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Rebuilding Worlds Vol. 2


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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    I logged on to so many new notifications this morning! I was planning to just pop in and post my house tour but now I've got some more to comment on. :smiley:

    @OJenn - Jade wanting to slim down before her big day is understandable. The scenery in those jogging pics was beautiful. Her garden has come along great too, I don't think I've grown any of those plants before! What an adorable wedding venue! :love: The big open barn doors and the white flowers everywhere looked amazing. I loved Jordan's strut down the aisle. You can totally tell he's proud af to finally be marrying Jade. They had a beautiful ceremony, and I'm so glad that both of their Mom's were there :heart: I spotted Aiyden in the background too :wink: Ah! Jade got pregnant on her wedding night! Looks like her pre-wedding jogs were for nothing lol

    @Wentcrazy - I don't know where you're moving to, and I won't pry, but hearing that you've got a flight on Friday I assume this is a very big move for you! That's so exciting, and I can definitely see how it'd be super stressful too. It sounds like playing the sims has helped you to destress. Though it totally doesn't help you get packed any faster lol! I'm glad you found time to pop in and let us know what was up, and give an update :smile: Thank you for your comments on my update. I think Carson's mean streak makes him special too. I keep thinking about what this next generation would've been like if I had chosen him :grimace: but I really do love Carter, and I'm glad you like him too. You know you might be right about the twins face shape. They might have their Dad's shape. Planning their matching outfits has been fun. I'm not usually one for too much color, so sticking to their pink and yellow theme has been a challenge, but a fun one!

    Rose's yoga pics have become one of my favorite parts of your updates. The twins are so adorable omg I just love them :heart: I especially love the pics of Zeke playing with them and throwing them around. He looks like such a great Dad, and Rose looks like a great Mom too. Those bath time pics were adorable. I'm so happy that Grandma Iris is still around and was able to come see the boys. Ah Rose is pregnant again! I'm excited! I know I said I didn't think they needed a girl, but that was just because I didn't want you to get overwhelmed and have nowhere to put her lol! Of course I want to see more Zeke and Rose babies! I really hope her polar opposite pregnancy full of morning sickness means it's a girl! And not twins again :flushed: positive thoughts lol! Congrats to Faith on expecting a little girl :lol: she finally gets to dress up a daughter. Henry and Samuel just have the cutest little faces :love: their dark eyes and light hair make a really gorgeous combination. omg I'm so glad all of Rose's discomfort led to a baby girl! Welcome baby Helena :heart: I love love love that name. Awwww Zeke met Jonas :smiley: Look at toddler Helena! She is just as adorable as her brothers, and I love her hair! But omg I was not expecting Rose to get pregnant again!?! I feel your pain I really do lol The good news is that Rose and Zeke make beautiful babies. omg look at Helena and the Easter bunny :joy: at least Samuel liked the bunny. Jonas and Zeke being fitness buddies who both found themselves with a house full of kids makes perfect sense. I can totally see this bromance lol. Henry and Samuel are soooooooo cute as children :love: You have some amazing genetics right now. I love how much they take after Zeke, but they've definitely got Rose's nose. I loved this update :smile:

    @Kiwicantdie - Aw, don't feel bad about being away so long. You gave us a heads-up that life was chaotic for you, so I wasn't in complete distress wondering where you went lol but I did miss you! It's so exciting you're in your final year of uni. One, because hello! No more classes/coursework :lol: two, because omg what an accomplishment it'll be to graduate! And third and finally, more sims time! Just kidding lol but I'm hopeful it'll mean that someday. I'm already excited you're gonna try to sneak sim time in between classes since you'll already be on your computer :lol: This pandemic may have a silver lining after all. Everything did go well for my Mom's surgery, thank you :heart: She's had heart problems her whole life, and even has a pace maker, but her triple heart bypass was by far her most intense and scary surgery. She recovered from it, but much like your Dad, she was in the hospital for a very long time. I'm so glad to hear he's doing well. He sounds like a very strong guy :heart:

    I'm looking forward to seeing more of Kori Porter in your updates. I hope that means what I think it means :mrgreen: I'm not even mad that she doesn't resemble Jordan at all lol she's so gorgeous, and if he believes she's his, that's all that matters. :joy: Anyway, I'm still kinda mad at myself for not choosing crazy Cass as my heir :bawling: she was such an entertaining sim to play. I really gotta stop judging my sims off of them having "good" or "bad" traits, cause she turned out to be such a fun sim. I really do love Carter though. You're totally right, he did kinda fly under my radar lol he was always the sim in the household that was doing as he was told and just overall being a great sim. Which didn't equate to entertaining pics lol so I didn't get as many of him as his siblings. I was actually leaning towards meanie Carson to be my heir, but then Carter kinda wiggled his way into my heart. And he for sure had a glow up as a YA :lol: he's much more attractive now. I'm excited to have your bowling alley! I'm sure it's perfect :heart:
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    Evergreen Harbor - Generation 3 house tour! (and a little more :smile: )

    This generation I was in a major building slump, but luckily @JordanNicoleJJ came to my rescue and uploaded her gorgeous generation 3 shell. I didn't change anything, it's perfect :heart:

    This house is two stories, and pretty spacious, but thankfully not as big as my house last generation :lol:

    One of the biggest selling points for this house is all of the outdoor living space.

    So, it turns out I wasn't only in a building slump, but a decorating slump too. It took me days to decide on this living room. I must've placed and deleted every couch and coffee table combo in the game, but I'm pretty glad I settled on this one.

    The thing I love about this house is that it's also open concept. Everything just flows so nicely.

    When I downloaded @JordanNicoleJJ 's house it came with this kitchen as the only furnishings, and I loved it so much I decided to keep it :blush:

    The dining room is right off the front entrance.

    and it's also close to the backdoor that leads to the patio. Also, I just love those split level stairs.

    Another room that'll get lots of use on the first floor, is Carter's garage/workspace.

    After his fabricating "mishap" as a teen, I've decided he'll stick to candle making lol and try to level his robotics skill as much as possible on the computer and by reading books. (kinda a spoiler, but peep that Brichester flag :smirk: )

    There are two bedrooms on the main floor, but since kids are not on the agenda anytime soon, Carter's using one of the spaces as an art studio. He's a creative sim, and I hope he'll find time to fill this very sparsely decorated space with his paintings.

    The other bedroom is set up as a nursery, but we WILL NOT be using it for a very long time :lol: (There's 3 bathrooms and a laundry space on the main floor but they were all too small to get good pics of)

    Outside there's a huge patio and pool.

    An outdoor kitchen space

    And of course, some places to lounge and chill out.

    When you first come out to the patio there's also a cozy little sitting area.

    Then upstairs, there's a small sitting area. It was hard to get good pics of such a small space, but I really like how this little area turned out.

    It leads to another large outdoor living space.

    I hope the hot tub sees plenty of action lol

    and another space for Carter to paint, and play chess. Chess is like my sims fav thing to do lol

    There's actually a whole separate balcony that also has a chess table.

    It's my favorite of the two chess tables lol so I hope this is where Carter will choose to play.

    Inside Carter has his master bedroom.

    There's another balcony with a sitting area out there, but I couldn't be bothered to take pics of it.

    No master bedroom is complete without a master bath. It's not my favorite bathroom ever, but it'll do. (There's another bathroom upstairs but it was too cramped to take pics of.)

    That concludes the house tour. Carter is getting settled in to his big empty house.

    Without his Mom or sisters around to cook he's had to figure out things for himself. He's a foodie, so this mistake was a really big deal for him lol but thankfully no one was there to see him butchering this meal.

    To my surprise, he was accepted into the wrong distinguished degree program to become a mechanical engineer. And through my google searches, I learned that if your sim isn't accepted into one schools distinguished degree program, that the other school offers it as a regular class... it felt like the ultimate betrayal to his Foxbury loving family lol but he had to enroll at Brichester so he could earn his mechanical engineer degree :disappointed:

    Also, I'm jumping the gun a little bit, but I'd like to introduce his future mate, Thalia!

    Thalia is an athletic, neat, romantic girl with dreams of earning a degree. I styled her pretty differently from @JordanNicoleJJ I just really think the "hot girl vibe" is undeniable from her lol so she's really accentuating her curves with her outfits :wink:

    and finally here's some MCC updates. My game has married Zeke and Raven! Faith has also found herself a new man :smile: Dax is the son of @OJenn 's Jade!

    and after being single for what feels like forever, Carter's sister Cassidy, ended up marrying her high school boyfriend, aka ice blonde cutie :blush:

    and last but not least. Carson really did follow through on his threat and he and his rando townie wife are now expecting a baby :joy: that sim will have an interesting childhood for sure.

    Happy Simming!
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    edited September 2020
    So many comments -- I love it!! I have another update typed up, but I'm going to wait to post it until Friday night so @debjameswhite has something to read with her Saturday morning coffee :wink:

    @Heckstress17 LOL I was wondering when someone would call me out for buying the Star Wars pack :joy::joy::joy: Well first of all, the pack is definitely not worth it lol, but at least it's not super buggy and there are some okay hairs? :sweat_smile: I don't even have an excuse, it just drove me absolutely nuts that I had ONE single grayed out pack icon when I opened the game, I had to complete the collection and get my colorful icon. I can't bring myself to use most of the new clothes and build/buy items, cause they kinda look like alpha cc?? Like the clothes are extremely textured and the new potted plants are hyper-realistic (yet I used them in Storm's house anyway lol). Honestly I deserve all the hell I get for buying it, but I also bought My First Pet Stuff, and nothing will be worse than that 'we-forgot-to-put-this-stuff-in-Cats-and-Dogs' horrible excuse of a pack :lol: Okay so I love Cassidy with my whole heart, but I think Carter will make a much better heir. Also I want to see Thalia in your game, so I'm totally #TeamCarter. I mean, I thought everyone wanted me to choose Raven for my heir, but the majority voted for Storm, so I'm sure that if you would've taken an heir vote everyone would have voted for Carter too. You're killing me making me wait for an update! I'm dying to see how you styled Thalia and the house and just everything. I am super excited to hear you have enough pics to post 2+ updates though, I was just telling @debjameswhite last night that I'm really glad I'm not the only one speeding through this challenge :lol: I know it's a little cheat-y, but my NAPs got stuck at one point too so I used the mailbox to force-repeal one and force-vote in a new one, and that seemed to reset it. Maybe you could try that? Dude the romance festival was SO bright in my game this time! It's almost always cloudy and rainy in my game (probably cause I only send them on Love Day and it's always raining in spring lol), but it was the middle of summer and super bright and shiny :love: I hoped MCC would marry Raven and Adahy, but Adahy ended up marrying Storm's first girlfriend Sigrid :lol: So I went ahead and paired Blaze and Raven with gene pool mates myself. Dude Thalia has been a DREAM student -- she seems to do her schoolwork so much faster than Storm ever did. Idk what the deal is, but her aspiration is going to be so easy to complete. I adore her and Cass' friendship, and the fact that Cass is the Foxbury mascot & has so much school spirit is just icing on the cake. They were meant to be bffs :blush:

    YESSS HOUSE TOUR!!! I almost missed it, I'm glad I refreshed before I posted comments! I looove the style you went with. It's the perfect mix of soft & cozy with a touch of industrial -- it fits Carter so well! Your garage workspace looks amazing :love: It's the perfect office for Carter. Aw and you gave him a painting room!! I'm sure his creative side will love it. The nursery!! Aw c'mon you know you want that super cute nursery full of cute babies :wink: I guess I can be patient and wait though :tongue: Okay, you made way better use of that outdoor space than I did :lol: The outdoor kitchen is gorgeous, I love the colors, and I love that the sitting area matches! I just love all of the dark blue accents. The upstairs sitting areas are amazing too! All of that color :love: Storm would love those orange chairs lol. A chess table!! That's perfect for that spot. I just put couches there cause I couldn't think of anything else, but chess is way more useful. The balcony too! I put a couple lounge chairs up there, we'll see if they ever get used :tongue: Again, chess is so much more useful lol. Oh my gosh, and my favorite room is officially Carter's bedroom :love: It's so cozy and beautiful :heart: We used the same sink in the master bath!! Different swatch but still, great minds think alike :wink: Awww poor Carter looks like a baby bird who just got kicked out of the nest and has to learn how to fly QUICK, he's so innocent and precious :bawling: We'll forgive him for going to Britechester (just this once cause I love him so much lol). Honestly I think Britechester fits him better anyway, I can totally see him enjoying the beautiful classic architecture. AHHHH your Thalia is gorgeous!! She's perfect for Carter :heart: Her outfits really give me "girl next door" vibes, she's obviously the soft, sweet (but super sexy) girl in class who Carter totally falls for :smirk: Ooo I love some MCC drama :naughty: Raven and Zeke are a super cute couple, I completely approve. Dax is one handsome sim! Of course he would be with Jade's genes. Cass finally got herself a man!! She and Ice Blonde Cutie make a great couple and I can't wait to see their super cute babies. You know, Carson might just be acting out against Kellie but his new wife is a stunner! Can't be mad at him for that. That poor child though :lol: EDIT--WAIT Ice Blonde Cutie is a LOUDON?? LIKE JACE LOUDON?? Is that a son or a little brother? Either way 100% YES :love:

    @Wentcrazy I'm sorry to hear you're stressed right now! I hope your move goes well :heart: Oh man, I'm so curious to see what happened in your game! I assume at least one more nooboo, but I need to know!! Basements are my go-to when I run out of room for more kids. I made sure to point out that Blaze is having a kid just for you cause you mentioned you wanted to see more of him lol. There will definitely be more of him and his nooboo in future updates :blush: I really want Raven and Laurent to have kids too, but I could also see them being a childfree couple so I won't be mad either way. Thalia and Cass will definitely be bffs in my game!

    Woah! Rose is getting so good at yoga -- look at that handstand! All of those twin pics :heart: I really can't pick a favorite at this point, they're both so adorable and full of personality. I'm sad to see Rose so sick, but I'm hopeful for a girl too!! And the fact that Faith is finally having a girl after all those boys must be fate, maybe both of our Greene girls will finally get the little girls they want! Aww Rose might've been miserable at work, but she looks so cute in her scientist outfit! Putting the gym equipment out in the shed was a great idea. That house scared me cause it was so small, but you have made it work so well! I'm jealous. YESSS a girl!! Also I love the name Helena because it reminds me of one of my fav actresses, Helena Bonham Carter :smirk: Yes, pics of hot Jonas are the most important pics :wink: I'm glad to see Zeke made a friend lol. AHHH OMG HELENA IS THE CUTEST LIL THING EVER!!!! First of all I LOVE that cc hair and it's cc like that that makes me want to give up my vanilla game and download all of the cc :lol: But seriously she is absolutely PRECIOUS in her lil unicorn shirt :love: Uh oh, you definitely got more than you bargained for there :grimace: Well...maybe you'll get another girl and you can just stick them in the same room? :sweat_smile: That bunny is terrifyingly huge compared to toddlers! I would be scared too if I was that small :lol: At least someone liked the bunny, good for Henry lol. Yes birthdays!! The boys are so cute, but man I still love little Helena. I'm definitely going to have to wait til they're teens to pick a fav.

    @Kiwicantdie Eeeep I love spoilers! I can't wait to see what's been going on in your game!! I'm really happy with Storm too. So far everyone I've talked to is picking Thalia, so I'm glad I did too cause we all know I love comparing genetics lol. I mean, technically I'll get to compare Kate and maybe Laurent's genetics too if anyone picks them, cause I forced my 'spares' to pair up with them :naughty: Dude I was SOOO surprised that Adahy called Raven up for a date!! It really came out of nowhere. I thought he'd be cute with my lgbtq sim Mac, but MCC married them both off to women so I guess not :sweat_smile: I didn't know how to feel about the 'married for money' thing either, it felt super shady, but at the same time they did woohoo like an hour after meeting each other for the first time so they obviously aren't very traditional :lol: Don't feel like you have to rush to catch up, I'm just blazing ahead at the speed of light cause I finally have time to play lol. I'm sure my time will come where real life puts a stop to my obsessive simming :tired_face:

    @OJenn I love Jade's curves too, don't let her run too much :wink: What a gorgeous wedding venue! And an even more gorgeous bride :love: Jordan really does have all of the swagger, man he is one handsome sim. I love seeing both families coming together to celebrate, I think I can spot everyone from both families (who's still alive, that is) in the pic of Jade and Evie hugging :heart: OMG YES!! I can't wait to see the little nooboo!! :smiley: Jade is going to be the best mom ever.
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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member
    @kiwicantdie Thank you <3 I lighten the pictures as the colors aren't that nice in-game :(
    I'm glad you like Zeke's makeover. Haha, I'd be so angry at my SO if we get cursed and they decide to not wear clothes :D:joy:
    I'm sure you're gonna graduate in the next months! I keep my fingers crossed for you! And I totally get how stressful your life is at the moment!
    Risky woohoo :D It can be a curse, I'm telling you that. Especially when you don't want any more children :D

    @Ojenn I also love Jade's curves! The plants also look really nice. I wish my sims would have any interest in gardening.
    The lot looks so nice. It has a rustic, yet romantic vibe! O M G! How breathtaking does she look as a bride?! I mean Jordan is also his handsome self but Jade is stunning. Congrats on the fantastic wedding! And on the nooboo <3

    @Heckstress17 I'll be moving temporarily to Ireland but the plan is to move to England in the next year (Covid and Brexit make everything super complicated though). During the last two weeks, it got confirmed, canceled, confirmed again. Same with my job. It's been an up and down and I might say a big prayer if I actually end up in my accommodation on Friday night :D I've been doing so much cleaning, washing, and packing these last days. It still looks as I haven't done anything at all :D:D
    I had the same thoughts about Faith as you have about Carson. But her "party animal" was too much for me. But she is still super special - same as your Carson. But Carter is such a good mix and a great heir! As for the twins: I love that they have bright colors (yellow and pink) for their outfits. I usually stick to darker and more "gray" colors but the bright colors are a great fit for the twins.

    I'm glad you like Rose's yoga pics! I have so many pictures of her doing yoga but I usually don't post them as I think it's too much :D The twins were a handful with all their needs but overall adorable! They were wild and clingy but I had expected it to be much worse :D I'm glad they're kids now. With Helena being a toddler and Rose pregnant... I wish I could speed time up and skip all these toddler stages (I love toddlers but it can be super exhausting). As you put it "positive thoughts" :-) At least these toddlers are super cute <3
    Haha, I'll check on Faith as soon as the girl is a toddler and see how Faith dressed that "poor" thing :D I'm kinda expecting pink colors all over her :D
    I wouldn't be surprised if Jonas will be calling super often to go out to exercise :D I haven't met the rest of the family yet and I hope they pop up soon in my game :)
    Samuel and Henry look a lot like Zeke but I'm sure there is some Rose in them as well. I might search for a "kid picture" of Zeke and Rose for comparison :D

    Thank you for the Gen 3 house tour! I'm 90% sure I will also use the shell by @JordanNicoleJJ as it is so perfect!
    The interior looks nice. Carter got a really nice workspace!
    Haha, don't be too convinced about NOT using the nursery soon :D
    I love the outdoor kitchen space. I'd move to that house in an instant if I had the money :) You have such good decorating skills!
    I think my favorite is the large outdoor living space. I love the color combination and it looks so comfortable! Plus a hot tub!
    Aww, poor Carter! He will get better at preparing his own food!
    Thalia definitely has the hot girl vibe! She seems like such a good match for Gen3!
    Raven and Zeke got married? And they're expecting a nooboo? Oh wow, so much work from MCCC. Faith seems to have a thing for "Spanish" sounding surnames and dark-haired guys :D
    Haha, you go Carson! I wonder how that kid will be raised though :D

    @JordanNicoleJJ Thank you! I'm hoping the flight will be smooth and quick and everything will work out. I'm so done with my RL friends and family asking every day about new updates when I clearly have no update :D I know they want my best but it can be really tiring (especially when you say the same thing over and over again).
    Basements are a lifesaver! I have no idea how to deal with Rose's new pregnancy as the kids already have a tiny shared room but well :D I'll find a solution somehow :D Yes, show me all the updates on Blaze! I loved him so much as a kid and seeing him every now and then makes me so happy <3

    Rose is really rocking yoga (and knitting). She is way better than Iris was and I'm sure she will teach her kids.
    The house really is small and with all the kids I wish I had chosen another house XD But, I accept the challenge :D Helena Bonham Carter is a great actress! She usually gets so great roles!
    I totally feel the same about Helena <3 I loved the twins but Helena might be able to kick them out of the run for heir :D Maybe she grows up "ugly" or with bad traits, I don't know. Maybe the new nooboo will convince me otherwise. I don't know XD Guess I have to wait until they are teens but the chance the heir will have blond hair is pretty high :-D
    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    OMG You guys! Have I ever been happier to take an afternoon off???? No I have not! :D

    @JordanNicoleJJ Woot! Gen 3! I'm so excited to see you with Thalia! OMG that inheritance is exactly why Sawyer married Lucia so fast! Awww I love the idea of her being a professor! I'm totally sending her to college in my game too. I felt bad that Heath and then Lucia didn't get to go! Simbook! I love it. She's so pretty. Aww poor Storm. He really does look stressed out. I love him showing off his injury though. That's cute. OH no! Poor sweet Thalia you're so cruel! hehehe OH yay! She said yes!! Awww Suri...I really do love her. I'm scared about your foodie NAP I think that might be what caused Lia's cake affliction! Aww I loved the wedding. Even in shorts but I really wish I knew if the inheritance worked! I don't know if it worked for Sawyer or not. The woman who called him about it died, he never got a notification, but he did have an increase in wealth...but I'm not sure if that was because of the dorm fiasco or not. Oh well! Someone will have it happen eventually! HAHA I love them pranking each other! So much fun! Oh hmmm no electives. Interesting...does that help with anything? Inquiring minds would like to know. OH Cassidy was going to school! Is there a trick? Even though I have that NNPC app when Sawyer went to school my game still generated more students instead of sending other exiting YAs to school. Hehehe I loved the closet woohoo story. So cute. OH man...I mean good to know but sad. Your graduation was broken too??? Come on EA PLEASE SEND HELP! I totally went to your family tree. It was like sneaking a present at Winterfest! I'm so excited and I love that you have Eve in the tree. Ahhhhh!!! You're saving me an update for Saturday morning!? I love it!! <3<3

    @Kiwicantdie I'm always so glad when you post. <3 I'm glad you're ok.

    @OJenn I love Jade. I think it's cute she's running for her wedding. Her garden is so pretty. OH I think I've seen that lot. It looks like a nice place for a wedding! Look how pretty she is and He aged well. The mothers. I love them. Sweet Evie. EEEEE!!! I'm so happy things are moving so fast!

    @Wentcrazy Wow!! Look at Rose doing her yoga! The twins are so cute. I always love a good toddler compilation! YES! I love when other players have huge families!! Aww poor Rose though. I'm sorry she felt so ill. Hooray! You got your little girl! Congrats and how fun since Faith was having a girl too. Oh, hello Jonas...nice to see you young again! Helena is a little cutie! Yeeees! I feel bad for Rose and not for you!!! hahaha I can't help it. I love the nooboos and all the fun genetics! Oh my gosh I love Henry and Samuel. They're so cute! Oh boo! You got me! No new nooboo this update! I can't wait to know. Also, good luck on your move. Try not to stress, it will all work out. Safe travels friend, I'll be thinking lots of positive thoughts that everything goes the way you want! <3.

    @Heckstress17 You gave me a house tour. I love you. I'm itching to build but seeing you and @JordanNicoleJJ using the same house that she built...I might do the same. I also might copy you both for decorating so it looks the same...especially since we'll all be using Thalia...I'm excited. Hurry up and grow Lachlan! I'm glad to hear there is a lot of outdoor space because the garden will be very important to Lachlan this generation. I really love an open concept house too. The container house I love but everything is so claustrophobic to me sometimes I can't wait to get out! I always think back to Lawrence's house in Oasis Springs. I loved that house and his little office nook right in the main living space. All the writing he did his family all around him. That would drive me nuts but he thrived on it. I love all of it. I'll have to go dig through @JordanNicoleJJ 's version. @JordanNicoleJJ Did you give us a house tour missy???? On a final note, I'm so happy Cassidy married ice blonde cutie!!

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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    @debjameswhite I'm worried that the foodie NAP will cause a cake baking affliction in my game too :grimace: So far so good though, I think the athletic NAP is outweighing it right now because everyone is obsessed with pushups and stretching lol. I wanted to see if the inheritance thing actually worked too, I'm sad that I missed the deadline but Storm just did not have time between classes & finals to get the family together (even if he was just eloping I wanted the immediate family there) :confused: I think university electives are useful if you need to get other skills up, like I know I saw a "logic" class at one point, a cooking class, etc. and I'm sure those raise the appropriate skill. So for Storm, I probably should have had him take some electives because he had already maxed cooking before he even went to uni so he didn't really need those cooking classes :tongue: But Thalia needs all of the skills she'll be getting from Psychology (Charisma, Logic, Research/Debate) so no electives for her. The NPCC mod seems to be working fine for me, I did go in and look at all the settings once but I don't remember changing much, if anything at all. To be fair Storm didn't live in the dorms, so maybe the dorms forcefully generated new sims? That's all I can think of, other than checking your NPCC settings, but I'm not exactly sure what they should be set to. And I posted a short house tour on page 21 (toward the end). I'd love if you used my house too! It's so cool seeing it in other peoples' games and seeing how different it looks in different styles!
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @Heckstress17 - I feel the building rut especially after building over three different lots lol. Love how you decorated the shell and Carter looks like he is settling in nicely with the controller in his hand, haha. Yeah the distinguished degrees are per school. Thalia is so cute I've forgotten about all the other potential mates lol. I love seeing MC at work, sometimes, but definitely, this time pairing everyone off.
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    WentcrazyWentcrazy Posts: 128 Member

    Small Family Update

    When I went into my game last time, I had several notifications pop up.

    That one definitely hit me (and the rest of the family) the hardest.

    Now none of the grandparents are alive anymore (Orion died a day before Iris, and James, Zeke's dad, died a few hours later).

    So I chose this oportunity to visit Zeke's and Rose's siblings and get a glimpse of their kids.

    I'm sure you remember Ziva who ditched her boyfriend to randomly get married and have a kid.

    Her husband's name is Kaleb Wilson and they have a daughter: Charity
    He was really friendly towards Zeke so I couldn't bring myself to have an "accident". So yeah, they seem to be happy.

    Next, I went to Zayne, Zeke's twin, who is married to Rose's university friend Yasmin.

    She has two boys who also have the blond "Levine" hair.

    To end this trip of Zeke's siblings, I went to Zoe (who doesn't seem to care about Zeke or Rose anymore).
    I had to go into CAS cause the whole family was wearing bags over their faces which was super annoying.
    Just ro remind you: Zoe married Braydon, who was also in Rose's club when she was a kid.

    They have two kids.


    Last stop was of course Faith. I was eager to see her daughter as she only had boys so far.
    Aron already aged into a kid.

    Then we have the twins who will age up into kids soon.

    And their girl Payton. I expected much more from Faith and her desperate need of a daughter :D

    In case you're wondering about Orion's and Iris's triplets: they are still kids and not forgotten. You might remember Orion's young daughter who was really sad that her father was moving on from her deceased mother. I moved that girl (aka YA) into the Greene home before Orion died so that the triplets wouldn't be taken away by social services. Plus, I needed to make sure Iris and Orion wouldn't have more kids (MCCC) while I'm trying to handle Gen 2 :D

    I'm currently making some room (aka build a bigger basement) as Rose just had given birth in my game. I'm not giving you any spoilers as you already knew she was pregnant. But I need to figure out how to find space or a room for every kid (haha, they will share :D)
    Origin ID: mrskariakay
    Family Tree Evergreen Harbor
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    I have a smaller/definitelynotmajor update before the bigger one I want (wish?) to post on Saturday, and I'm really really hoping I'll be able to squeeze it in between my afternoon's lessons. I'll be back for your updates later :wink:

    Evergreen Harbor: Update 9 (I guess?)

    Last time I posted, I left with twins Max & Maddy aging up to young adults. It was also winter in game and it couldn't stop storming. I've actually enjoyed the scenery a lot, considering how much I love snow <3 ... my sims, not so much :tongue:


    (spoiler alert? Well, gen 2 house's already been built. As you can see I went with floor plan B. I'm saving the "very big house" for gen 3, since I don't think hates-children Max will have more than one.)


    As for Max, my gen 2 heir, welp, let's just say that I made him go through a brief roller-coaster of emotions :joy:
    First, I tried to get him a few scholarships as I planned to enroll him in university.



    He not only won quite a few of them, but also got into a lot of distinguished degrees!


    ... only for me to then remember that his future job's supposed to be manual labor *facepalm* and that it felt really weird for him to get a distinguished degree to work in Port Promises's docks. So, he reluctantly pushed the idea of going to uni aside and got the manual laborer job he was supposed to get into.



    ... only for me to remember, yet again, that his life aspiration required him to get into the Tech Guru career :sweat_smile: sorry, Max. I've failed you :joy: - I had to make him leave the manual labor job and get into tech to complete his life aspiration. But once I'm done with it, he'll go back to manual laboring.


    Aiyden had a couple of serious convos with his son to make sure that Max was making the right choice, especially by not enrolling in uni with all those scholarships available. Overall, Max seemed happy with this decision.


    He also got a text from still-a-teen Kori Porter :mrgreen: ---- does that mean that she kinda cares??


    Time to hack the Landgraabs! :naughty:


    During the weekend, he still found the time to go bowling to his heart's content.
    He met young adult Cara Rocca, one of the beautiful girls I considered as mates, and she looked real cute :smirk: ... aaaand unfortunately MCCC had already married her in the blink of an eye. I guess there won't even be one date.


    Overall, though I'm not super satisfied with the build, I enjoy having my sims go bowling and hang out instead of the usual skill grind.


    Kirk loves it too, especially since he can meet young ladies :smirk:


    Speaking about romance: Maddy and Stephan Tinker went from child buddies to teen buddies if you know what I mean :tongue:



    I've been enjoying my time playing this household, but I have to admit that now that the twins are young adults, I feel like it's time to move on with the challenge. Kirk would also love to no longer be surrounded by adults lol.


    ... and meanie Maddy is especially hard to deal with, now that she's a grown adult.


    The day before Winterfest, the family went back to the community space to rummage through some trash and Max spotted Kori! Unfortunately, she was still a teen, but they still hung out and played some basketball together.



    ... I'm sold :naughty:


    Winterfest morning, it was time for Aiyden and Iris to age up into elders! I would say that time's flying but... not really, now that I've been away for weeks from the forum :joy:



    Since nobody cared that Max was vegan and they all enjoyed their grand meaty meals, Max contributed with his tofu dishes. He actually gained quite the cooking skill. He's not that terrible anymore.


    ... tho the final product could use some help :joy: (can you guess which one he cooked?)


    Not-yet-grandma Iris was still enthusiastic about it. It's Winterfest, after all... no point in arguing over horribly cooked food :joy:


    Stephan Tinker also appeared at the front door! I guess he wanted to say hi and was not expecting Iris to invite him to eat Max's burned tofu turkey for lunch :sweat_smile:


    Presents time! Aiyden can't wait for Max to move out and gifted him some of his repair tools in case of need.


    Maddy was about to receive Stephan's present, when she got bit by a poisonous spider :grimace:


    She put on a smile anyway.


    ... and also dared to kiss him in front of the whole family. It's official :smiley: (sort of?)
    Kudos to Stephan for daring to kiss an infected meanie girl :tongue:


    I'll leave you with this cute pic of elder Iris knitting on the couch. Unfortunately, the snow melted away already.


    ... and with this random thing :joy: I swear, I don't even know how Iris managed to get to Isla Paradiso :joy: but ok :joy:

    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    edited September 2020
    @JordanNicoleJJ Oh yeah! Of course you did! It's page 24 for me, but I remember loving your looped lights on the outside of the house.

    @Wentcrazy Oh I loved seeing all the siblings and where they are at in their lives. I love the family updates!

    @Kiwicantdie EEEE I was just about to post and then saw you had an update!! Woot!! I'm just gonna say again, that I'm with your sims! Winter is coming!! <cries> Wow Max! Good for you! Look at all those scholarships! The distinguished degrees are great too. Awww! How sad! Can he just do the manual labor job for awhile and then do something else? What is his aspiration? He could go to uni for a really good start at Tech Guru! OK Max. Fine. If you're happy. Awww Kori <3 Oh Maddy! Play nice. Oh...and then she does. I really love Kori. Grow up already! Max looks so happy cooking, but yeah his dish doesn't look great. Oh my gosh! Look at that spider on her face! I can't. Hehehe don't think too hard on that last one!! Who knows how these things happen?? :)
    TO RAISE A WOLFE – Evergreen Harbor Edition
    Callahan Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree
    Valentino Family Tree
    West Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree

    Chapter 18: Holidays are not the same anymore

    My last update made me remember I had done a family picture, so I did one for Sawyer’s family too.

    The family decided to wait until after the holidays to have the funerals. Back at home Sawyer just threw himself into cleaning.

    Everyone was so sad. They spend all their time in the basement.

    Selena and Lachlan felt a little better when they were knitting.

    Poor Sawyer tried to be strong for the kids but sometimes it just got to him.

    Lachlan cheered up Silvina with some secrets.

    Then it was back to knitting.

    It was time to go to the park for some jungle gym play time.

    This also helped ease their hearts.

    Sawyer showing his gratitude to Lucia for cooking for them.

    She always sits with Sawyer while he’s working.

    Tomas came over to see Samara and while he was there, he fixed the toilet.

    Selena hugging Silvina…All the girl’s names as you probably noticed start with S (for Sawyer) and in A by accident but for Lucia. The girls have Spanish names like Mom but the letter of Dad. Lachlan has Mom’s letter and a not Spanish name :).

    Weston came over and was giving little Lachlan a hug.

    Then this adorable interaction happened where he pushed him a little and pretended to fight him. It was adorable and I had never seen it before. I finally found that it came from the “express love” animation.

    This random lump of clay showed up and no one could grab it because it did not belong to any of them.

    Lachlan all on his own made friends with the monster under the bed.

    Samara and Tomas are getting serious!

    I love when they do their homework together. Silvina became a teen and Lachlan went into a phase. It’s rough having 3 older sisters.

    Sawyer and Lucia are not worried about his phase.

    It’s amazing he can still knit in this form with his sister.

    He gifted a pair of socks to his father.

    Sawyer was giddy with appreciation.

    Winterfest finally arrived.

    Lucia went outside in her pajamas to build snowpals with Lachlan.

    Tomas came to participate in the holiday.

    Selina and Lachlan kept dad company while he prepared the grand meal. Lucia does so much cooking all year he always takes care of this for her.

    Then he called the family.

    They convinced Lachlan to drop the outfit while they ate dinner but he was very sad.

    He managed to get over it though. His love of food is greater.

    Tomas really fits right in.

    Sweet Selena did her homework as everyone gathered for present time.

    Of course Father Winter did not disappoint.

    I love these two. Such an unlikely couple who worked out perfectly.

    Budge needed to go to the vet.

    So sad to see all the new young vets.

    Then it was New Years and the family finally got a TV so they could watch the ball drop. The only place they had room was in the basement.

    The next day was Lachlan’s birthday. Selina wanted to make the cake but she wasn’t feeling great.

    I love him as a child. I hope I love him as much as a teen!

    I’m not unhappy!

    Here are all the kids with their parents. They’re all an interesting mix I think.
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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    @debjameswhite I liked that update. Your Sims look nice. I like the family portrait picture at the beginning of your update.
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    edited October 2020
    Evergreen Harbor - Generation 3 Update 1!

    After enrolling in college, Carter spent the weekend getting settled into his new home, and enjoying his last precious moments of free time. He met his buddy, Blaze, at the bar and bowling alley in Willow Creek. I think Carter was hoping he'd find another sim that's as in to bowling as he is.

    But apparently Blaze isn't a fan of bowling because he ghosted as soon as he and Carter's game began :lol:

    After finishing up at the bowling alley, Carter got a call from his sister Cassidy. She invited him to the new gym that had just opened up in town. :smile:

    Funny enough, Carter found out where Blaze had run off to earlier :lol: Scouting out hotties at the gym apparently lol Blaze then introduced Carter to a girl that he viewed as "way out of his league." He learned her name was Thalia, and that she was new in town.

    Despite the fact that they were both there to workout, he and Thalia really hit it off and couldn't stop talking to each other :love: I was surprised they got along so well, they don't really have much in common.

    I don't know what was going on that night, but they witnessed no less then 3 fights while they were there :flushed: that scrawny little girl showed that guy who was boss though :lol:

    Soon enough, Carter's classes begun, and his whole life turned into homework, eat, sleep, repeat.

    He was pleasantly surprised one day, when returning from one of his many classes, he found Thalia waiting on his doorstep. :smiley:

    He showed her around the house, and then the two ended up talking about his crazy class schedule. Thalia shared how it was her dream to attend university, but she didn't know if, or when, she'd be able to afford it. Carter couldn't help but be in awe of how beautiful she was, and was thinking about a million different ways he could help her achieve her dream of earning a degree.

    Before she left that afternoon Carter decided to be brave and put himself out there. To his surprise, Thalia didn't reject him!

    She came over the next day and things between them quickly moved out of the friend zone.

    :heart::heart::heart: Carter made the first move and then asked her to be his girlfriend. She said yes. :blush:

    After making things official, he took her on a tour of Foxbury's campus. Thalia loved it, but was a little confused. Carter went to Britechester after all. He told her that Foxbury offered a degree program that could help her get her foot in the door as a style influencer, and he wanted to pay for her to go! She was stunned, and graciously accepted his offer.

    Back at home they took things to the next level :wink:

    ...more then once :lol: and then decided that they couldn't bare to be separated, so Thalia officially moved in. :smile:

    Thalia moving in timed up perfectly with the end of Carter's first semester of uni. He ended up with a C and I'm pretty annoyed about it :expressionless: how dare I let him spend an hour a day doing something other then homework...

    Anyway, he and Thalia immediately signed up for the new semester, his second, and her first. They both got a jump start on their assignments. Thalia worked on her presentation.

    While Carter wrote up his term paper.

    Blaze came over (he has a key) and started making de-stressing potions like a mad man. Carter and Thalia are living in a constant state of stress so the bottles he's left all over the house have actually come in handy lol

    Also, Blaze was pretty PO'd watching Thalia and Carter flirt. Which leads me to believe he had his sights set on her and is not happy that Carter got the girl lol

    Another person that isn't happy about Thalia and Carter's relationship is Carter's sorta ex, Reyna. This looks like an adorable girl with a crush trying to rekindle the flame, but it's less cute when you know she's a married woman :lol:

    Then Harvest day came around and I was REALLY annoyed that both Thalia and Carter still had to attend classes. But it had been forever in sim time since Carter had seen his family, so they skipped out on some homework and invited some of Carter's family over for dinner. Thalia was excited to get to know her boyfriend's Dad and twin sisters, unfortunately, for whatever reason, they were all in a super bad mood. But Thalia was happy to meet them regardless.

    Carter prepared the "grand meal" which turned out waaaaay less than grand, and this just broke his little foodie heart. With college there has been literally no time for other skills, hobbies, friends, etc. :disappointed:

    Chelsea and Chole were in full on teen angst mode the entire holiday, and their mood did little to comfort their brother lol

    Eventually everyone sat down and tried to muscle through Carter's half baked Turkey. He even got a smile out of Jonas and Chloe. By this time another one of Thalia's classes had started so she missed the meal...

    When everyone had left Carter sat at the table and literally sobbed at the site of his horribly cooked meal :joy: I felt so bad for him lol apparently foodie's really really really care about the quality of their food.

    And if you're wondering where Carter's Mom was, so was I! Every time he went to invite her over it said she was already here, but she was nowhere to be found. Eventually I found her leisurely strolling through Port Promise on a bicycle I can only assume she stole :lol: I was pretty bummed she missed family time.

    After Harvest day, it was back to the grind again... not that it ever really stopped... I just think this picture captures perfectly the disaster that uni is for me and my sims.

    They are straight up not havin' a good time right now! Even Thalia, who's aspiration is to earn a degree, is over it.

    I sent Carter to soak and relax in the tub and he gave me this look :joy::lol:

    The face of a man who is 1000% done with life.

    I mean seriously, these two were miserable even when about to do the do lol!?!

    Okay, last one :tongue: just to recap, I hate university!

    Then Carter got another reason to be upset added to his list. Both of his parents passed away on the same day! :bawling: I was so upset! I had given both Fawn and Jonas potions of youth right before Carter moved out. I thought they'd have way more time!

    Thalia was the only thing that kept Carter going. :heart:

    After the passing of his parents, Carter got his second semester grades. He had worked really hard and was relieved his grades accurately reflected that this time.

    Thalia also got her first set of grades and was disappointed with her B. She literally could not have worked any harder.

    They both re-enrolled, but were glad to have the weekend off to spend together. They needed the downtime desperately! Carter turned his old art room into a mini gym for Thalia. With her attending uni fulltime she hadn't had time to make it to the gym and was really bummed out about it. But no more!

    She was thrilled. Carter loves her so much and would do anything to make her smile. Including pretending to know how to use the bench press lol

    For the first time in weeks they were both relaxed and doing things like a normal couple. :relaxed:

    They even had time to play in the snow together :smile:

    Though Thalia looked pretty skeptical about Carter's snowman assembling skills :lol:

    It turned out just fine :heart:

    She's so cute :blush:

    Willow Creek was having a full on blizzard, but that didn't stop Carter from hitting up the bowling alley to work on his game. School started the next morning, the clock was ticking!

    This is literally the only time I've ever seen him upset :lol: he takes bowling very seriously.

    Thalia came along too, but spent her time at the adjoining bar getting a jump start on her homework. She's a beautiful girl and attracts attention everywhere she goes. This guy tried hitting on her several times but she politely shot him down. :sunglasses:

    While his girlfriend was getting ogled over, Carter was scoring his best game of bowling yet!

    He ended up maxing his bowling skill and earned this really cool skull ball. I didn't know the bowling skill maxes at level 5, but it does lol it's a good hobby to have.

    Classes will be starting up again soon :tired_face: Carter's last semester, and Thalia's second, so I'll leave you with this pic of Carter. He tried tinkering with the robotics table again and got shocked for the millionth time... :grimace: At least he'll get to make some pretty sweet robots when this is all over... right??

    I'm sorry for the long update (I actually cut it down a lot lol) but I've gotten pretty far ahead in my game and I always feel overwhelmed if I don't get caught up here asap. I'll be back for comments tomorrow afternoon. I love everything that's been posted and hope even more gets posted before I'm back tomorrow :mrgreen: Happy Simming!
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    edited October 2020
    I'm going to go ahead and post this now, since @Heckstress17 asked for more updates :wink: I'll be back with comments shortly after.

    Rebuild Evergreen Harbor: Gen 3

    Not long after celebrating Storm's graduation, Thalia woke up and made a mad dash for the bathroom...she had to throw up, and she looked like she had gained "the freshman 15" overnight... That's when I realized risky woohoo was risky :neutral:

    It was definitely morning sickness. Thalia was prego :grimace:

    I honestly think she was in denial, cause she immediately hit the treadmill :lol:
    Thalia: "It's just the freshman 15! I'll just run for 8 hours straight, and it'll totally go away!"
    Storm: "Whatever you say, sweetie. And when you're done being crazy, I'll cook whatever weird food you're craving."

    Thalia: "Actually, I could really go for some mac n cheese. Ooo, no, spaghetti! Wait...steak...yeah, steak. Thanks, babe." :wink:

    While Thalia ate her freshly grilled steak, Haven mentored Storm in his newest hobby, fabrication. Storm was a natural and fabricating a child's bed for the future nooboo in no time!

    But he's still got a lot to learn -- like how to dodge the spray nozzle when the fabricator goes haywire :sweat_smile:

    With Thalia working hard on her schoolwork and Storm working hard at his new job as a professional chef, the pregnancy just flew by. Storm sneaked in as many bump rubs as he could between Thalia's classes.

    Thalia did manage to find the time to go to another "study session," but it turned out Friday nights were actually "drinking sessions," which she couldn't really participate in. At least she got to spend time with her friends and share the big news with her best friend, Cassidy :smile:

    "Aunt Cass" can't wait to meet the little one! Cassidy is married with two kids of her own in my game. Her husband is Mitchel Kalani (base game townie), and they have super cute fraternal twin toddlers, a boy and a girl :smiley:

    Thalia couldn't drink, but that didn't mean that she couldn't have fun! She and Cass teamed up against Cass' little brother Carter and Storm's bro friend (I still don't remember his name lol) in a game of foosball.

    And of course they won, Thalia's a pro at college/pub games :wink: Bro Friend demanded a rematch, but Tal was exhausted, starving, and just uncomfortably pregnant, so they called it a night.

    Storm was already in bed when she got home, but he left out a freshly cooked lambchop for her dinner. Not even that could stop the excruciating pain she had started experiencing...she was in labor!

    How her labor screams didn't wake up Storm, I'll never know :lol:

    But several hours later she welcomed a baby girl into the world!

    And she immediately passed out in front of the bassinet lol. At least it was the weekend, so she could sleep in..maybe? :sweat_smile:

    Storm woke up to a pleasant surprise -- a baby! Yes, Storm, you have a child now! Congrats on sleeping through her birth and the first eight hours of her life :lol: He (sorta) made up for missing the birth by taking care of the baby all morning so Thalia could catch up on her sleep. At least he's trying lol.

    Aunt Cass was the first to send her congratulations :smile:

    Haven and Suri knew that Thalia really wanted the whole college experience, and they were more than happy to watch their precious grandbaby while she and Storm participated in the spirit day events on campus.

    They played a boys vs girls game of juice pong with Cassidy and Bro Friend.


    I'm not exactly sure who "won"...I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to throw the ball at the same time :lol: I'm going to assume Storm and Bro Friend won, cause Bro Friend would've thrown a temper tantrum if they didn't lol.

    Storm and Bro Friend continued the party by going to watch the soccer game at the Britechester campus (and made Haven proud by pranking the Britechester arena and statue :wink: ), while Thalia and Cassidy went out to eat at Anavrin and talk about mom life.

    They both got their favorite drink, espresso mixed with a shot of pre-workout powder (I'm getting a heart attack just thinking about that lol). They tried some Evergreen Harbor "delicacies" -- Cass got some kind of cricket salad, and Thalia got a "bombardier beetle" meal. Grosss :tongue:

    Apparently Thalia's food made her spontaneously combust??! I completely freaked out thinking I was going to lose her, but no worries, it was just a horribly terrifying scare :sweat_smile:

    All in all, it was a great night out. They promised to get the kids together once Cleo was a little older and could actually play :blush:

    Time flies when you're in uni having fun, and it was already time for Cleo's birthday! Of course Storm and Thalia got some last-minute cuddles in before she was due to age up.

    The moment we've all been waiting for -- toddler Cleo! She's sooo cute. I see so much of Thalia in her (hair, skin, and eye color), but I do think she has Storm's eye shape and maybe lips? It's hard to tell at this point. I used the in-game randomizer for her toddler trait cause I'm lazy and she got Inquisitive :smile:

    Outfit tour! I just gave her one of each outfit type. I also realized there aren't a lot of purple clothes for toddlers?? Anyway, I think she's super cute & ready for fall!

    She already has SO much personality! First thing she did after changing clothes was put on a little fashion show for mom and dad :heart:


    Now that Cleo was a tot, she could finally meet her cousin, Nicole and have a little toddler playdate. Nicole was waiting outside for everyone when they arrived. Haven was a little judge-y of Blaze and Kate's "parenting" aka letting their toddler wander around in the street :grimace: Grandpa to the rescue!

    Cleo was more interesting in meeting Blaze's MaineCoon, Jake, than her own cousin. Poor Nicole lol. (This really made me want to get a pet for Storm's lil family though... Maybe when Cleo's a child. For now, they can just enjoy Jake lol.)


    Eventually one of Nicole's parents showed up, so we didn't have to call child protective services after all :smile: (pretend like that's the passive aggressive upside down smiley emoji lol). Haven might not be Kate's biggest fan, but Kate and Thalia are forming a decent a sisters-in-law bond.

    Cleo and Nicole couldn't interact with each other whatsoever (I assume that's still bugged :expressionless: ), but they had fun playing near each other. Also peep that cute lil stuffed bear -- Suri knitted it for Cleo, and she made one for Nicole too :blush:

    Despite refusing to talk to each other, they followed each other around and were attached at the hip -- and attached to Jake lol. I'm sure they'll bond quickly as children.

    When they got home, Cleo went right to the blocks and started working on her mental skills. I love inquisitive toddlers :relieved:

    Storm has been working really hard at work and finally got his last promotion!! He's a Celebrity Chef now :sunglasses:

    I totally picture him working at the celeb hotspot 5-star restaurant, The Swan Queen. Or maybe an even fancier restaurant in Del Sol Valley or the Uptown district of San I want to build more restauarants for my game lol.

    Either way, it meant Haven and Suri FINALLY completed their Successful Lineage aspirations!! Just in time too, because Haven's elder birthday was right around the corner...

    I let them just enjoy their last day in the house, and they chose to spend it playing with Cleo. They're amazing grandparents :blush:

    Blaze and Raven came over to celebrate the big birthday, and Storm made a fancy cheesecake for the special occasion. Welcome to retirement, Haven! The beach is calling...

    They all got to say their goodbyes before Haven and Suri left for Sulani. I think Blaze was saying his goodbyes too, thinking he's going to move back in with mom and dad and live it up in an island paradise -- parenthood must be hard on him :lol:

    I don't think Cleo wanted grandma and grandpa to leave, she looked so sad while they were saying goodbye! :cry:

    But this has been a long time coming. Haven's earned it. (I downloaded a "house boat" lot off the gallery, and it really looks like a yacht! It's a 1bed,1bath "house" right on the water. Perfect for a child of the ocean :wink: I also downloaded a different spa and a marina-style bar so they'd have more things to do.)

    I'll leave you with this pic -- maybe this is why Cleo was so upset? I caught her playing with a grim reaper toy that Raven knitted as a child, and all I can picture her thinking is "Careful grampa, Grimmy's coming for youuuu!" :grimace::lol:
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    @Wentcrazy Aww I'm sorry to hear all the grandparents died :frowning: It's so sad when the time comes, especially when everyone goes at once. I can't be too mad at Ziva cause her new husband is pretty cute and looks really nice, she found herself a good one. Yasmin and Zayne's kids are so cute! Twins must run in the family thanks to Zeke and Zayne, and Yasmin and Zayne's boys look so much like Rose and Zeke's! They could totally be quads lol. Zoe and Brayden are a cute couple, and I love Yesenia! I bet she'll be just as gorgeous as her mama. How funny that Faith has wanted a girl this whole time yet when she finally got one, she got a tomboy anyway! I can't wait for your next update, I wanna see the new family member!!

    @Kiwicantdie Yesssss I always get so excited when you post an update :smiley: Your gen 2 home is AMAZING! I love how your builds always blend into the neighborhood so well and look so realistic. I know it's partly cause you use debug items, which I'm just far too lazy for, but I'm still jealous lol. Using the smaller floorplan makes perfect sense for Max since he hates kids anyway :lol: That poor boy, what a roller coaster of a day you put him through :lol: College, no college, part-time job, full-time job...he must be traumatized lol. Also I don't think I've said it enough, but I LOVE Aiyden's workshop. It's so industrial and cool. I'm kinda mad that I went super 'green' with my houses for this neighborhood, cause I'm really digging your industrial ones :sweat_smile: I know you don't love your bowling alley, but we all do! I love seeing it in pics, so I'm glad you send your sims there often :blush: The boys may not be having much luck with love, but ooo Maddy, get it girl! How Stephen Tinker puts up with her, we'll never know, but good for her :lol: I love Kori so much, tho I may be a bit bias 'cause she's a descendent of Andromeda from my StrangerVille rebuild, and that was one of my favorite families to play (thanks @debjameswhite for keeping that family line going :wink: ). I'm sold on her too! Happy birthday Aiyden and Iris!! May old age treat you well :heart: Oh nooo that is one nasty looking tofurkey :joy: You couldn't pay me to eat that thing lol. Oh I adore Aiyden and Iris' elder makeovers! :heart::blush: What a lovely Winterfest... gross burnt tofu, poisonous spiders, suspicious postcards...what more could you ask for? :wink: Lol I love your crazy family so much.

    @debjameswhite I love that new family portrait! Wow the girls are just gorgeous! I'm glad the family was there for each other and able to cheer each other up after their loss. So much family bonding! :heart: Tomas fixed the toilet!! He's a keeper, Samara. I love your naming convention for this generation! I wondered where Lachlan's name came from compared to the girls' "S" Spanish names, but that makes a lot of sense. Lol I love that he started going through a phase once Silvina aged up and there was a houseful of teen girls. I'd hide in a bear costume too if I had three teenage sisters :lol: Awww and he made his dad some socks! What a sweetheart. What a great Winterfest. It's so nice that Sawyer made dinner for Lucia since she normally cooks, takes some stress off of her (sometimes that's the best "present" during the holidays lol). Sawyer and Lucia really did end up becoming a great couple! I know I had my reservations at first, but I'm so happy that everything worked out for them. Nooo new vets means the old vets passed away :cry: RIP Lauren. Wow, you had a full house for New Years! At least you have the big basement for entertaining. Lachlan's a cutie! He looks so much like Sawyer with the same facial hair, but I definitely see Lucia in him too. Overall I think he's a good mix. Selena will always have my heart though, she is such a gorgeous sim and so sweet & smart too! :heart: I think she and Lachlan are the best genetic mixes of the four kids. We all had amazing gen 3 sims!

    @Heckstress17 I'm gonna say this every time you post an update, but I love Carter so much :heart: And I really love that he's friends with Blaze! Lol if he didn't like bowling, he could've just said so :lol: Ahhh that's where he went -- to find hot chicks. That's my Blaze :joy: Thalia!! You can always find her at the gym lol. I love how Blaze and Raven haven't set foot in a gym in my game, but they both show up to the gym in yours, yet Storm the gym rat is nowhere to be seen :lol: Yooo I wanna know what those fights were about, that sounds like a WILD night :lol: Oh man, I feel the school grind. I've been dealing with uni for five in-game weeks straight now and it's KILLING me :tired_face: But Thalia provides a nice distraction :wink: Carter and Thalia are seriously so cute together, you styled her absolutely perfectly for him :love: I love seeing their romance blossom, they're just so sweet to each other :heart: Girl honestly the only way I'm able to maintain A+ GPAs is with sleep potions, don't feel bad whatsoever. I always have my uni sims get the presentation and paper done first, then do homework for the first day's classes (usually overnight w/ a sleep replacement potion), then it's a little easier to maintain homework throughout the week but sometimes they need 1-2 more sleep replacement potions, especially for studying for exams. Good for Blaze trying to help them out! I'd be so annoyed if sims randomly started using my kitchen, but hey, if they're leaving behind de-stressing potions... :lol: He's totally jealous though...I wonder if he's making those de-stressing potions just to have an excuse to hang around Thalia :wink: Man, so much relationship drama! Not that I blame anyone who wants Carter or Thalia, they are pretty awesome sims. I don't think uni was factored into the Seasons holidays because my uni sims always have to go to class on holidays too :confused: Aww poor Carter...he really needs to befriend Storm and just let him cook for them lol. At least Thalia enjoyed meeting the family that actually showed up :tongue: They're even upset when woohooing?!? Those poor sims! You better give them a vacation or something after they graduate cause they clearly need it :grimace: Oh no, not Fawn and Jonas :astonished: I thought they'd have more time too.. At least he had Thalia to help him work through the grief :confused: I LOVE the new home gym! I'm sure Thalia will get a lot of use out of it. My sims have been too busy with uni to go to the gym too, a home gym is a life saver. I'm glad they got to enjoy winter a bit at least -- that snowpal is adorable! It reminds me of something great-grandma Iris would've made :blush: The night time bowling is so cool, I love the lighting so much. Man you lucked out, only a 5 level skill?? I looked it up and apparently there are "minor" skills that are only 5 levels....and dancing is one of them which was Haven's random skill that I didn't really even bother to work on because I thought it was a 10 level skill :expressionless: Good to know for the future though lol. That skull bowling ball is so cool! You and @Kiwicantdie are making me want to send my sims bowling so badly and I don't have a bowling alley anywhere in my game :tired_face: Dazed Carter :joy::joy: Yeaaaah get used to that expression 'cause until he hits level 10 it's gonna keep happening every 5 seconds :grimace: I read that the mechs are supposed to help -- the arm is available to make pretty early on but I don't know how much it really does. I didn't bother making it cause I knew I wanted the full mech suit + helmet, but by the time Haven made them he was level 10 in robotics and never got shocked anymore anyway, so I'm not sure which is more useful. Might be worth a shot though! You might be able to get rid of the dazed moodlet with a 'moodlet cleanser potion' or whatever it's called too, it's a bright green one I think? It's supposed to get rid of all negative moodlets and raise the sim's needs.
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @Wentcrazy - Aww it's so sad when a bunch of sims pass away so close together. At least the kids have each other to make it through this tough time. Oh wow Zoe is so pretty I love her blue eyes. Ohhhh more babies I can't wait to see if Rose had a single birth!

    @Kiwicantdie - Poor Max but hey at least he's got some experience under his belt with applying to uni, working part-time and eventually becoming a tech guru. Ah teen Kirk in his element talking to the ladies. I like to think Maddie gets her temper from Aiyden, poor Iris is just passing through casually. Love seeing the whole family together for Winterfest and wow Iris needs to let us all know how to get to Isla Paradiso ;)

    @Debjameswhite - Seeing the family so sad makes me sad I will miss all the cakes. I just love Selena, I think I told you she is my favorite ♥ Lachlan is such a trooper for making friends with the monster, I'm sure his parents appreciated not being woken up to spray lol. Hopefully Tomas becomes a permanent member of the family he seems to get along well enough with them.

    @Heckstress17 - Yay! Yay! I love how things are progressing between Carter and Thalia and omg where did that rogue C+ come from? We'll just pretend we didn't see it, C's get degrees anyway ;) Yikes to Reyna and Blaze's! Aww poor Carter, he'll get that cooking skill up in no time especially once school is over. That bowling ball is so neat! I didn't even know you could earn one!

    @JordanNicoleJJ - I really wish preggo sims could actually still workout, at the very least walk or run. Thalia and her little bump are so cute and I love how chill Storm is about everything. Poor Thalia passing out after giving birth is me lol. At least it was a single birth haha. I don't think Thalia is going to be trying the experimental dishes anytime soon, what a scare! I am so excited to see Haven finally get to live his dream in Sulani, I have no doubt with his trait he will love it!

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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    Mini Update
    Twin brother Atlas and his wife are expecting twin boys and they couldn't be happier.

    Jade is thriving in her first trimester and looking cute with her little bump.


    After talking it over with Jordan they decided to set up a room for his daughter Iris. Seeing as her mom is a vampire they got full custody.


    Jade is loving having little Iris in their home and the two have become fast friends

    And here is a room tour ♥ (My washer and dryer have been buggy so I got rid of them and all hampers to make space for Iris)


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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    edited October 2020
    @JordanNicoleJJ - Honestly if Blaze didn't look so hot with his teen hair I would've never known it was from the SW pack, but I loved it so much I went looking through all the packs I don't own on Origin until I discovered you'd gotten it lol I like that hair so much :bawling: but I can't get that pack, I just won't lol. Especially when I learned that all the added "aliens" are just costumes and not an actual alien species. Talk about a missed opportunity. Anyway, yeah I'm super glad I went with Carter for my heir :heart: I think it's funny you thought everyone wanted you to pick Raven as your heir because I know I was #TeamStorm from day one :joy: Not that I don't love Raven, or Blaze, but omg Storm is just the one. I'm still jealous of the fact that he and Thalia worked out to be so perfect for each other. I was worried that she and Carter would be too different and I'd have to force their relationship, but she's all over my sweater loving mechanical man :lol: Also, I just love that we're using the same mate and house :heart: Storm was totally the right choice :wink: AND I'm really excited to hear that @debjameswhite is gonna go the Jordan house, Thalia mate route too :mrgreen: I'm gonna have to look into cheat repealing my NAP's because the repealing system in my game is definitely broken. omg thank you so much for picking up on the soft yet industrial vibe of the house :lol: I spent hours trying to make this house fit Carter's personality (because you perfected it for Storm's) while staying true to how modern the house is. And those orange chairs were totally my way of honoring your killer orange bedroom without completely stealing and copying yours :lol: It kills me that you got "girl next door" vibes from how I styled Thalia because I was totally thinking I am gonna make her look as scandalous as possible :joy: but then I scaled back a lot of her outfits, and I agree, she does have a more "family friendly" look now lol Carter needed a girl he could take home to Mom, I don't think Fawn would've approved of all the fishnets I'd chosen before :lol: I knew you'd be feeling my Uni woes. I didn't have enough aspiration points to keep buying Carter sleep potions :bawling: I bought a few and they were lifesavers, that's how I got him through his weekend prep stage. He stayed up for 48 hours straight and completed all of his homework, his term paper, and presentation. After that he was on his own and his schedule was a mess lol. Thalia was pretty much the same. I haven't seen Storm in my game yet, but when I do we'll totally befriend him for his cooking skills lol Also you're like a mind reader or something :lol: because my plan all along has been to have Carter and Thalia take a long vacation in Granite Falls after graduation. I actually just placed your Lodge there last night in preparation :heart: and omg I am so s*upid! Carter's been able to build the "robot arm" for awhile now but every time I see that option I'm just like 🐸🐸🐸🐸 is he gonna do with a single robot arm?? :joy: Wear it! Duh lol! I think that's a great tip. I'll have him build one and hopefully it'll help him get shocked less. There's gotta be something that lessens the electrocution rate :grimace:

    Yes yes yes another update! :mrgreen: I know you had said you were waiting to post until Friday night so @debjameswhite would have something to read with her Saturday morning coffee, but you gave me something to read before my "teaching" :lol: job started this morning. Risky woo hoo strikes again :naughty: I love it when it's not happening to me lol! I know I'm supposed to be feeling for Thalia in that throwing up pic but that tub matches the brick wall perfectly and I am totally redesigning one of 5 bathrooms that way :lol: Look at how cute Storm is fabricating with his ear buds in. He and Thalia are such a power house couple. I love them :heart: omg Haven helping his son with the fabricator, and then seeming to carry on with encouraging words while Storm was covered in paint is my favorite! All those belly shots were great too. Especially the ones with Thalia and Cassidy :smiley: I'm so glad they're BFF's. They look so cute in their matching active wear that of course they wear all the time :blush: Bro friend is my fav :lol: I'm fine with calling him that forever, it's how I'm always gonna think of him anyway. His temper tantrum while the girls fist bumped over their win was the best. Girls rule, boys drool :tongue: Welcome baby Cleo! Thalia earned her post partum pass out for sure lol Look at Storm with his baby girl :love: and Aunt Cassidy calling to congratulate them is so perfect. I seriously forgot she isn't actually Cleo's Aunt! Look at you letting your sims live University life to the fullest, and with a newborn! I feel like such a loser lmao the struggle is real! I've gotta get Thalia to campus to enjoy at least one spirit day before graduation. You make it look so fun in your pictures. Also I just realized that we both gave our Thalia's pretty much the same outfit. Great minds again :wink: Cass and Thalia's little dinner date was great. I'm glad they were adventurous and tried some Evergreen Harbor specialties. Though after Thalia catching on fire I doubt you'll do it again lol. Their friendship is the cutest :heart: omg look at little Cleo! It is SO hard to decipher genetics on toddlers, but she really does appear to be a perfect blend! I definitely see Storm's eye shape, and her little round face seems like it's from him too. Her outfits are adorable, and you're right, there's a definite lack of purple outfits for toddlers. Chelsea's color was originally gonna be purple, but she ended up with yellow because there just wasn't enough purple clothing. Haven was right to judge Blaze and his wife over their parenting :lol: Their cat looks better cared for then their daughter lol. I vote 100X's yes! Give your family a kitty! I'm gonna do the same when Uni is over. The girls not being able to interact is a bug I've got in my game too :smirk: I've had to wait until the cousins are children before building their friendship. omg Cleo's little knitted bear is the absolute cutest! That does it! I'm buying the knitting pack lol my husband can get over it. One more sim pack will not be too many :lol: omg congrats to Storm and to Suri and Haven! I think that is the most difficult aspiration in the game. They totally deserve their retirement in Sulani :heart: Knowing their living out their elder years in paradise really helps lessen the blow of saying goodbye :blush:

    @OJenn - haha yeah I can definitely imagine you're not looking forward to building after building all 3 lots this generation. I can totally relate to Thalia making you forget about the other potential mates for this generation. She's definitely stolen the show. I was actually kinda stunned how fast things progressed between Carter and Thalia. His good manners trait allowed him to use the "polite introduction" and got them started out on the right foot :smile: I'm just pretending that C grade didn't happen too lol and yes! Isn't that bowling ball cool :sunglasses:

    Aw! Congrats to Atlas and his wife, she's a stunner btw. But look at Jade in her sunflower romper! :love: She couldn't look more beautiful, and I adore all of the hairstyles you give her. Plus her little signature Iris smile is just my fav. I still can't believe that Jordan's little girl is named Iris too! Her bedroom is adorable, and I can see already that Jade's a great step-mom. Their little family is precious :heart:

    @Wentcrazy - You're moving to Ireland!? omg that's my ultimate bucket list destination! That's so exciting! I really hope your trip doesn't get cancelled again at the last moment. I'll cross my fingers everything works out :blush: and I'm sure you'll be relieved when you're done cleaning and packing lol moves are always so stressful. Anyway, yeah I can see why you didn't chose Faith. The Party Animal aspiration is my least favorite. All of the social aspiration are a nightmare for me :lol: I still love Faith though! and I don't think you could post too many pics of Rose doing yoga. I love seeing her in all her cool poses. I can totally understand why you'd be exhausted with all of the toddlers in the house lol but you made it look easy in your update! Rose and Zeke seem like they've got it all figured out. I hope it's not too difficult when the new baby comes. I think the Zeke and Rose as kids pic is a must have comparison! It'll be so adorable to compare their child selves to their own kids :heart: I'm so sad to see that Iris is gone :disappointed: she lived a very long and happy life though, and made it long enough to meet her grandchildren. I feel bad for her young triplets though. Their big sister stepping in to take care of them is a great solution. Zayne and Yasmin remind me so much of Rose and Zeke. It's so cool that they also have identical twin boys. That's an insane coincidence! Riley and Trevor even look just like Henry and Samuel! It's like their quadruplets lol! omg how is that Faith's first little girl actually looks more like a boy then her brothers? :lol:

    I always stick to gray and more neutral or earthy colors too, but styling the twins outside of my comfort zone was fun. I'm also really glad you like Carter for my heir. I was worried no one would care about him since his siblings have more vibrant personalities lol but it's actually his ability to fly under the radar that made me love him. Aw! I really hope you use @JordanNicoleJJ 's shell for gen 3! It'll be so cool to see how everyone makes it their own. Thanks for the compliments on my decorating :blush: I'm so glad you like it. The colors on the big balcony are a bit brighter then I usually go for, but I actually really like how it turned out. omg you're right! Faith does seem to have a thing for Spanish guys lol! and yes :smiley: Raven and Zeke now have a daughter in my game. MCC gave me some cool pairings this gen.

    @Kiwicantdie - If you don't have the time to post your next update on Saturday I'm still super glad you were able to post this one :mrgreen: The snow pics were great. I always love how sims run around during a blizzard. Look at your gen 2 house! Somehow that van parked outside is my fav part?? I can't wait to see more of it. It makes complete sense you went with the smaller build for Max's sake lol. With all of his awarded scholarships and distinguished degrees he'll definitely be able to afford an upgrade if he wants one. lol that was quite the roller coaster of emotions for him. At least his parents were supportive of whatever he chose. My heir also needs to get a temp job in a different career then the one he was randomized so I totally get your confusion. I don't know how you can dislike your bowling alley!? You've got so much more going on in yours then mine has. I especially love how you've got the stairs dropping down to where the actual bowling lanes are. That's a really cool attention to detail, and the sitting area with the high top tables is also just spot on. I love it, and will patiently wait for you to upload it for me :smiley: That shot of Aiyden, Max, and Maddy hanging out there is a great advertisement for your build :wink: Maddy and Stephan Tinker! :lol: Good luck Stephan! If that pic of her telling her Dad off isn't a huge red flag then I don't know what is :lol: I'm sold on Kori too :mrgreen: totally not biased or anything! It's rare that a relationship, even a friendship survives the teen to YA gap. I ship it! Their Christmas dinner looked amazing, and Max looked amazingly adorable making his contribution. I don't think you understand how much I love him :love: Out of all of the different children we've seen Iris and Aiyden make, he's got to be my favorite. I love how much he looks like Iris, yet he's still got so much of his Dad in him. I just think he's perfect. Kori might have competition :joy: omg look at balding Aiyden :bawling: how do you always manage to make your sims look so cute and unique!? Oh Maddy :lol: Stephan is a champ for kissing her while she's covered in those icky green spots. I think they're meant to be. Iris knitting in front of the huge Christmas wreath :heart: I'm buying the knitting pack today lol

    @debjameswhite - I'm happy your afternoon off was filled with updates :smile: If you're itching to build maybe get a jump start on the gen 4 house? That way you can still use Jordan's shell. I'm super excited about the idea of you using it too. I'm dying to see how you'd style it, and I'm super excited to see you style Thalia too! I agree, hurry up and grow Lachlan lol! You'll have lots of outdoor space for his garden. You could take the whole upstairs balcony and essentially turn it into a green house if you wanted. I'm getting too excited about this already :lol: but yes the open concept is great. I love your container home, and have had a lot of regret about not building it myself, but my last gen house was definitely not claustrophobic lol I had the opposite issue.

    This generations family picture looks great :heart: I definitely think that's a fun tradition to carry on. You do such a great job with it. I love how the animals are always included :heart: It's always so heartbreaking to see the family grieving :heartbreak: It was nice that knitting was a distraction for the kids. Poor Sawyer, Lucia was always there for him though. Lachlan and Silvina looked really cute telling their secrets and playing at the playground together. I gotta tell you I love Selena's outfit with the blue crop top and matching socks. She looked super cute knitting her heart out. And yes I did notice your Spanish name theme! It's a great way to honor their Mother, and Lachlan having an L name, but a more traditional sounding name like his father is perfect. You always have the best boy names :smile: the express love interaction is super cute. I'm glad Uncle Weston came by and gave him nephew some love. Samara and Tomas are cute together. I like that he helped around the house, he seems like a really nice kid. Silvina is a beautiful teen! Haha Lachlan's bear phase did seem to coincide with his now having 3 teen sisters in the house :lol: I like that he chose avocado bear lol and he clearly has no trouble doing things in that clunky suit. It's so sweet of Sawyer to take over the holiday cooking for his wife :blush: I know the family was still sad about Heath and Lia's passing, but I did see some smiles at the dinner table. I like how the basement has turned into the family room. It's neat to see all the things they've created and found on display down there. Budge's vets office seems to have turned over a new leaf. I guess that means all the old vets are now gone :confused: It was sweet of Silvina to make her brother's cake, but she definitely did not belong in the kitchen being so sick lol Lia was needed for sure! Lachlan aged up wonderfully! I'm not disappointed either. He's a great blend of his parents. I love how he got his Mom round face, but has Dad's mouth and nose. I really love Selena too though :tired_face: she'd be a great heir, but maybe we can use her as a genepool mate or something? I'd hate to see her end up as a spare. Lachlan is fantastic though, I'm excited to see more of him as a teen :smiley:
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @Heckstress17 Grr I hate when sims disappear the minute you start a game. I love how your bowling alley looks. Oooo I love the trophy case at the new gym. That's a great idea! Thalia! I love that you and @JordanNicoleJJ both met her at the gym. Were they just fighting at your gym or also dancing? ;) I love how he looks sitting there at the table and just looking at her so lovingly. Of course that sweet boy wants to help her. Things moved fast and I love it! Those undeserved Cs make me angry too! Look at them being good students. Man I love Carter. Wow that interesting and convenient that Blaze came over to make the potions. Is that part of a NAP? Why was he making them? Aww sorry Blaze but not really cause look how much she loves him! Sorry not sorry to Reyna too. :) I get annoyed about them having to go to school on holidays too but the entire thing is a bit annoying. oh my gosh, poor poor Carter. Poor boy! Let him take a cooking class!!! YES me too! Yes are now my spirit animal. Oh those poor babies. Yes me too. I knew Uni wasn't going to make me happy but my FOMO means I will always put them through college. OMG NO! (but I love the graphic) BTW I got so upset I accidentally closed my tab. I really love how caring Carter is for Thalia. Aww of course your sims would make time to play in the snow <3 Oooo he looks so intense in the bowling alley! Yay Thalia, though that guy's not bad! Ooo that's good to know about bowling! I've never played that one out either! I love the skull ball!! Did you seriously just apologize for a long update? Really? <snickers>

    @JordanNicoleJJ OMG YES!!! Poor Thalia though. Awwww Storm! My heart. What ever you say sweetie. OMG there is so much cuteness and sweetness in your update. Aww I love that Thalia is best friends with Cassidy. OH yes! Labor already! Awww it's like Lucia and Sawyer! I love it! Aww so sweet with his baby girl. Please rest Thalia! I'm so glad she still got to participate in the events. Haven and Suri are the best. haha I like how you decided who won the game and I love that he's bro friend. Ewwww dinner for Thalia and Cassidy does not sound good! What the heck? How could she catch on fire from eating her food? oh my gosh little Cleo is adorable! The little ones are so cute. hehe Haven why would you judge them letting the toddler play in the street? EEEEE look at Jake! I love him!! That bear is so cute and how annoying about the toddler bug. Grrr. I'm so over the bugs. Oh I'm sad about Haven and Suri aging up. I love them. I love that they're going to Sulani! Oh no! haha no Grimmy!!

    @OJenn Ooo how exciting that Atlas and his wife are expecting too! Jade really is cute and I love her outfit. Haha! They got full custody because Mom is a vampire That's perfect. I love that they have Jordan's daughter. I love how much Jade loves her. My washer and dryer is buggy too. They can't wash the laundry once they put it in.

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    amadazulsimamadazulsim Posts: 1,800 Member
    Hi all
    I have a lot to catch up on I see! :)
    Okay so let the comments begin.

    @OJenn Iris gave Jade some great advice. She should follow her heart. Caleb did look sad but his loss is Jordan's gain. Btw I love Jade's hair! I was also looking at getting that mod? How do you like it?
    Jordan didn't waste any time did he. I am happy for the two of them. I am so glad that his having a daughter didn't run her away. I was a little nervous there.
    I like the family space too. Cute makeovers. What a beautiful wedding. I am shocked that everyone was sitting down too. I can't wait to see the new addition.

    @Mionax Amira is a cutie and smart too. I see Naomi is following in her footsteps.

    @Heckstress17 It is very rare to get a sim that you just adore. Carter is definitely one of a kind. lol I guess Carson is there to even things out. He does have his own charm though. That is so sad that the twins fun day was ruined with a death. Good idea to keep the potion of life around. I would hate for Fawn and Jonas to not be around to raise their children until they are grown. Carson does have that evil Villain look going on. I felt so bad that Kellie dumped him in a sense. I didn't see that coming considering how attentive he was with her. Oh wow Who The Heck calls their little sister to ask that type of question. She should have told him yes. Yeah we won't even talk about the spoiler. :o
    Well look at Carter falling in love and breaking rules. Reyna looks like she is worth it. I can't wait to see what the next generation brings.

    Oh my gosh tell me about those building slumps. It happens all the time to me. I go from one day I want to build to the next day I just want to play. I love the way you decorated btw. I chuckled at the pic of Carson cooking. He looked like he was glad that there wasn't anyone around to see that. lol
    Well, at least Blaze had a good reason for ghosting Carter. If Blaze wouldn't have ghosted him he would have never gotten that call from his sister that led to him meeting Thalia. Wow things did move really fast between the two of them. They are cute together though. Wow there are a lot of people upset about the two of them being together. I don't think that Carter's meal looked that bad. He was so crushed. Things just seemed to keep getting worse. RIP Fawn and Jonas. I am glad they just didn't give up and reenrolled back in Uni. They seem so much more relaxed this time.

    @debjameswhite Poor Samara. I am glad that her siblings were able to cheer her up. Lachlan looked so determined to finish those socks. Sawyer is such a good dad of course those skills would kick in. I do have to admit that I hope baby Layton ages up better. He definitely has an unique look. Good Job. Heath still looked so young. RIP to him and Leah. The flashback was so cute.
    It was probably the right decision to hold off on the funerals after the holidays. It is nice that the family is pulling together supporting each other and trying to cheer each other up during this time.
    Your sims aged up nicely.

    @JordanNicoleJJ Storm and Thalia looked like they had a wonderful day together. I hope he isn't just looking to marry her for the money. Suri is living the good life right now. I wish I could relax like that all day. I love the wedding even if it was impromptu. Congrats on Thalia graduating Uni. She really was working hard. Both her and Storm deserve to celebrate. Thalia being in denial about her pregnancy was hilarious. I don't think the treadmill will help. :D Welcome nooboo Cleo. I love the pictures of her meeting her cousins and the rest of the family. She is adorable.

    @Kiwicantdie Thank you for the kind comments on the house. I like to decorate but truthfully I rather play than build or decorate most times.
    I love how winter looks in game. Not so much of a fan in RL. lol Max seems to know what he wants to do with his life. I am glad his dad made sure he was okay with his choices. I am sure with time Max's food will start to look better. Maddie is a real trooper. I would have just fainted if a big spider bit me on my face.

    @Wentcrazy Rose looks good for a sim that just had twins. Henry and Samuel are so cute. I think Samuel looks like his dad. Helena is a cutie too.
    I hate when the N.A.P. passes that Everyone wears bags action. You have some really good looking sims.

    I was going to post an update but I am a little under the weather so I decided I would wait until next time.
    I hope everyone is doing well.

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    MionaxMionax Posts: 287 Member
    Origin ID:Mionax
    Origin #: madebymionax
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    I'm too late to post the update I promised, but I'm not too late to catch up on your updates <3 ... I'll try to post mine tomorrow morning before I go to work... if I wake up early enough :tongue:

    @OJenn /almost/ as the key word :joy: I still have 12 months to go before I get the bachelor's degree and then if my score's good enough I'm off to the master's degree (another 2 more years lol). And then I'll have even more exams after uni to be allowed to teach in schools <3. But anyway-
    How do you make all of your screenshots so good????? I'm always amazed by your editing skills! I'm in love with the wedding lot you chose :flushed: now I want to build a lot like this too! Jade and Jordan both looked so gorgeous on their wedding day, I almost teared up. I'm so hyped for the "big news" :mrgreen: Jade looks so gorgeous with her baby bump <3 she's also such an amazing stepmom!

    @Wentcrazy don't speak about twins, you might spread the twin curse even further to our games! :joy: jk lol. Rose sure is good with her yoga skills! I really want to have a sim who's into yoga as much as she is. Henry and Samuel really do look a lot like their dad, so... whoops, I guess we'll have to wait and see if this third pregnancy brings a different genetic mix to the table. They're truly adorable, tho, so don't think that I don't love them :tongue: I have such a soft spot for blondies like them. Rose is such a champ for working on those conditions and with so much nausea. Congrats for having a little girl! <3 Helena is such a cute name too! She's a blondie too?? Zeke's genes are the strongest thing ever :joy: almost as strong as Aiyden's in my game! WAIT- another pregnancy???? Oh boy poor Rose sure is in for a ride :joy: the boys aged up into really cute kiddos! They look a lot like their father which- hey, is a good thing :wink: - the little in-game family tree is growing and I love it!

    @Heckstress17 --- but I want to be super active while you're all also super active, if you know what I mean :joy: it's nice when we all post and play and advance this challenge together! So I'll do my very best to squeeze in as much gameplay and updates and replies that I can in between my classes. I'm really surprised that you like that bowling alley of mine?? It's like... the worst build I built, from my point of view :sweat_smile: but I'll upload it either today or tomorrow when I get to play a little bit, so you'll see for yourself lol. I also have all the Willow Creek builds to upload, now that I think about it! I'll share them too. I'm glad to know that your mom's surgery also went well <3 it really is one scary surgery. The doctors who are following my dad's case told us that it's physically the hardest surgery to recover from, even if it's not as risky as one might think. I'm glad both of our parents made through it!
    I'm 100% going for that same floorplan for my future gen 3 and I have no doubt I'll also use @JordanNicoleJJ shell, since it's awesome! You also decorated it so well, as always! That living room turned out so nice! Tbh there's not even one room that I don't like, 'cause you're always soo good at furnishing your houses! Teach me pls???? So you also went after Thalia! I can't blame either of you, she's such a gorgeous sim. OOooh Raven and Zeke?? What a twist! I'm super glad that Cassidy got to marry a Loudon, tho :joy: she deserves it. LOL Blaze ghosting Carter as soon as he went bowling :joy: I can't. Poor Carter, he just wanted a buddy! Please for the love of God can we stop with the Thalia's Perfect 🐸🐸🐸🐸 Pics :joy::joy::joy: every time I see it I get so jealous :joy: it's out of everybody's league :joy: isn't that--- isn't that Eliza Pancakes beating up random sims? Lol I love it. Look at Thalia coming over uninvited :smirk: she might have come over to talk about uni, but we all knew where this was going. I love how fast their romance developed, they really seemed to click instantly! I'm not sure what was causing the overall bad mood from Carter's family, but it definitely didn't involve Thalia. Come on, Carter, I believe in your cooking skills! They're even better than Max's :tongue: my god their mood really plummeted. NOOOOOOO Fawn & Jonas :bawling: too soon!! I wasn't ready to see them go so fast! Give them back to me please! At least their mood improved in the end. Uni life sure makes our sims go through hell, right? :sweat_smile: good job for keeping their grades up like that! I struggle every single time. Woah that bowling skull ball :dizzy: so cool!

    @JordanNicoleJJ I would love to pick Thalia too in the future but I guess it'll come down to the gen 3 genetics. You're speedrunning the challenge, aren't you :joy::joy::joy: well, either way, I'm here for it <3 I totally knew that a nooboo was coming! Risky woohoo is definitely risky :joy: I swear it gets my sims even if they woohoo just once at 3% risk. Can we talk about Haven for a second, tho? Those pics of him mentoring Storm reminded me just how much I love him. He's such a good looking sim, it was inevitable that Storm would be this handsome too. One day, if I ever get pregnant, I want Thalia's confidence in rocking a crop top with a belly that big :joy: a single birth????? What sort of mirable is that???? How do I get that????? Congrats on the little baby girl! <3 Cleo is such a cute name too! I almost forgot to mention that I also want Thalia's amazing ability to get back in shape right after the pregnancy :joy: I haven't mentioned it already I think, but hey, I love seeing Storm and Thalia hang out with Cassidy <3. I also love that Anavrin keeps on being the hottest spot in town :joy: --- toddler Cleo!! OMG she's a d o r a b l e! I really can't figure out what she'll look like in the future? Besides the eyes and hair color, of course. I love all of her outfits too :bawling: of course she had to go meet her little cousin Nicole! I'm glad to know that she wasn't completely abandoned at home alone. BTW sometimes toddler do that to me too, they can't interact whatsoever with sims from different households no matter how hard I try. Congrats to Storm for the huge promotion!! I'm getting teary eyes watching Haven age up into an elder. I don't want him to go yet :bawling: and at the speed you're playing the game I'm sure it'll happen way too soon. I'm so glad that he got to retire to Sulani like he always wanted to <3

    @debjameswhite I've always loved your "current household" edits <3 Selena is so gorgeous???? I'm in love, I swear. Speaking about more serious things, I totally felt the general sad mood at the beginning of the update. It's so sad when grandparents go and the entire family just gets super depressed for days. It's good that they managed to find creative activities to occupy their time, tho. If I were Lachlan, I would also go through a phase just for having three teen sisters :joy: adorable green bear! I'm glad that they managed to have a nice Winterfest all together, holidays like this are always the best! You're right that somehow you got all interesting and good genetic mixes for this generation! Selena seems to be the better mix of all, tho <3 just my totally unbiased opinion :tongue:
    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor
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    amadazulsimamadazulsim Posts: 1,800 Member
    Life is good right now in Sulani. There is still a lot of work to be done but at least now Manu and Luana can rest.
    Manu was so excited to see the new vegetation growing on the island.
    He was also excited about making and eating a grilled cheese sandwich.
    Clearly he is bored so it was time for Manu to get a job.
    He decided to be a scuba diver. He doesn't look to thrilled.
    Luana was happy though and she knew how to show her happiness.
    Something scared Manu out of his sleep.
    A volcano had erupted. As you can see by the looks on their faces they were not happy!
    Oh well, Let's crack this bad boys open.
    I don't know what was in them.
    Well I wasn't expecting this nor had I planned this.
    Luana did wait until she was showing to tell Manu.
    I guess she was unsure of how he would react.
    He was happy!
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    I've been playing a lot today and have a big update to post, but I'm pretty sure that 62 pictures is too many :lol: lol so I'm gonna work on cutting it down or breaking it up into 2 updates.

    @debjameswhite - Isn't that trophy case at the gym brilliant!? @JordanNicoleJJ always decorates her builds perfectly :smile: Carter lovingly gazing at Thalia is one of my fav pics too :heart: He's quickly become one of my favorite sims. The herbology potion making is a complete mystery to me. My NAP's haven't changed since gen 1, but I'd bet it still has something to do with them. At least the de-stress potions are useful :lol:"Aww of course your sims would make time to play in the snow" haha you know it! I don't think I'll ever get over the wonder of snow. I hope you've had time to play this weekend. I'm itching for another update from you. I need more of Lachlan!

    @amadazulsim - lol yeaaaaah we've all been pretty active lately. It definitely makes falling behind easy. I didn't post for 1 day and missed like 5 updates :lol: Anyway, I'm so glad you found time to comment :smiley: I completely agree that finding a sim that you just adore is rare. I usually like all of mine just fine, but sometimes you find a special one :heart: I wish I could say my potion of life idea worked out, but grim came for Fawn and Jonas super quick after I stopped controlling their household :confused: I'm glad you like Carson's evil look :naughty: I was pretty upset about Kellie dumping him too. As you said, he was so out of character and attentive with her. She didn't deserve him! The building/decorating slump is real. It's a pretty big relief that we can use other peoples shells. I'm really loving having set floorplans for each generation. It makes things a little easier. And yes! Blaze ditching Carter, only to end up introducing him to Thalia later in the evening, was fate for sure!

    You posted your update while I was here typing up comments :mrgreen: Manu is such a hunk :heart: are those pineapples?!? There's so much about Sulani that I don't know! There's an actual erupting volcano!?! omg that's so cool. Though not the best thing to wake up too :lol: They look so done lol. Luana looks pretty upset that she can't crack open that volcanic rock. Do you get anything cool from it? Ooooh you've got a "whoopsie" baby in the 1st generation lol! Manu should've gotten his scuba job sooner, apparently he and Luana were busy passing the time the old fashioned way :lol: He seems super supportive though. I know they'll make great parents :smile:

    @Kiwicantdie - I had my days mixed up and was disappointed when you didn't post your update yesterday, only to login today and realize that today is Saturday lol but I guess you didn't have time today either. It's okay though :heart: I totally get wanting to be active while everyone else is. I feel the same way. It's just more fun when everyone's all pumped about playing and posting at the same time. I seriously do not understand what it is about your bowling alley that you hate so much??? :lol: I feel that same way about my park that everyone's said nice things about, meanwhile I hate it so much I'm not even thinking about uploading it lol. You totally do no not have to upload your bowling alley if you don't want to, but I know 100% I'm gonna love it. And omg I've been waiting for your Willow Creek builds for years! :joy: Seriously, it's probably actual years now lol so I'm excited you're gonna share those too. You're right about the heart surgery. It was a really long recovery process for my Mom, but like I said she had a bunch of other health and heart issues working against her. Do you know when your Dad will be well enough to go home yet?

    I can't wait to see when you do with the gen 3 house, especially if you use Jordan's shell. But I can wait, because I really wanna see how you've decorated and built Max's house! I'm really glad you liked how I decorated my current house. I seriously had such a hard time coming up with rooms this time. I feel like I always fall back on the same sets of furniture and wall colors. I usually come back here and look through everyone's post for decorating inspiration. For my next house you guys might see me just flat out copying your rooms lol and yesss I love how both you and @JordanNicoleJJ noticed that Cassidy married a Loudon boy :heart: I should've suspected it right away because of his hair lol but I double checked and he's Jace's grandson. It'd be cool to see him and Cassidy have more ice blonde cuties but in my game at least Cassidy doesn't seem interested in kids. She and her Loudon hubby are still rockin' their cool Aunt and Uncle rolls. Uni life in the sims is the worst omg I seriously feel like if they'd patch in quicker homework completion that it'd make the biggest difference. Also, wasn't it Rory who was into robotics and making college life look like the picture perfect college romcom? I know you redid the dorms and made them look super cute. Any chance you wanna share those too? :joy::innocent: lol?
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    edited October 2020
    Evergreen Harbor - Generation 3 Update 2!

    In my last update, Carter and his new girlfriend, Thalia, were having a crazy difficult time with their University classes. That hasn't changed lol but Thalia did get to go to Foxbury's spirit day at the beginning of her 3rd semester. My game had a script error and didn't spawn any other students for her to interact with :disappointed: but her boyfriend showed up and tried to cheer her up.

    It was really upsetting for Thalia, who was hoping to get more of the true college experience. An elder food service worker was the only sim nearby but she agreed to play juice pong with Thalia... and embarrassed the c*ap outta her too :lol:

    At least Thalia got to buy and wear her school's sweatshirt? And Carter had a blast playing with the new drone he'd just built :blush:

    Unfortunately, I completely screwed things up for Thalia by accidentally choosing to have her plagiarize her term paper! :heartbreak::tired_face:

    I had really hoped it wouldn't result in her failing, but it did, and not only one class, but TWO?!?!?! I seriously do not understand how this happened :bawling: I'm so sorry Thalia!

    Carter's grades were much better lol we'll gladly take that C+ now :lol:

    Which means that he's finished and earned his Mechanical Engineer degree! And I got to see the Britechester campus for the first time lol

    I don't know how all of you get such great graduation pictures?! These are the best I could do lol

    At least I got a pic of him throwing his hat. I missed that when his Mom was graduating.

    When he got home he knew that his girlfriend could use a little cheering up. A playful romp in the closet got her mind off her failing grades :wink: (I had to share this pic because @JordanNicoleJJ had pretty much the same pic in her last update :heart: )

    After failing two of her classes, Thalia decided to take the next semester off to recoup. It was good timing because it was Christmas, and she was feeling the pressure of having to entertain all of Carter's siblings.

    This was the most thrown together holiday ever lol I didn't even realize it was Christmas because of all the college drama, but all of Carter's siblings and even his two cousins came over to celebrate.

    Everyone chose to remain in their outerwear despite the fact that the house has a thermostat... maybe it has something to do with the front door glitching and remaining open the whole night :grimace:

    But overall it was a nice last minute holiday. Carter exchanged gifts with everyone, even his mean little cousin, Vivian. The family really did befriend her against her will lol

    Cassidy insisted on making stress potions, which once again, are more than welcome in this household. :lol:

    She's appreciated :heart:

    but I think Carter appreciates Thalia most of all :wink:

    After the holiday, Carter was feeling stress free, and enjoyed the day doing whatever he wanted. What he wanted was to rummage through every dumpster in town so he could finally start working on his Master Maker aspiration.

    It's about as gross as you'd expect.

    Thalia was also relieved to not have the stress of classes looming over her. She happily cleaned the house from top to bottom. You gotta love neat sims!

    The snow cleared for a day or so and Thalia was able to use her new basketball hoop. Her equally athletic sister in-law came over to play with her :smile:

    There's no point to this picture, just showin' Cass some love :heart:

    You know she couldn't leave without making sure Thalia and Carter are all stocked up on their stress potions :lol:

    Carter's brother (and evil villian in training) showed up and vented about his life. If I had to guess he's probably still mad about his HS girlfriend leaving him for another dude lol

    Carter got him to smile for a picture though :smile: I'm working on hanging some family photos in the house. There's still a few bare walls that bother me.

    After all the grand meals Carter noticed he'd put on a few extra pounds. Which isn't surprising given that he's a foodie, but with a super active girlfriend, and a personal gym in the house, he was able to get himself back into shape in no time.

    Late night basketball games with his sister also helped. :smile:

    I'm also happy to report that his robotics skill has improved drastically. Though he's gonna be crafting "mechanisms" and "computer chips" for the rest of his life if he ever plans to build a servo (which he does). It's crazy how many parts you need @JordanNicoleJJ you weren't kidding!

    New years eve came and Thalia and Carter chose to stay in and watch the ball drop from home.

    Carter made a toast, to better days! University less days lol for him at least :confused:

    Then he asked Thalia if she'd like to go on vacation to Granite Falls with him. Spring was coming, and she had about a week before she'd need to re-enroll for her next semester.

    She was a little worried about the idea of roughing it for a week, but of course she said yes. Their New Years celebration ended in their favorite closet lol

    That's it for now. My next update will be a HUGE Granite Falls pic spam lol I'm just preparing you all now. I took so many pics :lol: I've only ever vacationed with my sims there once before and this time it turned out way better. Happy Simming!
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    KiwicantdieKiwicantdie Posts: 1,305 Member
    edited October 2020
    Here comes the big update :mrgreen:
    Evergreen Harbor: Update 10 (and last one for Gen 1)

    #me trying to figure out where to fit any update in my uni + two jobs schedule :tongue:


    I'll begin this one by showcasing once again my least favorite build, the infamous bowling alley :joy: only 'cause I wanted to show that I fixed that horrible tv placement from my previous update. Now the build feels... acceptable. Also, anybody knows what goes on with the lights? Every time I get there it's always dark. I mean, I won't complain, it makes for better-looking pictures.


    The hottest spot in town! :tongue: ... only because there's literally nothing else to do in town other than rummage trash. Also, look at that painful roof placement :joy: oooofff. @Heckstress17 I'll need a couple of days to fix this lot, actually, I refuse to upload it in these conditions :joy:


    Most importantly, later that night Max realized that his teen crush Kori had finally aged into ya.


    She was apparently having a really bad time lol. They've bowled together quite a lot, but her bowling skills seem to be still 0. And she was actually mad about it :joy:


    Max tried the "funny guy" approach when she sat out the next game, and she seemed to appreciate it.


    Kirk, on the other hand, was not doing good with the ladies :dizzy: - I really don't know how he survived slapping a girl right in front of mama Iris' face, but... ok.


    The lights turned on during Maddy and Stephan's passionate kiss right on Max's crotch and I couldn't pass on taking a screenshot :joy:


    Moving on! The very next morning, Max didn't have to work, so he thought that he could at least try to ask Kori out. He had enough about skill grinding and hanging out with his twin knitting devil sister. Moreover, being as cute as she was, Kori might not have stayed single for much longer.


    She accepted! They met at the small restaurant I built for Willow Creek, right in front of Adahy and Pauline's house. (The memories :bawling: )


    Only when they sat down I realized that the menu wasn't necessarily catered towards breakfasts, but Max made it work somehow :sweat_smile:


    Nonetheless, Kori appreciated his pick <3


    They had tons of friendly and slightly suggestive conversations, just as much as they had when they were teens and used to simply enjoy each other's presence. Max also learned that Kori had an artistic side! I mean- she's gorgeous so I guess the stage really does fit her. Thankfully, nobody was yet in Kori's romantic life.


    They realized really fast that they actually really liked each other, and that their crush could be something more.


    The flirting went on even at Willow Creek's museum, where they moved after breakfast.


    The idea was having a fun date at the museum, but... they were much more interested in each other than of anything on display :joy:


    When the sun started to set, neither of them wanted to go home yet. Max decided to grill some potatoes for dinner by the waterside. They didn't want to go back to the restaurant. After all, this was much more intimate :smirk:


    You know you're having a good date when you wish it never ended. It's kinda crazy just how well these two get along. I guess their teen friendship really helped?


    Max dared to make a move only when the sun was setting.


    You know it's serious when you forget your baked potatoes.


    It seemed like such a shame not making good use of the only private spot of the museum, so...


    By the time they got out of there, the lights were off and it almost felt like they had been locked inside :joy:


    Not that Max minded spending the whole night in there with her :joy:


    Back at home, the very next day Stephan Tinker came over to bring sad news: his mothers had passed away. He was feeling too down to stay at home all alone.


    His meanie girlfriend came to the rescue.


    Since it was just a matter of days for Kirk to age up into a ya and move out of the nest, maybe there was going to be room for Stephan to move in.


    Iris and Aiyden were both ecstatic about it.
    A: "Our kids are really growing so fast!"
    I: "-fast enough to give us grandchildren too!" ---eeeeeerr not so fast, Iris :joy: not so fast. Let the poor guy mourn for a few days, at least :sweat_smile:


    Aiyden really clicked with Stephan right away. I'm sure that him being such a close friend of his mom Tina helped a ton. He's so happy about having Tina's son as his own.


    ... I hope you've not had enough of my bowling alley yet, 'cause... it was finally New Year's Eve! Yet again, as the only hangout spot in town it felt like the best place to celebrate with friends :joy: - even tho things weren't official "official" with Max yet, Kori met Iris and made sure to get on her good side <3


    Maddy didn't hold back on the juice :joy:


    Such a huge party over such a tiny tv screen :joy: (also UGH at the ceiling decor clipping :frowning: )


    ... have I ever told you not to trust risky woohoo at 3%?
    I'm pretty sure I have.


    ... yup.
    Oh boy, here we go again. *eyeroll* - Max, you're in for the wake-up call of the century :expressionless:
    They literally did it O N C E in that museum, but of course MCCC had to do whatever it wanted. I had an eye on Kori all night, hoping that it might have been food poison, but... the signals were too clear for me to ignore :sweat_smile:


    New Year's Eve also got Iris and Aiyden in the mood for some love <3 just like the good old days. Maddy didn't appreciate all the PDA.


    Later at home, they also tried to go all the way one last time before Grim comes to say hi. Aiyden looked like he just wanted some rest :joy:
    A: "Iris, sweetie, I don't think I'll survive the first round... you'll be the death of me" :joy::joy::joy:


    As for Kori... well, she came knocking on the front door the very next morning. Spring had arrived.


    Max was definitely surprised to see her, but he still let her in even if he had to go to work in less than one hour. She wanted to break the news to him in person, face to face, but... a very well refreshed Aiyden couldn't read the room and couldn't give them the slightest sort of privacy :joy:


    So she told him anyway.


    ... welp, every "hates children" person sort of nightmare. I'm not sure whether Max was more shocked about the news or embarrassed about his dad's interference.


    Kori was just as embarrassed, so she went to lock herself up in the bathroom right after. She also had to process Max's reaction still.


    Unsurprisingly, as soon as he realized that his son hadn't taken the news well, Aiyden gave Max the talking of his life :joy: - and meanie Maddy joining to feed on her brother's misery :joy:


    A: "-you think this is a game? You're a full grown adult now, Max, so you better start acting like one before I'm forced to kick you out and let life teach you a lesson! You better go tell her you're sorry!"


    Max couldn't formulate any credible excuse to explain that he didn't want to deal with children.


    After Kori had freshened up and got out of the bathroom, Aiyden tried to cheer her up on his son's behalf. Max couldn't even face her. He left for work before he could say anything and just probably spent the entire time sobbing in a closet :joy:



    Since Kori was most definitely going to keep the baby, she decided that she had to break the news to Iris too.

    K: "I know you barely know who I am, but... you'll be a grandma, I guess?" :sweat_smile:


    Judge for yourself just how happy Iris was :joy:


    While Max was having the worst day possible at work, Kirk aged up into a ya. Kori was still there, so she celebrated too.


    I wanted to post an outfit tour, but I really don't have the time so- next time, maybe?
    For now, here he is. I'm actually really impressed by how cute he is. I think he aged up into a handsome sim!


    ... unfortunately, tho, his final trait... :grimace: I guess he and Max really do have something in common lol


    Kirk decided to move out to San Myshuno to live his sexy free and single journalist life :mrgreen:



    -and just so you know, as soon as he moved into his new apartment, he found out who his new neighbor is :wink: (if you don't remember, it's the cute teen girl which he was already eyeing as a child :joy: )

    Origin ID: Kiwicantdie
    Willow Creek | Evergreen Harbor

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