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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,715 Member
    MadameLee wrote: »
    rosemow wrote: »
    MadameLee wrote: »
    I'm a bit resentful of the fact my parents want to at least TRY another Sept trip. I am only resentful because of LAST year's trip the only thing I got to do all summer was go to Stratford Twice for plays and that's it. Going to Stratford means DAD has to go as well. Mom and I didn't do one MEASLY trip into Toronto last year because it "too expensive" which also means we didn't get to go to Centre Island's theme park EITHER which is what we normally do ever year. So the only time I got to spend 1 on 1 time with Mom was 1)Bible camp (and since Mom&I are the last ones to leave.. and then go to the grocery store right after) or 2)if Mom HAPPENED to be at our local library branch (which is also my bus stop after New Leaf)when I get off the bus.

    Hello @MadameLee
    There may be times either before or after the September trip for you and your Modher to visit somewhere together, just the two of you. It may help to discuss what you would like to do, with your Mother. If going somwhere together doesn't eventuate, perhaps you could spend time doing somethijg together at home. It would be enjoyable for you both. Or you could try going somehere locally instead.
    Try to make a list of suggestions of places to go or things to do, then talk air over with your Mother. You can work things through together.

    But mom has LESS times during the school year (Sept- mid June) because she is on-call supply teach. So during the SCHOOL year the only time we get to go ANYWHERE is on a bloody SATURDAY unless its a PA day (Friday) and she's not doing a LTO that's not an LTO (which means she has to go to work on those days as well). So I look FORWARD to the summer where we can actually do one-on-one things together (like Centre Island) on days that are NOT Saturdays or Fridays. Especially our favourite restaurant only have a 5 meal course that's only available on the other four WEEKDAYS but not on the two days we would be there. Besides there's nothing to do locally. There's no movies coming out in the summer that we're interested in, and I don't know of any plays that would be around in the summer in Toronto. I spend too much time in this measly town LAST summer and I was miserable because the more tiem I spend in this town the MORE I have to go to the gym (except for Bible Camp days which is one week only). Heck, I rather Mom and I had a trip to Ottawa during the summer because we haven't been there since Nov. 2007 and we had plans for doing other Ghost Walks of Ottawa. I wouldn't even mind gong to Quebec again to spend more time then we could when we went with the mix Gr.7 and Gr.8 students when I was in my last year of Elementary school back in 2004.

    I rather do THAT then spend a lot of money on a Sept trip (Which would 100% involve yet ANOTHER cruise). I would want even a summer trip back to Italy to spend a couple of days in Rome, and in Naples, or in Florence (where we got less then half a day to explore because of course cruise last year) but I would rather do those kind of trips w/o Dad. Dad's the one pushing the cruises and yet Mom and I want to be able to actually "Take in" the various ...touristy stuff (which we can't...if we only send less then half the day in a certain place except for Athens prior and after our first cruise and then Venice prior to our second cruise and after it, Barcelona ). Mom said (after our 2011 trip to London&Paris) that we would go back in 20015 to London&Paris but it's 2017 and we still haven't. Since Mom still wants to go to Bath, UK and we want to see that dollhouse thing at some castle that we were at but didn't get to see because of the long line and we were on a bus tour. And there were some other stuff as well but I don't remember them.

    Perhaps you may be able to go on a short trip somewhere with your Mother sometime after mid-June and before you all go on the trip in September. You could talk over Summer day trips with her, and there may be an opportunity that she can arrange one for just you and her to go somewhere together.
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,790 Member
    edited May 2017
    rosemow wrote: »
    Perhaps you may be able to go on a short trip somewhere with your Mother sometime after mid-June and before you all go on the trip in September. You could talk over Summer day trips with her, and there may be an opportunity that she can arrange one for just you and her to go somewhere together.

    Considering LAST summer's conversation we couldn't even go into TORONTO because its "TOO EXPENSIVE" or it was "TOO HOT" and even if we had planned to go into Toronto we would have to take food w/ us to eat (as oppose to eating at a restaurant which is the part I like the best of going into Toronto). I mean last summer there was Matilda the Musical playing in Toronto but because of the Sept trip we had to wait until OCT to see it. If its not Stratford, there's not going to be ANY trips anywhere and I can't STAND another summer of being stuck in this miserable town when there's nothing to do outside of the gym or needing friends (who are busy w/ either work or life ie boyfriends). I miss the summers where Mom and i got to do fun stuff together w/o Dad and actually being able to go into Toronto and not having to worry about spending "trip money". Dad wants to go to Iceland, and then go on to I think he said Norway the other day, and then go on a cruise to parts of I think Denmark and see Viking villages. (Mom, wouldn't mind going to Newfoundland-she REALLY, REALLY wants to go there). All the talk about saving trip money is also a irony since because we er Dad always BUY Mom a cake-which I doesn't think is right when she bakes everyone's else cake. I keep asking her to let ME bake her a cake.) Last year I was the one who in a way actually paid for last year's trip because of my disability income since without it we wouldn't have have been able to go in the first place. or so my parents said when Mom&I were getting our..passports updated for 10 years,etc. Of course there's still a big "IF" about going anywhere in Sept..because of the Canadian dollar being low. Technically, they should have started planning in January at the earliest and not leave it to the "summer months" to plan which is how they have done it for the last two times. But it relies on Mom's income and we can never know what kind of year she might have.

    The only way I got to go into Toronto was in my dream the night before we left for Venice. At least my Dream-self can go by herself into Toronto.
    Post edited by MadameLee on
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    BonnieBonnie Posts: 159 Member
    My city was bombed on the 22nd of May. My Dad was in the back of the arena waiting to take down the stage at the Ariana Grande concert. Fortunately he was able to get out unhurt and safe, though unsurprisingly very shaken up. I watched from behind a screen as a place I'd lived in for nearly 21 years was torn apart by a selfish coward. I felt the fear of 19,000 people who had attended the concert that night, even from way over here. The soul crushing realisation that children from our City had felt the repercussions of this act. We're all reeling from it. We've pulled together and made the best of a bad situation but there's a deep scar running through Manchester now.

    I feel utterly helpless. I can do nothing but scroll through and wait for the next bit of news to be posted. My family were so close to the arena. I nearly lost them. I know a few who did lose their loved ones. My heart hurts so much. I can't stop crying. The more I think about it the more I want to go back home and be with everyone. I want to help support my city, but I can't. Watching people doing what they do in Manchester from here has put somewhat of a smile on my face. Though I'm absolutely crushed I couldn't be more proud to call myself a Mancunian. The way people banded together and helped without a second thought has touched my heart.

    Rest in peace to all those children and parents, mothers and fathers, ordinary unsuspecting people who have become the victims of a horrible hate crime. I know it happens daily in other places as well, I ache for them too. But. You never ever think its going to happen to your home.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,715 Member
    Bonnie wrote: »
    My city was bombed on the 22nd of May. My Dad was in the back of the arena waiting to take down the stage at the Ariana Grande concert. Fortunately he was able to get out unhurt and safe, though unsurprisingly very shaken up. I watched from behind a screen as a place I'd lived in for nearly 21 years was torn apart by a selfish coward. I felt the fear of 19,000 people who had attended the concert that night, even from way over here. The soul crushing realisation that children from our City had felt the repercussions of this act. We're all reeling from it. We've pulled together and made the best of a bad situation but there's a deep scar running through Manchester now.

    I feel utterly helpless. I can do nothing but scroll through and wait for the next bit of news to be posted. My family were so close to the arena. I nearly lost them. I know a few who did lose their loved ones. My heart hurts so much. I can't stop crying. The more I think about it the more I want to go back home and be with everyone. I want to help support my city, but I can't. Watching people doing what they do in Manchester from here has put somewhat of a smile on my face. Though I'm absolutely crushed I couldn't be more proud to call myself a Mancunian. The way people banded together and helped without a second thought has touched my heart.

    Rest in peace to all those children and parents, mothers and fathers, ordinary unsuspecting people who have become the victims of a horrible hate crime. I know it happens daily in other places as well, I ache for them too. But. You never ever think its going to happen to your home.
    Bonnie wrote: »
    My city was bombed on the 22nd of May. My Dad was in the back of the arena waiting to take down the stage at the Ariana Grande concert. Fortunately he was able to get out unhurt and safe, though unsurprisingly very shaken up. I watched from behind a screen as a place I'd lived in for nearly 21 years was torn apart by a selfish coward. I felt the fear of 19,000 people who had attended the concert that night, even from way over here. The soul crushing realisation that children from our City had felt the repercussions of this act. We're all reeling from it. We've pulled together and made the best of a bad situation but there's a deep scar running through Manchester now.

    I feel utterly helpless. I can do nothing but scroll through and wait for the next bit of news to be posted. My family were so close to the arena. I nearly lost them. I know a few who did lose their loved ones. My heart hurts so much. I can't stop crying. The more I think about it the more I want to go back home and be with everyone. I want to help support my city, but I can't. Watching people doing what they do in Manchester from here has put somewhat of a smile on my face. Though I'm absolutely crushed I couldn't be more proud to call myself a Mancunian. The way people banded together and helped without a second thought has touched my heart.

    Rest in peace to all those children and parents, mothers and fathers, ordinary unsuspecting people who have become the victims of a horrible hate crime. I know it happens daily in other places as well, I ache for them too. But. You never ever think its going to happen to your home.

    Hello @Bonnie
    I send lots of big hugs to you <3 It is so very traumatic, upsetting and distressing what occurred. You, your family and your Manchester friends would feel so shaken. I am thankful that your Dad was safe. Please know that there are people from all around the world who are uplifting the people of Manchester and everyone affected, in our thoughts and sending so much love. There are no words to express our heart feelings adequately, but we are all looking on with much compassion, empathy and deep concern for everyone affected. Through this awful thing that happened , the beautiful caring , kind and and compassionate people of Manchester who are supportively helping in words and actions, shine through like a beautiful rainbow or opal.
    Sending more hugs to you <3 It is healing and very beneficial for you to cry.It expresses your iinnermost feelings without words . It will help your inside.
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    Linds_the_kittyLinds_the_kitty Posts: 565 Member
    edited May 2017

    I am so sorry. When I heard about the news... My heart sank. I'm glad to hear that your father made it out safe... I can't imagine being in a situation like that. It's scary knowing that anything can happen out of the unexpected.

    What we can all do in this situation is to help each other get through times like this. Home or not, it can be online for those who are coping about their loved ones and repost about the ones who are still missing. You can ring up those people you know and help them get through it, or friends to relive at least, a bit of stress. I do not live in Manchester, but I took a moment of silence with others for all of those in the U.K. yesterday.

    Rest in peace to all of those who have been lost, you will be remembered. May peace be with those had to go through this.

    Hugs to you, your father, and everyone. <3
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    BonnieBonnie Posts: 159 Member
    Thank you both for your very kind words. The whole world has been sending positive vibes since the minute the news broke. It really uplifts everyone at home to see that people are praying and holding them in their thoughts. I know Manchester will end up coming out of this better and stronger than before. They aimed to tear us apart but in reality we only grew closer. The response from our amazing emergency services was fantastic as well, they went above and beyond all our expectations. For anyone who currently works in emergency services (nurse, fireman, police officer, etc): YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. Never ever stop doing what you're doing. You are literally our saviours. Thank you <3

    @Linds_the_kitty @rosemow
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,715 Member
    Bonnie wrote: »
    Thank you both for your very kind words. The whole world has been sending positive vibes since the minute the news broke. It really uplifts everyone at home to see that people are praying and holding them in their thoughts. I know Manchester will end up coming out of this better and stronger than before. They aimed to tear us apart but in reality we only grew closer. The response from our amazing emergency services was fantastic as well, they went above and beyond all our expectations. For anyone who currently works in emergency services (nurse, fireman, police officer, etc): YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. Never ever stop doing what you're doing. You are literally our saviours. Thank you <3

    @Linds_the_kitty @rosemow

    I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts in the days and weeks ahead <3
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    luvdasims55luvdasims55 Posts: 14,653 Member
    Bonnie wrote: »
    Thank you both for your very kind words. The whole world has been sending positive vibes since the minute the news broke. It really uplifts everyone at home to see that people are praying and holding them in their thoughts. I know Manchester will end up coming out of this better and stronger than before. They aimed to tear us apart but in reality we only grew closer. The response from our amazing emergency services was fantastic as well, they went above and beyond all our expectations. For anyone who currently works in emergency services (nurse, fireman, police officer, etc): YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. Never ever stop doing what you're doing. You are literally our saviours. Thank you <3

    @Linds_the_kitty @rosemow

    hugs and prayers go out to you, your family and your community. so sorry to hear about such a senseless tragedy.

    i have a nephew who is a fireman. my brothers and nephew participate in 2 or 3 golf tournaments every year that are fund raisers in honor of a fallen fire fighter or police officer. really good cause to help raise money for those who put their lives on the line for the people they so bravely serve.
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    LatteCrabLatteCrab Posts: 2,935 Member
    Last night, one (long) block away, from where I live, another Bagel store/Deli was robbed at gunpoint. :s
    (Explains the helicopters I heard.)
    It's next to a Laundromat, and a couple other places, I go to frequently...
    My sons (early 20's) frequented that place a lot - as if I wasn't already always worried about them. :'(

    There was another Deli, not much further than that one, that got robbed a few times, and decided to close down.
    When I first moved here, about 4 yrs ago, next to a huge Park, with lake, I was happy, and the neighborhood wasn't so bad, but now?
    I'm so fed up with all of this bs, makes me sick to my stomach to have to live like this everyday now... :#
    I'm more afraid for my children (even though they are "grownups", in their early 20's), than anything else.
    I try to not think of it, but how can you not? It's in the local news, almost everyday now. :/
    And getting worse by the week, not better... :s
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,715 Member
    Last night, one (long) block away, from where I live, another Bagel store/Deli was robbed at gunpoint. :s
    (Explains the helicopters I heard.)
    It's next to a Laundromat, and a couple other places, I go to frequently...
    My sons (early 20's) frequented that place a lot - as if I wasn't already always worried about them. :'(

    There was another Deli, not much further than that one, that got robbed a few times, and decided to close down.
    When I first moved here, about 4 yrs ago, next to a huge Park, with lake, I was happy, and the neighborhood wasn't so bad, but now?
    I'm so fed up with all of this plum, makes me sick to my stomach to have to live like this everyday now... :#
    I'm more afraid for my children (even though they are "grownups", in their early 20's), than anything else.
    I try to not think of it, but how can you not? It's in the local news, almost everyday now. :/
    And getting worse by the week, not better... :s

    Hello @SimplySimazing
    It is not a nice situation and feeling for you that there has been these robberies in your local neighbourhood. It would leave you feeling shaken and fearful of what may occur. I send big hugs to you <3 You are a very caring and loving mother and it is understandable that you are concerned for your children. It doesn't matter how old or young they are, mothers still have a strong inner desire to protect fheir children from harm, and keep them safe.
    It is very sad and upsetting that these things occur. It can cause concern to our minds as we read and think about what has occurred.We need to take a day by day, and keep remembering that we have well trained police and emergency services that will do everything to try to prevent things occurring or will respond quickly if something occurs. We need to caringly support each other, be alert to what is happening around us, and try to not focus on our fears, though it can be hard to do that .
    I send another hug to you <3 .
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    Linds_the_kittyLinds_the_kitty Posts: 565 Member
    edited May 2017
    Bonnie wrote: »
    Thank you both for your very kind words. The whole world has been sending positive vibes since the minute the news broke. It really uplifts everyone at home to see that people are praying and holding them in their thoughts. I know Manchester will end up coming out of this better and stronger than before. They aimed to tear us apart but in reality we only grew closer. The response from our amazing emergency services was fantastic as well, they went above and beyond all our expectations. For anyone who currently works in emergency services (nurse, fireman, police officer, etc): YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. Never ever stop doing what you're doing. You are literally our saviours. Thank you <3

    @Linds_the_kitty @rosemow

    I'm still devastated every time I see the news being updated. So sad to hear that more victims are being named and that were once amongst the people who were missing. I feel like crying with someone, but I don't really have anyone to cry with.

    Manchester's such a beautiful place filled with beautiful, loving, and wonderful people who only want to bring everyone together. Your words explains everything that needs to be said. Everyone's doing their best to all become one. In the end, there's one thing that's keeping all of us together: Love. Love shines through, even through the darkest times.
    Post edited by Linds_the_kitty on
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    LatteCrabLatteCrab Posts: 2,935 Member
    @rosemow Thank You for your words. I do know I shouldn't dwell on it so much, but it's so close, never been so bad before, and it's impossible not to think of it lately.
    But I just had to get it out of my system, so thank you for having this place to "unload".
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,715 Member
    @rosemow Thank You for your words. I do know I shouldn't dwell on it so much, but it's so close, never been so bad before, and it's impossible not to think of it lately.
    But I just had to get it out of my system, so thank you for having this place to "unload".

    You are very welcome to post here anytime that you would like to .
    I send a hug to you <3
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,790 Member
    As you know I want to eat out on June the 7th. I been looking into restaurants closer to home and I noticed that at one that on Sundays&Wednesday a meal that is normally about $13 ($12.99) is about $10 ($9.99). I mentioned it to my parents and all because of Dad saying "It's still too expensive for lunch" made ME launch into a mix of toddler & teenage rant (complete with cursing) which made MOM mad at me and Yelled at me. A lot of these online menus don't have prices but whenever I go to a place (like the town centre) or to the Science centre Dad thinks I should only pay $5.00. I heard it ONCE I don't need to hear it a million times and unlike HIM-I don't forget stuff. I'm not paying for the actual lunch meal for the next day's Medieval Times w/ my day program. I haven't actually batten out since almost 3 weeks before my Doctor's appointment-(dad's buying my lunch when in the hospital doesn't count its not MY money.). I mean I don't have a lot to spend my money on but 1)occasional lunch out 2)Paystuff "cards" so I can buy Sims 4 bundles 3)chocolate items for mom&Dad&sister.

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,715 Member
    MadameLee wrote: »
    As you know I want to eat out on June the 7th. I been looking into restaurants closer to home and I noticed that at one that on Sundays&Wednesday a meal that is normally about $13 ($12.99) is about $10 ($9.99). I mentioned it to my parents and all because of Dad saying "It's still too expensive for lunch" made ME launch into a mix of toddler & teenage rant (complete with cursing) which made MOM mad at me and Yelled at me. A lot of these online menus don't have prices but whenever I go to a place (like the town centre) or to the Science centre Dad thinks I should only pay $5.00. I heard it ONCE I don't need to hear it a million times and unlike HIM-I don't forget stuff. I'm not paying for the actual lunch meal for the next day's Medieval Times w/ my day program. I haven't actually batten out since almost 3 weeks before my Doctor's appointment-(dad's buying my lunch when in the hospital doesn't count its not MY money.). I mean I don't have a lot to spend my money on but 1)occasional lunch out 2)Paystuff "cards" so I can buy Sims 4 bundles 3)chocolate items for mom&Dad&sister.

    Your Dad is just stating his opinion. Perhaps next time something like this occurs, try to not let a differing opinion upset you and instead try to calmly explain the reasons why your opinion differs to the other person's . It can help if you explain why you feel that way , in a way that respects that the other person holds a differing view. Try not to get upset , because it hurts you inside.
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,790 Member
    rosemow wrote: »
    MadameLee wrote: »
    As you know I want to eat out on June the 7th. I been looking into restaurants closer to home and I noticed that at one that on Sundays&Wednesday a meal that is normally about $13 ($12.99) is about $10 ($9.99). I mentioned it to my parents and all because of Dad saying "It's still too expensive for lunch" made ME launch into a mix of toddler & teenage rant (complete with cursing) which made MOM mad at me and Yelled at me. A lot of these online menus don't have prices but whenever I go to a place (like the town centre) or to the Science centre Dad thinks I should only pay $5.00. I heard it ONCE I don't need to hear it a million times and unlike HIM-I don't forget stuff. I'm not paying for the actual lunch meal for the next day's Medieval Times w/ my day program. I haven't actually batten out since almost 3 weeks before my Doctor's appointment-(dad's buying my lunch when in the hospital doesn't count its not MY money.). I mean I don't have a lot to spend my money on but 1)occasional lunch out 2)Paystuff "cards" so I can buy Sims 4 bundles 3)chocolate items for mom&Dad&sister.

    Your Dad is just stating his opinion. Perhaps next time something like this occurs, try to not let a differing opinion upset you and instead try to calmly explain the reasons why your opinion differs to the other person's . It can help if you explain why you feel that way , in a way that respects that the other person holds a differing view. Try not to get upset , because it hurts you inside.

    Yeah but when he has to state it basically a million times whenever I want to go buy lunch. .it's gets annoying. About annoying as having to explain to dad about bowling (ie for the last two years it was $20 for the "fee" and prior to that it was $15) or the fact there are like 35 normal weeks for bowling and then 2 extra "weeks" for playoff every single YEAR. Since he has other things on his MIND. Yet Dad who EVER Saturday (or Sunday) spends $30 on a meal at Jack Astor's w/ his friend who can't cook.
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    CupcakeViolenceCupcakeViolence Posts: 124 Member

    Hey, so A while ago I posted about the plum time I was having with my grades and stuff,

    Felt like posting some happy news......

    I passed my classes, moving on to my final year, my mom is happy as a clam and recovering really well from surgery, I am also able to transfer to the college in the same city as my boyfriend, have a job lined up AND am looking for apartments/housing with my boyfriend :)
    Come check out my selection! Finding her Prince Charming

    Or my blog
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,715 Member

    Hey, so A while ago I posted about the plum time I was having with my grades and stuff,

    Felt like posting some happy news......

    I passed my classes, moving on to my final year, my mom is happy as a clam and recovering really well from surgery, I am also able to transfer to the college in the same city as my boyfriend, have a job lined up AND am looking for apartments/housing with my boyfriend :)

    Hello @CupcakeViolence
    Congratulations on passing your classes! :) I am so very glad for you! I have been wondering how you went with your exam and am so delighted to hear that you have passed and are able to move onto your final year, and can study at the college in the same city as your boyfriend <3 It is great that the healing process after your mother's surgery is progressing well. It is great that you have a job waiting for you also! I hope that you and your boyfritbd. will find soon find housing to suit you. It is all very exciting!
    May your future hold much specialness! I hope that your final year of nursing goes very well :)
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    LyricSimsz15LyricSimsz15 Posts: 13,136 Member
    Okay, so this doesn't really count about what this thread is about,but i just wanted to -rant- talk about it cause it bugs me so much

    There's an awful person in my neighborhood picking up random cats and thinking "Hey a cat, let's take it to the pound!". They took our cats 3 (maybe 4?) times.

    It started with Oscar, my maine 🐸🐸🐸🐸. It probably wasn't catnapper (their nickname i gave them), but someone took him. They didn't take him to the pound, they just kept him. (There is a small chance he went through the same thing as another cat we had with Oscar).

    Next, my cat Dexter. This wasn't as bad, Dex got caught in a skunk trap. But he came home sick :(

    Then it was Dex again. They picked him up from a couple streets away.

    Now it's Sammie, my other cat. They picked him up from our yard. I Know because he never goes anywhere (except this large space near our backyard when i run there). I Also know cause it said he was picked up from our exact home.

    This catnapper is just bugging me... who would just pick up animals and think they're strays.

    Sorry for posting about an issue that is completely unrelated to the topic, but it's hard for me.
    Just vibing...
    Check out my stories The Diversity Club and Lost Pride here on the forums!
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,715 Member
    Okay, so this doesn't really count about what this thread is about,but i just wanted to -rant- talk about it cause it bugs me so much

    There's an awful person in my neighborhood picking up random cats and thinking "Hey a cat, let's take it to the pound!". They took our cats 3 (maybe 4?) times.

    It started with Oscar, my maine plum. It probably wasn't catnapper (their nickname i gave them), but someone took him. They didn't take him to the pound, they just kept him. (There is a small chance he went through the same thing as another cat we had with Oscar).

    Next, my cat Dexter. This wasn't as bad, Dex got caught in a skunk trap. But he came home sick :(

    Then it was Dex again. They picked him up from a couple streets away.

    Now it's Sammie, my other cat. They picked him up from our yard. I Know because he never goes anywhere (except this large space near our backyard when i run there). I Also know cause it said he was picked up from our exact home.

    This catnapper is just bugging me... who would just pick up animals and think they're strays.

    Sorry for posting about an issue that is completely unrelated to the topic, but it's hard for me.

    Hello @LyricSimsz15
    You are very welcome to post here on this thread about any issues that you are having. When things are upsetting you, then it matters muchly to us because it is causing you concern.
    I am sorry to hear about what is happening to your cats :( It would be very upsetting and stressful for you that your cats are being taken. Could you perhaps talk the matter over with the people at the Pound and try to work out strategies to prevent this occurring? I hope that it doesn't occur again .
    I send a hug to you <3
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    LyricSimsz15LyricSimsz15 Posts: 13,136 Member
    > @rosemow said:
    > LyricSimsz15 wrote: »
    > Okay, so this doesn't really count about what this thread is about,but i just wanted to -rant- talk about it cause it bugs me so much
    > There's an awful person in my neighborhood picking up random cats and thinking "Hey a cat, let's take it to the pound!". They took our cats 3 (maybe 4?) times.
    > It started with Oscar, my maine plum. It probably wasn't catnapper (their nickname i gave them), but someone took him. They didn't take him to the pound, they just kept him. (There is a small chance he went through the same thing as another cat we had with Oscar).
    > Next, my cat Dexter. This wasn't as bad, Dex got caught in a skunk trap. But he came home sick :(
    > Then it was Dex again. They picked him up from a couple streets away.
    > Now it's Sammie, my other cat. They picked him up from our yard. I Know because he never goes anywhere (except this large space near our backyard when i run there). I Also know cause it said he was picked up from our exact home.
    > This catnapper is just bugging me... who would just pick up animals and think they're strays.
    > Sorry for posting about an issue that is completely unrelated to the topic, but it's hard for me.
    > Hello @LyricSimsz15
    > You are very welcome to post here on this thread about any issues that you are having. When things are upsetting you, then it matters muchly to us because it is causing you concern.
    > I am sorry to hear about what is happening to your cats :( It would be very upsetting and stressful for you that your cats are being taken. Could you perhaps talk the matter over with the people at the Pound and try to work out strategies to prevent this occurring? I hope that it doesn't occur again .
    > I send a hug to you <3

    My uncle is going to pick up Sammie tomorrow. We could try to talk with the pound but it might just be someone in the neighborhood who doesn't work for animal control. I Also know you didn't mention this,but i had a feeling someone would. Collars. They wont work. The cats always take them off outside and lose them.
    Just vibing...
    Check out my stories The Diversity Club and Lost Pride here on the forums!
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,715 Member
    > @rosemow said:
    > LyricSimsz15 wrote: »
    > Okay, so this doesn't really count about what this thread is about,but i just wanted to -rant- talk about it cause it bugs me so much
    > There's an awful person in my neighborhood picking up random cats and thinking "Hey a cat, let's take it to the pound!". They took our cats 3 (maybe 4?) times.
    > It started with Oscar, my maine plum. It probably wasn't catnapper (their nickname i gave them), but someone took him. They didn't take him to the pound, they just kept him. (There is a small chance he went through the same thing as another cat we had with Oscar).
    > Next, my cat Dexter. This wasn't as bad, Dex got caught in a skunk trap. But he came home sick :(
    > Then it was Dex again. They picked him up from a couple streets away.
    > Now it's Sammie, my other cat. They picked him up from our yard. I Know because he never goes anywhere (except this large space near our backyard when i run there). I Also know cause it said he was picked up from our exact home.
    > This catnapper is just bugging me... who would just pick up animals and think they're strays.
    > Sorry for posting about an issue that is completely unrelated to the topic, but it's hard for me.
    > Hello @LyricSimsz15
    > You are very welcome to post here on this thread about any issues that you are having. When things are upsetting you, then it matters muchly to us because it is causing you concern.
    > I am sorry to hear about what is happening to your cats :( It would be very upsetting and stressful for you that your cats are being taken. Could you perhaps talk the matter over with the people at the Pound and try to work out strategies to prevent this occurring? I hope that it doesn't occur again .
    > I send a hug to you <3

    My uncle is going to pick up Sammie tomorrow. We could try to talk with the pound but it might just be someone in the neighborhood who doesn't work for animal control. I Also know you didn't mention this,but i had a feeling someone would. Collars. They wont work. The cats always take them off outside and lose them.

    I was going to post suggesting that the cats wear a bell, but then thought that it wouldnt work.
    It is good that your Uncle is picking up Sammie tomorrow. You will be glad to have Sammie back home with you again :)
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    5782341b77vl5782341b77vl Posts: 9,149 Member
    Well, it's official. I'm losing a friend today.

    For the past 8 years, my neighbor (Richard) has been living in his motorhome at the campground.

    I moved into the campground back in October of 2016 and became friends with him about November (I'm autistic and nervous around new people).

    Anyway, Richard was having problems with his rent - mom and I paid enough for 3 more days for him (all we could afford) since he's a great friend. Today (1pm) was the deadline.

    He was unable to get the money for his rent. He was given until 5pm to pack up and vacate the property.

    His motorhome hasn't moved in 8 years (the battery exploded and damaged the engine), his van's motor is messed up (knocking), and he has 2 cats to take care of.

    After 8 years of being a loyal customer at the campground, they treat him like just another face in the crowd. I'm devastated and heartbroken over losing my friend.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,715 Member
    Well, it's official. I'm losing a friend today.

    For the past 8 years, my neighbor (Richard) has been living in his motorhome at the campground.

    I moved into the campground back in October of 2016 and became friends with him about November (I'm autistic and nervous around new people).

    Anyway, Richard was having problems with his rent - mom and I paid enough for 3 more days for him (all we could afford) since he's a great friend. Today (1pm) was the deadline.

    He was unable to get the money for his rent. He was given until 5pm to pack up and vacate the property.

    His motorhome hasn't moved in 8 years (the battery exploded and damaged the engine), his van's motor is messed up (knocking), and he has 2 cats to take care of.

    After 8 years of being a loyal customer at the campground, they treat him like just another face in the crowd. I'm devastated and heartbroken over losing my friend.

    Hello @5782341b77vl
    I send big hugs to you <3 It would be hard seeing your friend having to leave the campgrounds due to not being able to pay the rent. You would feel veryupset and distressed. He sounds like a friend that you and your family had taken into your heart, and you will miss seeing him. Perhaps you could remain in contact with him through the phone. Although you may not see him every day, that won't break your frendship. He will still remain in your thoughts and you forever are linked together through the chain of friendship over distance.
    I send more hugs to you <3
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    Linds_the_kittyLinds_the_kitty Posts: 565 Member
    edited May 2017
    Well, Wednesday was a disaster. I went back to school for the first time to get my lock off my locker. I saw two bandmates, and got really anxious. I tried to ignore them. Then I get out and walk back to my Mom's car, and she starts telling me, "When next school year starts, please go back to public school." and "At least your friend's still staying in school and doing work." which I got 🐸🐸🐸🐸. Every time I mention anything, ANYTHING school-related; it can be asking her if my friend's staying later for Finance class, and then she goes back to reminding me of school again, even though she told me WEEKS ago she'd never mention about school again and that it'd be her "last time" mentioning so, she always does. It doesn't matter if a few weeks pass by, she'll mention it again here and there, and hinting at me. It's really hurtful to hear these kinds of things from your own mother. I don't know. Whenever she mentions about school, I get more depressed and sad about my life for no apparent reason. It's just school haunting me. And she told me, "Whenever my employees tell me, 'Oh, she's a wonderful student and she's the best!' and I have to cover it up, fake it, and say 'Yeah' and it embarrasses me"... I understand how embarrassing that can be, and how she has to hide the truth all the time but... Come on. I'm so sick of this Asian stereotype of being "the best student" who has all A's because truthfully, not every person has all straight A's. That stereotype's being sticking around with me my whole entire life, and all I can say is that I'm sick of it.

    I'm planning to do the actual emailing to my Virtual School and possibly write up a draft to my Principal about transferring back to public school today... I'll have to send it in either Monday or Tuesday so that he can see it. I know what to say... but at the same time I don't, because my thoughts are all over the place and I can forget easily. I've procrastinated up to this point, but today's the time to actually get down to work, do everything I need to do, and busy scheduling. I hope that everything goes well. I'm just wishing... I pray to God that it'll be a easy process than I imagine.

    On the brighter side... I read that Ariana Grande's going to be back in Manchester to do a benefit concert in honor of those lost and to raise money to help those families, which is astonishing. I read her whole open-letter on Twitter, and first, I was surprised and was taken back to hear that she was going back to Manchester for her fans. Her whole letter's inspiring, uplifting, powerful, and overall an amazing message to her fans people affected by this horrible tragedy. I'm a lot less sad about the situation than I was before, knowing that this will not end or die down in sadness and grief. It's great hearing that her fans matter first and will always come first before her. That just shows that she really cares about her fans. "We will not let hate win."
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