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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    SleepstarSleepstar Posts: 819 Member
    edited September 2021
    Played on The Sims 3 this morning to see how the game is with World Adventures and Ambitions installed. It's running quite well, and this afternoon, I will test the game with Late Night and Showtime installed. I'll have to wait a few more days before I can put the Mods in as my sister is at work. But I will play The Sims 3 on days when there's no football.
    Currently aiming to get all harvestable produce in The Sims 3 (One EP left)Will complete a Legacy one day (My Wishlist)
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    edited September 2021
    Unfortunately NOTHING happened in my Sims 3 game today because I got distracted by SWTOR...

    My wife's Chiss Imperial Agent is a hottie...

    ...and my Sith Inquisitor has a major crush on her... :D:mrgreen:

    My wife and I are running together in SWTOR because...I have to get my Sith Inquisitor's levels up...and get him his ship so that I can run Rampages with our Guild.

    Back to Sims 3...later... :D

    Hey EA/'re keeping me from my Sims 3...with SWTOR.

    ...I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing...but hey...roll with it... :D

    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    edited September 2021
    Francine: I guess we did it.
    Michael: You bet we did, Lester is cutting the gems right now.
    You'll get your share after we pay off Mr. Mandrazo.

    Michael: Here's to a job well done.
    Francine: That's that?
    Michael: I sure hope so.
    Voice: The whole job! Anyone who knows your file! What is wrong
    with you?

    Michael: Davey, long time no see, come sit down.
    Davey: What about Trevor? If that fruitcake if he finds out
    that your still are DONE cooked, you here me?
    Michael: Trevor's dead, he got to be, besides, I got nothing to do with it.
    Whatever the heck your talking about
    Francine: -giggles-

    Davey: Oh really? - flips tv on.
    News: The criminals are believed to have made away with millions of
    dollars worth of jewels.
    Michael: Look at that.
    Witness: I was just doing my job, and I said to this girl, you gotta move
    these bikes.
    Michael: We know nothing about that.
    Witness: And this guy runs out of the store and says "You forget a thousand
    things everyday, better make sure this is one of them."

    Michael: Your point davey?
    Davey: Only you say those corny movie lines.If word gets out you
    are finished...You best hope trevor don't find out.
    Francine: Who's Trevor?
    Davey: I see you haven't told your new partner about your past.
    Francine: What's he talking bout michael?
    Michael: Davey's a little off his rocker, don't listen to him kid.

    Francine: I have a feeling you hiding it something
    I should know?
    Michael: Its nothing, Trevor's just an old friend that I haven't heard
    from, that's all.Trust me, you don't want to know.
    Francine: That makes me want to know even more.
    Michael: Where you going?
    Francine: To find out on my own, if you ain't gonna be honest.
    Michael: Cine, come back here, forget what davey said.

    Michael: Hey Francine, can you meet me at the pier? I gotta talk
    to you.
    Francine: Aright, sounds importan.Will be down as soon as I can.
    Michael: Thanks, Cine.

    Francine: What did you want to talk about?
    Michael: Come sit, its important.

    Michael: its about what davey said.Have you heard about North
    Yankton bank heist ten years ago?
    Francine: Oh yeah, it was all over the news man, seems 2 of the
    guys got killed, but one escaped.
    Michael: Brad got killed, Trevor escaped...
    Francine: How you know the name......Did you do it?
    Michael: Yeah, it was me trevor and brad, brad and I got shot,
    trevor escaped.Brad ended up dying, Davey made a deal with,
    I basically faked my death and moved to Los Santos to get out
    of the crime life and away from Trevor.
    Francine: So, you lied to your friends, took the money and let trevor
    run off thinking your dead?
    Michael: When you put it that way, it sounds kind of messed up.
    Francine: It is kind of messed up and now you back at it.

    Michael: I don't need a lecture Francine, I feel bad enough as it is.
    I had to do something to protect my kids.
    Francine: I get that Michael, guess desperate times huh?
    Michael: Guess so.I'm sorry I didn't say anything before, I didn't wanna
    drag you into that, and I didn't realize davey would find out.
    Francine: Its alright, I get it.If you need anymore help, I'm down for it.

    Michael: Thanks,'re a good friend...
    Francine's phone rings.
    Francine: I gotta go, Michael.Lamar's waiting.Call me if you need
    to talk.


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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    I see someone saw my post above, I added more to it.^_^
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,224 Member

    Thank you, I hope you will lfeel
    better soon.


    Nice to see you pop in,
    all your sims look great.


    Thank you


    Thank you

    Five full days left of work then gonna jump in now and then, so will get more off days
    to play sims.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    Mary Kendall, A Ghost Story

    Mary Kendall, A Ghost Story
    Mission Possible

    Damien arrives at the police station to pick up his identification papers. Jamie accompanies him and enjoys meeting the police chief. The new plan is reviewed by the chief, and he approves the addition of Lee. He wants all parties involved to meet this afternoon. After the meeting, Damien can move into the house they've set up for him to 'rent.' The chief decides Spring Manor will be the safest place to gather. His undercover agent can't afford to be seen entering the station. He transmits a coded message to his agent when and where to meet them.

    Layla reviews Jamie’s list of ingredients needed to start testing the various recipes. She and Lee shop at the local store and obtain a few of the needed items. However, some items are not available in the store. Lee examines the alchemy book on display, but it contains nothing he has not already learned. After speaking with Emmaline, he knows where to find the remaining ingredients.

    While waiting for the owner of the restaurant to arrive, Bekka shows Carl Abbot her portfolio. He promised to think about hiring her to do some renovations in the future.

    Bekka greets the owner, Chef Chopra and she follows him into the kitchen. She points out some areas in the main kitchen that are not up to par with the health code. He nods and tells Bekka he was authorized to open if these are resolved within a few months. He specializes in fresh seafood dishes and specialty desserts. He wants his restaurant to be a place where patrons can unwind and enjoy a unique experience. She opens her digital portfolio and unveils her plans for the kitchen, dining room, and other areas currently closed off. He is extremely pleased with her ideas and signs a contract right away.

    Damien sends a text message to the family, inviting everyone to attend a meeting in the office. He includes Bekka and Layla in the hopes that they will help him with part of the project. Elias is included because he will be accompanying Damien. They meet before the chief and his men arrive.
    When Bekka and Layla hear the plan, they are concerned for Damien's safety. Even with the safeguards that Jamie, Lee and Elias can provide it seems risky. They do agree to assist Damien.

    Jamie hears a knock on the door and lets in the Chief and detective.

    Jamie leads the way to the meeting room. Before long the undercover agent arrives letting himself in through the back entrance that was left open for him. Damien introduces Chief Gerard, who will lead the meeting as well as Detective Scott Abbott and Dave Wilson. Everyone understands their role in the operation. Elias has moved to the front of the room and made himself invisible to all but the family. Damien has not disclosed to the Chief that his informant is a ghost.
    “Remember, this is a search for evidence of who authorized the murder of those in the warehouse. We know who authorized the arson thanks to Damien's snitch. But is it the same one who sent the other couple to their death? We need evidence in order to provide justice and prosecute the guilty parties.”

    Chief Gerard places a phone with Damien's new identity, as well as fake pictures of family and friends on the table. Fake text threads are on the phone so it does not look too clean and new. He hands out ordinary watches that do some extraordinary things. "Jamie and Lee are involved for additional protection in case Damien is compromised and his watch and phone are confiscated. They should not enter the premises unless you are in trouble. They will be stationed nearby in a safe house we have retained to observe the comings and goings. Damien will wear a separate tracer from his phone and watch. It not only keeps track of his whereabouts and his health, but we can hear and record the conversations he has with the members of the syndicate. If for any reason the tracer goes silent we will immediately launch a rescue operation. From what I understand, Jamie will be tuned into you psychically and may actually know before the tracer."
    Jamie puts his watch on and checks that it is working properly. He turns to the Chief. "Yes, I will know if anything is wrong with Damien as soon as he knows. I will alert Lee and we will begin our plan."

    Jamie is called away to take care of an angry ghost invasion. He was able to convince one ghost to move on. The other was stubborn and required the use of the Banshee Banisher. Liam has arranged for others to cover for him for the next few days but he is still on call tonight.

    Upstairs, Damien is transformed to look completely different from his normal self. Layla uses her powers to transform his appearance. Bekka creates a less conservative wardrobe for him. Damien stares in the mirror, unsure if he likes what he sees, but perhaps it will help him act like the criminal he is supposed to be.

    Before leaving the property Damien stops and tells Mary that he will be away for a few days. He will be thinking about her and not to worry. Everything is going to be fine.

    Lee catches Damien just before he is about to leave. He hands him a package.
    "Please carry this with you at all times."
    Damien looks in the package. He recognizes a few potions that Lee said he would make to send with him. But, he is puzzled by one item. However, he trusts that Lee knows what he is doing. He nods his head and replies, "Ok, will do."

    Grabbing Elias’s gnome Damien walks through the back of the property into the forest. He meets Dave, the undercover officer at a prearranged spot. He receives directions and keys to the house he will be staying in. Dave warns him about the house.
    "It is disgusting in appearance, but it is looks only. The place was designed to look worn out and neglected. The sheets are clean even if grungy looking."

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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @emorrill I hope you and your family don't get too sick from Covid - if you have it. Hoping you all get fully better soon.

    Now I need to start work on episode 36. I think about 4 more episodes should do it and then I'll be doing the other series as previously 2 or 3 episodes of each one and then move on to another one. I'm looking forward to see how they progress.

    Congratulations on making progress on your story.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,807 Member
    @emorrill That stinks that you and your family might have COVID. I don't really know much about the home kits, but if it said your husband has it, it's probably true. I agree with you about the vaccine, I think it at least helps keep symptoms milder if one gets COVID. I got mine in June, partly because I wanted to, and partly due to work.
    Yes, definitely a good thing that your husband has a milder case due to the vaccine. An older guy I know got COVID before the vaccine was available. They had to intubate him and he was in a coma for a while. They almost thought they were going to have to pull the plug, but waited for an aunt to get there to say goodbye. However, they were talking near him about pulling the plug and he moved his fingers to try and get them to see. They did, and his son told the doctors to take the tube out. Within a few days, he woke up and several weeks later, is now back at home and everything.
    I got used to it before customers were made to wear them again. I hate having to wear it again too, but I understand why we are. Still people not wanting to though, so we got people at the door again.
    You're welcome.
    For Sunset Valley, I probably would whenever I start a different story there. As for a story outside of Sunset Valley, I think I would like to give the Vanderburgs a try sometime. I don't play townies a lot unless they marry into the family, but I kind of am intrigued by them. I actually intend to check all towns out eventually though.
    Yeah, it is a bit risky for a long term save. It won't hurt the game, but probably triggers ErrorTrap after a while.
    He's feeling the injuries a bit more today. We found some more bruises on him today, he couldn't see them since they were on his back. He found out he has a puncture wound too, so something poked him but not sure what.

    @GraceyManor Yeah, the getaway car needs a lot of work.
    Good idea, to get another car.
    Nice payback, lol
    It worked out well at least. I was afraid the cops would show up.
    Great update!

    @PalmArrow Thanks!

    ***I'll be back for feedback sometime. I work 10 to 7 tomorrow so doubt I'll play until Monday.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Michael: Hey, Cine.I didn't expect to see you today, but glad you stopped
    Francine: Thanks! I'm here to see Traci.
    Michael: Really? She's upstairs.
    Francine: She's giving me a makeover for my outing with Lamar tonight.
    Michael: Oh...When are we going to meet Lamar?
    Francine: Whenever I can get his behind to come.
    (inside an hr later)
    Traci: You gotta come see what I did to Francine.
    Michael: Oh lord, I hope you didn't hurt her.
    Traci: Daddy! stop it.



    Traci: See, I didn't hurt her at all!
    Michael: didn't...

    Traci: Did I do a good job?
    Francine: I think you did, thank you traci!
    Traci: Anytime, Francine.

    Michael: I think so to.
    Francine: Really? Thank you! Hope Lamar thinks so.
    Michael: He better...
    Francine: Oh, I better go, I'll be late.Traci, girl time one on one I
    promise.Bye everyone
    Michael: Francine..

    Francine: Yeah?
    Michael: ....Have fun!
    Francine: Thanks!


    Lost in thoughts apparently lol.

    Traci: You feeling okay daddy? You awfully quiet.
    Michael: Yeah, just some quesiness and lightheaded, is all.
    Traci: I'll make dinner! I joined an after school cooking class,
    you might be hungry.
    Michael: Sure...Trace.

    Lamar: Finally got some time with my best friend, you too busy
    in the upper class now girl..
    Francine: That's not true, I got your back anytime.

    Francine: Who knew you could dance so well.
    Lamar: This boy can do lots of things! Stealing cars and breaking
    into homes is just a bonus.

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    Alrighty, who's ready for more of Chapter 15? :mrgreen:

    I have to say it was really fun bouncing between all the dialogues between the different couples. :blush: Annnnnd...maybe it was a little bit of a challenge. Making sure certain personalities didn't blend into other's personalities. Ever the struggle with this story with 12 characters. ;) But how can one grow without struggles right? :star: (Boy am I learning this is real life lately...)

    Anyhoo, Enjoy my friends! <3

    Pelican Town to Sims Town
    Conclusion of Chapter 15

    “IT WAS A JOKE EVERYONE!” Sam declared to the group. “Maru and I are not hooking up. GOTCHA SUC’KERS!” He pointed with gun fingers and cackled just before Sebastian grabbed him into a head lock and gave him a noogie.
    “Now this is what you get for messing with me!” Sebastian said.

    “Unbelievable,” Haley muttered with an eye-roll. But good one!
    Alex slowly exhaled a breath of relief, drowned out by the music. That sight bothered him more than he thought it would. But why? Maybe it was because he knew his new, smart friend could do a whole lot better in the boyfriend department. And really, he just did not like Sam. The kid always got on his nerves and he couldn't ever pinpoint why.

    “Oh thank goodness!” Penny expressed, holding a hand to her chest. Leah heard and nodded in acknowledgement. “I feel bad saying that about my buddy,” she addressed Harvey, “but…”
    “You don’t have to explain,” he tenderly said, “I understand.” He was having similar thoughts. Though he couldn’t help wondering if Sam made Maru feel horribly uncomfortable with such a kiss, just to pull a rather audacious prank. “Excuse me for a moment,” he told Penny, patting her back before stepping away.

    When Sam and Sebastian headed for the dance floor, Maru sat back down at the bar and decided to order a drink after all. The android promptly began mixing one for her.

    Her cheeks still felt heated and she couldn’t stop smiling. Sam was the last guy in Stardew Valley she thought would be her first kiss, but she sure wasn’t disappointed.

    “Hey,” a soft voice addressed her. She turned to find it was Harvey.


    “Hey,” she kindly returned.
    “You alright?”
    She knew he was referring to the kiss, and also why he approached. “Yeah,” she appreciatively smiled. “I can’t believe I actually let him kiss me, but...we both felt it would be kind of fun to tease you all. Given the circumstances.”
    Harvey smiled in return, indeed surprised by her consent. “Can I just say,” he started before sitting down across from her, “how relieved I am that it was a joke.”
    Maru chuckled.
    “I mean, no offense to Sam. He’s a good kid. It’s just,” he chose his words carefully, “I don’t think he’s quite the right man that would support and honor your intellectual gifts.”
    That was sweet. “Yeah. Probably not. We both have very different personalities and dreams.”
    He nodded.

    They then went on to discuss said dreams as Maru sipped on her drink.


    “Well no matter where you go, if you ever feel the pull to return home, you’ll always have a place at my clinic.”
    “Thank you Harvey. I appreciate that. Right now I don’t think I’ll ever have the desire to return once I’ve left, but...I’ve heard that can change.”
    He cracked a smile. “It definitely can. Sometimes I feel the pull to return to my home city, but,” he paused, looking over at Penny with a glint in his eye, “I think Pelican Town is my permanent home now.”
    She grinned, never happier for her two dear friends.

    When Harvey left, Maru continued sipping on the last of the bold flavored drink, unaware that someone was watching her under cover of the smoke.


    Oh how he wanted to ask her about that kiss; if she felt anything from it. And if she did, he’d promptly shoot it down and tell her she deserved better. Much better. Not that it was really his place to say because someone like him wouldn’t be any better for her. But why all of the sudden did he really seem to care about it? Would she be bothered by him asking about it? Would she really value his opinion? Their friendship was still too new to know. He could still sense the disdain she always carried for him; something that can't easily be erased given their history. He just shook his head in defeat and left for the restroom.

    “So Sam,” Haley shimmied over to him on the dance floor. “That was quite the kiss.”
    “Like what you saw huh?” he smirked.
    Why would he ask me that!? “Uhh...not really. Didn’t ever expect you to kiss her. Especially so deeply…” Did I actually say that?
    “Why’s that?” he genuinely asked.


    “Because it’s Maru. The girl who’s like way out of your league!”
    “Ouch!” he playfully scowled. “Well apparently not ‘cause she kissed me back.” He smirked again. He was loving teasing Haley about it some more.
    The blonde rolled her eyes as they switched positions. “I can’t believe you two did that. I mean, you had me wondering for a second there, what with all the rest of us hooking up and you two being the only singles left, but, the more I thought about it I was like,” she paused, tilting her head upward with a scrunched nose, “Nah. It would never work.”
    “Because I’m a dumb musician and she’s a brilliant scientist?” This is fun!
    “Yeah. Mostly.” Then she realized how that came off. “No! I’re not dumb. But let’s face it, by her standards we all are.” She rolled her eyes. “You two would just drive each other crazy by how different you are! And that doesn't lead to a happy relationship...”

    Her look of disapproval was very cute to him. And her thoughtful words, though unusually expressed, touched his heart. So she does care a little. His heart swelled. “Guess you can’t have a successful relationship if you aren’t happy together,” he expressed, stopping to take a short breather.
    “Like how happy you and Alex are together?” He would’ve said something different, but he didn’t want to come off as a je’rk. That’s the last thing he ever wanted to do.
    “Yeah,” she brightly grinned.


    Though behind her grin there was an inner grimace. Maybe it was the whole “I love you” thing. She still didn’t feel like she could sincerely say it to Alex yet.

    “Hope he told you how gorgeous you look tonight,” Sam once again couldn’t help saying.
    “Like what you see huh?” she smirked, throwing his previous playful banter back at him.
    “Well yeah! You’d have to be a blind man not to. Or gay,” he snickered.
    “You should’ve seen the way Harvey was drooling over me earlier…”
    “What!? No way!”
    “Yeah!” she snickered now.


    “Well he’s a man too,” Sam shrugged. “But doubtful he was drooling for too long. He and Penny seem pretty serious.”
    Whatevs, was what she almost said, but instead, “Guess so.” Bet they can tell each other ‘I love you’ and actually mean it… Why was that bothering her so much at the moment?

    She casually began dancing with Sam again, trying to keep her deepest thoughts at bay.

    “Hey Haley. Check this out!” Sam declared, busting a rather impressive dance move.
    But she didn’t notice. Where the h*** is Alex anyway?


    “Would you like another drink, miss?” the cowboy android asked Maru as he wiped down the bar.
    “No thank you.”
    “Anything you’d like to chat about? I’m all ears.”
    That made her feel uncomfortable. “No thanks. I was just leaving…”
    “Beautiful night out tonight isn’t it?”
    Naturally that caused Maru to turn and look out at the starry sky above the swinging doors. “Yes. It really is.” It reminded her about something that she meant to ask someone about earlier, but never really found the opportunity to.

    “Hey!” a familiar voice addressed her, taking a seat before her gaze. It was Abigail.
    “Hey Abby.”
    “Great prank with that kiss!” she grinned. “I thought Seb’s eyes were going to pop out!”


    Maru chuckled.
    “Never thought you'd ever do anything like that.”
    “Yeah. Guess I was feeling a little daring.”
    “I wasn’t sure what to think about it honestly…Had me feeling super confused.”
    “Sorry. I still feel a little strange actually going through with it...”
    “Well it certainly looked like you were enjoying it.” Abigail smirked.
    “Honestly...I did enjoy it,” came a smile. “It felt really nice.”
    “Wow. So were sparks flying?” She winked.
    “No. Which reminds me,” Maru paused, thinking how funny it was that Abigail said something so similar in regards to what she was just thinking about. Maybe it was a sign that Abigail was the one to tell and ask about it. “I was studying the stars one night and noticed something...unusual. It happened more than once actually.”

    Abigail gave her a questionable look. “Oh?”


    “Yeah. It could just be that this world resides in a magical universe so the stars behave differently, but, I’d love to hear what you think about it. Seb says you’ve corresponded with the Wizard?”
    Corresponded, Abigail thought with a cracked smile. Good one. It warmed her heart to know that Sebastian didn’t secretly tell his sister her biggest secret. It made her love him all the more. “Not really,” she responded, “for obvious reasons. I’ve just always been fascinated by his magical abilities. So I’ve spent a bit of time studying magic the past few years.”
    Maru nodded. “Perfect.”
    “So what was so unusual up there?” She hoped she could shed some light on Maru’s discovery, it made her feel giddy on the inside just thinking about it.

    “Well,” Maru began, “you know how much I love astronomy.”
    “So after we arrived in this world I couldn’t wait to study the stars and constellations here, especially with that telescope in my room.”
    Our room,” Abigail kindly reminded her.
    “Yes. Right.”
    “And I know. I remember hearing your excitement looking through it over and over again that first night. It kinda kept me awake,” she smiled, “but I knew you were in your element and having fun so I didn’t say anything.”
    Maru grinned. “It was so exciting! Unlike anything I ever experienced stargazing before. Oh!” she happily shook. “Anyway, everything was exactly as it was charted out in the book…


    ...except for one star,” she paused. “One that was in the sky, but not in the book.”
    A single eyebrow rose. “Huh. Did you happen to discover a new star?”
    “That was my initial thought, but then I figured most likely the book was outdated. I checked for a date on it was a strange year number compared to what we’re used to. I couldn’t tell if it was old or not.”
    “I see.”
    “So I just let it be for a few days, to gather my thoughts on it. It was about a week later when I checked on it and was surprised to discover another star had formed right next to it.”
    Both of Abigail’s eyebrows shot up this time. This had just gotten a whole lot more interesting.
    “Once again it was something I couldn’t explain, so I decided to check on them both every night to see what else might happen. A month passed by and nothing changed, until one night I found a third star next to the other two. Then a few days later, a fourth.”


    “Yeah. Usually it takes at least a million years for a star to form Abby,” Maru informed. “So how in Stardew Valley could three more form next to the one in the short time we’ve resided here?”
    Abigail shrugged.
    “It’s just not possible! That’s why I suspect it has something to do with magic. Highly advanced magic at that! But if that’s the case then what? And why?” She challenged Abigail.
    Abigail really had no idea - darn it - only that she remembered asking herself the same question when she witnessed a star form above her and Sebastian’s heads when they kissed. Was that related to this somehow?


    “I have an idea,” Maru continued, “but I was curious what your thoughts are on the matter. You’re the magic expert here.”
    “Well now I’m curious to know what you think,” Abigail chuckled. “You’re the genius. And I’m no magic expert,” she lied. “Tell me what you think first.”

    “Okay,” Maru sighed, before continuing. “There's no doubt something’s been in the air since we arrived here. And honestly it’s had me feeling a bit unsettled. We’ve all been progressing in ways we never had before, which is good, but more apparently, we’ve found ourselves becoming attracted to one another. Rather quickly. When there wasn’t much attraction toward each other before, if any.”
    “So it would seem.” Abigail blushed, secretly loving it.
    “And I couldn’t help but notice whenever I heard that two people from the group had hooked up, that’s when I’d find another star in the sky later.”

    Abigail’s mouth opened into a wide grin. “Wow Maru. You really are a genius!”
    “What do you mean?”
    “That’s exactly what happened when Seb and I kissed for the first time! A star appeared...then shot out the window and disappeared into the sky.”


    Maru’s eyes widened. That was enlightening.
    “I have no doubt it went to rest among the other stars. Perhaps that’s what happens when a new relationship begins in this world. The symbol of two becoming one and their destiny written in the stars.” She blissfully smiled.
    It was indeed a beautiful thought. “So…,” Maru thoughtfully began, “if that’s the case then...shouldn’t I have seen five stars yesterday?”
    It took Abigail a moment to realize what she was referring to. “Oh um, yeah I guess so. Perhaps you missed one?”
    Possibly, but not likely. Maru never overlooked a star. “Maybe.” She brushed it aside, making sure not to forget to check on that later. “Do you think this means the Wizard has had a hand in all this romance going on?” That's what she really wanted a second opinion on.

    Abigail shrugged. “I dunno. I read that love is too powerful of an emotion to be controlled by magic. Then again, Rasmodius is pretty darn powerful, as we can see,” she gestured with her hands, “so....who knows. Maybe.”
    Maru nodded. There really wasn’t much else to say.


    “Why don’t you come out onto the dance floor and have some fun with the rest of us?” Abigail suggested as she stood.
    “In a minute,” Maru smiled. She needed time to process this new information. “Thanks Abby.”
    “You’re welcome. Now get away from this bar already!” she slapped at the counter with a wink before leaving.

    Back on the dance floor, Sebastian stepped up to the jukebox and picked out a slower song to play. Naturally the couples took each other into their arms and slow-danced, with the exception of Sam and Haley. They went on dancing like the song hadn’t changed.

    “Da’mn you look sexy tonight,” Shane whispered to Emily, finding it very difficult not to look down and stare at her beautifully exposed cleavage.


    “I know I said we’d never do it in a public place,” he went on, “but you got my motor all revved up the moment I saw you step out of the car and I’m fighting temptation. I can’t keep my hands off you.”
    Hearing that made Emily's cheeks turn as red as her dress.
    “Whaddya say we find a dark and secluded spot after this song and fool around a little bit?” He smirked.


    “Shane!” she cried in an amplified whisper.
    “I don’t mean sex,” he assured, knowing her feelings on that, “just engaging in a little...,” he paused to sensually peck at her neck, “neck’ing.”
    Each kiss had Emily drawing in more and more air to stifle a moan. She’d be lying if they weren’t revving her motor up. “Okay,” she exhaled. “Let’s do it. I want some more of that...”
    He toothy grinned at her consent.

    “So what were you and Maru chatting about?” Sebastian asked Abigail as they danced. “It looked serious in some parts.”
    “You were watching us that closely?”
    “Well...only because I love watching you bond with my sister.” He smiled. “It means a lot to me.”


    “Of course Seb,” she smiled back, then answered his question. “Nothing much. She was just telling me how she noticed some new stars appearing in the sky since we came here. She thinks they’re magical stars since real stars take at least a million years to form.”
    “Yeah. She wanted to hear my thoughts on why they showed up since I’m apparently the ‘magic expert’ of the group.” She winked.
    “Well you are,” he leaned in and whispered.
    “Yes, but that’s not common knowledge yet," she whispered back, "which is why I was a little surprised that she said it.”
    “I swear I didn’t tell her anything.”
    “I know,” she appreciatively stroked his cheek. “Apparently I ‘correspond with the Wizard?’” She smirked.
    “It’s the best I could come up with.”
    “It was great! Did she find that surprising when you told her that?”
    He thought for a moment. “Not really. Everyone knows how much of an interest you’ve taken in the Wizard Abby. It probably came as no surprise to her that you would want to reach out to him.”
    She nodded. “Then maybe she’s ready to know the truth.”
    “If you think so, then I agree.”
    She smiled. “I can’t wait for everyone to know Seb. To know the real me. I’ve gained so much more confidence in myself simply by knowing that you and Harvey know.”
    “You always had confidence to begin with Abby. The way you carry yourself has always impressed me, and was a major turn on. Your magical abilities have only added to your hotness.” He smirked.
    “You silly…,” she blushed. “But thank you.”

    They kissed and pressed their cheeks together as they continued swaying to the music.

    “I love the way your flaming tresses flow down your back and over your breasts like a rippling stream on a warm summer’s morn,’” Elliott poetically expressed to Leah while gazing deeply into her eyes. “You should wear your hair like this more often.”


    “Oh Elliott,” she breathed, trying to hide her rosy cheeks and wondering why. Maybe it was because every word that came out of his mouth was always something new and different, and so eloquently delivered. “It takes a lot of time and work to do my hair like this, so...I only save it for very special occasions,” she said.
    “Shouldn’t every moment with me be a special occasion?” he winked.
    “It is. But you also know that I’m somewhat of a lazy country girl now who’d rather be comfortable and true to her unique self.”
    The man’s smile turned into a smirk. “Yes. Your devotion to yourself is what I’ve always loved most about you.”

    She leaned in and kissed him for that. “I should show up on my doorstep more often without a shirt on and your flaming tresses flowing over your sexy chest.”
    “Babe," he spread his hands apart for effect, "you know that’s not how I roll.”
    With a smirk she whispered, “Exactly.”
    He curled his lips into a whistle position. “Man babe...are you trying to make me feel guilty? You know I wasn’t trying to make you feel guilty.”
    “I know,” she smiled. “I just felt like teasing you a little. We don’t do that often enough. And maybe,” she tugged a little at his tie, “I was hoping that by suggesting it you might...consider it.” She threw out the bedroom eyes for good measure. “Preferably wearing jeans.”
    Elliott’s face lit up. Clever, seductive woman whom I love so much. “Perhaps that can be arranged. On a special occasion.”
    "Oh you!"
    They chuckled as Elliott twirled her.


    A good three minutes of silence passed between Harvey and Penny as they danced. Their eyes never left each other’s, unable to find the words to express how they were feeling in the moment.


    Finally, Penny let out a little chuckle. “Your cheeks have been red this entire time.”
    “Have they?” he playfully asked. “I think I’ve developed a fever. Ever since I saw you in this lacy green dress,” he said while caressing her hip. “Have I told you how lovely you look this evening?”
    “A couple of times, yes,” she grinned with rosy cheeks herself.
    He grinned in return. “Just when I think you couldn’t look more turn around and surprise me.”
    All Penny could do was smile brightly, her cheeks burning and heart fluttering. He was passing the fever on to her.

    “I was thinking,” she started. “I don’t know if you noticed the neon sign by the stairs, but...apparently there’s a karaoke machine upstairs.”
    “Oh?” he asked with a tilted head; not sure he was liking where this was going, but she was too cute to resist.


    “I’ve always wanted to sing karaoke, but never got the courage to do it. I do enjoy singing with the kids at school so...I think it would be really fun. Would you do it with me?”
    Oh boy. “I’d love to,” he honestly said, “buuuut I’m not a very good singer.”
    “I’m sure you’re better than you think you are.”
    “I don’t think so…”
    His frankness made her chuckle. “It’s all in good fun. Watch our voices compliment each other and sound amazing. We’ll never know until we try. Just one song? Please?”


    He sighed. “Alright. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
    “Harvey...nothing you’ve ever done has been disappointing to me,” she lovingly said. “I highly doubt your singing will be that embarrassing.”
    He blushed at her sweetness. “I love you.”
    “I love you too.”

    Once Maru finally decided to leave the bar, she turned and bumped into someone. “Oh!”

    It was Alex, returning from the restroom. For a second their hearts skipped a beat.

    “Heeeey!” he happily greeted with his arms outstretched. “You finally coming over to dance?”
    “Uh, yeah,” she replied, brushing some hair behind her ear.
    “Right on! Let’s go!” He took her arm and practically dragged her over.

    He drove them right past Sam and Haley and immediately started dancing before her. Maru timidly smoothed out her skirt before joining in.

    “Come on Maru, I know you can shake it better than that.”
    “I’m really not the greatest dancer…”
    “No worries. Just follow my lead.”
    “Okay.” She smiled.


    The more Maru danced, the more confident she became. Especially with such an encouraging and complimenting gaze from Alex. Once again his beautiful smile - and hot body - was trying to put a spell on her.

    When the beat intensified during the bridge of the next song, the two shook their hips in a seductive fashion catching the attention of Haley. Naturally the girlfriend felt a little bothered by it.


    But Maru was certainly no threat. The question was, what would possess Alex to dance like that with her, but then again he always danced that way with the ladies back in high school. Whatevs. She danced with all the guys like that back then too. Which she commenced to do with Sam.

    “See I knew you could shake it,” Alex said with a grin when they returned to dancing normally.


    He had gotten himself a little aroused dancing with her like that and felt bad about it, especially with Haley being so close by.
    “I was just following your lead like you asked me to,” Maru blushed.
    “No, that was all you girl. Not a good dancer my a$$!”
    “Okay now you’re just being a flatterer.”
    “Maybe a little.” He shrugged. “What’s wrong with that?”
    “I dunno,” she lowered her gaze for a second. “I guess sometimes it’s hard for me to tell when you’re joking or being serious.”


    That stung a little. He certainly didn’t want her to misinterpret him. “No, I mean it. You were great,” he emphasized. You look great. “Gotta quit hiding your inner party girl Brainiac. It shows there’s more to you than just smarts. And it’s impressive.”
    She blushed again.
    “Speaking of,” he paused, to make sure Sam wasn’t in earshot, “kissing that pineapple head? Really?”
    She laughed. “It was all in good fun."
    "You didn't actually like it did you?"
    “Maybe. What's it to you?"
    He swallowed before saying, “You gotta know you can get so much better than him.”
    Her brow furrowed at his words. “I do. That’s why I won’t ever date him. We were just pulling a prank.”

    She felt tempted to ask him what kind of guy he thought was better for her, but decided against it. Like he knew what was best for her.

    It was flattering that he said it nonetheless.

    A slow song began to play and the two shot each other a couple of awkward glances.
    “Glad you came out to dance," Alex said. "It was fun.”
    “Yeah,” she half smiled.
    “Guess I’ll...catch you later.”
    “Oh. Okay.” Our conversations seem to end like that a lot.

    Alex felt it was time to return to Haley. He turned and approached her and Sam, flatly asking, “Can I have my girlfriend back now?”
    There was a second of perturbed silence. “Sure,” came Sam’s response as he kindly stepped aside. Haley gave him a sweet smile.

    Once again Sam and Maru found themselves to be the odd ones out. Thank goodness the gobo lights weren’t spotting on them.

    “Soooo,” Sam trailed off as he approached her, snapping his fingers into a clap. “You wanna dance?”
    “Isn’t there someone else you could ask?” she teased.
    “Well yeah, cowboy dude at the bar over there,” he turned and pointed with his thumb.
    Maru laughed.
    “I’m sure he’s got a few epic stories to tell. Keep me entertained for the next five songs or so.” He smirked.
    “No,” she shook her head with a chuckle. “He’ll BORE you for the next five songs.”
    “Why aren’t there any android chicks here this evening?” he asked, playing to look around. “Cause at this rate, they’re the only dating options I’ll have.”
    “Yeeeah, NO! You and I aren’t stooping that low.”

    He raised a questionable eyebrow at her as she stepped forward and placed her hands on his shoulders.

    “Look Sam, just because everyone else is dating in this world doesn’t mean we have to be. I refuse to fall victim to whatever game the Wizard is playing on us here. There’s someone better waiting for us back in our home world, be it in Pelican Town or Zuzu City or wherever. They'll be worth waiting for.” She lowered her head to really fix her eyes on him. “You got that?”
    He nodded.
    “Now, let’s dance. Afterward we’ll go upstairs and do something fun, cause I dunno about you, but...I’m sick of dancing.”
    “Yeah. Me too.”


    To be continued. :blush:
  • Options
    HillyBethHillyBeth Posts: 3,505 Member
    Started a legacy with a new sim. Meet Elias Silvereen! There's something..... magical..... about him
    Origin ID
    P.A.C.E- Positive Attitude Changes Everything
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Francine: Traci, its francine.
    Traci: Hey girl, what's up?
    Francine: Do you have a license? I need a ride, lamar and I
    got into an argument, he left he me out by the Almo Sea.
    Traci: I don't drive yet, but I can talk to my dad.
    Francine: Don't get michael involved.
    Traci: Why?
    Francine: Just don't, I'll figure out a ride home.Thanks
    anyways traci. <3

    Traci: Daddy?
    Michael: Hey Angel, why you up so late.
    Traci: Francine texted me..

    Michael: Francine? At 10:30, isn't she with Lamar?
    Traci: Not anymore....they had an arguement, he left her by herself
    out by Almo Sea, She asked me for a ride home but I can't drive.
    Michael: That little punk.Why didn't she text me?
    Traci: I don't know, she asked me not to involve you...

    Francine: Great! Its going to rain.This is not fun...

    Michael: Francine?

    Francine: Michael, what are you doing here?
    Michael: Not gonna let you wander about out here alone, unlike
    that punk of a friend of yours.

    Francine: I'm all wet, and cold, and tired...I just want to go now

    Michael: I outta rip his head clear off his shoulders.

    Francine: Bring me to Lamar's house.
    Michael: What?! After what he just did?
    Francine: I wanna surprise my friend.

    Michael: Your breaking into his house?
    Francine: Of course I am, I think Lamar needs some tidying up in

    Francine: Michael! That's not what I meant.
    Michael: You little punk, you think its cool to leave your friend
    Lamar: Get this hothead off of me.
    Francine: Michael! Don't hurt him.

    Michael Don't make me come here again.Let's go Cine.
    Francine: Michael, you hurt him!
    Michael: He'll live.

    Francine: Michael, that was a little over the top.You a bit too
    crazy for me sometimes.

    Michael: I'm sorry, maybe I lost my temper a bit.
    Francine: A bit? You went full on kill mode on Lamar.
    Michael: Alright, I went a little too far, but I wasn't cool with
    what he did.
    Francine: Man, you know what I'll call you when you calm down
    a bit.
    Michael: Francine..I'm sorry, I was just trying to defend you.

  • Options
    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
    My great-grandsim Susanne doing her soap bubble dance!


    She is now a Level 2 dancer and proud of her certificate:



    Playing with their pet turtle, Xysticus. :)


    Her sister, Jessica:




    Sim-me and Spencer:

  • Options
    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Forums seem a little slow tonight.And I'm having weird glitches with the site. "child catagories"? LOL
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    edited September 2021
    @GraceyManor What world did you say you were doing your GTA story in?
    The hold up scene was great! :star:
    Ugh. I hate that shadow that hats cast on sims faces. :confounded: I wish there was a way to mod it out.
    Is Francine dressed in one of Emily4331's outfits there? ;)
    Love this picture. <3

    I love it when you do the lady walking down the stairs and show the guy's expression. :mrgreen: It's cute and romantic.

    Yeah, it really has been slow on here lately... Earlier I was thinking it's because it's Summer and everyone is busy, but now I'm thinking it's more the stress and anxiety of our once again COVID stricken world that's making it difficult for us to all feel motivated to do anything... :pensive: You feeling better?

    I hope you and your husband get better soon, and I'm glad you have both taken the vaccine! :heart:
    ^Thank you. <3 Hubby seemed to get a little worse, but once he got on a steroid and an antibiotic, he's doing better. :relieved:
    It's interesting, but mine and daughter's test came back negative. Not complaining, but I was pretty sure I'd gotten it...We're still quarantining of course to be on the safe side.
    Nicolas and Hazel are adorable. <3
    Their relationship was developing wonderfully: at the Spring Festival, the Love Tester said something like "The Love Tester has only just now learned what love means!"
    ^Wow! :star:
    I like the way Hazel is watching their conversation, as if she were thinking "That turned out for the best for everyone!"
    ^That's totally what it looks like. :blush:

    ^That pattern looks amazing! :star: Very well done!
    (I will admit I don't miss hubby wearing the pixel block DCU's. :p )

    @Silverofdreams30 Thank you. <3 I think I gave you an update on the 3 of us via Messenger. ;)

    @bekkasan Comments made over in your story thread. :blush: (Which I know you've seen already. :p ) I just had to do a courtesy tag like you do for me. <3

    I hope you and your family don't get too sick from Covid - if you have it. Hoping you all get fully better soon.
    ^Thank you. <3
    Turns out daughter and I are negative...certainly not going to complain. I know daughter is fine, but I sure question whether I'm actually negative. Hubby is still feeling miserable, but he's slowly getting better. 🙏

    @Brandontaylor Oh. My. Gosh. to that story you shared with me. :open_mouth: So scary! I'm SO glad they waited to pull the plug and he woke up!
    Thanks for answering my curious questions. <3
    The Vanderburgs are definitely a fun family to play. :) I've always been drawn to them too.
    Sending prayers of healing to your brother. 🙏

    @Cororon Pretty pictures. :star:
    So your game looks great even with the Windows 10 issues. Found any fixes for stuff? ;) Has Nvidia responded to your thread at all on the matter?
  • Options
    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @emorrill I hope you are negative but sometimes the test can give the incorrect result. I've had cold/flu type of thing since a few days after I got my second vaccination. I had a test and it came up negative. I'm getting better but some days are better than others. It's good to know your daughter is ok and that your husband is recovering well.
  • Options
    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Is Francine dressed in one of Emily4331's outfits there?
    I have no clue, it came with a world I downloaded, the current world I have is
    Angel City, the clothing came with Los Angeles.I thought the samething about
    the shadow, it upset me.
  • Options
    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,094 Member
    Francine: Hey, where's traci?
    Michael: Francine? I didn't think you'd be back for a while.

    Francine: Man, I'm here to see Traci, Michael, not here for anything
    Michael: Look, I said I was sorry, I was wrong.What else do you want
    to say?
    Francine: I'm just mad you didn't let me do it myself. ;)
    Michael: Then your not mad?
    Francine: I can't stay mad at you, your my friend.

    Michael: Looking for this? -holds up box-
    Jimmy: That's mine.
    Michael: Nope, not anymore.
    Jimmy: You're totally lame you know that?
    Michael: What did you say to me you little punk.
    Francine: Stop fighting, your going to rin traci and I's yoga.

    Trevor: Did somebody say yoga?
    Everyone turns around.

    Michael walks over to Francine, to block her from Trevor.

    Michael: Trevor?
    Trevor: Michael......
    Michael: Hey, good to see you man.
    Trevor: Yeah, bet it is....but of course I'm not the one that's been ressurected.
    Aint this lovely?
    Michael: I got bit of an awkward situation.
    Trevor: You're telling me.One of those fake your own death to your best
    buddy, and run of with the dough and live in a big mansion.
    Michael: That's one way of looking at it.
    Trevor: Well, do you have any other ways of looking at it? Cause I'm fresh out.
    -clenches fist- Where are my manners? Jimmy, good to see you boy, you look
    like you put on weight.-Trevor turns to Francine-

    Trevor: I don't believe we met, who are you?
    Michael: Stay away from her Trevor.
    Trevor: I'm just trying to be a decent person.
    Francine:I'm Francine.
    Trevor: Ah yes, Michael's new stooge.Careful kid, he'll turn on you at
    the last minute and put you in front of a firing squad.Where's Traci?
    Michael: Where's your sister Jim?

    Jimmy: She's uh trying out for a tv show.
    Michael: What?
    Jimmy: She went down to the pier to audition for fame or shame.
    But guy never showed up so she's trying to earn a gig down there.
    Michael: What are you talking about?
    Jimmy: Fame or Shame, its a talent show, you know she loves it.
    Michael: What talent does she have?
    Jimmy: Dancing.
    Michael: Good Grief, she's a terrible dancer.
    Francine: Michael!
    Trevor: Come on we will go get her back!
    Michael: "We"? Who is "We?"
    Trevor: UGh....are you gonna let your daughter become
    the laughing fool of Los Santos, lets go.
  • Options
    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,807 Member
    I'm thinking about giving the Ultimate Sim Challenge a try again, only with a different character instead of Brittany. Of course, I'm still going to continue with the makeovers in the old/new Emily save and then continue from that day, but I'd really like to fully accomplish this challenge if I can. So, I'm either thinking of using Cassandra, since she hasn't been used in game much yet, or making a male Sim. Probably, it will be Cassandra, but not sure yet. Also, I'll get her with someone other than Christopher or Hank, just to see what we come up with.
  • Options
    SprottenhamSprottenham Posts: 1,153 Member
    edited September 2021
    13.2 – Lake Onebega February 2022


    Inges notes:
    I was so tired last night when I came home after spending the entire day out, I passed out on the floor. I hope nobody saw that! It would have been extremely embarrassing!

    I really needed my Olli then to cuddle against. He was so warm and good, and I had such a sweet dream about us in the future, going on vacation with our kids.



    Narrators notes:
    When morning comes they do a synchronised wake up, again! And what the heck, Oliver Freddy? Did you really go to sleep wearing that on your feet!?

    Oliver Freddys notes:
    I wanted to dream about snorkeling, so I went to bed with my swimfins on, but I was a bit disappointed it didn't help. I can't remember dreaming anything at all tonight. I went downstairs and opened my book to study, when the alarm on my cellphone went off. I started using the alarm this semester, just to make sure I didn't get late for any of the lectures, even though it was never a problem.


    Narrators notes:
    So off he goes to lecture.. in shorts and a t-shirt. Come on, man! It's february, and its still winter time! This isn't Sunset Valley, haven't you learned by now?


    Inges notes:

    I sat down in our dining room to have my breakfast, and when Cody came down I called for him to sit at my table, but he just ignored me. I still don't understand why people do that sometimes.. it makes me feel like such a loser. I tried not to think to much of it and keep my mood up, but it does hurt a little.


    Oliver Freddys notes:
    Todays lecture on quantom mechanics was the most confusing thing I have ever heard, I really struggled to understand what was going on here. I'm probably going to have to review this material a few times over, and then maybe it will stick. I wasn't prepared for this at all. University can be really hard sometimes.


    Inges notes:
    Regardless of being ignored, I wanted to get an A this semester, so I knew that I had to study. I don't know where everyone goes most of the time, but at least the quietness of our dorm makes it easy to focus. Another thing that makes me a little down is that I have heard that Nicole Lawry that lived with us last semester is doing a semester abroad in Dinsflew Wendel. I hope she has fun and wants to come back to live with us when she is done there.


    Narrators notes:
    Outside their dorm, romance is blooming.. Liz Tarry seems to have developed some feelings for Daniel Vaughn. Its cute. :P

    Oliver Freddy is done with his lecture, and it looks like there's gonna be a toilet line.. and uh..


    Crazy naked sim inside spoiler:
    ..right, when I put the walls down to get an overview, I can't help but notice this naked student out in the hallway.. like, seriously. I swear, it wasn't like that when I went to university.. atleast not at 10 o'clock on a regular tuesday! The nudists name is Denise Frink, and her status tells me she is not actually a student.. right, so she just decided to go to the university campus to run around naked for no reason at all. One for the nuthouse...

    When Oliver Freddy gets dressed to go home, she goes upstairs to dance, still in the nude. Haha. He just barely missed seeing her, its probably best that way...


    Inges notes:


    I managed to finsh the chapter about how to select the right brush just before I had to go to my lecture! I heard that Oliver Freddy just came home behind me, but I had no time to talk to him.


    I want to be a good painter and illustrator really bad, but sometimes the way the professors here do their lectures just seems really boring. It looks to me as if it is just a necessary chore for them to get through, and that they would be much happier if they could just do their research all day instead. Many of the students even fell asleep during the lecture, and I kind of don't blame them.

    Narrators notes:
    Someone just fought in the computer lab. University seems to be a little more lively this semester...

    Inges notes:

    As the lecture was getting close to end, Jonathan stood next to me looking over my shoulder and stretching his arms. He's kind of hot, but his behaviour is sometimes a bit weird. I tried to ignore him, though, because I want to focus on my studies, and I don't want to ruin anything. My plan is to go back to Sunset Valley with Oliver Freddy once our degrees are complete.

    I was also getting a bit tired from not sleeping enough last night, so I wanted to head home to get a nap.

    When I came home, I felt so much like going back to the Student Union to play a game of pool, but I knew I needed that nap first.


    Liz Tarrys notes:
    I walked out of the Student Union to head home when Inge rushed by me. I tried to say hello, but she just ran on as if I wasn't there. I'm not sure whats up with that girl. Sometimes she's all friendly, other times its as if she's in a world of her own.


    Oliver Freddys notes:

    When I got home, I immediately began to review the chapter on quantum physics, hoping to understand it better.

    It was really tough reading, and I felt a bit grumpy and in a bad mood afterwards. Thats when I know its time to unwind, so I wanted to head over to the Student Union to find someone to play table tennis with.

    Sometimes I can hear things that scare me. Mom has told me that it runs in the family and that it isn't real, but it scares me nonetheless. I could swear I heard the sound of wolves howling, and I immediately felt that there must have been werewolves or something just outside, ready to eat me any moment. I hate it when this happens. I knew that there was a full moon this night, so I didn't really want to go at first.

    I did my best to remember my sweet mothers words and carefully opened the door to peak outside. I couldn't hear the sound anymore, and it looked quiet enough, so I decided to brave it and go anyway, but it was a bit nerve wrecking for a while.

    Narrators notes:
    Poor Oliver Freddy, he suffers from a version of the same condition as both his mother, Ranveig, and his grandmother, Eirin. Thats why he sometimes can act a little random. It has always been a thing for the Motorsen family to not have anyone else deal with it. “Its a matter of the family and no one else” Eirin used to tell her kids. She had her familys best intentions in mind, though, and thought it would be to shameful and damaging to share this with anyone. Back in the day mental illness was something no one talked much about, but in recent years it has become a little more accepted, and people in Sunset Valley and elsewhere have become more enlightened about it. So maybe Oliver Freddy will be the first to break this cycle, and finally seek some treatment to lessen or remove the impact of this illness on the family?

    Inges notes:
    I wanted to practice pool by myself, because I'm not sure if I will be good enough to beat anyone yet, and I don't want people to view me as a loser. Winning is very important to me. If I think I can't win, I would rather play alone until I become good enough.

    When I was over there playing pool, I was approached by this guy called Troy Francis that wanted to play juice pong. Like pool, I wasn't sure if I could play this juice pong, but he said it was a lot of fun and insisted I try, so I couldn't refuse.

    And it went just like I expected, I totally sucked at it! I couldn't hit the cups at all, and instead I threw a ball right in his mouth! It was so embarrassing! He had to spit it out on the floor!

    He said it was cool, though, and we continued the game for a while. After failing for a few rounds I could feel I was getting buzzed and wanted to quit, so I left him to go downstairs to solve a math problem on one of the white boards there.

    I know, it doesn't quite make sense that I, as an art student, should want to solve a math problem, but I do remember how fun I thought math was in school, and I just couldn't help myself! I think math is a bit of an art too sometimes.


    Oliver Freddys notes:

    I certainly don't regret making it outside to go down there, as I had a lot of fun playing table tennis with Sophie Mander, before Inge showed up. She had ordered something to eat, so I sat down by her table to read that quantum physics chapter again. I had to get it this time.

    Inges notes:
    The juice pong and the math equation had made me hungry, so I went upstairs again to order a burrito. I felt calmed to not see Troy anywhere, as I felt I had made such a fool of myself earlier. I forgot all about it, though, when I saw my sweet Olli leaving this girl he was playing table tennis with to join me at my table. Even though he was busy reading his book.


    I guess I must have been a bit juiced still, because after I finished my burrito I told him excactly how I felt about him right then and there!

    I was disappointed when he didn't even lift his eyes from the book, though, and it made me feel very insecure. Doesn't he love me? Maybe he doesn't. Maybe it is because I am still a loser. And even worse, some other girl just sat down right next to him chewing on a hot dog.

    It made me feel bad, so I excused myself to go to the toilet. He only replied by telling me how bad he thought the toilets here were, because of how often they would get clogged.

    (The lightning changed here, because I played this over two sessions and it looks like it takes a while for the “no full moon light effect mod” to kick into gear after loading the game. So yeah, the full moon was definitely out on this magical enchanted night...)

    Oliver Freddys notes:
    I was just in the middle of reading a complex section about quantum mechanics when Inge all of a sudden exclaimed how much she loved me and how happy she was to be with me. Its weak of me as her boyfriend, I know, but I was so focused on trying to understand these quantum physics, I was thrown aback by this sudden statement and didn't know how to reply for a while, before she excused herself to go to the toilet. And the only thing I could come up with then was how crappy I thought the toilets here were for clogging all the time...
    Somewhat embarrassed I continued to read my book, and I hadn't even noticed this girl that had sat down next to me until I noticed her chewing sounds from eating a hot dog.

    When she finished eating, I had to break the silence with something, so I told her I might hold a party next month. She introduced herself as Siri Skogvold and said that would be cool and that she would like to go. So now I have to plan a party at our dorm! I should probably get one of those juice kegs now or something!

    Then another girl came down to sit at our table as well. She complained about how bad people at her dorm were at cleaning up their kitchen. I knew our dorm sometimes wasn't much better, but I decided to keep my mouth shut this time.

    Siri eventually excused herself to go study at a nearby table, and then this other girl asked me if I had any vegetable seeds to spare. She wanted to plant some outside her dorm as soon as the snow had melted and the ground had thawed. Unfortunately I do not carry seeds around, so I had to disappoint her.


    Inges notes:

    After exiting the bathroom, I still felt stupid for saying what I did and how Oliver didn't say anything, so I went over to play an arcade game when I got a phone call from Walter Fullman asking me for a date.

    I told him no, because he was the slob that made such a mess out of our kitchen last sememster, and I don't want to date a slob. After this I thought I have had enough fun for the day, and it had already gotten quite late, so I went home and put myself to bed. I didn't want to pass out on the floor in the hallway again...


    Oliver Freddys notes:

    Inge didn't return after going to the bathroom. I don't know where she went, but I hope she had gone home. I wanted to go home too, but I also wanted to be disciplined, so I didn't allow myself to put the book down until I had finished the chapter about quantum mechanics... Joanie from class also came to my table to have a burger. She had also struggled to grasp todays lecture, so I wasn't the only one.


    Once home I stopped out in the hallway for a while to try to remember what I had just read before going to bed for the night. Now I just have to remember to buy that juice keg and throw that party next month!

    Post edited by Sprottenham on
    Sub blogs: #01 Sunset Valley. #02: Lake Onebega #03: Sprottenham #04: Bewickton
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    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
    emorrill wrote: »
    @Cororon Pretty pictures. :star:
    So your game looks great even with the Windows 10 issues. Found any fixes for stuff? ;) Has Nvidia responded to your thread at all on the matter?

    Thanks! :smile:

    I wish. Instead what I do is trying to set the lighting, use simple textures and sometimes use the smudge tool in Photoshop Elements to get rid of the worst artefacts. And I have anti aliasing set at max in the game plus "Enhance the application setting" 4x anti aliasing set in the Nvidia Control Panel (it just makes the jagged edges smoother). I also use a little soft-focus effect in Photoshop.

    Here you can see some artefacts on the wall, on the red lamp, curtains and on Susanne's white t-shirt. It's not that bad, but I wish there weren't any.

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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @Sprottenham , Oliver going to sleep wearing flippers because he wanted to dream about snorkeling made me laugh! :smiley:
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    Once my household gained 50,000 simoleons in cash, which fulfilled Jess's lifetime wish, I used the Inheritance LTW to add more cash and bought a second lot to build a resort on.

    It doesn't have a beach, just a nice hilltop view. The eco-modern style suited the location best. It is unremarkable from the outside, but I'm pleased with the interiors.




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    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
    @PalmArrow It looks really nice inside! I like the stone and wood combination. :smile:
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,398 Member
    @emorrill, waves right back at you... :) I hope you and your family don't have the covid virus... :)

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