Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    @bekkasan Thanks plus I liked the house they were in but needed a bigger lot so moved it
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    OriginalMaraOriginalMara Posts: 1,669 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer -- That's definitely how I feel about Carolina. :lol: They have gotten my hopes up so many times, I'd be surprised if they kept this up. Plus I'm still a bit upset that they got rid of Jeff Skinner... and with Cam Ward gone too, I don't feel like I really know this team anymore, so many new people. Oh well. At least a familiar face on the bench with Coach Rod. :)

    @emorrill -- Nah. :)
    (At least I didn't compare them to Ross and Rachel! Ugh. Gag me).
    I'm hoping to finish it by around next spring. :lol:
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Jensen got a new top lip, a couple other minor tweaks and new hair colour.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited October 2018
    Answering tags from page 3067 to here. And a few brief comments.

    Thank you for the tags and feedback, guys. :)
    @TadOlson, @Mikezumi, @bekkasan

    @bekkasan Pretty bedspread. ...Seth looks so happy! Great couple. ...I think Christina is a charmer too. ...Those vampire eyes in the dark crypt room! ...Fun hot tub pic.

    @Cadh20000 Great screenshots of the fire. ...Neat Scribbling Pad mod!

    @Nikkei_Simmer So Haruo and River are starting over again for a new legacy. Glad they're not gone.

    @msbeckycat Nice romance pics.

    @Mikezumi Morty's latest painting is awesome! ...Happy Birthday, Cort! I see the family resemblance. ...Very cool that Jared and Alec are getting along despite those troublesome traits. ...Cute pic of Lara playing with the toy horse. ...I liked the screenshots of Cort and Lara playing at the blocks table together. ...Interesting Jensen comparison shot. And I like his new hair color. Nice lips too.

    @lisasc360 That's a neat incubator style crib. ...Fun shots of Emit and Pluto together.

    @TadOlson The Jankowskys are bringing in good money with the sales of their paintings. ...I'm glad they have computers and iPads to help them study in their 1637 alternate universe.

    @Auroraskies Farmwell is a good looking sim.

    @CravenLestat Great pics of the DV outfits.

    @Springfairy556 Fun dialogue about the dragon egg. Also, Claire doing the horse whisperer thing! Cool.

    Here are a couple of CAS pics of Adilah Iman modeling 2 of @CravenLestat's vertical stripe patterns.

    Adilah is based on an Isla Paradiso* sim, Tammie Opali. I changed some of her traits, her zodiac sign, and her name.

    Adilah is destined to be the love interest of Ziri Benhelloun in my Al Medina save (with Krisalyn and Rome.)

    *EDIT: Tammie Opali is from Isla Paradiso, not Uni! Thanks for the correction, @CravenLestat. :D
    Post edited by lanlyn on
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited October 2018
    lanlyn wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer So Haruo and River are starting over again for a new legacy. Glad they're not gone.

    Not really so much a legacy, but a goal of "populating the entire town"...and see what happens - hence the reason I started the game in Adventureland (Empty Sunset Valley). Their main goal is to become immortal and they may possibly turn into one of the "supernaturals". Who knows at this point. :mrgreen: I need to get Dragon Valley at some point, so that I can add some dragons to the mix.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @coco Thanks for the comment :smile:

    @TadOlson Thanks for the comment :smile:

    @lanlyn Thanks for the feedback :smile:
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    The gate is open... And the paparazzi are going to get a really nasty surprise if they decide to come in the gate.

    Kansai the cat - licking his... ~facepalm~ You just had to, Kansai, when I was taking a shot of you?
    This is Yoshi, the dog.
    Yoshi looking cute

    But make no mistake.

    Kansai - Aggressive, Hunter, Neat (in the cleanliness sense)
    Yoshi - Aggressive, Hunter, Loyal - He and Haruo are BFFs evidently.

    Lord help the paparazzi who decides to stray into the yard.

    Remember the old joke: "What do you get when you have a burglar on the ground with one arm, one leg and screaming bloody murder?"
    A Happy Rottweiler.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    This thread moves waaaaay too fast for a busy little vet student. But I'm always happy to see the TS3 community is still alive and kicking :) I am simply too busy to leave comments on weekdays, but I always make sure to leave Awesomes!

    Pages 3065-3066

    @Mikezumi Jared looks absolutely wonderful! <3 He has such a pretty smile :>
    I'm sure it's been interesting to see how your style of creating Sims has changed over the years. Also, I love your new siggy! Great to see Ian join the buff shirtless guys party :tongue:
    Jensen is looking mighty awesome (read: hott) too!

    @lisasc360 Good to see that unicorn in the future world, I always knew they'd be around forever <3
    After what happened with the pool table, Pluto's probably happy to play some chess, there's no chance of anything hitting him in the face!
    Looking a little wobbly on that hoverboard...
    lisasc360 wrote: »
    Then Pluto goes over to the city hall to check the lotto numbers but there wasn't any to check yet.
    Invisible uppercut! :D
    I sure hope those plumbots are waterproof, or that water balloon fight might not go so well for Bend0.
    Welcome Kira! What a sweet name :>
    Pluto is a wonderful dad! Sweet of Emit to give him that crib :>
    That candy bar was from the university goodie bucket? Who knows how long it's been sitting in there? :confounded:

    @Jazzypoo Wandering around, not talking, just screaming... I think even the bravest of Sims would be terrified! I take it cowplants aren't much help against ghosts? ;)
    Part of me is glad that Pompeii chose not to take bird droppings as a sample :tongue: It would've been a lot less glamorous, that's for sure!
    And Joline's on the case!
    "Something more scientific, like tea leaves"... okay, that opening was priceless :joy: Ali must've been glad for that phone call, anything to get him away from that crazy deluded woman :tongue:
    Ali might be able to see what's on the ghost's mind, but it's still up to Pompeii to interpret these pictures... sounds like tricky business.
    Of course it's not Amex or cash Ali, it's something far more valuable! It's fairy dust from the King of the Fae himself! Then again... who knows where that dust actually came from? Hm. :|

    @polrbear Hey, great to see you again! Congratulations on your engagement, here's wishing you and your wife many happy years together :>
    I hope the new desktop arrives quick! There's Sims to be played!
    Hope to see more wonderful screenshots of your Sims soon :)

    @Springfairy556 Oh yes Claire, everyone in the kingdom knows you're the King's girl... everyone on this thread knows too!
    Ah, King William must be overjoyed to see that she's back... even if she's only here to find her horse.
    Of course Wildfire is with the King's horse! He knows what's up! Smart horsey wants to lead his mistress back to her love...
    Aw, King William isn't even angry, he just seems disappointed... :<
    I love that pattern on the keyboard hahaha :D but anyway, the lute sitting next to the wall is a very nice touch!
    Ohhhh... such a sweet duet between William and Claire <3 I don't listen to many vocal songs myself, but have you seen How to Train Your Dragon 2? I can totally picture the two of them singing "For the Dancing and the Dreaming" together :>
    And heeeere it coommmmeess! :smiley:
    Yeeess! Congratulations to Claire and William, I knew they'd find each other again! :smile:

    @meerkattime Aww, sounds like things are going a little rough for Mea!
    Heh, if I received a message like that from some dodgy-looking machine, I'd be pretty disturbed too!
    I love the way Maura is looking at her imaginary-friend-turned-lover there :)
    I hope things work out between Mea and Thomas! Poor lady definitely needs something, or better yet, someone, to light up her life.

    @ZhakiraP I haven't seen very much of your Praaven, but can I just say your game is beautiful! I especially love that shot where Blackheart and the Sourgrape daughter are riding away on their horses :>

    @Silverofdreams30 The nerd in me wants to say that goldfish are freshwater fish and you shouldn't be able to catch them in the ocean... but the Sims player in me says, this is Sims, did you come here expecting logic? :tongue:
    Ooh, what a find! Good on you Alex :>
    A party that never started... my Sims get that a lot! Not sure if it's a glitch or the host just decided to cancel last minute.
    Or Ty rather decided to play darts
    Hey Ty, if you want to hit that target, you should probably be looking at the board, not the Watcher!
    Gorgeous scenery shots! There's a strange kind of beauty in a cloudy grey sky...
    Alex is looking for a mermaid? Well I don't blame him, I'd want to see one too!

    @Charlottesmom Haha, those two pics made it look like Julia just popped out of nowhere. That's probably what it feels like to Connor, anyway :tongue:
    I love that even the Sims in your game know that Connor is the king of creepy stares!
    "I'm not going to listen to this sh*it..." he practically yelled.
    Ohh... I never expected something like that to escape Connor's mouth!
    Jared better not hurt you, Julia... I imagine that that would really pit Jared and Connor against each other! In the end there is love, sure... but there's bound to be lots of drama on the way to the end!
    Rowan's always holding out hope that someone might just come to his rescue, even though he really looks like he's slowly falling apart :cry:
    Jasper's back! Could this be Rowan's ticket out of the attic?
    Rowan's definitely got the gut feel, but I also feel that his decision to trust Jasper was partly out of desperation, of having no one else to turn to at the moment. Seems like he's not scared of the actual act of escaping, but rather how Rosie would punish him if she found out...
    Jasper must be feeling so conflicted, at the thought of his best friend doing such a horrible thing!
    Finally, a smile out of Rowan!
    Aww, please come back soon Jasper... for Rowan's sake!
    I'm definitely not short of curiosity, but I just wish I had the patience to try breeding experiments with my Sims. Oh well, mods to the rescue!
    I would not breed Bella with anyone at all! :#
    Why do all the girls have such tiny noses? How do they even breathe?

    Oh my Watcher this was a loooong one. Longest one I've done in a while, and this was just two pages! I really need a break. Will be back later, and perhaps I'll have an update to share tonight :)

    Happy Simming all! :>
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited October 2018
    @lanlyn We have to fight :rage: You wrote Tammie Opali is from Uni

    As soon as I seen that


    Tammie is from Isla Paradiso One of my favorite homeless premade sims.




    But you are using her so you are forgiven for now :kissing_heart:

    PS:One of your pics is not showing up :'(
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited October 2018

    I watched an korean Tv series that was about a guy meeting a mermaid so sort of got the idea
    from that show haha. Thank you I love scenery shots.
    I loved your recent updates Seb looks great as a vampire.


    Nice screenshots


    Your Jensen sim looks amazing,
    gret job on him. Loved the recent
    updates. Cort look great as a child.


    I love when its weekend in game, they can do the homework on the Friday
    and thenb e free to do fun stuff over weekend.
    Great updates, lots of drama but I enjoy it alot.


    Pluto seems like a great dad.
    Wonderful update.


    Bunter and caprice looks awesome


    Thank you


    Your sim is great looking, loved
    the recent udpate.

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited October 2018
    Here is an update



    Luna and Isla joined Alex by a small beach, he had to relax a bit
    before going back into the ocean. I have now given him lungs of steel.
    since it were still early morning they stayed here for an hour or two.


    Later Isla met up with Twikki to hang with him a bit, they played
    some chess by the festival area.



    Alex went back to the ocean, he saw no mermaid


    But a shark was a bit further ahead from him

    All for now

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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    edited October 2018
    @lanlyn Thanks for the comments. I like those outfits. The second picture doesn't show for me even after reloading the page.

    @Mikezumi Jensen looks terrific.

    @Nikkei_Simmer Cute critters. :smile:

    @TinySpaceFox Hi, nice to see you take a break from your studies. Get back to work now! :lol: Just kidding, have some fun!

    @Silverofdreams30 Oh my, that shark's smile is downright spooky. Great picture. I do hope he can find a mermaid. They did not show up easily the first few times my sims made dives in IP. But, later dives one or another would show up.

    What a quiet night for the thread. It is the weekend, I expect everyone is busy. Here is a cute pic I couldn't resist taking yesterday. I uploaded 60 pictures from yesterdays play and a bunch were of the kids. I won't bore y'all with all of them though like the elder sims do. :lol: I'm working later today so hopefully can get an update up. I have one half written.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Oh, I can totally see them singing that to.I never seen that movie.
    This is the last song I had william and claire sing.
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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    So Stardew Valley is coming to iOS and Android... because I don't already spend enough time playing the d*mn game on my computer!

    Pages 3067-3068

    @bekkasan Yay, Shea and Seth are together now! :> Aaaaaww, Seth is smiling because he can't wait to see his beloved...
    Bit of a shame, really, that Christina and Will aren't yet old enough to appreciate the romance that's budding around them :tongue:
    I wonder if Rafe and Autumn, being vampires, have got some sort of special sense that alerts them to all those hidden traps. Those glowy eyes must really help with seeing in the dark!
    I always cringe a little when I see Sims put their hands down those holes... how do they know that they won't pull their arm out to find they're missing a hand? Oh that's right, this is a T-rated game. No blood or gore!
    I wonder if Will and Christina will grow up to be as brave and adventurous as their parents?
    Perhaps in the not-so-distant future, Seth and Shea will still be stuck watching kids...
    ...that is, kids of their own :)

    @Nikkei_Simmer I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away from River and Haruo for long! :D
    Weeeellll, they might not have a mansion (yet), but they've definitely got a lot of room to expand! They're gonna need it for all the babies they'll be having, amirite?
    I'll tell you what's new... seeing Haruo smile! Haven't seen that in a long while!
    Best of luck, I hope you have fun with the challenge! :>

    Cadh20000 wrote: »
    *puts on David Attenborough voice* "Here, we observe a prime specimen of the Sim Firefighter in her natural habitat. Even though an out-of-control fire is burning right under her nose, she appears to be in no rush to extinguish it. Truly, it makes one wonder why they are called firefighters to begin with."
    So, what did the other 3 Sims get for becoming celebrities? Hope it wasn't more easels!
    I can imagine how tiring it must be being a lifeguard, and having to look out for unfortunate (or stupid) Sims all the time!
    I hope you get Jolene's glitches sorted! There is a mod I use that generates jobs at pools for lifeguards. It's pretty awesome, it even makes surrounding Sims panic when a Sim is drowning :)

    @AnnaLoo91 Welcome to the family Tigger! He's gorgeous! Good to see he's being a good kitty, using the scratching pole to sharpen his claws instead of the couch :tongue:

    @Mikezumi Beautifully surreal - that's all I can think of to describe that painting by Morty.
    Maybe Connor is trying to use the Force to make the food levitate into his mouth :tongue: Hey, a nerd can dream!
    Seems like Cort is enjoying being pushed around in the stroller one last time before he ages up! :)
    Happy birthday Cort! Oh he's adorable! <3
    Mikezumi wrote: »
    Cort is artistic like Morty and rolled a wish to learn how to paint :)
    Cort's artistic, sure, but judging by that first painting of his, I guess Cort isn't grumpy like Morty :tongue:
    There's good woohoo, there's great woohoo, and then there's woohoo so amazing it makes you sing :tongue:
    Aw, Morty... there's always next time!
    Mikezumi wrote: »
    It looks like Connor was about to pull out a book when Morty stopped him for a chat.
    Is Morty about to ask Connor for a game of catch again? Oh wait... can't go throwing things around in an art gallery!
    It's a chair. On a pedestal. What else is there to see? I'll never understand Sims and their taste in art.
    Mikezumi wrote: »
    Jared had a wish to skinny dip so I had Alec join him :)
    Jared's face says skinny dip, Alec's face says something else ;)
    Well, Morty got one thing right... it's good to have a little whine about life every now and then.
    That side-by-side comparison with Jensen is perfect! :open_mouth:

    @lisasc360 Get used to the kids channel Pluto, because once Kira becomes a toddler, that's all that's gonna be playing on the TV for a while!
    Welcome home Pluto! See, even the floor is happy to see you! :tongue:
    lisasc360 wrote: »
    So he ended up getting squirted with water...
    Weeellll, I'm sure he was thirsty coming back from Oasis Landing!
    I hope Kira's mom will come see her daughter too!

    @TadOlson Sure is funny having Eli and Ami use computers and tablets... I think @Cadh20000's suggestion was wonderful, would you look into that? :)

    @lanlyn Looking forward to the next update of your story! I agree with @Mikezumi, Bunter looks smokin' hot in that getup :>

    @CravenLestat Your models are looking stunning as always :) Though I personally wouldn't consider those outfits to really be "medieval" except the last two... I mean, since when did medieval ladies walk around in tube tops?
    Me (inside head): Since Craven got his hands on DV, that's when...

    @Springfairy556 Claire must've gotten frustrated that Wildfire kept running away, and wanted to get herself a new animal companion :tongue:
    Awww, just look at them, look how close they are... such a sweet couple! <3 Oh, the humans aren't bad either :tongue:
    Ooh, Claire's about to go looking for her mother now? I hope she won't throw a monkey wrench into this wonderful relationship...
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    --I hope the baguette was more filling than that cake.
    --Aww, cute alien baby! I forgot about that life state.

    --Wait They're alive again? I think I missed something again.LOL
    --Waterfall is looking nice.
    --Dang, Yoshi doesn't look aggressive.Way to fool intruders LOL

    --Thank you for posting that mod! I'm gonna download it.
    Not sure if it stops townies from buying laptops though.

    Thanks! I love taking landscape photos.
    --Oh good look finding Emad!
    --Thanks,thought it would be cute to have the horse talk.

    She did.Although William doesn't really approve of her carrying that thing around with her.LOL
    She isn't...for now.XD
    --It has been quiet, but it gives me a chance to catch up.XD
    --Aww, the kids are adorable.

    --Thanks! Still more drama to come.
    --That shark is too cute.But I think he's thinking "Just a bite please."

    --Yup, Wildfire has his eyes on lady, as cheeky as she is.XD
    --Ooh you picked up on the hints of Claire searching for her mother!
    --Hope not either.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    edited October 2018
    Ella: Pardon me, You're Majesty.
    King William: Good Morning, Ella.What can I do for you?
    Ella: A letter arrived from you're mother...She's coming to visit.She wants to meet Claire.
    King William: Maker's breathe...This isn't good.
    Ella: Its not my place to pry, but what isn't good.
    King William: My mother....She's set in her ways...Her opinions differ completely from my own, if she knew that Claire wasn't from nobility, she'd be very upset.
    Ella: I'm sorry to be prude, but you led Claire to believe that didn't matter to you.
    King William: It doesn't to me, but to her it does.I'm gonna have to have Claire take lessons.
    Ella: Good luck with that.I don't think Claire will be happy.

    Claire: So you're telling me, I have to stop being me just to please you're mother? That is such a contradiction to what you've
    been preaching to me.
    King William: Claire, please, for our sake.Just go along with it, once she's gone, then you be you.
    Claire: I'm not okay with this William.I won't do it.
    King William: Please Claire, if she found out you were...
    Claire: A nobody? She wouldn't approve.This is why I left to begin with.Apparently, I was right I'm not good enough for you.
    King William: Claire..
    Claire: Forgive my rudeness William, but grow a backbone and stand up to your mother if you really love me.Until you do, I'll be going home.
    You'll know where to find me when you're ready.
    King William: You run off again, my mother will just make me find someone else Claire, and I'll have no choice.
    Claire: Well maybe she'll be good enough for your family.

    Claire: Come on Prince, let's get Wildfire and go.
    The little dragon was excited to explore.

    King William: Claire, you're being unreasonable.Every member of the court has to to be trained on how to properly make decisions.There's a way and place on how to handle court.That's all Claire.
    Claire: I'm taking Wildfire...Oh maker's breathe!
    King WIlliam: Oh boy.
    Lady and Wildfire were having a little fun in the stalls.
    Claire: Wildfire, you get out of there right now! You're horse is woohoing my wildfire!
    King William: I sense horse love here.
    Claire: That's not funny.Get you're lady off of my Wildfire.
    King William: Me? You're wildfire is the one who took my lady.Leave them be,
    don't break up their love.
    Claire: You are so annoying.

    Claire: That's a naughty horse.Bad horse.You get your tail out right now.We're leaving.
    Wildfire snaps and tries to bite claire.
    Claire: No...I said No.
    Neighs and kicks her.
    Claire: I don't care what you wan't.We're leaving.
  • Options
    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    So @meerkattime You guessed I was making a female sim,are you a witch :fearful: You were right and I think you must be psychic.

    Since you wanted to see her....



    You may have been be right this time but revenge is mine :#

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 New Member
    edited October 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @meerkattime She is childish and demanding That teddy bear she has

    It all started on a crisp fall morning in sim mart

    "Ohh lookie a claw machine,Craven can I haz that bear please"

    I said "What bear"

    She said "The one you can barely see his cute wittle ear sticking out from the bottom"

    I said "Are you nutts that is buried I can't get that"

    She said "But but,I want it" in a sad pouty voice making a sad face

    So I put in dollar after dollar trying to get it and along the way,

    How about the cute mummy bear I got instead


    How about this lil robot aint he adorable


    Can we go now I got you this tiny unicorn

    "N uh Ohhh"

    Finally after spending all my money and a trip to the bank later I got it

    "Yay" she said kissing my cheek

    I said

    "For that kind of money I could have bought you a life sized bear that talks and sings tells you bedtime stories"

    When we get home she looks at me with a sad quivering lip and doe eyes

    I just knew right then she felt guilty and was about to apologize


    "Yes Lori" I said..........


    Will you buy me a lifesize bear that talks and sings me bedtime stories




    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 New Member
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    Last pic,gotta head off here.Delivery of a new refrigerator today am excited getting a sweet LG.They call you in advance so you have time to get all your food out so it wont go bad.

    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member

    Thank you, the shark was gone next time he took a a dive down


    Thank you


    Interesting update oh the mum wants to meet her hope it
    goes well.

  • Options
    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 New Member
    edited October 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
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    Cadh20000Cadh20000 Posts: 730 Member
    Tammie is from Isla Paradiso One of my favorite homeless premade sims.




    She is certainly a cutie...except for the tattoo on her arm anyway...not a fan of tats. DX
    Cadh20000 wrote: »
    *puts on David Attenborough voice* "Here, we observe a prime specimen of the Sim Firefighter in her natural habitat. Even though an out-of-control fire is burning right under her nose, she appears to be in no rush to extinguish it. Truly, it makes one wonder why they are called firefighters to begin with."
    So, what did the other 3 Sims get for becoming celebrities? Hope it wasn't more easels!
    I can imagine how tiring it must be being a lifeguard, and having to look out for unfortunate (or stupid) Sims all the time!
    I hope you get Jolene's glitches sorted! There is a mod I use that generates jobs at pools for lifeguards. It's pretty awesome, it even makes surrounding Sims panic when a Sim is drowning :)
    Not sure who got what but there were a whole bunch of the "Sturdy Shelves"(or whatever it was called) bookcases, several grills(all the same model again), a few stoves(once more multiples of the same model), and a couple fridges(again multiples of the same one), and that is all I remember.
    Lol, yeah!
    Thanks! Definitely downloading it!

    --Thank you for posting that mod! I'm gonna download it.
    Not sure if it stops townies from buying laptops though.

    You're welcome! Enjoy!

    Unfortunately I don't think it does since the only Laptop/Computer functions it has are the ones under the "Writing" category...

    @Cadh20000 Good luck with relocating your family :). I hope it helps.

    Thanks! So do I!
    So @ meerkattime You guessed I was making a female sim,are you a witch :fearful: You were right and I think you must be psychic.

    Since you wanted to see her....



    You may have been be right this time but revenge is mine :#

    @ meerkattime She is childish and demanding That teddy bear she has

    It all started on a crisp fall morning in sim mart

    "Ohh lookie a claw machine,Craven can I haz that bear please"

    I said "What bear"

    She said "The one you can barely see his cute wittle ear sticking out from the bottom"

    I said "Are you nutts that is buried I can't get that"

    She said "But but,I want it" in a sad pouty voice making a sad face

    So I put in dollar after dollar trying to get it and along the way,

    How about the cute mummy bear I got instead


    How about this lil robot ain't he adorable


    Can we go now I got you this tiny unicorn

    "N uh Ohhh"

    Finally after spending all my money and a trip to the bank later I got it

    "Yay" she said kissing my cheek

    I said

    "For that kind of money I could have bought you a life sized bear that talks and sings tells you bedtime stories"

    When we get home she looks at me with a sad quivering lip and doe eyes

    I just knew right then she felt guilty and was about to apologize


    "Yes Lori" I said..........


    Will you buy me a lifesize bear that talks and sings me bedtime stories




    Lol! You're spoiling her big time, you know that right? Are you trying to raise an independent adult sim who just happens to still enjoy cuddling teddy bears and playing with toys, or a spoiled brat who just throws tantrums to get what she wants? :p
    My current Wishlist.
    My "Studio"

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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    One evening, Sebastian had the house to himself after Sam left for work. Since he had a wish to invite Becky over, that's what I made him do.

    As soon as she arrived, she made a beeline (or should that be B-line? Ha ha ha I'm so darn funny...) for the bookcase and cut in front of Seb, who'd also been trying to get to it.
    @Charlottesmom I guess I'm starting to see where you're coming from when you say you like to torture and kill your SS... but no! I shall resist!
    (by the way, I forgot to add, Sebastian has Grumpy, Loner, Shy, Bookworm, Computer Whiz and Heavy Sleeper.)

    Later on, Sebastian got his revenge by whooping Becky's butt in video games.

    Becky happens to be Artistic, and I absolutely adore watching Sims play instruments. So Becky... by the power of NRaas, you now have points in the guitar skill! :tongue:

    Afterwards, I had the two of them flirt, but didn't take pictures of that. But I did get a picture of what Becky did later on, when she was just about to leave... :)

    I also got a pic of the wish Sebastian rolled shortly after Becky left :>

    The next morning, I sent Sam and Sebastian out to jam in front of the theatre, and guess who showed up?

    I realised I'd never played with bands in the game, so I thought it would be a great idea to have Sam, Seb and Becky form a band. What did I name it, you ask?

    Well... Stardew Valley fans will know what I'm talking about ;)

    Later in the day, I sent Sebastian over to Becky's. For a little while, all was well...

    ...then the Grumpy trait reared its ugly head.

    That's exactly how I feel, Becky.

    But they made up pretty quick. In a couple of seconds they both seemed to forget anything had happened.

    Becky briefly excused herself to go to the bathroom, and of course... Sebastian's other love came calling.

    That aside, Becky seemed to know what was coming....

    I had Sebastian do something very un-Sebastian-like, but I didn't care. Because my goodness, they're adorable :love:

    And after that, Becky invited Sebastian to move in! I had no idea Sims outside your active household could do that :open_mouth:

    I just hope I can move them into a bigger place soon, because this house only has one bed.

    Fortunately, Sebastian and Becky don't seem to mind sharing. :)<3

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