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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,370 Member

    The party went into the wee hours of the morning. So once everyone had left , I decide to head on over to the hospital to see the doctor as she wasn't too busy.

    Also while I'm there, I will see about getting the flu shot so that I don't get the flu.

    Mrs. Claus also going into the hospital.

    After seeing the doctor and I come outside, I see Donny out there playing with his little doggie, Scout. So I go over to see Scout and to say "Hi" to Donny.
    SS: Hey there Scout and Donny... :)
    Donny: Scout says "Hi" as well as his owner does... ;)
    SS: So what brings you here today?
    Donny: Well I'm here because I'd trying calling you to see how you were feeling this morning and didn't get an answer, so I decided to drive around looking for you and had spotted your car in the hospital parking lot. So I see you took my advice and went to see the doctor. So what the doctor say about your throwing up?
    SS: She said that it either could be from food poisoning or that I might had a bad allergic reaction to something that was in that nasty smelling perfume. So she did some blood work to rule out anything else and then she'll prescribe whatever medicine that she thinks that I might need for my tummy issues.
    Donny: Well whatever it is, I just hope that it's nothing too serious and that you start to feel better... :)
    SS: Thank you Donny for saying that. I too hope that this is just a 24-48 hour issue and nothing else to worry about as I don't want to be sick to see the New Year in.
    Donny: Oh you're welcome. Just let me know what the doctor finds out after she gets the blood work in. Okay?
    SS: Okay, I will... :) Oh hey Donny, do you want to hear a secret?
    Donny: What secret do you want to tell me?
    SS: The secret is that I like Lilac as my favorite color... :blush:

    So then we started talking about the snowman as I wanted to know why he destroyed it for.
    SS: What's up with destroying the snowman in my yard last night for?
    Donny: I guess I was just frustrated about something at work and I just needed to take it out on something instead of someone, so I destroyed the snowman. Sorry that I did that... :(
    SS: It's okay. We all get like that every once in awhile. It's best to take it out on such things like that instead of on other people I guess.
    Donny: So true. I don't believe in taking it out on others as I don't want to hurt other peoples feelings or hurt them in any way.

    Donny: Now come here so that I can hold you for a little bit... <3<3

    SS: Let's do a romantic picture together... :smiley:
    Donny: Sure, why not... <3

    Then we did the mind meld probing with each other... :)

    We then went to take a tour of the theatre before going to the diner for something to eat... :)

    Of course while I was there, I got sick yet again. Thankfully Donny wasn't around to see me get sick. I just hope that I'll hear something soon on my blood work on why I'm getting sick for... :(

    Luke was there doing a snow angel in his shorts and he was shirtless... :o

    Donny then comes out of the diner and sits down at the table and starts watching funny videos... :)

    Then he decides to make a snow angel after watching videos on his phone... :)

    Then he gives me more flowers... :)

    I then asked him if he wanted to go back to my place and hang out for a little bit... :) So after we get inside, I go to make some Mac & Cheese as I was feeling hungry after getting sick again.

    I call Donny to come and grab a bowl of it while I take a call from Hal who wanted to know if I wanted to go on a date with him. I turned him down as he's not my type.

    I then asked Donny how his food was and he said that he enjoyed it... :)

    I then asked him if he wanted to stay the night with me and he said yes that he would love too stay... :)

    Then we little kissing out on the front porch before heading inside for bedtime... :)

    We end up cuddling a little bit on the bed before going to sleep... ;)

    The he gets up the next morning to take a shower before he heads out for work... <3

    I get up and go into the bathroom to give him a little kiss before he leaves. He then asks me if he can call me later to see how I'm doing and I said that he could call me... :)

    I got a craving to eat mac & cheese for breakfast, so I grabbed me a bowl full of it... :)

    I then tend to my garden before I do anything else... :)

    I go to get my mail out of the box. I got another letter from Donny along with a picture to hang up in my house... :)

    I then go inside to read the newspaper to see what's going on today... :)

    Afterwards, I go back outside to finish up my painting. I'm keeping this one but I did paint another one just like this one so that I could sell it for $1232... :)

    I then get a phone call from Donny wanting to talk and to see how I'm feeling... :)
    Donny: So how are you feeling now, Lisa?
    SS: Still about the same. I just wish that I would hear something from the doctor already with the results from the blood work so that I could start taking some medicine to make this stomach bug go away... :/

    SS: No I don't think that I'm pregnant as we have always been very careful and used protection when we've been together.
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    @lisasc360 , we are all curious about the blood test results!

    That's a beautiful painting!
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    After the triple stress of being toadified, living through her first full moon and being burgled, Cora had two quiet days, mostly socialising and working on skills.

    @emorrill , you asked me earlier if playing in Hidden Springs would remind me of Sam's story. Yes, definitely! Some of the townies are, for me, characters from your story. For example, Evelyn Kwon and Emmaline Rhoen:



    While studying at the library, Cora met fairy Luis Swete.


    She painted at the museum again, and painted a psychedelic picture that suits her bohemian style.


    I noticed that werewolf Ryan Anderson was in the museum. One of the Vanderburgs' English Setters was looking at him and thinking "I know what you are."

    I sent Cora to introduce herself. Disturbingly, they went to the toilet to talk! Cora told him how awesome it was that he was a werewolf, and managed to befriend him.

    I think Cora should have a party on the next full moon eving and invite all the supernaturals she has met.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @coco thank you for the links to the top and the skirts. I've now downloaded them. I'm not sure when I will actually put them into my game though. Yesterday I was looking through the clothes I have to do some short videos of Louise at various stages of her life and was disappointed with the little variety I have installed so perhaps I ought to go for sooner rather than later.

    @Silverofdreams30 thank you. Happy New Year to you too.

    Nice update of your supernatural save. I like the new outfit your sim is wearing. Nice top and skirt.

    @bekkasan thank you. I do like to try to use that Wedding Venue as often as I can as it took such a lot of work. It has a fountain of youth in the back yard and I find it always needs resetting or replacing. This happens with any lot I've placed with a fountain of youth on it so I think it is something about the fountain of youth itself.

    Nice update on your collecting sims. That was a big space rock to find. I haven't had Oscar do much rock collecting in this new save - he's sticking to flowers and suns for the moment.

    @TadOlson thank you.

    I've used Norton for years now and am happy with it.

    @lisacs360 nice Christmas and snowman fight pics.

    It's still early morning at my place and cool. It will be stinking hot in a couple of hours. That 'storm' we had coming yesterday afternoon kept coming but never arrived until after dark, then it rained for ages. Fortunately that meant it was comfortably cool last night.

    Thank you to anyone who is watching my videos.

    It seems I am now due to do another Caroline video. Fortunately all of hers are already recorded so I'll start putting it together for a while now.

    Happy Simming everyone.
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,370 Member

    Alright @lisasc360 Real quick here...

    Maybe I missed it because I've been so sick but...

    Who knocked your SS up??? :lol:

    @lisasc360 Glad to see more of your ss. I certainly enjoyed the gift giving party and it was tacky of that craven guy to leave that way! :lol:
    Donny was certainly attentive and that is awesome. I am very concerned about your ss being so sick! I think Donny is right, maybe she needs to go see a Doctor, maybe and OB doctor? :wink: That would add a nice twist to her life. Who dun it? :lol:

    LOL, @lisasc360 , I'm asking the same question as @emorrill ! I'm guessing the answer is Donny, but I missed the update when it happened!
    @lisasc360 , we are all curious about the blood test results!

    That's a beautiful painting!
    It will all be revealed in due time... :p

    And thank you everyone... :)

    Lol, I'm laughing at the fact that a sim fought the snowman, made a mess and another sim went on to fix it. Such a good soul.
    I don't think that I had ever seen a Sim fight with a snowman even though I do know that a sim can knock one

    @lisacs360 nice Christmas and snowman fight pics.
    Thank you... :)

    @Silverofdreams30, thank you... :) Nice update to your story as well... :)
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    cocococo Posts: 2,727 Member
    T_Mari wrote: »
    @coco i use custom, lashes and my CAS doesn't come out blurry. It used to come out greyish blurry before with a certain skin (can't remember it because I removed it) but the lashes I use don't grey everything.

    @T_Mari Hi, sorry maybe I didn’t explain it right. Sometimes custom accessories such as jackets or in this case the top are blurry if you use cc eyelashes. There’s no solution to fix it, it’s just the way it is. And this individual top is initially grey in CAS (until you choose a colour or pattern) because that’s how the creator made it.
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    Simtown15Simtown15 Posts: 3,952 Member
    edited January 2018
    @lisasc360 Looks like your sim is pregnant! I like how you incorporated others' sims into your gameplay.
    @Silverofdreams30 Baby Lily is cute!
    @PalmArrow Great update!
    Ok, now for my update.

    Nikolas started learning alchemy. He learned how to make a potion and started gathering ingredients.
    Meanwhile, Stacy and Hubert watched the stars together for the last time.
    The next day, Nikolas made his potion.
    Stacy still had the wish to flirt with Flint. This time she was successful, but Hubert caught her.
    Hubert went to flirt with Miriam again.
    When he returned, Stacy tried to hug him amorously, but he rejected her.
    He had a midlife crisis wish to break up with her, and he did it then.
    Nikolas was watching.
    Stacy needed to get out of the house and came back with 2 tatoos.
    When she got home, she gave herself a makeover.
    Nikolas realized he had a crush on his good friend Felicity.
    He asked her on a date, but not only did she reject him, she was also mean to him. Just as he feared, his crush caused him to lose his friend.
    Don't worry, Nikolas. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    @palmarrow That is her,you let her escape :# You were supposed to toss age of instants at her.Now get in your car and chase her down she is on a bike couldn't have gotten far.Am actually doing something elixir related myself in game.
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,370 Member
    @lisasc360 Looks like your sim is pregnant! I like how you incorporated others' sims into your gameplay.
    Thank you... :)
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    My new video is up now :smile:

    Sadly even though it has only had a couple of views someone has already disliked it :(
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    Namaya92Namaya92 Posts: 934 Member
    edited January 2018
    Before I update you guys with my stories I wanted to give you a sneak peak at Vincent because he'll make an appearance in one of the future chapters in the Avesnes story and I gave him a make over. He's so yummy now!!! <3 _ <3 tagging @Charlottesmom because I know you'll appreciate this especially ;).


    Btw @bekkasan I found some CC beards, they do have the adfly thing but they're worth the trouble:
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    Namaya92Namaya92 Posts: 934 Member

    The Avesnes Lepacy - 05

    I haven’t been back in Aurora Skies for long, but I already miss the exotic Shang Sim la. I will definitely go back there soon, to increase my visa status and to explore more of the amazing tombs hidden underground. First I want to see other places though. My next trip will be to Egypt. I’m working on my writing skill while I’m at home and I’ve also been gathering stuff around town to sell so that I have enough money to travel again. I tried selling some Chinese relics at the consignment store, but they wouldn’t take them since they weren’t familiar with the value. I guess I’ll have to sell my treasures locally next time.


    Madelyn spent a few days at home in Aurora Skies, focusing on making money mostly. Though she also took some time to explore the town a little bit more and she met a few of her neighbors along the way. The Port-A-Party Warehouse was a pretty lively place at night. Here she met Miriam Day who looked like she was a hot celeb, but in reality she wasn’t part of the elite at all. Maybe she really wanted to be considering the way she dressed (who wears sunglasses in a club at night unless they are famous?).
    “So you’re the nomad that moved into town recently, aren’t you? Well, my name is Miriam Day and I’m the best cook in town! If you ever want to taste a perfect meal, make sure you drop by my restaurant. Trust me, it’ll feel as if angels are 🐸🐸🐸🐸 on your tongue!” Miriam told Madelyn as they got to know each other briefly. Madelyn wasn’t sure whether she’d enjoy angels 🐸🐸🐸🐸 on her tongue, but she made a mental note to drop by Miriam’s restaurant some day.


    On the upper floor of the Warehouse Madelyn found a DJ booth without a DJ, so she decided to give it a try herself. Pretty quickly after she’d found some tunes to play all the townies in the club gathered around her to listen to her music. Though no one apparently felt like dancing, she did get approving glances from everyone.


    “Well well, seems like you’ve got some talent my new friend. Are you a virtuoso?” Miriam Day asked Madelyn as she gently bobbed her head to the dub-step beat.
    “I’M SORRY I CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER THE MUSIC!” Madelyn responded as she turned up the volume and laughed. This was pretty fun!


    The Avesnes Lepacy - 06

    Something terrible happened to poor Madelyn this night! While she was sleeping soundly, dreaming about all the wonders of the world that she still had to explore, a burglar sneaked into her home!


    There was no alarm because it had been too expensive, but luckily Madelyn woke up from the sound of the door closing. She immediately called the police.
    “Help me! There’s a burglar in my home! Please come quickly, she’s standing right here in my bedroom and is about to steal my precious computer!”


    “We’re on our way madam, please hide somewhere for your own safety!”
    “…I think she already saw me…” Madelyn whispered through the phone as the burglar was standing right in front of her.
    “Don’t mind me, I’m just here to steal some things. I’ll be out of your hair before you know it!”
    How rude!


    Of course the police reached the house way too late. The burglar was already gone by a long time and she had taken Madelyn’s computer with her.
    “We’re sorry madam, we came as soon as we could but it was a busy night. Please do install an alarm so that we can be there sooner next time,” the policeman said, smiling awkwardly. Madelyn let out a defeated sigh.
    “How am I going to continue my writing now? You’re lucky I didn’t start on a novel yet!”


    After the policeman left, Madelyn grabbed a book from her bookcase that she had bought back in China. It was an instruction manual on martial arts. Maybe, if she practiced this skill a little bit, she could handle the burglar by herself next time. One thing was for sure though: it was about time she went on another trip. Maybe she could find some valuable relics in Egypt to sell so that she could buy herself a new computer.

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    Sigzy05Sigzy05 Posts: 19,406 Member
    edited January 2018
    Build a new house for my sims :p











    Post edited by Sigzy05 on
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Good morning everyone :) Glad to see everyone is enjoying their New Year simming :) I enjoyed reading your updates over my morning coffee. Now to get some simming of my own done :)

    @lisasc360 Pregnant? Enquiring minds need to know! :D

    @PalmArrow It looks like you are having lots of fun with Supernatural :)
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    jordandjordand Posts: 262 Member
    @Sigzy05, that house is amazing!! I love the whole thing—from the look of the exterior, to the modern interior, and to the amazing pool in the backyard! <3 You are a very talented builder!
    @lisasc360, I was also wondering if I had missed something in your update, but now I see that I’m not the only one. Hmm....can’t wait to find out for sure what’s going on ;) Regardless, though, she and Donny seem very happy together!
    @Silverofdreams30, congrats on the new baby!
    @Namaya92, I enjoyed your latest update on the Avesnes lepacy! I like how you’re continuing with Madelyn, but also enjoying the turns her life has taken. :)
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    Sigzy05Sigzy05 Posts: 19,406 Member
    jordand wrote: »
    @Sigzy05, that house is amazing!! I love the whole thing—from the look of the exterior, to the modern interior, and to the amazing pool in the backyard! <3 You are a very talented builder!
    @lisasc360, I was also wondering if I had missed something in your update, but now I see that I’m not the only one. Hmm....can’t wait to find out for sure what’s going on ;) Regardless, though, she and Donny seem very happy together!
    @Silverofdreams30, congrats on the new baby!
    @Namaya92, I enjoyed your latest update on the Avesnes lepacy! I like how you’re continuing with Madelyn, but also enjoying the turns her life has taken. :)

    Thank you :blush:
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Nothing much happened in game today just setting up for a big event in tomorrow's update.Game pooped out so I decided to make a few shirts for L (and Light when I play with him again)


    Too tiny me thinks...L needs his BIG L


    Death Note....


    In game..


    In other news Meggie truly loves herself!


    and Connor is cute.. ;)



    A tiny preview of tomorrow's festivities (which is turning into a huge PITA to set up!!) :s


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    Minx11Minx11 Posts: 1,386 Member
    edited January 2018
    Today, in my Sim stint before work, I created a new family, consisting of me,
    5ye6ONp.jpg (A spitting image :D ) and my crush ('Cus that's actually what The Sims was made for). It took me an hour and a half to make two Sims and to make two flat-like houses in the same building on the same lot.
    And then, I went back to my save that I forgot the name of, but I went on, and discovered that not only do I have a death flower bush and a money tree, but I have two money trees! And Paul, my good old friend, continued his affair with the maid Anita Mopp (what a name. I have no idea how he's getting away with it.)
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @PalmArrow Smart dog! Sounds like a fun party!

    @Karritz I'm always glad when I find a big space rock that is worth a lot, and that one was over 2000 so sold for a lot more than that. :)

    @lisasc360 hehe, kinda figured you wouldn't divulge yet! :tongue: Was worth a try!

    @Simtown15 lots of lovely drama! :)

    @king_of_simcity7 just ignore them, consider the source, and toss that negative back to them. I enjoyed Janie's dancing. I'm sorry, I don't like the music so I mute that. :smile: I did go to you tube and gave you a thumbs up.

    @Namaya92 oh, my! Yum! Fans self! Thanks for remembering me! :) Vincent looks terrific! I can't remember if you use mods, but Nraas consignment allows you to sell pretty much anything. :) Poor Madelyn getting robbed! I enjoyed the update.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Namaya92 Nice update :smile:

    @Sigzy05 Brilliant build :smiley:

    @Charlottesmom Nice use of the T-shirts :smile:

    @Minx11 Nice picture of your SS :smile:

    @bekkasan Thanks for the feedback an the thumbs up :smile:
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    CharityHopeCharityHope Posts: 570 Member
    @Sigzy05 That's a fantastic build! I really like the layout and the landscaping.
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    MoonandStars83MoonandStars83 Posts: 1,735 Member
    @krabby_pattiess Kitty!!

    @PalmArrow Kitty!!

    @CravenLestat rec'd all

    @Silverofdreams30 Kitty!!

    @Charlottesmom So happy Emma's getting back to her old self!! It probably just took a little while for her other senses to ramp up to 11. Hopefully she'll be an unholy terror again in no time (figuratively, of course).

    @imdragonit rec'd

    @TadOlson I don't know what the problem is, honestly. I think the dinosaur may be on its last legs (the poor girl is 5 - 10 years old).

    @Emily4331 She looks either French, Russian, or German.

    @MamaSimTee Pretty sure that's a Harley Quinn mannequin from FYE. They're ridiculously expensive.


    Happy belated New Year, everybody!!! *throws confetti and lights sparklers*

    So, it likely wasn't SP that was borking my game. I spent all weekend trying to figure out what mod was causing the overclocking. I was unsuccessful. Unless I decide to pull all my mods (which I really don't want to do) and start over again, I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

    I'll try another new save with the same concept as the last one (though I think I'll keep everyone clickable until I get them employed/made over). We'll see how that goes.

    Happy Simming, all!!
    I voted for you, Kevin.
    My Sims 3 Exhange Studio
    My Blog // Click me if you dare.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @bekkasan that was a good price to get for that space rock. When poor Oscar cleaned up his lot that had been pounded with space rocks (at the start of my first video about him) he didn't get much at all. I think he got something between 1000 and 2000 simoleans for everything and probably closer to 1000 than 2000.

    I was feeling a bit like space rocks are a bit of a let down - that's why I've got him chasing flowers and suns at the moment. He might sell his seeds too if things get desperate. He has to set up a spare room to rent out and his simoleans are close to 0 - he has to pay bills and hasn't got enough to pay them so has to go out collecting again in the next episode. I want him to add the spare room in the next episode too so he's going to have to get really busy collecting. Although I am going to give him no bills ever reward as soon as he can get it, I don't want to use money cheats - I actually want to keep the cheats use down if possible.
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Namaya92 wrote: »
    Before I update you guys with my stories I wanted to give you a sneak peak at Vincent because he'll make an appearance in one of the future chapters in the Avesnes story and I gave him a make over. He's so yummy now!!! <3 _ <3 tagging @Charlottesmom because I know you'll appreciate this especially ;).


    @Namaya92 , Please don't get mad at me but I much prefer him with his longer teen hair, it was unique and special, he is still very nice looking as you have him now but I just prefer the look of him before...he just seemed more...special or something. Just my opinion of course. ;) I'll still adore him no matter what.

    Gorgeous!! He really is a special one. <3


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    T_MariT_Mari Posts: 75 Member
    He's adorable! I love him!

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