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Knitting Gameplay Questions for the Community!


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    AuroraskiesAuroraskies Posts: 1,834 Member
    edited March 2020
    Q1: Crosspack! I’m planning on making Knitting compatible with things like Get to Work Retail Lots (including Mannequins!), Get Together’s Club Rules, and City LIving’s Yard Sale Table. What else would provide fun crosspack functionality? For example, should knitting provide Fame in some way?

    I love crosspack compatibility, and the presented ideas are great, especially being able to craft and then sell the unique items. It makes for depth in gameplay that not everything can be bought easily from build/buy, and adds practicality to the activities, an extended reason for the sims to be engaged in them.
    I always disable fame so have no opinion on that, but it would be wonderful if the sims could craft large, artistically defined pieces of decorations with high environment points, that could be exhibited in an art gallery/museum. Handiwork is art, with a practical dimension, and there are artists using crafted textiles in different ways in their works so I think it would add a flair to the pack and I would personally love it and make artists this way.

    Here are some other ideas:

    City Living: The youthful city trend of putting fanciful and colourful knitted pieces on fences, light posts, yarned text messages on walls etc is charming, and would be very interesting as a gameplay feature, perhaps limited to teens, or City Living San Myshuno?
    Seasons: To knit all sorts of clothes for seasonal wear, with wool being warm and rainproof for instance; would add a good practical reason for knitting itself and make the sims that does it valuable for the household. Depending how tight-knit it is, pure wool clothes can be worn during warm days (but if linen clothes..on a sewing machine.. on a desk.. could be made, then that would be the preferred material for summer clothing category..).
    Cats and Dogs: I do not have Cats and Dogs (would buy it and Vampires SP in a second if the animals including strays, as well as vampires were possible to disable completely in game options; as the worlds and objects are very attractive to me but not at all the main features), but cats playing with yarn is the cutest thing.

    Laundry Day: If wool is washed in a machine on too high heat it will shrink.

    I would definitely buy a farming pack, and really appreciate if it was integrated with other game packs, with sheeps to produce wool to sell/craft with etc.

    Q2: If some “Crochet-Like” objects became craftable through Knitting, how would you personally feel? Happy? Enraged? Strong sense of ennui? We can’t guarantee unique animations for crocheting, but I’d like to still potentially provide them as a craftable object for players.

    Happy! If possible, I would so much appreciate all kinds of handiworks that is possible to include in the game/pack; especially weaving - and a loom!

    Q3: There’s a cool crafty desk floating around in concept art that you guys may have seen (49 - 52 in the object vote). What would knitting at one of these desks mean to you, if anything? Asking around the office, nobody knits at a desk, but I’m curious if anyone would find value if the new crafting desk tied in with knitting somehow.

    Small, elegant, functional furniture is my favourite; but real storage, not just a big decorative desk/shelf, would be good. Perhaps the sims could tidy up and put their baskets of yarn there? If the desk was a loom though..! :) And knitting can be made on a machine placed on a desk, and then later on sewing could be added as an activity..

    Q5: If your Sim wanted to knit something, but they couldn't find a place to sit, would you be okay with them standing up and knitting? Asking for a friend...

    Perfectly fine, like somone posted on page one, it has been done before. It's more important that it is made to be a multitasking activity, together with talking, sitting down and socializing, listening to music, watching film/tv etc.

    Q6: Along with the Mentor interaction, I’d like to include a proper “Teach to Knit” interaction. I’d love to have that moment where the Knitting Master granny teaches their grandchild how to knit. For those of you who experienced similar things, what was that experience like for you? I’m curious what people think this should look like - both animation and story wise.

    With knitting: struggle, confusion, boredom and hopelessness! Not every person learns how to do it, or well, or quick, or willingly. It is so easy to skill up the sims, and they are all extraordinarily talented, aren't they; but perhaps some traits could make it easier and more fun, and others near impossible?
    It would be a sweet social activity between different ages; and depending on traits or skill level of the mentor as well as the student satisfy several needs at the same time. Like social and fun; except for lazy and clumsy students and hot headed and non-committal mentors, for which it would drag down energy and fun instead. But I think I am seeing teaching as an ungoing and neverending activity, and the first introduction as unimportant on the whole.

    Q8: Lets say a Sim is wearing an awful, itchy sweater that they’re wearing only because somebody gifted it for them. What kind of things would you like to see happen to them?

    Positive moodlets, like 'proud to be gifted' or 'feeling fashionably f.u.g.l.y' etc I'm all for.

    Q9: I need your best Knitting puns. Feed them to me.

    Knit is impossible & knit your brow/s (moodlet for learning to knit); knit for naught (cheap items?); a naughty knit & Knot The Tie! (knitting piece gone awry); knit worth (when reaching level 10); knitly virtue (positive knitting moodlet); (k)nightly knitting (for knitted lamp's object descriptions perhaps); knit-wit (either good or bad at knitting!).

    Q10: This is my biggest question, so I saved it for last. Should the “Teach to Knit” interaction mentioned above be autonomous? While this might sound trivial, I feel this is very important for gameplay. I’m interested how people would feel about their level 10 knitter trying to spread their knitting knowledge on others. Let's say you have someone in your family who is a level 10 knitter, if this interaction is autonomous the entire house is going to get a real deep dive into knitting, perhaps constantly.

    What are your thoughts on potentially “story intrusive” interactions like this, would you be okay to find your family one day all high-level knitters through natural autonomy? Or should this only be user-directed, meaning on you have the ability to choose who gets schooled on knitting. I’d love to hear your thoughts about these sorts of things.

    I prefer being the one deciding what the played sims should learn and when and how; and while I sort of understand why everything is made to be so easy in the game, I think a compromise could be to make the skilling up autonomous, but the first introduction/gaining the new knitting skill player directed. So an autonomous Ask To/Teach To Knit interaction could level up the skill, once the player has made the first step to gain level one.
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    Nicki_NixNicki_Nix Posts: 3 New Member
    A1: I think being able to sell knitted items in a yard sale or using the retail store would be great - whereby, crafted items which are great to excellent quality and sells at a mid to high price could gain exposure and fame. Also, being able to create a knitting club would be great.

    A2: I would be somewhat happy with crochet-like objects being craftable through knitting. I would be more happy if crochet had unique animations - obviously because crocheting is quite different from knitting. But I understand it can't be guaranteed, so I would be fine with it.

    A3: True, I don't knit at a desk either, but what would be cool is if sims could purchase knitting patterns and when they are learning from the new pattern they sit at the desk with the pattern displayed in front of them and after knitting the same pattern for the second or third time they no longer have to sit at the desk with the pattern any longer; and then they could get a sort of "knitted from memory" moodlet, or something like that.

    A4: MONTHS!! :D Honestly, I started crocheting a doily for my mum, and I still haven't finished it - and I started that about 5 years ago!!! Anyway, being able to come back to finish a knit that a sim has just started would be good; and I wouldn't want my sim learning to knit to be really grindy - but yes, to make it a little longer than learning to paint is a must. Because when just starting out it does take a while to get the hang of it, and I don't know if it is just for me, but when I first started to learn to knit, it did hurt my fingers a little, because I would hold the knitting needles a little to tightly. So if sims got a +1 uncomfortable moodlet when first learning to knit would be amazing.

    A5: Yes, to knit standing up would be good, but only for teens/young adults-adults. Not elders or children.

    A6: I actually learned from my mum, who was very patient with me. One day when we were in the haberdashery section of James Selby (or as they are now called "Selbys") - James Selby is a department store in Nag's Head, London, UK. Anyway, we were in the haberdashery section and I asked if she knew how to knit, which she did - but only basic knitting, and I asked if she could teach me. So that day I bought I think it was a 500g wool yarn - in lilac, of course, because lilac is my favourite colour; and 4.0mm knitting needles which totalled like £4.50 back then - this was back in like 2005, or something like that, when things were cheaper than what they are now. And that day she taught me how to cast on, and how to knit plain and purl stitches. Then a year or so after that I bought a book about knitting and crochet and continued to teach myself using that. Don't ask me to knit or crochet anything now, though, because although I still know how to do it, I am very rusty and I would have to give myself a complete refresher course; because I haven't knitted or crocheted in years now.

    Back to your question though, to have a proper interaction where the sim teaching and the sim learning sits down with the knitting needles and shows the learning sim how to cast on and start knitting a stitch and then the sim undoes it and passes the needles to the learning sim and has to cast on with guidance from the teacher if they are doing it incorrectly. Something along those lines.

    A7: Never done that. But, that is making me think that I should dust the cobwebs off of my knitting and crochet needles and try and start a side business. Not that I'm that great of a knitter or crocheter.

    A8: Have an itchy sweater moodlet. Or if the sim had the itchy jumper knitted and gifted to them from a grandparent or parent, the moodlet could also say "My mum/grandma made me wear this." with an unhappy emotion which only lasts for like 40 sim seconds. To see the sim uncomfortable and scratching at the jumper and set intervals would be good, until they get used to the itchy sweater.

    A9: I am drawing a blank - honestly, sarcasm is more my forte; especially when I'm at work.

    A10: I think for family it should be somewhat autonomous, but only for the sims who have the artistic or craft lovers trait. Gameplay-wise it could work whereby if a sim is knitting a child could approach the sim, interested in what they are doing; and then the sim who is knitting could teach them how to knit. Also, if there is an elder who is knitting, but has the mean or lazy trait, it could take a couple attempts of family sims to approach the elder before the elder caves and teaches them how to knit. But for sims who are strangers to the played sim, it shouldn't be autonomous, it should be user-directed.
    However, one way which I wouldn't mind for a stranger sim to autonomously learn to knit from other sims would be through a knitting club. Also, for a sim to offer classes in knitting - for a price, of course; would be cool.

    And that's all she wrote!! I'm excited to see how this pack turns out.
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    SimplydivineSimplydivine Posts: 3 New Member
    I think it would be awesome if my sims could craft knitted items, I do it in real life and actually find it quite therapeutic. It would be cool to knit stuff and unlock like more complicated patterns, and then like be able to open up a store to sell the stuff they've knitted.
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    SimplydivineSimplydivine Posts: 3 New Member
    speaking of gameplay, this may seem like a silly question, but returning after years of a break, in the sims freeplay you can buy the dressmaking table for your sims to craft items, do you or can you do the same in sims 4?
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    SimGuruConorSimGuruConor Posts: 16 SimGuru

    Thank you for all the responses! Holy cow! I'm still reading through all of them, but you are all definitely heard!

    And thank you all for the in-depth responses to Question 10, Sim autonomy is a very important topic for me!
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    SparklyBeccaSparklyBecca Posts: 106 Member

    Q1: I'm not sure knitting should be a fame thing. I don't always want my Sims to be famous, sometimes it's just about making some money. I'd rather it didn't create fame, but I like the idea of being able to sell items. Love the idea of creating a knitting club/circle as that relaly mimcs real life. I want my Sims to be able to form a group and then get together at a community lot of another's house to share knitting tips, drink tea and eat cake. It would be nice if Sims turned up to the event with home made food items such as cake or cookies.

    Q3: I wouldn't want to knit at a desk, thats not an easy thing to do, a chair is much easier. The only thing I can think of that would use a desk would be if you were knitting at a loom. So maybe some of the wall hanging pieces would use a loom to create them.

    Q4: Some of my knitting projects have been on the go for years haha it is the kind of thing you can pick up and put down. Small projects I could do in a few hours. It depends how competent you are. A higher skill knitter will finish projects quicker. Some items are going to take a long time though. A jumper for instance is not going to be finished over a few hours. I really think the gameplay should reflect that. Maybe it's possible for us to have a few projects we're working on at the same time.

    Q5: Personally I need to rest my arms when I knit, I find it impossible to stand because the needles slip out because you haven't got anything to rest them on when you're trying to work. Well they do for me anyway. It's just easier to sit, and more comfortable.

    Q7: Etsy store gameplay idea is great. I'd like to be able to list items to sell, with a price. In the same way you send items through the post, it would be nice to package an item up to send and pop it in the post box. This could be done at the desk. Giving knitted items as a gift is a must, I'd like to see some happy and surprised interactions. It would be good to see fake thank you's as well. For when a Sim receives a jumper that doesn't fit right, but it's a gift so they have to act happy.

    Q8: An itchy sweater moodlet would be good. Something that makes them feel a little uncomfortable until they change out of the sweater. It would be nice if they also got a receiving a knitted gift moodlet to counteract it too. So even though the knitted item is itchy, they're happy they were gifted it. Or maybe some Sims depending on their personality get really annoyed and angry at the itchy sweater. Maybe they get hot and uncomfortable and it makes them cranky.

    Q10: I wouldn't want it to be autonomous. I'd like Sims to have to ask to be taught, because not everyone is going to be interested in knitting. Households are very different and just because the sister or brother likes to knit, doesn't mean that the Dad or Mum wants to learn as well.

    I'd really like to see knitting and crafting as an aspiration though. We need some more aspirations and personality traits.

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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,109 Member
    I'd really like to see knitting and crafting as an aspiration though. We need some more aspirations and personality traits.

    That would be perfect.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    CodeKnitterCodeKnitter Posts: 1 New Member
    I would like to preface this with I am a knitter. I learned in high school years ago and haven't stopped.

    A1: Big fan of Get Together intergration. Knitting circles are fun. But also maybe something with Parenthood? Knitting isn't just for grandmas!

    A2: Bring on the crochet!

    A3: I knit at my desk all of the time and multitask by watching tv shows! Even more so, when I first started knitting I learned by watching YouTube videos. So maybe it would be cool to have the Sims learn knitting and new techniques by watching videos on the computer.

    A4: It depends on the project and difficulty. I can make a hat in a day or two. A scarf in a week. A sweater in a month. A blanket may take a few months. I would very much enjoy for a project to go in their inventory so they can take it anywhere. It would also be cool to see the project progress and have it look similar to what the end product would be (you know, so each project doesn't look the same.. boring!)

    A5: Standing up and knitting is very impractical. The weight of the project is just too much while also trying make stitches.

    A6: YES! YES! YES! You can't just pick up a pair of needles and know how to knit. But I don't want it to be easy. I have NEVER been able to teach someone how to knit successfully. They always get frustrated. I want FAILED PROJECTS, even for experienced knitters.

    A7: I am currently knitting many blankets for donation right now! I am donating them to a women's shelter and have been working with them to get the type of blankets they need (baby vs twin sized blankets, etc).

    A8: lol, can they get a rash please??

    A9: "I am yarned and dangerous", "I practice stitch craft", "Knit Happens", most of the other ones mention our very large yarn stash, we are such hoarders.

    A10: No one in my family knits. But they have shown interest in seeing my projects. So instead of "Teaching" be autonomous, maybe something like "Showing off you project" to be autonomous instead. Contrary to popular belief, people can talk while knitting, how else do you explain knitting circles!
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    Pallies656602Pallies656602 Posts: 24 Member
    Q1: I don't think knitting is for earning fame. So i say no. Yard sale table, knitting club, retail where you can sell your sweaters and also a shop where your sim can buy yarn, sounds good to me. I also think about seasons. I for example can't knit when it is too hot. I mostly knit in the fall and wintertime. Pets: a cat playing with a ball of yarn or even when a sim did not put the knitting away and the cat is able to play with the yarn that is atached to the knitting project, the sim loses a couple of rows or stitches. (i have 2 cats in real life who did that to me because they could reach the basket my project was in)

    Q2: I also chrochet (mostly in the summer), so i would not have a problem with that.

    Q3: I liked one of the desks to put the yarn away but not as something to knit at. I never sit at a desk while knitting.

    Q4: I mostly make sweaters in the Fair Isle technique. And i knit one colour yarn with the left hand (continental) and the other colour with the right hand the English way at the same time. This is a lot quicker then normally, but still these sweaters take a longer time to knit then a simple one colour sweater. So i would like my sim to knit little projects faster and bigger projects slower. But more importantly i would like my sim to be able to put the project aside and when she has time she can get back to the project. Rather then have to finish the project or start again.

    Q5: i can't knit standing. I am always sitting. (sometimes a chair but mostly the couch).

    Q6: A friend learned me a few basics when i was 14, like how to cast on stitches, purl and stocking stitch . The rest i learned by myself (in a time when there was no internet and no tutorials to watch) by trial and error and from books. For animation i am thinking about holding the needles the wrong way. when i tried to learn my daughter, she held the needles under both arms and the points were sticking up in the air because she was holding on so tight. Now she is able to not put the needles under her arms and i also remember that the first few projects (scarf ) were full of holes because of all the stitches that she lost on the way. Teacher and the pupil should sit side by side. The teacher shows the pupil with her own project and the pupil tries to repeat it.

    Q7: Making toys for the children in hospital and for the children of asylum seekers from for example syria.

    Q8: Scratching themselves all the time because the wool is itchy. Maybe an allergic reaction to the wool (like the red spots from the diseases in get to work). If the sweater is very ugly they they feel grumpy and try to get rid of the sweater (fire. Washing it in the washingmachine so it is shrunk, leaving it behind somewhere (sorry, i left the sweater in the gym and now it's gone). without trying to hurt the knitters feelings.

    Q9: It's hard enough in Dutch. Let alone in English.

    Q10: User Directed. Not autonomous. I don't want them all to knit. However it would be nice if NPC's could ask if someone would teach them how to knit. And also if you see an NPC knit.

    Thank you for asking the sims comunity.
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    zooraveszooraves Posts: 2 New Member
    Q1: Knitting should provide fame. There are lots of famous knitters, just like famous YouTuber's.

    Q2: "Crochet-like" objects don't bother me and I think it would be fun to incorporate it.

    Q3: After something is knit it still needs to be "blocked", meaning it's dampened and pinned out on a flat surface. Also, you still need somewhere to store your yarn, patterns and needles. You also need a desk space if you have to lay out your work. I'm a knitter and I have craft desks, even if I do most of my knitting in a chair. Give me that desk. I neeeeeeed it!

    Q4: I still have projects I work on and it's been yeeeeeeears. Most knitting projects (when you aren't a procrastinator) take a week or so, to months to complete. But some knitters are so fast! They can knit a sweater in a week!

    Q5: Yes, standing to knit is a thing.

    Q6: Why does the knitting master have to be a granny? Most knitting "masters" I know are in their late 30s... Should definitely include getting super frustrated and throwing the knitting down, or madly "frogging" the piece in frustration. That's pretty typical for beginners.

    Q8: Break out in hives, non-stop itching (like there are bugs), take it off in a fit of rage and toss it in the closet/trash

    Q10: User directed. Also, be sure that the "teaching" can be done onilne/through books. I taught myself how to knit with the help of books and later some online videos for more difficult items. I didn't know anyone that knit at the time and knitting shops weren't really a common thing back then.
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    chuckjaymoorechuckjaymoore Posts: 60 Member
    Q10: User Directed. Not autonomous, except for the parenting skill. Knitting really needs to be compatible with Parenthood. Sims could use their parenting skill to encourage their teenage children to knit, therefore the knitting would be autonomous.
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    WaytoomanyUIDsWaytoomanyUIDs Posts: 845 Member
    edited March 2020
    A1 As much cross pack functionality as possible, if it looks knittable macrameish or crocheted, then it should be craftable. No opinion on fame. Compatibility with the club system definitely. And as mentioned above above, compatibility with the parenting skill as an encouraged behaviour.

    Also, you could have the cat try to play with the ball of wool while you are knitting

    A2 Love it, as I said above if it looks like its craftable through knitting, crochet, macrame or any other form of knotwork, it should be craftable. Distinct animations would be nice, but not essential to me.

    A3 I'd love a craft desk that's actually usable, but have no strong ideas on how you'd tie knitting to it. maybe it could be used in a similar way to the pinboard for the Style Guru, storing knitting supplies, or for sketching ideas, something like that. Knitting should not require the desk, however.

    A4 Again no firm figures but knitting should become faster the more skilled you are. It took my sister a year to finish a scarf my mother could have finished in a couple of weeks. And yes, definitely should take longer to do than painting does.

    A5: No, would want to sit down to knit

    A8 Getting tangled in it when putting it on, The cat getting its claws stuck in it if it decides to sit on your lap or you pick it up. Obviously itching. Would definitely make them grumpy.

    A10: I'm unsure about this as the autonomous interactions in Sims 4 tend to be tuned to occur way too often. If it happened occasionally I'm all for it, but not if it happens all the time. But as mentioned above, you should see NPC's knitting autonomously, just as long as its not every single NPC.
    Origin/Gallery ID: WaytoomanyUIDs
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    LynarielaLynariela Posts: 3,297 Member
    edited March 2020
    Q1: --I think I'd love to see a streamer make themselves kind of famous by posting videos of knitting things, so I think yes. Knit things, make videos about knitting things, and then selling those knitted things in a retail setting would all be great. I love the other ideas you mentioned in the question as far as putting knitted goods on mannequins, and yes, absolutely a knitting club is a must-have. I also think there should be some cross-play with Parenthood. I think this would be a great way to calm the emotions of someone, or raise empathy by making clothes to donate to a homeless shelter. Or to raise conflict resolution by knitting something to give as a gift to apologize to someone. (And speaking of gifts, it'd be great to gift knitted items as a Winterfest gift via Seasons.)

    Q2: --It personally wouldn't bother me if the idea is that we will NEVER get crocheting/crocheting animations with this game. If that's a feature still on the table for the future, I wouldn't want to see it now in a half-done kind of way. But if we aren't getting it ever, bring on the crocheted goods!

    Q3: -- I know nobody who knits at a place like that, they mostly just park their behinds in a cozy chair and knit away. That being said, I love the aesthetics of it and would certainly utilize one in my sim's home just for the sake of having a designated crafting area.

    Q4: --I don't knit myself, but I have several friends that do. It can take a few days at 4+ hours per day for them to finish a small project, and I have a friend who is so skilled and quick she was able to knit a winter hat in one sitting. So with that in mind that skill obviously increases time efficiency, I would use that as a baseline. Maybe a week of several hours a day for a newbie knitter, maybe a few days for someone who some experience, and maybe just a day+ for an expert. Size of the project should be a factor as well. A small potholder, for example, wouldn't take a pro a full day, nor a newbie a full week.

    Q5: -- Well, it'd be weird, but I certainly wouldn't want to hamstring a sim who is maybe poor and can't afford a place to sit. Maybe that's how a homeless sim will get by the world someday?

    Q6: --I LOVE the idea of mentoring this skill. I think it would be better to be animated with two sims sitting within the same area, rather than the mentor just standing over the student. I also think it would make sense for them to mentor a specific project, if possible, rather than just "Teach to Knit." Like a "Teach to Knit... toy" "Teach to Knit.... Rug" and they would simultaneously knit the same project. I think it would make sense to see the mentor stop, talk for awhile to the student while the student tries to keep knitting, before the mentor continues. I think it would also make sense for the student to stop and observe the mentor (the equivalent of 'show me how to do this loop again, please,') and then picking it up again. And I don't know if it makes any difference, but mentioning that my grandfather mentoring me to play chess as a kid, or tie my shoes, or my father teaching me how to build a computer, all of these things where someone in my family/life mentored me in a skill still have a great meaning to me as an adult, and I think a fair amount of relationship gain should go into it. On the flipside to that, if I'm not in a great mood already and my husband tries to mentor me in something, half the time I get annoyed and I think it'd be amusing to have a negative moodlet that says something like, "Maybe I should try that again later, because right now I'm tied up in knots and too frustrated to listen to <Sim Name>!"

    Q7: -- I have nothing to contribute to this part of the conversation other than what I mentioned in response to Q1. I think it would be great to have donation gameplay involved to raise empathy, or even conflict resolution (which is arguably one of the hardest to raise in the game right now). But I don't have much else to say in response to this question, unfortunately.

    Q8: -- A visible rash (cross-play with Get to Work?), a negative moodlet, maybe even an allergic reaction. I think it'd be funny to see a scratching animation used, maybe even have them feel a little embarrassed because they were so distracted from the itching they said the wrong thing during a conversation. This could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.

    Q9: -- "My stomach is all in knots!" "I've never knit before, but I'll take a stab at it." "This will knock your socks off!" "My grandkids are as sharp as my needles!" and an oldie but a goodie, "Knit Happens!"

    Q10: -- I ONLY think this should be autonomous if the mentor was already knitting, and say a potential student walked in. Imagine a real life conversation flowing like this, "Hey grandma, what are you doing?" "Knitting a sweater for you." "Oh cool, can you teach me how?" "Sure, have a seat!" I don't think the mentor should be going around constantly, "WANNA LEARN TO KNIT?" like a crazy person to everybody they see out of seemingly nowhere. But I think it would make sense for the mentor to already be knitting and then offer to teach the skill to a prospective student. I also wouldn't be opposed to (though I don't know if it's possible) to a pop-up dialogue to say, "<Sim name> has offered to teach <Sim Name 2> how to knit. Would <Sim Name 2> like to learn?" Then it would give me the chance to say, "Yes!" "No way!" or, "Maybe later!". And I like the idea of the response giving a boost to the relationship for the affirmative, a loss for a negative, and no change for a neutral. Again, I don't know if it's possible, but this is just what comes to mind for me.
    Twitter, Twitch, and Gallery ID - Lynariela
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    edited March 2020
    Cinebar wrote: »
    I'm not going to answer any of the questions because they seem to be repeating what is already in the game, such as a tense mood for an ugly sweater and as someone pointed out, players don't want townies wearing weird outfits, it's bad enough with the situational outfits feature/bug or whatever. Rule of thumb if you are going to knit, it's most important your Sim have a comfortable chair or some sort of seat. This is time consuming and a chair of proper support is needed. People can't just sit and knit anywhere. Any work like that is hard on the lower back muscles to sit and do this for a very long time. I hope you consider that. I would prefer a Sim not use any autonomus action to try to teach other Sims to knit. We don't want everyone in game learning this.
    Actually having lower back pain sitting in one position for too long is hard on my back. I have to change positions every hour or so and do stretches. The townie thing is an issue with the base game so that coding would need to be fixed for the change to be applied to the other packs. Sometimes I want to torture Ewwliza Pancakes with the ugly sweaters but I want them to look more worn out looking with fails. Weird is subjective. I find the costume outfits like the Bear more weird than an ugly sweater. I also find the Stepford outfits creepy and everything being clean looking creepy with the focusing towards modern only design, so this pack at least has more heart and color to it than looking like Sims live in a mental hospital with everything being ultra white. The all white look is weird to me and too cult like. I'm actually curious do you knit or crochet or do any crafts? If so how do you like doing your crafts?

    Also I would like multitasking with knitting. I enjoy knitting and fishing at the same time. I do sit while doing this activity together.
    Post edited by Scobre on
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    mooniewitchmooniewitch Posts: 2 New Member
    I'd love for my sims to have a craft channel! Or, like doing fashion videos, do craft videos. I'd love it if toddlers/children would get a special moodlet (or just extended happiness) when they play with a toy that was hand-knitted. A tot getting into the yarn drawer and messing it all up, paint-splatter style? Maybe discover unusual yarn in the jungle? Possessed knitting needles would also be a joy...

    Absolutely OUTRAGED. How DARE- Nah. I mean, I'm petty enough to be irritated when it's mixed up IRL, but for something like this no one should seriously bat an eye c:

    I don't know if this is realistic with game mechanics, but a desk would be handy if you're making a very difficult pattern. As in, you need a pattern sheet to keep track / use multiple colours. Maybe at first the difficult patterns can only be made at a desk? Until you hit level 10, when you can do anything anywhere. Maybe knitting at a desk should just be a bit faster? (Because organised?)

    Anything 3D takes ages. So a full sweater would take significantly longer than a huge scarf, even if it's the same amount of stitches. Then again, a simple boxy sweater would be faster than a scarf with an intricate pattern. But for simplicity's sake, you should probably go with 3D = longer.

    I... genuinely can't imagine knitting while standing up, but you do you! (This kinda seems like a higher level skill haha) I'd personally prefer for them to just flop on the ground in that case, but either way is fine.

    Lots and lots and LOTS of dropped needles. Seriously. Needles need to be dropped. Also, balls of yarn need to gain sentience and roll away at the most inconvenient time. (Picking up dropped needles and picking up runaway yarn could be a similar animation too!) Lots of frustration and rage quitting. Dropped stitches. Broken yarn. Using really big needles in the beginning to easier show what needs to be done! Maybe granny could use those to show the lil' ones how it works. (ALSO also at some point a cat needs to jump in and ruin everything by clawing the yarn. This is not optional.)

    "Hey can you custom knit a sweater for me?"
    "Sure, these are my prices ___"
    "No, see, I have level 5 fame, and I will post a simstagram picture with credit! Think of the exposure!! :D "
    Cue angry moodlet

    Slowly going insane from the frustration of not being able to scratch. And then literally dropping dead.
    "I'd rather die than hurt my friend's feelings!" Awww. Maybe pleading for their soul should be easier in this case. (Especially if it's the person who gifted it to them...)

    Bent u wel eens blijven haken tijdens het breien? Badum-tishhh (You're welcome, Dutch translation people.)

    Yes. My entire suspension of disbelief would break during gameplay if this didn't happen. The sims can get pretty crazy, but an avid knitter NOT trying to drag their entire extended family down fluffy hell with them? Well that's just insane.
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    TiarellaTiarella Posts: 661 Member
    edited March 2020
    I only have a moment so can only make one suggestion:

    Q1: Crosspack: add a Knitting Competition day to to the Seasons calendar--either a random, speed-knitting contest that happens during the fall or winter, or one you can add/subtract to the calendar at will. First sim to complete & submit the designated item (hat, socks, whatever y'all code for it), which meets the required quality standard, wins. Could allow x-points of fame for winning the contest, for your tie-in to the Fame system. I forget the various names for these competitions, & EA probably can't use the exact same names anyway. Oh--could have a sim with a high mischief skill submit someone else's work, & set up a possibility for them to get caught & earn negative rep.

    ETA: NO!!! on autonomous teaching. That'd be obnoxious. Give us the ability to have sims to offer or request 'teach to knit,' but don't let sims do it on their own. I wouldn't get the pack unless modders could mod that out.
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    Katwalk17Katwalk17 Posts: 9 New Member
    Q1: I think becoming a famous knitter (is that a word?) would be fun. I LOVE crosspack functionality and think all the packs need way more of this. I would even welcome some updates to previous packs providing more crosspack activites. Like witches being able to brew a potion to turn somebody into a vampire and that kind of thing. I think having previously released knitted clothing in CAS become knittable (hope that's a word too?) would be awesome. Like all those sweaters we've gotten in Tiny Living and Seasons.

    Q2: Even without custom animations for each item having knitted pillows, blankets, toys, hats etc would be the bees knees. It would be fun to be able to knit that little square poof table we got with Tiny Living. I'm a builder at heart so anything build/buy that is craftable thrills me to the darkest depths of my black little soul.

    Q3: I love the desks and I want ALL of them but I don't mind if you don't use them to craft. Most people I know knit while sitting in chairs or on sofas or in bed.

    Q4: I'd like to have a mix of items that take more or less time to craft depending on size and difficulty. So a toy might take 2-4 sim hours but a blanket or something super big or complex might take up to 6 sim hours. And as long as my sim can take breaks and come back to it I'm happy.

    Q5: Standing while knitting is how you show dominance.

    Q6: You could have granny/adult/mentor sit in chair or sofa or stand over another sim who is seated on the floor looking up at the mentor while holding the yarn all wrong and the mentor corrects them.

    Q7: I would LOVE to have my sim have her own 'online' etsy shop. And not just for knitting but for all her craftables! maybe if she sells bad quality items it would be funny to have a review system like restaurants have the star system so when you first start selling stuff maybe people leave bad reviews talking about the terrible quality and how it fell apart and you can't sell for too high a price. Maybe even some 'choosy beggar' comments thrown in just for laughs. Later on when you become good you'll get more happy positive comments from people saying how great it is and how they'll recommend it to all their friends. (which will increase your fame and star rating) The more stars you have, the better the prices you get for your things and more fame point boosts you earn. So it would work similar to the work from home careers like the digital artist only with the added comments section and shop you can load up with goods and control pricing on yadda yadda.

    Q8: Scratching and uncomfortable moodlet. Uncomfortable -1

    Q9: Knit happens.

    Q10: I don't think knitting per se should be autonomous but I'd be okay with it as long as it wasn't ALL the time and sim does little to nothing else. We kinda have that problem with Sims and computers.....Why are you looking at me? I can quit MY computer anytime I want to! See? I'm quitting right now!
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    TiarellaTiarella Posts: 661 Member
    edited March 2020
    Skimming a few other comments--there are international knitting contests, & some knitters do become famous, internationally as well as locally, at least within the world of fiber-art (spinning, weaving, knitting, etc.) Within game, it's no different than gaining fame for other skills/sim-youtubing, etc. :smile:
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    athenamaeathenamae Posts: 31 Member
    Q10: This is my biggest question, so I saved it for last. Should the “Teach to Knit” interaction mentioned above be autonomous? While this might sound trivial, I feel this is very important for gameplay. I’m interested how people would feel about their level 10 knitter trying to spread their knitting knowledge on others. Let's say you have someone in your family who is a level 10 knitter, if this interaction is autonomous the entire house is going to get a real deep dive into knitting, perhaps constantly.

    1. I could see it being cool added in with the scouting badges.
    2. I would be fine with some crochet items (though please be careful in what you select it for). Typically crocheting is seen as good for things that take a lot of time (so blankets), or stuffed animals. Knitting is more commonly used for clothing. I think the objects you make with them should be representative of the reality of how people use them most often.
    3. Two ways you could tie the desk in with knitting is either with multicolor projects, and have a bunch of the yarn balls they are using lined up on the desk and use the dust and crazy movement so the sim turns out a color worked piece (this would be a more advanced skill in terms of leveling up). You also could have sims use it for Blocking the project (which could potentially give it a buff or improve the quality or something).
    4. There are a lot of factors, but typically the large a piece is the longer it will take, and the more delicate (or thin) the resulting fabric is the longer it will take). Something like a chunky knit hat could be an hour or two, where as something like a light weight sweater could take several weeks of just doing that all the time (or months if you only have a small amount of time at night to knit)
    5. Sure! it might be a bit awkward (or they would drop stuff more) but you could stand.
    6. I could see this as an adult sim sitting next to a child, or whoever is learning, and first showing them what they do, than helping the kid do it one stitch at a time.

    8. itchy, red, maybe swelling. If you are looking for a new 'death' maybe they get so itchy they burst into flames or something.

    10. I do not think that teach to knit should be autonomous, however, if there is a sister action from the one wanting to learn. something along the lines of 'ask to teach to knit' I could see that being an autonomous action.
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    PinkusfamilyPinkusfamily Posts: 587 Member
    Q1:If Your Sim could do DIY's Knitting Videos this could lead to fame somehow.. Or if a Celebrity would wear what our Sim makes or request the sim to make something to wear to an award ceremony...

    Q2: Yes, yes, yest to Crocheting! I was never a knitter, but I myself have crocheted..

    Q3: I feel making a knitting project at the desk is possible.. Sometimes what is being knitted would have to be stretched in a way..I feel working at the desk when knitting or crocheting is possible..

    Q4: having something to knit continuously sounds great - in real life I have crocheted blankets for babies or as a gift for an aunt . It takes time depending how fast one knits or crochets. Several days to couple of weeks to complete..

    Q5: I don't see why standing& knitting could not be a thing..

    Q6: My grandma taught me to crochet when I was 8 or 9 years old.. I think this Should be a Thing !!

    Q7: knitting or crocheting something for patients at an old folks home. Donating mittens for children who don't have any too..Making gifts for new born babies ( blankets, or hats )

    Q8: It would be funny to see a sweater come undone.. With a loose thread a sweater could easily unravel..A sim getting a Rash from a scratchy sweater also could be funny..Sweaters shrinking after a wash in the washing machine could also be a thing..( Maybe all sweaters knitted or crocheted should Only be washed at the wash basin and hung online...)

    Q9: Puns ~ Keep Me in Stitches ~ Crocheters do it with chains! ~ Too Legit to Knit ~ So much yarn, so little time! ~ Life is too short to use cheap yarn! ~ Hand over the yarn and no one gets hurt ~ she who dies with the most yarn wins ~ I crochet so I don't kill people. I am not sure if these are considered puns..Get Loopy with crochet!

    Q10: Yes, yes , yes !!! Go wild !!

    Thanks for asking us players !
    Good Luck

    Diane Pinkus
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    JanaBrodkinJanaBrodkin Posts: 4 New Member
    The only expansion pack that I have is city living. Would be nice to sell the knitables at the yard sale, but I would prefer to have the grandparents make the knitables for the grandchildren. I also don't want the sims to stand while knitting. Why give us the rocking chair if the sims can't sit and knit in it?
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    JanaBrodkinJanaBrodkin Posts: 4 New Member
    I would not mind having the full household of the sims gain the knitting skill if one of their family members have level 10 in the knitting skill. I like the idea of a teach to knit interaction, but I am not sure what that would look like.
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    crocobauracrocobaura Posts: 7,397 Member

    A1: Crosspack compatibility would be great! We should be able to sell the craftable items, be it on mannequins or the yard sale table. Winter looking clothes should provide warmth during winter (I had some sims die due to cold exposure even though they wore winter clothes). Knitters should be able to form clubs. Sims could probably get fame by association if some famous sims wears their creations. Or their products could be in high demand and sell fast if sold in a store. Can we have some crates to store items for sale?

    A2: One needle or two needles, who's counting? There are enough not quite right animations and meshes in game, one more won't change things, so I say go for it.

    A3: The only way I would knit at a desk is if there was also a chair by it that I could sit on. A glass of something cold on the desk and maybe a pattern book to read while knitting to make sure I follow instructions accordingly. Also, I saw a little tabletop loom in the objects survey, that would go great with a desk, to make some little carpets.

    A4: I am not talented at knitting and it took me about a week to knit a simple sweater for a doll. My mom on the other hand can knit a sweater for a human in a bout 2 days if the pattern is simple enough. For sims, I think it would be nice if they could knit small objects in a few hours, and lager objects in maybe 2-3 days.

    A5: I think standing would be tiresome and maybe lead to injuries. I used to sit on the ground or the steps of the house with my grandmother and help her with embroidery. So if there are no chairs or toilets or whatever, sims should be able to sit on the ground or the steps of their house.

    A6: Well, two sims sit together and knit, the teacher showing the student how to do it while they are both having needles and yarn in their hands. Shows them how to hold the needles, how to hold the yarn, how to knit the yarn in the three basic stitches, etc. Sometimes the student gets stuck and has to unravel some of the work because they knitted too tight. Eventually, they learn the basics and can learn more patterns on their own. Sometimes the cat joins in to help with the yarn.

    A7: Well, sims could sell their crafts online on demand. They sign up with Sim Etsy, they log on and see they received orders for a teddy bear, a rug and a sweater, they craft the items and then ship them through Sim Express, overnight delivery. For donations, I think it would be nice if sims could craft things for the sick sims in hospitals, or for winterfest secret santa. Or they could have an arts and crafts festival where they could exchange craft items.

    A8: They could wash it with Simolino to make it soft and fluffy. If it's itchy, then they should scratch, scratch, scratch and then have to apply some balm to calm the itchy skin.

    A9: Purl another one.

    A10: I think it would be fine for sims who knit to pull out their kit and knit autonomously while out and about in the neighbourhood, but I don't want them to teach as that would feel a lot like the crusades with the preaching knights. I want the sims to learn from other sims only if directed to do so by the player or while attending the knitting club.
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    JanaBrodkinJanaBrodkin Posts: 4 New Member
    Also please pretty please let the children be able to knit. I want them to be able to make and play with the plushies.
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    WrenryWrenry Posts: 960 Member
    Q1. I can see Fame working with knitting if the sim is selling the item because hand-crafted items are unique.
    Q2. It's the sims. Since they can do a lot of things that go against known reality having them using a knitting animation to create a crochet-like
    item wouldn't be a bother.
    Q3. It should be an option because there is yarn sitting on some of the shelves.
    Q4. Honestly, because it's something I can pick up and come back to at any time, it took me 5 months on a hat while someone else could
    probably do it in half that time. But because you don't want to have it have a grindy feel,maybe go by the time it takes to craft the different
    sized paintings while letting the larger knitted items at least a few days to complete.
    Q5. If it was for a knitting challenge between sims, yes. But for a relaxing experience, no.
    Q6. It would fit in nicely because story wise, its offering more interaction between the elder sim and younger sims.
    Q7. Donating items would be great and should have some type of moodlet for helping others. As for selling on an Etsy type venue, all I know is
    that my co-worker hates it when a sales falls through.
    Q8. Visible discomfort and a negative moodlet.
    Q9. All the best have already been shared.
    Q10. No. I prefer my sims to learn when ready to learn.

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