia, he's your baby Daddy!

    "You're in college now? That's fantastic!"
    "Yeah, I'll be starting my last term for a Biology degree. Hey, would you like to go somewhere more, uh, private, to...catch up?"
    (Oh, guess I'm a third wheel here. Dang, too bad.)
    "I'd love to and I know just the place. Hardly anybody goes in the basement to use the climbing machines anymore."

    "Great, lead the way!"

    "Oh man, I've wanted to do this ever since I saw you walk in the door. I missed you so much."
    "I...missed you too."
    (Did we have a thing or something? Man, I'm so glad I came here!)

    Cale took Robin in his arms and gave her a kiss to show her just how much he'd 'missed' her. She eagerly kissed him back. He thought about taking her in the closet around the corner. But, somehow he knew she was better than just a quick romp in a closet. She deserved more than that.

    "Would you like to get out of here?"

    "I could show you my dorm room if you like? It's really nice. I even have a double bed."
    "Is that so? Wow, you must be a really big wheel on campus."
    "Nah, I just got lucky."
    (Very lucky! Oh man! Thank you Fox!)
    "I'd love to, let me just grab my things and we can go. I'll meet you outside.."

    "Whoa, this is amazing Cale! You've really moved up in the world since that little homemade shack you built on the island."
    (I lived in a shack? Okay, I guess that makes sense since I didn't have any money when I ran away.)
    "Yeah, well, this was meant for some rich, spoiled kid, but he didn't want it for some reason."
    "Lucky you....and lucky me!"

    Cale and Robin spent the rest of the night into the early morning getting reacquainted with each other until the Sun began to rise and Robin had to go. Cale promised to call her this time as he gave her one more long, lingering kiss.

    (Wow, this is a really nice dorm. I'm glad I came here to check it out for Uni. I think I might like to go to Foxbury. I wonder why Mom didn't come with me to check it out too. Oh well. I'll tell her about it when I get home.)

    As soon as Robin left Cale's room, her memory of their time together was gone. She thought she'd come there to check out the dorm. Although she couldn't remember how she got there for some reason. Cale sat for a moment on the bed, shook himself and stood up to take a shower and have some breakfast before the first of three classes he had on this last day of the term.

    Cale stood practicing juggling a soccer ball before his last exam, but suddenly stopped and just stared at the ball. Although he had fun and loved playing the game, the injuries and no time for anything else just wasn't worth it. He hoped coach wasn't too upset, but he was going to quit the team. His heart just wasn't in it. He'd much rather concentrate on his studies and do something with his degree, if he got one, than be in athletics.

    After class, Cale attended a guest lecture and while he was there, his second term grades came in. A+ across the board again! Way to go Cale! I'm SO proud of you, again! Wow Buddy, you're well on your way to getting a Distinguished Degree in Biology with Honors! \o/

    Cale signed up for 4 more classes, which was all he needed now to get that degree. With any luck, he'd graduate with a perfect 4.0 GPA! Incredible. Back at his dorm, he got started right away on his homework. This term he again has three classes Tuesday/Thursday and one on Monday/Wed/Fridays. Also, one presentation, one term paper and two exams.

    He was working on homework for the last class when he heard the elevator ding with a visitor. Who could it be this late at night? Oh Wow! It was a gorgeous girl! She looked like some kind of Goth or something. He needed a break anyway, so he went over to say Hi and chat her up.
    (Maybe I'll get lucky! Gawd, I hope so. I can't believe my dry spell. I've never went this long without getting any action.)

    The aliens influence kicked in and without realizing what he was doing, Cale pulled out the golden bow and arrow to Beguile the beauty.
    "Cale! Haven't seen you in a long time. Cleaned up your act huh? Good for you getting into Uni. Wait a minute, what are you doing?"
    (She knows me!)

    (WHOA! What the? Oooo, Gawd, he's gorgeous!)

    "I have something for you beautiful. It's not as pretty as you, but I hope you like it."
    "For me? Oh, it's lovely! Where did you get that?"
    "I grew it myself, in my room."

    "Oh, it smells so good."
    (She's got fangs! That's so hot. Come on Babe, I wouldn't mind at all if you were to bite me!)

    "You're quite the sweet talker aren't you? I can see why Robin and Gloria liked you so much. I always did think you were hot. Of course I couldn't tell you that at the time. Somehow...I...I don't think it matters now."

    "It'll be our little secret. Oh, I could just kiss you!"
    (She wants me!)
    "Would you like to see my dorm room? It's quite nice."
    "I'd love to see whatever you want to show me gorgeous. Show it to me, all of it."
    (Oh Gawd, YESSSSS! I'm gettin' some tonight! She's so sexy! I've never had an older woman before. I bet she knows stuff.)

    "Mmm, very nice. But what else do you have to show me? I bet you've got a lot to show me. I think I can show you a thing or two you might like too. What do you say sexy?"
    (Ohhh Yeahhh!)

    (Wow, Robin was right, this is a very nice dorm. I think she and Gloria will like it here at Foxbury. Glad she told me to come check it out.)

    The next morning while Cale waited for his first class of his final term to begin, he did the homework he didn't have time to finish the night before.
    (Why did I only do half of this last night? Huh, must've got too tired and went to bed. Good thing I checked before class started.)
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,262 Member
    One Month, One World, One Year Challenge: The Adventures of Dash Joseph Faireborn
    Table of Contents
    April 4: How Culture Influences Society!

    D.J. has two classes today: How Culture Influences Society and Writing the Truth.

    D.J learns that the culture he lives in shapes the way everyone works and plays, and it makes a difference in how everyone views themselves and others. It affects values—what is consider right and wrong. This is how the society everyone lives in influences choices that are made. But these choices can also influence others and ultimately help shape society.

    Using what he learned from his dormmates for his Intro to Journalism class, D.J. prepares a presentation board to discuss about how the different cultures of the Sims he lives with effect everyone in the dorm.


    Side Note:
    I thought I would have fun and show off animation shots of what D.J. does for his presentation board.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my April 12th post above! Imgur was acting up big time for me tonight so I'm later than I thought I would be. I apologize for it, but comments/replies will have to wait until later this morning. Hope y'all had a wonderful day/night! <3
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    Carebear92Carebear92 Posts: 108 Member
    edited April 2022
    Feb 11
    Today was an extremely eventful day. Today Savannah decide to use her weekend off from work and school to finally climb Mt. Komorebi with Kiyoshi. Today was a success, even though Savannah forgot to purchase climbing gear before leaving the house. She Successfully climbed the mountain by chalking up her hands and pre-stretching every once in a while. Savannah thought it was great experience and she really enjoyed completing that milestone with Kiyoshi. O3FdAl4.png

    **forgot to change the aspiration so they did it twice in one weekend.. Oops!!**

    Table of Contents

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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Very nice Paige could come and meet DJ's dormmates and take look around campus. Hilarious that right away Cale hit on her. HAHA! Opps! Of course he thinks she's DJ's girl. Glad he backed off after thinking that. Paige was very emphatic about being interested in only DJ.

    Aww, so sweet they've become best friends now. When I first looked at that screenshot, I thought they were kissing. I think that might be in the cards for them though in the future. 🤞

    Good job with your pause skills to get a disgusted face on Paige from Cale's flirting. :D

    Thanks about Cale's soccer achievements! He's quit the team now though, I've been stuck on the first aspiration milestone because he could never attend a guest lecture. He'd attended one before joining the team, but still needed two more. Soccer practice and the time available to attend guest lectures happened during the same times. It's all good now though. He's on the second milestone.

    There's a cheat for no culling? I had no idea! I thought if you put households in your favorites and in houses they wouldn't be culled though? If that's not the case, I'll have to look for that mod. Thanks for telling me there's one available. I think I'll end up needing to have some baby Mamas and their kids not-in-world soon. :/

    Very cool how you're having DJ actually interview his dormmates for the journalism term paper. Is that a requirement? I've never had a Sim take Communications so I have no idea what it involves. Interesting how he senses there's more to some of them than they have revealed. I'm so glad because of the challenge, you're learning more about different packs, love reading that, makes it worth while I started this at all and others wanted to try it too. :)

    Interesting info about controlling/not controlling your dormmates. Thanks for that! It'll come in handy if I ever want to send friends or family members to Uni together in the future. :)

    The presentation board animations are fun! They can get repetitive after awhile, but I remember laughing my head off the first time I saw all of them. Glad you're enjoying them! :)

    Dylan's face when chatting with a complaining Emilia is just priceless! :D Sweet of him to comfort her. Very cool they ended up meeting all the Sages at Elixers and Brews. I figured they might since it's a spellcaster hangout. And apparently it's ghost night too. Uh oh, Kirk is one of them. Not good. o.O Oh cool, I love you have the same lore that I do about the portal not allowing just anyone to enter and visit the Realm. :)

    Morgan meets Felix Psyched. Funny how even in the afterlife he can't help but try to recruit students for his university. :D Ugh, I'll be so happy when these two can finally kiss for real and the dang necklace doesn't lip block them. <3

    Question for you. Every time someone mentions Dylan you purposely say BOY, in all caps. I'm guessing there's a reason for that. If you can't share why right now, it's cool. I'm just curious and have been for a long time about it. :)

    It's a stunning style and color for Dylan, especially against his darker skin tone. :) Yep, I found out the same thing with Cale and soccer. It was fun getting him to the top and winning the MVP trophy, but he's quit now so he can progress with the aspiration.

    Yes, Fox is Eros' brother and you're right, it wasn't a coincidence Cale was dropped in front of his house, he's monitoring Cale's progress. However, there's much more to him than appears at first glance. I'm slowly revealing what he's all about, he's a mystery that I'm enjoying taking my time developing his story. StrangerVille will be a very interesting month for Cale. I haven't worked it all out yet, but I have some ideas. ;) hehe Toddler Army, I love that! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Opps! Didn't see you'd posted while I was writing up my comments, sorry about that. Anyway, Congrats to Savannah for completing the mountain excursion with Kyoshi! Bummer she had to do it twice though. Oh well, it's done now. Good job! <3
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    Carebear92Carebear92 Posts: 108 Member
    @Karababy52 its ok. I just randomly posting at this point. Trying to get back into the game again
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    April 13th: A day on campus

    I ended up sleeping until late morning after my long night. When I got up I found a salad someone had prepared for lunch and sat down next to Sofia and Kaori who were finishing up some homework. Sofia looked a little peeved and asked what had happened the night before.
    "You disappeared and Morgyn said he couldn't sense your presence anymore!" she said. "I was so worried!"
    I apologized and gave her and Kaori the shortened version of the night's happenings, ending with Ekram's final statement about having questions for us.
    "So what now?" Sofia asked looking bewildered. "Are they friend or foe? Should I contact Rohan and apologize to him?"
    I shook my head, "I don't think we should do anything until we've had the chance to discuss this with Morgyn. He said he'd meet me tonight and I'm hoping he'll have some insight on the matter."
    Just then Gemma plonked down next to me and launched into a tirade about one of her teachers and how unfair it was to require a final paper to be ten pages long. Sofia excused herself and Kaori went back to her homework, trying to hide a smile.
    "Hey Adam," Gemma said eating the last bites of her salad, "I'd like to go check out some events being held at our campus, would you like to come? It could be fun!"
    My first instinct was to say no, but I paused and thought about it and realized it would be nice to just get out and do something normal for a change, so I agreed to accompany her.
    Our first event was an open debate being held out on the quad. As I ran out there, fireworks were going off over the stadium and I figured we'd just missed a game of some sort.
    Gemma and I both signed up for a debate and we were handed a suit to wear. Fancy.
    We stepped up to the podiums and the debate began!
    I could tell Gemma was pretty green in her debating skills, she seemed a bit unsure what to say most of the time. I wasn't too far ahead of her in this skill, but I still managed to win over the crowd and ultimately the debate as well.
    They even had a cash prize for the winner which was nice.
    Afterward Gemma congratulated me and said she really needed to practice some more before attempting something like that again.
    We headed into the commons and pulled out some homework because our next event, a special speaker, wasn't going to begin for a couple hours.
    At five o'clock we jogged over to the building the lecture was being held at and attended.
    To be honest I wasn't paying too much attention to the speaker, my mind hashing out the prior night's events instead. A couple hours later the lecture was over and we headed home.
    I was hoping to find Morgyn waiting for me there, but of course nobody had seen him. I sat everyone down and told them I wanted to catch them up to what was going on and what I'd experienced Friday night.
    After I'd finished, I answered what questions I could and asked them to keep this info to themselves for the time being. It was getting late, so we all turned in for the night.
    I wanted to wait up for Morgyn, but once midnight rolled around without a trace of him, I figured it was best to get some rest while I could. He'd probably show up in the early morning like last time.
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,262 Member
    edited April 2022
    April 12th Comments:

    Since Aaron and Hunter were already shipped together, I wanted to have Robin with someone. And I preferred it was a Sim @permanentrose created. I found Estelle in her Gallery. And she's a mermaid just like Robin. Was a perfect fit. Aaron was having one of his hot-headed moments, so I figured I'd use the time D.J. was spying on Robin and Hunter in Windenburg as a reason. Hunter wasn't really moody, just intently listening to Robin I guess. :lol: I enjoy your backstory with Cale, so I thought I'd bring it into my gameplay. We've got a bunch of multiverses going on with similar Challenge Sims keeping their backstories. Makes it more fun that way. And yeah, weekdays will be mostly about his studies. Gameplay weekends though will be his and the Drake Hall crew's fun time. Almost finished with D.J.'s first term and then the in-game weekend. Already have stuff planned I think you'll like. More Cale for sure! :joy:

    Too bad guest lectures are the same time as soccer practices for Cale. But I think he achieved what he wanted to out of it. So that's good.
    I'm shocked Robin's memory was wiped of her encounter with Cale when she left. I would understand that happening if they you know....did more. :lol: Does that mean Cale's memory was wiped as well and he doesn't know Robin stopped by for a visit? Also, he promised to call her again this time...does that mean her number is now in his phone? All these questions!! :joy:

    Yay. Finally got to see the mysterious Keepers of the Light. Funny that Guidry is the leader...well, was the leader of the group. I'm surprised Morgyn didn't think that the swap spell would work, even though he did hint it could backfire. Sometimes you can't fool an experienced spellcaster. But good to see all turned out somewhat well in the far. I wonder what Rohan thinks now since he was betrayed by Sofia's trust.

    Nice to see that Dylan met all three current Sages. And he has a retired Sage helping as well. Love that the Britechester founder's ghost is trying to recruit students. Too funny. He's very loyal to his own creation.
    Glad you like D.J.'s new look. I wanted to make him look a tad older. You'll get to see more Romancing Cale as the college life continues.
    Post edited by LegacySims2017 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    April - Day 13: "If two wrongs don't make a right, try three..."


    After the first day of classes in the final term to get his degree was over, Cale took some time to tutor five students back to back. It took until very early Saturday morning to do it with the help of a couple potions of plentiful needs, but it's done now. I'll just pretend he has the stamina to stay up that long. Finally back at the dorms, he did homework for all his classes and then got started on a presentation.

    A little bit more refining/organizing and it was excellent in his opinion. Cale will present this after classes on Monday.

    (Well, well a new dormmate. A very pretty one too. Hello gorgeous.)
    (So many girls coming in and out of this dorm, so why can't I seem to score with any of them?)
    (Let's see if this one is game for a little fun.)

    Of course she was after Cale used his alien arsenal on her.

    A little while later Cale wrote two term papers he needed and after tweaking them to outstanding, sent them off to his professors.

    Practicing debate seems to go so slow to increase the Research and Debate skill when using a mirror. He's Level 6, but needs to reach Level 7 for the aspiration.

    As evidenced by the daily post pic, the ghost in the urn in Cale's dorm room appeared, and she's angry. I'm guessing she's losing that game of Sims Scuffle. Her name is Ami. Too bad Sims can't have ghost babies, she looks as if she were very cute when she was alive.

    This isn't the first time Ami has popped out of the urn. The first time was when Cale and Robin were busy getting 'reacquainted.' It was kind of creepy really. She stood beside the bed and watched them for awhile and then decided to haunt the juice bucket on the floor next to the bed. I took screenshots, but sorry, I can't show you for...reasons. *cough*

    Cale decided to try researching using one of the archive machines at Larry's Lagoon. He reached Level 7 pretty quickly that way and then contributed some of his gardening knowledge. It freaks me out listening to our Sim's in such pain when they do this. I turned off the sound.

    I've never looked at the screen when my Sims have done this in the past, always too busy watching them for a good screenshot. I took a peek this time out of curiosity. It looks menacing with a big explosion on the screen. o.O

    It was daybreak Sunday morning by the time Cale returned back to the dorm. When he stepped off the elevator, he saw a very pretty girl dressed in black with pink hair. She was looking at him very curiously, like she knew him.

    "Cale Conrad, I haven't seen you in so long! Are you living here attending Foxbury or just visiting?"
    "I'm in the Distinguished Biology degree program and yeah, I live here. Would you like to see my dorm room?"
    "hehe Oh yeah, same Cale, always straight to the point. I love that though. Sure, I'd love to see your room. We can catch up on old times."
    "Sounds good to me."
    (She knows me!)

    The first thing Cale did when they stepped into the room was go over and pluck a rose for the girl who said her name was Gloria.
    "For you! Something beautiful for someone beautiful."
    "I never knew you were such a romantic Cale. Thank you, how sweet."
    (Gawd, look at him, age has just made him even more handsome, and he's so fit. So...big.)

    "I've missed you Gloria, you...meant a lot to me back when...we were together."
    (Gawd, I hope we were together. She's so hot!)

    "Mmm, Cale, you always were the best kisser. No one else ever kissed me the way you do. Too bad Mom walked in on us that day. We didn't get to finish what we started. You seemed to just disappear after she kicked you out of the house."
    (What!? Her Mom caught us in bed together? Dang!)

    "I'm sorry beautiful, I...couldn't call you or anything. I wanted to, so much. But you...never gave me your number and I...moved away, to, here. Yeah."
    "Aww, okay, yeah, it was my fault then I guess. You look so good Cale, thinking about that day, seeing you now, it just makes me want you all over again."
    (Oh boy, oh yeah, I want you too.)

    "There's no one here now to stop us or interrupt us."

    "Would you like to finish what we started? I have a nice, soft bed right over there. If you have the time? We had so much fun before, I bet it'll be even better between us now. You're so beautiful, so sexy, I want you too Gloria."

    "Are you kidding? Of course I want to do it again with you, even if I didn't have time, I'd make time to be with you, any time, any where, any way you want me Cale." Gloria said as Cale raised his eyebrows watching her slowly unbutton the front of her dress.
    (Finally! Gah!)

    Much later...

    (Oh, I love this dorm! It looks so modern. I think I'll fit right in around here. Where's Robin and Mom though? I thought they were meeting me here. It was their idea, sheesh!)
    (Maybe something came up?)
    (Yeah, oh well. I don't need them to help me decide anyway. It's perfect!)

    For the rest of Cale's Sunday I went on the hunt for another house for some of Cale's baby Mamas and their children so he could age them up. So far, there are five houses now of the Sims that needed a house. However, there were five babies and Mamas. One went to live with two other baby Mamas, and the other four moved into the new house I found and placed in Newcrest.

    From left to right top two, the first one is Jared Hopkins, Mom is Poppy. Second is Cooper Owen, Mom is Regina. Next row, first is Russell Weeks, Mom is Giselle. Second is Brodie Newell, Mom is Tonya.

    Lastly, we have Benny Clark, Mom is Jaime. All these baby Mamas were former dormmates.

    More babies on the way, of course. Cale's almost a third of the way done already.! Once he's finished with Uni, things will really move quickly then. ;) That's it for this update.

    I'll get started on comments/replies next. Hope y'all had a wonderful day/night! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Ohh, that was a wonderful idea finding a mermaid for Robin! Perfect, yes! :) hehe Yep, Aaron and his hot headedness makes for some great facial screenshots. Cale too, if he's not experiencing any other moodlets that override it.

    Yes! I am loving all these challenge Sims crossing over to other challengers stories and keeping their same backstory vibe! It does make it more fun. I'm looking forward to when Cale gets all his memories back from the time he lost and he can again hang out with his buddies from the club. Perhaps they'll help him whip the Mother's butt in StrangerVille. ;)

    Yay! \o/ I'm looking forward to what kind of fun they'll all get into over the weekend. More Cale eh? Excellent! Thank you so much for including him as one of DJ's dormmates. <3

    You're right, both Robin and Cale won't remember anything, not that they met at the gym, not their time together in his dorm, nothing. That's as intended by the aliens, they 'programmed' him that way and gave him the ability to wipe the memories of those he impregnates. Yes, he promised to call her, but it was an empty promise since they were too busy to actually exchange numbers. I'm going to say that Robin was too caught up in the 'after glow' to realize she never gave him her number. However, stay tuned, there's some very interesting developments coming up soon. I can't say more or it'll spoil it. I hope you understand. :)

    He did get to the top and got that trophy, so that's good. He needed those three guest lectures for the aspiration so they were more important than the soccer anyway. In the next milestone he needed to tutor 5 students. Happily there are no set hours on tutoring at least! Our Sims can do that anytime 24/7! :) Be forewarned though, it takes a very, very long time around 4-5+ hours for each tutoring session. o.O They do get paid for it though. It's based on their skill level for what they choose to tutor, 10 simoleans for each level. If money is important, choose a skill they've maxed.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    I've been meaning to post this since I changed my avatar, you've probably noticed I changed it anyway. Here's a bigger version of it anyway. You can get a better look at the background if anyone is interested. I liked the other one, but honestly, the green eyes were kind of freaking me out. hehe It was more appropriate maybe, but this one shows the love that Cale has lost. Not only for the love of his life, but for his Son as well. I can't wait for the day they can all be together again. The hopeful romantic in me just loves this one better. <3


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