Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    LittleGooseLittleGoose Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! Loving all of your stories, pictures and updates. I will definitely add my own soon, though have been super busy with real life as well though guess I'm also a little nervous too :confused: But hopefully soon I will have something half decent to share here as well.

    Keep up the great work everyone. I'm really enjoying reading about your Sims and some of the pictures are so cute like the above posters :blush:
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    jheyjuneicejheyjuneice Posts: 335 Member
    DeafSimmer wrote: »
    @jheyjuneice Whoa, sounds like a lot of drama. Did the girls have any specific moodlets?

    None when I loaded in. Coraline and Adelyn's relationship were in the red, though. They all got really angry and then it was a mess.
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    Ok sooo!

    I need a little break from comments, lol.

    I've gotten a bunch more mentions since posting, plus a few of you did another update. Yikes! I figured this would happen, lmao.

    I just want to work on a Don and Thorne update while I have the computer :wink:

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    jheyjuneicejheyjuneice Posts: 335 Member
    It was supposed to be the wedding day of my long term couple Adelyn and Celia. I was waiting through the winter to Spring so they could have an outdoor wedding. They live with Celia's sisters Cinderella and Coraline and had all been good friends. Lately, thoughm Coraline and Adelyn have been butting heads, they can't talk without insulting each other. Well, today on the one day they should have been civil they came to blows again.

    Celia tried to help repair the relationship but it didn't work, Adelyn took out her anger on her then went to go do yoga to calm down.

    Well I tried to have the girls try to find some common ground, be nice and apologise but well this happened:

    Celia threw a drink at Adelyn. I'm wondering what happened while I was away for why my girls are fighting so much!

    Of course Adelyn chewed out Celia, they had an argument and Celia insulted Adelyn's mother by implying she was a llama. I don't think they're going to be getting married today. Cinderella was at work all day so I think she'll be just as confused as I am.


    Well update that Adelyn's dad just died so safe to say there definitely won't be a wedding for a while. I feel so bad for her!

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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    @DeafSimmer It has some ea swatches and some custum swatches.

    Brandi Newbie invited familymembers to winterfest celebration.

    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,771 Member
    Hey everyone! Love the updates I've been able to read, but I know I won't get to them all. Going out of town tomorrow and there will probably be at least a hundred more before I get back. So before I go, I need to tell @sarabeth2984 that the Vlad Christmas story was amazing!

    And thank you to everyone who enjoyed my twelve days of Winterfest.

    @AlwaysAsking it just seemed like the best way to reference comments was by mentioning you specifically! One more event this weekend and then it's done. Hope you've gotten to relax!

    @Steamvarius I had to think for a while on the smooches, because there are more than twelve in any 12 day period (individual smooches, since Roddy gets several each time) so I was happy to come up with the five dozen solution.

    I have received Island Living for Christmas and spent my spare time yesterday remodeling Sulani. I downloaded a hotel from the gallery and made it into a new retirement village and moved my snowbirds into it, so when I get back you can expect pictures of my elders exploring the islands. I tried to get a warm weather Christmas picture of them all for those of you in the southern hemisphere (@Becka28 and others), but I ran out of time before I could get them to pose, it being Christmas day and all.

    I also tried to get a winter photo for a Christmas greeting, but between blizzards and toddler needs, my game just didn't cooperate. Some winter fun with the Andreas-Jang family that I did manage to capture under the spoiler. Also birthdays. Again, Erick Andreas and Billie Jang are the parents. Esau has hair as a toddler and longer hair as a child. Jacob has the green cap in both life stages.

    I decided the Jangs were likely to celebrate Kwanzaa, so I got a few pictures of Billie lighting the kinara (hope I spelled that right). I just adore Jacob's face in the first picture.

    And the boys had birthdays:
    Billie was more prepared the second time, lol.

    I never took good pics of the boys after they aged up, but here they are talking to the snowpals. Jacob on the left, Esau on the right.

    And then the family went skating. The building above Billie's head is their house, the one behind Erick is the store I want Esau to buy when he gets older. They're in Magnolia Promenade.

    And a few bonus pics - the After School Swim Club showed up while the family was out, and I caught a cute moment with my teen sweethearts Max and Millie. Klaatu is throwing a snowball nearby.

    And a blooper... what the heck was up with Clara Bjergsen on this day?

    I should be back before the new year, so for now I'll just say I hope everyone had a great Christmas, or is having a great Hannukah, or enjoying the end of December in whatever way you prefer!
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    Doctor_VikterDoctor_Vikter Posts: 247 Member
    edited December 2019
    Thank you! This laptop's been with me for a while, so the extra speed is welcome. It's a Toshiba/Dynabook Satellite C50-A-146.
    @Steamvarius No prob! Toshibas are good brands; I still have an ancient Toshiba Portege from the early 2000s that still works decently (obviously I can't play Sims 3/Sims 4 on it but Sims 2 runs fairly okay-ish)
    My old setup/computer was upgraded to 16GB RAM and it really helped take the slog off, Sims is kind of a memory hog hhhh
    Becka28 wrote: »
    that nightclub and mall are amazing. So nice to have some sims who balance out the cuteness ratio with some insomnia inducing cc.
    @Becka28 Thank you! I'll be fixing up a few more things with the night club but it's been a lot of fun.
    Haha! I always have been into the "spooky boi" aesthetic with Sims and characters, I do love adorable Sims, too, though. I honestly need to make some instead of the ugly monster-ish looking ones :#
    ryttu3k wrote: »
    that mall is so authentically 80s-looking I now have vaporwave/mallsoft playing in my head.
    @ryttu3k Thanks! Looked at a ton of 80s Mall references when building it (most of those aesthetics are gone in my own local malls). I actually made up a vaporwave playlist just for this lot funny enough :D

    Holy cow! Your mall is so realistic! It's wonderful. Your redo of that dance club is super too!

    Lol, "hot spot" That eloctocution looked painful.

    I'm amazed that you get such amazing screenshots with dark lighting! Generally my lighting is either to bright or to dark, lol

    I hope you had a great holiday too!

    Lol, just saw your second update. So, you do have trouble with dark lighting sometimes?

    And lol, yeah, maybe no spa. 🤣

    Thanks! Like said I have a lot more things I want to do with both lots but I need to get that inspiration pool filled again LOL

    Yeah! I was surprised they came back and DJ'd the next evening after that incident

    Thank! I use Re-Shade to adjust the contrast and colors, sharpness, etc of the game. I do need to just adjust the darkness some but I do find this game can be kind of fickle in darker "environments" even without re-shade on. I do have trouble with the lighting at times so I have to kind of "cheat" at times and put down a big bright light to help brighten up my subject or Sim getting pictured :D

    I think the spa will be getting removed tonight Haha!

    And thank you! The holiday was very low-key, now just have to get through work for the rest of the week ha!

    Nothing exciting planned for tonight, might fiddle with posing again and giving this old buzzard a wardrobe make-over 👀
    Art by Pirate-Cashoo
    ||Steam || Origin: Z0mbie_Cakez ||Art Blog ||
    Editing Tutorial
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    Demery27Demery27 Posts: 222 Member
    edited December 2019
    Dirk Jr is a one star Celebrity because of his parents (he doesn't seem to care about the spotlight) he met his Uncle Brock for the first time and wants to be friends with him. He also wants to visit his Aunt's Imani and Imara. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 is pregnant with her and Dirk Sr's second child she hopes it's a Girl so she can dress her in cute outfits and have a motherly bond like she did with Sade whom she misses very much. The couple plans on going back on a vacation after the baby is born.
    Post edited by Demery27 on
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    ironknight35ironknight35 Posts: 3,751 Member
    Just a very small post. 😋

    My Sim Brittany hanging out at the beach. She will be going to University soon.

    This is her boyfriend. His name is Cesar.They met when Brittany and her mother moved to Sulani.

    He recently got a tan, but I don't think it turned out so well, lol. It looks much darker than it should 😆
    I have a story planned for these two. Will post more in a few days.
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    NationalPokedexNationalPokedex Posts: 829 Member
    edited December 2019
    Yunji moved out of her San Myshuno high rise and into a Willow Creek starter lot (she was broke from the move), so operation build her a house gradually has begun. She and Daichi hung out several times, but they haven't made anything official (is that why she keeps chatting with Mortimer on the phone these days???), and she roller skated for the first time. She also repaired her own toilet for the first time. A snobby baby branching out into maturity. She sold one of her paintings to a collector, but she has a ton hanging up around her shack. She participated in a Festive Lighting (the final activity within a 3-day long holiday indicating the beginning of summer), and also got a promotion at her Arts Critic job.

    Meanwhile, Aidan also moved from his San Myshuno high rise into a Willow Creek starter home, and proceeded to hook up with Yumiko and Daisy on the same day. :#

    @AlwaysAsking I play with Aging Off.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    edited December 2019
    @AlwaysAsking mmkay so as I said here is the update I wasn't sure how long you'd get to just enjoy playing your game so if this gets lost this is where it is. If not then hey I actually remembered to tag you this time so yay me lol.

    Also cause I'm a pain I'll be adding two new couples into the mix cause I mean...I don't know I have a renewed joy in rotation why not fill out the background a little bit. Anyhoo sorry but this part with Bella got a little long but I'm sure anyone interested will read it when they have a free moment. It's time to learn a little more about Andrew and see that things aren't so simple and clean just because of Bella's rescue. Also I'll split up the update cause looking it over after the fact the forum might cut me off, this is all Bella okay I was checking and this is a lie..there is the rest of Bella in the next post too and the others in her save will be in the next one, so this time yes I'm planning on double posting.
    Bella felt some sort of way she had since she joined the house with Alex, she had given Andrew the pin for her now heavily protected account (thanks to Wolfie's skills we'll say). She wanted to get a new job as it was a rather nice bit of cash but it wouldn't last the rest of their lives, still she didn't feel comfortable enough yet. Not that Andrew minded, the kids liked having her to come home too, and with his connection to the military that was genuinely fine it was more of whatever the gov missed they trusted Wolfgang to fix. He was more concerned when she would ask him to get her something and suggest he ought to treat himself. He did have to up root his family and admittedly it was nice they could have whatever they liked but just as a personal thing, not a macho one, he didn't want to use her money. She was the one that became entitled to it for her suffering. Never the less they were situated at the very least, part of him wondered if she might leave him for good this time even if they agreed to bury her mistake before without it they were still left in a strange place. He cared...she did too but they couldn't even say for sure that they weren't going to just be together..and neither of them would say for sure they were. They shared a room yes but it was more out of the comfort of having a safe warm form beside you than anything else.

    "Hey Bells...what's the matter?" she smiled at his shift in mood, she couldn't deny it was nice to be around someone so attentive he just noticed things she could hide from any other friend she'd had for years.

    "Nothing really..I was just thinking."

    "How you didn't expect your life to end up like this?" she grinned, some could walk into an insult or a joke being gullible but he clicked elsewhere.

    "Exactly....I just got so used to just seeing Alex safe...while Cassie was never a worry because Mortimer favored her that it became easy to I look around here and we haven't even put a dent in that money and...I'm totally fine with that. Like I didn't even have the excuse of being without the lifestyle I just...." she trailed off as he sighed.

    "I get it, come here." he wanted her to feel better she was fairly obvious to him when she wasn't, but he could tell she also wasn't ready to go down that road and even if he wasn't sure it was his place if he could help her avoid it till she was then he would.
    "take it easy, one day at a time, moving on gives you too much time to think you know."

    She smiled slightly even if he couldn't see it.

    " does.." she just wondered then what she was moving on from, Mortimer was kind of a means to an end but Andrew...well she didn't want to think about their relationship or whatever it was coming to an end. Though with a false start it could be anywhere.

    She was brought out of her thoughts as Alex came running in, Andrew released her and moved out of his way seeing the boy looked so distressed, but he was quite strong all the same.
    "Honey what's wrong?"

    "I thought....I don't know..."

    she 🐸🐸🐸🐸 her head.


    "'s so quiet I woke up and I couldn't hear you I thought he came and took you..."

    Andrew frowned, the boy wasn't even his kid but then Bella wasn't the only one he clicked with, he just wasn't sure how to approach, Bella was one thing but if they weren't really switching to "their" kids he didn't want to overstep and make anyone uncomfortable.

    It wasn't his fault he didn't know if that idea was silly or not, relationship limbo was a pain, Bella felt bad for nearly slipping away like she often did, he was so happy with Jason and Hannah around. She hadn't even turned the stone over how he might be feeling when she couldn't even relax completely.

    "We just...don't have anything to yell about honey." she said with a soft smile.
    "You would tell me...if he found us wouldn't you?"

    Andrew frowned as she tried to force a smile.

    "Of course...your mama's strong little guy..I don't get to treat you like a baby you'd get to know."

    "But...that's not going to happen, you know Wolfgang even told me that....he threw out rules and is letting Cassie be even more free she can relax and soon she'll be able to live on her own. You remember what happens when that time comes right?" he grinned remembering the toys she promised him from her special inheritance.

    Yes Cassie was a good girl, she knew what was coming to her if she just behaved yet she still pulled through for her mother for both of them.

    "Yeah...I remember and when she's really grown up and separated he can't touch any of us."

    "That's right, so it's okay..if you get scared or spooked, you just have to remember that dreams can't hurt you anymore, okay sweetheart?"

    "okay mom."
    "That's my boy." she said pinching his cheek.

    "Mom! You just said you couldn't treat me like a baby."

    "I lied." he smiled then, Andrew watched mostly in amazement he knew this was hard for her..that she needed time, but you couldn't say she had no hand on life as a mother. he wondered though if she really needed him anymore at all though he was glad to be there, of that, he could be sure.

    "Sorry for the noise...Andrew" Alex said sheepishly as if just noticing he was even there.

    "You're good buddy, feels good to vent doesn't it?"

    He was a little surprised when Alex smile led to an eager hug, the boy really didn't know much about a good father every little thing mattered and as his mother would say he made sure to make it known. It was a relief..that Andrew wasn't like Mortimer. Bella felt a bit of pain watching them though she almost wondered how things would have been if Mortimer had ever been decent to him.

    "Let's get you back to bed, you still have school."

    Taking a careful look at Bella who gave him an encouraging nod he led him back to his room in her place, let them bond Alex deserved that.

    "Any trouble?" he was naturally a little harder to will to bed after a nightmare but then nothing was stopping him from staying up a bit longer too, he missed so many little freedoms.

    "No he's good, he didn't even need a bed time story...unless I should have asked."

    She chuckled.

    "No he'll definitely ask if he isn't tired enough."

    "Good then...I uh was thinking though I really do owe you an apology."

    She gave him a look.

    "For...tucking Alex in?" she asked, a hint of laugh on her tone.

    "No, for being an hypocrite."

    She frowned and he paused.

    "Everything alright...?"

    "Just a little nausea nothing to worry about, what do you think you have to be sorry of?"

    "It's not a think Bells, I wasn't all that open about my old lady either, I've been thinking about it since I chased you off...let me finish." he cut her off before she could argue otherwise.

    "Oh...? Jason and Hannah's mom?"

    "Yeah..see the set up for her started out the same but in the end was entirely different..I was her other man, one day she came home early from work begging me to skip training for the day as we never spent time together as she said. It could have been another honeymoon the way the night went. The next day I woke up after far too much juice on my end and she had left them on the bed next to me with a note that she was going home to work things out with her husband."
    He sighed watching her expression.


    "Don't apologize again." he had gotten tired of that quickly part of their agreement to bury it all and start fresh...even if it did lead to this awkward set up they found themselves in.

    "She told me that her husband couldn't give her kids and when she saw how much work they could be she realized she didn't need them...not even a month later I found out she passed away or at least that's what I was told. I didn't know what to believe..then they started coming."

    "They...?" she asked quietly.

    "Every guy she ever gave my address to." he said, the tone emotionless compared to the sea of mood in his gaze she swallowed thickly as he sighed and continued.

    "most of the time she made use of my basic training she didn't even have to make up a lie about who I was for when I wasn't home, some of them were surprised the house 'sold so fast' they wanted to pay their respect the fools like me, those wise on her games wanted to celebrate. With her she was the rich one, it was an easy lie..why she had more than one house it was all that was there to take care of. The last guy, Paul told me just how much time he spent there, he told me how many nannies had my kids during the day, and said I shouldn't feel bad...because they were never exposed to her they probably thought their latest caretaker was their mother....In the end he said for a peace of mind what I should be concerned about was if they were even mine."

    He looked down at his hands as he gripped his jeans, Rocky was howling as if noticing his deeper twist in mood only then, while Bella sniffed she blamed herself for getting things messed up with Andrew before as that part was definitely similar but seeing how it still effected him she still felt anger toward a woman she'd never meet. Leading her back to herself on memories she dug up, though unintentionally.

    "I couldn't even punch him...I said thank you like a coward and shut the door, I almost took them to the doctors immediately but I froze, I didn't want to think like that, I didn't want to find out he was right even when I'd been so ready to accept it. By that point the juice I enjoyed occasionally when off duty that became a permanent fixture in my days showed more reason than anything else. What was I going to do if they weren't mine? I took care of them...they were left in my custody as if a military man could never be the mistake I was.

    When all I could do was think I couldn't keep a piece of her the brief peace I felt thinking it would be over brought more shame than being out of the loop ever could have. I love them they are my world, that's all I needed to know and every year that went by I was just glad she was gone...they were never to blame." He had begun pacing as he let his thoughts go free in ways he normally wouldn't.
    He didn't register when his mood spike did him in and he dropped in the couch or when the teary Bella joined him but he did register her kiss bringing him back to reality. He saw it in her gaze she wanted to apologize but he was firm....because it hurt but it was different, in so many ways, seeing her with her son, seeing what her daughter would do for her, thinking how she made him feel when he allowed himself to think on it. It was all very different and only he needed to understand that.

    Though he hoped she understood his mood then...that it was clear, he let feelings he never got to express out as quickly as he was pulling them back.

    The gaze was getting clearer but he still shook his head, no he didn't want an apology from her, he didn't want to go back to those thoughts it was different and that was all he was handling she saw that, and instead..

    ".....I understand now."

    Relieved he hoped he had straigented up enough hearing movement upstairs they pulled away as Hannah called for them.

    "Down here sweetheart." he answered.

    "Still... we probably don't have to hide so much anymore..hmm?" he stared at her as the simple phrase chilled the rest of his mood.

    "No..maybe not."

    "Hey it's time for breakfast...did you sleep yet? We were thinking pancakes."

    "Sure....I'm plenty rested, can't you see the bags under my eyes?"

    She laughed.

    "Dad it's the other way around."

    "Are you sure?"

    Bella wondered if the words between the lines were clear, he was so consumed, so passionate then worn out probably without realizing, did he understand what he admitted to her, if he did how much more was trapped in there. She had her hard times, but she felt perhaps she'd been selfish..though she hoped she wasn't that bad and he was even more well trained in hiding his emotions than it appeared.

    They were some pair.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    And Bella's save part 2 @AlwaysAsking

    Cause you know....I love Bella and Andrew but I like those around them too so...yeah.
    To say old Morty isn't pleased is an understatement
    ...And right into a spoiler for anyone that has to scroll up and sees this one first.
    missing money and no matter what he paid there seemed to be no way of just getting it back. 'She must have been planning this for years.' he thought bitterly.

    'She wanted to get me back, well I'll show her I wont rest till you're back and you'll pay for every missing cent.' swallowing forbidden words he might send her way he put on a mood seeing Cassie come down.

    Ah the light of his life, she wasn't like Alex who needed help with homework, she was talented, someone you could be proud of just because they existed. He frowned before she could see him now Bella would never know why he hated the child as much as he did well he would make her pay for that too. Cassie sat next to him as he forced a cheerful mood though she knew better, part of her despite what she knew felt badly for him. He always treated her right so she guessed she was biased..she guessed that was why she had to get help for her mother and brother some other way. Though he didn't seem to really grasp what he did, she heard him cursing Bella's name while he slept before falling into nonsense. She knew he needed some kind of help but she wasn't sure what.
    She was brought out of her thoughts by a sudden text message.

    "Ah dad.....I can go out before school can't I?"

    "Oh sure...I don't care, just enjoy yourself, and remember being a good girl is how you get this freedom, dad loves you."

    She felt a little unnerved but offered a smile as he grinned at her, it was good he didn't need to make a living as an actor because he couldn't hide a thing.

    "Of course dad...I love you too, I won't see you till later I'm only seeing what my friend wants then it's straight to school." she offered but she knew she didn't have to say much. While it wasn't a complete act and she was in fact well behaved with a record lacking any sort of dark marks, it still all paid off in the now.
    When she arrived she found Wolfgang in fairly good spirits, she didn't know what that meant, he simply asked her to meet her right away because of the big he was all smiles.


    "Hi to you too."

    "Wolfgang I can't just be out and about if my dad loses trust in me he'll go digging and ignore what I say."

    "Relax I was just trying to show you you shouldn't worry."

    "Wolfgang!" she hissed as he sighed dropping the smile.
    "Look I didn't get rid of all the plans and it's sort of biting me in the backside."

    "You what!?"

    "That's not the worst part...see I was worried if we didn't have some sort of leverage that all your dad needed was a reason to come looking the one time you're not around. But my mom found them."

    Cassie felt sick, Mila was such a homebody that when she did feel the need to get involved she couldn't stop running her mouth.


    "And she was posting about it...just that, she got away from the beast..was what she wrote."

    "Mom...Alex....Andrew and his kids what are we going to do?"

    "Absolutely nothing, at least on your end."

    "....That helps who exactly? You better start speaking fast you got a lot of money for this." though she couldn't even be angry she was terrified, Mortimer was already out of sorts all he needed was to meet Mila.

    "And I wired it back to you, it was my mistake consider my help a freebie."

    She huffed.

    "So what does that do for me...?"

    "I need another set of hands, keep your dad distracted, more so than him just trusting you, make him think he's neglecting you if you have to, I hacked his computer I know his schedule if you meet him after work you can keep in the dark long enough for me to make sure all ties to your mom are really gone. I was concerned the last thing I want after that night is for my mom to be the one that messes this all up, but I never said I didn't have plan."

    She sighed but nodded slowly.

    "What about the computers at work?"

    "Public domain, it's cheaper that way...and easier to block a few key things for those like me, just be waiting for him for me." at least he could trust the space not to be bugged...Mortimer wasn't that good.

    "Okay..I'll be waiting." and she did, on her way to school, through her classes, and her lunch break til the end it drove her mad it was sort of hard to get away with texting in front of the teachers but then she didn't have much news to hide.

    At the end of the day she finally got a message.

    -everything is secure again, I left a little gift on your dad's computer, give me two hours to make use of it.

    Just as her dad texted to let her know he was on his way she thought of the one thing she could do to keep him from getting right to work.

    -Hey dad..

    -hey pumpkin.

    -remember our movie marathons? We should have one I need a break from studying.

    She still think Mortimer was lacking braincells something was definitely off about him though an though she didn't like it she was just going to have to take advantage of it.

    -I'll pick up some snacks.

    She just really hoped Mila wasn't going to ruin anything they could only keep this going so long....still mistake or not he still pulled through quickly proving his worth..and his loyalty. For that she felt better he knew his mother better than she did maybe he warned her just in case all the while knowing he could fix it. At least she hoped.

    They had some freedom and Mortimer didn't need to ruin it.

    Annnd finally rotate...yeah..right then on a cliff hanger cause I'm a pain I have had my break now the plans are back :p>:) I do hope you liked it all the same heh.
    Naturally, Cassie isn't the only one with a dark spot of info on her mother, though Eliza isn't all that worried as far as she knows everything is fine, with work, her classes, and her young toddler keeping her busy she's completely out of the loop. Even with concerns coming in the form of emails she has fallen into a routine of only so much getting in. Including...Bob.



    He sighed.

    "Want to answer me with words?" Bob snapped.

    She looked up then unsure for a moment why he was even upset though that was only the first time she'd heard him after a string of her name growing more and more agitated before hand.

    "Just a minute...let me finish this essay portion."

    After another hour of him absently working on his own courseowork they finished and she glanced at him while yawning.

    "So what's up?"

    "What are we doing?"

    "About to decide on dinner plans?" she asked.

    "I mean with our life..."

    "Well trying to make it better."

    "But it's not getting better, is it?"

    "It isn't?" she said staring at him with what energy she had left slipping away, she got into a mode to finish her daily duties then once it was complete she had a brief moment of relief before she was off to bed to do it all over again.

    "Do you love me anymore?..It's not feeling like it."

    "What a question that is." she muttered tiredly ignoring his under the breath comment.

    "Yes, and one that needs an answer." he snapped, his tone losing some venom though as she gave him another hard to read look, he stoo up with a sigh and she mimicked him.
    Showing was better than telling wasn't it.
    She'd never seen him be the insecure one, she thought maybe it was getting to his brain...his procedure, but then she looked at him again, really taking in his appearance. She felt a little bad about her group she held so tightly on but they understood they knew life was changing quickly for her and she just needed time. Though the two groups should be different..she really had been ignoring him he looked even skinnier and she hadn't really noticed, one quick look and he looked the same as before their classes got tougher.though he felt paper thin even his agitation seemed a different sort of worn out.

    Feeling guilty she tried to smile.

    "Will that do?"

    "Maybe...come upstairs with me."
    Of course one thing leads to another and before she knows it mini pancake #2 is waitingon the assembly line, she put on a mood, hoping it was worth it, while trying to prove it was seeing a rare smile from him. When had smiles become rare from him? Was it all her fault? Was he sick and getting worse? She had no idea.
    She also had no idea how they would make it now either Julia barely saw them...what about the next baby? Better yet, why was she only thinking about now...when it had it just become easier to give in than to talk things out? She didn't know but she was going to bed she a cycle to get back to tomorrow.
    Now the next rotation if you guys remember his make over finally using him, Vlad is tired and unlike a human sim it's not the same sort of thing he was tired of his home or rather how empty it was. Though it was a passing moment, it was much too late when he realized that, now he stood outside letting a stranger get a look at the place....his roommate he shuddered at the thought. He blamed those watcher forsaken Vatores, always inviting him out or trying to will him out of his shell when they did actually care what he thought and gave him a break he was..lonely and it made it sick. He didn't need anyone though here he was waiting to set it up.
    He found someone that might seem 'shady' to the typical sim, someone that would really appreciate his privacy while just being there by the time he changed his mind the guy already accepted the walk through. Though bitter as he might be Vlad couldn't turn him away either, he hated being alone, having someone invade his privacy bubble, and thinking that he was sad because no one was around all in one usually in that order until he got frustrated over it.

    "Well Takeshi...?"

    "The place is nice and big...but I'm concerned there is no basement, do you know how much better security can be for all that space with only one hidden area properly placed?"
    "I can have one put in." he said before he could stop himself...cursing Caleb and his sister again mentally.


    "That's what I said."

    "Sorry it's just, people don't usually jump at the chance to remodel their home for someone they just met, since everything is still in good condition I assume you have plenty of money to keep it that way. What do you need a roommate for?"
    "You just answered your own question, I need a roommate not so much the money, a basement is a small dip into my family fortune."

    "'re old money or whatever they say."

    "Correct, is that a problem?"

    "No I just, if you don't want money not sure what I can give you."

    "We'll think about that after you tell me what else you need, consider this our verbal contract."

    "In the room I want control of the security system, and a private computer separate from that set up, I need things by the stairs most people would trip on as sort of a last alarm if all else fails and I want to be locked in."


    "Just like that....?"
    "Just like that.." he'd make sure he woke up with only a head ache and didn't remember the other side of his new roommate, he supposed there was some value to having a human around and he didn't have to be weak as he saw it.
    He almost left him there but felt at least a little bad, it was an easy set up for him, vampires added additions to their home in a blink of an eye with a few possessed builders and extra tools. He would remember he got what he wanted and that that was the end of it.
    Though he was still a bit bitter.
    He could have left him outside he was sure, but that infernal guilt got to him.

    "Vatores....." he cursed them a bit and went up to his coffin.
    Lastly just a couple pics...

    Judith's agent despises her almost as much as he loves his share of the profits from her success, since most don't want to work with her she gets a decent about of single roles it was something of a bad situation Simlywood wasn't ready to drop her as one of the older success stories her contract benefitted more people than her attitude could harm. So she was sent something of a yes...woman to play assistant to her.

    "I'm so excited to be working with you, I'm sure we'll make a great team."

    Unfortunately she wasn't exactly given the right information on what the job was, Judith laughed.

    "Team? Judith Ward does not have a 'team' little girl...and what is that outfit, tell me do you dress in the dark?"


    "Look I'll keep it simple, I like my bath at six and dinner at seven, if you're late preparing either you're done."
    "Easy enough to remember?..teammate?" she laughed again leaving the poor girl alone with her thoughts, what just happened...that wasn't the Judith from the interviews.

    She knew celebs didn't always show their real self but she couldn't even fire back at her she was so surprised..what sort of promotion was this?

    Kay...that's all the nonsense I had planned. :smiley:

    I hope you liked this part too cause this doesn't mean I'm done with Nef's file.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    Simslover163Simslover163 Posts: 2,833 Member
    edited December 2019
    The third term was quite a headache for Blake as he took 4 classes.

    Erion paid him a visit and Blake asked him why he thinks Foxbury is the best.

    Day 1
    A rocky start for the term as Blake was late to his first class.

    A new term meant new roomies. When he was finished with class, he got to one of his new roomies named Willow.

    Willow, like Matthew, plays the violin. I noticed that she plays better than him.

    Florian came by for a visit and he and Blake bro hugged each other.

    There were lots of people in the common area, so he told them a story.

    Day 2
    He had three classes that day, two of which are back to back.

    After his second class, he played some soccer with Florian

    So far, things are going well between the two

    Oh no! Florian accidentally kicked the ball to Blake's face!

    Florian: *gasps*
    Blake: Ouch!

    Florian: Dude, I'm so sorry about that!
    Blake: It's fine man! It happens.

    Once he was done with his third class, he worked on his presentation for one of his classes.

    While he was doing his homework, he met Tommy, who worked as a mailman.

    He also met Siobhan, another new roomie

    Siobhan: You're studying Computer Science? That's sounds cool and hard at the same time! Best of luck!

    Before he went to bed, he cleaned up the prank that was done on the statue

    Day 3
    Blake woke up and worked on his presentation. A few moments later, Erion came by for a visit.

    Even though Blake supports UBrite and Erion supports Foxbury, these two managed to work things out and become friends.

    Blake: Even though we don't support the same university, you're a great person and friend!
    Erion: Gee thanks! Same to you!

    Later, he went to class and after that, he went to the neighboring dormitory, where he saw Florian. He went to talk to him about classes and stuff.

    When he came back from visiting Florian, he met Valeria, another new roomie.

    He hadn't spoken to Anthony for a while, so he went to catch up with him.

    Day 4 and the weekend
    Nothing special happened during Day 4 of the term as he had a lot of homework to work on.

    Onto the weekend

    Seeing that there were new people to UBrite, Blake invited some of his friends and new roomies to do the UBrite cheer!

    Gotta love that UBrite Roar!

    A University Mixer night took place, allowing students from UBrite and Foxbury to get together and mingle. Frankie was there and he's tapping the juice keg

    Selfie with the mascot!

    Florian paid a visit to Blake's dormitory and Blake got a selfie with him.

    Blake made some time to participate in the Creativity Celebration event

    Final grades for the term. Not bad, but he could do better.
    Sims 3 Blog | Tales from Veronica L. Hopkins High | Camellia Treasures (Coming Soon)
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    ryttu3kryttu3k Posts: 1,148 Member
    @Keidra I mean, surely Cass would prefer the trees to like... Lilith feeding on actual Sims? It's a good way around it! And yeah, Damian will see them one day! Bella is such a fun teacher, heh. Jeez, they're drilling into the islands themselves to find the Source? That sounds... unhealthy :-\ Lilith's, "Welp, too late!" response is beautiful XD I am all for Lilith as the Queen of Forgotten Hollow, ngl. "She found the Embers displeasing to look at" she'd be the only one, really. ...Welp, RIP to the duplicate. Huh - if I was to guess, I would say that Damian has been magically separated from his body? Sometimes the connection is stronger, sometimes it's not. To help him, they just need to... re-attach them. Oh jeez, Summer is in for a surprise...

    (Also, that last picture of the twins is so cute <3 )

    @Koteyka I mean, fair. I made toddler versions of Caleb and Lilith for literally one picture, so why not? XD

    That first scene was so sweet and then the hospital was just. Reality ensues. Tony you self-care disaster :-\ Man, I'm not sure about this doctor - I agree that Tony needs professional help, and that he's definitely seeing Steve more as a caretaker, but I'm not convinced he's beyond all help. Neuroplasticity is only a trend, not an absolute. "After a quick healthy lunch" - KFC in the background XD Poor Tony, I hope he's able to find his ground again!

    @DeafSimmer ooh, time to take on the Mother Plant?

    @RedDestiny92 haha, thank you!

    Oh man, hope the movie plan works! What did Wolfgang do, leave a virus? Wow, that is a look for Vlad! Good for him having dinner on-call? XD;;

    @Morkovka Mary Poppins! She looks practically perfect in every way :D And thank you! I have zero impulse control when it comes to CC, haha.

    Those holiday colanders are glorious. I thoroughly approve of that conclusion! :D

    @jheyjuneice oh dear, that's not very civil! Do you have any Sims who have the whole mediation thing from Parenthood that could help them sort stuff out?

    @AlwaysAsking the ones I'm using are keyed to glasses! Since most of the glasses I'm using are sunglasses, there's only a few outfits where they don't work (and, er, obviously they wouldn't work on someone who actually does wear regular glasses!) And thanks! I have a ton of braids because I was trying to find a decent one that'd work for Elsa-from-Frozen (I ended up just using one that was a straight copy from the movie), so there were plenty of braids to choose from!

    @Doctor_Vikter it fits really well! I'm kind of tempted to try one of my own, heh.
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    DoloresGreyDoloresGrey Posts: 3,490 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Hi! I am sending you a PM! :)
    -probably just playing Phasmophobia :p
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    Well Cass didn't seem to mind it too much last time Lilith K.O.'d a paparazzi. LOL Funny enough, after a while, they stopped getting them and I had to plant plasma fruit trees. I love Floralorial oh my god it saves so much time and work, NNF. Poof, water, weeding, bug spraying, instantly, I love it I love it I love it is it single?? Cassandra's the gardener, so that's why Lilith passed the trees to her lol She's had the same mandrake, valerian, and apple tree this entire save.

    And yeah! Every other Sim finds Damian and Morgyn at least attractive but usually extremely attractive, and Sarnai finds them both very unattractive and it's the weirdest thing. (That may change later because Sarnai has a mate annnd I may have to re-calibrate her attraction settings when I make him, and what that does to attraction with everyone else is highly variant.) Morgyn now has zero interest in females (Caleb has remained bi!), but Damian thinks Sarnai's kinda cute. Lol

    Also, you are SO close to the Damian situation, so so close, but so far. xD It's okay, soon as my wrist stops screaming, I'll have chapter 18 out. Lol And for once I have great news in it! I can't believe TMA is almost over honestly. I think I broke this save so I may need to remake it, but it may become my first and only rotational save. lol (Also, Cassandra is two classes away from finishing her degree. Then I'll be working on Caleb's.)

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    RudiaroseRudiarose Posts: 891 Member
    edited December 2019
    My mermaid Caster hybrid lost her legs/tail.

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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @Daephene, 553.
    Heh. It works!

    @Doctor_Vikter, 553.
    Toshibas are awesome.

    My RAM modules arrived, and I installed them! All I needed to do was shut my laptop down, disconnect my external hard drive, disconnect the mains, take the battery out and open the RAM and HDD cover.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    TheLastStarTheLastStar Posts: 164 Member
    @Morkovka "Do I even need to explain that I hate it when I need to choose between things?.."

    My god I love you xD That is so on the nose coming from Morgyn and I adore it!

    @ryttu3k 400+ cc items? My dude, how does your game even run?!?!?!?!?!?! I feel like mine is in a precarious place, I keep downloading CC when I really shouldn't lol, it hasn't completely lost the plot yet though so that's good!

    @Doctor_Vikter Your game looks absolutely amazing! Mind if I ask which reshade presets you use, or are they your own? I'm trying to find some good ones :)

    @Keidra I had a look at your roleplay website, it looks like fun! I'd like to join when you have everything ready :3

    I've been tired and I'm planning to update my story tomorrow, but I have managed to do a few various things in the meantime.

    Firstly, I present to you Lilith dressed as none other than Elvira, Mistress of the Dark:

    And this perfect depiction of the difference between Lilith and Caleb, with Lilith watching the movie stonefaced while Caleb has just finished bursting out into tears:

    I also decided to make some genderbent versions of Lilith and Caleb for fun.

    Cala Vatore

    Lilt Vatore

    And last but not least, I made some bunny suits for Morgyn because why the hell not?

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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    edited December 2019
    @AlwaysAsking Lawrence is too cute for his own good - he makes the Santa beard look hot. It's really not fair to all the other sims. We all are wanting more Don and Thorne so please focus on your updates. (sorry to add to the notifications too).

    @ryttu3k love the look book for Elsa. I like how you kept her natural and outdoorsy. She is such a versatile sim who always has the best relationships with her family and the sims around her. I have always played her as a secondary incidental character and not a main and I think she deserves more. She recently (in my game) autonomously visited Tiffani (her half sister - jade's daughter and they got on well.) I have been busy paring down my cc to the bare minimum as I recently got DU, vampires and movie stuff and my poor surface pro is being challenged to its limits. I would love to do a big download of so many things- I recently watched the youtube about the Ikea cc stuff ack and I have seriouswants for that pack. Your sims and their living spaces always look amazing.

    @Keidra glad to see that Damien's fate is still to be decided. I am glad he could reach Cass. Your madeoer Summer is looking a lot better than the original - a pity she got bitten. Biting paparazzi and killing Vlad for biting a friend - I am quite onboard with Lilith's decision making (although it has moved Miss Hell into a power position.)

    @Koteyka it was lovely to see Steve continue to step up into the role of caretaker and making some much needed changes in Tony's life.Tony apologising was a lovely moment and I am glad he did - Steve needed to hear it (no matter what he said). I know a lot of people are very anti your Doctor - I feel he is more multifaceted - he gave good honest physical advice but medical doctors are renowned for being less than perfect when it comes to dealing with psychological issues - he is definitely stepping beyond his expertise in the advice he is giving Steve (who needs to source a good therapist / psychologist or psychiatrist for Tony and perhaps for the family as so much has been said and done.) He was also guilty of making assumptions about Steve (grr don't criticise the threads baby) but if someone bought Tony in, in the state he was in; you would make assumptions about Steve and what got Tony into the state he was in (did the Doctor know that Steve had not been there and was not at fault?) I just love Steve's makeover of Tony's style and he is rather cute in his glasses and sweater (though not movie starish I suppose).

    Is Peter coming back soon? I miss him. And I forsee he will be a big force of healing in Tony's life. He may be shocked at the changes in Tony but Peter understands saddness and being bullied more than the average teen and has already shown deep compassion for others (and saw beyond Tony's act) I think love is a great healing force. I know we will probably see more Nick and am not looking forward to it but I hope Steve gets to tell him where to go and what to do when he gets there!

    @Morkovka Mary Poppins is so beautiful - I can imagine what cheats and magic can do with such special toddlers :)
    The bad mood gif was something I felt personally, I think Bjorn would never have gotten near to Jade if I had stopped playing when I didn't feel my best. LOVE the collander scenes - Morgyn's facial expressions were winners.

    @March306 I have never seen the rejected proposal interaction - thanks for posting. I can't believe it happened twice in a row for you. The wedding and venue was gorgeous.

    @Tixyen squee - how cute were your pictures from the orphanage (adults included). Looking forward to how this challenge progresses.

    @LittleGoose don't be nervous - this is one of the friendliest threads I have ever shared in (on this or any forum). Hope you have some time to play and get something you'd like to post soon - this time of year is really busy in RL.

    @jheyjuneice your poor sims are having a tough time. hope they get what made them start to fight sorted. (especially with a death in the family).

    @Daephene love your sims holiday pics. I really don't know much about Kwanzaa so it was interesting to see someone use it in their game. Hope you have a great holiday and I will be thrilled to see your elders enjoying a new setting. Clara's blooper was odd LOL She is often the sim that outweirds everyone at Geekcon too.

    @ironknight35 I really have no complaints about Cesar or his tan - didn't really notice how dark it was - I was enjoying the picture as a whole. :wink: \

    @RedDestiny92 thankyou for more Bella / mortimer / Andrew. The backstory for Andrew was quite intense. And - I really would not trust Mila with any of my secrets - she does look the gossipy type and seems to be quite close with all the men of a certain age (Bjorn, Mortimer, Dominic and Geoffrey etc).

    @TheLastStar Morgyn in a bunnysuit - oh my :blush: Genderbent Vatores are amazing too. I rocked Cala Vatores hairdo in the late 80s and early 90s and its nice to see it on a sim. The Elvira look suits Lilith very well- I think its almost better than Morgyn in the bunnysuit (well there's an excuse to stare at your post for a little longer while I decide LOL).

    Post edited by Becka28 on
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    ironknight35ironknight35 Posts: 3,751 Member
    edited December 2019
    Thanks, @Becka28! That was the first time I used the tan feature from IL. I thought the tan would be barely noticeable, but I was wrong, lol. I think I'm starting to get used to it now, though. 😆
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    DoloresGreyDoloresGrey Posts: 3,490 Member
    @doloresgrey love your sims holiday pics. I really don't know much about Kwanzaa so it was interesting to see someone use it in their game. Hope you have a great holiday and I will be thrilled to see your elders enjoying a new setting. Clara's blooper was odd LOL She is often the sim that outweirds everyone at Geekcon too.

    I think you wanted to mention someone else :)
    -probably just playing Phasmophobia :p
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @DeafSimmer, page 553
    A fitting punishment!
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!

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