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The Sims 4 Happy Play Thread :)


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    miloekmiloek Posts: 451 Member
    Everyone's pictures and stories look great! Some of you guys have so many kids though wow

    Cara met Sergio Romeo and honestly, I feel the same about him (aka vaguely displeased by his presence)
    Unfortunately for Cara, he started flirting right away and I forced her allowed her to go out with him. (lol it was so awkward i cri)

    I made Cara's parents and added them to my game and ever since they've visited her so much and been so good??

    Dancing queen tbh

    Candy Behr is. my favorite? townie ever? And they hit it off so well, now I'm questioning Cara's future partner.

    I was originally going to set Cara up with a different townie I gave a makeover to, but now I'm doubting it. Anyone have any opinions?
    Origin ID: f0xxes
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @RedDestiny92 Saw that face and went "♪She's pregnant, she's pregnant. She's totally pregnant ♫" :D Glad to see Akira is concerned at least.

    @miloek Go with whom she has good chemistry with and traits when it comes to situations like this. That's how my Twiggy ended up with her wife Elizabeth in one game. Had a whole bunch of ladies set but then we found her. Also, Cara's mom looks like a hoot!
    After Nick went home, Opera took Sakura back to his home, without telling a significant other so to surprise them.


    "Peter!" Opera called.


    Peter soon came downstairs.

    "Hey Opera, what's up? Came by to check up on me."

    Opera smiled.

    "Usually I would, but I think I have the 'cure' to most recent bout of anxiety."


    "What do you-!" asked Peter before cutting off mid sentence.

    Opera gave a quiet nod.

    "Take it easy. He's still a bit frail. Would you believe we found him on our doorstep..."


    Being slightly careful, a surge of joy overtaking him, Peter rushed over to Sakura to embrace him.


    "Peter..." Sakura said with soft happy whimper. "Oh Peter..."


    Peter then pulled back.

    "What happened to your cheek? Did...Did someone hurt you?"

    "It...It was Crash..."explained Sakura. "She...She kidnapped me...and...and beat me up...I was her food source for weeks...She...She's a vampire..."

    "How did you get out then?! I shouldn't matter but still..."


    Sakura hesitated, knowing how Peter felt about those that had bullied him in the past.

    "It...It was Nick...She had him kidnapped but...he's changed now so...please don't go after him..."


    Peter held Sakura to reassure him.

    "I'll take your word for it. Main thing is is that you're home. And she can't hurt you anymore."

    Sakura let out a sigh of relief.

    "Yeah. Opera was saying. She...She's been sealed or...whatever it is for a while now..."


    "I suggest letting Sakura get some rest now," said Opera. "He's still a bit shaky."

    "Yeah...stomach's been acting up. Probably because I've been stuck eating granola for weeks."

    Peter chuckled.

    "Well. I'll be sure to cook you up some better food to fix that."


    After Sakura went upstairs to go to bed, Peter hugged Opera.

    "Thank you! Thank you!"

    "You're welcome. Honestly though, it should be Nick you thank. He was the one that got Sakura out and to our place."

    "I might. Right now I...I'm just happy he's home."
    Next post, Sakura still doesn't feel well.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    Teslachick2Teslachick2 Posts: 442 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo Er...I'm almost afraid to ask, what's up with Sakura's stomach ache? Did Crash do something we don't know about yet? So glad Peter and Sakura are back together, that reunion made me go 'awwww' lol.

    @miloek Candy Behr always ends up either married to my sim or best friends. I play with MCCC and she usually gets paired with Don Lothario or that LeChien guy if she's not hooked up with my sim. She's my favorite female townie.

    @RedDestiny92 Congrats on your pregnant sim. I've found Akira usually produces some good looking offspring in my game.
    I regret some of my life choices.
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @Teslachick2 That's called 'keep reading.' :D Sorry, sorry but I had to.
    Now home, Sakura hoped that things would return to normal, although how normal would be the question considering he had been gone for weeks with little contact with anyone and his only means of food was from whatever was in the camp cooler.


    "I know it isn't his favorite," said Peter as he made breakfast. "But not even a semi-vegetarian can deny eggs and toast."


    Julia was washing up before going to school.


    Peter soon called everyone to breakfast.


    "Ah Mom?" asked Peter. "Was Sakura up when you were?"

    "No," said Emma. "He could be still asleep. Remember that he probably hasn't sleep in a comfortable bed in a long time."

    "Yeah...but still..."


    Peter went up and found Sakura sound asleep.

    "Sakura, you getting up? I made breakfast."


    Sakura stretched as he got up.

    "Mmmph? Sorry Peter...hah...Feeling a bit tired."

    "Yeah Mom was saying you might be. But I figured you might need some food in you that didn't consist of yogurt."

    "Ngh...Yeah...I'll be down in a bit..."


    After a few bites, Sakura grabbed his stomach.


    Peter looked with concern.

    "Sakura are you alright?"

    "Mmph...Yeah I just...Actually I don't know..."


    "Are you sure it's just from not eating right? Did...Did Crash do anything to you?" asked Peter.

    Sakura thought for a moment.

    "N...Not really. She'd either feed off me or challenge me in fights..."

    Peter saw Sakura beginning to shiver.

    "Maybe your anxiety is acting up after what she did. I'll call Opera. Schedule an appointment, okay?"

    Sakura simply nodded, going back upstairs to rest.


    Peter called up Opera.

    "Yeah...Yeah he's still complaining about stomach pains...Maybe, but I'm wondering if all that fighting maybe triggered something more psychological. I just don't want him to fall back to what he was like before you know?...Yeah...Yeah...Tomorrow morning? Okay...Yeah I'll keep checking on him."


    "Is Dad okay, Pops?" asked Julia after finishing her homework.

    Peter moved down to hug his daughter.

    "Yeah. He's just still a bit shaken from what happened to him. We're gonna see Opera tomorrow to get it checked out, okay?"


    "Good. See you after school."
    Next time, Peter realizes what's been troubling Sakura and some midnight visitors come to the Williams' household.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    edited April 2017
    @miloek They could look really cute together if you do decide to pair them off.
    @LosaruTaiyo lol right, the look is always known, Akira has been sweet, ah poor Sakura she could have been experimenting on him behind the scenes.
    @Teslachick2 :smiley: , yeah I've had another sim have kids with him before he's got some good genes to spread around too bad he doesn't like many sims lol.

    Had to do some time skipping hehe.
    'Eee I'm so excited I love babies.'

    'Why haven't you adopted one?'

    'Haven't really thought about it, mostly because if you just babysit you don't keep the kids all the time I'd hate to find out I don't actually like them when I have one.' lol

    'Annie you loon.'

    'Your favorite one I might add.'
    'So what's the deal with Akira?'

    'I still don't know.'

    'Oh Carlie he's crazy about you, I bet he's really excited about the baby.'

    'Yeah he is.'

    'So what's the hold up don't you want to be with him? You know before he gets tired of the chase and just becomes the other parent?'

    'I guess I do.'
    It's just a little thing but I didn't know they could just sample the food a little bit, which is what Annie is doing I don't know what she ran off to do but she came back after Carlie wandered off. Remember her favorite drink is water she wasn't heading for juice.
    They did eat but I wanted to do the challenge which Annie was fine with but Carlie not so much.
    I think that's a protein shake she has, she just looks jealous over the rootbeer floats they could wash the spice down with. After they left I had her call Akira to spend the night so she could talk to him.
    'What's the matter? And don't say you want me to get you pickles and ice cream our baby is probably suffering from the curry as it is.' he teased as he heard from Annie.

    'Nothing and the baby is fine, still kicking me for that too.'

    'So what's up need me to leave?'

    'No I want you to stay I was thinking of a more permanent arrangement.'


    'Don't sound so shocked.'

    'But I am, I don't have much back at my roommate's place.'

    'Can you just leave it to them?'


    'When then go get whatever you're keeping and I'll be waiting.'
    After he moved in sending some things to storage, not really just a story for me, Dravia and Annie were making too much noise so I had him bang on the door but I just let him go back in instead of fighting. Then Roger wants to blame us, still just looks like bad blood between them, you never call...I don't want to call you and pink's not your color. Or something like that lol.
    Then Carlie got this whim while they were waiting for the baby to come, she wasn't in labor they just weren't going anywhere today, I love when sims just show me how to go it's the first time she's ever gotten this one with him.
    He was really excited, he shook his head but basically watched the whole thing I've never seen the father do that when they were in the same room. Usually they just walk
    Here is little Levi, Carlie took the picture with her phone while she was sitting on the bed I really must experiment with pictures more I never thought to have the photographer sitting for a better view. Anyways it was time to move I usually have some story thing or whatever for cheating some money though I was feeling lazy so I just used the money they had to build them a house.
    Won't stay plain for long as Carlie is 8 or 9 in painting and surrealistic is worth a lot.
    Another pic of Carlie's, Akira adores his son.
    He's awfully curious about mommy and daddy bumping faces., makes you wonder what little ones think when they see you kiss a loved one in front of them. One internet family I watch their four year old thought they were spitting on one in her words.
    Moving on this is the first time I've seen this, Levi likes to have his fits but daddy always gets the last word at least.
    Then he got this whim not too long later, guess he decided he's done looking though I haven't yet let him ask her.
    Nothing like ending a bad day..
    'Hmmm I see you got your mother's dancing skill.'

    He is in fact the better dancer of the two but they're both bad hehe.
    Now whenever I paint I always get stuck on classic, not that I can't pick something else or that there is a bug I just always end painting with classic so there are quite a few paintings I've never seen and this is one of them oh but I like it.
    While I have her painting up a few...Katrina is desperate they have the smallest green sliver of a relationship, no, bad cougar.
    Things are already changing with her paintings so I'll probably add an upstairs or expand the first floor and give them another 'surprise', on that note Levi says no to Carlie too.
    Post edited by RedDestiny92 on
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    AshtontoAshton22AshtontoAshton22 Posts: 1,797 Member
    Sakura's gonna be a vampire, but probably a Good Vampire. Then they'll find the cure for him. Saw through that "stomach pain" thing in a Peloponnesian minute.
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    miloekmiloek Posts: 451 Member
    edited April 2017
    @LosaruTaiyo Thanks! I'll have to look at their traits again. And lol her mom sure is, she even followed Cara on her date with Sergio
    @Teslachick2 Ahh tbh she always inevitably becomes besties with my sims too I love her so much
    @RedDestiny92 Thanks, I think so too !

    Here's Cara's possible future husband (Shingo) in case anyone was wondering:
    Post edited by miloek on
    Origin ID: f0xxes
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    DragonAge_23586441DragonAge_23586441 Posts: 229 Member
    I left my feeling of what Nancy butler did and went on with my day. I cross paths with Nina Caliente who looks extremely fit. She invited me over for a little chat. I agreed and met up with her at her home which she shares with her mother Katrina, Dina and Don.

    I was amuse of what she told me about Don who appeared making his round in each (Katrina, Dina and her own) bedroom; spending the night. I asked if it bothers her that Don is spending his nights with her mother or sister when he isn’t with her and she revealed that they agreed to share him. An open relationship I believe they call it.


    But what if Don turn up with another girl which isn’t related.


    Nina didn’t answer this part but I could see that she was thinking about the idea and didn’t really like it. She went on about her new friendship with Nancy (mind you they work together) and that her mother doesn’t approve; in fact that Katrina and Nancy doesn’t even share the same space when they both appear in the same room.

    I wonder why that is and Nina quickly fill in the reason. Accordingly to Nina is that Nancy once stole her mother’s boyfriend back when they were teens and asked him to the prom. Katrina was left with no date and end up to be the laughing matter when she end up arriving with no date but to make this worst for her; was that Nancy released several videos of Katrina to be display over the white drapes.


    Nina didn’t say or indicate if she knew what these videos shown but I would like to see if I can get both Nancy and Katrina in one room and force them to talk about their teen years. Just maybe one of them will say what appeared on those videos.
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    SoapSudsSoapSuds Posts: 1,359 Member
    Well, I started a new game, but I'm not sure how long I'll be playing it. I honestly started it mostly because I wanted to create a Sim with all the CC I downloaded a few nights ago (mostly from DecayClownSims, SrslySims, and Lady Hayny) .

    So, this is Larissa Elliott. She's a single young adult who is living on her own in San Myshuno.

    She is pursuing a career in the medical field and currently specializes in working with children

    Outside of work, she loves dancing, DJ'ing, and making music (electronic music, to be exact). However, she has one more somewhat interesting hobby. She really loves dressing up, especially when she goes out in public to do her other hobbies. In particular, she loves dressing up in the cybergoth style.

    She always dresses up when she goes out dancing and/or DJ'ing.

    She's been becoming pretty popular in the clubbing scene and has made many friends because of it, but none of these friends have actually seen her out of her outfits.

    It's not so much that she wants to keep anything a secret, it's more that she has more fun having an alter-ego to her normal life. So for now, that's how she's wanting to keep it.

    Random shots:

    In red. Along with blue and red, she also has the outfits in purple and green.


    Next: Again, I'm not sure how long I'll be playing this game with her. I'll probably just eventually merge her into another save at some point after I get bored with this save. I still want to continue playing my vampire save, and I actually have some screenshots to post here from that save that I got weeks ago. So, I'll have to see.
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @DragonAge_23586441 I swears Nancy is the trouble of everything. XP

    @SoapSuds First...*GLOMP!* Hi like Larissa, especially the cyberpunk look for the nightclubs. Much different from the usual in-game helmet DJs usually wear.

    @miloek Hellooo Shingo! Sorry. :flushed: It's that

    @RedDestiny92 Hello Levi. :smiley:

    @AshtontoAshton22 Maybe you're partially right. Do you think Crash would just become a vampire and let someone try to stop her with a cure? >.>
    That afternoon, Sakura woke up from a long nap, wanting to freshen up.


    "Ugh...Guess all I needed was a good nap. Stomach's feeling better..."


    "Yuck....Can you get morning breath at 3 in the afternoon? My mouth tastes funny..."


    As he went to brush his teeth though...





    In Forgotten Hollow, someone heard the scream of a newly born vampire.


    "Hm? That sounded far off," said Lady Amalthea, soon calling out. "Liam!"


    Amalthea found Liam flying around as a bat in the house.

    "Liam, dear. Stop fooling around. I need to talk with you."


    "Sorry, dear. Was just a bit bored."

    "Yes. I wanted to ask if you heard that scream. It seems we might have a new fledgling to deal with."


    "A new one?" Liam said with some distress. "Yes I heard but I wasn't sure. If that's the case we might want to go quickly! Who knows what might happen. But...You also can't go out in the sun. You'd die in seconds!"

    "Calm down, my dear," said Amalthea. "I don't think we need to rush this one."

    "What makes you say that?"


    "I believe that was a cry of fright, not anger. I think we'll be fine waiting for the sun to go down. If this one was like that other young one we dealt with, they'll probably be hiding as opposed to attacking everything in sight. I'll get my book."


    There was soon another scream, this time from Peter.


    As his husband stared back at him with blank, weeping eyes.
    Next post, Julia has some choice words for her father.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    AshtontoAshton22AshtontoAshton22 Posts: 1,797 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo Well, Sakura would.
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @AshtontoAshton22 Don't worry, will get more explanation as the story continues. Not right now though as wanna give others some time to

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    Teslachick2Teslachick2 Posts: 442 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo I should have guessed he'd become a vampire!! Lol This is so exciting, looking forward to your next update.
    I regret some of my life choices.
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @Teslachick2 Well it's a slow day so you can expect it
    While many would consider becoming a vampire a possibly new and exciting experience, it wasn't so much for Sakura, especially given that he hadn't even expected it. Although, the words of Crash were starting to come back to him. "Waste not, want not."


    "Peter?" said Sakura, Peter standing in shock. "How...How bad is it? I...I can't see my own reflection and...Peter?"


    Without a word, Peter ran off to the bedroom.


    Panicking, he hid under the blankets, mind still in a swirl as he tried to process what he had seen.


    Sakura sniffled, shivering.

    "I guess it really is that bad. She...She must have known I was gonna escape. M...Maybe that's why she turned me...Oh man...It...It's not fair!!"


    Later that day, Peter went downstairs, watching TV as he waited for Julia to come home from school.

    "This can't be happening...That...That can't be Sakura up there. He...He never looked like that...That can't be him..."


    "Hey Pops," said Julia. "I was hoping that I could talk to you and Dad about my age-up soon? Where is Dad?"


    "Julia..." Peter tried to explain. "There's...There's something I need to talk to you about."


    "Your Dad is...well...he's not your Dad anymore."

    Julia became stone cold serious.

    "Are you two divorcing?"

    "No...At least...Your Dad was turned, Julia. I went upstairs seems he's become a vampire and...I don't know if I can deal with that..."


    Julia suddenly fired at him.

    "Are you serious?! Dad was turned and you don't even love him anymore?!"

    Peter jolted back.

    "Julia that's not what I'm meaning..."


    Julia raised her arms in rage.

    "It's always one small thing and then parents break up! You put up with him when he was like me didn't you?! What's the difference now?! Would you just abandon me if I became a vampire?! Huh? HUH?!"

    "Julia, I'm just concerned about our safety..." Peter tried to reason.

    "It's Dad! You'd be in more danger around a hamster!!" Julia continued to shout. "IT'S NOT FAIR!!! NOT FAIR!!

    "Julia! Julia please, calm down!!" Peter pleaded. "Julia! Please!!"


    Julia soon simmered down, heat still snorting from her nostrils.

    "We're not splitting up," said Peter, "But I'm not sure what to do about what's going on right now."

    "I know what to do," Julia growled. "Go and talk to Dad. Something you are apparently scared to do!"


    Upstairs, Julia found Sakura slipping away into a familiar hiding spot.


    "Dad?" said Julia, Sakura trying to stifle his crying when he heard his daughter speak.

    "J...Julia. Please just...just go downstairs, okay? I...I need some time alone..."


    "P...Pops told me you got turned, Dad," Julia said sympathetically. "And...And how he's afraid of you because you're a vampire now but...well...I told him that shouldn't be a reason to be afraid, right? You didn't chose this. Y...You're still Dad."


    Sakura sniffled.

    "You might be better off staying away, Julia. I...I don't know what might happen now that I'm...I'm this!"

    "Well we won't know until we figure it out, right?" said Julia "You're still Dad in there just...well...with a condition. Like Uncle Brody."

    "I highly doubt your Uncle Brody is a creature of the night, Julia, despite what he might be telling you."

    Julia shrugged.

    "No, but he has that muscle condition that acts up. It's just...a thing. It isn't him, like this isn't you. Or like how my panic attacks aren't me. I'm sure we can figure it out..."


    Sakura soon opened the closet door, Julia jumping back a bit at first.

    "Whoa! Those eyes! They're like...totally white!"


    Sakura covered his face.

    "I know. I had to take a selfie to see. Oh plum I'm sorry, Julia...I...I didn't want any of this!!"


    Julia hugged her Dad.

    "It's okay, Dad. It's not that bad. Just takes a little getting used to, that's all."

    Sakura nodded.

    "I guess..."

    "We'll figure it all out..."


    "I gotta do homework, okay?" said Julia. "See you downstairs?"

    Sakura shrugged. "We'll see..."


    Sakura slipped into the room, locking the door, to use the computer, his mood only making him want to read over the obituaries, seeing the one for Dot. He wept.

    "Why didn't that...that monster just take me instead? I...I would have been better off as a ghost than...than this!!"


    "What if I do end up attacking Peter or someone?! What if I end up hurting Julia?!! I...I don't want to hurt anyone!! I...I can't! Oh plum. What do I do?!!"
    Next time, Sakura gets help from some creatures of the night, finding out that being turned by a soon-to-be virus has some odd effects. Also, the AIs go to visit Light who gives them the possible key to destroying Crash once and for all.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    edited April 2017
    @miloek sure thing, they look cute together too maybe she could have a date with both of them to decide.
    @SoapSuds I love Larissa's look.
    @LosaruTaiyo he's a cute little muffin. Ah! I'm having the same reaction Julia is he was so worried about him wanting him back now that he's a vampire that's how he starts. They haven't had the most normal life obviously Peter is more afraid than he is and he has to recover mentally and deal with his change by himself would be his first thought. Shame shame shame. Okay I'm being bitter I'll wait and see what he does, I feel for Julia but even if she has nothing to worry about she'll understand when she's older sometimes it's healthier for parents to split.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @RedDestiny92 I can say safely that Peter and Sakura won't split up...LOL. 1)Because I'm a softie and couldn't bear to see that happen and 2) I use divorce as a last resort kind of thing. Turning into a vampire isn't a relationship breaker. Abusive spouse would be (See Maria's Realty and Harlow's flashback on that one) but the day that happens with these two is the day I'm gone bonkers.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    Well that's good at least :smiley:
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    miloekmiloek Posts: 451 Member
    @SoapSuds Oooh I like the cyberpunk look
    @LosaruTaiyo lol (also I love Julia so much she's such a sweetheart)

    lol only actually have one picture about Cara today oops. She met a new friend

    I feel bad for my lack of photos so here's a couple nature pictures
    Origin ID: f0xxes
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    edited April 2017
    @miloek I like the scenery! And it looks like Cara is having fun!

    Afraid of what he had become, Sakura had locked himself away in his room. And likewise, Peter was unsure of how to handle the situation. Luckily, the cry of a newly turned vampire is always heard by the one whose duty it is to record all the vampire lineages in 2nd World.


    Even after a few hours, the air between Peter and Julia was still rather heated, the former unsure of just what to do to make it up to his daughter, especially since he had not even spoken with Sakura since that afternoon.


    "Julia..." Peter started to speak.

    "What?" Julia growled.

    "Can...Can we just talk for a bit..."


    "Not until you speak with Dad," Julia fumed. "Until then I don't wanna talk to you. I'm gonna go do my homework on the couch. Leave me alone..."


    Peter sighed as Emma sat down.

    "She still won't talk with you?" commented Emma.

    Peter shook his head.

    "No...and I don't know what to do now, about her or Sakura. I know it's not his fault but...if he turns out to be dangerous now...I need to think about her well-being. I...I need help, Mom."


    As if on cue, there was a knock at the door.


    "Nice place," said the brown-haired male. "Wonder who does this guy's gardening."

    "Liam, dear," said the hooded figure, "Please. We're here on formal business."


    Peter came to the door, shaking a bit when he saw the cloaked vampire.

    "Umm...You're not here to drain us, are you?" asked Peter. "There...There's already a vampire here."

    "No," said the lady. "And we know there is a vampire here. That is why we're here."

    "Y....You're here for Sakura?" Peter said in confusion. "How...How do I know you're not just here to turn us all?"

    "Hm? Oh do forgive me, I forgot to take off my cloak. Sunrays you know."


    "That's better," said the vampire. "I'm Lady Amalthea and this is my husband and assistant, Liam. We're what you might call "record keepers". Any time a new vampire is brought into this world, we come to chart their lineage, especially for turned vampires. It allows for our race to track traits and keep a census of just how many of us are left. We heard a scream this morning and after tracking the sound, we came here."

    "You...You heard Sakura's scream?"

    "Us vampires have a heightened sense of hearing," explained Lady Amalthea. "Comes in handy in my line of work."

    Peter sighed. "Well...can't be worse than what I'm going through right now. He's upstairs. First door on the left. He...He has it locked though..."


    Lady Amalthea and Liam went upstairs, trying the door. On the other side, they could hear weeping.

    "Definitely a forced turn," said Amalthea. "Didn't we record that Forrest guy acting similar at first?"

    "I think you're mixing him up with another vampire," said Liam. "Forrest was the one that had asked to be turned so he could keep living up something called "the 70's". I'm just as confused as you are."

    "Yes, well...nonetheless, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way."


    Just as Sakura was moving out from under the covers, Amalthea teleported in as a mist.


    Sakura cowered back when he saw the billowing dark mist, images of Crash coming back to him.

    "Who...Who are you? If...If you work for...for Mistress p...please don't hurt me! I...I'll go back if she wants me to! Just tell her not to hurt anyone. Please!!"


    "Easy," said Lady Amalthea. "Relax. I work for only myself and my books. I'm Lady Amalthea. And you are..."

    "S..Sakura..." he said, trying to breathe.

    "What an interesting name. A cherry blossom, isn't it?"


    "That is a really nice name, especially for a vampire."


    "Now then," said Amalthea. "I will ask more on them later, but was Mistress the one that turned you?"

    Sakura nodded. "Yes, but not because I wanted it. I...I didn't even know that was...was what she had done with me! She was using...using me for food and fighting and...and it wouldn't stop until I got out and..."

    "Ah...That explains your eyes," said Amalthea. "I thought something looked off. You have "Weeper Eye". It tends to happen when a vampire was created under trauma. Easily fixed though. Liam!"


    Sakura watched as a bat flew into the room.

    "L...Liam is your pet bat?"

    Amalthea chuckled.

    "No, no. He's my husband. He's just teleporting in as one. Although, he'll sometimes stay in that form in the house and fly around. A bit annoying admittedly."


    "I don't see you complain when I'm flying around eating the bugs," said Liam.

    Amalthea chuckled. "Dear, that might be a bit more than our fellow vampire here needs to know."

    Sakura cringed a bit. "Ew."

    "Hey, it saves money and chemicals on my plants," explained Liam. "And saves her dresses from moth holes."


    "I shall leave you to it then," said Lady Amalthea as she teleported out.

    "To...To what..." asked Sakura.

    "To fixing that Weeper Eye from the looks of it," said Liam. "Not hard. Just need to do some Dark Meditation."

    Sakura frowned. "Wh...Why can't I just be cured instead. I...I never even wanted to be a vampire!"


    Liam sighed.

    "As much as we would love to, Forgotten Hollow has been lacking wolfsbane recently," explained Liam. "And I have never been able to grow it right. It's an important ingredient in making vampire cures for one like yourself. Ever since Vlad's girlfriend arrived, it seems to have disappeared. Alright, let's get you meditating, okay?"


    "Her...her name is Crash..." said Sakura shyly as Liam went to sit on the bed. "And she isn't his girlfriend. She...She just lives there. She...She was the one that turned me..."

    "That creature did this to you!?" exclaimed Liam. "Only met her once at a welcome wagon at Vlad's to welcome her and she totally beat me in a fight..."


    "There's gotta be a connection with her then...Anyways, remember what I told you: Close your eyes, focus your mind on healing. Once you do that, you'll see a lot clearer."


    Sakura closed his eyes, suddenly feeling himself float as he tried to focus on clearing his vision."


    Eventually, Liam could notice a change on Sakura's eyes...


    As their true sight revealed themselves as Sakura opened them.
    Next post, Sakura learns about thirst and Amalthea finds a glitch in her book (Not thee Glitch).
    Post edited by LosaruTaiyo on

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    3KNPen3KNPen Posts: 2,825 Member
    Hello everyone, long time no speak! I've been enjoying my Sims 3 saves for a while (and also spending way too much time playing Breath of the Wild) but I've been missing Sims 4 so I have returned. Not sure how much I'll be posting (being away from the forum has actually been pretty refreshing in terms of reconnecting with the games if I'm to be completely honest) but maybe once in a while.

    Back with something fresh because I needed something new and this challenge sounded fun and right up my alley. It's an older ten generation legacy style challenge called "I'm a Lover" basically each generation has different romantic and other goals they need to meet. Rules can be found HERE.

    Gen 1: All I Wanted Was to Be a Romance Writer and Find My One True Love

    Meet our Founder: Anne Austin. Anne is Romantic, Creative & a Loner with the Soulmate Aspiration. The Apsiration and the Romantic trait are part of the requirements for this generation. The naming convention for this challenge will be Jane Austin characters because it seemed rather fitting all things considered lol. Anne is named after my favorite character from my favorite Jane Austin novel Anne Elliot from Persuasion. Her last name should be pretty obvious lol.

    The other main requirement for this generation is that Anne must join the writers career so I have her get her new job right away.
    The nice thing about this challenge is that there is no requirements in terms of where you live and things like that. So I kicked the Free Spirits out of their lovely little lot in Windenburg and replaced their house with one of my favorites from the gallery which I then further tweaked to add things like the computer. We don't have much money left over but it's a decent start.

    Job acquired Anne decides to do some reading. I was a little surprised she went for the bookcase rather then the computer (the only two sources of fun in the house besides her phone) but I won't argue with her since she needs to read for work.

    Anne reads until the welcome wagon arrives. She seems instantly taken with Gunther Much which makes sense since they do share traits and work together.

    He seemed equally taken with her and initiated this hug not long after they met.

    Anne wasn't as taken with the rest of the welcome wagon. Which makes sense as well since she is a loner and they all insisted on standing really close to her. After she greeted everyone else and chatted a little bit I ended the wagon early before she could get too tense.

    After the wagon leaves I send her off to cloudgaze for inspiration and then have her get started working on her writing. The challenge says she's supposed to write romance novels which she doesn't have a high enough skill level to do yet. It's a little unclear if that means she's only allowed to publish them or if they're the only thing she's allowed to write at all. I decide to have her just practice her writing for now to be safe. If it feels like it's dragging too much to get her up to the proper skill level I'll let her write something else but not publish it.

    After a day spent writing she was hungry so I sent her to the cafe in the downtown area of Windenburg to get some food and do some people watching. When it got late enough I sent her to the nearby nightclub to see if anyone caught her interested despite it not really being her scene. We ran into Salim who is also one of Anne's co-workers. They chatted for a while and she did seem interested but didn't seem to have quite as much of a spark with him as with Gunther.

    I'm trying to have Anne do things I don't normally have my sims do so she gets into a routine of brushing her teeth before bed when the Confident moodlet won't cause trouble.

    Her house is very small with only room for a single bed tucked into a corner. Not sure what I'm going to do when it's time for romance to happen. She's not allowed to get married or have kids until she's an adult so there's time before we have to worry about that too much. By then we might have enough money to do some remodeling or move to another house. We'll see how it goes I guess.

    That evening Anne had a ghostly visitor. One of the other new things I'm trying out is the Haunted lot trait. He was an angry fire ghost who thankfully didn't break anything while he was there. Anne was asleep when he showed up and made his way to the bathroom so I got her up and had her go chat with him for a little bit.

    His name is Omar, he's a YA and I was curious enough to pull him into CAS. He's pretty cute and I momentarily consider having Anne try to bring him back to life to end up with him because that does seem to really fit her but I'm not sure how the lot trait thing works (MC Command Center has him flagged as not being culled and he's still in her relationship panel but I don't know if he'll actually be coming back or if we'll get different ghosts) and she has a requirement to have a date once a week and the thought of dating a non-playable ghost who you can't call up on the phone seems like it's probably more of a headache then it's worth (and I don't want to add him to the household). But it's definitely a scenario I've added to my long list of "Things I Want to Do" in the game to get to eventually.

    The next day is Anne's first day at work and she comes home with her first promotion. I was in the process of getting her ready to go to the local pub to take care of her low fun need when Gunther texted congratulating her on said promotion and wanting to go out and celebrate so I sent her off to do that instead (yet another thing I haven't done much in the game).

    It actually ended up being a lot of fun. I thought it was cool how it invited out all of her co-workers since it was a work related event thing. It was a nice opportunity to get to know everyone and she was actually in a good enough mood that her tension of being surrounded by people didn't cause any problems.

    Low fun still nagging her I sent her and Gunther to sing a country duet on the karoke machine. They were both terrible and incredibly cute. I'm definitely leaning towards Gunther at this point since she really seems to like him and he seems to return the interest.

    Believe it or not this is another first for me. I've never had a sim interact with the Talking Toilet thing yet. I'm just too schooled from playing Sims 2 where sims with their constant fear of using a public toilet makes me generally have sims take care of that need at home but Anne here went to use the restroom autonomously so I go to check the infamous thing out for the first time.

    Needs taken care of I decided to have Anne initiate a little flirting with Gunther in the brief time we had before the event ended. she chose to do it halfway across the room from him...

    Maaike (doing some hardcore judging): You do realize you could take three steps closer to him and make this less awkward for ALL of us...

    Gavin partkaes in some little less hardcore judging...but he's still totally judging her.
    Salim is just Salim.

    Despite her coworkers reactions (or more likely not even noticing it) Anne seems quite pleased with herself. Awkawardness they name is Anne Austin <3

    After that the event ended and she went home, brushed her teeth and went to bed. There was no ghostly visitor but I think we arrived home after their spawning point so that might be why. I have read other people only getting a ghost once and then not again so we'll see what happens with our little haunted cottage and Anne's attempts at romance next time....

    ~ ~ ~
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    edited April 2017
    So I'm back to the same problem I was having before.. My computer is having fits! I hate to but I'm gonna have to quit playing SIms until I can get a new one. It makes me sad because I am really enjoying my game but I can't enjoy it to the fullest because my computer just won't run the game properly. I'll still be around on the forums though. :) I sure hope I can get this resolved soon and be back to sharing.
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    MarleyTheWizardMarleyTheWizard Posts: 962 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo interesting plot twist and progression.
    LOOk at our poor baby
    I Sometimes Tweet About The Sims 4
    Gallery ID: MarleyTheWizard
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    @LosaruTaiyo I'm really enjoying your story. Can't wait for more.

    Brienne is working on her aspiration.


    Jaime is a toddler.


    Took off the glasses.


    Our sleeping tots.


    BTW, Petyr completed his aspiration. He had the family aspiration.

    Brienne gave birth to Tommen.


    The baby making part of this generation is complete. Now we must decide on one heir out of the four boys.
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    edited April 2017
    @3KNPen Sometimes I'd take a ghostly visitor as a sign...LOL. Anne is cute !

    @OhMyHemsworth Sorry to hear about the computer.

    @Marley V OMG Poor Marcus! XP

    @March306 I could just hug Jaime to bits! And congrats on the birth of Tommen.
    Since Amalthea knew that Dark Meditation, especially for new vampires, would take up space, she went downstairs to wait.


    Amalthea looked down at Peter, the man falling asleep on the couch after the two had conversed.

    "For a man initially scared of his spouse," she commented. "You also seem very dedicated. Guess his new immortality isn't the thing that scares you."


    Liam soon met with his wife.

    "Got his "Weeper Eye" cured. He actually has some very nice blue eyes. Kind of jealous myself."

    "Oh Liam. Your eyes are fine the way they are. The paleness reminds me of the moon sometimes. Now then. Let's finish up here before the sun comes up."


    I just thought this shot was awesome.


    Sakura seemed to go a bit feral.

    "When was the last time he fed?" asked Amalthea.

    "If I had to guess, I don't think he's fed at all."


    As Lady Amalthea sat Sakura let out a hiss, covering his mouth in shock.

    "Oh plum! Wh...What's wrong with me?!"


    "From the sounds of it," said Amalthea, "You haven't drank any plasma since you've been turned. If you're this bad right now, your husband is downstairs and..."


    "Don't even suggest it," Sakura said coldly before snapping at Amalthea. "I'd rather wither away or lock myself back in that dungeon than hurt anyone! How can you even suggest that?!"

    "Easy now!" Amalthea remarked. "I am sorry I did suggest such a thing, although I was thinking more of just asking him for a drink, not forcing one. With how bad you seem though, if you can't control your thirst, you might end up just doing that."


    Sakura calmed down, wiping his eyes.

    "Great...just great...something else I have be concerned about. That...that plum peach...she...she knew all this. Th...That's why she cursed me like this, wasn't it..."

    Amalthea looked with concern.

    "It's not always a curse. Liam and I asked for this."

    "Yeah, but I didn't...I wouldn't have especially if...if it involved possibly hurting anyone. I mean what alternative do I have?"


    "Plasma fruit," said Liam, Sakura coming over to see what he had placed on the computer desk top.

    "Is that one?"

    "Yeah. Found it in my pocket actually. Guess it was a leftover one from my last harvest. Like you, I'm not a fan of drinking off other sims so I started growing these. I'd say drink this one now and I'll try to bring some more over so you guys can grow your own."


    Liam showed Sakura how to drink from a plasma fruit.

    "You'll want to actually use a straw on that. Plasma fruit has a soft but really waxy skin. Not fun to taste. The flesh and juice is excellent though."

    "Like this then?" asked Sakura.



    Sakura began to drink from the fruit.

    "Good huh?" said Liam. "A lot better than sim plasma or the stuff from plasma packs. I've even selectively bred my trees to be much sweeter so you don't get that rusty taste regular fruits sometimes have."


    After Sakura's thirst was settled, Lady Amalthea took out the Vampire Ledger, a book that chronicled all the vampire lineages of 2nd World and whatever world she was placed in.

    "Alright now. Were you anything before Sakura Williams?"

    "Miruchi. Reminds me...I haven't seen Mom or Aunt Jasmine yet. Oh plum what would they say?"

    "I'll let you deal with those. Now can you tell about who turned you."


    Sakura sat down.

    "Her name is Crash. I think technically Torren is her first name. She's an AI trying...trying to become a Virus, whatever that is. I...I think she turned me when...when her other prisoner, Nick, refused the offer. But I didn't even drink from her. How...How did this even happen?!"

    "If she's an AI, maybe she did something with the program, like how Linka Systema locked us away," said Amalthea as she looked through her book. "Odd. I never made any record of Crash. Do you know who turned her?"

    "Vlad. Not...Not by choice...most likely..."

    "That is odd. When I took up this job, I was given the ability to sense any vampire created in this world. Whatever this "virus" thing is, it must be something beyond a vampire. I guess, for now, I can have you as a descendant of Vlad's line, although more likely an offshoot. I can't add Crash if I don't know she's a full on vampire or something new..."


    "Now then," said Amalthea. "To finish my entry, we'll need to see your abilities. Vampires tend to inherit some abilities from their master."

    "Crash isn't my least not now."

    "That is just what we call the 'parent' of a fledgling. Now then. Let's go. We're going my place first to see just what powers you have."


    "Why can't we just do it here?" asked Sakura.

    "Because depending on what you have, you may end up blowing up part of your house. And I highly doubt you want to do that," explained Amalthea.


    "If you haven't seen a vampire vs vampire fight," said Liam. "You don't know the true destruction that can bring."
    Next time, Sakura surprises Amalthea and Liam with one of his abilities, and upon returning home, find that he suffers a major weakness.
    Post edited by LosaruTaiyo on

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    MarleyTheWizardMarleyTheWizard Posts: 962 Member
    Just noticed Lily Feng's tattoo.
    Never imagined her as personality to get a tattoo.
    I Sometimes Tweet About The Sims 4
    Gallery ID: MarleyTheWizard
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