Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,933 Member
    edited March 2022
    I got a few more screenshots of Sims in Barnacle Bay before getting Isabel to head for Cake Island. She's travelling at the moment. I hope she can do it in the background as I write this. If not she'll crash and I'll get back to her later today or tomorrow.

    Here are the shots I got. Mostly from the Fairy Village. There are still a few fairies left there. I might move a few more out as I think there are too many sims in the world. Although it is running better now that I've operated on all of the overfull inventories.

    I'll start with the last screenshot I got. This is Lavender Flower and a visitor. They were arguing and had big red - signs above their heads. But he didn't leave. Next thing I knew he was down at the wishing well in her basement. That was after I'd got all of her info into the spreadsheet and emptied her inventory.

    Lavender's house has no address. It's just plopped into an open area with all of the other fairy houses I made at the time. Her only address is a bit indefinite - Fairy Village. There are several houses in the fairy village and not only fairies live there now.


    I had a record in my spreadsheet for Lavender and Mike Flower in Barnacle Bay but I couldn't find them for ages. I did finally locate them when I had another fairy household active and they knew this pair and then their homes were more easily accessible to me. And they were home by then too.

    Mike Flower just arriving home. He and Lavender both live alone and they are sworn enemies.

    It seems Lavender has a lot of enemies or strong dislikes among her sim neighbours. I didn't exactly make her. She turned up one day as a gardener in Sunlit Tides when I was playing Heather Hansen's household. Heather is one of Eric's aunts.

    One of my favourite fairy families in Nate and Penelope with their daughters Gloria and Stephanie. I discovered they have a baby son, Iian too. The baby was not in my spreadsheet so I wonder if I organised for him to arrive of if the game did. Penelope wants to raise 5 children from baby to teen.

    Here are Nate and Penelope with their daughters Gloria and toddler Stepanie.

    Next I moved on to Will and Tina Flower's place. Tina is one of my early fairies and is in my Studio on the Exchange. Will was made as part of a bunch of sims I made when I was experimenting with new skins and hair.

    Will had the Arc builder lifetime wish. So there are a lot of animals in his house. Not as many as there were before he satisfied his wish.

    Here are Will's horse, Rocket, and the dog. There is another horse somewhere. They both tend to race around the world even though they have a nice yard to play in with horsey toys.

    Tina putting thing away to empty her bulging inventory.

    Tina and Will with toddler Lydell. Lydell has lots of skills as he went to toddler school in Barnacle Bay and that toddler school really focused on educating toddlers using books, toys, playpen and walker. They ended up with big Charisma, Logic and Handiness skills on top of the usual toddler skills and skill book boosts.

    Will and Tina's place. It was dark. Rocket was racing around the yard somewhere. I tried to get him in the picture but he just wanted to race about.

    That's it from me for now.

    Happy Simming

    EDIT: She arrived in Cake Island and the entire world was totally empty. Almost no houses. I decided everyone must live in Cake Island II. So tried to send her there but discovered the other Cake Island is Chocolate Cake Island. What happened to all my almost 100 sims living in Cake Island. Isabel set off for Chocolate Cake Island. I'd put a laptop in her inventory. I found I can use it to locate sims living in the world. So as Isabel drove along towards leaving for Chocolate Cake Island I paused and clicked on her laptop and checked for sims living in the world. They were all there. I chose to make one of them active and instantly wondered what was going to happen to Isabel as she drove off out of the world. I do these odd things to myself occasionally. I said not to save thank goodness. Now she's on her way and I seem to be travelling with her. I'm wondering what'll happen when she gets to Chocolate Cake Island. I'll let you know when I know. I can always shut down without saving if it's too terrible.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,933 Member
    Finally Isabel arrived in Chocolate Cake Island. There are 8 sims living at the boarding school there. I will return them to their parents and work out which world the others ought to go to. Most of them are from Moonlight Falls. I'll go there first. I think I'll do a SaveAs just in case this is getting corrupt. I have put such a lot of stuff into the boarding school in Chocolate Cake Island that I've not got any other sims living in the world.
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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    Tortoises make everything better. :)

    Page 4327

    @Karritz Win looks like she could be a movie star, wow!
    Thank you for the welcome back :)
    Sorry to hear you're having issues with Moonfall Island. Definitely sounds like something's wrong, and it'll need a pretty big fix!
    That's a real pretty fish Alice has caught!
    Norbrewych? Never heard of that world. It'll be interesting to see some screenshots!
    I don't think I'd enjoy playing with ghosts very much. But I do think ghost babies and toddlers look cool (and also a little unsettling). That shot of little ghost-fairy Bert with his IF is surreal, and I love it :tongue:
    Imogen must be a tough mom, being in the military and all. Perfect for reining in two teens!
    That's such a cute pet shop <3 I could see it being a vet clinic too!
    Well Sebastian definitely looks like the eccentric type. His LTW is honestly perfect for him :tongue:
    Oh those pesky babies, getting in the way of Harry's ultimate goal!
    Wendy is so pretty :open_mouth: (and definitely lives up to her surname, heh)!

    @GraceyManor I agree, handsome firefighters are where it's at!
    Aw, Jacob is so devoted to Brianna. Jacob is such a good... "friend" :tongue:
    Good on Brianna for keeping cool when the guys were bickering, even if she was driving on the wrong side of the road :tongue:
    I'm with Jacob, as if one tornado wasn't enough, there's another now! These guys are honestly so lucky they made it out alive.
    Iiiii knew it, I knew they wouldn't stay as just friends! Adorable kiss pose, and I love the tender look on Jacob's face after the first kiss :)
    Oh no, Miri's gone! I hope she's alright. She must've been worried about Brianna.
    Congratulations also for being featured

    @Naus I love how alive your screenshots look! Great job :)
    Could you imagine living in a house with 7 other party animals, though? There wouldn't be a quiet moment!

    @emorrill and @Silverofdreams30 Thank you for the comments on my posts :) I've left comments on your respective threads.

    @Sleepstar Hope you've been enjoying Legends Arceus, I definitely think it's a step in the right direction for Pokemon. Hope to also see some Sims content from you soon :)

    @Brandontaylor These couple shots are adorable, I love when my favourite couples get affectionate without any input from me :)
    That's a lot of graves! And I remember Emily :smiley: you're so dedicated to stick with this family for so long!
    A story about a bot, you don't see a lot of these :tongue: Looking forward to learning more about the trusty L4U-Rn :)
    That paparazzo didn't learn her lesson, I see.
    Wonder how Ivy will navigate Gregory's hatred of the outdoors, considering she's part plant herself! At least there's some chemistry between them still...
    No Lily, don't encourage Brandon! You might not enjoy the next 500 pranks :tongue:
    Okay L4U-Rn, you do you... I probably wouldn't be talking about my robotic qualities and how I wished I was more human to a guy I only met seconds ago...
    Brandon's prank on his sister-in-law did not go well. Ivy yelled at him for it and told him she'd bury him in the ground if he did it again. No, it was not a threat to kill him, she just has the power to burrow Sims in the ground or to summon them to her from the ground.
    The image of Brandon in the ground with just his hair and wings sticking out is now in my head.
    Poor old Toaster, destined to be L4U-Rn's punching bag. I feel like taking out his trait chip was just a bit meaner than the usual "mean" interactions :tongue:
    What a sweet reunion between L4U-Rn and her "mom". I wonder if she enjoys having emotions now that she's experienced the good and the bad.

    @meerkattime Thanks so much for the welcome back :) hope to see an update from you soon!

    More feedback to follow.
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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    Trust me lady, I have all the same questions as you.

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    @Sleepstar Congrats on Rhea and Saturn's promotions!
    I'm having the same issue in my game with store content uninstalling. Thanks for the tip about duplicate files, and great that you could solve the problem!

    @Brandontaylor "Beer guts and out of shape men" :D I guess that's why we play The Sims, right?
    Whoa, Gregory was dating someone else all along? I smell drama...
    Ivy, I know you're mad, but that's no excuse to call Tanisha a loser!

    @Karritz What a cute little house for Felix! Lovely garden too :)
    That's really interesting to hear that the aging issue with children and toddlers is mostly a thing with player-made worlds. I think I'll just stick to the official worlds then.
    Fern really knows how to travel in style :tongue:
    1,500 lettuce! Sims sure know how to clog up their inventories :open_mouth:
    Congrats on the engagement, and what a cute shot of the dip kiss :heart:
    I do miss the birds from Australia. Noisy as they were, they were so lovely to watch, especially the parrots.
    Wonderful shots of Isle of Sims III. Wonder what those stone structures are?

    @Apryla Aww, the Marshalls got what they wanted... and more! It's gonna be a real crowded house :tongue:

    @GraceyManor Miri! Thank goodness she's safe!
    Jacob definitely has a way with kids, doesn't he :tongue:
    That's a very sweet picture of Jacob reading to Miri, but I'm not sure she'll appreciate having a puddle on her bed :D
    Either Jacob's got a really nice soothing voice, or Miri's just bored to death listening to him talk about science :tongue:
    Oh, Kurt's jealous for sure. Totally jealous.
    Now it's Brianna's turn to disappear!
    That escalated quickly. Poor Jacob just can't catch a break! Locking him up in a cage is really quite drastic, I'm with Jacob.
    I don't quite trust this Jonathan guy, it seems like he won't take no for an answer either! I do hope Brianna is safe at home like he says, but at least Jacob's free now.

    @texansky Thank you for the comments :) hope to see more gameplay from you soon!

    @Astro The graffiti on the front really gives your dance club a lot of personality :) Thanks for linking the mod, too!

    @Nikkei_Simmer I've been there... and it hurts, it really does. I hope you can get another computer up and running soon! I'm all too familiar with the feeling of missing my Sims. Hopefully you have them backed up!

    @bekkasan Hello back and thank you for your comments ^_^ sorry to hear you've not been feeling well. Hope you rest up and get better soon!
    Also, this is a bit late but I was really excited to see my David in your Supernatural Island save, and I can't wait to see what all those Sims get up to!
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited March 2022
    @TinySpaceFox - my gut says it’s not the HDD that’s gone so I’m pulling it and converting it to an external like my other one. I’ll probably look at FB Marketplace for my next computer as I’m loath to spend $500 on a system to tide me over until I can save enough to build my gaming desktop. There’s a few systems that will function to play Sims 3 and SWTOR for a while. 😁. Just gotta get the rent arrears settled.

    BTW. congratulations on completing that intensive course of study in veterinary medicine. 😁👍 Awesome.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,933 Member
    @TinySpaceFox that cute pet shop came with the limited edtion of the Pets expansion.

    The aging issue with the player made worlds only became apparent with this game. It's been 2 or more years since I visited these worlds and I've been playing in Moonfall Island and other worlds for a long time since I last visited the worlds with problems. The thing with NRAAS Traveller mod is you can turn aging on or off for worlds while you are not playing them. The only way I can have multiple home worlds is by using that mod. So now I need to check if aging is turned on or off for those worlds. If it's on I'll have to turn it off otherwise everyone will be elderly or ghostly when I visit.

    I love the look of Win too. The thing is I've started giving major makeovers to imaginary friends made real and each one is an expirment to see how different I can make them look. Some are pretty and others not. But I try to make them different and interesting. So now I try to make all of my young sims have an imaginary friend to turn real so I can give it a makeover.

    I love the birds too. I've been drawing one tonight while I watch TV. I do use my own photos for reference. I always take my camera when I go out walking.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,933 Member
    @TinySpaceFox I love the tortoise. Reminds me of the tortoises that live in our local lake. Sort of. They don’t actually look exactly like that one.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    I hope you feel much better soon,
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    SleepstarSleepstar Posts: 819 Member
    @TinySpaceFox Thank you. I'm just going through the tasks on Legends Arceus and evolving Pokemon I have that needs evolving before I face
    Currently aiming to get all harvestable produce in The Sims 3 (One EP left)Will complete a Legacy one day (My Wishlist)
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Jacob ran into Brianna's arms when he found her safe at home. Jonathan
    wasn't lying about that; perhaps he was honest about the rest of it. Jacob
    needed to look into this more.He also had something he needed to say
    to Brianna; but wasn't sure if he would change her opinion about him or not.

    He decided now was not time to bring that information out, instead
    he decided to talk about his plans.
    Jacob: I didn't want to leave this time without saying bye, but was wondering..
    would you come with me?
    Brianna: What? I can't just up and leave my family.
    Jacob:...You could go to school you know?

    Brianna: Jacob, are you insane?..I

    Brianna:I wouldn't even know what to go for.
    Jacob: Science? ;)
    Brianna: Cute...I no nothing about science...
    Jacob: You do realize your storm chasing is a form of science right?
    Brianna: Stop trying to make a case...
    Besides I can't afford to go to school..
    Jacob: Go for a scholarship?
    Brianna: You have to be smart for that.
    Jacob: Anyone who can drive into a tornado, get flipped and survive, is
    pretty smart...Just for one term? After I get my research, I plan on coming
    back with you...
    Brianna: Why? Don't you want to go back to doing what you love.
    Jacob: ....


    Brianna honestly considered his request. It would be interesting to
    take up a course...
    Brianna: You make a good arguement.
    Jacob: I understand, if you can't...But I do still want to come back
    unless you don't want me to, then I'll go.
    Brianna: Its not that...
    Brianna started thinking about her fiance again, she was still feeling
    guilty for his death.
    Brianna: I think I will give it a go...hard to argue with your way
    of compliments.
    Jacob: You will really? That makes me I have something
    I want to talk to you about...
    Miri: Brianna, I had an accident! -cries-
    Brianna: Emergency situation, I'm sorry.XD

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    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,152 Member
    @bekkasan @TinySpaceFox @Brandontaylor @emorill Thanks for the lengthy comments on my post. Admittedly I fell into a slump shortly after making that post, and uh.. didn't visit this thread since..

    I haven't played with the honeymoon sims either since then, but yesterday I wanted to make a picture for my other story that I haven't been sharing in this thread:

    I still have two chapters from september last year to post, than two chapters from december/january, and one more that I started in february that I have yet to finish, so four/five unposted chapters left to go, before I have to start playing on that story again... :P

    And yeah, I put a smaller version of the above image in my signature, so that can be your reminder that it exists. :P

    (I have not posted much about it in this thread, because some topics there can be unpleasant for some, and hence, well I don't really think it "belongs" here).
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    SimCrazySimCrazy Posts: 9,908 Member
    My version of Kaylynn Langerak just married George Dean from Riverview and had their first baby, Ashton, who is Insane and Hot-Headed :D
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,933 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hello Everyone

    It's another new day at my place and there is a cacophony of bird songs and chirps coming in from my window behind me.

    I got Isabel to travel to Cake Island from Barnacle Bay. I crashed the game in Chocolate Cake Island. I saw the memory used was about 3400 GB and I decided to go into Edit Town. So it tried and tried and tried for a few hours while I went and watched some TV just in case it didn't crash but it was still spinning when I returned so I used Task Manager to shut it down.

    I read up on aging in foreign worlds using NRAAS Traveller and I think I worked out I have to make it all True to have aging off. I'll see what happens. Any explanations I can find are never written in step by step instructions mode, rather than in a general chat about it and by the time the entire sentence is read it can mean either true or false is correct so it's a time to take a guess and hope for the best. I know it appears that my sims are aging up as soon as I turn up in a world so I presume I need to change the setting from what it is. So that's what I did. I think it says Aging Off for Foreign Sims = True.

    Anyway, Isabel arrived in Cake Island and she rented a vacant lot as it wasn't clear if there was anyone in the world when she arrived. Last time I took her there it all looked empty until I told her to leave and suddenly all these occupied houses popped up. Lucky that happened or I'd probably have deleted the nhd file and that would have made a total mess of the save.

    I had a quick look around and there are a lot of exciting sims in the world. Many of Eric's relatives live there. I'm trying to work down a list in alphabetical order and the first household I activated to for my census is the Black family. This family is old and contains a few firsts for me. The mother is the first fairy I ever made. The father is the first sim I had to get an alien pregnancy. I'd waited literal years for an alien pregnancy in any of my games. Once it happened though the proverbial ice was broken and I've ended up turning off alien abductions in some games due to the proliferation of alien babies. I always need to raise them so the population of little aliens in some households is astounding, particularly since I use a mod to allow me to have more than 8 sims in a household.

    Anyway, this was meant to be a short post. Here is the pic I wanted to post of the Black family.

    I'll try to go left to right: The pink Plumbot is Wozza, The silver Plumbot is Epsilon, the blond teen is Frank Black he's a fairy, the alien is Felicity Black (my first alien baby ever in any game), the teen in green is Felix Black he's a fairy too, the sim in blue carrying the toddler is Fleur Black and she's the first fairy I ever made in any game, the toddler is Yvonne and she's a fairy, the teen with the white top on is Frank Black and he's another fairy. I got the screen shot in a hurry before they moved around and their wings didn't appear yet. I just realised their father isn't in the picture.

    They could be my first plumbots too, I can't remember now for sure. And this was the couple where the human husband spun into the fairy house so woohoo with his fairy wife who was already inside the house. I remember thinking he couldn't get inside so I clicked on the tiny house and she spun into her tiny fairy form and went into the house and he followed her. I was a bit stunned to see that happen. But now I know it can happen because I saw it happen once.

    I found Rod Black digging through a junk pile. There are 9 sims in this household. I didn't expect that as this is a household from before I used mods.

    This is Rod Black and the sim behind him is Helena Fields. She's Eric's aunt. Helena was the first born of Patience's 15 children.

    Now I better get back to my census.

    I've been enjoying seeing all of your posts and giving out Awesomes and likes.

    Happy Simming All.

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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member
    Goth Family Update, Days 253 and 254

    Daisy woke up and needed someone to talk to. She ended up having to chat with her sprites.

    Once her social bar was up some, I sent her outside to work in her garden.

    Ivy decided she only had one more chance to get with Gregory. He is a young adult now, and he was showing interest in another woman. However, Ivy used their love of athletics to her advantage and got to be best friends with him.

    One of the couples wanted to woohoo so I had them do that, but since I couldn't play due to work, I forgot which couple.

    Gregory couldn't resist her much longer and he finally agreed that he wanted to be with her and no one else.

    But after she left, he did this. Not sure what that means.

    Harlan went outside to greet Gregory. He seemed impressed by him, at least for now.

    Harlan then decided to check in with Holly. He began talking about music, but all she was thinking about were ghosts. I don't believe she was wanting to see her father dead, it was most likely due to the family cemetery being next door.

    Daisy got another opportunity to chat with people about the Bistro again. I was able to get it finished that trip.

    Then Harlan went to a party where his daughter Rose was. He ended up chatting with her most of the time he was there.

    L4U-Rn is still doing painting and has painted at least 10 paintings now.

    I had bought some elixirs from the elixir store, and I found the personality one. I wanted to get Brandon's inappropriate trait, but it turned friendly into evil. Now Brandon is an evil Sim.

    Once he showered and got dressed, he went over to the chess table to play chess by himself.

    Then Harlan and L4U watched TV together as they got to know each other.

    ***Part 2 will be posted soon, then I plan on playing.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member
    Goth Family Update, Days 253 and 254, Part 2

    I sent Daisy off to the alchemy store to see if she could find another personality adjuster for Brandon. She didn't find one but she did buy a few things.

    She found the opposite personality one, but for some reason, it didn't change anything. The opposite personality elixir changes all traits to their opposite, if there is one, while the personality adjuster only changes one trait to a random one.

    Then the band decided to have a jam session in the backyard.

    Brandon went to the park with the band to play for tips. He saw his sister though, so he said hello to her before he played.

    Starting out, they didn't do too well, but they did make some later on.

    When the twins got home, I had them do their homework so the family could enjoy a night out.

    Harlan threw a party at the Grind, which I recently added to the town. Not all the guests were here yet, but I took a picture anyway.

    Brandon saw that his mother was there, so he had to say hello to her. What is funny is that I believe Carrie is a cousin to Daisy, making Brandon a bit related to the family even before marrying Lily.

    Lily bought a round for the bar and many of the guests took her up on the offer. It really didn't cost her much.

    Back at home, I took this picture of the family, minus Daisy.

    L4U-Rn needed a tune up so Harlan did it. It's kind of funny because everyone else who tries gets shocked.

    Lastly, Harlan and Daisy exercised together.
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    texanskytexansky Posts: 1,347 Member

    I've been busy... Well, not in the Sims 3 game, but in Create A World: I'm in the process of creating a world from scratch. It's a lot of work. I think I've got the terrain worked out, and I've got a ton of trees planted, but the place still seems barren (I made a 300x300 world). I'm still working out the streets for residences as well as the rest of the commercial lots. I've got the downtown pretty well laid out with basic shops, police, fire, school, city hall, big park, etc. I am not going to have buildings with multiple rabbit holes, as this one is going to be used for the "Nothing Is Free" Challenge, and I will need to add the commercial lots individually as I earn them.

    I think I'll buy the rest of the stuff packs and the two worlds that I am missing this month. We won enough to pay for them all at the casino the other day (and then some)...

    Well, I bought Roaring Heights Gold and Midnight Hollow Gold today. Unfortunately, I put 5000 Simpoints in the store and then found out that I had to pay cash for Roaring Heights through Origin! :grimace:
    At least I was able to buy Midnight Hollow with Simpoints. There is nothing else in the store that I can buy with Simpoints, and the price of the stuff packs went back to $19.99 on Origin, so I'm going to hold off on buying those for now.
    So, now I've got plenty of Simpoints to gift people some things. :grin:

    And now for my comments:

    The party animal trait did help bring the Sims out to the clubs. Good luck with adding more Sims to your game. I hope it can handle it.

    Such a great update. I wonder if they will all travel back together, or if they will need more than one trip?
    Haley's description of love is spot on! What is Sam planning? I can't wait to read more.
    I'm keeping occupied. When I get him, I will have to add him as a resident of one of my games.
    Thanks for the link to the galaxy leggings. I've downloaded them. I will add them to my game later.

    We all need a break from Sims sometimes. Glad to hear your extension is progressing nicely. Hope it is done soon.
    I feel your pain. I just got a new laptop and had to install the store content and some extra Exchange items Twice because I couldn't leave well enough alone and messed up the first installation. I hope your reinstall goes smoothly.
    Congratulations on Saturn's Promotion and the teens making the Honor Roll! Nice accomplishments.
    I wouldn't even notice if I was missing store content. Actually, I think I was playing my Forsythe Legacy Challenge with only about half of it installed. When I installed it this time, there was a lot of stuff I didn't recognize. :blush:

    Harry sure got around.
    The roof on the base camp is WAY too tall. :lol:
    Felix Flower's lot is beautiful! I can see why he would be happy in any world with that home.
    The fairy couple you didn't name but got them engaged are very cute together. She has some unique eyes.

    I haven't used the Traveller mod yet. I used the Porter mod to move all of my Forsythe family and headstones to Glenvale County when my Sunset Valley game became corrupted. I was so happy that I was able to move them to another world and continue the game. I didn't save the house to the bin for fear of bringing problems with it to the new world. I rebuilt the house from the ground up.

    I saved the sims3pack file for your Green Door Bakery in my exchange downloads, but I don't have the Outdoor Living, Town Life, or Fast Lane stuff packs. Also, I missed out on the Katy Perry stuff pack.

    Nice update. At first, I thought that Harlan was giving L4U-Rn a back massage! :lol:
    Ivy and Gregory definitely have an incompatible trait regarding the outdoors, but they seem to be attracted to one another.
    I wonder what will happen with L4U-Rn's wish to become more human?
    Congratulations to Daisy on her first grandchild.
    Stealing Toaster's trait chips? At least the trait chip that controls emotions was still usable. Crying oil? hehe
    Kirsten Faulks as a child has a derp face in that screenshot. :lol:
    Gregory's expression says, "What have I just agreed to?" And then her dad wants to meet him. Oh, boy!
    Oh, no! Brandon tried to get rid of the inappropriate trait and it turned him from friendly into evil instead? There will be no end to his antics now. :open_mouth:
    I wonder why the opposite personality potion didn't work? Was it too soon after the other one?
    Good, they are earning tips for playing. That means they don't totally suck. :wink:
    I'm glad Lily didn't have to spend a fortune buying a round of drinks for the entire bar.
    I wonder why Daisy missed the family photo?

    Great picture of the tortoise. How do you get the camera down on the ground like that?
    I didn't even notice that Jacob was soaking wet. :lol: Good eye!
    It looks like the guy is holding a disk sander up to her face!

    Congratulations on being mentioned in the highlights of the week for your Jacob and Brianna story.
    I'm so glad no one was hurt in the storm-chasing scene and that Miri was found and not kidnapped.
    So there were two separate groups of people after Jacob? That's an interesting twist.
    Was Miri's accident Jacob's puddle on the bed?
    So, Brianna is contemplating going to university for science? I wonder if she will decide to go? With Jacob's help studying, she should ace the finals.

    I wonder why Felipe and Kim wouldn't try for a baby? Or is this a wish-based game?
    It figures that there is an alien baby! :lol:

    That's a nice-looking club. I am not personally into the club scene, so I seldom have my Sims go to bars and clubs.

    Sorry to hear you are still without a computer. Is there a chance of one in the near future?

    I'm sorry you've been in a slump. Welcome back. If you're not up to playing the honeymooners right now, that's okay. Take things at your own pace.

    Congratulations to Kaylynn and George! And good luck with their new baby. With those traits, they are going to need it.

    And I'm all caught up.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited March 2022
    @texansky - not in the near future. Rental arrears, car payments and car insurance come first until such time as I can free up enough to pick up a used one thru FB Marketplace. Gonna be a long dry summer.

    I miss them already. 😞
    ❤️River & Haruo❤️
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited March 2022
    Did some create a sim earlier :p

    Here is a short video of a couple things I am working on

    No CC just create a pattern

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,933 Member
    @texansky thank you. I hope you have lots of fun with your new purchases. Sorry about the mix up with the way to pay for some of the worlds. I used to give store things away from time to time, but especially for a while after I ran out of items I could buy from it for myself. I remember the fun and games with trying to buy things for people who bought them immediately on release. You had to be quick.

    I love the Katy Perry Stuff Pack and am sad it's no longer available. I ended up buying it twice. I got it from Origin as a download and then when they tied the game to Origin I discovered I didn't have the disk version and it was no longer available. Fortunately I was able to get a unopened version from Amazon. Most of the rest of the stuff packs and expansions that I'd got on digital download I was able to buy at sales from local game shops when the Sims 4 was about to be released.

    There isn't much from KPST in the Green Door Bakery. Just a few decor items like the ones in the pictures below.

    The decor items on top of the display cases are from Katy Perry Stuff Pack.

    As do the two at the left end of the top of this display case.

    I'm sure you'll find something else to replace them with.

    I'm shutting down for the night now. It's getting late and is totally dark outside now.

    Happy Simming

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    texanskytexansky Posts: 1,347 Member

    I had this one ready for a week, I just forgot to post it.

    Loni decides to invite Christian to move in. She is in for a surprise!

    The Marsden Farming Challenge

    Week 4: Sunday

    When I woke up, I made pancakes for breakfast.
    When I was done eating, I fed the chickens (§5), collected eggs, and took care of the bees.

    I spent the entire day moving my plants outside to the new garden area and planted more trees. I built a fence to keep out the critters (§998), then I watered, fertilized, and harvested them with the tractor.

    When I finished, I played in the sprinkler for a while, then I had leftover pancakes for dinner. My favorite!

    Loni: Hello?
    Christian: Hey there. It's Christian. How are things going?
    Loni: I've been busy. I got my garden moved outside and installed a fence to keep the critters from devouring my plants.
    Christian: It sounds like you have been working very hard.
    Loni: Yeah. I'm sore. I could use a hot tub right about now.
    Christian: I missed you last night.
    Loni: What do you mean?
    Christian: I had a party at my place. You must have forgotten because of your graduation yesterday.
    Loni: Was that last night? I'm so sorry I missed it.
    Christian: I'm sorry, too. I was looking forward to seeing you.
    Loni: Well, how about if you come over tomorrow for dinner? Around four?
    Christian: I'll be there.
    Loni: I've got to go. See you then.
    Christian: Goodnight, Loni.
    Loni: 'Night.

    I had a long soak in the bath which eased some of the soreness. Then I filled Angel's dish for §8 and cleaned her box. It's a nasty job, but someone has to do it.

    I decided to sit in the rocking chair on the porch and listen to the rain. I can see Dad's headstone from here. I sure do miss seeing him sit here.

    When the rain started coming down harder, I headed for bed.

    Piggybank total: §5285.

    Week 4: Monday

    I fed the chickens (§5) and harvested an exotic egg. I sold it for §1500.

    Angel caught a water beetle. I noticed that she had destroyed her scratching post, so I replaced it for §30. The bills were another §225.

    I had bought a new tub with a shower for §1725. The plumber hauled away the old tub and shower. He paid me §845 for both.

    texansky: A neighborhood horse wanted to nuzzle Angel, but she wasn't having it.

    Christian arrived just as I finished tending to the outside garden. I went inside to wash up.

    texansky: Christian didn't follow Loni inside, but went over and sat on the tractor. He didn't start it up, and I wondered what he was doing.
    Then Loni appeared and he took her on a hayride! I guess he wanted to try to cheer her up.

    I was so touched by the hayride that I asked Christian to spend the night so we could have more time together. He said yes.

    We had salad for dinner. We chatted for a while and I asked him to move in. He agreed.

    This may have been a mistake, as his dog Charlotte had a litter of FOUR puppies. Christian and I had to fetch the puppies as they are too small to climb the stairs. After we had all of them rounded up and in the house, we headed for bed. Christian slept in Dad's old bed.

    texansky: Can you find all of the puppies?

    Christian added §5000 to the piggy bank.

    Balance now: §10,645

    Loan amount: §10,000 with §50 interest payable every Friday until the loan is paid off.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Karritz The isle of sims looks very pretty!
    I did read some books! :grin:
    Love your fairy village. Glad you are finding (hopefully) the sims.

    @Nikkei_Simmer Thanks! I hope the muse starts working for you. I know my get up and go is gone right now. :lol:

    @emorrill I'm looking forward to seeing it.

    @TinySpaceFox Martin seems to enjoy his career perks. :lol:
    Thanks for the comment. David seems very happy in Supernatural.

    @Silverofdreams30 Thank you! :heart:

    @GraceyManor Interesting developments.

    @Sprottenham I definitely understand. I haven't turned my game computer on in several days.

    @SimCrazy Cute pics!

    @Brandontaylor Hopefully things will work out for Gregory and Ivy.

    @CravenLestat Boy sims!!

    um excuse me...I think I lost consciousness for a few moments there.

    BOY SIMS!! :heart:

    @texansky I'm glad things are going better for Loni!
    Congrats on Christian moving in and wow...4 puppies. Well, hopefully you can adopt them out.

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    Finally, the final part of season two chapter three of my story is here!
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,998 Member
    I haven’t played Sims 3 in ages. It runs pretty slowly on my laptop so it just gets annoying. It keeps crashing on my PC, and I haven’t figured out a solution yet. If I could get it to work on my PC I’d play it more. I’ve got an idea for a new save and everything… sigh.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    @bekkasan - a few paragraphs here, a few paragraphs there. Writing a text-only story really stirs the Lipton noodle soup. Because everything has to be mentally visualized.

    …and the atmosphere of your story has to be created with words.

    An excerpt from my FFnet story: Sunset Valley: Annihilation.
    For in an apocalypse society your worth was measured by what activities you could do to keep yourself and your fellow survivors alive. And if you could pick a field like construction, farming, gathering, mechanics, medicine, soldiering or some other helping field, you would be held in high esteem amongst your fellow survivors as someone who they would be willing to accept as useful to society.

    It would be one more year before Andrew was old enough to become a child. Meanwhile his adoptive siblings were going and doing chores that helped them learn: Sandi was eleven and Sam was two years younger than Sandi. And when Andrew turned five he would join them. It was their first steps on the way to becoming productive members of the bunker. Each life-stage introduced them to new skills that would make them useful to any colony. Being useful was a way of ensuring longevity.

    Trying to paint a picture in text without the benefit of screencaps was something I used to be good at doing since I came to Sims 3 from doing exactly that with my JAGfics. I need to be able to do that again. But trying to coax that recalcitrant little muse is a royal pain in the butt-end.

    But it’s something to do in terms of not letting my mind go stagnant.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,933 Member
    edited March 2022
    @bekkasan thank you.

    I have just completed doing the census of Cake Island. I found Gobias. His tomb is in the graveyard. I couldn't find the graveyard though. In the end, just before leaving the world, I went around the entire world lot by lot until I finally found it. It has a mausoleum and 3 graves. No other décor. It doesn't exactly stand out and I hadn't given the lot a name either so All I could see from map view was an empty lot with what looked like a tiny building on it. So I thought that looks like a mausoleum and it was. I was so surprised to see it was the graveyard. I was thinking of adding a new graveyard so they would have one.

    There are 5 graves in the world. Two are on the family lots and the other 3 are in the graveyard. They are Shauna and Seamus O'Connel and Cassidy ? all are townies from Dragon Valley. Cassidy married Gage Briody from Sunset Valley and I forget her original family name. She and Gage had 3 daughters who are currently teens in Cake Island. One of them is the girlfriend of Mortimer Goth. Mortimer is living with his parents in Moonlight Falls. Both of them show the other in their family tree so I'm thinking I'll have to get them together in a boarding school soon so they can either take it to the next step or break up.

    There are two households of O'Connel descendants in Cake Island. And I think one of their daughters is married to Artie Page and they have a teen son. The other O'Connel children are not yet married.

    There is still no sign of Gobias's mystery new wife and child but his picture does show up in his son's family tree in Cake Island.

    A few random screen shots from yesterday and today.

    When it comes to decorating lots I either go over the top and put so much on them they freeze the game or I just do the bare minimum. Here's what I did when I added a graveyard to Cake Island.

    Gobias Koffi's Family Tree
    I got this family tree of a ghost by firstly getting his son's family tree and clicking on Gobias's picture in it.

    Koffi Family from Cake Island visiting a park. I think this one may have come with Pets Expansion

    A colourful sim I spotted around town. She's Shannon O'Shea from Dragon Valley now living in Cake Island.

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