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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    edited July 2018
    Pages: middle of 2808 through 2809. More later.

    Thanks so much for the comments and to those who made suggestions about my issue with trees showing in the basement. I'll give all suggestions a try. :)
    @bekkasan, @Karritz, @imdragonit, @mikezumi, @CravenLestat, @MKSizzle, @meerkattime, @emorrill, @LunBeauty, @Silverofdreams30

    @CravenLestat You really come up with some beautiful sims. And their clothes are always perfect matches for their personalities.

    @Mikezumi I think EA overdid it on the draw that pets have on sims. The most annoying though is bothering horses while they're in their stalls. I'm going to see if I can make that stop somehow. I don't mind sims petting animals, caring for them, or playing with them, but getting them in and out of the horse stalls is unnecessary. Horses can do that on their own, and if sims interfere, the horses get stuck. So frustrating. ...What a beautiful screenshot of Lydia finding a rock with the lighthouse in the background! ...More baby chimes! ...And awesome pics of the kids in the tree house. Perfect views.

    @Emily4331 I like the improvements to your bikini design. It looks great. Nice dresses too.

    @Tunic626 I liked the shot of Richard boasting about his grandchildren. ...It must have been upsetting to get that message about Josh's cheating! ...Sad scenes with Richard's death. ...Cody's new hairstyle fits him much better than the cornrows. And Anna aged up to a lovely young woman. ...Sounds like you had a lot of work getting Josh's situation cleared up. Congrats on his marriage to Panya. ...RIP, Helen. ...Wow Michaela going into labor right as Helen died! Fainting and labor pains at the same time!

    @MKSizzle Loved all the screenshots of Ben, toddler to YA. I think he's going to make an awesome heir! ...Aww, such sweet pics of Ben with Ashley. Romantic.

    @Charlottesmom I like your minor makeovers of Gunther and Cornelia. ...I agree about Mortimer being alone as a child. ...LOL at Gunther's ghost mom taking the "saucy novel." ...Fun shots of the surfing station and seal. ...Love and Grumpiness. Ha! ...Great tummy pics. ...Congrats on the twins! A girl and a boy. Way cool. ...That "creepy hug" and the shampoo comment. Too funny!

    @bekkasan I'm definitely going to give Tyron and Archie both new jobs. Now that they're part of the household, their secret criminal activities could blacken the Farazian Society image, and that wouldn't be good for business. Ha!

    @ilikethesims30 Speedy must be the one on the right? But they look so much alike! Great horse screenshots. And beach/sailing scenes.

    @LunBeauty Glad Albert can be interacted with now since Lucy seems to really like him. ... Great family screenshots. ...Zoey looks like she'll be a nice pet for the family. ...Congrats on Lucy's promotion. ...Rachel is a darling toddler. ...Fun shots of the soccer game between Lucy and Albert. ...I liked the skating pics too. ...The family were having a great time at the park. Nice time together. ...Robina is a great name for a plumbot! She looks awesome too. ...I liked the arcade screenshots. ...And I see that Albert is now working at the Diner.

    @Silverofdreams30 Awesome pic of Ty dancing on the counter! ...I like the color of Audra's top. It looks great on her. ...Loved the pic of Audra on the bull.
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @MoonandStars83 , I friended you on flickr!! Boy do you like kitties! :smiley:
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    Hello everyone - nice to see your pictures and comments.

    @lanlyn thank you for your comments on Muriel completing the Abu Simbel tomb. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Congratulations on getting the Mistletoe kisses worked out. Sims to often get up to things without our knowledge - that's part of the fun.

    I've never seen those self-cleaning stalls before. They look interesting. I hope the horses enjoy them.

    I like the pot plants used as room dividers.

    Congratulations on completing your renovations. Sorry about the gift giving party. I never had any success with them and didn't even know a pile of gifts was meant to appear. But I have managed to have a few over the past few years. I just pick up the pile of gifts from wherever it lands and put it where I want it but I'm sure I've had them appear in my basements and they are nowhere near the front door. But I do have mods and something in one of them might have started fixing the problem for me without me realising it.

    I love that room with the ITF projections of the beach. Actually, I think the entire lot is amazingly beautifully done and the sims are all very interesting and fun to see as well.

    @coco sounds like fun running into a movie being made. I had a similar experience a few years ago. I have no idea what movie it was.

    @Mikezumi looks like your sims are enjoying the boardwalk roller coaster.

    It is amazing how much difference a new skin makes to a sim. That's why I have so many different skins. I'm gradually developing a few favourites but every so often I need to make one look entirely different from the rest.

    @polrbear I'm glad you're happy. Have fun wherever you find it.

    @TadOlson yes - I know - but I think I'm going to have to upgrade Mia's lead to a harness if I am going to be pulling her out of the lake.

    @Charlottesmom - I never know what's on my horizon. I do get bored when it isn't interesting though. At the moment the project that is keeping me away from my Sims is my galahs. I have a series of 20 photos of a galah on the overhead wires. I took them over 10 years ago in the hope they'd be useful one day. Well that day has arrived. I have set myself the task of doing a watercolour of each photo. The original photos are very poor quality so I'll just be using them for the shape of the bird as it flaps and spins around on its wire. Plus I'm finishing my next episode of Perfect Genetics. And my fingers are freezing as I type and Mia is sitting on my lap to stop her from trying to climb me.

    I'm sorry you have lost another pet - but that happens with pets. I hope Birdie is doing well. I suppose she is a wild bird now and will come and go as she likes - and that is what you hoped for her all along.

    @CravenLestat I finally worked out which hat everyone was talking about a few days ago. I finally saw your picture and I don't use that hat although I do like it a lot. After seeing what you did with it I might have to try to use it in future - whenever I manage to get back into my game.

    Happy Simming all

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    mycami21mycami21 Posts: 752 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and ask for prayers for that poor momma cat I mentioned earlier. Babies were refusing to come out no matter how hard she pushed so they took her for an emergency c-section. Hopefully everything will turn out alright.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @mycami21 I will say a prayer because I know how hard that is. It happened to one of my favourite cats years ago. She ended up losing a couple and, after an emergency c-section, she only came home with 2 :(
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    @mycami21 My thoughts are with that little momma cat. I pray all goes well with the births.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @TeenWolf_1999 I like your Yoga pictures. :)

    @Charlottesmom That would be awesome. :) I'll try to remember to remind you. I only have one or two it would be hard to share. I mostly don't share because of all the cc in my game right now. I don't have what I used to call a 'clean' folder that didn't have cc that I created the sharable stuff in. :)
    Your simself is in the library! @emorrill's trick worked. Still will be a bit before I've got world ready to start. Adding houses. Gotta snag Jared and Conner too. I want to check some of the sim families in that world as I may evict some of them. I did not realize how many sims I have that I want to add to the world. :open_mouth: The world came with 19 families of various sorts, several of them are bots so will leave those intact. :)

    @emorrill Thank you bunches! I <3 you! It worked by clicking add to game and using launcher rather than save file and launcher.

    @Silverofdreams30 Bronson looks great!
    Audra and Ty both look like they had a great time. :)

    @mycami21 Your sim is very pretty and I do like her violet eyes.
    Hope all goes well with the birth of the kitties. Oh, dear. Prayers said and hope all goes well at the vets.

    @lanlyn There are a couple of mods for gift giving. I used one when I had seasons which enabled me to put the pile in a basement party room which is where I wanted to hold the party in that family. :) I just tried to find it and will need to look in another drive when I have time. I may have stored the ones that went with seasons and pets.
    Looked like a fun party even if the gift giving didn't work out. Emad looks really great :love: in his formal outfit!
    Oh dear, there goes Emad thinking again. That gets him into trouble!
    Nice that the sims are using the various rooms.
    lol at Tyron's yoga skills.
    Cute jammin session.
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @mycami21 , Poor momma kitty!!! I hope all the babies make it.
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited July 2018
    @bekkasan , I just get very possessive of my favorites (note how my SS has been on the exchange forever!! ;) ), Light, L, Vladimere my Avatar, Ciel, Jamie, Dylan and Simon would be impossible for me to ever let go of. If someone had a gun to my head and said I could only keep one of my Sims and the rest would be obliterated I would without a doubt keep L.

    Who would you keep, now I’m curious...same question to anyone else who wants to answer (I already know @emorrill ‘s answer I suspect... :wink: ).
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    mycami21mycami21 Posts: 752 Member
    edited July 2018
    @Mikezumi, @Charlottesmom, @lanlyn, @bekkasan

    Thank you for your prayers.I know that I will never get the chance to meet the momma cat or hr babies but watching her on the live cam the past few weeks she's a real sweety. She was living in the back of a BMW at an auto body repair shop when she was trapped rescued. They believe she was a stray and not one of the feral cats in the area. She loves people and has a very loud purr when being scratched..... Such a sweetheart. <3

    @meerkattime I know....... Everytime she had a contraction I was praying the kitten would come out.
    If you are interested here is the link to the other TinyKittens live feed that has the older kittens. (when they don't escape over the wall) the 3 littlest ones are orphans that were found at a different feral colony. They had to be bottle fed when found and have forgotten how to nurse. Hoping that by spending time with the older kittens and the orange momma cat they will learn how and stop trying to comfort nurse on inappropriate things

    The latest update is that her kittens are giant and she would not have been able to deliver them on her own. They are prepping her for her c-section now.
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @mycami21 , Please keep the updates coming on the kittens, I seriously hope momma and babies all come out of this just fine.
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    mycami21mycami21 Posts: 752 Member
    @mycami21 , Please keep the updates coming on the kittens, I seriously hope momma and babies all come out of this just fine.

    Will do. No new updates yet. She's in surgery right now so hopefully we'll hear about some very large and healthy babies soon. :)
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @mycami21 Thanks for the update. I really appreciate you letting us know. I don't do Facebook so can't check.

    @Charlottesmom I think if I could only keep would be Patrick. Which is strange since I'm not playing him now, but he and Bekka were in my saves that had everything and I don't want to take a chance of glitching them.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited July 2018
    @Charlottesmom There is no way I could limit it to one sim! This is the reason that even when I left nearly all my worldly possessions behind when I left America, I had a disc with all my sim files on it. I find it extremely difficult to share some of my sims and even more difficult to give them up completely even if it's years between replaying them.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @bekkasan I know you don't let elders die so I will go into my makeover save and redress my elder SS in non-CC clothes if you are interested in having her in your town as a background sim.
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    mycami21mycami21 Posts: 752 Member
    edited July 2018
    @Mikezumi, @Charlottesmom, @lanlyn, @bekkasan, and @meerkattime

    This is the latest update from the Tiny Kittens facebook page:
    4 hrs ·
    UPDATE 6:54pm: Princess Consuela is just finishing up in surgery and doing well so far. We have two healthy kittens and a third who is fighting.

    I learned about Tiny Kitten rescue a little over a month ago and I know that Princess Consuela and her kittens are in very good hands. Shelly (The woman that runs the rescue has been doing this for years and several of the cats in her care right now would not still be here if it wasn't for Shelly crossing their path.

    @Mikezumi I realized that I had not responded to everything you had said earlier. I am very sorry to hear about the kittens. It is never easy to loose a pet especially ones so young. I am thankful though that your Mom cat was OK and she was able to raise 2 of her beautiful babies. {{{Hugs}}}
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @mycami21 Thank you :) Mom cat and her two babies all had long and happy lives :) Mike (the mother) is actually the Mike part of my username. Of course it's not pronounced like the name Mike but phonetically as it is a common Japanese name for cats with three coloured fur :)
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    @mycami21 Thanks for the update. It sounds like good news so far. Awesome!
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @mikezumi That would be awesome! I would be honored to have her in town. :)
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @bekkasan -I'm getting excited to start playing live mode there.I've nver had prblems with exchange download being installed after using the save file to download them to a folder.
    @Jordan061102 -Hi there!This is a TS3 thread and it would take NRaas Mods to allow you to fix that issue by removing that sim from their role and adding them to your active household as a full playable member of the family.Nraas Register would allow you to assign a new mixologist to the bar and remove her from that role.Master Controller would let you add her to your household as a playable sim.
    @Charlottesmom -I could do that in NRaas Mover though it would be cheating to do it all of the time.It gets done when my town is trying to attract new settlers though it can get way too cheaty.
    @TeenWolf_1999 -I don't even get lag and rarely get a crash though it has happened a few times.Great pictures!
    @mycami21 -I've seen kttens being born so many times from Sandi and even helped her deliver on occasions if they got stuck.I've even watched Sandi being born when her mum was having her first batch.That mum should've ben giving birth around my home since I might've been able to help her get the babies out like I did when that happened to Sandi and two of the babies got stuck.One of them ended up being Misti and she also became a mum when she grew up to adulthood.
    @lanlyn -It looks like you need that buyable gift pile from Simlogical.Great update!
    @Silverofdreams30 -Great update!
    @CravenLestat -Great picture!
    @Karritz -Mia's almost as bad about getting into mud puddles as Pig was about diving into garbage cans ans dumpsters to eat the garbage.
    @Mikezumi -I had my friend Sandi get babies stuck and not be able to push them out once and I had to pull them out which was lucky because I couldn't have afforded another vet bill at that time and one of those babies was Misti who grew up and had a few batches of little ones herself.Great picture!
    Here's another Logan update below.
    Logan,Utah-Under COnstruction.
    Here's a view of the fire hall before papering the walls.
    Here's a CC rug I wanted to see.
    Finished the basement walls first.
    Finished main floor walls.
    Here's what can happen if you forgot a parking spot for a car.It's one they can use in the winter when snow is blocking the roads.
    Here's it placed on a lot.
    Here's the yoga rugs.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    I've done the Perfect Genetics Challenge Generation 1 Episode 15 and it will start loading to YouTube soon. I'll let you know when it's loaded.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom This is how Morty thanked me for giving him facial fur ;) His nose is still not quite right but I don't know what to do about it just yet. I did do some tweaking and am happier with it but something about the tip still bothers me.

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