Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,997 Member
    @sunblond yeah, I created them. I usually do create romantic interests for my main Sims. I don’t think I’ve ever had one of my born-in-game Sims have a relationship with a townie/premade, except for one instance ages ago in Sims 3.
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    HillyBethHillyBeth Posts: 3,505 Member
    Ben Cole, son of Ryan and Katherine Cole, is now a young adult, has a good job, a nice house, a gorgeous girlfriend, and will soon be referred to by another name(well, soon enough): Daddy! He and his girlfriend Alison are expecting their first baby!
    Origin ID
    P.A.C.E- Positive Attitude Changes Everything
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,153 Member
    edited August 2020

    Ludwig had THE talk about woohoo with his son Wilhelm. It was an very akward moment for both.


    Viktoria had the same talk with her daughter Elisabeth. It was awkward situation for them too, but now she knows her duties.


    Viktoria, Elisabeth and Mathilde went to the photo studio to make pictures (for potential husbands).
    The three women offf the family together.

    Eliabeth and Mathilde.






    Ludwig has watch a ffilm with his busisness partners.


    And at last some family pictures.




    Otto has his birthday, this houshold is now without small children, they grow up so fast.

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    AngeliqueAdelaideAngeliqueAdelaide Posts: 1,033 Member
    edited August 2020
    Just stepping by to say that I hope that you´re all okay. I have been super busy those last few months and the sad truth is that I will be even more busier at autumn, because now it´s official that I will be returning to university to finish my literature studies. So it´s pretty much a goodbye - I will still play whenever I have time and may occasionally post to the other thread when something noteworthy happens, but there won´t be any more regular updates from me.
    Wishing you all the best,
    Post edited by AngeliqueAdelaide on
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    Update on Beach Legacy Becca and Amber Generation 4


    Doug becomes a child.


    This will be my heir <3 He is the chosen one.





    Amber becomes an adult. Her young adult years are gone.


    Amber's Grades/Career

    Her final University grades.


    Her career.


    Becca gets promoted to max level of the writer career.










    Doug, my heir.



    I think it's funny Doug randomly rolled Dog Lover then the next kid (they are twins) rolls Cat Lover. Lol.

    Naming Theme
    50 First Dates (the movie from 2004)
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    sunblondsunblond Posts: 1,035 Member

    Excerpts from the Journal of Hector Monte**gro

    -We’ve had company all week, we barely combed the rice out of our hair, as Roxie says, and practically everyone we know has been by the house. Well, I guess it was to be expected, but now I know why people take honeymoons. We talked about it, I wanted to take Roxie somewhere nice after the wedding, but Roxie said we should save our money for stuff for the house, that there would probably be a lot of expenses that came up. So she thought it was better to just save the money for that. Ryder wanted all the musical instruments, Miranda took some furniture and there were knick-knacks and stuff for the others, so there was definitely an unfinished look to the place when we moved in. And we did have expenses, we had to get furniture for the second bedroom and there were a few repairs, I’m not handy at all, just like my dad. Plus, getting the house insured and all, so she was probably right, she usually is, I’m finding out.-

    -Victor had a birthday, he’s sure growing up fast. I can’t believe how tall he’s gotten, but he’s skinny as a rail, I sure would like to get him on a workout routine. Roxie said that not every one wants to be a big muscled athlete and that it was probably not a good idea to suggest it right now, with everything else that’s going on. He’s started taking piano lessons from dad though, apparently he wanted to as a kid, some lady in his neighborhood gave lessons, but his grandmother told him they couldn’t afford it. He even told mami and papi that his birthday wish was to learn piano, seriously? Papi’s over the moon, he’s finally got a kid who wants to learn music.-

    Make a wish Victor.

    Hector gives Victor piano lessons.

    -Mami and papi came over with Victor and told us that they were moving towards adopting him now. They had gotten a call from Social Services and found out after the wedding. His parents waived their rights and his grandmother is being declared incompetent, she has dementia pretty bad now. So, if everything goes through, Victor will be able to be adopted, and mami and papi begged to let them adopt him when they found out. It’s still not a done deal, there are a bunch of hurdles to jump over still.
    But Victor doesn’t seem be very happy about it, or he’s not taking it well, he was under punishment when they were here, apparently he’d used some bad language at school and got into a bit of trouble. Plus, he was, well, angry the whole time he was here. I tired talking to him but he nearly took my head off, and I didn’t push it, because I didn’t want to get him in even more trouble.
    After they left, I was talking to Roxie about how I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t really happy and all, and she said she remembered that Than Jeffries, acted out when he was about to be adopted too. She said it was very stressful and that he probably was feeling overwhelmed and scared, after all, she continued, something could go wrong or there could be complications, nothing is definite about it yet. She told me she though that it might be a lot for him to deal with all at once. I wish I could think of something to do, you know, to help him through this.-

    The adoption talk.

    -Roxie had an idea, she called Than, and he’s going to be home this weekend to pack up some of his things, before Uncles Kyle and Salim move to the city, I guess. She thought we should get Victor to stay over this weekend, that’s mainly why we set up the second bedroom, for Victor or Austin to be able to sleepover and give both our parents some time alone, another Roxie idea. She said we could have Austin over too, so Victor keeps busy, he can only swim in the pool so much. And she thought that Than could come by and maybe talk to Victor about his adoption, maybe that would help, she figured it was worth a try. Than told her he’d be happy to do it.
    I don’t know if it helped or not, Victor was in a good mood at least, he and Austin were in and out of the pool the whole day and they listened to music and played games on the console. Then when Than got here we all began chatting together and moved towards adoption talk, Victor didn’t get upset as far as I could tell. Than told us about how scared and nervous he was and how he got into trouble at home and at school, how he was angry a lot and lashed out at his family and at his teachers and friends at school. Then he told us all about going to court and how frightened he was to talk to the judge in his chambers alone. Victor’s eyes got as big as saucers then I noticed. Then Than said he had figured one thing out though, that everyone, the Social Services people, the Judge and his family and him all really wanted the adoption to go through. That was pretty much the outcome everyone was working towards and hoping for through the whole process.-

    Than talks about his adoption.

    -Mami and papi called me at work, the last time that happened was to tell me Roxie’s grandmother had passed away, so when I heard their voices I got nervous. They told me that during breakfast that morning Victor had asked them if it would be alright to “practice” calling them mami and papi like I do, so that when the adoption went through he would be used to saying it already. Victor called them Mr. and Mrs. Monte**gro when he first came to live with us and it took a while before he started calling them Jade and Hector, needless to say, they were ecstatic. They told me that they thought that talking to Than had really helped and wanted me to be sure and thank Roxie for thinking of it. Which I did, I thanked her verbally and physically that night after work, believe you me.-

    -I got a promotion, my new boss Siobhan Hackett (Fyres) is restructuring the department and I ended up in the winner’s circle, not everyone did, that’s for sure. Unfortunately, part of my promotion is that I have to take on training new hires, Siobhan, I mean Ms. Hackett, was pretty clear on that point. It’s probably a big part of why she gave it to me, I’m not a backstabber or nearly as cutthroat as some of my co-workers and she knows that I’ll actually try to help my trainees learn the ropes. Sigh, it’s a double edged sword, this being a team player sometimes.-

    @Lucy_Henley I'm sort of the opposite, in this game I set myself some guidelines, I wanted to have my families intermarry, and/or I wanted to have premades or their offspring added to my played sims through marriages, if possible. The one exception I'm allowing myself is I've added one of @AlwaysAsking, with her permission, gallery sims to my game for Tucker as a possible romantic interest. I kind of thought it would be a fun thing to do, have a sim in both my thread and hers.

    @ryttu3k I have that same toddler CC hair in my game too, and I did notice the colors are a bit off with it after you mentioned it, plus toddlers have fewer color options by default anyway.

    @HillyBeth Yay, another oopsie baby in the thread now!

    @Daravi This part is dead on:
    "Viktoria had the same talk with her daughter Elisabeth. It was awkward situation for them too, but now she knows her duties."
    That is so typical of the attitudes of that era. Wifely duties, for woohoo.

    Origin ID is: sobenewbie
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    WintermuteWintermute Posts: 36 Member
    Nothing exciting happened with Caleb and Lana, and I switched to a different household after their turn ended in the rotation. One of their kids is going to age up when their turn comes up again, so I'm looking forward to that.

    The next household is my largest yet - nine Sims, four toddler-age or younger. This household consists of two separate families headed by Sim versions of my two cats. They live on Sapphire Shores, one of the premier beach lots in Sulani, in one of my favorite builds I'd ever downloaded from the Gallery.

    I discovered shortly after entering the lot that Sharing is Caring was one of the NAPs. I promptly repealed it through my godly cheating powers, because if I hadn't, their constant stream of visitors would have nicked every single one of the items on the many decks on the property.

    Speaking of visitors, I can't be the only one that's annoyed to the point of tossing my computer out the window by the frequency with which our Sims' friends and acquaintances visit the lot with only a feeble notification as a warning. No, I don't feel like you should come over to check on my Sims because they haven't called you in a whole day or you insist on "helping out" with the new baby or you're just bored and need attention. Even worse, I'd send one visitor home only for him/her to come back literally one second after they left, making a new excuse like "ThiS iS mY fAVorItE hOliDaY!1!" when it's not even a holiday. I use "Send Everyone Home" liberally - it's the best feature ever added to the game as far as I'm concerned - but I often do so too late to stop the visitors from swiping a counter or a chair...

    Sorry, I got a bit carried away. What was I writing about, again?
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,153 Member
    @sunblond yeah, they were bigot and had double standards. I'm playing that part too, but it isn't family friendly enough for this forum to post about it. Therefore I keep this as a dirty secret for the men in this society. Everyone knows about it, but nobody was talking about it, it was a taboo.
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    SERVERFRASERVERFRA Posts: 7,189 Member
    Well my male sim was just busing building & upgrading his spaceship when he got abducted, not once but twice.
    And now he's blessed with two Alien babies, a son & a daughter.
    After he gave birth, he when to find, meet, fall-in-love & marry a human lady that wouldn't mind raising two cute green babies.
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @sunblond Kaden's a teenager? Man, time flies! RIP to Mortimer, but it's understandable. Oof, that's a reveal. I can definitely understand why Omar is frustrated, although in fairness, it's not just Than, they have actual good jobs there. It does feel like he's being a little unfair to them. I hope he's able to come to peace with their new paths!

    I hope everything goes well for Victor! The whole thing is a massive change, it's a great idea for him to talk to Than too.

    @AngeliqueAdelaide wishing you all the best of luck at uni and in life! <3
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,997 Member
    Just a quick update right now...

    Unfortunately for the two lovebirds, Miko Ojo (who's now called Miko Goldstein in my game) decided to join in their conversation. Anne attempted a few romantic interactions with Hiroshi, but they didn't go so well. After all, their relationship was very new, and they felt a little shy about any kind of PDA.


    It was getting rather late, so Anne and Miko bid each other goodbye.
    "OK, where were we...?" asked Anne. "Oh yeah..."
    "This weather isn't exactly conducive to a romantic atmosphere, is it?" Hiroshi stated.
    "No... I'm hardly dressed for the weather. I should've brought an umbrella..."


    "Oh wow, it's getting kinda late..." Anne said, checking her phone.
    "Yeah, we should be getting home," Hiroshi said.
    "Hang on just one second, there's just time for this..." Anne replied, leaning in...


    And yeah, I'll be giving Lucy a romantic storyline too, I just thought it'd be easier to focus on one twin at a time.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2020
    I admit that I wanted to create my simself this way, but I think it's better if a little bit of me is in every sim I create. While the twins aren't my simself and I might not create a sim that is truly 100% me, I think the small connections to parts of who I am will be a common element in all future sims.

    Day 8: The Final Toddler Days

    I finished restoring my sims' original traits.

    Calum's Traits
    Child of the Ocean
    Child of the Islands
    Loves Outdoors

    Arihi's Traits
    Child of the Ocean

    Arihi simply won't hold Zephyr. In fact, she needs Calum and Dylan between her and him. It has been like this since Zephyr was born.

    [img][/img]50211669822_d03a1f1831_k.jpgb99657e0-db3c-11ea-b58c-0ad899c8d0ea by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Now, onto the gameplay, Arihi started things off by browsing the parenting forums. She got much of the same results as she did when she tried this and the game crashed.

    Arihi: How dare they question my awesome parenting methods? If I wanted to, I could burn their house down with a lava bomb or summon a thunderstorm! I am an Island Elemental for Sulani's sake!

    [img][/img]50210873888_42af766ef0_k.jpg8b00a260-db2c-11ea-9fcb-0676b3257eda by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Zephyr spent some time steering carefully and crawling through tunnels. He mastered the movement skill.

    [img][/img]50210873983_ca92de2756_k.jpg0e634720-db2d-11ea-9fcb-0676b3257eda by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Zephyr: I am the King of this Playroom.

    [img][/img]50211397016_2ddda1a982_k.jpg1fc44870-db2d-11ea-ade1-0a470cdddf20 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Arihi: The internet clearly made a mistake, and now that I've calmed down, I'm going to check the Parenting Forums again.

    [img][/img]50211396861_df4154d61c_k.jpg756ba970-db2e-11ea-9fcb-0676b3257eda by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Arihi: I regret my anger. I regret my fury. I need to go hide somewhere. How could I have made such horrible mistakes? Maybe leaving Zephyr to learn on his own and jumping into the ocean while holding him was a bad idea. I shouldn't have given Dylan so much sugar...

    [img][/img]50211396811_b17a77c3d5_k.jpg839351b0-db2e-11ea-8bae-020d4250b5ee by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Meanwhile, Calum mastered Painting and Parenting, so he's trying to become a musical genius.

    [img][/img]50211669897_11a2b62aeb_k.jpg25476310-db30-11ea-9e99-06185eb08d42 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Calum still had time to help Zephyr increase his imagination skill.
    Calum's Doll to his other Doll: Did you hear about the barnacle that crossed the bay?
    The other doll: "No"
    Calum's Doll: "He got stuck to the boat?"
    The other doll: "Why are you telling me this? Isn't that normal?"
    Calum's Doll: "I just wanted to say something just because?"

    Zephyr's Doll: "I hope mister barnacle like these flowers?"

    50211669757_df44b8605b_k.jpge6d93850-db30-11ea-be8e-0630c6c0f8b4 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Later that morning, while Zephyr waited for breakfast, Dylan mastered his movement skill.

    Dylan: "I'm the master of the Dance Floor"

    [img][/img]50211396926_72aea01bbc_k.jpg10c539b0-db32-11ea-9fe9-029c91a3edee by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    [img][/img]50210873963_6314a3a73b_k.jpg1ab10d00-db32-11ea-9b3b-024578d80d6a by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    When naptime came, Arihi read to Zephyr, and Zephyr maxed out his imagination while he dreamed.

    Arihi: "And while the Drago was big and mean looking, he just needed a hug and a friend."

    [img][/img]50210873613_e8a4791664_k.jpgde7fb2e0-db32-11ea-93b6-0227414a18a0 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Dylan walks into the room. "I can make Drago my friend with a big hug! Yay! I thought Lizzie would be my only friend!"

    [img][/img]50211136708_b95e973ac0_k.jpgab6bef80-db47-11ea-93b6-0227414a18a0 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    For a moment, Zephyr Learned the power of Please and Thank You.

    Arihi: "When you are polite you make friends, and when you make friends, it makes you happy."
    Zephyr: "Yay, I understand. I want to make lots of friends. That way, I can have help with my master plans to... My master plans are a secret!"

    [img][/img]50210873478_28c80d79b2_k.jpg6bcfe330-db34-11ea-9b3b-024578d80d6a by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Arihi: "Okay, well, uh... When you get in a fight with your friends. It's important to apologize or avoid getting into a fight."
    Zephyr: "I understand. My master plans will ultimately fail if I hit someone or fight. I need to plan my goals accordingly."
    Arihi: "As long as you understand that hitting and fighting is bad."
    Zephyr: "Yes! I understand. Hitting and fighting is bad. I must think on this."

    [img][/img]50211669887_c90d46197c_k.jpga7870ed0-db34-11ea-a2c3-0609d188dc84 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Arihi: "Calum, how could you have fallen so far from your connection to the islands? My heart aches with sorrow."
    Calum: I don't leave the house because we have twins that take up most of our time, or did you forget about your sons again?"
    Arihi: "It is my job as an elemental to pass judgement."
    Calum: "Your mortal now. You don't have to."
    Arihi: "The truth is that I miss immortality and being alone in the aether. Passing judgement on you every couple of days helps me cope."

    [img][/img]50211669507_f13f766acd_k.jpgffbff020-db35-11ea-b220-066dca9f8100 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Arihi smiles as Zephyr masters the Communication Skill.
    Zephyr thinks to himself: Now I have the words to get everything I want. Finally, I can ask for what I want and get it when I need it!

    [img][/img]50211669837_34f3539bce_k.jpgb7337af0-db37-11ea-b58c-0ad899c8d0ea by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Zephyr thinks to himself as he stares at a block:
    "It took a long time, but I stuck to my plan. I learned to potty, and I mastered the art of speaking. I taught myself how to move to where I needed to go, and finally, I can comprehend everything there is to know as a toddler. My power of thought can only grow stronger."

    [img][/img]50211396401_3940d4d31f_k.jpgde2464c0-db38-11ea-93b6-0227414a18a0 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    [img][/img]50210873548_64937d5103_k.jpgf3828450-db38-11ea-ade1-0a470cdddf20 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Dylan played with the blocks and thought:
    "I actually know what I'm doing. Spelling, Shapes, and Number... They aren't alien to me anymore."

    [img][/img]50210873798_f06ae1a822_k.jpg378d5710-db39-11ea-9e99-06185eb08d42 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Dylan's mind exploded into outer space as he mastered the Thinking Skill.

    [img][/img]50211669932_dbf0835f27_k.jpg89002b90-db39-11ea-ac73-0a79512fe22e by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Then, he ran to the bathroom because when you got to go you got to go.

    [img][/img]50211396431_004e799749_k.jpgb11df210-db39-11ea-be8e-0630c6c0f8b4 by Metior Ice, on Flickr


    Feeding toddlers homestyle cooked meals
    Without a door or gate to block their path, Toddlers will automatically go to food and grab themselves a serving. This can lead to some headaches because, even if they are in a highchair, they will interrupt a parent getting them food to be let out of the highchair to grab food for themselves. Also, they can still be given food by their parents after they grab their own food.

    [img][/img]50210873908_753d911165_k.jpg7c499920-db31-11ea-a55a-0a2714755afa by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    [img][/img]50211396461_2b39d91a3a_k.jpg97585350-db31-11ea-ade1-0a470cdddf20 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    [img][/img]50210873718_469acfd94a_k.jpgafcf72b0-db31-11ea-ade1-0a470cdddf20 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Giving a toddler food you make without the interruptions can be achieved by making on parent perform a task while the other puts the toddler in the high chair. Locking a door or gate can prevent the toddler from interrupting the parent helping him or her. After the toddler is placed inside the highchair, the parent should grab them food. The lower the hunger need, the harder it is to time things right. Parents can carry toddlers through locked doors while toddler can't follow the parent back through. The toddler will still try to ask for food if there is a highchair present.

    [img][/img]50211396416_197e1c2730_k.jpgc09852b0-db31-11ea-9f49-0a8426b3333e by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    [img][/img]50211396676_da02c19bad_k.jpgd35b06e0-db31-11ea-a2c3-0609d188dc84 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    [img][/img]50211396646_0d025ae915_k.jpgdb5ff1c0-db31-11ea-9fcb-0676b3257eda by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    [img][/img]50211396601_6251424a46_k.jpge7d2e520-db31-11ea-9fcb-0676b3257eda by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    [img][/img]50211396926_72aea01bbc_k.jpg10c539b0-db32-11ea-9fe9-029c91a3edee by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    If a toddler eats a homecooked meal, it grants a four hour happy moodlet that is ideal for teaching them new skills, please and thank you, and sorry. It can be a challenge to get them to eat a homecooked meal inside a highchair though. When they do get their food in a highchair, the gates or doors can safely be unlocked. I included highchairs because when the toddlers are hungry, they are very good at getting the parents to feed them in the high chair. For playing autonomously, I found it easier to let the toddlers either ask for food and use the highchair or remove the highchairs from the house entirely and make food that the toddlers can reach. As Dylan will show you, a simple living chair works fine for them when they grab their own food.

    [img][/img]50211670072_9d5b068584_k.jpg2f0dc220-db32-11ea-9b3b-024578d80d6a by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    [img][/img]50210873918_7b942accb9_k.jpg3beae900-db32-11ea-93b6-0227414a18a0 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    [img][/img]50210873943_c1203dd8b9_k.jpg1b4e28a0-db38-11ea-ade1-0a470cdddf20 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Twins Watch and Learn from Each Other
    The watch action has been a little detail that kept both Dylan and Zephyr's thinking skill relatively equal. As one toddler did one thing, the other would watch and learn from the other.

    [img][/img]50210873488_7492911c89_k.jpg01e39040-db32-11ea-85ca-027ec55895e0 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    [img][/img]50202285322_3e256659ee_k.jpg378e72d0-d968-11ea-b220-066dca9f8100 by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    [img][/img]50211669667_46c7427163_k.jpgfe926210-db34-11ea-8bae-020d4250b5ee by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Lullabies Radio and Bedtime
    A trick I learned with bedtime includes playing the Lullabies Radio. I noticed that the toddlers sleep through the night, have fewer nightmares, and don't wake up part way through the night while this is playing. Nightmares and waking up randomly still happened, but it was easier to keep them asleep more often while this was playing. Adult sims can sleep and gain their fun need when listening to the lullabies radio with earbuds on.

    [img][/img]50211396731_2ef6f2fb52_k.jpgb1c49350-db2e-11ea-a55a-0a2714755afa by Metior Ice, on Flickr

    Post edited by Metior_Ice on
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    sunblondsunblond Posts: 1,035 Member
    edited August 2020
    Excerpts from the Diary of Roxanne Denney Monte**gro

    -Miranda’s roommate from college, Sadie, is getting married, she’s engaged to a girl who’s originally from Windenburg, Cecilia Shimizu, but I didn’t recognize the name when Miranda told me. Anyway, Miranda asked me to go with her to the city to meet up with them and shop for wedding clothes. Miranda told me that with my fashion sense and since I had just been through the process, that it would be a big help. I knew she was just buttering me up, but I figured she didn’t want to feel like a third wheel, so I agreed. I’m just going to say it, Sadie’s fiancé Cecilia is a lot like Miranda, she’s computer smart and I picked up right away that she’s a loner, she got really uncomfortable whenever we were in any crowded places, just saying. Eventually we ended up at one of those outdoor food stalls to eat and as we got to talking, I found out Cecilia’s mom was an artist, I didn’t recognize the name, but eventually I learned that her mom goes by her maiden name in the art world, Ulrike Faust. Who I had definitely heard of, she’s a mover and shaker in the art world in San Myshuno, and she’s famous for discovering unknown artists and putting their works in her gallery. She’s also the one who hired Than when he graduated. I got an idea and a little later when I got Cecilia off to herself, I gave her Gil’s card. I asked her if she would give it to her mom, I told her he was a struggling artist and that he was a friend of mine and that her mom might like to see his work. I have no idea if Gil’s art is any good, but I figured Ulrike Faust was the person who could let him know, one way or the other. And Cecilia agreed to do it for me. I realize it was presumptuous and a bit brazen of me but, I did it anyway.-

    -I’d been dying to get Tucker alone since my wedding, I’d found out something and I wanted to find out what the deal was. Finally, I got my chance when he came home for the weekend and no one else was around, so I marched into his room and sat down and said, Gimme. Give you what, he answered? The photos, the ones of you in drag, I said. What… no, Roxie… just no, no way, he stammered. Yes way, I know you’ve got some, there is no conceivable way you went out like that without taking some selfies at the very least, I said and I smiled at him smugly. All right, but this totally makes us even-steven for the Gil Koster thing, right? He asked. Absolutely, I answered. He handed me his phone and there was one selfie on it of him in drag, just him and another guy, mostly heads though, nothing else before or after. That can’t be it, I said. I only took a couple, he explained, and one didn’t turn out, it was blurry, so I totally deleted it, he replied. But you can’t tell me that a bunch of drag queens didn’t take lots of photos and that you didn’t get any copies, I know better, Tucker Denny, I said. Aargh, Ok, Ok, Randy sent me a couple, OK, he took back his phone and opened his emial and passed it back. There were two photos of my brother in all his feminine glory in a room full of other guys in drag. I was in heaven. That’s more like it, I said, then I said, wait a minute, you have no body hair, your legs and underarms are totally shaven aren’t they. We just shaved the parts that showed, OK, he answered. Then he continued, look, Roxie, Randy, who lived on Than and Bobby’s hall, he and I were friendly and, well, he kind of liked this guy who lives in the house there off campus where the party was. So he asked me to go with him, he didn’t want to go all by himself, so I was a little curious and I said I would. We went shopping in thrift stores and some discount shoe stores and, well, I was going to get a wig, but Randy said it was better to just style my real hair, and he did for me, it took 2 days to wash out the hair spray too. It was kind of fun, all the guys were, I mean, none of us were, like, really into doing drag in clubs or anything, it was more like a costume party see, and that’s the whole story, OK? he explained. While he was talking I had surreptitiously emailed those photos to myself, by the way, they were not going to disappear, plus I don’t owe him and favor anymore and I had an absolutely delightful time getting even-steven with him.-

    Tucker’s selfie with one of the hosts.., hostesses.

    No hair under that arm.

    Tucker and more guests.

    -I got a letter at work, it was from the Beeboop Art Gallery, Ulrike Faust’s gallery, in fact. It was an invitation to an art show featuring Gil Koster’s work. There was a hand written note in the envelope too, it was a thank you from Ulrike Faust for introducing her to Gil.
    When Felipe got home and I excitedly told him about it, he looked like I had just informed him it was his turn to clean the bathrooms. Not his favorite task, he actually tried to get me to let him hire a maid service when we first got married. I totally nixed that idea. Anyway he said that maybe this would be something for me and Jennefer to do, maybe make a girls night out of it and all. I considered, and then let him off the hook. He looked relieved.
    So I did take Jennefer to the gallery with me. I introduced her to Gil and I got to meet Ulrike Faust and a bunch of other big shots in the art world too. We actually had a lot of fun, and I admit, I was kind of glad I had taken her and not Felipe, keeping Gil and Felipe apart seemed like a really good idea if I’m being honest, plus Jennefer’s knowledgeable and likes the finer things like art.
    Gil’s paintings were surrealist and really good I thought, and one critic said it best, ….has a candy and bubble gum coated quality the belies the dark and deeper meanings that upon reflection, leave one with an unsettling feeling. Gil Koster is indeed an artist to be watched…..-

    At the Art Gallery.

    -Ryder and Lilith are getting a divorce, apparently, they had a big argument and Lilith told Ryder to get out and then proceeded to throw all his stuff out in the yard after him. Ryder called his dad who came and got him and all his stuff and took him back to his house. He’s staying with his mom and dad now. And, from what I’ve gathered, it seems like Lilith has a gambling problem. Tucker told me that Ryder had to pawn all the instruments he got from Nana to pay off some thugs who threatened to beat him and Lilith both up if they didn’t cough up some dough. So, from what little I know about the whole thing, this is going straight to divorce court. Neither of them has any interest in working things out. I feel bad for Ryder, of course, but I also feel bad for Lilith, I know that gambling is kind of like drugs and it’s hard to stop without help.-

    Ryder and Lilith’s break up.

    -Jennefer asked me to meet her for lunch today in Newcrest, it’s kind of in-between where we both live and I was off work, so I agreed. When we sat down to order, she told me that she had been dating Gil Koster. That she had really liked him when she met him at the Gallery and she went by there one night for another event for one of the other artists and Gil was there so she asked him out. They’ve been dating a while and she said that they had had “the talk” about their woohoo histories, and that she had learned about him and me. So, that’s a thing between dating couples, a woohoo history talk, I guess. She told me she had no idea before and that if I was going to be upset or anything, that she would totally stop seeing him. The thing is I wanted to say just that, except for a couple of things, they are both really good people who deserve to have someone special in their lives, and the other is that Jennefer seemed to really like him, I could tell. So, although I was kind of uncomfortable, I told her that it was great that they had found each other and that I thought they both were wonderful people blah, blah, blah, you get it.
    My discomfort was more about the fact that Felipe didn’t know about Gil and me. And now that Gil might be a fixture for the foreseeable future, well, I felt I had to tell Felipe, which I totally did not want to do. We never had that talk that Gil and Jennefer did, me and Felipe both seemed perfectly happy to leave our pasts in the past, which was fine with me. But with my past running right smack-dab into my present, well, I felt like I had to come clean.-

    Jennefer and Roxie meet for lunch.

    -When Felipe got home from work, I had made steak and potatoes, that’s his favorite. Well, his favorite that I make that actually tastes good, I guess. And after dinner I told him that we needed to have a talk about something. I, well, let’s just say I eventually got it all out. Including, how Gil and I met and what followed, and him at Austin’s birthday party and him and Jennefer dating now. And even before I got it all out, I could tell that Felipe was not happy, he had a look on his face that, well, let’s just say that I have only seen it a few times and it’s not good. He started, let me get this straight, Roxanne, this guy, Gil, whatever, you hooked up with him in college after your broke up with Ranbir, who was your first, right? He looked at me and his cheeks were bright red. Yes, Felipe, I answered, After we graduated, Ranbir and I started being physical with one another. He had asked me to marry him and I was in love with him, but not enough to want to marry him. Then in the middle of second term he asked again, but I still couldn’t promise anything and he broke up with me, he wanted some assurances or a promise and when I couldn’t give it, well, he felt he had to end it.
    And the fact that he asked you to marry him, you didn’t see that as being something I should have known about from the git-go, just like the fact that the guy you hooked up with, that you still regret not dating him. And he showed up at Austin’s birthday party and then you went off to his gallery showing all without thinking that any of it was in any way important to tell your husband, that about the size of it? He was totally angry now as he spoke his voice had gotten louder and his face even redder. I didn’t, no, I said, because neither of us had ever brought up any discussion of our pasts, and it was in the past, so I figured it could stay there. My past, is totally irrelevant. Not yours, yours is right here in this room with us Roxanne, it’s sitting here like a big white elephant, then he got up and paced, well stomped, is more like it. How on this green planet could you ever think that was not important enough to tell me? The Ranbir thing, OK, that I kind of figured, but not that he asked you to marry him, that’s a whole other thing entirely, he literally yelled the last part at me. Woah, back up, there one second, what do you mean your past is totally irrelevant, I just told you my entire romantic history and then you have the nerve to tell me that yours is not relevant? I yelled back. Well, let me tell you one thing, Felipe Monte**gro, when you get ready to tell me about your irrelevant past, then we can finish this, I said and I stormed off to bed. Don’t you dare walk away from me Roxanne, we are not finished, not by a long shot, do you hear me? he yelled after me. But I didn’t answer, I put on my flannel PJ’s and got into bed and pretended to be asleep, I wasn’t, I didn’t fall asleep until way after Felipe came to bed. I don’t think he fell asleep either till way up in the morning.-

    The argument.

    -The next day was awful, me and Felipe, neither one of us spoke to the other that morning or that whole night after work, we just both went to bed. Well, Felipe, he asked me if he was supposed to sleep on the couch or something right before we went to bed and I just glared at him. He did get in bed. This was our first ever big fight that we both went to bed still angry over.
    After work the next day, I stopped by mom and dad’s and got my old easel and paints. I wanted to feel the canvas and smell the paint as I worked instead of using my sketchpad. I had microwaved something to eat when I got home and then I immediately started painting. And I painted an angry painting, inspired by Gil’s work , I did something surrealist. I started painting something that was not pleasant or pretty to look at, something that was unsettling. When Felipe got home it was pretty hard to miss, he was working out on his weight machine and made enough noise for three guys, breathing really hard and groaning and grunting like an animal the whole time.
    At some point he must have finished his work out and, well, he came over to me and stood behind me a while watching me work, then he said, Roxie, I think we need to talk, then the paused and said, please. I put down my brush and wiped my hands off and followed him to the picnic table. I sat next to him, not across. OK, he started, the thing is, I was in love with Virginia, but we never went past second base. Then in college, well, I dated two girls, one was really into me, but I could tell it wasn’t, you know, that I wasn’t going to develop those kinds of feelings for her, so I ended it. The other girl was mean, she seemed nice at first, but then I discovered she wasn’t a very nice person, not at all, and so I lost all interest in her. And the others, well, I mean, they weren’t girls I had romantic intentions for. Just what kinds of intentions did you have for them, Felipe? I asked. Come on Roxie, you know what I mean, he said. Say it Felipe, I answered. OK, I hooked up with them, it was all totally physical, they were not bad people or anything, but I was, I mean we were just after, you know, come on. How many? I asked. Cr*p, that’s not important, because it wasn’t, I mean, I didn’t feel romantically about them not like with the girls I dated. Was it close to two or more like a dozen, I asked? He was not about to get off the hook, not after I had literally told him everything, no sir. All right, aside from the two girls I dated, it was five, OK, I hooked up with five different girls in college. Believe me, the fact that the “mean” girl he dated was included in his final tally did not escape my notice, he apparently didn’t loose interests in her till after he woohoo’d her, it seems, but I decided to let that slide. My first Michelle, he continued, well she and I hooked up all through college a couple times or so each term, a friends with benefits kind of thing, the others were only the one time, OK, happy now, he said exasperatedly. No, not really, I said. You mean to tell me that you just met all these girls and jumped into bed with them the first chance you got, but I literally had to throw myself at you to get you to finally sleep with me, I asked? Ok, it sounds really bad when you say it that way, but honestly Roxie, that’s because I loved you, it was important, that’s why I was holding off on it, it was meaningful to me, he said. And believe me those others, well, it’s not something I’m proud of, I mean I was honest, I never pressured a girl or anything. But you know I wasn’t raised to be like that about woohoo and I kind of felt bad afterwards, I knew I shouldn’t have been just another horned up college jock, who jumps into bed with any willing girl, that woohoo was supposed to mean something. But that’s exactly how I was, he said. Then I laughed. Ok, he asked, is that good or bad, I mean, laughing seems kind of odd right now to me? Oh, I said, I guess I was expecting something else, anything else from you, the boy scout, the goodie goodie. We were silent a while, then he asked, so now what, I mean, I’m still kind of upset that you kept all that stuff from me? And I’m disappointed in you for behaving in such a way, repeatedly, I might add, that made you feel ashamed and guilty, I answered. But, I continued, we should have had this talk a long time ago, but both of us didn’t want to because we wanted to spare ourselves, we weren’t being very adult about it, were we? And next, well, I think we’re supposed to have make up woohoo, I added. He smiled at least and kissed me.-
    Kiss and make up time.

    Post edited by sunblond on
    Origin ID is: sobenewbie
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    Update on 100 Babies Angela Generation 4

    Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays

    Our first child this generation. This is Odgen #48



    #49 Mike.



    She gives birth to #52 Wade with Erich Dreamer.


    She announces to Anderson Lynx she's pregnant with his child.


    This Wade a toddler.


    She gives birth to twins from Anderson Lynx. First born is Charlie. Second born is Jonathan. They were twin boys.


    Ogden becomes a teen.



    Helen becomes a child. Her father was Damon Pancakes.


    Helen as a child.


    Helen's twin also has a birthday.


    Her name is Maxine.

    Naming Theme This Generation
    SCI-FI and Fantasy
    Ogden, Wade, and Helen from Ready Player One (a book made into a movie but the book is better)

    Mike. Maxine, and Jonathan from Stranger Things

    Charlie is from a book I loved called A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore. He also wrote a sequel to that one called Secondhand Souls. They were great reads.

    CURRENT GENERATION BABIES (Matriarch Angela Dinklage)
    #48 Ogden (Twin)
    #49 Mike (Twin) (Other Parent: Kaleigh Datta)
    #50 Helen (Twin)
    #51 Maxine (Twin) (Other Parent: Damon Pancakes)
    #52 Wade (Other Parent: Erich Dreamer
    #53 Charlie (Twin)
    #54 Jonathan (Twin) (Other Parent: Anderson Lynx


    GENERATION 1: (Matriarch Amy Dinklage)
    #1 Karl (Other Parent: Johnny Zest)
    #2 Jack (Other Parent Paolo Rocca)
    #3 Antony (Other Parent Marcus Flex)
    #4 Jessie (Other Parent: Gavin Richards)
    #6 Erin: (Other Parent: Mitchell Kalani)
    #7 Dominique (Other Parent: Akira Kibo)
    #8 Karen (Other Parent: Ted Roswell)
    #9 Chace (Other Parent: Arun Bheeda)
    #10 Elisabeth (Other Parent: Bob Pancakes)
    #11 Jennifer (Other Parent:Diego Lobo)
    #12 Tomer (Other Parent: Eric Lewis)
    #13 Nathan (Other Parent: Gunther Munch)
    #14 Colby (Other Parent Salim Benali) Matriarch for Generation 2*
    NAMING THEME FOR GENERATION 1: The names of the real life actors and actresses that played in the Amazon Prime series The Boys

    GENERATION 2: (Matriarch Colby Dinklage)
    #15 Nate (Other Parent: Jaxton Fryes)
    #16 Adele (Other Parent: Henry Jang)
    #17 Eric (Other Parent: Elisha Kalani)
    #18 Alanis (Other Parent: Shaquille Pancakes)
    #19 Scott (Twin)
    #20 Dave (Twin) (Other Parent: Samson Bailey)
    #21 Emma (Other Parent: Duane Talla)
    #22 Jewel (Other Parent: Aika Kahananui)
    #23 Kurt (Other Parent: Makoa Kealoha)
    #24 Melanie (Twin)
    #25 Chad (Twin) (Other Parent: Cameron Fletcher)
    #26 Anthony (Twin)
    #27 Colton (Twin) (Other Parent: Angela Pleasant)
    #28 Freddie (Other Parent: Darrel Charm)
    #29 Victoria (Other Parent: Lilith Pleasant)
    #30 Geri (Other Parent: Grace Anansi) Matriarch for Generation 3*

    GENERATION 3: (Matriarch Geri Dinklage)
    #31 Lumen (Twin)
    #32 Ziva (Twin) (Other Parent: Emilia Ernest)
    #33 Leroy (Other Parent: Julia Wright)
    #34 Abby (Other Parent: Tess Munch)
    #35 Clive (Other Parent: Khloe Delgato)
    #36 Jason (Other Parent: Lorelei McIntosh)
    #37 Derek (Other Parent: Anastasia Goth)
    #38 Dexter (Other Parent: Neal Huntington III)
    #39 Major (Twin)
    #40 David (Twin) (Other Parent: Federico Flex)
    #41 Ravi (Other Parent: Grady Goth)
    #42 Penelope (Other Parent: Harvey Goth)
    #43 Liv (Twin)
    #44 Peyton (Twin) (Other Parent: Timothy Landgraab)
    #45 Blaine (Other Parent: Moses Watkins)
    #46 Elle (Other Parent: Zane Haskins)
    #47 Angela *MATRIARCH (Other Parent: Brice Kelley)
    Naming Theme: Crime Shows
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    WintermuteWintermute Posts: 36 Member
    My computer restarted overnight, so I lost some progress in the Cats as Sims household. Thanks, Windows Update.

    One of the twin toddlers maxed all of her skills thanks to KawaiiStacie's Preschool Mod, and the other twin has one skill left to max. Their dad maxed Athletic skill and only needs to reach max buffness to achieve his Aspiration. Aside from those two achievements, nothing too exciting has happened; right now, I'm just waiting until it's time for the babies to age up.

    Oh, and I finally achieved Member status, which was a long time coming.
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    Sofia & Hugo

    When they sat down inside, Sofia wasn’t sure how to cut into the subject so she decided to ask Hugo a question. It was a weird question considering the time they’ve been together but they hadn’t ever talked about it either. Did Hugo ever want kids? Because Sofia and Hugo started dating when they were both still teenagers, they’d never talked about the subject. When the time rolled around to start having kids, Sofia got addicted to bubble-blowing and the conversation never ended up happening. Sofia and Hugo hadn’t been intimate in a long time anyway. Hugo mostly held the boat off, trying to get out of awkward situations. In hindsight, it was a huge flag pointing into the gay direction.

    Hugo wasn’t too thrown off by the question. He did want kids. Certainly not right now. Things were going the right way with Nelson but they literally just started dating. This was not the time to think about this stuff. Hugo and Nelson would probably never have biological children but they had plenty of time to talk about it and to consider adoption. It was too soon to think about.

    Sofia didn’t know what answer she expected. Of course Hugo wasn’t ready to have a child. His perspective made perfect sense. Sadly, Sofia knew she had to tell him the truth. He already had a child, a son in fact. And he was a teenager. Hugo missed most of his life, probably because the mom never ended up telling him. That much was clear from Hugo’s answer. Hugo wasn’t a liar. He seemed genuine. Sofia gulped and took a deep breath. There was no delicate way to go about it. In one big breath, she quickly told Hugo that he had a son. She explained how Duke came by the house earlier and told her the whole conversation.

    The shock was apparent on Hugo’s face. By the guy’s last name, Holland, Hugo knew it was true. His first time was with a much older girl called Leslie Holland. They slept together once, but Hugo had no idea about protection. He was too young to even engage in any kind of intimate act, but it happened. He wasn’t ready at the time and it took a while for him to start sleeping with Sofia when they started dating. A baby came out of that one encounter? Hugo was absolutely flabbergasted.

    He wasn’t sure on what to do now, how to approach the situation. Sofia had some time to let the information sink in. All Hugo could do was ask Sofia where to go from here. How do you deal with suddenly having a son?

    Clearly, Sofia hadn’t dealt with this kind of situation before but she did have some advice for Hugo. The most important thing right now was to meet the kid and listen to what he has to say. Don’t be a disappointment. Sofia gave Hugo Duke’s contact information. Whenever Hugo was ready, he should contact him and arrange to meet up somewhere neutral, talk about their lives and how to go from there.

    It was sound advice. Hugo took the phone number gratefully. He thanked Sofia. She didn’t have to tell him, she didn’t even have to let Duke in but she did it anyway. Without Sofia, Hugo wouldn’t have known he had a son. He wasn’t sure on what to do yet, but he did know he couldn’t let this information pass him by without acting on it.

    Their time together came to an end and it was time for Hugo to leave. They stood in front of the door awkward until Hugo pulled Sofia in for a hug. It was awkward, but it was also kind and sincere. These people still cared about each other but there had been too much pain to deal with it properly.

    Hugo walked out of the door and Sofia felt good about the conversation they had. She did a good thing and she felt like she could finally do something for Hugo that was good and caring instead of the hurt she had caused him over months of his life. The news might not have been good, or maybe it was, but she had made the right decision this time. And that was worth something.
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member

    Ok, referring back to my post about my Sim Dash from a few days ago (which is Here), I mentioned that I’m calling his story “Falling in Love with Dash” and I’m referring to myself falling in love with him. Not the other Sims that do it in the game. Ha. :smiley:





    I said I would tell you why I am falling in love with him, and here’s why:

    Spoiler about why Dash is so amazing
    It’s because of this little boy….


    Do you recognize him with blue hair? Perhaps this is a better picture? Yes, it’s Max Villareal. And what does he have to do with anything? Ok, I’m glad you asked that, lmao. I took Dash to a restaurant. (It's @Becka28’s Maxis fav, and I need to look up the name of it again).


    While Dash was standing there Max spawned and I remembered that I’d meant to go into Max’s house and change his Renegade’s club from having a bad reputation to having a good one. I hated the reactions that people had to them showing up at every park … it got old quickly.


    I hadn’t remembered to do it, so I quickly added him to Dash’s “family” Which was just Dash, lol. And figured I’d put him back with his family after I stopped playing as Dash that night, and could go to manage families.


    I quickly changed the club reputation, thank God, and then he spun into his good clothes so they could go into the restaurant. And Max was adorable!


    He had Dash laughing all evening.


    Bella tried to distract him, lol, Did he care? No…


    Now, I’ve never played as Max before, but this seemed like different behavior than I’d ever heard about, so I thought, well, why not? Dash is living in a refurbed Factory 1 that has way more bedrooms than he needs, so I left Max with him, and it’s going great!


    He has no parenting skills, but he is such a naturally nice Sim that he does very well with Max. (I did give Max a makeover so he’d be more fun to play). They invited Hugo over to help with Max’s school project. It was nice having him there, but I’m not adding anyone else to this family.


    Here is Max, at my Oasis Springs Park, not thrilled about the homework idea


    Here he is, getting it done quickly, with Dash’s help.


    Homework is handled, let’s eat dinner.


    And another funny conversation between the two of them


    Max is always happy when he’s with Dash. He’s hungry, dirty and has to pee, but gosh darn it, he’s happy!


    I guess he’s keeping Dash amused, because he is often playful. Max just jokes with him all the time, on his own.


    See? Highly amused :smiley:


    There has only been one occasion where Max was “naughty” and wow! Did Dash take care of it! But it’s a good story, so you get to hear it. Lol. They went out to dinner at my restaurant in Oasis Springs, and had a great time at first.


    Dash is a foodie, and is quite refined. It seemed like Max was trying to learn how to pick the right food, and act like Dash.


    Dash let him place the order.


    And then Max asked how he did.


    Dash told him that he did very well. Now, this little graph is after I’d only played them for a couple of days, but look, Even though he’s still evil, his bars are moving into green. They are all even better than this now, and this is without any sort of direction from Dash, because Dash has no idea what he’s doing! Lol


    But he knows what he doesn’t like, and he didn’t like Max doing the “tease about grown-ups” interaction.


    What a look, right?


    But look at Max, he actually looks uncomfortable, not defiant or angry.


    And Dash really told him off. I had no control of any of this. It was all autonomous. Max was really feeling bad.


    He looked so sad and sorry. Is this normal for him?



    But, mere moments later they were laughing again.


    Max was being very silly.


    And Dash thought he was hilarious.


    They were having so much fun ….


    That Max had to break that 4th wall to tell me how awesome his life is now.


    Now, this I found to be extremely relevant, lmao. Yes, Max has reasons to “Complain about parents” and Dash is appropriately horrified.


    And then ….. lol! This happened!


    He was looking at her.


    I guess Max noticed, and told him to go for it.


    So Dash did…..


    And I got Such a look from that waitress! Ha! She’s like, “Why did you click that? What makes you think I wanna talk to this guy?”


    Ha, it wasn’t meant to be anyway. Dash suddenly got a headache or something. Whatever makes their brains turn orange (or is that red?)


    I keep medicine in everyone’s inventories, so by the time they got home Dash was fine, but Max was tired.


    And Dash thought it was adorable


    “Go on, go to bed kid, you did really well today. I’m proud of you.”


    And Max? Big smiles all the way to bed. :smile: Almost too tired to walk, but not tired enough to not be happy to be with Dash.


    Ok, some of these comments are going back to August 6th! But I'm trying to get through mentions for sure!


    Is your internet back? I'm not sure if I've seen you post again! I'll keep an eye out for you while I go through.


    I can honestly say that I was mouth-dropped-surprised by this one! lol!! How amazing!

    They are so cute! Planning everything together, taking what life rolls their way. It seems like fate actually.

    Peter telling Steve about it was an awesome way to tell the story, no sappy love scenes, lol!

    And gee! A proposal at the store where you buy your baby's crib. That seems appropriate. Now, does the wedding wait until they get to Sulani? That's the question.

    Watch, there will be another update before I get through the thread and I'll already know these answers! lol


    I'm glad you liked those moonlit couple shots. They are so fun to do! Now that I know how to do them, lol!

    And ok, I figured those were Asher's thought bubbles. And I can't believe that his office will be even bigger! Yikes!

    And so, here's Cabe being Cabe again. He is an exasperating man.
    After Deli grabbed a table and the two settled, Cabe glanced at the menu, incredibly unimpressed, and asked, “What kind of place is this?”
    But at least he cheered up after getting food!

    Although immediately asking about money seems a bit off. It sounds like they actually had a nice time though! That's great! He left smiling, ok cool!

    Now to see what happens at the romance festival. I'm actually scared. :D


    Ok, yes, going back a long way, August 6th. I definitely thought I commented on this, but if so I can't find it.

    Also, I'm not sure if you've posted again. It's been weird and disturbing around here. But i think I'm fairly good now. Hopefully I won't ask questions that are already answered. lol

    But yeah, first. how funny! Yasmine's baby has the same father that Don's does? Aren't they all called Pollination Tech 9 or something like that? lol

    You know what, I looked back through the story, as you suggested here:
    Well I think so, he had some odd habits yes but I think if you were look back you gotta read it as a reader that doesn't have all the facts it looked like he was trying so hard
    and you are totally right. There are tiny glimpses of his thoughts on the future, about how he knew he wouldn't be with Don. But he spent so much time making Don want to be with him in the first place that it is the most obvious part of the story. I mean, the fact that Thorne acted like Mr Perfect. As for them dealing with all their problems when Thorne is in a "good mental state" I'm not sure how to accomplish that!

    I must say, I'm glad Avery got out of the hot dog costume. She looks much better now! lol! And yeah, since Don has obviously told her about his habits with women, she's right to be very wary of him. I can't wait for him to figure out that the decent women are the ones you should look for. I hope that's how this turns out anyway. :wink:

    Did you do a comparison of Eliot and Maranda yet? How's that nose doing? How about someone for him to marry? Find someone with a Very flat nose and see what happens. Do not pick Thorne! lol!

    Does that thing with listening to alternative music do anything? and eating strawberries makes them have a girl, or something like that.

    Ahhh, Brant is pregnant. That does cause problems with their being enough room, doesn't it. Any chance that the baby is Brent's? :D or does their mess continue to get messier? Anyway, yeah, it sounds like Angela does need some rescuing, hopefully it all works out. Get her back in school.

    And yeah, poor Don, but poor Thorne too. Once again it's easier to feel sorry for Don. He's the one who got screwed over. You can't hide a baby, there's the facts, staring you in the face. So yeah, Thorne is a cheater, but Don knows he is also one himself. Just not with Thorne.

    My personal opinion is .... Don should forgive him. And one reason .... where is Don's head? He gets mad at Thorne for suggesting that Thorne could ignore his own daughter, but then tells Thorne to leave, and that he doesn't want to see him again. Ok, how is Thorne supposed to see their boys then?

    Don is in pain, I know. And as far as Don being naive or not, I think it's different with a "one night stand" vs an actual affair. An affair is a hard thing to hide, very. But as far as I know, Thorne only slept with that guy once, and never saw him again. So maybe Don worried, but he was more worried that Thorne would leave than about him cheating. I love how you worded this
    on one hand he grew up to know his life would come back to bite him but he wasn't expecting it to be Thorne he was worried he didn't deserve him but he wanted to be proven wrong ya see.
    That says it perfectly. I can totally get it now. And how very disappointing it is, because they are so close, like you noticed. Connected at the hip. They make a perfect couple somehow.


    Well congratulation to you! That's super cool that this is the longest that you've played a generational game!

    Oh, ok. I can see how that would happen, because she was a child when it happened. She knew it wasn't her father doing those things, but a child's mind would be so traumatized by that, I think it would linger. You're right.

    And lol, Don is so handsome in the first place, it's fun to give him an extra touch, and put him over the top! Very true about the fact that they didn't have triplets or quadruplets!

    And I see your comment to ryttu3k, I'm glad to hear that there won't be any major drama with Autumn and Ian's generation!

    Lol, Atlas, playing pranks at your age! (Oh wait, he doesn't age anymore, Ok, pull pranks then!)

    I feel bad for Autumn, that would be so sad to not be able to take your kids outside. I hope she does get cured before their wedding.

    And I can't believe Nyx tried to do that!! You have a husband! Thank goodness for Gwendolyn :sweat_smile:

    They sure are adorable children :heart: Although that paint thing makes me crazy! Yeah, where do they find all that paint?

    And I'm not sure what I missed, what is Autumn's surprise for Ian? I thought he knew she was trying to get cured, and I don't remember hearing that she's pregnant ....


    Thank you! I'm glad you liked the way the latest Thorne and Don worked out. I wouldn't want to mess up a father's relationship with his child :smile:

    And oh, ok, the biology degree would help Ian's daughter in the Conservation career. Cool, thanks!

    Lol, great update! Battle Ax, I like it. He should say it around Rosie, she'd probably laugh!

    And Trey! Oh my, he continues his genius behavior! I know you said you feared for his life! lol. Doing dumb things like the couch stunt does seem pretty dumb.

    It's too bad Rosie is feeling frumpy. I hope that goes away soon. Yoga should help.

    This is funny!
    She changes into her workout gear and gets ready for her class. Knox Greenburg is teaching it! Somehow I am not surprised lol XD
    And wth about the grant? Can she edit it and resubmit it? How awful that they turned it down!

    And you're not going to believe this, but I just realized that Viv is Clint's sister when you spelled it out here! Ha! I don't know who I thought she was, but I always thought of Clint as a solitary pollination tech, not someone with a family!! Oh my God, where was my brain?

    Clearly Clint doesn't think Rosie looks frumpy. Good job Clint!

    Wow! that is super cool that you got a bridge to work! I love the look of the building too, with all of those windows!


    Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the "kissy boys" thing. It just seemed appropriate to me :smiley: after I saw the look she gave them at the restaurant. lol!

    And yes, Thorne and the ice cream was funny. He did autonomously keep making it, and they all kept eating it, despite the freeze headaches.

    Ha! I'm glad to hear that Red's and my Don (who are the same Don, lmao) are redeemable. He does try.

    And hey! Thorne was just very sweet to Don there! When Do was upset. Does Thorne get points for trying? Ha!

    That meeting does have to happen. Don's little girls :heart:

    Hey @ryttu3k

    How wonderful! Two sleepy babies!

    Luca is very cute as a toddler also 🥰 I saw that in your earlier update.

    Autonomous cheek smooches are the best kind of cheek smooches 😘

    I love the look of new apartment. Okay the renovated apartment! lol I think they are going to have a lot of fun with their little brother Luca. And yes Raylan's bathroom is a bit ridiculously over-the-top, but still fabulous!

    And thank you! Things have gotten easier for me simply because time has passed LOL and yes Dash is having many adventures. I threw the spa day crop top onto Jamie. See? I've had him in the game for so long that he was there long before I bought spa day LOL. But now he's all put back together again. And I changed Johnny's athletic outfit just for you! 😄


    Hey I see Raylan here with his new shorter hair! He does look really good in it! Luca is adorable in the glasses! And I don't think that I have noticed that about the different shades of hair. How strange.


    I really like that idea of making me creative and logical duality for Dylan and zephyr. I agree it's going to be very cool to see what happens when you put both of them inside a laboratory. Unfortunately they will not be able to work together if you go to work with them. You can only have one played Sim in there at a time, unless you know of a mod. 🤔 I don't use mods.

    And the beach lot that you're creating sounds like it's going to be very cool! One place where you can complete multiple aspirations is a great idea!

    I'm just loving all of your updates! The way you interpret the thought bubbles is great, and all the things that you have Arihi think to herself, or even says out loud are awesome!
    How dare they question my awesome parenting methods? If I wanted to, I could burn their house down with a lava bomb or summon a thunderstorm! I am an Island Elemental for Sulani's sake!
    I regret my anger. I regret my fury. I need to go hide somewhere. How could I have made such horrible mistakes? Maybe leaving Zephyr to learn on his own and jumping into the ocean while holding him was a bad idea. I shouldn't have give Dylan so much sugar...
    "The truth is that I miss immortality and being alone in the aether. Passing judgement on you every couple of days helps me cope."
    I am just .... laughing my a** off

    The kids' internal monologues are the greatest too. You really write in a humorous way. It's great!

    And thanks for the information about Lullabies radio! Very good information. I hate those darn nightmares.


    Thank you, things are better and that's has a great deal to do with the fact that the birthday party is over LOL. And thanks, Dash has been unbelievably adorable lately. 😅

    And now you have me wanting photographs of cuddle by the fire couples LOL why do you keep giving me ideas?

    Yeah that is pretty cool that Bo and Liberty introduced themselves Akira's place. And the peeks social probably did help a great deal. One time I tried a geek social with a non geek person and got a negative reaction. Some people just don't get the jokes LOL

    And okay on the twins and voidcritters. That is a good idea, I've been trying to figure out how to have them do it and haven't figured it out yet LOL. Although, I do play with aging off 😂


    I am very honored that you took a shine to Dash! A lot of people did when he made his first appearance in the Thorne and Don saga. And I am perfectly comfortable with anybody editing and using my Sims in any way. If I uploaded them that means I give them freely! Especially with a Sim like Dash, a random townie bartender, who I literally saved directly to the gallery after changing his clothes in CAS. I made no other changes, and never played him a second. So that is an entirely Maxis made Sim! LOL. I just couldn't believe how perfect he was.

    To go along with the aspect of him being Indian is the fact that he actually has the spice hound trait without me having anything to do with it. It was just there. I think it was a homage to the fact that he is Indian, and apparently the Devs decided to do that with a few of the ethic bartenders. It's such a cute touch. I hope that things work out for he and Tucker.

    Okay, I just read Omar's latest journal entry and I have to say that I had the same reaction he did when Salim and Kyle told him that they were moving to the city. I thought to myself: Hey wait a minute! They just begged you to buy the house across the street from them, and now they're leaving? I mean, I realize that was actually years and years ago, but still! LOL

    I'm glad Becca was able to make him understand, and then he was able to be polite at the graduation, and honestly very happy for Than. Hopefully everything will turn out fine, but I do understand why he felt slighted.

    And now I read Hector's entry. Another very good description of what's happening. I never would have guessed that the thing that was bothering Victor was him being nervous about being adopted. But it appears that is exactly what it was. Roxie is very smart to have remembered that about Than.

    It seems as though Mami and papi are very thankful that Roxie thought of that plan. Hopefully the adoption goes through without any problems, and Victor will be fine again.

    Ok, I read Roxanne's now. Oh boy, can I relate. Lmao, it's not a good thing to have to tell your SO about an old flame because the old flame is suddenly relevant again. Ha! I feel for her.

    And wow! You did a great job describing the tension between them for the next day or two. I could feel the chill in the air, lol.

    I'm impressed that he actually realized that he did need to tell her about his love life too. He doesn't get to judge her but not relay his own history.

    Can I just say that both of their histories are extremely mild? Lol!

    Oh, and the part about Tucker and the party he went to is the best! And she emailed the pictures to herself? Oh boy, what kind of trouble will that cause? Lol, hopefully none.

    Oh man, I laughed when you mentioned that there was no hair on the parts of them that were showing! Lol, ok, there's never hair there, but it was a really great aspect to throw in.


    Ok! the August 6th update is on 100 babies, and you've gotten to number 51! Yay!!! Big celebrations.

    And holy cow!! Thank you for that information on "What's this?" I don't think I've ever clicked it, but I constantly complain about how hard it is to get the thinking skill up! Ha! Thank you!! You're a life saver, lmao

    All those toddlers are super cute! Maxine might be my favorite though. :heart:

    Hey there! I like the look of my son with Elliott in your Ben and Amy Legacy update. I will have to see if the toddler's have aged up since you made this post. Ben and Amy look good as adults and she sure did well at school. What a boost to start the tech guru career at level seven!

    Oh wow, here's an update on the Becca and Amber Beach Legacy. I can see why you chose Doug. I love how you call him the chosen one! LOL but my gosh he is super adorable. It will be interesting to see what he looks like as a teen.

    Amber looks quite nice as an adult. And holy cow she certainly had some great final University grades!

    Becca certainly did well in her career! What a title, creator of worlds 😄 I suppose it's true about writers though. She certainly got a whole lot of extra traits! I have not seen the way to get the fertile or poetic one. I should look into that.

    And yes, so funny, Doug rolled dog lover and then Nicole rolled cat lover! 😅

    Ok, 100 babies again! Ogden is a teen already! Yikes! lmao. I just learned of his existence a little while ago. Anderson Lynx does not look thrilled that he's about to be a father. And now that they are kids I think I like Helen a bit more. Lol, I can't wait until they are teens! Maybe it will change again :wink:


    I'm anxious to catch up on your latest story line. The historical aspect is fascinating, and I've been reading it and I like hearing about this stuff!

    I feel like I want to go back a ways to get it all straight, but for now I'll mention that Eeeek, having "the talk" back then must have been beyond awkward! lol!

    And uggg, right? Wifely duties? What a thing to believe, and live with. I hope that most women eventually learned that it didn't have to just be a "duty"

    The photographs of the ladies are beautiful! Well, the women are beautiful! i love all the historical clothing you've been finding for them.

    And the pictures of Christmas with the family are so sweet! I see that you are enjoying Nifty Knitting too!


    Lol! isn't that awful, when someone interrupts your newly created couples? Miko! You aren't helping things! Honestly! Thank God she left before anything awful happened to Anne. I see that at least one of her needs was in the red. Yay! She had time to sneak in that first kiss! Now things can happen!


    Oh my! I hopped back in just as you got back to Sophia and Hugo! What a great update! Hugo's reaction kind of surprised me. Like, I thought he would freak out and it would really cause him problems. He seems pretty chill though, and how sweet that he asked her advice and she was able to give him helpful advise. "Don't be a disappointment." I like that. I wish more people got that advise, lol! And it was definitly worth something, I'm glad she feels good about it.

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    KoteykaKoteyka Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2020
    Oh my goodness, the amount of comments I got on my last update is incredible! Thank you so much everyone! :open_mouth:<3

    @Daravi thank you! :blush: Yep, lots and lots of surprises😁

    yay Peter and Gwen! Ohhhh and the recreation of *that* Spiderman kiss...
    Yes yes yes yes YES someone noticed that!! :smiley: I'm overacting but I love when people notice the lil' references I make :relaxed:
    Also, are you Russian? That moodlet was interesting because some of the writing was in Cyrillic script and some in English, or is that how it is in your game?
    Yep. Thought it was obvious after Kostik and Yuri joined the story :D I'd play in English, but unfortunately for whatever reason Origin doesn't allow that here. The translation is terrible :unamused:
    Thank you! <3

    @sarabeth2984 thank you so much :relaxed: 3rd generation here I come! :D

    I’ve been loving all the updates about Peter and his life, so realistic, the feelings and conflicts the procrastination levels speak to me! xD
    That's great to know! Storywise, I felt like Peter's conflicts were all over the place and no one except me would understand them :sweat_smile: But that's exactly how he feels, so I went with it.
    I love SOL! I love when it gives me curve balls like that as well! Hahaha toddler withdraw is a true symptom! I have it as well and want more tots, but it is not the right time, but we will see! 😊
    Even though it's been three year since they got released I still can't get enough of them! Toddlers are a must. All the time. No exceptions :joy: And the fact that Peter felt the same way as I did was definitely a sign!
    Thank you!

    <3 Your story. I can really "ship" Peter and Gwen. I just love how dorky and socially awkward they both are. It hits me in the feels.
    Aww thank you so much! Peter and Gwen are quite the couple😁 I'm glad you like them! <3

    and I suppose this is just an average everyday school, right? ;)
    "I feel like the most stuttering person ever could've worked at that school and not get fired. Like, ever. Or a person that wouldn't actually teach anyone anything. Or someone evil." *loud snorting*
    Totally!! Totally... normal... nothing going on there, just your typical boring old school :D
    Also giggling at the reverse meta of the Spider-man kiss.
    I mean, I saw the posepack and I couldn't resist. I needed that. It had to happen XD
    Aww, so glad they're working it out together! And yeah, the game (and mods) can be like that XD (Which is how Luca showed up!)
    I mean, it'd probably happen very soon anyway😁 I was planning to have a baby in the summer... buuuut... nope, nope, the game read my mind and decided to speed things up :D God I love the curveballs it throws at me sometimes...
    Thank you!

    Unexpected pregnancy that results in a happy family (at least for a while) is exactly the level of drama I need for a while after dealing with the loss of Tony.
    Honestly, me too :relieved: Thank you!

    I'm glad it's not just my sims that have oopsies now with woohoo.
    Hahaa, if I count all of the oopsies my sims had during woohoo... :D They always resolve in exceptionally cute babies though.
    Thank you!

    A proposal at the store where you buy your baby's crib. That seems appropriate. Now, does the wedding wait until they get to Sulani? That's the question.
    Remember how Tony went through all of that trouble to get Stanley... prepared a speech... set everything up so romantically... And Peter's just like "well I guess we're gonna get married now" :joy: I haven't actually thought as far as going through a wedding :D I think I'll just keep them fiance's for a while.
    Watch, there will be another update before I get through the thread and I'll already know these answers! lol
    You were close!😁 But I got a notification from you just as I was finishing writing this update, lol!
    Thank you :blush:

    Hey everyone! I probably won't be putting up another post this week due to some stuff happening irl so see you all next one! :)

    "So... Seeing as this unplanned bump is getting bigger and bigger..."

    "When are you planning on telling your dad that he's becoming a grandpa..."



    "I honestly think that can wait."

    "Rhiannon just burped all over my shirt."
    More under the cut:
    They were terrible.

    Terrible, horrible parents.

    They had no idea what to do with a baby. Peter constantly called Pa to figure out when is it okay to feed solids, what to do when your baby doesn't want to sleep through the night, what exactly does 'support the head' mean and is it true that newborns should wear hats outside at all times even when the weather's warm because that's what Kostik and Yuri say.

    The few months of pregnancy flew by quickly. First it was a tiny little bean.

    Then the little bean got bigger.

    Then it got even bigger.

    And then a little girl was born.

    "Hey, baby girl! Who's my little baby? Who's my little baby?.. I still think we should call her Annie."
    "Okay, Ashley."

    "What is up with you and A names? We should've called her Claire."
    "Or May."
    "Okay... Mayday."

    "That's not even a name! Now give me the baby. My baby."
    Yup, the name choosing was a horror. Eventually they settled on Rhiannon. (oh yes, 5 points to the person who guesses why and where is that hinting... but it's close to impossible so good luck :D)

    At least it wasn't Tanya, although Kostik insisted.
    "You definitely should've called her Tanya. Tatiana! Tanechka or Tanusha or Tasha or Tanya for short... Eh, Rhiannon is okay too. What do you think, Petya?"

    "I think any name is cool."

    "He said cool. So fluent. I feel so proud."
    "Yes, me too..."
    "Dads, I literally just said 'cool', that's it!" Petya groaned.
    "He said literally..."

    And then Rhi got even bigger. Her eyes were grey like Peter's, her hair was a weird colour that could either get darker like Peter's, either lighter like Gwen's. Both of them kept constantly arguing which one will it be.

    "Aaand smile!"
    "She's drooling on my finger..."

    Petya and Rhiannon because as close as siblings.

    Petya is a big boy now!! He loves art, his stuffed puppy Tusik and speaks fluently in both languages without any accent whatsoever, leaving his parents a little jealous.

    Like, really. Yuri has been getting a lot of 'insecure' moodlets lately and autonomously practiced speeches in front of the mirror. I have a feeling that he's practicing his language skills.

    Don't be so sad, Yuri, you'll get the hang of it eventually :pensive:

    Also I just have to show off this little area Petya's parents made for him. Their side of the house has only one bedroom but they still did their best to give him space!

    Petya's favourite thing to do is making crafts.

    Just look at that!

    "Lindsey, get back!!"

    "A person I didn't hug!" Lindsey excitedly said.

    "Excuse my stupid brother... I'm pretty sure he has a condition..."

    "Um- don't- don't mind that, Gwen. He's just excited," Peter awkwardly smiled.

    "I'm fine... You kind of described them to be smaller..." Gwen laughed.

    "A hug for you too, Peter!"

    "No, Lindsey, NOT ME!" Jamie roared.
    "But I'm on a hugging spree..."
    Yup. The twins got big. They're both fourteen years old now.

    "Hi, Katrina!"
    "Peter! Come on in!"

    "This is Gwen... I told you guys all about her..."

    "Hey Gwennie? Gwennie, are you sure we should be allowing her to sit on the floor?"
    "I have no idea but why bother a perfectly happy child?"

    "Should we allow her to interact with the dog?"
    "Peter, she interacts with our cats all the time..."
    "Yeah but it's huge-"

    "OH MY GOD!"
    "She stood up ON HER OWN!!"

    And that resolved in the dog licking Rhi's face and making her fall back down.
    "Aww, I didn't even get to take a pic..."
    So their baby just fell down and the only thing they worry about is pictures. Such irresponsible parents. No wonder they got a second baby on the way so soon. Which was an entire mistake, really. Even less expected then the first one. And they had no idea what to do about it, so... as last time, they just decided to roll with it and hope for the best.

    "Do you know the second baby's gender yet? Is it another girl? If it's another girl you can make them wear CUTE MATCHY OUTFITS!"

    "Lindsey, you're being overdramatic..."

    "I'm sorry, I'm just so excited, I never met a pregnant person before..."

    "Well, we don't know the gender yet but we'll be happy with anyone, boy or girl."

    "I don't think you get it, if it's a girl you can do matchy outfits but if it's a boy you can't..."
    "He's just annoyed we didn't get matchy outfits as kids despite being twins, that's all..."

    "Can I feel the baby? Please? I really want to feel the baby. I never felt the baby. Ever. Please?"

    "Oh sure, why not!.."

    "Oh, oh, I think I can feel it kicking... Or maybe that's just my imagination..."

    "Another wee one in the oven, eh? What were you thinking?"

    Peter sighed.
    "Honestly? I have no idea... I get around 1800 a month, minus taxes, minus insurance, minus rent, minus diapers... We're left with barely anything by the end of the month..."

    "Yup, it's a kicker. Mom says I was a kicker but I'm sure it was Lindsey. What are you gonna name it?"
    "Well, if it's a girl we'll go for Raelynn... If it's a boy... I mean, Peter really likes the name Benjamin but I'm thinking more of a Richie so they both start with an R... Actually, maybe we'll go for something basic. Like John. It could be a running gag in the family."

    "A running gag as a name sounds great. Maybe also translate it to welsh for fun? Seeing as Rhi got a welsh name."
    "Really? We just chose a random one off google because we couldn't decide... But I'll definitely think on that, thanks!"

    "She's amazing. I approve."
    "So can I get an A in science class?"

    "Lindsey... I'm not doing favourites..."
    So. The twins got big. You know who else got big?



    They. Are. HUGE.

    And they have a very endearing relationship.

    Still Mistoffelees's favourite toy.

    "Did you get the picture?"
    "Not yet..."
    "Well you better hurry up because they're trying to escape..."

    Misty and Victoria do NOT like getting their pictures taken.

    "Okay, okay, guys, I know you love me but stop it, we're trying to get a picture..."
    "Aaand... got it!"

    No, really. Toffee and Victoria HATE getting their pictures taken.

    "Did you get it? Did you get it?"

    Gladly, their human pets don't torture them with such unnecessary nonsense too much.


    And when they do... well... this is the result. (actually, I have no idea how that's possible :D)

    (By the way, I gave the bedroom a bit of a remodel!)

    Anyway. Enough of the cats. Back to their pets - the humans. Of course, parenthood wasn't easy.

    Both Peter and Gwen's lives revolved entirely around little Rhiannon and work. And obviously it took them a lot of time getting used to. What took even more getting used to was the realisation that the hard times won't be over in a few months because in a few months they're going to start over with another baby. And that was a very stressful realisation. VERY stressful.

    Neither of them really knew how to be parents. They couldn't even call themselves mom and dad at most times. They didn't know what babies need. What they should do and what they shouldn't. And when they found out their expecting again, they laughed harder then ever before, even though they figured it'd be more logical for them to cry. Because it was almost like life was making fun of them and their struggles.

    But was it worth it? Both of them could definitely say it was. Even though their budget was decreasing faster then increasing and even though they had another baby on the way which meant even faster decreasing money and even though it was obvious that their house was way too small even for the three of them, not to mention four - it was still worth it. Every second.

    Because little Rhi was like a sweet ray of sunshine, lightening their way. It was impossible to imagine even for a moment what would they do without her. And they were sure that with the second baby, it's going to be the same way. How else could it be?

    "What, you like my glasses baby?"
    Little ray of sunshine. Peter sent pictures and videos of her to Steve every single day. And Steve could see it too.

    "Yeah, that's my glasses! That's Daddy's glasses!"
    It made him ask Peter to visit ever more often then before. At least for a couple weeks, he'd say. But better for a couple of months.

    It was almost like she was telling them - it's going to be okay. They haven't figured out what's it like to be parents yet, but it's going to be okay. They might not have all of the money in the world, but it's going to be okay. They may have not expected to have another baby in the family so soon, but it's going to be okay.

    They were tired, exhausted, couldn't remember the last time they slept through the entire night or had an hour for themselves but none of that mattered. Rhiannon Stark was their world.

    And quite soon, she wasn't going to be the only one.

    So uh... Basically. What happened. :D One day I turned on my game and instead of spring... it was summer. Pretty sure it's mod related. Anyway, instead of recovering my last gameplay session I thought... well... why not? Let's roll with it! :sunglasses:

    P.S WHAT? Gwen! Noooo! You! Look! BEAUTIFUL! :anguished:
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    Post edited by Koteyka on
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    @AlwaysAsking I don't think the news has fully sunk in yet. It does help that Hugo can make sense of things and knows who Duke's mom is. It probably still feels unreal but he goes into problem-solving mode. He's not the kind of person who'd sit in despair and wallow about his misery,. but thinks very practically.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited August 2020

    Yeah internet came back the day after a long day with no internet only on
    Dash is very handsome, I did post a photo in the pm group of a house I built.
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    WintermuteWintermute Posts: 36 Member
    After giving a brand-new toddler a makeover in my 9-Sim household, her father disappeared from the household, from everyone's relationships, and from the family tree. In short, he simply ceased to exist. In the previous save he had appeared as a clone of another Sim when the household was viewed in the Manage Households and Save Game menus, and I should have known then that something was terribly wrong.

    I've lost yet another few days of progress, but I don't want this Sim to disappear as if he had never existed, so I very reluctantly separated the two families based on the assumption that increasing the household size limit was what caused this glitch. Furthermore, because I didn't want to leave one family to live in this massive house while the other has to buy a much smaller home with only the household funds, I split the funds and moved each to a different, smaller house. I hated having to do this, as I loved having all of them live together, even if 9 Sims are a pain to manage.

    Fingers crossed that he won't disappear this time.
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    Wintermute wrote: »
    After giving a brand-new toddler a makeover in my 9-Sim household, her father disappeared from the household, from everyone's relationships, and from the family tree. In short, he simply ceased to exist. In the previous save he had appeared as a clone of another Sim when the household was viewed in the Manage Households and Save Game menus, and I should have known then that something was terribly wrong.

    I've lost yet another few days of progress, but I don't want this Sim to disappear as if he had never existed, so I very reluctantly separated the two families based on the assumption that increasing the household size limit was what caused this glitch. Furthermore, because I didn't want to leave one family to live in this massive house while the other has to buy a much smaller home with only the household funds, I split the funds and moved each to a different, smaller house. I hated having to do this, as I loved having all of them live together, even if 9 Sims are a pain to manage.

    Fingers crossed that he won't disappear this time.

    That is indeed why that happens. I assume you have MCCC? You can have them all live together but you have to go through a different menu and edit them in CAS one at a time so no one disappears. The way to go is clicking on your sim, MCCC -> Sim Commands -> Modify in CAS and do that separately for everyone you want to edit.
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    mingusssssmingusssss Posts: 131 Member
    Alvaro and Babs are doing a great job so far, they have been focusing on their skills, while still maintaining high grades and spending time with their friends. Alvaro has been improving his mixology and cooking skills, while Babs has started to take care of the garden and she has started to learn the secrets of flower arrangement.
    Babs and Alvaro also eat together every single day, they are so cute.
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    @AlwaysAsking That hair that Max is using, I've thought about putting on my sims but haven't. I may try using it now. It works so well for Max. Dash and Max work so well together. <3

    @Koteyka You know how Gwen and Peter have no idea what they're doing? I felt that way personally in real life with my first baby. My husband came with a child from a previous marriage but she was 3 when we started dated. I had no idea what to do with her either. Lol. Now my step daughter is a well behaved teen (for the most part) and I feel like we've done okay. As for my biological children I had two, first a girl, then a boy. I didn't know what I was doing but it helped my husband went through it before. Also, I had a lot of help from my in laws and my own parents. I think we've done okay so far, they're a bit spoiled. I've turned into the "good guy" parent and my husband is the "bad guy" parent. He complains all the time that he has to be the bad guy. Lol.


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