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Rebuilding Worlds Vol. 2


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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @jordannicolejj - Oops! I update it ❤️ I'll be back to comment on your actual update lol
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    IllusoryThrallIllusoryThrall Posts: 1,335 Member
    Soo... I did it again. I've been SO busy lately that I haven't had much of a chance to even read posts! :heartbreak: Today I decided it's past time I get my "act together". I'm caught up through page 25 now so far, but I wanted to drop in a note to say I'm still alive - And I'm about halfway through writing the update I've had sitting "on ice" since the last time I posted. To explain the absence, I have started streaming Sims on my Twitch channel. It was based on an idea I've had sitting in the back of my head for a rather long time now, but haven't acted on because 1, I'm horribly camera-shy, and 2, my social anxiety wouldn't let me hit that "start stream" button. However, with the historical challenge I've been writing, it occurred to me I could re-start the test playthrough and start streaming that. I also needed to buy an upgrade for my hard drives (which were nearly full and causing me to worry about not being able to install new games or even add any more sims saves to my "stash")... so I splurged and bought a green screen, camera, etc - the stuff I needed to really start streaming - at the same time. The hard drive backup/cloning/swap/installation actually went ok, and I'm extremely happy with the resulting space I have available. However, my anxiety has made the whole process of starting streaming really stressful, and each day I streamed (even if it was just a couple hours) just completely exhausted me. I'm finally starting to feel more confident, though, and my stress levels are dropping, so I've been back to looking at the posts and unformatted pictures I had in the works for my blog stories - including this one (which I have no intention of abandoning - I just have to be less stressed in my off times so I can be relaxed and actually play). I've definitely noticed my self-confidence is definitely getting better, and using this to start my self-therapy to "get over" some of my social issues is working! My "off stream" Sim moments have been building houses or creating new sims in CAS and just chilling out, not playing, and my newest published challenge (100DayCreativity) has really taken off and got me into the Friday highlights, which absolutely floored me.... Anyway. That was a long-winded way of saying I'm back. I will get caught up on this thread, post the update I have half-written when it's done, and get back to playing in the next couple days since I don't have any scheduled streams until Friday. This challenge is definitely the one I'm going to be putting back into my "playtime", because I miss my Greenes and you guys so much! :heart: I hope everyone is doing great!!
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    Hi guys! I haven't been as active this week as I had hoped to be, sorry! It's been a really stressful and upsetting week for me. We had a death in the family and as you can expect, it's been tough. I've been checking the thread everyday and loving all the updates and conversation :heart: I hope by this weekend things will have calmed down and I'll have the time a get lost in the sims like I had originally planned. My comments are gonna be a little briefer then usual (I always say this then go into my usual long detail lol) then I'm logging into Origin to snag the Knitting and Halloween packs while they're on sale. I think most of you own all the packs, but if you don't, there's a good sale right now!

    @debjameswhite - Where are you my friend? I always get sad when you're quiet on here for a few days. I hope everything's okay :heart:

    @IllusoryThrall - I can completely relate to the social anxiety thing. I've struggled with social anxiety my whole life, bad! But I'm glad to hear you're gaining confidence and are starting to enjoy steaming. Just thinking about it overwhelms me lol! My husband is big into watching streams, it's never really been my thing, but I'd definitely like to check out yours and support you! I'm also looking forward to your Greene's returning :smile:

    @Wentcrazy - I hope you're doing well and all settled in! I miss you!

    @Francisca464 - haha I'm not particularly proud of going MIA here either, but we've both got something in common to put on our resumes lol! You know I understand why you're away though, and really hope you can get your energy back soon! It's no fun being too exhausted to enjoy your hobbies :heart: I miss you though!

    @OJenn - Your update was great. I had been hoping you'd post one. So I was really happy to see it. It was so sweet to see Mama Iris and Grandma Evie! Little Iris is such a cutie :heart: especially in her little avocado shirt and green socks. And little Gideon! omg he's adorable. I love his eyes! He looks completely different then how I pictured Jade and Jordan's baby would look, but I wouldn't change a thing. I'm having the same issue with the compliances in my game. Despite meeting all the requirements, when the inspector shows up it always says the household isn't in compliance :unamused: Anyway, it was so sad to see everyone upset about Evie's passing and then their kitty cats :disappointed: I think the trip to Selvadorado was perfectly planned. And now you're making me think I should try to buy that pack while it's on sale too :lol: That vacation villa was perfect, as are Iris and Aiyden :heart: haha little Iris aging up and immediately getting disciplined by her step mom is too funny. She's so cute, even with her gluttonish ways lol her hair is one of my fav's in the game.

    @JordanNicoleJJ - Oh you're making the Brindleton Bay genepool?! That's awesome, I can't wait to see who you pick. I can't decide if I want to move on to Brindleton Bay with Lia and Heath next, or Sulani... but anyway, congrats to your bff on her wedding. I'm sure all the wedding stuff will keep you busy, and work too of course. I'm relieved to hear you have enough to keep up our regularly scheduled programming lol because I don't think I could deal if I didn't get at least one update a week from you! I'm gonna do my best to post at least once a week too. We gotta keep blowing through this challenge together. Also, thank you so much for the kind words about my mini's going back to school and offering to let me bug you on messenger about my woes :joy: I'll probably be taking you up on that. And just messaging about other games and geeky bs lol Oh and btw my Sulani pics are a joke compared to yours. Seriously, Haven and Suri's wedding and honeymoon pics were some of the best sim pics I've ever seen!

    I love stormy, overcast weather too, but it does have a bit of an ominous feel in game lol. omg I just love Cleo :lol: Thad is adorable! I think I'd love any toddler with that hairstyle though lol. His outfits are the best. I love that color palette. What pack are his jammies from? I've never seen them before and toddlers desperately need new jammies. Cleo befriending a vampire just seems like something she'd do lol though I'm glad you kicked her out before they could put the plan to toss out Thad into action :lol: Your harvest fest was legit goals! I love that Storm put on a nice button down shirt for the day. Also, omg! where did you get that multi pic picture frame?! I need it! Adding the "watch sports" tradition was genius. I'm totally stealing that lol What's a "harvest fest" without football! Oh look at your park! You did such a great job with it. I'm totally replacing the one I hate in my game with yours. Spending time in the same room with family totally counts as spending family time together :wink: and awww I love that Cass convinced Thalia not to be upset about Cleo's one (though admittedly horrible :lol: ) bad trait because she herself knows what it's like to be judged based on it :bawling: love it! :heart: omg look at Carter showing up for graduation with Thalia :love: how does he look so good without CC skin in your game?? I swear I didn't believe you when you said you didn't use a default skin. Everyone else's sims look perfectly fine without them, but in my game it just looks so blotchy :neutral: anyway :lol: Thalia lusting after Carter like she knows they're meant to be in another life is too great. Congrats on having her graduate AND complete her aspiration while having 2 kids! Though Storm definitely helped being the super Dad that he is. The pre lit Christmas tree is just this generation's style. Also :lol: Cleo's little argument with the girl from school was great :joy: 2 mean girls do not make a match. Thad's birthday pic with all the confetti was amazing! He definitely upstaged his Dad lol He's the cutest kid! I love his little glasses and round cheeks. I think he's a great blend of his parents, and spoiler? but Thalia's kid in my game looks just like her, at least for right now, so I'm a bit jealous of what great mixes both of your kids are. Plus his bedroom is amazing. Your interior design has been so on point lately. I seriously just want you to design my whole next gen house lol
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    @Heckstress17 I think Thad's toddler PJs are from the "My First Pet Stuff" stuff pack, but it could also be Cats & Dogs, Parenthood, or Kids Room Stuff :sweat_smile: Most of the swatches are animal-themed, so I'm leaning more toward pet stuff or cats & dogs. The multi picture frame is def from Moschino stuff. I wasn't too excited about that pack but I honestly love the build/buy items it came with -- the windows on my Port Fitness gym, the multi-photo frame, and "digital" picture frames that will cycle through whatever pics you put in it :smiley: Plus if you ever want to do a "photographer" sim it's a must-have, it comes with a lot of cool stuff for that. I'm so excited to see my park in your game! It's my favorite park that I've built so far. I think it fits in the world well + has activities for all ages. I used to use lumialover's default replacement skin way back in the day, but I haven't used cc skins since my purge years ago lol. Do you have "uncompressed sim textures" ticked in the graphics settings? I think that's what makes the base game skins look better, but hopefully the Nov/Dec patches will live up to the hype and make them even better. Ooo I love the spoilers but now I need an actual update cause now I really wanna see Carter's kid(s)! Thad's a great kid, but I'm really attached to Cleo and her evil antics, and I've already picked out/styled a gene pool mate for her lol. To be fair I picked & styled one for Thad too just in case, but I like Cleo+her future boo better...I think lol. I hate being so indecisive :tired_face: Thanks for the compliments on Thad's room, at first I didn't like it (mostly cause the nursery was so good and I didn't want to get rid of it :lol: ) so I needed the reassurance :blush: I would offer my design services but I have no idea how I'm going to make the tiny apartment (next gen's "house") work for myself let alone anyone else :grimace:

    @IllusoryThrall That's so exciting!! Sorry to hear you've been stressed, but I'm sure the streaming will be a lot of fun once you get in the groove of things. I saw that you made it into the Friday highlights! That's so awesome! They used one of my scenery screenshots for the header image once, and I couldn't believe it, I felt so honored and a little bit famous :lol: I used to be really involved in the SimLit world, and I really miss that part of the sim community sometimes. But this challenge is the only challenge that's held my interest for literally years and I barely have time to keep up with it right now, let alone any others :tired_face: One day I'll find a sugar daddy who pays for my bills so I can quit my job and play sims full time & do ALL the challenges :naughty::lol: Anyway, I'm glad you're back and can't wait for an update! :smiley:
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    IllusoryThrallIllusoryThrall Posts: 1,335 Member
    We start our triumphant return to posting more than just build and CAS posts with finally bringing out the last saved pictures I have for my Rebuild save. I’ve been missing these guys so much, so I’m excited to get back to playing them.
    Anyway, our first image is McKenzie once again trying to catch Aleki’s eye, this time with a rose. To both McKenzie’s and my surprise, he accepted it.. so I pushed the issue.
    … And McKenzie ended up with her first kiss and her first real crush. Who knows, maybe it’ll also be her last. Because at this point, I’m pretty much thinking she’s out of the running for heir.. and I’d like her to be happy when she moves out, you know?
    Here’s where things get a little crazy in this post.. because I have McKenzie romancing her new beau on one side of the map.. and little Luke trying to finish his Social aspiration up on the other side of it. I remember I was going a little bit insane at the time trying to zoom back and forth in between the two of them.
    Luke was being dramatic and telling stories to this lady, and she was going to be the last friend he needed to make.
    Meanwhile, the closet was definitely rocking. I love the way the hearts roll out from under the closet door.
    I then sent her and Aleki off for some more tame fun on the family’s new ping pong table.
    I’m not sure who won, because the game went on forever, and I had them just give up on it. McKenzie was definitely on a roll, though, and decided they would be the first ones to actually try out the deck hot tub.
    Aleki looks like he’s as into McKenzie as she is into him. He’s definitely giving her the side-eye in this photo.
    … Zoooomm… and Luke finally gets that aspiration complete with some Stargazing. I love that interaction, even if it seems a little bit cheaty because it’s so overpowered.
    … More Zooming… and there’s more hearts popping in the air. Aleki then runs off to go home for the night, and Luke trudges home for bed, making it there after everyone else has gone to bed.
    Harvestfest arrives the next day, and poor Iris gets shocked while trying to redeem the family from the failure with the Grim Reaper gnome (and he’s breaking everything in the house because of it!)
    The next day, Iris is busy making a cake for Luke (you can also see that she has already finished the grand meal of ham on the other end of the counter…) Nobody seemed to want to wait for the meal, though, and they’re all snacking – well, Luke is being a good boy and doing his extra credit.
    So, Aiyden tries instead.. and he, also fails. Adrian is blithely also snacking before the big dinner, as well.
    Never fear, little Kassidy is still around. And still very cute.
    Luke keeps talking up his fun times in scouts to his little brother Jaron (and no, I have no idea why they’re in their big sister’s room.)
    I finally give in and let Jaron join scouts as well, because he seems like the sort that would definitely do that.
    He immediately begins work on his badges, while his little sister Kassidy plays happily behind him.
    McKenzie finds her guitar, and, despite being horrible at it, is jamming away. (Note that her terrible playing finally got rid of her little brothers, though..)
    Aiyden takes some time out to play with his youngest, and she’s completely thrilled about it. Also.. I love the boat in the background of this photo…
    Practicing the super secret Scouts handshake (omg this interaction is so cute!)
    And, somehow, the cake that looks like it took forever to make with all the pictures in between when she started it and now… is finally done. Luke gives one last hug to his little brother, and then turns to become a teen.
    3…. 2…. 1…. spin.. and…
    Err… well, if he wasn’t completely out of the running with the Dog Lover trait.. that wild roll of randomness definitely doesn’t help him out.
    … *Dies laughing* .. Nope. Nope Nope. That haircut is NOT going to work, Luke!
    Post- makeover outfits. He still looks particularly worried in every shot.
    Luke’s upgraded look. He’s not sure about it, but I definitely think he looks better.
    Dinner. And everyone who snacked before dinner still shows up and enjoys the grand meal.
    Especially our resident glutton, McKenzie. I really had forgotten she got that trait until she was busy scooping her dinner in like she’s got a shovel instead of that fork.
    Even little Kassidy is enjoying her dinner.. which reminds me, they’re going to need a bigger dinner table… but we’ll get to that another time.

    After the grand meal, I finally get around to giving Luke his room makeover. It’s not as drastic as some of the others have been, but I still like it.
    Then, Since Adrian is the next to age up, I try to get him through some of his Mental aspiration, despite the glitchiness of never finishing games. Spoiler.. I get at least one of them done here.. so maybe there’s hope?
    Luke gets going on his hobby of Vampire Lore.. and he looks like he’s shocked by what he finds. His fish, however, ignores whatever horrible fact he’s found out and just keeps swimming.
    Homework party!! (While McKenzie is still eating…lol)
    Oh! Guess what?!
    We did it! Aiyden actually made it to the end of his aspiration without getting killed by the cowplant!!
    Meanwhile, the teen that Luke brought home from school decides she wants to meet said cowplant. Luckily, it wasn’t hungry.
    Luke starts his grand romance plan with a casual scary movie with his new friend, (I had to load the game back up just to figure out what her name was) Anika.
    I leave this update with a close-up picture of Anika – who is adorable, and would very much make for some fun genetics. Which reminds me, I really ought to see about adding MCCC into this save so that the kids can have extended family when they move out. I’ll have to see about that next time I play…. which, hopefully will very soon, because I’m dying to get back to this family, and now that I have caught up with all their saved pictures, it’s time to play more! (I also need to remember to officially pick their family skill. I was leaning towards Logic because of the microscope print collection we got, but Knitting is also a possibility – because I just love knitting. I just need to stop waffling about it and PICK. What do you guys think?)
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    @IllusoryThrall To answer your question first -- I like knitting as a family skill because children can get a decent head start on it (they should probably patch that so kids don't start getting 'knitting' skill until they max 'motor' :tongue: ), plus there are some really cute baby onesies that you may want to knit every generation :wink: Also, there's a work-around for the broken chess bug! Have your whiz kid play chess with another sim you control, then have the OTHER sim (not the whiz kid) cancel the 'play chess' interaction -- it will then register as a completed game for the whiz kid. To be on the safe side, I let my sims play chess for ~1 hr before canceling the interaction, because I'm not sure how long it normally takes, and I don't think it counts if you cancel it out too soon. Anyway, onto your update! I'm glad McKenzie finally got her boo. Aleki was totally giving her the flirty side-eye in the hot tub, they're meant to be after all! I totally abuse the cloud/stargazing interaction for the social butterfly aspiration too :sweat_smile: It does feel a little cheat-y, but the final stage of that aspiration takes forever without it. Hahaha, I love seeing the gnomes in other peoples' games (I hate them with a fiery passion in my own game :lol: ). Poor Iris & Aiyden...thankfully the gnomes didn't kill anyone -- especially before Aiyden finished his aspiration :wink: Wouldn't that have been an awful way for him to go -- he survived the cowplant only to be fried by the harvestfest gnomes :lol: I'm glad to see all of the kids are still doing well too. I don't know how you manage such a large household, you're a brave soul :grimace: Jaron seems like a perfect fit for the scouts, and I love the little "secret handshake" -- I don't think I've ever seen that before! LOL the hair Luke aged up with is one of my least favorite hairs in the game, I don't really even care for it on adults/elders, but on a TEEN...just....yikes :grimace: He looks MUCH better after his makeover. Luke's new friend Anika is super cute! I 100% approve. I've enjoyed having MCCC in my game, but I just changed the lifespan in my game to long, because I was spending more time giving all of the MCCC-birthed townies makeovers than actually playing the game :lol:
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    I'm sorry guys. I'm really struggling to keep up with the updates. This semester began with a bang (whoever picked the courses for us students messed up badly and pushed us into the wrong class with the wrong professor and now we all collectively have something like 20 + hours of recorded lessons to go through in order to catch up with the correct/new professor and I'M DYING.) - I really wanted to read and update in between classes, but I can barely go through half of my notes most of the time... Sims 4 University EP could never :tongue:
    I'll try to catch up. Sorry if I'm always so late!

    @JordanNicoleJJ your in-game Rei is totally channeling my energy when I'm around Star Wars cosplayers :joy::joy::joy: let's start with that. It's fall here in Italy too so... I loved the colors in your game sooo much, 'cause it's not even half as pretty here :sweat_smile: you wouldn't believe just how dark/wet/gloomy Italian's fall can be in the north. The outing and the park was so good. Look at Blaze being Nicole's third parent! Cleo doesn't really need supervision, she feels like such an independent little girl. OMG I knew that they had to have a second child sooner or later! YAY for the not-an-oopsie pregnancy! :tongue: (I'm jealous :joy: ) I'm also totally in the mood for Spooky Day, either in game or in real life. Definitely a quirky way to announce the pregnancy! Child!Nicole made such a cute little princess, I'm sorry that her parents just seem so unfit to parent :sweat_smile: aaaaaaaw welcome little Thaddeus! Such a cool name?? Also, you gotta be cheating, I can't believe that you got so many single births in a row with MCCC on :tongue: I loved Haven and Suri coming over for Cleo's birthday <3 oooooooh EVIL Cleo????? What a turn! You know, I don't mind it either lol. She's such a cutie and she looks like a really good genetic mix. As always, you did such a good job with all the outfits! And the room!! OMG Thaddeus?? He's so cute! And he looks like a good mix too! I can't believe that Cleo befriended a vampire :joy: ... or- actually, I can :joy: Nice Harvestfest pics <3 I always love holidays in game and seeing you all keep the family bond strong. OMG what a nice park!! I'm 100% getting it for my Greenes. Wow- when I saw that pic of Thalia graduating with Carter I couldn't tell anymore who's update I was reading :joy: the multiverse crossovers are messing up my brain :joy: NOOOOOOOOOO Haven!!!! I wasn't ready!!!! :bawling: that double birthday was such a nice even, but somehow it wasn't the same without grandpa Haven :cry: Thaddeus aged up into such a cutie child, and he's growing more and more into his genetic features. Of course, you keep on doing such good jobs with the room renovations! I'm jealous :tongue:

    @Heckstress17 noooooo elder Cassidy already???? :cold_sweat: that's not a good way to begin an update. I can't imagine losing her already. Is it just me or are you like 90% of the times bringing your sims to lovely dates at the restaurant?? I love it, it's so different from the way I play so I can vicariously live all of that gameplay through you. Did you really started a fire from fireworks while your sims were outside?? I seriously don't get how that happened :sweat_smile: LOL Carson flirting with Thalia right in front of Carter... :grimace: how is he still alive??? I totally get Carter not wanting his brother around, but Thalia... well, it's not like she flirted back, so is she really to blame here? I totally get that their mood plummeted for the next few days, things were really tense. But it's nice that they managed to patch things up and put everything behind them! Kudos for the graduation, Thalia :wink: Aaaaaaw the wedding pics! They look so cute <3 I really don't see the green tint problem in the pics, maybe it's my monitor lol. The private wedding was a good idea, especially considered what went on previously :tongue: such a lovely honeymoon :bawling: I want that too- I mean- I want a vacation in Sulani, that's it :joy: I NEED IT TO DESTRESS lol. YAAAAS nooboos!! I'm 100% here for it!
    (Also, I just read about the death in your family. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sending vertiual hugs from far away)

    @OJenn omg Gideon is so cute???? :flushed: he's adorable!! I mean, this wasn't necessarily a "happy" update with all those deaths, but... Gideon's birth and Iris' birthday made it all better <3

    @IllusoryThrall it's nice seeing an update from you! Oooooh look at McKenzie go <3 it's sad that she's out of running for heir, but hey, at least she got to have some fun :wink: OMG that pic of electrocuted Iris scared me to death! And Aiyden too?? Luke is so cute as a teen! I mean, his eyebrows and receding hair line could need some help, but overall he's really cute! Also, I don't mind the erratic trait lol. Great room makeover!!
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    edited October 2020
    Evergreen Harbor - Generation 3 Update 5!
    (This is the update of "Oops! I forgot to take a picture of that...")

    After finding out he and his new wife were expecting their first child, Carter's birthday went by completely unnoticed, and he was pretty bummed about it.

    With full on adulthood came a makeover. It didn't have to change too much from his YA look because he's always been a bit mature for his age. His new beard is the biggest change.

    His brother texted awhile back to congratulate him on getting married, but Carter didn't know how he felt about things and let the text go unread.

    But after becoming a little older and wiser he decided he needed to patch things up with his brother. It was sad to see Carson was now an elder, but it made sense since he's only a few days older then Carter. (Carter and Thalia both drank potions of youth so Carter's siblings are aging much faster then him)

    And I'm super annoyed to report that Carter is unable to complete his Master Maker aspiration due to a bug with the freelancer career :angry: So he finally put his degree to use and joined the mechanical engineer career. He's getting shocked significantly less now.

    Meanwhile Thalia was able to complete her academic aspiration when she used her degree to join the style influencer career. I missed getting a pic of that too, but here she is working from home in her new office space. :smile:

    She did a lot of working from home during her pregnancy. She didn't have it too rough, but of course in her 3rd trimester she was pretty uncomfortable.

    Carter took her to the art museum in Oasis Springs so she could complete some of her work assignments. I took a few pics of them inside but I placed so many lights on this lot it was practically like they were on the surface of the sun lol I'll be updating it, but no interior pics.

    When they got home that evening Thalia was feeling miserable and realized she was in labor. Carter couldn't handle the stress.

    In fact he literally ran down the stairs in his panic and ended up floating around the pool in complete denial :lol:

    Thalia gave birth to a baby boy, who they named Miles. (I was annoyed because I only had a girl name picked lol and I just chose Mile's name completely at random)

    Carter finally pulled himself together, and when Miles was crying that night he took over the nightshift.

    The next morning Thalia and Carter celebrated their baby boy's arrival by conserving water together :wink:

    Then it was time for young and beautiful Thalia to age up too :bawling:

    But have no fear, she's still gorgeous in her middle age.

    Her "grown up" makeover makes her look a bit more sophisticated, and a lot less like the hip college student that she was for like 10 years of her life :lol:

    After Mile's birth Carter really embraced the whole Dad thing and became a grill Dad lol

    When he's not being a stereotypical middle aged dude, he's working on his servo! He finally acquired enough parts to start the project.

    but building a servo is no quick task, as I learned, when on day 3 of assembly his servo was still just a pair of legs lol.

    Anyway, I got like next to no pictures of Mile's baby stage, but that's okay because it was uneventful.

    He's ight lol obviously he has Daddy's hair color, and Mommy's darker skin. His eye shape appears to be big and wide like Thalia's, but I can't be sure. Both parents have the same blue eye color, so his baby blues are no surprise.

    Again I missed an important picture moment, but he aged up with the clingy trait :grimace: but he started off more cuddly then clingy.

    While her little man was aging up, Thalia was getting some exciting news! (I debated having only 1 child this generation, but Thalia and Carter are too adorable for me to only see how 1 of their offspring would look)

    She immediately ran downstairs to workout. I think it had more to do with the fact she knew her little gym would be turned into a nursery, then worrying about her weight lol

    Oh and look! She's knitting :smiley: I finally bought the knitting pack. To be honest, I had zero interest in it until all of you started knitting up adorable little toys and baby onsies. She's only level 1 but I already love it lol

    Back to toddler Miles. He's a perfect example of why I hate the clingy trait. It really should be called the whiny trait. Seriously all he does is whine :confounded: like your Mom is trying so hard to make you happy!

    He just wants to be hugged 24/7... which is cute in theory, but definitely not as cute as it sounds lol

    I once again failed with my pic taking, but the family got the news that Carter's oldest sister, Crazy Cassidy, had passed away. No one was more upset then little Miles, who lost his cool Aunt. Thankfully Thalia was too overwhelmed with her constant nausea to focus on much else.

    but little Miles definitely began acting out in his grief.

    Mama tried to distract him by teaching him how to talk, but the poor little guy was just too sad.

    Thankfully he perked up for bath time.

    and then for whatever reason Miles chose to sleep outside by his paint puddle... he's been a difficult little dude.

    Thalia's been having a hard time keeping up with him. She's been ridiculously sick. I seriously don't think I've seen a sim show this much nausea in all my years of playing.

    The Greene's were in desprate need of a pick me up. So they all headed to the newly built park that just opened across town. (This beautiful place was built by @JordanNicoleJJ and I happily replaced my monstrosity of a park with it :lol: ) As you can see no one was in good spirits. Thalia was feeling the pregnancy pains bad! Carter was still mourning his big sister, and Miles had pooped his pants and wasn't being held by one of his parents lol

    But after a diaper change, and discovering the huge playground made just for him, Mile's attitude turned around.

    Of course he had to make sure Mommy was nearby. Which of course she was, knitting her heart out... horribly I might add.

    And the park worked to cheer Daddy up too :blush:

    They're such a cute little family of 3 :heart:

    I don't know how, but this is the first time I've ever seen a sim play make believe with their child before! I thought it was super cute that Carter pretended to be a pirate and even acted it out with Miles :heart:

    And of course the new baby wasn't forgotten about either. Carter and Thalia both talked about their excitement since they'd be parents of 2 in no time.

    With that thought in mind, they went out as a family of 3 to enjoy dinner. To my surprise little Miles was a very good boy at the restaurant :smile:

    I meant to ask before, but does anyone else have a bug in Evergreen Harbor when it's time for your sim to leave lots? Instead of leaving at the edge of the lot and then loading into the new lot, my sims will walk hours back to their home lot. Carter just happily strolled along in the dead of night carrying his toddler instead of teleporting home like he was suppose to. It's annoying and really tanks a sims needs.

    When they finally arrived home for the night, Miles got a bubble bath before bed time :blush:

    But before she could put Miles to bed, she went into labor.

    WHY!? :bawling::bawling::bawling:

    I blame Carter for bringing the "twin gene" from the Greene side of the family. The first born twin was another boy, Meric (an elders scrolls name) and the second was a girl, Melrose. (Which is the name I had picked because a friend of mine IRL named their daughter that I just think it's pretty)

    I'd also like to say that the stress of the twins was instantaneous :joy: Thalia passed out cold.

    I sent Carter to care for the crying twins instead, and found that he too was bottoms up on the floor :lol: not a good start.

    So yeaaaah, Thalia's home gym is long gone. It's now the twins room, but I kept the white walls and purple accents.

    Sorry Meric! Your room's a bit girly, but you'll share a room with your big brother when you grow up anyway.

    Speaking of big brother, Miles was not happy to learn he's got a little sister... (His reaction was literally me when I saw it was twins lol)

    but he's perfectly happy to have a new little brother?! lol??

    I keep finding Carter asleep in the hot tub. Which scares and annoys me. Oh and look at that masterpiece in the background :joy: Carter may be Creative, but he's one of the least talented sims I've had lol

    And I'll leave you with this picture I just found amusing. Don't worry! Their marriage is fine, but Thalia is doing much better with the stress of raising 3 kids then her husband. :lol:

    I'm off to play! I'm dying to see how all of the kids age up and this gets you all up to date with where I'm at in game. I'll be back for replies when I finish my sim binge. I gotta get it in while I can lol Happy Simming!
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    IllusoryThrallIllusoryThrall Posts: 1,335 Member
    @Heckstress17 OMG! Twins?! My jaw just about hit the keyboard. After all that you said about having "just one more kid" I should have been expecting it.. but.. nope. Surprised the heck outta me. Oh, and as for that traveling bug, it's not really a bug. I guess you could call it a "feature". We just don't notice it usually because lots are much closer together everywhere but Evergreen Harbor. However, there is a way around it. Instead of using the "send home" button, hit "M" to bring up the travel map, and select their home. It'll insta-travel them without them having to walk anywhere. Lastly, I feel you about forgetting to take pictures. I'm famous for it, as well. :smiley:
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @IllusoryThrall - I don't know if I have ever mentioned it but I really love McKenzie's style! And wow look at her go! Her crush seems like a sweetheart. Luke looks very adminant in that picture. I imagine he is telling a epic story :lol: Poor Iris, I personally don't like the gnomes. For a second there I thought Aiyden and Iris were gonners (death by electrocution is still a thing). Well teen Luke is got quite the traits omg. You definitely helped him out with the new hairstyle, much better! Congrats to Aiyden on maxing the fabrication skill, thats so awesome!

    @Heckstress17 - Carter's new look is giving me some serious dad vibes, especially with the addition of his beard. Oof, I feel like Carson's text is sort of rubbing it in there yikes. Thalia is the perfect fit for the style influencer career she always looks so put together. I just imagine she is one of the instgram people that promotes stylish active wear. Her makeover is so good and I do like the name Miles, maybe there is a girl in their future? I am glad the family got to get out and have some time at the park, all those sad faces :( Oh boy after seeing that notification for twins its definitely a good thing they got out before the babies came. Lol that last pic looks like something that someone posts and says "caption this". Sorry my instagramer headcannon for Thalia is going strong.

    @JordanNicoleJJ- (sorry it's taken me this long to respond to your update) Aww lookit Thaddeus, he so cute but so is his sister even if she is grumpy/evil. Omg I love that Cleo became friends with the vampire, totoally suits her. She is a lot prettier thant Vlad but oh boy seeing her in Thaddeus' room made me a wee bit nervous. I always forget about the professor career in game, grats to Thalia for making it through Uni though. RIP Haven, poor Storm I am glad he's got little Thaddeus for all the hugs and affection. Oh boy I can't wait to see how Thaddeus and his evil sis get along now with his gloomy trait.

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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    I'm terrible. I keep getting sidetracked and running out of time to comment, but I'm here now :smile:

    @JordanNicoleJJ - omg lol of course those cute PJ's would be from the pet stuff pack :lol: I swear they throw like one item into each pack that I'll actually want just suck every last dollar out of me lol Also, I had no idea the windows in your gym were from the Moshino pack, or that it came with so many great photography skill add ons. I'm gonna wait until the "black friday" Origin sale, then I think I'll buy that one and Jungle Adventures too. Oh and yeah, I've got uncompressed sim textures ticked, but I swear my sims don't look as nice as everyone else's without their defaults. Who knows, maybe EA will blow me away with their December skin update. I know it'll break defaults again lol so I'll probably be forced to live without them for a little bit anyway. Now I need to know which next gen mate you're leaning towards. I'm pretty sure I know who my heir will be (even though there's only toddlers in my game lol) and I really like both of the mate choices for them. Maybe your choice will sway me.

    @Kiwicantdie - That's crazy about your class! I can't believe with that big of a mix up they're requiring all of you to go through the recorded lessons to catch up! That's so much work for you, all because of their mistake! I'm sorry. You seriously cannot catch a break. I am gonna be so excited and proud when you graduate. It's almost like your my little sim that I've sent through nightmarish years of uni lol! But seriously, good luck, and you don't have to apologize for anything. I'm just glad you always pop in to tell us what's up :heart:

    haha yeaaaaah my teen and YA sim years are always date/restaurant heavy. It's really the only community lot I like using. I think it's because they just sit in their chairs and do as their told :lol: verses me having to micromanage their trips to the park etc. You'll notice after kids come into the picture there's very little restaurant trips lol. You totally deserve a Sulani vacation complete with magical de-stressing concoctions lol I'm glad you didn't see the green tint. It drove me crazy lol

    @OJenn - Carter is definitely rockin' the middle age "basic Dad" look :lol: That video you linked on fb was too funny. But yeah, I totally thought Carson's congratulations text was a bit of a backhanded compliment too lol And you totally get my vision for Thalia's influencer career. Chic activewear, and heels with every casual outfit are totally her thing. She's totally a posh instagrammer now lol

    @IllusoryThrall - Mckenzie and Aleki are really cute together. I love how after he didn't reject her kiss and she'd pretty much gotten the "all clear" they took it to the next level in the closet lol I feel for you going back and forth between Mckenzie and Luke's interactions. I had thought the stargazing interaction brought friendship levels up faster! I'm glad to know it wasn't just in my head. And lol after some messing around in the closet, and ping pong, the next logical step is hot tub woohoo, duh lol! Seeing both Aiyden and Iris getting electrocuted was nerve wracking! I'm glad they're okay. The scout handshake is adorable :heart: omg lol I'm glad you got rid of Luke's receding hairline. He looks so much like Iris! I've come to love the erratic trait, but I remember you saying you hadn't planned on a dog for next gen, so I totally get why he's out of the heir running. I dig his red outfits and his new room though. Congrats on maxing Aiyden's maker skill and making it this far without a cowplant death lol! Anika's really cute. I hope she and Luke hit it off. btw I like how you decorated the living room. Anyway, I love the idea of carrying on the logic skill throughout the generations because I think collecting microscope prints was such a unique thing to do. Though I do really love the knitting skill. I've had the pack in my game for all of 5 minutes and I'm already obsessed lol so I wouldn't be upset to see that become your family skill either.

    I wasn't expecting twins at all :bawling: but they're here now lol so I'm working with it. I will definitely be sending my sims home from the travel menu from now on. I really thought it was a bug, but it's good to know that it's just kinda the Evergreen Harbor way.
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    Hey guys, sorry I haven't been back to comment/post an update yet. I've been insanely busy this week and am hoping to have more time this weekend. It might be Friday or so before I can post comments & an update, but I do have pics for an update at least :grimace: Just wanted to pop in and say hi and tell ya'll that I haven't disappeared lol.
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    edited October 2020
    I miraculously have time to update, today, so I'm not wasting any minute.
    Before I jump into the good stuff, though, I have a quick (poorly edited) genetic comparison for Gen 1, so here we go.
    Here we have our beloved founders Iris and Aiyden Greene.


    And their three kids. From left to right: Twins Max & Maddy. And little bro Kirk.


    I wanted a cool from-toddler-to-adult edit for every one of them too, to show how they changed in between the life stages, but I don't have the time. I'll try it for Gen 2, 'cause it seems fun.

    Anyway, on with the update!

    Evergreen Harbor: Generation 2 / Update 1

    First thing: a brief Gen 2 house tour! I went with floor plan B, 'cause I wanted a small house for almost-child-free Max :joy: ... the inside is fully decorated and furnished, but the outside remains kinda plain/empty since I run out of funds.



    For the inside, I tried to stick to the floor plan pics as much as I could, so it turned out to be... very blue :joy:



    One of the two bathrooms, and the only one big enough to get any pic.



    Nursery/room for the kid.


    Max & Kori's bedroom.


    Since it turned out super large, I added a little closet/studio-area in the back



    Also, I totally stole Kirk's move-out funds to let them build a basement, otherwise, I had no room for the fabricator.



    One final thing: this is actually Kori's house. She moved here once she became a young adult. Technically, Max had to ask her if it was alright for him to move in... and the answer wasn't necessarily to be taken for granted, since he reacted so poorly when he knew about her pregnancy.


    She wasn't that surprised to see him there, considering he had called her to apologize. After discussing things and trying to figure out the whole situation, Kori decided to let him move in and see if they could work things out together.


    They decided to involve her whole family for an introductory/pregnancy reveal party, so they invited the Porters for dinner.


    I haven't forgotten that Max rolled the mixology skill as a hobby. He made sure to mix a few drinks for everybody.


    The first to arrive was Kori's teen brother, Jarrod. He's a much better mix of his parents and a real hottie.



    Then came Kori's little brother, Jude, looking all sad and gloomy. I'm not sure what happened to make him so sad.


    Kori cheered him up and promised he could have extra dessert.


    After being stuck outside for a few hours for whatever reason (except the game being buggy :tongue: ) papa Jordan made his way inside. Unfortunately, Jarrod had already chugged down most of Max's drinks :sweat_smile:


    I tried to give Jordan an adult makeover but I don't know how that went :sweat_smile: ... Max felt at ease with him and had no trouble bonding. He showed Jordan all of the cool innovations that his father had invented during his adult life.


    ... the one that he had trouble impressing was Kori's mom, Desiree. She seemed to be in a weird mood when she arrived, probably looking all suspicious about this new "rommate".
    D : "I like what you did with the place, dear, but... a roommate? You hadn't told us that you were going to live with a roommate."
    K: "Can we please grab something to eat first? Then you can grill me all you want..."


    Max was truly feeling miserable as he cooked dinner for the guests. I couldn't blame him :sweat_smile: I would be feeling super tense too in that situation.


    Luckily for him, Kori's family seemed to be pretty chill. Mother-in-law included.
    Here they all are, chilling in the living room :joy: (and flexing, yes, I see u Jordan :smirk: )


    Once they gathered around the food, the mood improved. Turns out that even under a lot of stress and with the worst mood possible, Max's able to cook amazing spaghetti. The Porters looked happy that Kori's new "roommate" was such a nice chef :joy:


    ... but then came the moment to break the news.
    K: "Mom, dad... we... have something else in the oven too."


    Kori went into her second trimester right in the middle of this family dinner, so there was no point in delaying the announcement. After the initial shock, Desiree and Jordan warmed up to the idea of becoming grandparents. Jordan looked really smug here, like... "Oh, so you're that kind of "roommates" uh" :joy:


    Kori's brothers looked way happier than their parents tbh.


    Later that night, Max and Kori celebrated this successful dinner in their new bed (also: the color coordination was insane but definitely not planned :sweat_smile: ).


    So, a new chapter in Max's life officially began: he's happy about having moved in with Kori and, though her pregnancy still freaks him out a little, he's coming around to the idea of becoming a father. Moving out of the old house was a breath of fresh air.


    He's currently still in the Tech career, but he'll move on to becoming a laborer once he becomes an adult.
    Promotions also went super great! (nevermind the fact that he's become a dangerous hacker in his free time and that he's working on creating viruses :tongue: )


    Also: random, but I was checking out Kori's genealogy and I noticed that Jordan had an affair????? :astonished: I don't think anyone knows about it! I for sure didn't. Maybe one day the truth will come out :grimace:


    As for Kori... she's become one of my favorite sims to play :blush: not really because she's super fun, but because she's so sweet. Also, she's the only multiverse crossover sim I ever had in game, so that's a plus from the start :joy:


    She's a Junior Artiste at the moment, but the job seems to be 100% bugged and I can never send her to work. I might have to change that if it doesn't get fixed :cry:


    ... and would you ever tell what kind of life aspiration she has?? :smirk: I swear, it's like the game wanted her to be Max's mate :joy:


    The Greenes also came to visit, even if Max was too busy working to officially invite them over to his new place.
    Twin sister Maddy had a lot of things to say about the weird green van parked in front of the house.


    Soon-to-be-grandma Iris had a couple of cute onesies to give to his son. She wanted Max to have something handmade for the little one.


    And since she noticed that Max had been slacking on his knitting skill, she gave him one final lesson.
    I: "Don't think that just because I'm here knitting socks for your child that you won't have to teach the future generations how to knit, Max. It's a family tradition, ok?"
    M: "-but what if I have a boy?"
    I: "So are you and look at how well you're knitting already!"


    Aiyden was usually too busy to come by during the day, but he made sure to get over there for dinner.


    He's probably, along with Iris, the most excited about this pregnancy. I'm sure he'll be such a good grandad :bawling:



    Random news: things got rocky in the Greene household.


    As for Kori, she did well until her last trimester. She barely had an nausea, but the back started killing her.


    The "super parent" aspiration made total sense for her, it fit so well. I think that she's not actually bothered about Max not being super excited about the pregnancy. She spent her days reading parenting books to make sure that she was prepared and ready to do most of the work.


    (The "can't really relate" pic :joy::joy::joy: )


    She also got the weirdest phone call :joy:



    Unfortunately, I couldn't get a single belly rub pic from Max. He was so not into it, it was almost comical.


    M: "For the last time, Kori, I'm not interest in feeling the alien kicking from inside your belly. It's not cute. It's gross. I can't. I'm sorry." (lol at Jordan coming over unannounced and walzing into this embarrassing exchange like "I'm ready to kick your 🐸🐸🐸🐸 Max if you don't rub that belly" :joy::joy::joy: )


    Kori came to terms with the fact that there was no way she could change Max's mind.
    K: "Shees, Max, it's just baby feets, it's not like I have an octopus inside me. Well, nevermind."


    Jordan legit came over to steal Max's latest drinks :joy: ... I think he was ready to kick his 🐸🐸🐸🐸 for not being excited about Kori's pregnancy, but once he saw him knitting baby clothing on the couch he changed his mind. Max cares, he just shows it in a different way. (Also, Max has some nice mixilogy skills :smirk: )


    Then, all of a sudden, Kori realized that it was go time. But Max was so tired that night that he barely realized a thing until Kori started screaming in his ears that he couldn't ever possibly go to bed and leave her alone :joy:


    So the panic kicked in.


    ... and just kept going.



    Doctor: "Please, sir, I would truly appreciate it if you could sit down and stop screaming while I operate this- OH. Would you look at that???"


    ... and...



    I'm done.

    Post edited by Kiwicantdie on
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    @Heckstress17 I can't believe you missed another birthday :joy: it happens so often in your game! :joy: poor Carter... but hey, he looks stunning with his adult makeover! I like him even more now, the beard got me <3 ... it's nice that he and Carson got to patch things up before one of them passed away. At least now there's no businesses left unfinished. Bugs are the worst :grimace: as I just said in my update, I can't even send my sims to work smh. Thalia choosing the style influencer career makes total sense and I'm sure she'll create a ton of cool outfits. OMG Carter :joy::joy::joy: get your girl to the hospital asap!! What are you even doing???? Welcome, little Miles! The name might be random, but it's cute! I can't believe how stunning Thalia looks even in her adult years :bawling: a true queen. Good luck with the servo :grimace: I still have nightmares thinking how long it took me with the Austins #neveragain (or... maybe?). Miles looks super cute???? I hate clingy toddlers with a passion, but I'm sure he'll warm my heart. I was wondering whether you wanted to have only one kiddo for this gen, but I'm glad you chose to expand the family further. I mean, with Thalia and Carter's genes you can't go wrong anyway :sweat_smile: (did it ever go wrong in any of your games?? All of your sims are so gorgeous!) OH NO CASSIDY :bawling: at least little Miles was mourning you :cry: he's definitely a challenging little one, but not the worst I've seen. I'm sure he'll grow up into a cool little sim <3 I'm so glad I get to see the @JordanNicoleJJ 's park!! I'm totally downloading it once I start up the game in the near future! The family outing looked so cute! Even their night out at the restaurant looked adorable <3 (how annoying it is that toddlers can't "actually" go to restaurants *sigh*) ... I'm not sure I have the bug that you're mentioning now, but I had it during gen 1! It's really bad, especially when they walk even slower 'cause they're tired or are peeing themselves. GZ for the twins :expressionless: I'm just as excited :expressionless: as you are, for the reasons mentioned in my last update :expressionless: --- I think that the game doesn't want you to have smaller families anymore :joy: RIP Thalia's gym. Now the toddler will be their personal little "gym", as in 100% energy depletion 24/7. LOL Miles!! You can't be this picky already?! Those pics of him being sad about little Melrose but happy about Meric are the best :joy:
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @Everyone I know it's not like me to disappear and not say anything so I want to apologize for that, but here I am now :) I honestly haven't played since I had to go around reintroduce Sawyer to his entire family before the holidays. I think I just needed a break. I've been playing another game with my daughter and makes me feel better about not being able to see either of my kids. I miss them.

    @Heckstress17 I really can't believe they fixed the bug after Lia passed. It will be good for everyone who uses her as a founder though!

    EEEEE I love that you showed pictures of the siblings with their families! I just love Carter so much. Isn't it funny how sometimes you just see that sim that you love? Like how are they that different but I swoon over him! hehehe Oh my gosh I can't believe Cassidy is an elder! It hit me just like Hailey becoming an elder! OMG but Thalia, can she be any prettier? Aww it's too bad about their cookout but the pictures were still great. I think it's fun you had one. CARSON! What the heck? Oh this is rough...Carter is upset and Thalia doesn't really understand why. Oh my gosh poor Carter! Oh no this is so sad! Carter! Such mixed signals! It's not fair! Oh and then the tense morning. They looked so stressed and so am I!! Oh finally! Thank goodness and she graduated. Thank you! Aww their sweet wedding is prefect! What a nice getaway! Oh come on with the bag. Some things they do in the sims I just don't understand. It still looks beautiful though. I love his reaction to the nooboo. I'm always so happy when the men act like they were involved in the act. I can't wait to see what their kids look like!

    OH NO! WUT? Carter is an adult?? Look at that beard! Oh bugs...I'm so tired of them. I remember having trouble with the freelance career when it first came out. I had drew trying to be a photographer and that didn't work well. Oh I like Thalia's office. Aww poor Carter. He's adorable with his dad panic. Awww! don't be annoyed that they had a boy!! <3<3 Aww Miles is a little cutie! I never get baby pics either. They're not that fun. Weee! I love the knitting too now that Lachlan and Selena have both done it. Thalia is too cute. Aww I'm sad Cassidy passed away. It feels too soon! Oh Poor Thalia...I can't wait to see what she has. I love the toddler park. OMG that's so cute! I've never seen an adult pretend to be anything other than a sea monster! How fun!! Oh yeah I totally have it and I don't think it's a bug. I think it happens because of that voting spot and the community areas but it's still annoying! OH Thank you! I don't know why, but I was hoping for twins. I'm so sorry, please forgive me but I'm so happy! I love both their names. I love the nursery it's so cute. hehe I get such a kick out of Miles's reaction and you saying it was you. hehe Oh that last picture scared me! It's great though knowing they're fine :)

    @JordanNicoleJJ I love the picture of Thalia at her new desk. I love the sweatshirt she's wearing. I love that hall...and of course that closet is great for a break! I love Cleo so much. She is so adorable. Whoa! That is a lot of Star Wars nerds! I hope they had fun hehe. Of course she couldn't interact with another toddler...why would we want that ever? You know stranger danger and out for those toddlers. Storm playing with Nicole was great though :) Hooray for another nooboo! Man I love Thalia, she's so pretty. Aww poor Thalia freaking out when she started to show! Boo! I love that Storm started making things for the baby! Oh yay for the costumes. I love Thalia scaring herself. So cute. OMG THAT PUMPKIN! I love Nicole forever now. I thought for sure too that she would go into labor during the party. That always seemsto happen to my sims. Hehe I love that Storm keeps missing the births like Sawyer did too. I love that Haven and Suri came for Cleo's birthday. She is so cute but I'm sad she's evil! Although I remember some of my evil sims being really protective of their family <3

    Aww poor Storm! He shouldn't have to suffer abuse from his child! Thaddeus is so cute and I love that you said Storm was clingy too. That made me laugh. Yikes! That vampire is scary! Leave the baby alone! I know I always have the big family parties but after all the small ones Sawyer was forced to have I kind of love them. Awww! Poor Storm! Come on Cleo! Throw your poor Dad a bone!! Aww and then she did. Good girl Cleo...see evil doesn't mean unloving...hehehe. Hooray for graduating! I love that she's going to be a teacher. I'm looking forward to having a sim do that career. Oh I'm sad about Haven! Poor Suri and poor Storm :( Congrats on finishing all your aspirations! That was a great idea with the snowflakes. Cleo actually looks like she's trying to be good while her Mama is lecturing her! I love seeing Evie and Raven. I just love them. Awww gloomy isn't that bad :) Cameron was gloomy and he's great :) Good job on his room. It looks great!

    @Francisca464 I hope your feeling better soon. <3 I of course want you to play so I can read your updates, but really I'm happy that you come by and check in too. Thank you for doing that <3

    @OJenn Aww Jade is so pretty and hooray for Iris! Aww Evie...she's so sweet too. Little Iris is adorable. Oooo I love Gideon. What a cutie. Isn't that weird? My sims have been coming over when they go into labor too. That is odd about the inspector. Do you think maybe you don't have enough plants? Oh no. Sad that Evie passed. It's so hard those calls all seem to start piling on once they start. Oooo I love that Iris and Aiyden went on a vacation. Oh she aged up very cutely and I love that hair! And a lovely little room tour. I'm happy. Hope your move goes well.

    @IllusoryThrall I'm glad you checked in! You're brave to be streaming! I'm glad you're feeling more confident. I bet it's lots of fun :)

    @Kiwicantdie Oooo I love your house! Especially the kitchen! I love that blue. Oh but I also like how you did the bathroom. I like everything. I was happy to see Kori giving Max another chance. Don't blow it this time mister! Uhoh! Kori's mom is suspicious! She has the Mom power!! OH no! Dad does not look thrilled! OH wow! Jordan had an affair? What a surprise! That's so funny she wants kids so hard and Max doesn't want them equally as hard. A match made in heaven!! haha Tell me Maddy wanted to know where Thelma and the gang was...that's all I could think of when I saw that van! Aww it's so sweet Iris brought over some onsies. Iris and Aiyden are so cute. I can't wait to see them as grandparents. I love Jordan so hard in that picture! You be sweet to that woman Max!! I am so happy! First @Heckstress17 and now you. I am not done!! I hope they're identical!!

    @everyone Again :) I can't believe I finished all my comments! I had a lot of fun catching up. I'm hoping to play again this weekend. I will be at the hospital for some appointments with my Mom on Saturday but Sunday...if all goes well will be my day. Of course I'll be looking for updates to read on Saturday though :) See you all soon! <3
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @Kiwicantdie - Aww I am loving the house, especially the suspicious van out front :lol: Kori and Max have an interesting relationship, I am definitely glad she has the super parent aspiration she is going to get that in no time with twins! OMG you and poor @Heckstress17 getting hit with twins lol.

    I haven't had much time to play but I wanted to post that Gideon aged up! I wasn't ready for it to be honest he's so cute

    Just before the candles were out I noticed Jade was making some interesting faces.

    But the candles were blown nonetheless!

    I have rolled all his traits and I won't say career he will have but maybe you can guess?

    He was not really impressed to sat the least lol

    His room makeover, I went a little overboard with color :lol:

    I will leave with these two pics: Gideon seems happy to learn about another sibling.

    And his parents are still going strong ♥
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    Ok guys, I set aside today for sims so I can finally get an update posted & leave some comments :smiley: First an update!
    Rebuild Evergreen Harbor: Gen 3

    It's been awhile since I played, so my apologies if this update is all over the place 'cause I'm just narrating what I see :lol: Anyway, the Greenes are still alive & well in Evergreen Harbor. Thalia is doing well with her teaching job and only needs one more promotion to max the career! She also looks so cute in her work outfit lol.

    Thalia is definitely the "tough love" parent, and that transfers over to her teaching job as well -- no easy A's for these kids, even the celebrities!

    Thaddeus aged up in my last update, and school hadn't started for him yet, so Storm took him out to the park for a few games of chess. He's gonna be a little whiz kid in no time :smirk: (Also the chess hack for anyone still having issues with it -- have two sims under your control play chess. After they have played for awhile, have the sim who's NOT trying to complete the aspiration cancel the play chess interaction. It should then register as a played game under the sim with the aspiration. :smile: )

    @Wentcrazy 's Zeke watched them play for awhile, and Storm made a new friend! They're both active, so I knew they'd hit it off right away (tbh I'm surprised they hadn't met already with as much as they both go to the gym!).

    It looks like Zeke's taken up new hobbies since arriving in my game -- the future cube bug strikes again :tongue: (Also the Harvestfest decorations are still up two weeks later...oh sims and its bugs lol)

    Thalia was still feeling weird about the celeb kid's agency asking for her to give him a "free pass," so she called up the girls to meet her for coffee to talk about it. I was excited to see @Wentcrazy 's Ziva has also made a little life for herself in my game! She doesn't have a family yet, but she did get a nice hostess job at the ever-popular Anavrin.

    Thalia felt a million times better after venting to the girls -- her in-laws Kate and Raven, plus Aunt Cass of course. She also found out some juicy gossip :naughty: Blaze and Kate are trying to have another baby (aww :blush: ), while Raven is thinking of divorcing Laurent??? :flushed:

    Apparently he wants kids after all, and he's been cheating on her as a result :grimace:

    Except Raven didn't seem upset about it whatsoever...either they've decided to have an open marriage, or she just really doesn't care about having a man/family. Either way, I can relate, so power to you Raven :lol: Aunt Cass still marches to the beat of her own drum, and she's always so happy, so I'm happy :blush:

    All in all it was a great outing, and they totally need to do it again sometime if I ever remember to get my sims out of the house again lol.

    By the time Thalia got home, Storm was also off work and helping Thad with his homework. She had some dinner and helped out too. There's honestly no way this kid won't grow up to be a little genius with such smart, involved parents :blush:

    After Thad finally started school and got settled in, Storm and Thalia took the kids to the Willow Creek library for some weekend extracurriculars. Whereas Evergreen Harbor had only had the lightest dusting of snow (which had all melted away :tongue: ), Willow Creek was in the middle of a full-blown blizzard! :smiley:

    Thad stayed inside and played with the science lab in the kids' area. He made lots of "potions" to give to his family for Winterfest (and to knock out another stage of his aspiration :wink: ).

    Storm, Thalia, and Cleo braved the blizzard to try out the new ice skating rink that just popped up behind the library. As you can see, it went as badly as expected :sweat_smile:

    Thalia made it all better by getting everyone nice, hot drinks afterward -- coffee for the adults, hot chocolate for the little ones.

    At this point the weather took a turn for the worst, Cleo started giving me the "I can't even see my hand in front of my face" look, and Storm needed to go to work, so that's all for their Willow Creek adventure. They learned a valuable lesson -- check the weather before traveling :lol:

    Grandma Suri stopped by later that night after Storm got off work. Cleo's developed a pretty good relationship with her :blush:

    ...mostly because grandma spoils the hell out of her :tongue:"Grandma can I please please please have a MILLION Winterfest presents?? Pretty pleeease?"

    "Well you did say 'pretty please' alright! I'll make sure Father Winter puts you on the 'nice' list." :wink:

    As for Grandma Suri and Thad's relationship, it's alright. They make an effort at least. But Cleo definitely had more time to bond with her grandparents before they retired and moved to Sulani, so she's the "favorite" :tongue:

    She didn't get any Winterfest presents out of her incessant begging and pleading, but she did managed to con grandma into giving her an early birthday present :naughty: Cleo's so used to the monster under the bed at this point (it literally comes EVERY SINGLE NIGHT :angry: ) that she decided to befriend it and show off her new toys :lol:

    The very next day -- Cleo's birthday -- the Greenes woke up to snow! I love when it snows in Evergreen Harbor, because it honestly feels pretty rare. It was so pretty with their winter decoration :blush:

    Storm woke up bright and early to make Cleo's favorite breakfast, pancakes, and his signature birthday cake for the party later. Also I love catching Thalia giving Storm these flirty looks :smirk:

    Cleo wanted to go ice skating for her birthday, so the family headed back to Willow Creek to give it another shot. It was still snowing, but at least it wasn't a blizzard, and there were several other much better skaters there too. Show offs lol

    Thad was still working on his aspiration, so he stayed inside the library like the shut-in hermit he is :lol: But cousin Nicole (Blaze's daughter) came along and has aged up into an absolutely gorgeous teen! (even though she's AWFUL at skating lol)

    Storm actually got the hang of this whole skating thing after awhile and showed off his new moves :sunglasses:


    Poor Thalia did not have it so easy...despite her nearly maxed fitness skill, she fell like ten times. The show offs literally skating circles around her certainly didn't help either :lol:

    Cleo actually got pretty decent at skating too (she must get it from her dad), but she lost interest quickly and moved on to playing "pirate captain" at the little playground near the library. My little evil girl is growing up so fast :blush:

    They were going to have Cleo's party at the Evergreen Harbor park, but it was freezing when they got there and I totally forgot the cake shhh, so they all went to Storm and Thalia's house a quick celebration instead. No one really paid attention as Cleo blew out the candles :sweat_smile: It didn't hurt her feelings any, she just wanted to get it over with so she could eat cake :tongue:

    Cleo's evil trait finally made sense to me -- she got a vampire aspiration!! It also made me even more interested in her as a potential heir, because I haven't ever completed a vampire aspiration. It's also kind of fitting because it's a "family" aspiration, and she got parenting as her random hobby! Perfectionist isn't a bad trait either, I think it suits her well.

    Here she is in all of her teen glory! She's a much better mix than I originally anticipated. She has Thalia's hair color and skin tone, Storm's eye shape with Thalia's eye color, Thalia's nose, Storm's lips (I think, it could honestly go either way), Storm's cheekbones, and I THINK Thalia's jawline/chin. Overall, she's a good mix & I'm super happy with her!

    I gave her a more preppy, girly style while keeping in mind her perfectionist trait. Black, white, and purple are her colors, so I kept those. I love her style, and I think her winter outfits (last two) are my favs :blush:

    Everyone had a good time at the party, despite it being cut short by the kids needing to go to bed (it was a school night after all). Cleo even "played nice" and gave her father a hug as a thank you for the nice party. She may be evil, but she has manners!

    Then the very next day at Cleo's first day of high school, she got in a fight :lol: Thalia's determined to teach her kids manners, respect, and responsibility even if it kills her! (Which it might if she's not careful...Cleo is EVIL after all :flushed: )

    The kids got home from school, Thad had a great day as always, and Cleo was in the biggest MOOD I've ever seen. She moped around the house for hours before Thalia got her to sit down and talk about it.

    Perfectly little angel Thad got right to work on his homework (which Thalia was supposed to be helping him with) while Cleo ranted about her bad day and how the fight was "totally not even her fault" ... uh huh, suuure evil child :tongue:

    When Storm got home from work, he rescued Thad and the two went to on his extra credit project in the garage. I'm not sure how they got any work done with Cleo screaming at the top of her lungs on the other side of the wall :sweat_smile:

    But hey, he did it. He finally maxed his mental skill & completed his aspiration!

    Speaking of completing aspirations, Storm is now working on his THIRD aspiration :lol: I was going to leave it at the two, but I figured he probably wasn't far off from completing bodybuilder since he'd already maxed fitness. Plus just look at that superhuman of a man, he already IS a bodybuilder in everything but name :lol:

    One part of the aspiration was working out at a gym, which Storm and Thalia hadn't done in awhile, so I sent them out (with their fitness friends of course). Storm went straight for the rock climbing walls and completed showed up Bro Friend, who might've seriously messed up his back :sweat_smile:

    Thalia's "fit" enough for my liking, so I had her try something new -- yoga! She learned the basics pretty quickly.

    But once the instructor started doing more "complicated" moves, she panicked and made up an excuse to leave :lol: She may be super fit, but her flexibility could definitely use some work :tongue: (Know what else could definitely use some work?? Those window reflections :expressionless: You're making my builds look like trash, EA! :angry: )

    Anywhooo :sweat_smile: Winterfest Eve arrived, and everyone was eager to get their presents from Father Winter! (Father Winter also got a little makeover because he was showing up elsewhere in the world and ruining screenshots lol.)

    Thalia and Thad both got nice presents...which I immediately sold for money because this house was ridiculously expensive and emptied the family's life savings :lol:


    But then Father Winter started to leave before Cleo or Storm got their presents! :frowning: Cleo wasn't about to let that happen. "Hey old man, stop right there. You aren't going anywhere until you hand over those presents!"

    Annnd she proceeded to fight Father Winter for the presents :flushed: The sheer DISAPPOINTMENT on Storm's face...Thalia's "what the HELL do you think you're doing, young lady?" face...I shouldn't be laughing, but I can't stop laughing :joy:

    The family's reaction KILLED me :joy: I almost felt bad for Father Winter, but honestly...worth it. So worth it. Also, apparently Father Winter has moves cause he won that fight lol. No presents for you, Cleo :tongue:

    Cleo tried another tactic...bribery. "I'm so sorry for fighting you, Mr. Father Winter. Please take this beautiful gift as my sincerest apologies..." (Thad in the background looking like "Don't do it, man! It's a trap!")
    52.png was a trap :naughty: What? She's already on the naughty list, might as well have a bit of fun with it :lol: Thad cracks me up so much, he called it!

    Cleo declared Father Winter her most despised enemy that night. "If I EVER catch you on my property again, you better be ready to catch these hands! You'll rue this day! RUE IT!" Oh Cleo. I love her so much.

    Sadly, that was not the only drama this Winterfest Eve would bring. In the wee hours of the night, the family got a call from Blaze saying that grandma Suri passed away in her sleep :bawling: The night before Winterfest...there literally couldn't have been a worst time :disappointed:

    It kinda surprised me, but it actually hit Cleo the hardest. I guess I hadn't realized how close they really were. Or maybe she was just thinking about the "million presents" she would be missing out on...

    Even Thad took it pretty hard, and he had almost no relationship with Suri. He entered a clingy phase, which is honestly just perfect for him, because he was such a clingy toddler and that's honestly all that got Storm through Haven's death.

    The holiday must go on...everyone put on their best smiles as they opened each others' Winterfest gifts. The kids gave Thalia a yoga mat and a meditation stool, which she loved dearly.

    Storm & Thalia gave the kids some weird potions they found on plopsy (look, the last minute shopping was real, ok :sweat_smile: ) -- I think Thad got a "potion of nimble mind" and Cleo got a "potion of emotional stability" (that's honestly the only reason I bought them, I thought it was hilarious that you can buy "emotional stability" for the low, low price of 36 simoleons in The Sims 4 :lol: ).

    Thad got Cleo a stereo for her room so she could listen to her loud teenager music. Currently her fav music is REALLY LOUD METAL

    Cleo gave Thad "the gift of sisterly love" aka she forgot to get him a present oops. Tbh it is probably the first and only hug he's ever gotten from her, ever :lol:

    Everyone got dressed then hung out in the kitchen until Storm's ham was finished. Despite the death in the family, just being together helped cheer everyone up, at least for the holiday :heart:

    Storm's grand feast was a hit. He didn't even make a desert this year, it was all very laid-back and relaxed, but the family appreciated it nonetheless. It was just their little family of four, as without the grandparents & with everyone's families getting bigger/doing their own thing, it just wasn't worth the hassle of trying to organize a big family holiday. It was perfect for the Greenes though.

    Some time during dinner, Cleo got a call from her great-aunt Eden giving her props about making an enemy out of Father Winter :lol: I like how the only reply is "ok," because I feel like that's all Cleo would've said anyway.

    After dinner everyone did their own thing. Cleo locked herself in her room and listened to her REALLY LOUD METAL on her new stereo, Thalia took a nap, and Storm & Thad had some father-son bonding time playing video games.

    The clingy child eventually tired himself out and needed a nap too, at which point Thalia woke up feeling a little frisky and lured Storm upstairs to give him his "Winterfest present" :wink:

    Fingers crossed risky woohoo doesn't kick in and ruin my whole game :lol: Thalia's been taking her MCCC birth control every day, but I still don't trust the description - "What could go wrong?" ........ :grimace:
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    So I typed up a bunch of comments, then one of my cats jumped up on my laptop and hit something that made the page reload. UGHHH I'll re-type comments but they're gonna be shorter because I'm frustrated :unamused:

    @Kiwicantdie I swear I'm not cheating -- MCCC is just finally taking pity on me after years of the multiples curse! :wink: In all seriousness though, I think the modder tweaked the MCCC settings since I last used it. It now says "uses EA default" under the max number of babies per pregnancy, unless you change it to 4+ max/pregnancy. That's what I have mine set to, and no problems so far!

    I love the gen 1 genetic comparison you did! I honestly thing Max is the best mix of the three, I see so much of Aiyden and Iris in him, whereas I mostly just see Aiyden in Maddy & Kirk. They're all great-looking kids though! Your gen 2 house looks so good!! You nailed the floorplan (and even the design!). I think my fav part is the master bathroom -- I love the archway into the shower/tub and the long sink with all of that clutter. I really like the master bedroom too though, that little closet/office is such a great use of the space! Totally don't blame you for adding a basement -- that house needs all the extra space it can get :lol: Aww I'm glad Max and Kori are trying to work things out even if you have to force him to love his own child :smile: I knew Max would eventually win over Kori's parents. LOL "Oh, so you're that kind of 'roommates' uh" Jordan's savage :lol: Kori seems like such a great sim, you're so lucky to have her :love: She wants to be a super parent -- perfect! She can do all the work while Max completely ignores the kids until they're adults...that's how that works, right? :wink: Soon-to-be-grandma Iris is still my fav. I just love how chill she is, but at the same time she keeps everyone in line. I also love soon-to-be-grandpa Aiyden, he's just so excited! LOL I love that Max is so terrified of pregnant Kori/the baby bump, because that's me, I relate so much :lol: All of my friends are like "omg feel my belly the baby's kicking!! pregnancy is such a beautiful miracle" and I'm like "no plz keep the parasite away from me. call me in 20 yrs when its old enough to go to the bar with us" :joy: AHHHHH TWINS OH NOOOOO. What if...what if Max just moved out, lived his life, and came back when the twins are old enough to move on to gen 3? :sweat_smile: Er...on the bright side, no more pregnancies? You've got two kids to pick from, at least one has to have half-way decent genetics, right? :lol:

    @Heckstress17 I'm leaning toward Cleo for heir and Gabriel for her mate (he's definitely getting a new last name though lol). If I do end up choosing Thad for some reason, I'll go with Piper for his mate. I honestly like Thad's personality/career/etc. better (I rolled in advance this gen), but I'm having more fun playing Cleo, and I've never completed a vampire aspiration before, so I'm pretty set on her.

    Adult Carter is my dream man, I swear -- LOVE the beard on him :love: They seriously need to fix the career/school bugs already! :angry: Honestly if it were me, I would just cheat it to complete it -- at this point it's not cheating, it's just working around EA's buggy mess :tongue: LOL both of our men this gen are avoiding Thalia's labor like the plague. I can't believe Carter ran away to go float in the pool though :lol: At least he came through for feeding time so Tal could get some sleep. Oh my gosh did she age at all??? She doesn't look a day over YA! I really love how you styled her, I'm so jealous of her fashionista outfits, especially since it feels like all I've seen in my game are Foxbury sweatspants and sweatshirts for a whole generation :lol: Eeeee the servo! I can't wait to see it finished :smiley: Aw Miles is a cutie, even if he's a Carter clone (for now). Yay! Thalia's preggers again!! I'm really hoping you get a girl this time, 'cause I want to see if she looks like Cleo lol. Oh man, you just reminded me why I hate clingy toddlers...I really lucked out with Thad being such a well-behaved clingy tod :grimace: No not Aunt Cass :bawling: At least I still have her in my game...but still :cry: Oh hey, my park! I'm glad you like it, and it looks like your Greenes liked it too :blush: I've never seen an adult sim play with a toddler on the playground like that! Carter makes a fine imaginary pirate :wink: You took a toddler to a restaurant -- in THIS game?? You brave soul. I would NEVER lol. At least he behaves himself in public :sweat_smile:@IllusoryThrall is right, the game will "slow travel" to a lot if it's "close enough" unless you travel from map view. I always travel from map view just in case. TWINS?!?! Oh no :flushed: least they have really cool names (I'm totally stealing them for my D&D games btw) :sweat_smile: I can't wait for the next update!! I'm dying to see how everyone ages up :smiley:

    @debjameswhite I don't blame you for taking a break! I think we all need one once in awhile. I'm glad you've been enjoying playing other games and catching up with your kiddos :smile: Thanks for all of your kind comments on my posts :heart:

    @OJenn Gideon is the cutest lil thing omg. Ooo I bet he'll be a scientist when he grows up! Or maybe an astronaut. Either way, I love a smart kid. His room looks amazing! I love really colorful kid rooms (well really any room in your game, because you do color so well!). I can't wait to meet his little sibling :smiley:
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @JordanNicoleJJ - So glad you got to post an updated and comments, even if the cat had other ideas :lol: I, for one, and glad Thalia didn't just give a passing grade to that student. Good on her! Honestly, the Harvestfest decorations still being up is a mood, I often leave decorations up well after the holidays :lol: I love seeing Thalia get out with the girls, nice to catch up on everyone's life even if Raven's mad is out doing his own thing. Yikes! Omg Cleo and the monster bonding is still hilarious, I haven't had a sim be that chill. Happy birthday to Cleo! She is definitely a good mix of her parents and I can't say I've ever finished the vampire aspiration either lol. Storm is totally in his element at the gym maybe he can help poor bro friend get good. Cleo fighting Father Winter is totally on brand for her, at least she was able to get gifts from her family.

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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    edited October 2020
    I have a tiny baby/toddler update to share since I managed to play a little bit in the past few days (Covid's coming back strong here in Italy and my boss decided to close the restaurant for the weekend). No, I didn't quit, despite MCCC screwing me as usual :sweat_smile:

    Evergreen Harbor: Generation 2 / Update 2

    After I got over my 5 minutes of inner rage, I was legitimately happy I reached Gen 3. Yes, I planned for Max to have one kid only, but this was also a good thing for exploring their genetic. Not sure whether I'll keep risky woohoo on, though. I'll have to think about it, 'cause I don't wanna risk things :sweat_smile:
    Despite not wanting kids or panicking about their arrival, Max eased into his new dad role.
    I guess that Ryder and River being two super chill infants really helped.


    Kori herself was surprised she had time to improve her baking skill with Max being so helpful. She had the twins for not even half a day but it was clear that she was a much better mom than a chef :joy:


    Max & Kori decided to throw a little family party for everybody to meet the twins. Uncle Kirk was the first to arrive all the way from San Myshuno, and he rushed to the bassinets (weird, considering that he too hates children lol).


    ---- aaand yes, of course, as soon as Ryder pooped his pants right in front of him, Kirk remembered :joy:


    The entire Greene and Porter households arrived, so I had no choice but to move the twins into the living room. What better occasion for the families to meet than a "baby reveal"? :joy:
    Kori was so excited and couldn't wait to show grandma Iris her little ones.
    K: "Look, River has Max's eyes!"


    I: "And he's bald like Aiyden! A true Greene!" :joy:


    The afternoon went so well that even Max was in the mood for some bonding.


    Uncle Jude is the youngest uncle I ever had in game lol.


    I think I'll always have parties like these when a nooboo's born, 'cause both families had so much fun <3
    I also think that both grandmas, Iris and Desiree, got along pretty fine considering that they were wearing the same dress :joy:


    Kori's got this :relaxed:


    She and Max also found their own personal way to celebrate. I swear to god tho if any further unwanted pregnancy happens to them I'll just cheat it away lol. I can't. There's no room in this house.


    The very next morning, Kori changed her career. She could never go to work for whatever bug, so I chose something similar for her that was actually functioning.


    Just given birth + new job + fresh promotion = W I N.


    And as soon as she's back from work, she's all over the little ones. She's my first Super Parent sim, I truly hope I'll be able to complete her aspiration :grimace:


    As for Max, at the moment he's been a full-time parent + cockroach destroyer + hacker.



    ... well then.


    Grandma Desiree came by as a neighbor, not as a grandma, but we all know that she just wanted an excuse to see the kids.



    Thanks, Desiree! Now all of my trash plants won't die :tongue:


    The same afternoon that the twins had to age up into toddlers, Max was at work and she had no energy to celebrate. So... well, both of them jumped out of the crib on their own :grimace:


    Here they are!
    First, Ryder Greene, who rolled the Silly trait.


    And unexpected twin River <3 who's a little Charmer.


    Both of them aged up with these hairstyles, and since they seemed to fit so well I decided to keep them.
    A couple of considerations: 1) I LOVE how well Max and Kori's genes have mixed here. River got mom's hair color but dad's eye color, while Ryder got dad's hair color and mom's eye color. They're also not identical twins, so yay at least I got more genetics to compare. 2) Grandma Iris' mole and freckles are still going strong <3 I wonder if I'll be able to keep them till gen 10.
    I also decided to keep the color of the clothes they aged up with while I was giving them their new&improved outfits, and this is the result:

    Blue boi Ryder.


    Pink boi River.


    The funny thing is that Ryder, being the firstborn, aged up first and got to realize that he had a twin :joy: and he was so not happy about it :joy:


    This is the side-eye he gave River before I managed to change their outfits :joy:


    Once both of them were nicely dressed and ready to do their toddler things, as soon as River tried to interact with Ryder, Ryder decided to go on full attack mode.





    After that little inconvenience, Kori decided to separate them and empty the room for the much-needed makeover.
    After almost half an hour, this is what I came up with.




    And a closeup of this tiny little angel' sleeping baby face :bawling: I'm no longer mad about the twins thing. I love them.


    Ryder couldn't sleep as well as his brother. He woke up not even 1 hour after going to bed and he ran to his parent's bedroom.


    "The joys of parenthood" :joy:


    Luckily for Max, Ryder went after his mom instead of bothering him while he was hacking the Landgraabs' bank account.



    ... but he couldn't escape the toddlers for much longer :joy: the very next morning, River was up at dawn and ready to learn how to potty. Kori was already late for work so she left him with dad.
    K: "-ask daddy, River! He's got a 🐸🐸🐸🐸 just like you!"


    Time to get to work, Max :joy:


    He did well. He also managed to get this one into the highchair and feed him before social services came knocking on the front door.


    ... but he couldn't put Ryder in the highchair in time. Since Kori wasn't around, she didn't need to know that Ryder's first grown-up meal was a bowl of chips :joy:


    I have to admit: he was lucky. Both Ryder and River have been good kiddos (though super energetic) so far, so Max didn't have much trouble handling them on his own.


    Yet, he still turned into a wine mom :joy::joy::joy:


    Grandpa Jordan also came to visit unannounced (I think Kori gave him the keys of the house but I can't remember?). Charmer pink flower boi River was super excited to meet him and show him all of his toys.


    But he got turned down???? JORDAN. HOW DARE YOU. Hug him now. :rage:


    Kori just came back from work and found him fuming. She had no clue about what just happened, but she gave him a talking for being so cold towards River and demanded that he immediately patched things up.


    Now we're good.


    Jordan behaved well until he found his way out in the backyard and decided to smash his grandchildren's dollhouse :neutral:


    Luckily for him, Kori was already back on best-mom duty and didn't see a thing.


    A few more considerations on the boys: River's the least energetic of the two, while Ryder definitely does his best to be the little devil of the house. He's a silly little one and misbehaves most of the time that mama's not at home. I guess that he's already learned that mom's the bad cop and that dad doesn't know how to make him stop.


    River just loves attention and can't help but talking with everything and everyone. The time that Max spends at home coding/programming/hacking, River is glued by his side and never shuts up.


    Most-miserable-wine-mom-of-the-year also tried to call for a babysitter, 'cause he couldn't do it alone.


    ... but the one that came knocking on the front door was a child? Carson Greene, everyone! :grin:


    Max greeted him anyway, though he was super confused by the situation.
    M: "Hello? Are you lost?"
    C: "Nope! You called for a babysitter and here I am!"
    M: "-wait... but you're just a kid? What kind of joke is this?"
    C: "Don't worry, sir, I'll evolve into my teen form right now!"



    M: "Nice! You're hired!" :joy::joy::joy:


    (I legit don't know how that happened :joy: )
    (Anyway, that's all for now :tongue: )
    Post edited by Kiwicantdie on
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    edited October 2020
    Here for your updates!

    @debjameswhite you definitely got me worried! I was not expecting to not see you here for so long, but I'm glad to know that you just needed a break. Take all the time you need AND make sure to spend time gaming with your kids <3
    Glad to know that you liked the house for this gen. I don't know how I feel about all the blue, but I was following the pics and it turned out like this :sweat_smile: I think it's nice. I've also come around to accept & love these set of twins too, so yeah, I'm not done yet :grimace:

    @OJenn I just couldn't help myself with that suspicious van :joy:
    OMG GIDEON :flushed: he's soooooo cute! And he'll be a big brother too!! What if it's twins for you too? :joy: it would be a curse for sure lol.

    @JordanNicoleJJ I'm under the impression that you get whiz kids most of the time, while I get a lot of rambunctious scamps :joy: the pics of Thaddeus playing chess with Dad are so cute! (I'll get that park I swear) (I have ALWAYS had that decorations bug, really... decorations never went away from any of my community lots ugh). So much juicy gossip???? First Kate, now Raven?? That's a weird marriage dynamic, but hey, I don't judge as long as everybody's happy :joy: - aaaaah snowy Willow Creek, how I miss you! The family trip was adorable, even if it looked freezing. Winterfest, yay!! It's nice that the whole family picked up ice skating, I can't remember the last time I had my sims try it. Poor Thalia, I'm sure she'll get better at it! OMG CLEO!!! She's such a beauty <3 and she's a really good mix too! I love the outfits you gave her, they feel very vampirish. Aaaaand teen mood swings :grimace: yay for mood swings. Lol she has so much character, I love her. Storm is killing it :flushed: is it just me or did his muscles grow like double the size?? He looks so good, seriously. Back to Winterfest!! It looked so nice and peaceful, and then- Cleo :joy: that family reaction was the best :joy::joy::joy: oh NO SURI. I was just laughing so hard for the whole Santa fight deal and you gotta kill me like this. I'm glad that the holiday went well despite Suri's passing. I'm crossing my fingers for you and hope that MCCC spares your poor sims :joy: let them have some fun without consequences, MCCC!! or I swear I'll fight u just like Cleo fought Santa :joy:

    EDIT: @Heckstress17 I ended up uploading the ugly bowling alley. Also in case somebody wants her, @everyone my vampire Pablita from the Austin/Willow Creek legacy is on the gallery.
    Post edited by Kiwicantdie on
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    I've fallen a bit behind again :disappointed: I'm not gonna go into detail, but things have just not been going well for me at all. I'll get an update posted early sometime this week though. I haven't played much, but I think I've got enough to post a mini update. In the meantime I'm happy to have updates to comment on :heart: Also, what's everyone think of the new pack announcement? I'm interested in the "sentiments" it's suppose to add to the game. I'm hoping it'll make our sims a little more lively. We'll see I guess.

    @kiwicantdie - I loved seeing 2 updates from you :mrgreen: it's just a shame it's because covid is once again shutting stuff down :confused: Anyway, I loved the genetics comparison! The boys definitely ended up as better blends of their parents, but Maddy still ended up gorgeous too. You really lucked out genetically. I LOVE Max's house! Well Kori's lol but still! You always get so creative with the way you place your furniture, like the way you used those end tables and counters in the living room turned out super cool, and I'm always a fan of blue. The bathroom is so cool! The archway leading into the shower and creating that separation from the rest of the room is genius! The master bedroom is perfect too. It was a great idea to make an office area in the closet for Max. Using the kitchen cabinets to frame everything in was genius. And I love all the clutter in the basement :heart: Kori really is gorgeous, and her brother is a hottie too :love: the older one I mean lol It was great seeing their two families getting to know each other... and then hearing the big news :joy: Jordan's reaction was your typical overprotective tough guy Dad. Max might need to be worried lol Jordan seems to be a bit of jerk in your game. I mean how could he cheat on his beautiful wife?! Yes yes yes Iris hand over those adorable onsies! Max still looks super unsure about knitting. While Iris looks like she's gonna force her boy to be a knitting master one way or another. I don't know why, but I love that picture of Kori in the bathroom with her aching back. omg I've never seen a sim reject the belly rub interaction :joy::lol: and then Kori's Dad just happens to witness the whole exchange LOL Max has made the worst possible impression on his in-laws. It's just pure luck that Kori wants to be a super parent because Max is completely checked out lol. omg I am so so so so so sorry about the twins :grimace: What are the odds?? Poor Max not wanting ANY kids, then ending up with TWO after woohooing ONE time :grimace: I get your anger/annoyance 100% That Office gif was perfect though lol

    It was a really really cute idea to have a "baby reveal" lol much cooler then a gender reveal. It seems like Max won't completely shun his boys. Even uncle Kirk looked interested for a moment lol little uncle Jude will probably be their fav uncle though. Did I mention I love the twins names? Cause I do, and their little stiped onsies are the cutest knitted onsies I've seen so far. omg your toddlers are still the only one's I've ever seen bite :lol: It's so funny to see a twin be like "No! uh uh! I wanted to be an only child!" especially since that's what his parents wanted too lol. Their little bedroom is adorable. I can't believe you found a way to make those toddler beds work with a room design. I've been trying and failing for years! Also, sizing down the monster decal makes it look so much better. The he's got a "peep**" too comment from River killed me :lol: Wine Mom Max :joy: he deserves it lol. And Jordan! Grrrrr! I'm glad Kori set him straight. lmao what is up with babysitter Carson?? :lol: "I'll just evolve into my semi final form right now" lol but honestly, the idea of Carson looking after the kids kinda terrifies me :grimace: lol great update! And yay! I'll go download your bowling alley right now! I'm gonna see about getting the vampire pack too cause I can't have a non vampire Pablita :wink:

    @debjameswhite - I miss your updates and comments on here so much :bawling: but completely understand why you've been away. We all need a bit of a break from time to time, and I sincerely hope everything with your Mom improves :heart: And, if the game you're playing with your daughter is Animal Crossing then feel free to message me on FB and I could hop on and we could visit each other's islands :smile: I'd love to see what you've done with yours!

    I'm glad you had the time to sit down with your coffee for some comments :smiley: Carter's definitely got a special place in my simming heart lol I love him so much because he reminds me of Lawrence and Greysen. He's a great family man, wonderful husband, total sweetheart, but also a mans man! He's perfect :smiley: But yes! The knitting is so fun! I really didn't think I'd like the pack at all, but it's actually super adorable. I thought it was pretty cool that Carter played along with Miles at the park too. Haha you were hoping for twins!? You wished this upon me?! lol just kidding. I'm usually always hoping for twins in all of your updates too. Just not in my game!

    @OJenn - Little Gideon was the sweetest toddler with his little curly hair and innocent face :heart: but omg he's an even cuter child?! Like seriously, he's the cutest! I think he looks like a great blend of Jade and Jordan. My guess is he'll end up in the scientist career track? Or something to do with being smart and nerdy lol His bedroom is super colorful, but I don't think it's too much. I like that you found a use for that mural. I can't wait to see baby #2... well 3 lol but 2 for Jade technically. I love that last picture of her and Jordan :heart: They're such an attractive couple, and her hair is beautiful.

    @JordanNicoleJJ - Your update wasn't all over the place at all. Thalia looks super cute in her new work uniform. She's the tough love type in my game lol so I loved seeing that's her personality in yours too. It was nice to see @Wentcrazy 's Zeke in your game. Even if he was obsessed with his future cube :grimace: Thalia's girls lunch was such a cute idea. You're killin' it with keeping your sims social while maintaining their jobs and parenting. I almost didn't recognize Storm with his fading hair and full beard :bawling: At least he's still super buff and sexy lol! It's so nice to see your WC library again :blush: I think the blizzard makes for better pics. It really set the mood for the ice skating, and it looks like the practice paid off for Storm. The winterfest pics were great. I loved seeing how excited Grandma Suri looked to be there. It made me so sad thinking that she's out there in Sulani all by herself. I'm actually kinda okay with the idea that she's with Haven once again :heart: and she got to be one of the most involved Grandma's ever. She'll be missed. Now let's talk about Cleo! She aged up adorably, and really does seem to be a nice 50/50 blend genetically. Her traits are wild though :joy: Perfectionist, evil vampire lol how appropriate for the season. And her 5th and 6th outfits gave me major deja vu because my 2nd generation WC spare "Mandy Marks" had those exact same outfits way back when. I love it :smiley: Storm looks like a beast at the gym! Bald spot or no lol he's a hunk. I don't have those windows in my game, which now explains why when I placed your gym it told me so much was missing. I want those windows bad! It's lame about the reflections though. It really blows my mind how much needs to be fixed... Anyway omg Cleo throwing down with father winter :joy: and the looks on her family's faces, especially Thad's! That's priceless. She's on the naughty list for life. At least you got some adorable pics of Cleo being nice to her little brother and of the family dinner. And, sizing down those snowflake decals was brilliant! I'll cross my fingers for you Thalia and Storms last shower romp won't end in disaster. I can totally picture your next update ending in the arrival of twins lol Oh and I like Gabriel as a potential mate, but I really like the other male potential too. The only problem is he has a social aspiration and I really don't wanna put up with throwing parties and maintaining relationships lol I'll probably end up using Gabriel too.
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member
    edited October 2020
    I've missed you guys <3
    Everything has been busy over here but I'm still happy. I switched accommodations as the first one wasn't good at all. Now I'm good although we are in another lockdown (for the next weeks), so we are all basically stuck at home.

    I've read and loved all your updates and seeing my sims in your games is always great! <3 I might not be able to respond to all your updates in detail but I really loved them. I'll be definitely commenting on your future updates again <3

    Generation 2
    Chapter 6

    Welcome back to the insanity.
    In my last update, I had to handle the twins, baby Helena and we learned that Rose and Zeke were expecting again. So for a while I had three toddlers at the same time and another nooboo on the way.
    You have no idea how glad I was when the twins aged up, and a day later Rose went into labor.

    I also let them adopt a dog. Her name is Shiloh.
    Here you can see Helena talking to the man who brought them their new dog. And yes, they had twins: Diana and Emilia.

    Instead of having some time to relax, the whole family situation was really stressful.
    Thankfully the boys were mostly good ones and entertained themselves.

    Faith came over to help clean the house as it was always a mess. Guess she is used to having many kids :D

    Helena was Zeke's favorite kid so far. He just loved spending time with her.

    But she also loved Shiloh. She was a bit lonely as she was the only kid who isn't a twin. Her brothers are too old to really play with and her sisters and still newborns.

    Soon, it was time for Shiloh to age up. She doesn't even care about being dirty half of the time.

    Zeke thought she deserved a proper bath though.

    Then, it was time for the twins' birthdays. I was curious if any of them would take after Rose or not. Guess Zeke's genes are too strong.

    The current mood in the household with three toddler girls :D

    Rose finally enjoyed that she didn't have to feed the twins all the time and spent more time with Shiloh. She didn't want her to feel that she was only adopted because she was scared of becoming pregnant again (haha, I was).

    The boys picked up some chess skills. One of them has the social aspiration while the other one wants to work on becoming a genius.

    Zeke prefers the girls over the boys. He loves reading to them but Helena was never really happy.

    So of course he gave her some extra time <3

    Rose still works on her yoga skills. She is close to perfecting it but with all these kids she rarely has time to work on her own skills. I'm not sure which skill I want to continue through all generations.

    I know not much has happened in my game but it was so stressful all the time that I barely had time to actually take pictures.
    So when Helena finally was aging up, some of my nerves calmed down.

    Zeke and Rose seem to be relieved as well :D

    I also created a group for the boys as they have no friends at all. Not sure if they ever have any friends besides their siblings. I haven't even worked properly on their skills and aspirations as I always have to focus on the little ones.

    Diana is smiling most of the time but Emilia is a handful. She is so sassy and whiny all the time. I'm just glad they seem to get along and like playing together.

    One of Rose's friends came over. She spent so much time with Zeke but I doubt I'll let her come over again.

    She is pretty but hitting on a married man is a bad move. I'm a bit disappointed that Zeke didn't reject her moves :(

    Rose didn't even seem to care

    I let Zeke and her talk for a while and then sent her home.

    I also realized that Zeke was about to turn into an adult, so I might forgive him a little. Maybe he was scared of turning old and not be attractive anymore.

    He got a makeover.

    Turning older didn't keep him from working out. In fact, he got even more obsessed.

    Finally, it was time for another birthday.
    I don't know who was more happy - the family or me. It's probably me though.

    Since all kids are the same age right now, here are some comparison pics with their parents at the same age.
    Henry, Samuel, Helena, Diane, Emilia
    What are your thoughts, who's your favorite so far (genetic wise)?

    Plus, matching outfits for the twins.
    Diana is wearing purple while Emilia will stick to yellow. They even have different hairstyles as I have enough trouble with keeping them apart.
    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    @Heckstress17 - I love your identical twin girls! I’ve just started playing sims 4 and in my first family, I got identical twin girls too! I never got identical twins in sims 3 (that I can remember) so it was really cool! Also, their mother is a foodie and she has the hardest time because being a mermaid, she drinks lots of water, then gets the uncomfortable moodlet because water doesn’t live up to her high standards of taste 🤣🤣.
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @OJenn I can't get over how cute Gideon is. I'm happy he's just as cute as a child. I love his "not impressed" look. I love his room makeover though and I love the color. I love how you used the screen behind the desk. I'm glad he's happy about a sibling. :)

    @JordanNicoleJJ Oh good for Thalia to fail the celebrity! Oh man, I didn't know there was an issue with playing chess. Thanks for the tip! Oh I like that Thalia has friends that she can go chat with. Aww that's sad that Raven's husband cheated on her! Sweet though that Blaze and Kate will try for another. Haha look at Cass, I love her. Is Storm balding? I can't figure out if he is or if that's just the light...Good for you if he is hehe. As much as I dread winter, that snow picture from Willow Creek is beautiful Oh I had a skating rink pop up in my Willow Creek too. I kinda liked that and I wish things like that could happen more often. I always forget to check weather...can you check the weather in other towns? I'm going to check that now :) Hehe Grammy Suri knows how to get her evil little princess on the good list! Oh wow Nicole is super pretty even with that horrified look on her face! Poor Thalia but Storm looks great :) Oh Cleo aged up super pretty! OH! He is balding! He's still totally hot :) Oh man the look on Cleo's face...and their talk. I love it. Wow it is amazing to see what Storm has grown in to. OMG No Cleo! I know you're evil...but Father Winter? OH no...this is great! Ohhhh no....Suri. Sad :( OH Cleo and Lachlan like the same music! Is Metal new in the sims? I've never had a sim love it before! Oh wow I can't believe you get a call about becoming enemies. Yeah OK. OH I hope you're safe with no nooboos from their fun shower activities!

    @Kiwicantdie Even when you don't like kids...when they're your own it's different. Good job Max! Hehe Kori! Throwing eggs is always a mistake...unless you're outside playing egg toss...Kirk gets to fulfill his morbid curiosity without making the mistakes his brother made! Awww showing the babies to Iris is so cute! That was a great idea. It's ok that the grandma's were wearing the same dress since it was a different pattern hehe. Ha! Your solution for unwanted pregnancy made me laugh. Man she looks like a super parent! I don't think I've ever seen such happy sim babies! Ahh! Ewww! In your bare feet Max??? Why??? I love his little hacking corner though...but wait...what? That's so funny that grandma came over being all neighborly. You know she's peeking over Kori's shoulder trying to see those twins. OMG they're both so cute. I hate to say it so soon but I'm already a Ryder fan! Haha that's so funny he aged up and had the unwanted sibling trait. Oh no Ryder don't be mean! That is not the way to establish yourself as heir!! You may be too young for this, but all I can think of is, "Owww! Charlie bit me!" Please think that in a baby English accent if you can...Awww poor sweet Ryder. Of course he went after Mom who was sleeping. She's much better than Dad. OMG I'm dying. What did you type...I can only imagine...
    K: "-ask daddy, River! He's got a 🎃🎃🎃🎃 just like you!"
    OMG NO! Jordan didn't want to interact with his sweet grandbaby?? That's not the Jordan we know and love! Oh thank goodness! I love Kori. So much. I did not know you could call for a baby sitter! That's awesome! I hate calling the Nanny cause she never leaves!! Hehe the ending was great. I love your updates so much. They are always so fun :)

    @Wentcrazy I'm glad to here things are working out OK. It sounds like such an adventure!

    How lucky for you that the twins aged up before the nooboo came! Oooo and little Shiloh is cute! How sweet that Faith came over to help! Aww poor sweet Helena being stuck in the middle. It's good she has her Dad! Oh is Shiloh a Shiba Inu? Have you ever seen Shiro and Suki? My guilty pleasure...hehe Wow! So many blonde babies!! Sorry Rose! OH you used my fun trick! Adopt pets so you can't have more kids!! It's a blessing! Oh my gosh these kids are so cute! Check your NAPS if you haven't and make sure you don't have free love going. It took me awhile to figure that one out! I like the last girl you posted who is in yellow.

    @MayaRose1138 Are you thinking about joining us? It's lot of fun!! Welcome to the sims 4 and our little corner of the forums!!

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