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What's on your Wish List?


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    BellRose33BellRose33 Posts: 1 New Member
    I think custom coloring for clothes and hair would be ideal. Especially for "crazy" colored hair, or multi colored hair.
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    SavorySageSavorySage Posts: 72 Member
    I would like to see more options for dating sims, like Hot Date for Sims 1. I have more fun playing sims from dating stage to getting married. It is more fun for me. I also would like for them to fix Get Back to Work back to the way it was when it was released.
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    LoverGal623LoverGal623 Posts: 47 Member
    1. More playground equipment
    2. More npc's
    3. A play kitchen and play food for kids and toddlers
    4. More toddler toys
    5. Spiral stairs
    6. L shaped stairs
    7. The ability to see info panels about our pets
    8. Caged animals like guinea pigs
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    JinxieJinxie Posts: 5 New Member
    I’d like to see the cats with the prowler trait be capable of catching/ridding the apt. of rodents that come with the “needs TLC” apartments in the city expansion. Also, hireable dog walker/pet sitter?
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    LexiePixieLexiePixie Posts: 6 New Member
    My List includes

    1.Farming or off the grid find of living
    2. Seasons
    3.Teen stuff
    4. More interactions with babies like in the Sims 3
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    JinxieJinxie Posts: 5 New Member
    > @Jinxie said:
    > I’d like to see the cats with the prowler trait be capable of catching/ridding the apt. of rodents that come with the “needs TLC” apartments in the city expansion. Also, hireable dog walker/pet sitter?

    Also, I think pets should demand attention from their Sim whilst said Sim uses the toilet.
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    MrPhillosiphtonMrPhillosiphton Posts: 22 Member
    Parachutes are cool and stylish, along with both men and women, including children. Plus, they are less similar to Jetpacks from Sims 3: Into the Future.

    When it is in your sim's inventory, he or she can descend onto any lot when moving to another world or leaving a job as Secret Agent. If a lot has a tree, the wearer gets stuck by it. He or she may unstrap himself/herself from his/her harness, but they have to retrieve his or her parachute back before someone in public might have the opportunity to get it and as they say, "Finders keepers." It also have interesting interactions with sims: it could act as a blanket/bed, a "woohoo" location, kiting, and other actions.
    Here's a weird fun fact: Did you know that kids under 13 or 18 years of age uses parachutes for some occasions in Fiction? It sounds unusual but I think children will get use to it in this game.

    There are three varieties of rigs: one has a round canopy made back in 70 years (also different in seat type or backpack), another one is ram-air; a rectangular canopy which has 5 to 9 cells currently in modern times. Three of these containers have same mechanics, like cutaway, sliders, and steering toggles, but they were different models from 1920s to present day.

    You can customize your rig just like you did in Create a Sim. It is fun to color the straps, canopies, handles, and containers for your sims, and modify your characters' rig with reserve parachutes, improved steering, and other modifications to assemble.

    Since they have a skydiving simulator only in Sims: Superstar and skydiving center from Ford Focus Set in Sims 3, I assume that parachutes are supposed to be added in the base game updates or Game Pack or part of the Expansion Pack.
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    Police to come to your house
    More 🐸🐸🐸🐸. destination
    More Wedding Stuff
    School Day game pack
    Swim in Ocean
    City Hall
    More Holiday stuff
    Birthday stuff

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    SimsILikeSimsSimsILikeSims Posts: 1,634 Member
    edited November 2017
    Mods I hope EA/Maxis makes obsolete (by making them an official part of the game, and I really think the modders wouldn't mind):

    Biology career
    Education career
    Military career
    Firefighter career
    Self-employed career

    Reduce simulation lag
    Lasagna food
    Raspberry, Blueberry harvestables and pies
    Pumpkin harvestable
    Packing crates/file boxes that actually hold stuff that are unlocked
    Chocolate (and vanilla) pudding food
    Random number generator cheat
    Store clutter on top of fridge (but not require 6 items to be stored to use fridge) - ie cookie jar, cereal boxes
    Store clutter on side of sink (ie soap/toothbrush holder) - sink clutter slots
    Juice machine that uses harvestables (not currently updated)
    Canning station that uses harvestables
    Playing with blob of clay builds creativity
    Pottery station (not currently updated)
    Eyelashes eyeliner/facepaint option
    Tropical drinks (pineapple/coconut drink) found here:

    I have been playing The Sims since 2001, when Livin Large came out. My avatar deliberately looks like Chris Roomies from TS1.
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    charliethebeecharliethebee Posts: 1 New Member
    I would really like for there to be a romance GP! and maybe make flirting a skill? and have the max be like 5 or something? I think that would really add a lot of depth and realism to the game :)
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    LumiastaLumiasta Posts: 171 Member
    Agreeing with a lot of the already-mentioned, but have to first flail about bunnies. I'd love a Small Critter Pack as pets: bunnies, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, ferrets, rats, mice, galagos, all things small and fuzzy and cute. Not just in cages, that becomes a meaningless chore of feed-clean-object, but living freely in your apartment like cats and dogs do. That said, I absolutely approve of the decision to handle just one or two things per pack so they can be given focus and depth they deserve. I'm also all for a farm pack, or horse pack with racing or other in-depth additions.

    As for supernatural lifestates, can't wait to see what they'll bring out next! I'm sure they'll bring out werewolves, fairies, witches and mermaids eventually, and with lovely in-depth full-focus packs, too.

    Timetraveling pack! Possibly several, so enough focus can be given to the worlds they end up in: historical world/s and futuristic ones.

    More vacation worlds! Camping is all good and fun, but surely the sims could use a holiday somewhere else, too. World Adventures. WORLD ADVENTURES. All the locations from it, or similar, and definitely adventuring mechanics. Also a skiing holiday world, and scuba diving island paradise kind of thing.

    Seasons. Personally I'd make them free download like toddlers were, all across the worlds and neighborhoods, and then make a ton of fun season related packs, like winter holiday pack, summer picnic pack, autumn harvest pack and so forth, but I'll happily pay for a Seasons pack too. Just thinking it'd make most sense for them to make seasons a base game default system.

    I also liked these from the earlier suggestions: university, interior design career, slowdancing together, spiral stairs, ladders, table top RPGs, sleeping bags, ballet/tap/jazz dancing, theaters, actor career, teacher career.

    I also loved someone's suggestion of Elders' pack. Elders need love and attention and more focus, too!

    Also more in-depth things with photography: ability to take pictures of whole family, as someone mentioned, bigger group photos, included toddlers and pets. Pretty please for more interesting frame options, collages, corkboards and the like for the photos the sims take. Albums to put the rest of the photos in so they don't have to be in sim or household inventory, or covering the whole house's walls.

    I would also love it if the books the sims write became purchasable for other sims (and the household itself). Now if you want to have the book the sim wrote in their shelf, need to write it twice.

    Would also love it if the club activities got updated with things like: play with pets, train pets, be friendly to pets, go on walks with dogs, and so forth. Also would like additional filter to club requirements with Skill +5, or Skill +7 for the really masters of their trade clubs. It would also be useful if the career requirement would show and separate the options, so chef and mixologist, musician and entertainer and so forth.
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    fewlinesfewlines Posts: 1,488 Member
    lots of repeats, but the more people ask for them the better, right? also, i don't know if any of these have been added with expansions--i only own SPs. so please do let me know! and maybe some of these are too specific... but anyway:

    -drums, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, bass, clarinet. i just need to form a jazz band.

    -sitting cross-legged. (can they even sit on the floor/grass/wherever?)

    -slow dancing, and actually dancing with Sims in a way that makes sense. usually they don't even look at each other, it's just the same as dancing on their own.

    -curling up in bed when sad. different to "cry it out" as they are under the covers when they do that.

    -this would be difficult, but: crying on another Sim's shoulder/in their arms.

    -walking while holding hands.

    -being able to touch foreheads with another Sim. like a tender/romantic interaction. brushing their lips together, different to the kiss we have now.

    -hum along to a song when they listen to the radio. they can't do this, can they?

    -ask another Sim about their favourite music.

    -fears, phobias.

    -a white cane. i need a blind Sim!

    -casts, bandages, burns, wounds in CAS.

    -laptops, but i don't know if they have been added with expansions.


    -a way to keep the flower they can give as a romantic interaction.

    -more options for wrinkles.

    -adult Sims reading and discussing books together.

    -making tea/coffee for another Sim.


    -holding hands across a table.

    -ask a Sim to play a song.

    -browsing the web together.

    -more moods.

    -sewing machines.

    -more walking styles.

    -floor fans.

    -more animations for clumsy Sims.

    (i have way too many more to list, i need to stop now!)
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    keekee53keekee53 Posts: 4,328 Member
    I would also like to expand a little on the pool party idea. Maybe it can be called BBQ or backyard party. Sims don't have to just swim but they can hang out in the yard and do all outside activities. Some of my Sims have great yards and I wish they were used more.

    Whenever I throw parties Sims tend to watch tv, eat at the indoor table or dance to the stereo. I would like for Sims to hang outdoors, sit on the cool outdoor furniture and drink the pitcher of sweet tea. Sometimes I place the food and stereo outside so flock Many times they grab the plate of food and drag it to the living room in front of the television.
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    MelpomenaMelpomena Posts: 207 Member
    - 3rd option of time rolling : *other families only* (those with the grey plumbob).

    - Combination of venues : ex : coffee & museum, park & pool, fitness & spa ...

    - witches with a skill & points system like the vampires one.

    - new traits : serious, shy, vain,

    - new careers : lawyer, firman, actor

    - independant worker status for painters, gardiners, musicians, authors, woodcrafters, photographs.

    - owner status for owner of stores, restaurants, veterians.
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    TamakiSakura84TamakiSakura84 Posts: 543 Member
    -nectar making

    -sliding doors
    -bunk beds
    -brick oven
    -snow cone machine
    -water slides
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    2HubbiesNLove2HubbiesNLove Posts: 658 Member
    There's honestly so much more that Maxis could release for TS4. Since it's obvious we're receiving 1 EP per year, 2 GPs per year, and 4 to 5 SPs per year... the possibilities are endless.

    My wants:

    Finding Love GP- the ability to have bachelor and bachelorette parties with a nostalgic NPC returning- the Cake Dancer. A matchmaker dating app included. The Chemistry System is brought back with Turn On's/Off's, Fears & Desires, Likes & Dislikes, Astrology and maybe even a Compatibility Score on the dating app so our sims can meet their perfect match. Weddings should be more elaborate with wedding reception being classified as a party after the wedding, with gameplay activities like toasting the newlyweds, slicing the cake, Father-Daughter Dance and reintroducing slow dancing. A honeymoon destination like a B&B (Bed & Breakfast) would also be ideal for a Finding Love pack. A new skill- Romance. And new woohoo spot- Shower; Cuddling should also be added for the bed and sofa. And one last thing... Anniversaries should definitely be added to the pack.

    Family Life EP- combining themes from TS3 Generations & TS2 Family Fun. A new Family Tree system expanding on families with in-laws, step-parents/children, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, as well as cousins. Maybe even tracing roots down to historical figures that made Sim history. A new app sims can use to trace their ancestry could be Roots (the sim version of A new Family Trait such as Reserved, Blue Collar, Rebellious and Eclectic which would make for great story-telling when families come together at Family Reunions. Sims also celebrated events such as baby showers, birthdays, and even gathered for funerals. New NPCs could include Imaginary Friend for toddlers, Burglars, and Police Officer. Scrapbooking could be a new hobby, along with a new painting type- Family Portrait. Body Hair made a comeback, as well as walking canes for elders.

    Makin' Music SP- sims can finally start a garage band, land gigs at bars and get discovered at Battle of the Bands competitions. If our sims are discovered they land a label deal and can start recording music by performing in a group or going solo becoming a pop star. New musical instruments are added like base guitar and drumset. A new Band system is added to the game where we can select anywhere between 4 to 6 members in the band- a guitarist, bass guitarist, drummer, keyboard, background singer and main vocalist. Our sims can write their own music, tour different worlds, and build up a fan base where your sim has groupies and can sign autographs.

    Weather EP- our sims can experience the raw-power of Mother Nature with severe weather. With each season comes severe weather patterns. Sims can upgrade build mode objects for better chances of riding out the storm and after the storm has passed help rebuild the neighborhood. Sims can live off the grid by incorporate Green Energy into their everyday living such as Solar Panels for electricity and collecting rain water for bathing. Sims can keep cool in the humid summer months with A/C, and ceiling fans, and keep warm during the frigid winter months with their furnace, portable heater, or fireplace. Other gameplay opportunities such as farming at a community garden with new harvestables like corn and wheat, or stroll over to the community barnyard to milk cows, gather eggs, or adopt a pet pig, or head to the stable for horseback riding. Other gameplay objects included- canning station, nectary station, butter churn, and grinding stone. Severe weather elements included sandstorm, meteor shower, severe thunderstorm, flooding, blizzards, and typhoon/cyclone. New active career- Meteorologist; new skills- Farming & Building; new TV Station- Weather along with Weather Alert app and Weather Trait System to spend points on upgrading build mode objects to ride out the storms.

    Ambitions GP- a pack introducing new active careers like Stylist, Designer, Model, Mayor and Ghost Hunter. Stylists can style NPC sims with new hair, makeup, accessories, and new clothing for simoleons, or become a tattoo artist and give our sims new body art and facial piercings. As a designer, our sims can create blueprints or be an interior designer decorating residential lots and community venues. As a model, our sims can tour the world as a high-fashion model or design collections to take to Fashion Week's catwalk show. Our sim can run for Mayor and eventually govern the way our sims live their lives and the worlds they live in. Or go on the hunt for the paranormal or become the Haunter by scaring sims out of their homes and causing mayhem and mischief.

    Other things I do hope to see make it into the game:
    * Cars complete with Garage Doors
    * Witches
    * Celebrity System
    * Memory System
    * Bunk Bed & Murphy Bed
    * Spiral Staircases along with a tool to start creating L-shaped stairs and sweeping stairways.
    * Ability to upgrade buy mode objects to make all objects in the game a level 10.
    * Security System/Burglar Alarm
    * Treehouses
    * Werewolves, Fairies, PlantSims, Simbots, Genie, Bonehilda, Yeti, and Mermaids make a comeback.
    * CASt for Create-a-Sim
    * Neighborhood Editor
    * Pool Activities & Objects- Pool Bar, Lounger, Floaties, Pool Slide and standard Diving Board.
    * New Pet Types- hamsters, gerbals, ferrets, guinnea pig, parrot, turtle, lizard and snake.
    * Vacation Worlds- Island Resort and Winter Retreat
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    BuzzBuzzBuzzBuzz Posts: 303 Member
    Briana2425 wrote: »
    Police to come to your house
    More plum. destination
    More Wedding Stuff
    School Day game pack
    Swim in Ocean
    City Hall
    More Holiday stuff
    Birthday stuff

    Yes yes yes yes yes all yeses I could use Seasons, Preteens, Vaction (places like Hawaii, Tokyo, Paris, London), Education Ep (Presschool for toddlers and Univeristy for young adults)
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    LoftyLavenderLoftyLavender Posts: 2 New Member
    * Horses - to own, lease, breed, race, trail ride/ hunt for treasure on the trail rides and feed them apples and carrots from my garden.
    But I'd like them to have customization and to train/ form a bond like dogs and cats.

    * If there's an agriculture pack with horses - new plants and sprinkler systems for gardens. Stable stuff. Riding gear. Customization of saddles and tack.

    * A "fantasy" pack that could include little pet dragons, unicorns or fairies and new types of fantasy plants similar to the cow plant that could provide potent mood benefits and foods. I'd personally love fairies in my garden.. and to trap them and display them for light lol.

    * Return of the design tool where you can choose patterns for the furniture.
    * Cosplay. Cat ears, crazy hair, cool outfits.

    That would be my favorite stuff.
    All wishful thinking :)
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    ayyitsmellayyitsmell Posts: 434 Member
    - Color Wheel for hair (especially for the two-toned styles)
    - Weather and more vacation spots
    - Laptops
    - Better dating system
    - Actual beaches that sims can swim in
    - Architecture job (with bonus items like lasercutters or 3D printing for crafty sims)
    - More tats and piercings please! (Tattoos behind the ear or on the rib, finger tattoos, nose or belly piercing, etc.)
    - More romantic interactions (cuddling, slow dancing, etc.)
    - More realistic interactions (laying down in bed to read, text, chat, cuddle, etc) (refer to any previous comments I have made in other posts, like this post: ) :D
    Ayy It's Mell ♥

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    JojoMOMSTERJojoMOMSTER Posts: 1,977 Member
    I wonder if our intense need for creative expression which has resulted in all kinds of drawing on dogs will be rewarded with some basic articles of clothing we can paint? like t shirts and runners
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    AshsimsfanAshsimsfan Posts: 1 New Member
    I have a huge wish list but at the top would be more household chores!!! Vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, mopping, laundry (wash, dry, fold). I feel it would make it more difficult to keep the house clean and also more life like! Would love to see this happen very soon!!!
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    KiaraSims4ModsKiaraSims4Mods Posts: 2,782 Member
    Color wheel
    In law relationships
    Royal Family Game Pack
    Beaches to swim in
    Celebrity System
    City Hall
    Bodyguards, chefs, paparazzi, police, firefighters
    More careers like Get to work careers
    Own more homes
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    KatmoretonKatmoreton Posts: 3 New Member
    I have one that I feel quite passionately about, and that would be a remaster/remake of the Sims Bustin out. I know that that is unlikely, so the next best thing would be for an expansion pack that contains a story based mode thats of a similar format that works alongside the worlds that you have created.

    You would start at the point where your sim has just finished high school and becomes a young adult living at home. You have to build your way up through a chosen career path by moving out your parents house and in with a choice of two or three different pre-created NPC roommates in a pre-built house that can be edited decoration wise however can't be edited much through build mode that all have different trait/benefits. There would be missions and goals that you have to completed outside of your career based ones to progress including social and friendship building goals that can be completed by interacting with your main world sims (rather than just your whims and sims wishes as there would be more depth and reward from them). Because of this I would think that it would hopefully not be too difficult to create an expansion like this using mainly already existing sims 4 content with a few extra items unique to the story builds that can be unlocked through missions and then used in the main world.

    You would play as one sim throughout the entire story unless you started from the very beginning again and mainly interact with the NPC sims bar for any missions that require more. It would also be a good opportunity to re-introduce the carpool system where you are collected via car or bus to get to work/school rather than running off the lot. I know that a step has been taken back to get the game to become more gamelike again and get the uniqueness back into the sims rather than the realistic nature it turned towards with the sims 3, but I feel that that feature worked nicely for the sims and added the pressure to get ready for work in the morning unless on careers where you can choosing to work from home before the arrival of the carpool.

    Any thoughts? Am I one of few that have thought this or is it not really of interest to other players? Any feedback for my wish of an expansion/remake would be appreciated :smile:
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    HimRumiHimRumi Posts: 1,444 Member
    edited June 2018
    University EP (Although It could be more simple and less complex like The Sims 3)
    Beach GP
    Werewolf GP
    More traits in the rewards store

    I recall in The Sims 3 If you hovered your mouse over the clock it would display the Week and Day you currently were on

    Superhero GP
    Zombie Apocalypse GP
    Teens Stuff SP
    80's SP

    I miss having house phones that would either be attached to the wall or on the table. It's kind of 'ehh' having to always use the cell phone

    Car Stuff SP
    Casino SP
    Danger GP
    Witch GP

    More accessories in CAS too!
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    redrogue60redrogue60 Posts: 2,061 Member
    So_Money wrote: »
    Golf or tennis. I'd like to see an entire expansion devoted to one or the other. Honestly I'd settle for any activity with sufficient gameplay depth to give our sims something to do.

    So what you are looking for is a Country Club?

    “All mushrooms are edible, but some only once.” Terry Pratchett
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