Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Dustin love to play with the cowplant.

    With two slobs in the household, who is going to clean the mess? Good thing maid service exist.

    A happy fan.

    Dustin pretend to be rich.
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited September 2019
    I'm working my way through the thread, and haven't gotten to anything/anyone past my own Hunter and Leo update yet. But I'll get there! 😊


    Wow, your Munch gameplay is quite interesting 😮

    And yes, I totally understand about turning aging off while you play a different family than normal 😊 I did it for Strangerville, and when I play J and Raj, or Peony and Malcolm, or Hunter and Leo. Because none of them have anything to do with the toddlers.

    Poor Mila, not knowing where Wolfgang is. I wonder if she's happier not knowing 🤔

    Gunther is quite interesting. 😅 I guess me taking him out of there for Diego was a good move. And there was no dating period for any of my pre-mades. I stuck each couple that I chose to be together into CAS, and made them married. 😊

    He's never lazy with Diego and their daughter. He does most of the caregiving for Dulce.

    Neither of the guys repair anything though 😅

    Hey, Diego is famous and rich. He'd hire people, or simply buy something new, lol.

    Lucolas is a mess! Holy cow, look at that responsibility bar!!

    I have no idea how you're going to fix that without playing him.

    It was about the easiest one to get for Malcolm though. All he did was set the table all the time, brush his teeth a lot, and always do his homework. He maxed that one out.

    Lucolas has a lot of traits already though. Maybe he's just going to be a mountain man 😂 🤔

    I've been told that adults who max their fitness skills, and get the long life trait, will live an extraordinarily long time. So yeah, I hope she can get herself together.

    Doesn't Gunther have a job?

    Ok, another Munch update!

    That sounds like a good match, since Olivia got the loves outdoors trait.

    (I wouldn't have expected that, except the first time I played that family was when my Jasper painted their portraits.

    When he was done he went fishing, and she came with him and was very excited about it, lol)

    She and Lucolas's relationship is funny, and that's an understatement. It is amazing that she accepts his flirts without reciprocating. Is she in a flirty mood when he flirts with her?

    I love all of the "big news!"

    How and why did Gunther get started with the violin? How fun 😊

    Did Raj work out at all? Or is he as random as Caleb 😅

    My my Caleb, flirting with Brant? How did Brent take that? Or was he not with Brant for the first time in their lives 😂

    Poor Gunther, can't even write a book 🙄

    However, maybe he can just be the next Don Lothorio moocher. The women certainly seem to like him!

    I mean, in his dopey hat and drab clothes he's not much to look at. But he has a Huge advantage over your everyday townie. No eyeball ring!!!😅

    And Summer cleaning the coffee machine is Awesome! I seriously have to go to build mode everytime I go to a coffee shop and buy a new one because the barista never cleans it and it's so gross!!

    Now I'll just invite Summer with my Sims! Problem solved 😅 lol

    The update on Lucolas's relationship with Olivia is funny as hell.

    She sure does send mixed signals. What's her other trait, erratic? 😅

    Of course her parents had to be there 🙄😅

    And the engagement thing!!

    Holy cow man! Calm down 😅😂😅

    And if he's young enough to get grounded, can he even get engaged?

    I have to look into this grounding thing. I didn't know it was real, lol.


    Ohhhh, the toddler is absolutely adorable!!

    But .... don't both of those people have the same last name? Mortimer Goth and Billy Goth? Are they related?

    Also, perhaps that lady doesn't have warm enough cold weather clothes?


    I've been meaning to ask, why didn't Gunner get Alexander and (was his wife Zelda?) his wife's place when Gunner became the played character?

    I thought that was how it had been going before him 🤔 But, I know I remember the family moving to that huge mansion at one point. So maybe they move more often than I thought.


    Thank you!! I still have work to do in Willow Creek. Jasper's sisters and father need better homes. But I do like how many of this thread's Sim's families live close to each other.

    I can imagine how beautiful your Oasis Springs is! Isn't Willow Creek shaping up nicely too?

    I try to keep the characters from other people as much in character as I can. But ... I also let them direct their lives, so... things change.

    Also, I'm missing so many packs/expansions, that a lot of clothes/hair never come through. And, I change my Sim's clothes everytime they are going to be photographed. And that makes them look different from their originals.

    Moana is a beautiful movie, I agree 😊. Last year, my granddaughter's 2nd birthday party was Moana themed ❤️

    And wow!! Earlwood got the violet eyes! That's cool! It's hard to overcome the dominant brown eyed genes. And his eyes look big! and wide apart. ❤️ Maybe you'll get your wish. And yes, it's so good that Bondi didn't get any bad traits from that useless mother of her's. This family's personalities have been wonderful! Especially for the non played Sims! They've been amazing (except, of course, Bondi's mom).

    Are you going to be playing as more than one Sim from now on?

    Oh! I'm at the photography update now!

    Gosh! The photographer has basic human needs! How very strange 😅

    You didn't mention a bed at the studio, does your photographer go home to sleep?

    Thanks for telling me the trick to not freeze the game. I really want Laney to be a photographer for real! I've always played her as one, and I maxed her camera skill very quickly! She photographes all of the weddings and babies already, so the Sims have high level pictures for their walls

    Anyway, I'm rambling. Who are you using as a photographer?

    And I laughed so hard at your "teen" models 😂😅😂

    Boy oh boy do your Sims read this forum 😅

    (We should take advantage of that somehow, I'll have to think about that)

    Anyway, Dennis did a good job with the athletic wear. You can't really tell how old he is with the sunglasses on (though the grey mustache is a clue 😂)

    Billie is absolutely adorable 🥰❤️

    And holy cow! Summer is so gorgeous with her hair down 😍 I think she's getting a new hairdo when I go back into the game!

    Dennis had issues with the rest of the pictures though 😅 Nice view of Summer!

    And I loled at your tester Sim. What traits does she have? Bored, irritated, and snooty?? 😂

    Does that blond come with the pack?

    How does it all work though? Do you put their outfits on and do their hair as the photographer? Or are they sent to you ready to go? Because obviously none of them were teens. So I can't figure out how it would work.

    And geez Miko, show some tact, lady ☹️


    Omg! the "We Hate Eliza Pancakes" club! 😅😂

    My gosh! How does she offend so many people? 😮

    I swear, whenever I have my Sims do the interaction to help another Sim with poor relationships, she has never come up 😅

    I guess she's not as awful in my game. Either that or she never leaves the house.

    Do you think she has a privileged life when they start out? I never considered her to be well off. Did they prosper in your game?

    If they did, it seems that's over, because the diner is failing...

    Well, at least they got the twins out of it.


    Thank goodness that Stix came home before Kappa passed away. I hope that little dopey Stix doesn't run away again.

    Her painting of Kappa is truly amazing!!

    I love seeing how the Moschino pack works with the freelance photography career! I think I understand it much better now!

    She was lucky to run into friends at the gym! How realistic is this career? Did she have to pay them for modeling for her?

    I love how she dealt with her annoying fan 😅 And hurray! Her first gig was a success 🙌


    You were right, it was the Tumblr posts I had missed. So now I know Tirek has the artifact. He doesn't give a darn about his "gang." He's not very good at keeping people from escaping 😅 He knows how to use the artifact to cause widespread destruction. And the possibility of true magic is coming to mind.

    This update is cute, with them skating. Except I'm on pins and needles waiting for something to happen!😅


    My goodness! What does Nina have against Jaclyn Moss? 😮

    And that's nice that Dustin and Mimi got married! I hope his luck with hit songs continues.

    What does Mimi do?


    Lmao, my bad eyesight sticks again 😅

    I sure didn't recognize her as Opal

    And yes, I've done that too. Making a sibling for someone that comes out to close to the original. I made one for Brant Hecking once, and he looks like his twin. 😂

    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    ldmarkoldmarko Posts: 5,487 Member
    It's Killian's birthday!




    They're in the middle of a nasty heatwave, so they decided to cool down at the Windenburg pool.





    Gallery ID: LDM2
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    Hey y’all!
    @ellupelluellu- Wow! Geoffrey looks really good! He has been working out! I know Babs has commitment issues but their marriage seems to be good for him. And OMG Malcolm kicked her out! Well, I never liked Nancy much.
    @doodlydoofus -Luz looks so pretty in green and also in purple! Congrats on Gunner getting those accolades awards!
    @darkangel1994 Curtis is quite a handsome boy! I hope he and Andromeda will someday meet again.
    @siliclone -i love that summer camp for teens! The build looks amazing!
    @o-meezy-I know! I can’t wait until she has the baby. I’m suspecting a boy. She has about a week left in this pregnancy, I have set the pregnancy duration for 14 days via MCCC. Avery’s mural looks amazing! I also really like that photo of Zion and Avery together. And lol! Poor thing over did it with the drinks.
    @simlish1 -Dalmar is an adorable toddler! Hopefully he will look like Dirk. He has some pretty strong genes :)
    @dust_bunny28 I am really liking your story line! It Hopefully Louise will find answers about her origins soon!
    @becka28 Thank you about Joanna! She has been a very fun sim to play so far
    @deafsimmer OOh! I can’t wait to see Luna, Celestia and Discord’s new adventures and new home in Glimmerbrook!
    @simmelinna1 Dustin had better be careful with that cowplant lol!
    @ldmarko -Oh Killian is such a cute kid! Those pool screenshots look awesome
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    @AlwaysAsking I can totally see Gunther parenting, he's often doing house works around like cleaning or doing the laundry, he's a good housewife like Caleb.... I tent to respect their "wishes" (meaning: what the mod I use randomized for them) when making couples, I did change Morgan and Caleb sexuality though, both of them were straight for them mod, but Morgan is canonically a lesbian in all my saves and Caleb is canonically Bi for me... Plus I really like the dating period! Now I have Summer who likes Paolo but Paolo doesn't like her back (plum Paolo, she's so cute)
    I also have Max in range for 3 negative traits.... I suck at parenting... Lucolas got in range for one because he skipped school to go fishing to save Cassandra though...
    Olivia was flirty but not really into Lucolas, it's always the mod I use, she likes black hairs and other things Lucolas doesn't have... like high body muscles... I think she would be more into .. Wolfgang...
    I bought Gunther a violin to see if he would go and play it autonomously since he doesn't write and always feels tense because he doesn't create, but that's the only time he played it...
    Teens can propose, yep... Funny enough Lucolas is always the first of the Munch brothers to marry every time I play them...

    Raj did some workout, he's taking it seriously... and Brent is never at the Gym... it was Brant to flirt with Caleb, though... probably because they're very good friends and Caleb shares some of Brent traits (brown hairs for example, the mod sets the attraction to the features of the spouse for married couples)

    @sarabeth2984 thanks, I'm having fun with it... it's a messy gameplay but funny (I have Max there...)
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    Hey Y’all!
    I hope everyone is having a great week!
    Here is the Latest Chapter to the Villareal Mystery!

    Chief of Police Samuel Vimes, Detectives Agnes Macmuruch and Douglas Hunter discuss the latest details of the murder of Celeste Villareal. (Hunter is sitting at the computer). Celeste Villareal was the wife of Jacques Villareal. Her body had been found buried at the ancient ruins north of Old Windenberg
    “Hunter, You had handled the missing person’s case when Celeste Villareal was reported missing by her son Hugo. Why did you dismiss the case?” demanded Vimes
    “Well sir, its well known that Celeste’s and Jacques marriage was failing rapidly. Arguments could be heard nearly constantly. This was witnessed by both family members and neighbors. I had performed a search of the house but the place was clean. No signs of foul play. Her clothes and most valuable jewelry were missing. We concluded that she had abandoned the marriage and didn’t want to be found.”
    Hmmm said Vimes
    Douglas leaves the room in a huff.
    “What do you think of that reply MacMuruch?” Vimes asks, pointing as Douglas leaves his office
    “Its all plum sir.”
    Well, we need to formally inform Mr. Villareal of the death and murder of his wife. I kept details of this case under wraps from the family and the media until we had more information. Let’s also perform a search of the house. I will be personally accompanying you on this excursion. We can bring extra muscle while we’re at it. We’ll do it this evening. Take a few hours off to rest and we will meet there.

    Later that afternoon, Agnes hugs her son Skyler
    and tells her fiance Griffin she will be working a case that evening. He worries about her all the time
    He wishes her luck

    Alright crew. Remain calm and respectful.
    (forgive me, my career outfits are completely messed up at the moment so I am trying to substitute)
    Peering out the window, mobster boss Jacques Villareal sees 3 police officers standing on his front porch. “Oh PLUM!!” He signals to 2 of his cronies, Mistress Hell and Lacrimosa to stay out of sight
    Vimes delivers the bad news
    Then draws the search warrent to conduct an investigation of the house
    Lacrimosa and Mistress Hell quickly cause the crew to hallucinate
    Don’t worry boss. They think they are conducting a search”
    “Excellent!” Jacques cackles joyfully

    But what’s this here?
    Someone followed our team,
    Griffin isn’t happy. With a poof he flies off

    The detectives leave dazed.
    “What are we going to do boss?” asks Mistress Hell
    “Don’t worry my dear, I have a certain business associate in the police force who can help us in exchange for profit in our next venture” Villareal replies

    Its night-time. There are very few people out. Jacques and his crew have gathered for their latest art heist. If they could pull this off, they could be drawing in thousands of simeoleons.
    Ladies. Gentleman. You know what to do”
    Lacrimosa and Mistress Hell take care of the few witnesses in the building
    Once dispatched, the theft can begin!
    Mistress Hell is able to swipe a large painting. She must have large pockets lol
    Lacrimosa and Jacques join in the fun
    Kat Cave, and our Jacques’ longtime “business associates” Malcolm Landgraab and Douglas Hunter join in by sabotaging objects around the building
    Douglas Hunter breaks the coffee pot
    Malcolm and Kat clog the sinks and toilets

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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @SiliClone summer saved Paolo from my black widow (when I decided I didn't like playing that way) he moved in with them and saved summers life from a massive fire caused by her terrible cooking skills. Summer fell in love hard with Paolo but he wanted nothing to do with her. Must not be true love for those 2. Lol
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    I lost this part when posting for whatever reason so here it is!

    The murder of Celeste Villareal was all over the news. Finally reports and information have been pouring in. Nothing conclusive had been found at the home. Agnes had misgivings about that search, for whatever reason.
    Agnes ponders details of the case.
    An anonymous witness called in the following. They had been drawn to a window by loud voices. The witness refused to identify themselves for fear of retaliation by the mob.

    An argument had occurred between Celeste and her husband Jacques over his treatment of the children
    The argument escalated in intensity
    Only one remained standing
    Of course it was all seen through a window

    Villareal was later seen that same afternoon hauling a large bag in the vicinity of the ancient ruins

    Agnes was upset. All of this was hearsay. They could do nothing without hard evidence.

    Well remember when Bjorn, our covert operations specialist, had planted that subdermal microphone on Jacques when he infiltrated the Villareal Home several weeks ago?
    Well he listened in on him.
    And what he heard astounded him!
    Well give it a minute to process lol
    Bjorn tells his clone Bjorn2 what he’s heard

    Till next time!
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    edited September 2019
    @Becka28 I know what you mean...
    that got all the kids into yoga....

    anyway, summer camp!!
    we're having a lot of bad weather... but it's nice all the same...
    We started yesterday, but I didn't have much time to play...
    we have a couple of problematic kids...
    Max Villareal...
    and Billie Jang...
    she got the hot heated trait...

    Olivia spend most of her time painting..
    and Elsa, reading...
    Alex's still trying to catch up with grades...
    Max ... he just goes around plumming off everyone..
    while Billie is a lot into Yoga..

    I'm controlling only Summer and sometimes Paolo... as soon as I arrived, Lucolas and Olivia entered a mean streak phase....
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    In this latest chapter of WhateverthehellImade, things get dark.

    First off, the toy castle was smashed at the party last night....and we have no idea who did it.................That's not the dark part.
    It's a beautiful Gunnar's standards because he's a vampire and sunlight kills him.
    So Gunnar decided that the good people of San Myshuno need some of his guitar.
    I couldn't help but....get a screenshot of this maid....
    Bruce got rid of that stupid hairstyle and got.....this new one. AKA I bought Island Living when it was on sale and this screenshot was taken on the 29th AKA the last day of that Island Living sale....Don't expect any Island Living content....just yet.
    Luz likes this new hairstyle for Bruce because that vampire hair was just....stupid.
    Adorable toddler hug.
    Adorable toddlers welcoming Gunnar home from work.
    And Bruce continues to make messes on the floor.
    Neighbors were loud, Luz decided she was going to deal with them.
    Husband was understanding about it. He couldn't fault Luz for getting angry with them. Good guy.
    This is why being a parent is awful. Cleaning your toddler's messes and they just scream in your face.
    You know, he REALLY needs to use this workout machine...
    Meanwhile, Bruce got lazy and went to school in his pajamas. But at least his hairstyle is cool and unique.
    It appears we found our culprit. This is pretty dark, but not THE dark part.
    Hey to lighten the mood, here's Rosalie being adorable!
    Neighbors were being loud again, this time I sent Gunnar, instead of the understanding husband, we got this total.....Well I can't even say the words that come to mind here but you probably have a good idea of what I want to call her.
    Seriously, it's past midnight and this.....this woman who I can't describe how I feel about her just shrugs it off and laughs at this man whose children are trying to sleep.
    Oh THEN she runs inside her apartment to hide from her consequences?
    Awful Woman: "There's nothing on TV at this time of night!"
    Gunnar: "'Sup."
    Gunnar: "Now maybe if I get a nice big drink from you you'll pass out and give us some peace and quiet for the night!"
    Gunnar: "Hey kid, don't come out here unless you wanna be traumatized!"
    Gunnar: "Alright, now that that's over let's watch some TV."
    Awful Woman: "I don't feel so well."
    Gunnar: "Good, she was standing in my way."
    Grim: " this a bad time?"
    Grim: "So you're telling just accidentally drank too much blood from her?"
    Gunnar: "Listen to be completely honest here, she was being loud and rude. I couldn't help myself."
    Grim: "Not gonna lie, I probably would've done the same thing."
    Child: "Mommy?"
    Child: "Oh my god it's Gunnar Bailey! You're my favorite musician ever!"
    Grim: "Sheesh, you dodged a bullet right there Gunnar."
    Gunnar: "Here kid, have my autograph."
    Grim: "And now you don't have a mom!"
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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Jaclyn just happened to be in front of her house, when Nina got the voodoo doll. They have a positive relationship.
    Mimi is a freelance programmer.

    @sarabeth2984 He is. Dustin is a b-lister and want to become a superstar.
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    DeeWhy Part 3

    I know I have posted some random photography things so:
    previous part:

    Baby Earlwood was very popular.

    Grandma didn’t want to put him down.

    DeeWhy and Madelaine used the plethora of babysitters as an excuse to go and fulfil the view art part of their aspirations. Guess what viewing art at an ART GALLERY doesn’t count. It has to be a museum…. At least they had an awesome day they really enjoyed.

    Someone else in the family has found their special someone … congratulations Drummoyne (annoyingly the game has called her Madelyn – so now there are two Madelaine Robersons)

    Clovelly with her son-in-law and daughter-in-law.

    Party Time.

    DeeWhy’s cousin is also expanding her family.

    Clovelly’s boys getting down.

    Madelaine catches townie gold walking past the house for her photo challenge – he has so many accessories and coloured clothes I am sure this will count in the scavenger hunt (I am taking lots of photos and working out which ones I will use later).
    And then as I showed earlier cutey violet eyed Earlwood aged up to a toddler.

    He was ecstatic to discover talking and it is his favourite thing. If someone stands still he will rush over and talk to them. I have never had a toddler develop talking skill so quickly.

    By the way – I never realised how nice this table is – with the gilding and the etched glass patterns. I would have used it many times if I had.

    Deewhy and Madelaine snuck off and autonomously celebrated having a toddler, I think now they will end up having another.

    Clovelly is excited to be getting another grandchild.

    Even Deewhy showed a tonne of emotion (for him this was a huge excited reaction).

    Dancing with Grandma

    Then Darlinghurst came around and shared more good news (MCCC says it is triplets – glad it is not Madelaine).

    Drummoyne also is excited for Darlinghurst.
    Clovelly and Rhys continue their romantic trysts and that stupid plum is back. He complains about Clovelly being out in public with a ghost. Rhys complains that this young man is out in public in that suit..

    Clovelly won’t tolerate this man’s whining and complaining any longer (never mess with a woman who has a simray and isn’t afraid to use it).

    Celebrating the victory of their love.
    And I have got a message that I don’t like about Clovelly’s long life coming to an end …no!
    OK… game we will make sure she enjoys her last days ..
    Family trip to the park (Clovelly got married in the chapel here so it is a special place for her).

    The very first thing Earlwood does is pull out a book and ask Madelaine to read to him. He is a very strong personality for an autonomous toddler.

    This teen was playing the Llama game – I feel the townies continue to get better looking every generation (at least the ones born in game).

    Earlwood discovers toddler heaven. (I have never had a toddler enjoy the equipment like this before).

    How can he help being happy when his mother is also so joyful and enthusiastic?

    Mum has her own fun lined up.

    I worry Earlwood may become a Lawrence – random strangers keep on coming up and trying to hug him – he is a bit unsure – especially about Darth Vader. (the cosplay club was meeting).

    He loved this hug though.

    @DoodlyDoofus wow, that kid's reaction (or non reaction) to her mother's death was dark. Oh mum's dead too bad so sad - celebrity yay.
    I thoroughly support drinking too deeply from your annoying neighbours - my sims have broken marriages and stolen husbands to get them to shut up and let people sleep.

    @AlwaysAsking my photographer in the test save was Dante, the male sim pictured with the blonde sim. I edited a random sim in CAS and put the blonde moschino hair on her. The hair is amazing and makes the sim look so special. She is a style influencer (if I play more in the test save.) The multicoloured hair sim is definetely an erratic trait sim and that usually explains her range of negative emotions.

    Madelaine does all the photography in the drifter save. I am allowed to play Madelaine and DeeWhy this save - I watch what Clovelly does whole they are at work (mostly - i did choose for her to meet her son and daughter in law but it didnt affect the goals/aspirations or money earning of the main sims. I won't control her to water or harvest the garden or cook etc which does effect how much money or time the main sims have. Her painting is her own autonomous choice.

    Next round (Earlwoods generation) they have to build on big lot Oakenstead in Willow Creek - all sims in the house will be playable and the house has to be a big mansion so they get starting momey too. Earlwoods heir will have to find their partner by doing a bachelor/bachelorette challenge (very exciting) and thats why the mansionis built so the challenge can be held there. It will probably be a while before I get there as realm of magic look like it has a lot to keep me busy. When will I ever get back to Brock and ALana? (actually I just made a screensaver slide show full of their screenshots so for me I feel like i spend a lot of time with them). I also have 2 weeks holiday in october so I can rotate through some saves (and maybe even go outside in the real world LOL).
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    I've been having so much fun with this...

    The grill kept catching on fire every single time... so, I installed a mod to stop the madness
    Max was the first one to miss home...
    Elsa is obsessed with cleaning...
    Billie starts arguments with everyone...
    then my first storm arrived...
    I like Billie.. she ain't afraid of nothing!
    the storm didn't care about it, though...
    everyone gathered in the dinning area...
    apart from Elsa, who had to complain about puddles in the rain...
    I got them a karaoke machine to keep them busy..
    being struck by a lightining didn't stop Billie from starting arguments...
    then Paolo got hit...
    my Grim is good, though... and spared him!
    you're such a good Grim!!!
    then he went singing at the karaoke...
    next day, another storm.. I locked them all inside...
    where I have 2 flirty painting...
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    AngeliqueAdelaideAngeliqueAdelaide Posts: 1,033 Member
    edited September 2019
    I really hope that Cararina´s second marriage is going to work out better than the first one, because I hate to think about Francois losing another father figure (Mortimer took a page out of his father´s book and disappeared on him)

    I have been reading everyone´s stories - you and your sims are both awesome - but as I just went back to work after several months away, I have been too exhausted to comment on anything.

    Back to Forgotten Hollow:
    Catarina shared the big news with her mother 8IsdNBn.png
    Caleb continued to come over on most inappropriate times to cry in the coffin yPhywox.png
    The world must be ending, because once he was done with his daily crying session, Caleb sought out the sparring machine on his own xV7p1YK.png
    This seemed to have cheered him up, because some time later I heard someone singing and found him practicing singing at the attic 3TX0coP.png
    Anastassia joined the fun (she had been taking a bath before she decided that she felt like beating someone up) 4UU1hMG.png
    Catarina and Luka both decided at the exact same moment that it was time to check the toddler (who was asleep) 4T7EmJy.png
    Catarina terrified her poor fiance with tales about sunlight (Catarina can go out whenever she wants to, but Luka is supposed to only leave the house during the daytime to go to work, because he is thin-skinned and suffers from slight dayphobia. I use a mod that makes it safe for vampires at Forgotten Hollow, but I tend to forget it and still start to worry whenever I find him outside after sunrise.) Pa7ISRs.png
    They woke up one afternoon and decided that it was perfect time to get married utfrzwG.png
    Bat woohoo P9Lkwsg.png

    It was time for Francois to age up. Grandpa Caleb got the honors (Luka baked the cake, because he has maxed cooking skill and I wanted the cake to be edible) rt4BczX.png
    Caleb cried a little, because it occurred to him that he is old 23nOs7q.png
    Catarina: "Don´t mind the grandfather. It´s just the way he is."
    Catarina and Francois both made friends with Don Lothario (Luka fed off him when no one was looking). I had not seen Don for such a long time that I was worried that he had died at some point without me noticing, but then he showed up at Forgotten Hollow. LiNKV2r.png
    Francois is a very talkative child. His birthday was at Friday, and by Monday, he had already maxed his social skill.
    Mortimer actually remembered that he has a kid for once and came to see him. He talked to Francois for about a minute before wandering off to play the piano.
    Catarina gave birth to a baby girl named Isolde IJDhlQA.pngGWgFA09.png
    Luka immediately got a whim to have another one, but he will have to wait until I figure out how to tastefully expand their house. I love that house, but it has barely enough room for two kids, let alone a couple more.
    A large fight broke out between Luka and Anastassia. She had been warning Francois about vampires and deeply upsetting him with it, because being a vampire child, he was worried that his grandmother won´t love him anymore. Luka went to talk to her, pointing out that since he and Catarina were both vampires, such talk was really out of place. But Anastassia must have somehow missed the memo about Luka being a vampire (despite seeing him flying around numerous times as a bat), because she flipped off at him and their friendship went deep in red. Catarina tried and failed to calm her mother, so in the end, she had to kick her out to keep her from harrassing her husband any further. They need to stay away from each other until their relationship has faded enough to have a civil conversation and sort out that mess.

    Some news from Oasis Springs:
    Aedion admitted to his parents that he is a vampire and they were cool with it. Later that night, Antoniette was abducted by aliens M7kRJds.png She didn´t really mind - Antoniette is fine with both aliens and vampires, it´s the ghosts that she can´t stand (she is yet to encounter a mermaid, so I don´t know how she feels about them)

    Next time: what has Lilith been up to of late
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    Dust_Bunny2010Dust_Bunny2010 Posts: 163 Member
    edited September 2019
    Still sick. I hate colds. No one could sleep with a stuffed nose unless they down a couple of pills.

    On the other hand, I'm finally ready to post spring until we catch up. Word of warning, some of the marked spoilers here really are spoilers more than contextual assistants. It's best to avoid them for now unless you're prepared to risk it.

    Dino dragged Luise along to a rave till the dawn, in the island bluff of Windenburg, a city near where he lived. Luise has been cooped up in Club Calico's veranda for days before, and he thought she could use some unwinding. Luise, in the meantime, had been too suggestible in her mental haze from her ordeal with the well that she didn't outright refuse anything despite the much-needed rest.
    Luise sees someone familiar.
    Where have I seen him before? A magazine maybe? A tabloid...or a book?
    Dino, on the other hand, catches the eye of another girl, again.
    I don't understand what's going on with him anymore. After the Spice Festival and New Year's, things have been weird. Did he get into a fight with Daisy? She doesn't strike me as a headstrong type of girl.
    Luise finally shakes off her worries and problems, and got down to party with Dino.
    Unbeknown to him, she'd been looking for an outlet to let off some steam, so she "left" early.
    And while he continued to dance the night away, and flirt...
    She soon came back to the party rockin' a different outfit, complete with makeup and a different perfume, unrecognizable with her little black dress.
    Luise decided to turn up the notch, dancing her way to the center and stealing all eyes onto her.
    Cuz the party don't start til she walks in.
    'Do 'I' remember the 'Jayde' from Urbzville?'
    'Not quite, but daaaamn I still got it. I'm still the scene queen from Neon East to Central Quad. Lutz would be so plummed off, the jerk.'
    She doesn't seem to realize it, but Luise has been catching some attention from the opposite gender. (Disclaimer: Is the three lettered s-word actually allowed in the forums?)
    A fateful introduction.
    Luise meets Jayden Armstrong (a 2019 premade), and they hit it off really well. Hopefully not too well since Jayden has a girlfriend. She didn't think he'd make a good informant because he was too jocky, but she really needed newer sources that weren't Dino or magical beings.
    The party goes on, but Luise seems to have forgotten something, or rather, someone.
    Luise strikes in, Dino strikes out.
    He leaves the party early, and Luise sort of felt bad for it, though she didn't move to stop him.
    Afterwards, she spends a couple of days in Windenburg, exploring the rich culture and history.
    A beautiful sight before going back.
    A wonderful greeting back home. She can't adopt him yet, but she pampers him anyway.
    Back at Seaside Stories, Luise checks in on a few other informants who reveal to her the existence of StrangerVille.
    StrangerVille...? That's...not right, is it? StrangerVille...StrangerVille...a desert town where a terrible event was stopped by a brave woman named Alice Martin. The military tried to conceal what happened in the aftermath but the information spread like wildfire in the internet that it couldn't be contained. So that's what happened but...a blue plant? I remember a blue explosion...but plants don't explode, do they? A bright blue light...

    'Oy vey, that Cherenkov radiation really did a number on my brain, huh?'

    Cherenkov radiation? That was it! According to my last memory I should've been blown to bits from an explosion that had high radiation. But that doesn't make sense. The clandestine photos here show an intact plant. A dead plant, but intact. Even if some freak genetic makeup prevented it from dying or disintegrating from radiation, the surrounding structures will. If Cherenkov radiation swept the place over, StrangerVille should be nothing but an irradiated dust bowl. Something's not adding up, and I better take a visit to this "StrangerVille" if I want answers, maybe even the ones I need once and for all!
    Luise took a ride to seek some answers, and arrives to where it all began.
    I don't get it. If this really was the last place I've been to, why isn't it ringing any bells? I came here all the way to ŞŦŘΔŇǤ€Ŧ- StrangerVille and I still got nothing. But the most important question is why did I even come here back then? I was...what was I looking for? I was looking for something...but I'd been in a rut.
    "So you're telling me that the worst thing to have ever happened here was a giant plant? There aren't any connections to other unnatural events? disappearances maybe? Maybe sometime in the summer of 2004? Maybe a large circle of obelisks or a crash site?"

    "Nope. If you're looking for a crash site I can refer you to Mr. Cahill, but he's been busy. Nothing interesting happened after the Mother Plant, and nobody's disappeared from these parts since the 1800's. I can't even sell merchandise anymore."
    Unfortunately, she couldn't complete her investigation since good old Dino dragged her along for GeekCon.

    Luise makes the most of the situation and keeps up to dates with her informants and attempting to hack military databases, while Dino seemed to be rather sad and distressed about something.
    She eventually talked to him, though he seemed to have gotten over it quickly.
    Over the next few days, he'd invite her along to other places, such as another meet-and-greet.
    It was also around this time that premade elders were dying of old age.
    Luise meets with death, an all powerful being.
    Death, a constant factor and powerful un-quantifiable force that supersedes any limits imposed by any world. Like love. It was a rare chance, but if even the Santa of this world or a powerful wishing well can't take me back to where I belong, then maybe Death can. I pleaded with it, asking for something, anything, that might lead the way home, but all he could tell me was I was asking for an impossibility, To solve my problem, he told me that it would require a miracle more impossible than recalling the dead back to life. A one in nine hundred ninety nine trillion chance that would defy the fine-tuning order of the world that had a fray on its pattern, that fray being me. I was a fluke, the result of a foolish man playing with the tools of Watchers and committed an unforgivable hubris. My displacement and loss of memory from the way things were was an unanticipated side-effect, an unforeseen miracle when I should've perished that even my ghost would be deleted from existence. I could only ask if either Ruskowitz or Gene was alive, and even then it denied me answers.

    If even death refused my request, then what chance did I have of ever finding my way back home, to the place I belong? I didn't belong here, or anywhere...and for what? A stupid term paper in history class about infamous disappearances from two centuries ago?
    Luise falsely cheers up to talk to Jayden, who dropped by because he's apparently a fanboy.
    Another death
    Luise pleads with death once more, but this time, for a different reason.
    "Take reprieve. You are ill at heart. In exchange for the miracle that you did not want, the world will give you three miracles that you need. Find comfort in what can be done, and do not ask for the impossible again. May the Watcher have mercy on your soul. Now go, and find the path to your new destiny."
    Later that week, Dino would invite her out to dinner at Chez Sul Sul to celebrate her new job after she quit the freelancer career and into regular writing, a decision she'd made on impulse after secluding herself in the veranda for days to recover from her exchange with death and her emotional turmoil at the revelation of her circumstance. She put on a brave face and pretended everything was alright.
    She had to clarify with the host that it wasn't a date, but a friendly celebration dinner, so she didn't need a seat across Dino, who was thankfully still outside to hear anything.
    "This is a nice place, Dino. Thank you, really. I've had some...problems, and I could really use the night out to just not overthink."
    "Let me give you some advice. I don't really know how Italians work with their schedules, but around these parts, lunch is for friends, dinners are for dates. It's a good thing we're both men, right? Ahahahaha...ha..."
    "Right...listen, Louis, about that, I just wanted to let you know that-"
    "Food's here!"
    "Cazzo! Nevermind..."
    I gazed at my food, a simple lo-cal, probably tasteless, grilled chicken and delicious apple cider, and then my gaze turned to Dino, his Italian-style roast chicken and orange juice from probably the fields of Sicily or mountains of the Campanian knolls. We're so far apart in tastes. And yet he's been kind and patient with my whims and my distance, and all I've done was treat him selfishly and shabbily. I couldn't even bother correcting him that I'm a girl, let alone support him with hooking up or helping him with Daisy. Look at me right now, over there is a man from StrangerVille and he takes away half of my focus rather than fairly paying it all to Dino, who's been my friend all along even if I've only ever seen him as an informant, and someone to hate along with the rest of the people here during my time in isolation at the veranda. How will I ever even make it up to him? Do I even want to? Where do I draw the line? Should I finally correct him that I'm a girl, or will I be more helpful in his quest for romance as a brother-at-arms?

    Whatever happens, I'll be a good friend to him as long as needed be, and I won't treat him like a tool to be used for my selfish wishes anymore.

    Luise decides to make it up to Dino after dinner has ended, and secretly consults the magical cube she got from Father Winter for Dino's fate when it comes to love.
    Maybe this doesn't work unless it only applies to me. What a useless piece of junk. It can't answer questions for other people. It can't do anything besides predict the future in very vague sentences. It certainly can't bring me back home. Tsk! Well, if it won't answer my questions on Dino's romantic future, then maybe it'll tell me about my future in love. Hahaha...Gene...Gene...will I ever see him again? I may not be in love with him, yet, but I will eventually after we marry...if we get married...if I get back home...asking about a pre-fiancé should count as a question of love, right? As if I could take this thing seriously, hahahahaha.

    "Cubey, cubey, in my hands, what does my future hold? Will I be with my love someday, what has the future told?"

    "Your future love looks so bright it's blinding! Seriously...ouch."

    I nearly dropped the cube in shock, but held it firmly in my hands. How should I take that? Is it a sign of hope? Even if I can't get home ever again, the possibility of Gene maybe being displaced like me hasn't entered my mind. Maybe that's what happened to him? Maybe...he and I could...

    Later that night, she's slept well like she hadn't in a long time.

    The End of Spring Approaches...
    Nearly half a year passed since she's found herself in Brindleton Bay, and it was a holiday the locals called Love Day. So what was she doing sitting alone in a garden?
    According to my sources, this should be it, a portal to a pocket dimension where this land's fae hide and play. If I can just talk to one of them, or catch one, then I can augment its magic to help me find Gene, if he is here like me.
    Fairies here are more elusive than I thought.
    Even standing in the middle of a fairy circle wouldn't work.

    After a morning of exhaustive fairy-hunting to no avail, Luise had taken a bus back home, paying of the first bills she received since the construction of her little shack.

    A Very Weird Love Day(warning, this whole chapter is spoiler-filled because it failed to be delivered in third person, so view at your own discretion)
    Later that evening, Dino would invite me yet again to another one of his outings. It was a talent show on the Stargazer Lounge, and he wanted to come for laughs and probably make fools of ourselves while at it. Atop the buildings of San Myshuno, I couldn't help but think that the place was beautiful, even if the smog sorta ruined it. I was prepared to spend a fun evening with him, although I was also confused why he'd invite me in a lounge known for its scenic romantic views, instead of Daisy or another girl.
    At least...I was expecting a fun evening, but he'd been testy since we arrived, and when I took him aside to talk to him, he was having none of it.
    Later at dinner, I confronted him again. He seemed a little more calmer now, but he was still keeping quiet, which felt unusual, and I was worrying about it already.
    Eventually, I swallowed my pride and greed to accommodate his mood, whatever it is. I dragged him over to the karaoke bar and sang stupid songs with horribly tone-deaf voices. He'd better be grateful to me for this! I could've been badgering for autographs for resale, but instead I'm busy trying to cheer him up.
    When all was said and done, I took him aside and asked him if he was alright, and if there was something wrong. What he told me was far from any response I ever expected from him.

    "Si, sto bene. It's just, I'm planning to ask Daisy a very important question tonight."
    Color me surprised! He was finally going to ask Daisy into an exclusive commitment. I've never met the girl, but I've seen her once. She's very graceful and beautiful, whose scent wafts of freshly cut roses, bitter green daisies, and bright orris. She suits him very well, and he her. It's things like this that gave me hope for the future, and probably feeling a little fluttery on my stomach. I was nervous and excited for him, but wanted to keep my dignity and so gave a simple nod and smile; I already sacrificed my dignity singing off-tune to songs I don't know, so this much should be fine.
    But was it really fine? After a couple of drinks, I was making my way back to Brindleton Bay by the late bus, and I couldn't help but look back up to the lounge. Something still felt off about...everything, really. Everything's already starting to set into motion after I've been sedentary in misery for the last six months, but all my, friends, especially Dino are starting to spread out. I resolved to take everything until now at face value. Tomorrow, I'd begin to pursue my own happiness. I've long accepted I'll never see Lutz again, but with Gene...
    I would sleep that night in complete peace.

    And we've finally caught up, for the most part. Right now I'm playing the game and already took some screenshots, but I'll post way later, after I've finally recovered from the flu, probably tomorrow. All I can say is, the whole thing is turning into a shock, even for me.
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    calaprfycalaprfy Posts: 3,927 Member
    edited September 2019
    That dirty old rascal Cornelius Landgraab impregnated another townie behind his other lover's back!
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited September 2019
    Recently, Benjamin checked on his bees:
    Upstairs, Sophia made Hamish laugh:
    Downstairs, Wendy and Tiffany kissed:
    They then chatted with each other:
    Back upstairs in his bedroom, Hamish used the potty by himself:
    Game time for Benjamin, Wendy and Chloe!
    Upstairs, Hamish had successfully used the potty without any messes made!
    Sophia got a hug from Shine:
    Shine then asked about Sophia's phase (Sophia was going through a mean streak. Thank goodness I have autonomy disabled).
    She then gave Hamish a bath:
    Benjamin had finished his gaming session with his sisters and was now spraying his plants to get rid of bugs.
    He then went into his greenhouse and watered his plants there:
    Shine mopped the bathroom floor, as Hamish enjoys his bath time so much, he displaces water in the process:
    Benjamin was bonding with his bees:
    But the bees were not happy. And of course, bees let people know when they're narked. Benjamin is used to being on the receiving end of an angry swarm:
    'Alright, ladies. calm down. I'm not touching your honey at the moment' Benjamin said, as he felt another stinger go into his hand. Gradually, he got the bees to relax.
    'Thank goodness I'm not allergic to bee stings. I'm really glad I carry a supply of EpiPens on me, because it's worse for those who go into anaphylaxis after a bee sting or any other allergen' Benjamin thought. There are many bee species in Simsonia, but unlike their real life counterparts, Simsonian Honeybees have a smooth stinger and the pain is said to be less painful than a wasp's sting. I mean, sims can feel it, and it does hurt, but it's not dangerous unless the sim on the receiving end of the stings is severely allergic.

    I'm going to post another update tomorrow. I'm then going to finish packing for my holiday in Majorca. 7th to the 14th of September. This means I'm going to miss the release date of Realm of Magic. Gah.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,198 Member
    @sarabeth2984 , thank you for your comment :) And well, they aren't married yet, not even engaged , but I laughed out loud when I saw Nancys moving notification :D


    Babs, week 5
    (Warning , very sugary, syrup owerhaul update, lol, so do not look if you hate all that :) )
    Almost the whole week was pretty boring, both had really long work hours at same time, and straight to bed from work. Both had the last 2 days of the week vacation from work, so I finally managed to do something with them, something else than work-sleep-wakeup-kiss-eat-usetoilet-go to work...

    Gym time again!

    G: "You know, I found this treathmill manual, you are supposed to move your legs, not just stand there.."
    Nancy: "Shut up idiot!"

    Some sweet moments.. and then .. (LOL XD )
    G: "Is someone really clapping their hands to us? I bet it ain't Nancy."
    B: (giggled) "No, it is Katrina.. and very pregnant, hormones.."

    K: "I am so glad you stole Geoffrey from that annoying Nancy! Imagine, she tried to flirt with Jaques right in front of me!! She just tries to find another rich man to be her toy! I would never do anything like that!"

    B: "Hmmmm.. yes I am sure you wouldn't ... " (priceless face, lol)

    When back at home, commitment issues strike again...
    G: "What's wrong?"
    B: "It's this job of mine.."
    G: "What about it?

    B: "I have been there for over a 2 weeks! UGH! Just too long for me to be at the same place surrounding same sims all the time! I so want to ditch it!"
    G: "That's the same amount of time I have been living here with you. I assume you want to ditch me too, then?"

    "I.. I don't know..." She replied.
    "Well then, better think it over." he said and walked inside.

    She took a long bath and thought about it seriously. She realized she only felt like in trap when it was about work, not anymore about him.
    (what is true, all her commitment issues what caused the moodlet were only about work these days, earlyer she always had two of those, one for work and one for Geoffrey, she was at really bad mood back then. I know I can change her traits with cheats or potion, but I try to avoid it)

    B: "Smells great!"
    G: "There is plenty of tacos at the counter, take some."

    B: "I.. I do not want you to go.. I.. am trying to say, I .. kinda you."

    G: "I do love you too, but that you already knew."

    B: "yes, I hope there is a way I can prove it..."

    G: "You don't need to. But if you want, I can easily tell you how..."
    B: "Sure! How?"

    AND.. at this point there were suposed to be drumrolls and a proposal,, BUT I was at phone while I moved pictures around to folders and DELETED the darn 3 pictures by accident!! :( And I do not mean deleted to recycle bin, I mean really deleted to the bit space :(
    But ahh.. it would of been the longest engagement at this save, as MCCC handles the others and seems they skip the whole engagement thing, and straight to the marriage,, handy, LOL

    So , at Sunday... DAA - DADDA - DAAAA, DAA - DADDA - DAAAAA (organs or or radio, what ever :P )
    Small ceremony, not many guests as they.. pretty much do not know many!

    Here we have Dina, I did a mini makeover for her too (change to darker skintone is because she has darker skin at TS2, and her granma, Dulcinea Caliente, was black, it is the lighning what makes it darker than it is ). Bella is super hyper exited about her friends marriage (Babs was closest to her).

    Katrina, I hope that is juice, right? And looks like our barista is Mila Kim.

    Looks like both, Bella and Nina are not happy about Mila serving Katrina wine :D

    LOL, I assume a bit later it was Mortimers duty to watch out does Katrina drink or not :P

    Malcolm likes his dad's new marriage :)
    (At this point I realised that I only changed his everyday outfit and hair..not formal or any other category.. ah will fix that later )

    Eh.. you are NOT invited!!

    That evil b***h even tried to kiss him! Regretting something Nancy? Too late, lady!

    He has different girl to kiss for now.

    G: "Are you hungry? I would like something to eat."
    B: "Starving , there is only sweets to eat here, I need something salty for a change."
    G: "Okay, lets go... wife."
    B: *giggles*

    Lots oif uninvited guests, funnyest to me was Eliza, she just stand there and stared that arch..for a long time..Hmmm planning something behind Bob's back?

    The wedding was at afternoon, short trip to home to change chlothes and then off to a dinner to Villa Bovine.

    Hmm, maybe just me, but that steak looks like it is a tid too well done :D

    They had great time!

    Unlike the other couple there, Gavin and Eva, who looked pretty bored xD


    LOOOOL!! They honestly got off from their table and did that! And then right back to their table to look as bored as before !! xD

    Some cuddling time, while waiting their lift home.

    When finally back at home, it was almost midnight, but they had lots of talk about the day, so much happened!

    Sweet Dreams <3

    Disclaimer: I did warn you, about sugary all over the place, if you can read this, you opened the spoiler tag anyway :)

    News from Sim City Tabloid , net version (MCCC) , from the week 5:
    Marriages announced:

    Geoffrey Landgraab and Babs L'Amoure

    New familymembers:

    Niina Kim

    Oscar Fyres

    Daniel Romeo

    Eddie Munch

    Samuel Bjergsen

    PS: sorry for all typoes, english is not my native language and I am too tired to check every time I am not sure how it is spelled :)
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    ldmarkoldmarko Posts: 5,487 Member
    Just when it looked like my little family was complete & nearing the end of diaper days, Leo goes & gets himself abducted.



    Meanwhile the scorching heatwave continued, but Alvin managed to keep his cool.


    Leo seems to have an increased appetite.


    No doubt about it now.


    "I'm still the heir, right?" Yes Nolan, you are. Maybe. We'll see.


    Leo was feeling a bit off that night, so he stayed home with the tots, while Kira to Alvin & Killian to the Spice Festival.


    The boys had some food, then shot some hoops.


    They're good.


    They spent their final summer day at the park.





    Ah, what sweet relief when that cooler fall weather finally rolled around. Put out some spooky lighting, just for the fun of it.



    Kira seems to be taking her husbands, ummm, condition in stride. We'll see how she feels when she realizes she has 4 more weeks of cleaning potty chairs.


    Gallery ID: LDM2
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    edited September 2019
    Hey everyone!
    I hung out with the Pancakes today. Their house got a makeover! I kept the exterior as is. I think the outside is cute but the upstairs needed an overhaul!

    Eliza says Hi! and would like to show you around her house. She's in her third trimester now

    Here is the master bedrooom (yes she and Bob are sharing their room now! That was I'm assuming Bob's room where their computer is
    Bob's eye view
    Master Bathroom
    The baby room
    I split the bedroom into two and opened up the hallway
    Eliza's going to use that little craft room for the time being but it will become baby room #2 soon!
    Here's the living room
    And the lower floor
    Well right after our house tour Eliza went into labor. She was more into watching College Cram than the labor though
    Bob freaked out then went back into the kitchen to make more pancakes.
    Its a boy!
    Eliza thinks he's cute
    So does Bob
    Bob went ahead and aged him up
    Meet Joey Pancakes!
    Dad and Joey bonding over blocks

    I also popped over to Griffin and Agne's household
    They decided it would be a good day to have a wedding. Its fall in my game right now but early enough that all the plants are still blooming. The went over to Chateau Shallot. Agnes' boss Chief of Police Sam Vimes, her friend Cornelia Goth and her dad Neil MacMuruch came along. Their two kids were there too. I wanted to include some of Griffin's family but they were all "Sleeping right now and can't come". :( That's one feature I find really irritating
    The guests were still converging lol
    Tying the Knot
    Selfie of the happy couple
    The bride Agnes (they took each other's picture)
    And the groom Griffin
    Griffin's daughter Lisette
    and Agne's son Skyler
    The kids get along really well thank goodness
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    Someone found a bit of privacy...
    while Billie finally got to Max...
    Elsa was looking at them and thinking "Teens...."
    next day, a storm started soon in the morning and Summer got stuck with the only two teens awake... Lucolas..
    and an angry Billie...
    and Paolo of course...
    Elsa and Olivia got stuck in the girls dorm...
    and Alex got stuck in the boys dorm with Max...
    Billie started arguing with Lucolas and went on all day...
    while things went downhill fast in the bys dorm..
    Paolo had to make a run to stop it...
    The girls were just having a nice day...
    Paolo, not so much...
    the Olivia was missing home and Elsa went to console her...
    They became very good friends...

    Poor Paolo was done...
    and things weren't going any better in the main building...
    they were the only ones having fun...

    I'm mid summer now and the romances are starting...
    Lucolas autonomously asked Olivia to be his girlfriend...
    and I caught Elsa doing this...
    I didn't even know they were flirting.. but the girl knows what she wants...
    then Billie tried to flirt with Lucolas...
    Olivia saw it all..
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    SimTrippySimTrippy Posts: 7,651 Member
    edited September 2019
    @sarabeth2984 I finally got around to downloading your amazing church!! :) Fits perfectly in Strangerville where I will use it to bury the militaries :D Love the ability to give a short speech as well, it's a great idea!

    And, well, it's been necessary because I've had three sims die pretty much the exact same day, cause I forgot they were all the exact same age xD Let's just say, for Grimmy, it was a worthwhile trip!

    I guess it hadn't been their lucky day anyway, as it started with a major fire that somehow set every single sim on the lot on fire, and Edgar peed himself ... kind of a sad yet oddly realistic thing to happen to you 3 hours before you die huh :/

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