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Sam Beckett (Quantum Leap) Sims 3 story :)


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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @emorrill , I looked at your last update again, I was trying to see what shoes Emma was wearing to see if they were THE shoes from the Sam woohoo pictures!! No shoes showing you sneaky minx you..... ;)
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @Charlottesmom Lol, nice idea though!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Ohhhh yeah! :smiley:

    Forgive me for sharing this because I gotta!! :mrgreen:

    Here's an old TV clip about the last episode of Quantum Leap (no huge spoilers really so it's all good, but I'm sure over the past nearing 30 years many of you have heard about it) and about 1 minute into it they interview Scott Bakula and what he says about the conclusion...... I feel.... validates all that is happening in my story! :blush: Think about it............

    Eeeek! I feel so giddy about this! :mrgreen: I love the man! <3

    Watch! It's only a minute and a half. :)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited April 2018
    Who all would like Doctor Sam Beckett under their tree this year? :blush:


    :star: Merry Christmas! :star:

    More of Sam's story to come after the Holidays! :)
    Post edited by emorrill on
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    emorrill wrote: »

    Here's an old TV clip about the last episode of Quantum Leap (no huge spoilers really so it's all good, but I'm sure over the past nearing 30 years many of you have heard about it) and about 1 minute into it they interview Scott Bakula and what he says about the conclusion...... I feel.... validates all that is happening in my story! :blush: Think about it............

    I did not see this! Love it. I'm still annoyed they didn't give us a Quantum Leap movie to let Sam go home but you're continuing the story quite nicely, Emily. :)


    YOWZAH! I don't have a tree so can I have Doctor Sam Beckett under my...under do I keep this G-rated. :flushed::lol:
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @emorrill Woot!! Woot!! Looks good to me!
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    MistyZBAMistyZBA Posts: 29 Member
    I read the whole story you have so far. When he does jump I think that he should have a special phone with his contacts and invite her to whatever city through invite foreign visitors. Emma might also be able to recognize him, no matter what body he is in because of the bond of love between them.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    MistyZBA wrote: »
    I read the whole story you have so far. When he does jump I think that he should have a special phone with his contacts and invite her to whatever city through invite foreign visitors. Emma might also be able to recognize him, no matter what body he is in because of the bond of love between them.

    @MistyZBA Thank you. <3 I'm really glad you enjoyed reading it. :blush: It's been such a joy to write.

    In bold: Aww, I just love that!!! Great point you have there, and really...a lovely idea. <3 I imagine you've seen the show?

    You know what's interesting with you saying that...

    For the next chapter I was going to make it known that Sam's cell phone stays with him during his leaps...however he wouldn't be able to contact anyone from HS (like Emma) because of the time or planet difference. Does that make sense? It's just the way leaping around is.
    But that doesn't mean he can't view pictures he's taken with her. ;)

    Oh boy...I might be saying too much.

    But thank you for your comment and I hope you'll enjoy future chapters. :)
    I'm transferring the whole story to my blog (at a somewhat snail pace :grimace: ) and editing/adding in, especially in the beginning of the story where it needed it, so it's coming out tons better! :p
    But yeah these recent ones won't need much editing at all.

    It's amazing how much you grow as a writer the longer you do it. ;)

    So everyone,
    I caught the flu. :weary: Worst. Thing. EVER! (why oh why did I forget to get the shot...)

    and I gotta rest up so I'll be out of commission for a few days.
    Sam's story is the first thing on my list to write again once I get better! :smiley:
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    MistyZBAMistyZBA Posts: 29 Member
    quote from above scene, "You got pantsed because of me?"
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    MistyZBAMistyZBA Posts: 29 Member
    > @MistyZBA said:
    > quote from above scene, "You got pantsed because of me?"

    Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime, Doctor Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished. He awoke to find himself trapped in the past, facing mirror images that were not his own, and driven by an unknown force to change history for the better. His only guide on this journey was Al, an observer from his own time, who appeared in the form of a hologram that only Sam could see and hear. And so, Dr. Beckett finds himself leaping from life to life, striving to put right what once went wrong, and hoping each time that the next leap will be the leap home.
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    @MistyZBA Lol, you're obviously a fan! :lol:

    @emorrill So sorry you got the flu. Hope you feel better soon. :kissing: he's fixing to leap????!!! Hmm, yeah cell phone wouldn't work if you're in a different time period. :(
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @MistyZBA You got me. ;) Nice to meet another fan!!!
    Hopefully you'll gain member status very soon!

    @ZeeGee Maybe. Maybe not. :p
    Can't wait to write more!
    And thank you. <3 The flu su'cks so bad!!!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited April 2018
    @Charlottesmom @ZeeGee @MistyZBA @simscognito

    Alright everyone, here it is! :mrgreen:
    Gotta admit I am super excited to share this chapter and it was a joy writing it! <3
    Enjoy my friends. :blush:


    The Song of the Heart

    The days leading up to Friday came and gone as Sam cheered joyfully, greeting the morning with the fact that he still hadn't leaped.


    He did have the thought that maybe there was something else he needed to Right in Hidden Springs, so he had Al and Ziggy run a few scenarios. But most likely their results would be, no. Of course there was always the chance that he could leap this afternoon...or in the evening...Heaven forbid at Emma's gig! But he seriously doubted it. He had a feeling he was supposed to be there for his dear friend tonight.

    As much as he wished he could be up there singing with her, he found it a pleasure to just hear her sing this time around. Her voice was truly lovely, a rare sound. Not too high pitched and not too low, just the right tone. The kind of soothing voice a mother sounds while singing a lullaby to her child. There was no doubt in his mind that she would be a star tonight.


    Sam arrived early at the cafe that night, before anyone else arrived in fact. He wasn't sure why. Perhaps it was his excitement to hear Emma sing, or maybe it was the fact that he had nothing better do than sit around anticipating when he would leap, which was something he couldn't ever help. Just let it go already! he commanded himself, while taking a seat at the table facing the stage. Live your life and have fun! If it happens, it happens! In the meantime, quit making yourself miserable! He dropped his forehead into his hand and rubbed at it. Gosh, I'm beginning to sound like my dad.

    Within ten minutes more people arrived...


    ...and in that time the lady behind the counter asked Sam twice if he wanted anything to drink, to which he politely declined. He didn't feel hungry or thirsty. He wasn't sure what he felt at the moment. He just wanted to hear Emma sing.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen," the owner of the cafe, Helen, announced over the microphone. "I ask that you please take your seats and welcome to our small town stage once again," she motioned her hand to the side in introduction, "the singing of Miss Emma Simself!"


    Everyone clapped as Emma emerged from the dark hallway, lightly stepping up onto the little stage. A raised platform really, Sam noted, but that thought was quickly replaced upon taking notice of how gorgeous Emma looked; approaching the microphone in that stunning purple glitter shirt, which sparkled every second in the ambient light, and black skirt and heels. He felt himself gulp as his heart fluttered, seeing her smile down upon him. The joy in her eyes at his presence was quite obvious. He had to stop himself from shaking his head as he thought how is it that she'd always been this beautiful and he never noticed it?


    He smiled brightly back at her and gave her a slight thumbs up.

    Emma blushed as she held the microphone and said, "Thank you everyone. I'll be singing a song I introduced a little over a month ago and was asked by Helen to sing again." She flashed a grin toward the host. "So," she breathed, "without further adieu, here is, 'Fly.'"

    Sam clasped his hands together in his lap with anticipation as the music began playing. It started with a lovely piano solo. Man, I wish I could be playing that for her right now.

    Emma's heart pounded a little faster than usual on this night, but she took in a slow breath to calm it as she waited for the intro to end and braced herself for her cue.

    "Sometimes I swear I live with an angel,
    Sent from above to watch over me.


    He wears his love just like a halo,
    If he's not an angel, what else could he be."

    The memories she thought of the last time she sang this song, played out once again in her mind.

    "He wouldn't say he's anything special,
    Betcha that's how all those angels are,
    But when he comes around miracles happen,
    I felt the first one when he touched my heart.


    Though I've never seen him fly.
    On the wings of love he carries me,
    Heaven bound, I'm mystified,
    How with just one kiss...


    ...he made me believe, in angels.
    Though I've never seen him fly."


    "This mornin' he walked up,
    Smiled and I kissed him,
    I never let on that he's not foolin' me.


    Cause I think it's so cute how he says,
    He's from Bridgeport.
    I swear there's wings tucked up his sleeves.

    Though I've never seen him fly.
    On the wings of love he carries me,
    Heaven bound, I'm mystified,
    How with just one kiss he made me,
    Believe in angels.
    Though I've never seen him fly.


    Wha oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh,
    Woo hoo, woo hoo."

    Shortly before the small instrumental part a couple sat down next to Sam while the woman said, "Oh she's singing 'Fly' again. It's such a cute song!"
    "Yeah," the guy agreed. "Is this the one she said she wrote?"*
    "Yeah, I think so."

    Sam's eyes widened at the thought. Emma wrote this? he admired. He ran the lyrics back through his mind. Clearly she's talking about a man in the song. Was it just a romantic story or about someone she once knew? I wonder who she's talking about...

    Then it hit him.

    A sudden warmth showered over him as he contemplated the possibility and his heart began to flutter even more. It certainly made sense! Flattered, his head gradually turned to gaze back up at her, his face beaming, along with a smile that just wouldn't go away.


    He thought it'd been hard to take his eyes off her before. It's like he suddenly began to see her in a whole new light.

    Within seconds she continued.

    "Heaven bound, I'm mystified,
    How with just one kiss he made me,
    Believe in angels.
    Though I've


    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
    Ooh a, ooh a, ooh, ooh."

    As the music concluded, everyone burst out in applause, especially Sam who stood up while doing so. Emma's smile radiated throughout the entire room as she did a little bow. He couldn't wait to tell her how amazing she did.

    He braced himself as she stepped off the platform and started heading in his direction.


    Teeth clenched together with excitement, Emma asked him, "So? What did you think?"


    "You were fantastic!" Sam exclaimed. "Your voice sounded beautiful and you looked great!"


    "Aww, thanks!" Emma blushed.
    Sam couldn't help but envelop her in his arms. "Great job," he whispered near her ear, "I'm so glad I didn't miss it."
    "Me too," she expressed, hugging him a little tighter.


    "So uh," Sam began, moving to break the embrace. "The couple sitting next to me mentioned that you wrote that song? Music and all?"
    "Not the music," she corrected, "but the lyrics, yes. An old friend of mine from my hometown put the music together."
    "Yeah, he's a talented guy. Much like you." That last part she ended while glancing away with a blush.
    "Well," Sam blushed as well. "Have him send me a copy of the music and I'll play it for you next time."
    "I'd love that! In fact that's what I originally wanted, but since you were in a coma and all..."

    The two stood there for a few seconds in a somewhat awkward silence, rocking on their heels, until a couple of folks came over to congratulate Emma on her performance. Sam loved watching how genuinely sweet she was-is-with everyone. So humble too. She'd never admit publicly how great of a singer she is, but she certainly could and no one would disagree with her.

    Once the people left, Emma clasped her hands together and flashed a smile at Sam.
    "So uh," Sam began again, wanting desperately to ask her more about the song, but chickening out. "I was going to tell you that I've discovered that when I leap my cell phone goes with me!"
    "Oh," Emma expressed, not expecting that. "Well, that'"
    "Of course I can't make any calls to anyone, know why."
    "And," he pulled out his phone. "I realized I don't have any pictures of you, which is crazy since you're my best friend and all."
    "Oh Sam..."
    "And I was thinking that," he paused, growing a little more serious. "if heaven forbid I'm gone on this next leap for months or...this Bracelet doesn't work and I never come back--"


    "Don't say that," she placed a hand on his arm. "You will!"
    "That," he continued, "I'd love to have a picture of you...either remember you by."
    With a blushed smile Emma said, "Sure. Definitely. But I warn you I am not very photogenic!"
    "Oh I doubt that."

    In that moment he asked Emma to strike a pose or whatever she wanted to do as he took a picture.
    "Wow," he breathed as he took a glance at it and then showed it to her. "You look beautiful!"


    "Huh," Emma observed. "That one actually didn't turn out too bad." She winked at him.
    "You look so happy. I love it."
    Emma wanted to express her innermost response to that, but kept it to herself.

    "Come on!" Sam exclaimed, moving her to the side a bit for some better light. "Let's take a couple of...what are they called...'selfies' together!"
    Emma laughed.
    "You ready?" he asked, while putting his arm around her and raising his phone up with the other.


    Emma couldn't stop giggling.
    "Ok, one more," Sam chuckled too. "Maybe a normal one this time around." But neither one listened to that.

    As they took a gander at both pictures they shared a few laughs and joked about feeling like teenagers again.


    "They turned out real cute!" Emma expressed.
    "Yeah," Sam breathed, looking upon her once again in that way he really hadn't before. "They really are."



    Once the Cafe closed, Sam offered to take Emma home. She'd gotten a ride over with Helen since her car was being fixed. Needless to say she was more than happy to ride home with him and Helen emphatically agreed that she do so!

    "You know," Emma started while on the drive, changing the subject. "I was thinking that we should come up with some way for me to know when you've leaped."


    "That way your Sixam, fish, and bug aren't suffering from neglect and hunger for too long before I notice."
    "Yeah," he chuckled.
    "Got any ideas?"
    "Well," he paused, thinking fast. "How about I just send you a greeting text every morning and if you don't happen to get one from me the next'll know I've leaped."
    Emma nodded, accepting the idea. "What if you forget to text though?"
    "I won't forget," he flashed a smile at her.
    "Alright!" she declared, clapping her hands together. "Sounds like a plan!"

    When they arrived at Emma's place they shared a lengthy hug while Sam congratulated her once again on her performance and Emma reminded him to really not forget to text her.

    Watching her approach her door safely and turn around to wave, Sam waved back with a long, drawn out sigh.


    The next morning Sam stayed true to his word and sent a text to Emma just as he sat up from the bed.

    Good morning beautiful. ;) How'd you sleep?
    You flatter me. ;) I don't look so beautiful right now.

    I doubt that, he thought.
    But I slept fine. Thank you for asking...and texting. <3
    Of course. I promised you I wouldn't forget.
    We'll see about that...
    Hey! Don't blame me! Blame Quantum Physics!


    The rest of the morning Sam spent grocery shopping and running into a few locals whom he carried on long conversations with. That afternoon he stopped by the Vanderburg's to see how they were faring and to inform them personally of his new "job" in Bridgeport.

    "Well, I sure hope nothing serious happens to us while you're called away," Catarina lightly huffed while sticking up her chin.
    "Nothing will," Sam assured. "Besides I won't be gone too terribly long. A week or two tops!"
    "A lot can happen in a week's time you know Sam."
    Then he placed a comforting hand on hers. "Just have a little faith Catarina ok?" He smiled.
    A smile hinted across her face. "I'll try, but I'm not making any promises."


    That evening after enjoying a play at the theater, Sam came home to find a note taped to his front door. Curiously, he ripped it off and read it underneath the porch light.

    Dear Mr. Beckett,

    Please harvest your money tree or someone else will.

    He flipped the paper over to see if anyone signed it. Nope. Huh, he thought, well, then. I guess I better go harvest it. He chuckled at the note, but more over the fact of how awesome it was that money actually did grow on trees in this world! Granted it wasn't much, but still! Nothing surprised him living here anymore.

    As he began to harvest the simoleons from the tree, he whistled a happy tune.


    Until a familiar bright blue light began to engulf him.


    "Oh you gotta be kidding me!?"

    And he disappeared…as a couple of money bills slowly swirled down to the ground.


    As Sam's being began to reanimate into the next situation he'd been "called" to, he immediately took a look around. He first noticed that the place looked more realistic than cartoonish, unlike in Hidden Springs. It quickly became apparent that he was in another world. This must be a bedroom. Outlined with grey walls and blue sheets on the small bed. Comfortable looking, but not cozy. A light beeping sound greeted his ears, but he couldn't figure out where it was coming from. There was a small window off to the right and when his eyes caught hold of what was outside, he gaped.


    Eyes widened with fascination, the beeping sound ringing again, he rested his hands upon the wall and stared out into the vast expanse; watching the stars fly by with drool nearly coming out of his mouth. Am I on a starship!? He grinned brightly and jumped with excitement. "Oh YEAH!"

    "Captain?" A woman's voice asked behind the door.
    Sam froze in his tracks. Captain? Perhaps that beeping sound was his...doorbell? "Uh...come in?"
    The door slid open to the side as a slim figured woman, wearing an interesting grey and black patterned suit, with short brown hair and raised, pointed eyebrows, stepped in with a rather serious look on her face.
    "Captain," she addressed again. "Your presence is needed in Sick Bay. Doctor Phlox is waiting."

    Is this for real!? Sam couldn't help thinking while staring at her. This feels like Star Trek! But...those stories were never real. Or, he grew bug eyed, were they!?
    "Captain? Are you alright?"
    "Oh uh yes, sorry," Sam expressed. He held up a finger. "Could you just...give me a few minutes here. I need to find a mirror." He began to look and fumble around for one.
    "Captain Archer!"
    The full name definitely got Sam's attention, which meant she meant business. Glancing up at her he did a double take when he noticed her...pointed ears! "No way!" he cried.
    The woman pursed her lips. "Perhaps you're needed in Sick Bay for a reason other than visiting with Phlox."
    "Forgive me. I'm just so excited I--" when the woman's face expression hadn't changed, he stopped right there. Clearing his throat he started again. "Give me one minute please, just one. And I will immediately go to Sick Bay."
    The woman nodded her head suspiciously at him and left the room.

    Once she did Sam cried, "Mirror, mirror, where are you!?" Eventually he found one playing around with a few buttons on the wall, one of which opened out a sink and mirror hidden behind the wall. Sweet!

    Taking a quick glance at himself he once again had to do a double take.
    "Oh boy."




    Author's Note:

    First off, You know I HAD TO!!! :smiley: There's definitely a wrong that needs to be made right in Star Trek: Enterprise! ;) And many fans of both shows feel the TV Series was just another leap. ;)
    I regret to inform you that I won't be playing or writing out this leap (like the previous one)...sorry. :( I just don't have the time to stage it all, plus...there's other, more important, things I want to have happen in Sam's story then writing out a full leap side story again. :blush:
    Just watch Star Trek: Enterprise to get a feel for it, particularly the Episode in Season 1 titled: "Dear Doctor."

    *I did NOT write this song (that was just for the story) so of course I can't take credit for it. ;)
    All credit and copyright goes to The Wilkinsons for their lovely song. <3 Circa 1998.
    You can listen to it here:
    Post edited by emorrill on
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    WOOOOOW! Just wow! That's all I have time to say cause I'm busy. More later!
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    simscognitosimscognito Posts: 16,599 Member
    @emorrill that was a beautiful chapter and so captivating. I really hope Sam and Emma end up together. I love them both and gosh that outfit did look good on Emma and she most certainly is cute when she smiles. I noticed a few handsome shots of Sam too. :D I loved the Star Trek reference, although, can't say I am that Star Trek savvy, so not sure what the wrong was to be made right, but I did find it funny! :D
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited April 2018
    ZeeGee wrote: »
    WOOOOOW! Just wow! That's all I have time to say cause I'm busy. More later!

    Eeeeekk! Just the reaction I was hoping for! :mrgreen: Thank you @ZeeGee !
    I can't wait to hear what else you have to say about it. :)
    @emorrill that was a beautiful chapter and so captivating. I really hope Sam and Emma end up together. I love them both and gosh that outfit did look good on Emma and she most certainly is cute when she smiles. I noticed a few handsome shots of Sam too. :D I loved the Star Trek reference, although, can't say I am that Star Trek savvy, so not sure what the wrong was to be made right, but I did find it funny! :D

    @simscognito Thank you so much. :blush: I'm so glad you're enjoying the story.
    That glittery top is officially one of my favorites! :star: I love purple! <3
    The handsome shots of Sam you mentioned...I'm thinking of this one in particular:
    Ohhhh so dreamy! :love: So adorable! <3
    It's ok if you aren't familiar with Star Trek...all will be revealed about this leap in the next chapter. ;)
    And I'd say more about Sam and Emma, but I can't. :p

    You two were the first to immediately respond to my update. I luv ya guys! <3 Thank you for your support. {{{{Hugs}}}}

    I think it's awesome (and adorable and...of course!) that Emma tried to steal a kiss when she and Sam were taking a "friendly" picture together!


    Post edited by emorrill on
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    simscognitosimscognito Posts: 16,599 Member
    @emorrill yep, that was the pic I was thinking about. So handsome! <3 And aww! Emma and Sam really need to confess their feelings for eachother.
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @emorrill I loved it so much I'm awesoming and commenting here too! I already commented in the other thread. You did great, girl. Emma should have moved in a bit closer! :wink:
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    @emorrill yep, that was the pic I was thinking about. So handsome! <3 And aww! Emma and Sam really need to confess their feelings for eachother.

    @simscognito They do huh? ;):p
    bekkasan wrote: »
    @emorrill I loved it so much I'm awesoming and commenting here too! I already commented in the other thread. You did great, girl. Emma should have moved in a bit closer! :wink:

    Aww, thank you @bekkasan <3 {{{{Hugs}}}}
    You are too sweet and I'm glad you loved it!

    I saw your comment in the other thread and will reply soon. Now I need to adult a little bit. ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    They are so made for each other! :)
    I am so relieved that Sam didn't leap before Emma's performance. That must have been an eye-opener for him because it was so obvious she wrote the song about him!
    The morning texts are a great idea, as was the photos. Such cute selfies <3
    How exciting for Sam to end up on The Enterprise! I totally understand that you won't be playing that but I am sure enough of us have seen the show to know what it's like :)
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    KatNipKatNip Posts: 1,067 Member
    Wow! I haven't read this story since last year... I have a lot of catching up to do! :flushed: It looks great so far!!
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    edited January 2018
    oops! I accidentally posted here instead of in another thread! :::waves:::
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    I like the song (never heard it before) and I like how the lyrics fit Sam - his realisation that Emma was singing about him was such a sweet moment!
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Mikezumi wrote: »
    They are so made for each other! :)
    I am so relieved that Sam didn't leap before Emma's performance. That must have been an eye-opener for him because it was so obvious she wrote the song about him!
    The morning texts are a great idea, as was the photos. Such cute selfies <3
    How exciting for Sam to end up on The Enterprise! I totally understand that you won't be playing that but I am sure enough of us have seen the show to know what it's like :)

    @Mikezumi Thank you for the sweet comments. <3 Glad you enjoyed it. It does seem like they really are made for each other huh? ;) And Sam certainly needed an eye-opener! :p Guess we shall see what happens.
    In Bold: You know, you make a good point there. :) It makes me feel better about not writing out this leap story.
    KatNip wrote: »
    Wow! I haven't read this story since last year... I have a lot of catching up to do! :flushed: It looks great so far!!

    @KatNip Heck yeah it's been a while. ;) I'd love to hear your thoughts on the story while you catch up. Thanks for your support. <3

    @bekkasan You're ok lady. :kissing_heart: **Waves back**

    @PalmArrow Thank you. <3
    I heard that song back in my teenage years and loved it! For some reason it kept coming back to me as I started playing more of Emma and Sam's relationship. I took it as a sign to add it to the story. ;)
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    ZeeGeeZeeGee Posts: 5,381 Member
    Ok, I've had a crazy couple of days with some bad news about a friend so haven't had much sim time but...

    @emorrill You just couldn't have done anything more perfect than having him leap onto the Enterprise with T'Pal in his ear!! I literally freaked!! I understand you not playing it out though. The logistics of getting the set and the pictures on the Enterprise would probably be impossible, but YOU GO GIRL! That was awesome.

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