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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited August 2016
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Gawh! I've tried to talk into a mic for How To videos on CAW but I'm Not Goodly at talkin' and really have no desire to be popular. I never feel right putting a "Donate" button on my blog for all the worlds I made so I never did. If I never felt right about that, how would I be able to put up ads for people to watch me have fun makin' worlds to get paid- which most of them do or want to do. :lol:

    So, yeaah - I don't think Everyone has the looks or charisma to make it in the world of let's plays. I doubt I could get anyone to watch me make worlds since I always ended up not saying much through the whole video. It was Zen for me.... O.O :lol::(

    You do realize the best in most fields do work alone more times than not - and usually silently anyway. Your worlds are a wonder to behold - no explanation even needed.

    It is a real crime you cannot engage in your skill as an amazing world creator for Sims 4. Just plain crazy you do not have any option to do what you do so brilliantly.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited August 2016
    I have absolutely nothing against the "Influencers." They're doing what works for them, I respect their opinion, and I'm glad they like the game. But if EA/Maxis wants to really impress me and motivate me to remain loyal and interested in their product, they could do a lot by winning back the interest of former Influencers who now share and voice the concerns I have with Sims 4. THAT would make me stand up and take notice.
    Influencer is, I must admit, a confusing term for me. Are they indeed meant to influence simmers? Is it also possible then that an influencer is critical about the game? Or are influencers meant to be positive, spreading there positivity and influence others by doing so? Or does influencer mean they are the ones who influence EA, giving them advise about the game (I love loading screens, CASt caused lag, good you guys got rid of toddlers never liked them anyway)? If that's the case, why should there be a select group of 'influencers', appointed by EA apparently? Why not, like Sk8rblaze points out, let forum members be their influencers? As a simmer I feel represented by more than one forum member here (can't tell you how much over a dozen posts in this topic alone mean to me as a player). For me they are much greater influencers conceivable than hardcore Sims 4 fans somewhere on YouTube.

    @Sk8rblaze I was typing while you were B) , I feel flattered - and shy - you put my name among those simmers. You can add yourself as well and I know quite a few more.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited August 2016
    Sk8rblaze wrote: »
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Personally I do sometimes enjoy watching the You tubers do their thing with the various Sims games as I do sometimes enjoy watching their build and even get a kick out of some of their play styles - but it does not mean I adopt any of their play style of course, as I have my own style I enjoy playing - but yeah - it is sometimes fun to take another persons take on the game.

    That much said though - I don't feel any of them could speak for me or feel the depth of play I feel playing my own game. It does not mean I can't enjoy watching another person play though. Having 31 Simmers in my own family - believe me I have ample opportunities to observe how others of ALL AGES play the game - first hand. I do know that unlike previous The Sims series games, most of my family has not stayed with the Sims 4 - just one lone player out of 31 still plays Sims 4 rather regularly (it's not me, I am playing both Sims 2 and Sims 3). At most I play the challenges if freebies are involved. LOL.

    The other 30 of us have stopped buying and either returned to Sims 3, a few to Sims 2 (no one to Sims 1 - lol) or gave up on the Sims period - that is just 5 of them who all vow they want to come back if the game ever gets its act together. One thing in common in my family is everyone - all 31 are mad about no toddlers and no cars.

    Not all of us watch the Sims series you tubers - but some of us do. Oh and just to add - I am the only one of the 31 that frequents the forum everyday - the one still playing used to come on the Sims 2 and 3 forum - but she never comes to the Sims 4 forum because she said all her forum friends won't play Sims 4.

    Some are indeed entertaining, but like you, I just find my views do not necessarily align with their views and they seem to be a bit too positive about the game, assuming all of those hours they put in are not just for financial gain (which I highly doubt). Ultimately, I think it's crucial to get a very diverse selection of fans, if the program has to exist at all (and I've been hoping it had died, myself).

    I know not all YouTubers are "Influencers", and they have some from other social media. I think I would be a GREAT move, and I'd be very happy with the Influencer program personally, if we had some users here from the forum featured as Influencers. I've read many posts through the years, and just to mention a few I would really like to see as Influencers, none of which I know on any kind of personal level: @sparkfairy1 , @MrHawk , @Rflong7 , @JoAnne65 , @Cinebar , @CK213 , @Pary and you, @Writin_Reg . There are so many more, but those are ones off the top of my head I think would make great assets, be it either or both for their strong dedication to improving the game, or their preferences and ways of playing the game which align with MANY other players.

    Given @SimGuruDrake comes on the forums often, and speaks very passionately through the posts I've seen on this thread concerning mending relationships with as many as possible, I think making at least one, or hopefully a few, of the mentioned users Influencers would be wonderful and a great move towards accomplishing that goal.

    Aww - thank you for the compliment. That is certainly a lot of great company. Honestly though I would never want to be an "influencer", as I firmly believe in individuality and for a persons right to be who they are. But thank you so much for listing me with so many fine, wonderful people. I totally admire and respect all those people for sure.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    SimTrippy wrote: »
    Btw, and I'm sorry I feel the need to add this to my already obnoxiously long rant, this simplicity carries over to a lot of EPs as well. Why do they release an EP that allows you to own a retail store, or run a restaurant, but forget to list doing these things as real jobs? How many restaurant owners do you consider to be "unemployed"? Why add alien abductions but not add a simple "tell about abduction" interaction for after they've been abducted? And also, why do you completely maximize or minimize the chance for alien abduction, instead of really thinking about a reasonable setting that will be neither too rare nor too often? Or give the ability to turn abductions off? Why not allow other sims to work in your restaurant or retail store? That would've been another playable job for which you've basically already created everything you need anyway (the restaurant/store, the animations, the places, the ability to control your sims, ...), no? I could go on. But these too are just examples of thoughts that weren't finished. Of relying on typical mobile goal-based game play and ignoring our need for more choices & more depth.

    Technically the Alien abduction level would be much better if they allowed a slider control in a game they claim "YOU RULE". I totally agree it is insane that there is no "self employed" choice for those businesses or even home - type workers. It very much needs to be an added option.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,360 Member
    edited August 2016
    Sk8rblaze wrote: »
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Personally I do sometimes enjoy watching the You tubers do their thing with the various Sims games as I do sometimes enjoy watching their build and even get a kick out of some of their play styles - but it does not mean I adopt any of their play style of course, as I have my own style I enjoy playing - but yeah - it is sometimes fun to take another persons take on the game.

    That much said though - I don't feel any of them could speak for me or feel the depth of play I feel playing my own game. It does not mean I can't enjoy watching another person play though. Having 31 Simmers in my own family - believe me I have ample opportunities to observe how others of ALL AGES play the game - first hand. I do know that unlike previous The Sims series games, most of my family has not stayed with the Sims 4 - just one lone player out of 31 still plays Sims 4 rather regularly (it's not me, I am playing both Sims 2 and Sims 3). At most I play the challenges if freebies are involved. LOL.

    The other 30 of us have stopped buying and either returned to Sims 3, a few to Sims 2 (no one to Sims 1 - lol) or gave up on the Sims period - that is just 5 of them who all vow they want to come back if the game ever gets its act together. One thing in common in my family is everyone - all 31 are mad about no toddlers and no cars.

    Not all of us watch the Sims series you tubers - but some of us do. Oh and just to add - I am the only one of the 31 that frequents the forum everyday - the one still playing used to come on the Sims 2 and 3 forum - but she never comes to the Sims 4 forum because she said all her forum friends won't play Sims 4.

    Some are indeed entertaining, but like you, I just find my views do not necessarily align with their views and they seem to be a bit too positive about the game, assuming all of those hours they put in are not just for financial gain (which I highly doubt). Ultimately, I think it's crucial to get a very diverse selection of fans, if the program has to exist at all (and I've been hoping it had died, myself).

    I know not all YouTubers are "Influencers", and they have some from other social media. I think I would be a GREAT move, and I'd be very happy with the Influencer program personally, if we had some users here from the forum featured as Influencers. I've read many posts through the years, and just to mention a few I would really like to see as Influencers, none of which I know on any kind of personal level: @sparkfairy1 , @MrHawk , @Rflong7 , @JoAnne65 , @Cinebar , @CK213 , @Pary and you, @Writin_Reg . There are so many more, but those are ones off the top of my head I think would make great assets, be it either or both for their strong dedication to improving the game, or their preferences and ways of playing the game which align with MANY other players.

    Given @SimGuruDrake comes on the forums often, and speaks very passionately through the posts I've seen on this thread concerning mending relationships with as many as possible, I think making at least one, or hopefully a few, of the mentioned users Influencers would be wonderful and a great move towards accomplishing that goal.

    And this is exactly what I was saying in my post. Any or all of the people you mentioned would be perfect to get across why you're all so unhappy with what's happening with the game. Maybe a joint YouTube channel so no one has to devote their entire life to it. Different simmers could focus on different game features. Like how teens are so similar to Adults. Or how all the sims seem to act the same regardless of traits. So much potential and possibility here.
    And add the poster above who said he/she already has 25,000 followers.
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    SimTrippySimTrippy Posts: 7,651 Member
    @simgirl1010 the thing is though that many of these people have stated their opinions already in multiple good threads on a variety of subjects that are important to people - and that if the gurus pay attention to the active, recent threads, they can see a lot of recurring worries / issues simply by looking at the threads' titles. I don't think they're unaware of this stuff at all. If they actually needed an "influencer" to summarize to them what they could already know by paying a bit of attention to their forums & the posts in it (which I'm pretty sure they do), that'd seem like simply choosing to ignore the problems unless they're pointed out extremely publicly, at least to me. If they care about their players, that step shouldn't be necessary. And I somehow doubt it would even do the trick... but that's something I definitely can't know for sure :)
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    PolyrhythmPolyrhythm Posts: 2,789 Member
    I don't think people should have to make Youtube channels and get a huge following on social media to have their voices and opinions be heard. I think that's the biggest downfall in this whole "influencer" thing, they seem to expect them to be popular youtubers, have thousands of Twitter followers, etc.
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    TheGoodOldGamerTheGoodOldGamer Posts: 3,559 Member
    Arletta wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Influencers, to me means Maxis is expecting them to influence the populous to buy. No thanks, I never watch Let's Play (boring, old man snoring) videos, never would though I caught a few because someone ask me to take a look. Some people are funny but I go to sleep during those things. Maxis doesn't realize there is a sect of people (young people) who will say they have played a game because they watched a Youtuber do a Let's Play. lol How is that working Maxis? Did it result in money for you? I mean they think they have played it after all.

    I stopped watching Let's Plays. I kept wanting to grab their mouse and slap them upside the head for playing wrong. Not worth getting bent out of shape with frustration for.

    You can't play the Sims 'wrong'. It's literally impossible. There is no 'right' way when any way is a 'right' way. :| If you watched someone hit 'play' on a random townie household and then do nothing but let the AI do their thing, they're still not playing it 'wrong'. Different than you is not 'wrong'.
    Live, laugh and love. Life's too short not to.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Arletta wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Influencers, to me means Maxis is expecting them to influence the populous to buy. No thanks, I never watch Let's Play (boring, old man snoring) videos, never would though I caught a few because someone ask me to take a look. Some people are funny but I go to sleep during those things. Maxis doesn't realize there is a sect of people (young people) who will say they have played a game because they watched a Youtuber do a Let's Play. lol How is that working Maxis? Did it result in money for you? I mean they think they have played it after all.

    I stopped watching Let's Plays. I kept wanting to grab their mouse and slap them upside the head for playing wrong. Not worth getting bent out of shape with frustration for.

    You can't play the Sims 'wrong'. It's literally impossible. There is no 'right' way when any way is a 'right' way. :| If you watched someone hit 'play' on a random townie household and then do nothing but let the AI do their thing, they're still not playing it 'wrong'. Different than you is not 'wrong'.

    That is true, there is no 'right or wrong' way to play The Sims and that is the beauty of the game :smile:
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    ArlettaArletta Posts: 8,444 Member
    edited August 2016
    Arletta wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Influencers, to me means Maxis is expecting them to influence the populous to buy. No thanks, I never watch Let's Play (boring, old man snoring) videos, never would though I caught a few because someone ask me to take a look. Some people are funny but I go to sleep during those things. Maxis doesn't realize there is a sect of people (young people) who will say they have played a game because they watched a Youtuber do a Let's Play. lol How is that working Maxis? Did it result in money for you? I mean they think they have played it after all.

    I stopped watching Let's Plays. I kept wanting to grab their mouse and slap them upside the head for playing wrong. Not worth getting bent out of shape with frustration for.

    You can't play the Sims 'wrong'. It's literally impossible. There is no 'right' way when any way is a 'right' way. :| If you watched someone hit 'play' on a random townie household and then do nothing but let the AI do their thing, they're still not playing it 'wrong'. Different than you is not 'wrong'.

    I know. Bad choice of wording. It was the nearest to my mind at the time, but not necessarily the right one. I can't explain it any further without offending others, I think. Since I've done that plenty enough today....
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    ebuchalaebuchala Posts: 4,945 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Arletta wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Influencers, to me means Maxis is expecting them to influence the populous to buy. No thanks, I never watch Let's Play (boring, old man snoring) videos, never would though I caught a few because someone ask me to take a look. Some people are funny but I go to sleep during those things. Maxis doesn't realize there is a sect of people (young people) who will say they have played a game because they watched a Youtuber do a Let's Play. lol How is that working Maxis? Did it result in money for you? I mean they think they have played it after all.

    I stopped watching Let's Plays. I kept wanting to grab their mouse and slap them upside the head for playing wrong. Not worth getting bent out of shape with frustration for.

    You can't play the Sims 'wrong'. It's literally impossible. There is no 'right' way when any way is a 'right' way. :| If you watched someone hit 'play' on a random townie household and then do nothing but let the AI do their thing, they're still not playing it 'wrong'. Different than you is not 'wrong'.

    I am sure they were talking about how They feel about playing it wrong. Everyone knows there is no wrong way of playing... until you watch someone play and it annoys you (3rd person). :lol:
    Cause that's Exactly how I feel when watching let's plays... I want to sstop them and show them how they're doing it wrong, even though I knnow they aren't. :)

    This is what I assumed she meant as well. I don't watch Let's Plays in general for this reason. I always want to take their mouse and show them how to do it "right." :D
    Origin ID: ebuchala
    I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning psychopath. Reaper
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    HappySimmer3HappySimmer3 Posts: 6,699 Member
    edited August 2016
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    I believe- and this is only in my tiny mind- that the new Influencers are not to influence Maxis but for Maxis to use to Influence the massive hidden players. So, not really the Forums but the ones who follow and and love to watch. Youtube in now the New TV Commercials of this age- from my experience only, yours may vary.

    Maxis will give them products to show, bumps in their market views, information/chats, and probably trips to their events- to use for them on their sites/pages/youtube channels.

    I agree. Everyone who is unhappy with the game could contribute to every social media site out there and have 100,000 subscribers and it wouldn't make a bit of difference because Maxis/EA would completely ignore it. They're only interested in social media 'stars' with followers who will advertise their game for them in exchange for trips and swag, and who would never jeopardize their insider position or the income some of them get from their forum or videos by being negative and possibly getting dropped as one of Maxis "Influencers".

    @SimTrippy I am a family player and a missing life stage is a critical omission to me, but I still completely agree with your posts. Toddlers are just a symptom of the state of the whole game. It is simplistic and superficial and boring, and adding toddlers will not fix that. At this point I don't believe anything will fix it, because I don't believe that they're interested in investing the money it would require. I had hope the first year, but after that it's become clear to me that it just wasn't going to happen.

    The Sims is the only video game I've really ever been interested in, so saying that and letting go has been difficult. But with the state of the game after all this time and the rather abhorrent attitudes of this company's representatives as demonstrated in this thread, I'm finally at the point where I realize it's a lost cause.

    Of course that doesn't necessarily mean I'm completely going away. First because that's exactly what they want, and why should I cater to them when they're not interested in catering to me? ;)

    Secondly because I still play TS3 and they merged that forum with this one (much to my regret).

    The Sims 30695923002_cffaca4078_t.jpg

    Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?!
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    crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,775 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Gawh! I've tried to talk into a mic for How To videos on CAW but I'm Not Goodly at talkin' and really have no desire to be popular. I never feel right putting a "Donate" button on my blog for all the worlds I made so I never did. If I never felt right about that, how would I be able to put up ads for people to watch me have fun makin' worlds to get paid- which most of them do or want to do. :lol:

    So, yeaah - I don't think Everyone has the looks or charisma to make it in the world of let's plays. I doubt I could get anyone to watch me make worlds since I always ended up not saying much through the whole video. It was Zen for me.... O.O :lol::(

    I'd watch you :D
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    @crinrict wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Gawh! I've tried to talk into a mic for How To videos on CAW but I'm Not Goodly at talkin' and really have no desire to be popular. I never feel right putting a "Donate" button on my blog for all the worlds I made so I never did. If I never felt right about that, how would I be able to put up ads for people to watch me have fun makin' worlds to get paid- which most of them do or want to do. :lol:

    So, yeaah - I don't think Everyone has the looks or charisma to make it in the world of let's plays. I doubt I could get anyone to watch me make worlds since I always ended up not saying much through the whole video. It was Zen for me.... O.O :lol::(

    I'd watch you :D

    1... One View! :mwaahahaaa:! ~cough~ >.> <.<
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    crinrictcrinrict Posts: 18,775 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    @crinrict wrote: »
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Gawh! I've tried to talk into a mic for How To videos on CAW but I'm Not Goodly at talkin' and really have no desire to be popular. I never feel right putting a "Donate" button on my blog for all the worlds I made so I never did. If I never felt right about that, how would I be able to put up ads for people to watch me have fun makin' worlds to get paid- which most of them do or want to do. :lol:

    So, yeaah - I don't think Everyone has the looks or charisma to make it in the world of let's plays. I doubt I could get anyone to watch me make worlds since I always ended up not saying much through the whole video. It was Zen for me.... O.O :lol::(

    I'd watch you :D

    1... One View! :mwaahahaaa:! ~cough~ >.> <.<

    Congrats. You're on a good way here :D
    Crinrict's Help Blogs -- Twitter
    Please do not send me PMs/post on my wall if you're looking for help. I can't attend to those. You can find me at AnswerHQ.
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    KushakovKushakov Posts: 20 Member
    What's really scary (?) about the whole situation is that we're going to handle the same kind of news drought and lack of the content in the game (compared to what previous games had at this time) for 2-3 more years. The problem is the core of the game is bad already. You were going to make a multiplayer game but failed. Now you're trying to make this failed but recoverd piece of what-was-supposed-to-be-a-multiplayer-game look better but it won't work that way.

    I wish they agreed on the fact that this project failed (again, compared to the previous games) and just start making TS5 with a kind of schedule and budget that will exactly suit customers' wishes. But things just don't work that way, we know. So guys... two or three more years to go.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Kushakov Couldn't have said it better myself :smile:

    I really hope that this is the 'storm before the calm' and maybe TS5 would be better in the future.

    Oh, and welcome to the forums :smiley:
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    mirta000mirta000 Posts: 2,974 Member
    edited August 2016
    another problem with listening to let's players is, unless you made a living recording The Sims 4 and ONLY The sims 4, you won't record it, unless you're happy with it. I did The Sims 4 lets play for the longest time, but when I started feeling unsatisfied with the game, I came back to The Sims 2. As it is still sims content my viewerbase is still happy, however not only am I not watched enough to give my opinion apparently, but now I'm playing the wrong kind of sims to give my opinion too :D
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    carlymichellecarlymichelle Posts: 3,402 Member
    i have no doubt if/when the sims 5 comes out there will still be complaints there has been in all of the sim games
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    i have no doubt if/when the sims 5 comes out there will still be complaints there has been in all of the sim games

    Well if it has less that TS4 then it has a pretty good chance of receiving a lot of complaints ;)
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