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Self Woohoo/Personal Care/More adult options


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    StormsviewStormsview Posts: 2,603 Member
    Stormsview wrote: »
    It's not against the law, It's just that these retailers like to stick together. So they all have this ESRB Rating, and they treat them like they are the law.

    This the reason I feel they need two versions. Sells will go up not down. With one Version sales will most likely go down a lot.

    That would require development time, and personally, I'd rather they spend their time on other things. Let modders add the more 'adult' stuff. (Though personally, I suspect that 'adult' features - both violence and woo-hoo - tend to appeal more to the teens who are forbidden to buy it.)

    You make a good point about the ESRB and retailers - you lose a lot of sales if you can't sell at the major stores. And while some of the ESRB components don't make sense (it's rather silly to pixel out a fully-dressed toddler on the pot), the developers don't make those rules.

    I agree with you about developers time. but as far as Toddlers go, with the type of people in the world, Yes they need to be covered. Do we cover our toddlers in their little pools in our real sure we do? Do you want your toddlers on web uncovered, no way? EA is right in covering toddlers, I am sure they are protective of their own toddlers. I know I am.

    Adults are fully dressed as well and we to are blocked out. Its a form of respect. And this respect is also passed on to the toddlers and kids as well as teens

    If you take your toddlers out uncovered, you will not have them for long. They would be taken away if the parent does not understand that they need to be covered.
    we'll give you a full refund. Just make sure you make your request within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from your date of purchase, or within seven days from the game's release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first.
    Who said EA doesn't have a sense of humor
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    StormsviewStormsview Posts: 2,603 Member
    @Stormsview i’m not really sure what you are talking about or if you are just trying to derail the thread. Unless Maxis were to, for some strange reason, implement explicitly sexual animations or situations then there is really no concern over the rating. This game is rated T and has always contained sexual themes, but not explicit sex. I don’t see why you would expect that to change? Maybe you are missing the point or something, but there is absolutely no reason a feature such as “self-woohoo” would change the rating if it’s presented in a way like all other woohoo’s. As I said earlier, claiming this will bump up the rating to M is over the top. Realistically, if done correctly it will result in no change to the rating because it’s no different in concept than any other woohoo situation.

    Please quote me when you have a concerens about what I said otherwise i see your just saying things form your own mind, And I see nothing of what I said.

    we'll give you a full refund. Just make sure you make your request within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from your date of purchase, or within seven days from the game's release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first.
    Who said EA doesn't have a sense of humor
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    GodleyjeansGodleyjeans Posts: 336 Member
    Hi everyone, just popping in to ask you guys to keep this thread nice, calm and clean.

    Please address any concerns and issues in a respectful and low toned manner, many posts. Both mine and other simmers, have seen a simple topic go into full blown arguments resulting in the admins having to give warnings and or even close said threads regarding X Y and Z.

    This isn’t a curtain feature to happen, it’s just a “hey what if we ask for this?”

    So please respect each other and if things begin to feel stressful and negative, there’s the easy option of walking away and or reporting any abusive or bullying behaviour to the admins.

    Have a nice day all
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    drake_mccartydrake_mccarty Posts: 6,115 Member
    edited January 2019
    Stormsview wrote: »
    @Stormsview i’m not really sure what you are talking about or if you are just trying to derail the thread. Unless Maxis were to, for some strange reason, implement explicitly sexual animations or situations then there is really no concern over the rating. This game is rated T and has always contained sexual themes, but not explicit sex. I don’t see why you would expect that to change? Maybe you are missing the point or something, but there is absolutely no reason a feature such as “self-woohoo” would change the rating if it’s presented in a way like all other woohoo’s. As I said earlier, claiming this will bump up the rating to M is over the top. Realistically, if done correctly it will result in no change to the rating because it’s no different in concept than any other woohoo situation.

    Please quote me when you have a concerens about what I said otherwise i see your just saying things form your own mind, And I see nothing of what I said.

    Take a look at your long post with intermittent bolding that was copied from the internet about ESRB ratings. I refuse to spam this forum with unnecessary extended quotes when my post was telling you the entirety of your post made no sense in context with what is being discussed here. For the sake of accommodating you, here’s the extended quote you posted:
    Stormsview wrote: »
    Sometimes we are just barking up the wrong tree?
    If enough simmers want things changed? then talk to who can help you. Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB).

    The (ESRB) assigns age and content ratings to consumer video games. in response to criticism of controversial video games with excessively violent or woohoo content.

    The board assigns ratings to games based on their content, using judgment similar to the motion picture rating systems used in many countries, using a combination of six age-based levels intended to aid consumers in determining a game's content and suitability, along with a system of "content descriptors" which detail specific types of content present in a particular game. The ESRB maintains a code of ethics for the advertising and promotion of video games ensuring that marketing materials for games are targeted to appropriate audiences.

    Basically, this is about money and sales. If it goes to adult Store would have to ask for Identification. Then everyone under 18 or 21 in some countries would not be able to buy, Most Retail stores will not stock it without ratings.

    Is a little self woohoo wanting simmers worth the risk of the sales drop?

    The ESRB ratings system is enforced via the voluntary leverage of the North American video game and retail industries, Most shops do not stock games which have not been rated. major console manufacturers will not license games for their systems unless they carry ESRB ratings, while console manufacturers and most toy stores will refuse games that the ESRB has rated as being appropriate for adults.
    It's not really against the law not to get your games rated, This is something that Retailers do and want, and will not change. They do not want to have any consumer group on their backs, over what they sell they are in business for a profit.

    Due to the level of consumer and retail awareness of the ratings system, along with the organization's efforts to ensure that retailers comply with the ratings system and that publishers comply with its marketing code, the ESRB has considered its system to be effective, and was praised by the Federal Trade Commission for being the "strongest" self-regulatory organization in the entertainment sector.
    That means they have the power to take your games off the shelf, and out of consols and even mobile games. Talking about a drop in stock?

    Despite its positive reception, the ESRB has still faced criticism from politicians and other watchdog groups for the structure of its operations, particularly in the wake of a 2005 incident that surrounded the organization's handling of "hidden", objectionable content in a game which could be accessed using a user-created modification.

    (Some do that in Sims and of course, it is not allowed so they just hide and Mod as they please)

    So I think its good to start with the ESRB, just fight them you may win.
    I have heard of Mods, but I like the game as is.

    Maybe sims 5, or 6. I do think Sims 5 will be released this year. Perhaps it will be one for adults and one for Teen rating. But Sims 4 is too old for change and is truly set in its ways. the reason I feel we should not bark up the wrong tree.

    This post has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion at hand and honestly doesn’t say anything other than you aren’t familiar with ratings agencies and what goes into rating a video game. The Sims has always been a T for Teen game, I don’t know why all of a sudden a few people are in a huge fit to protect children who by the very definition of the rating are not the intended audience.
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    Stormsview wrote: »
    catitude5 wrote: »
    They keep insisting that kids play this, but I don't see them. I think it's adults that play this. The rating should be changed.

    Well maybe they are like me, when I go to Game Stop, I just say I am buying for my kid. lol

    That could be.
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    LadyKyn wrote: »
    catitude5 wrote: »
    They keep insisting that kids play this, but I don't see them. I think it's adults that play this. The rating should be changed.
    Just because you don't seem them don't mean they don't exist. I played the first sims game quite a lot and was a quote unquote 'kid'.

    The forums and fan websites only make up a fraction of the community. There are more that play on PC and console and aren't active members.

    If they are I think it's very few. I just don't believe it. I think they just say it to keep it T for teen.
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    Stormsview wrote: »
    It's not against the law, It's just that these retailers like to stick together. So they all have this ESRB Rating, and they treat them like they are the law.

    This the reason I feel they need two versions. Sells will go up not down. With one Version sales will most likely go down a lot.

    It what I keep trying to tell them. Can you imagine the money they would make. This silly version would be gone in no time. Why do they think people want so many mods? If you could personalize the game to your own liking it would be so much better. They could even sell the mods to do this so you could have the game any way you want the game.
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    friendlysimmersfriendlysimmers Posts: 7,571 Member
    staying neutral but do think about this what would players do if in the sims5 you could not had mods or custom content to the game but the game had options to set it to each plays play style when it comes to video games time changes just read this wiki article for info it also explains it all
    If you went the sims5 to remain offline feel free to sign this petition please note that it is also to keep the gallery

    Repose en paix mamie tu va me manquer :

    1923-2016 mamie :'(
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    MoonCrossWarrior22MoonCrossWarrior22 Posts: 722 Member
    edited January 2019
    Whoops, I misread something sorry! but as for rated T for teen games there games that are rated T such as Ark Survival evolved and Monster hunter, that should give some examples on what can be added to sims 4 when it comes to certain things.

    So far from what I am witnessing; this game seems VERY Everyone 10+ instead of T for teen but that's my opinion. XD

    Edit: Fixed a Typo, my bad!
    Post edited by MoonCrossWarrior22 on
    If you are interested in challenges; check out the Reincarnation challenge right at this link! here! | If you want spectator mode; go to this link. (for sims 3) here
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    Tremayne4260Tremayne4260 Posts: 3,126 Member
    There is some "violence" inherent in the The Sims Series. Look at how Brandy Broke's husband died in Sims 2. Or Sims can die by fire or freezing, etc. However, the animations that follow aren't all blood and guts and gore. If they were, certainly Sims 2 would have been rated "M" for Mature. While "WooHoo" for teens (Sims Teens in game) is not part of the basic game play, there are certainly mods available to permit it as well as the consequences of said "woohoo". Please note that these mods are NOT supported by EA/Maxis which would not affect the rating of the Base game as it is the player choice to add them. IF EA/Maxis added content like this, yes, it would change the rating to "Mature". And different countries have differing standards as well. I think The Sims is rated Mature in some eastern European countries, but since I am in the US I cannot confirm this.

    And as an example, standards change over time. Look at the movie "M*A*S*H" directed by Robert Altman. When it was released in the early 1970's, it was rated "R". Today it is rated "PG".
    Second Star to the Right and Straight on 'til Morning.
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    There is some "violence" inherent in the The Sims Series. Look at how Brandy Broke's husband died in Sims 2. Or Sims can die by fire or freezing, etc. However, the animations that follow aren't all blood and guts and gore. If they were, certainly Sims 2 would have been rated "M" for Mature. While "WooHoo" for teens (Sims Teens in game) is not part of the basic game play, there are certainly mods available to permit it as well as the consequences of said "woohoo". Please note that these mods are NOT supported by EA/Maxis which would not affect the rating of the Base game as it is the player choice to add them. IF EA/Maxis added content like this, yes, it would change the rating to "Mature". And different countries have differing standards as well. I think The Sims is rated Mature in some eastern European countries, but since I am in the US I cannot confirm this.

    And as an example, standards change over time. Look at the movie "M*A*S*H" directed by Robert Altman. When it was released in the early 1970's, it was rated "R". Today it is rated "PG".

    The point of them making the mods would be they would be more compatible to the game and wouldn't have all this breakage every time there is a patch like we do now. There are mods I'd like to have, but it's break, break all time.
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    While interesting ideas, you have to remember the game is rated "T" for Teen in the US. (Not sure of the ratings for other countries). Like movie ratings (G, PG, PG13, etc.), there are certain restrictions on the game. While self care is a great idea, "personal woo-hoo" is not.

    Germany it's 6+ At the start of Sims 4 it was Mature in Russia for "Same-Sex" it's already "Mature" for New Zealand and Australia. The leftovers (I believe?) its 12+

    quote="catitude5;c-16898170"]They keep insisting that kids play this, but I don't see them. I think it's adults that play this. The rating should be changed.[/quote]
    6 in Germany, 12+ in other parts of Europe. Some parents/grandparents let their children/grandchildren play with it. the Sims 2 was a lot more "risky" then what has been in Sims 3 and 4. You could make out on the couch in the Sims 2.
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    sazzieJsazzieJ Posts: 150 Member
    Galactrix wrote: »
    sazzieJ wrote: »
    id like my sim couples to autonomously woohoo. they talk autonomously to keep their relationship going, why not a woohoo and other romance options?

    i wouldnt want them trying for a baby like that however a normal woohoo is fine, but then again ive had a few instances where ive sworn ive clicked normal woohoo and ended up with a pregnant sim.

    That’s already in the game. I’ve seen my sims autonomous WooHoo (no mods), but it has a long cool down before they will try it and every WooHoo you initiate manually also resets the cool down timer. Was really funny first time I noticed because an action popped up called “be propositioned” and I was like “what?!”.

    I think the couple needs to have already WooHooed once before autonomy is allowed. I don’t think sims can autonomously choose first WooHoo with another sim.

    @Galactrix good to know! in all my hours on sims 4 ive never seen it. the timer is good to know about coz now i can have a couple woohoo and see how many sim days it takes for an auto-woohoo ^^ ty!
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    StormsviewStormsview Posts: 2,603 Member
    edited January 2019
    MadameLee wrote: »
    While interesting ideas, you have to remember the game is rated "T" for Teen in the US. (Not sure of the ratings for other countries). Like movie ratings (G, PG, PG13, etc.), there are certain restrictions on the game. While self care is a great idea, "personal woo-hoo" is not.

    Germany it's 6+ At the start of Sims 4 it was Mature in Russia for "Same-Sex" it's already "Mature" for New Zealand and Australia. The leftovers (I believe?) its 12+

    quote="catitude5;c-16898170"]They keep insisting that kids play this, but I don't see them. I think it's adults that play this. The rating should be changed.
    6 in Germany, 12+ in other parts of Europe. Some parents/grandparents let their children/grandchildren play with it. the Sims 2 was a lot more "risky" then what has been in Sims 3 and 4. You could make out on the couch in the Sims 2.

    The Sims 4 is a World game when they make a new EP they say Released to the world. So that's a lot of countries to consider when we say Europe it's not just one. Europe is divided into 44 countries was 50. There are 195 countries in the world 193, which are members of the United Nations.

    So many countries love the Sims, not just us. So EA/Maxis will consider and be fair to all of the countries that play their game.
    we'll give you a full refund. Just make sure you make your request within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from your date of purchase, or within seven days from the game's release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first.
    Who said EA doesn't have a sense of humor
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    MovottiMovotti Posts: 7,774 Member
    MadameLee wrote: »
    While interesting ideas, you have to remember the game is rated "T" for Teen in the US. (Not sure of the ratings for other countries). Like movie ratings (G, PG, PG13, etc.), there are certain restrictions on the game. While self care is a great idea, "personal woo-hoo" is not.

    Germany it's 6+ At the start of Sims 4 it was Mature in Russia for "Same-Sex" it's already "Mature" for New Zealand and Australia. The leftovers (I believe?) its 12+
    Yeah, M aka not recommended for anyone under 15, here in Oz. But unlike MA15+, M is not a legal restriction, according to the code, it's just a guideline.


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    Noree_DoreeNoree_Doree Posts: 1,470 Member
    edited January 2019
    My 12 year old niece plays this game (the sims 4 and she played the sims 2 before my brother would buy her 4) so as far as "self-woohoo" I feel that's too adult for her. I think more interactions such as romance wouldn't be too bad as it's something she would normally see with her own parents interacting like holding hands or expressing love to one another. As long as it follows the T-rating I have no issue with it. Even if we go back to the sims 2 where there was cuddling in bed or just lying in bed talking to each other as a couple as well as slow dancing amongst other romantic actions. I think that's still within the boundaries of T-rating.
    "Bada su the gorn bada su the brawn bada bady oda aba donk donk donk gerbits gerbits vo gerbits".
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    StormsviewStormsview Posts: 2,603 Member
    catitude5 wrote: »
    Stormsview wrote: »
    It's not against the law, It's just that these retailers like to stick together. So they all have this ESRB Rating, and they treat them like they are the law.

    This the reason I feel they need two versions. Sells will go up not down. With one Version sales will most likely go down a lot.

    It what I keep trying to tell them. Can you imagine the money they would make. This silly version would be gone in no time. Why do they think people want so many mods? If you could personalize the game to your own liking it would be so much better. They could even sell the mods to do this so you could have the game any way you want the game.

    @catitude5 I think you misunderstood me, I meant if they want more mature content it would be best to me, to make two versions of the game, one Mature and one Teen rating. Having both will cause the sales to go up, but dropping the one we have now and change it to mature will make sales go down. is what I meant.

    we'll give you a full refund. Just make sure you make your request within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from your date of purchase, or within seven days from the game's release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first.
    Who said EA doesn't have a sense of humor
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    StormsviewStormsview Posts: 2,603 Member

    Some may say Adults play this game, of course, lots of adults do.

    But can we say that 100% of the adults that play Sims 4 want this feature in their game? No, we can not. Most Smarter adult simmers shy away from threads like these and only a few come out to chat on it. Its to easy for threads like this to get too heated. but this has not yet.

    One thing we do know is that Lots of adults play this game.
    We also know lots of kids play this game Sims 4.
    Even if it was 70% of adults playing Sims 4 and only 30% kids 12 to 17, Should we consider the Kids that are 12 years old? Yes, we should, the reason for the ESRB.

    We know the most unselfish thing anyone can be is a parent, parents consider what's best for their children. The ESBR is like the Parents of all the happy young ones that will reach their little hands up to ask for a video game that their little minds can not handle at that age. The ESRB has already said No little one that content is not for you. Then when they become adults they can choose for themselves.
    It would be impossible for parents to go through each and every video game So it's good they have the ESRB

    So if and when EA/Maxis follow the ESRB Teen rating I stand with them on this. I believe most Adult simmers would stand by EA/Maxis on this Teen rating for Sims 4.

    Sure EA/Maxis can push as close to the Mature rating as they can get away with without actually touching the rating. But they do not, they leave a lot of room so kids stay safe.

    I have seen where in some online games that people had PG then mature then they want to push it to adult, it seemed to be no end to what adult content they wanted after that until they took over and it was little or no content left for PG-rated people to even enjoy the game as it was.

    I am not trying to put anyone down that wants a more mature adult game, I just strongly believe it may be time for a second Sims game for adults that wish for it, and at the same times leave the teen one for teens and adults that enjoy
    Sims Game as is.

    Why are we talking about ratings? its because of the title of the thread. Self Woohoo/Personal Care/More Adult Options,
    so thats not just saying self woohoo, it says more Adult options.
    So thats the reason lots of speaking of ratings. To most adding more Adult Options would cause a change in ratings.

    we'll give you a full refund. Just make sure you make your request within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from your date of purchase, or within seven days from the game's release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first.
    Who said EA doesn't have a sense of humor
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    LadyKynLadyKyn Posts: 3,596 Member
    edited January 2019
    I just wouldn't personally care for it. The sims games have definitely gone through some changes over the years, but at its core it's still the sims.

    So, thinking of a game I've played since the first installment starting to delve into any adult content. Well, I might as as well throw it in the trash as it's not what I know from the game anymore. The sims game have had risque to crude humor in them I've always found funny (or if anyone remembers in the house party with the sim popping out of the cake), but I don't want it to start delving into more unsavory territory because it's just not that kinda game.

    Always welcome more romantic options in this game, but eh--do not want comes to mind.

    Also, I think sims can convey adult jokes without it actually being in actual text which makes it amusing and less cringy when you see the speech bubbles above their head and you see them telling a dirty joke that a pair of a handcuffs will pop up along with a heart with a rocket so it kinda leaves it up to the imagination what they're telling.

    I'd like to see more risque humor much like from the first and second games, but anything expanding WAY past that? Thanks, but no thanks.
    Post edited by LadyKyn on
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited January 2019
    I think I understand what you are asking for OP, however, how redundant would that be? It's not something I would want or need in my game. For what reason? To watch? And then what is the Sim going to do, be obsessed with self woohooing like they are with getting a drink of water...can I get an ewwwww? Are they going to wash their hands afterwards? Or fix dinner?

    Now, if they want to build on a romantic system such as holding hands while walking along a beach, cuddling in bed before they wake up completely, finally add Slow Dancing After Four freaking years, then I would say yay. And let's talk about hugs, how about a hug from behind like you see in romantic movies or when your partner comes up behind you and gives you a kiss on the neck and you lean back. There are a lot better things they need to add to this game rather than contest in a next patch to see how many Sims self woohooed.

    Before anything let's make sure these Sims' lips touch when kissing, how about that? That might take some work, adding code to send a Sim off to a closet to self woohoo wouldn't require much work but what people have been begging for four years would, so I guess we know what might win this debate, the easier thing to do.

    ETA: But to your bigger point, more mature means my Sim fixes a pie for someone and they die. Then you have to start watching that Sim wondering did they add a posion or was it just a mishap. Or a Sim crosses the road when one of those FX cars is passing but suddenly your Sim appears at the sidewalk and the other Sim trips into the road and dies from the FX car... was it murder or was it just a mishap? Toddler bites and pinches other toddlers, but the parent never catches them doing it, so the other toddler is grounded and scolded for lying on the guilty to solve that.

    Deeper to me, means things I can sink my teeth in, not wasting my time hitting self woohoo to win an inevitable contest.
    Post edited by Cinebar on
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    My 12 year old niece plays this game (the sims 4 and she played the sims 2 before my brother would buy her 4) so as far as "self-woohoo" I feel that's too adult for her. I think more interactions such as romance wouldn't be too bad as it's something she would normally see with her own parents interacting like holding hands or expressing love to one another. As long as it follows the T-rating I have no issue with it. Even if we go back to the sims 2 where there was cuddling in bed or just lying in bed talking to each other as a couple as well as slow dancing amongst other romantic actions. I think that's still within the boundaries of T-rating.

    It wouldn't even be an issue if you could design the game the way you want it. If you wanted PG then you don't buy the mods that make it M. It's simple as that.
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    catitude5catitude5 Posts: 2,537 Member
    Stormsview wrote: »
    catitude5 wrote: »
    Stormsview wrote: »
    It's not against the law, It's just that these retailers like to stick together. So they all have this ESRB Rating, and they treat them like they are the law.

    This the reason I feel they need two versions. Sells will go up not down. With one Version sales will most likely go down a lot.

    It what I keep trying to tell them. Can you imagine the money they would make. This silly version would be gone in no time. Why do they think people want so many mods? If you could personalize the game to your own liking it would be so much better. They could even sell the mods to do this so you could have the game any way you want the game.

    @catitude5 I think you misunderstood me, I meant if they want more mature content it would be best to me, to make two versions of the game, one Mature and one Teen rating. Having both will cause the sales to go up, but dropping the one we have now and change it to mature will make sales go down. is what I meant.

    Yeah I thought of that too, have two versions of the game.
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    edited January 2019
    Stormsview wrote: »
    catitude5 wrote: »
    They keep insisting that kids play this, but I don't see them. I think it's adults that play this. The rating should be changed.

    Ratings have little to do with who plays the game, Rating is the type of content that's in the game. People who buy and play the Sims 4 want to enjoy a cleaner game. Adult rated games are very common and of no particular value. They are of a lower class.
    Sims, on the other hand, is played by people with a higher standard of living, and morals for the most part.
    We play the Sims because we enjoy the gameplay and the building.

    EA and Maxis make the type of games they wish to make. I hope they keep making this one of a kind classic game.

    What an offensive remark.

    Im not going to justify it with a full response.

    I believe the game could have more adult options but not necessarily with woohoo. The entire romantic system needs an overhaul first and foremost. This is a game where you can’t cuddle in bed, nor slowdance or even dance together, this is a game where sims have to sit to make out and the make out option is tamer than the sims 1 make out options I wouldn’t hold your breath for anything more “raunchy”

    The game is aimed at children.

    What I have noticed is there is a huge amount of adults and teens who mod this game with adult mods that I cannot and will not name here. Take from that what you will.
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    mysterionzmysterionz Posts: 3,608 Member
    Stormsview wrote: »
    catitude5 wrote: »
    They keep insisting that kids play this, but I don't see them. I think it's adults that play this. The rating should be changed.

    Ratings have little to do with who plays the game, Rating is the type of content that's in the game. People who buy and play the Sims 4 want to enjoy a cleaner game. Adult rated games are very common and of no particular value. They are of a lower class.
    Sims, on the other hand, is played by people with a higher standard of living, and morals for the most part.
    We play the Sims because we enjoy the gameplay and the building.

    EA and Maxis make the type of games they wish to make. I hope they keep making this one of a kind classic game.

    What an offensive remark.

    Im not going to justify it with a full response.

    I believe the game could have more adult options but not necessarily with woohoo. The entire romantic system needs an overhaul first and foremost. This is a game where you can’t cuddle in bed, nor slowdance or even dance together, this is a game where sims have to sit to make out and the make out option is tamer than the sims 1 make out options I wouldn’t hold your breath for anything more “raunchy”

    The game is aimed at children.

    What I have noticed is there is a huge amount of adults and teens who mod this game with adult mods that I cannot and will not name here. Take from that what you will.

    Agreeing with @MidnightAura

    Anyone remember the goose romantic interaction from ts2?
    Oh hamburgers!
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    Bubbz3388 wrote: »
    Stormsview wrote: »
    catitude5 wrote: »
    They keep insisting that kids play this, but I don't see them. I think it's adults that play this. The rating should be changed.

    Ratings have little to do with who plays the game, Rating is the type of content that's in the game. People who buy and play the Sims 4 want to enjoy a cleaner game. Adult rated games are very common and of no particular value. They are of a lower class.
    Sims, on the other hand, is played by people with a higher standard of living, and morals for the most part.
    We play the Sims because we enjoy the gameplay and the building.

    EA and Maxis make the type of games they wish to make. I hope they keep making this one of a kind classic game.

    What an offensive remark.

    Im not going to justify it with a full response.

    I believe the game could have more adult options but not necessarily with woohoo. The entire romantic system needs an overhaul first and foremost. This is a game where you can’t cuddle in bed, nor slowdance or even dance together, this is a game where sims have to sit to make out and the make out option is tamer than the sims 1 make out options I wouldn’t hold your breath for anything more “raunchy”

    The game is aimed at children.

    What I have noticed is there is a huge amount of adults and teens who mod this game with adult mods that I cannot and will not name here. Take from that what you will.

    Agreeing with @MidnightAura

    Anyone remember the goose romantic interaction from ts2?
    I love the goose interaction.

    I've been playing the sims 1 recently and that has more raunchy romance interactions than the Sims 4. Not even kidding.

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