Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @JLBDreamer Hello! Welcome to the forums. :3
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    JLBDreamerJLBDreamer Posts: 622 Member
    @SilentWolf101 Thanks!
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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good Evening,

    Hope that you're having a wonderful weekend so far and am just stopping by with tonight's shoutouts for Carolyn & Tracey Hinds' update as well as for Playtime with Silver and Simself who have been added to my Simself Scroll page.

    First I would like to extend a warm welcome back to another original regular of this thread, @JLBDreamer. Am so happy that you could join us again, Fairybird.

    Shout outs:

    @kittycatcali ’s brother Neko, @lovesstorms, @Meggles, @Sabreene, @DianeTaylor, @Pinkslinky , and @Munterbacon

    New Simself album on Playtime with Silver:


    Current Albums with new photos include: @Simslover163 along with his Shadow and Viners albums, @Rorygilmore34 , @CitizenErased14's album for Alexander, @SilentWolf101, @Meggles, and @Sabreene.

    Simself links on my Scroll blog include:

    @BBQPenguinWings , @CathyTea, @Derubelle, @Jes2G, @Julyvee94 , @Ladyhiggs , @mastressalita , @Pinkslinky, @pronterus , @Sabreene, @SilentWolf101, @simlady36, @Simslover163, @Sterretjeee.

    They can be found here:

    Have a great evening!
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    pronteruspronterus Posts: 2,166 Member
    Thanks for adding my simself :)@SilverDaybreak
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @SilverDaybreak Thank you! ^-^ However, is it possible to add a link to the CC hair on there for my sims 3 simself?
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    @SilverDaybreak Thank you! ^-^ However, is it possible to add a link to the CC hair on there for my sims 3 simself?

    Sure, can you send me the link again, please?

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    kittycatcalikittycatcali Posts: 449 Member
    @SilentWolf101 That's not good. I hope you feel better soon. As for me I was okay yesterday but I have now caught my dad's cold and my nose is useless and my throat is killing me. Otherwise I'm okay. :)
    Lost Legacy / Prompted

    "When it comes to the torment and the people who inflicted it, we've all got an elephant's memory."
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @kittycatcali Yeah, I think I might have a mild cold. No pain, but just about every other symptom... :P
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    Well, Pandu is finally the head of the house and when I went to create his wife, her name apparently raised red flags about how appropriate it was even though it's not the actual English word and it's spelled completely different than the word that they raised a fuss about. Her name was supposed to be K*nti (That asterisk is supposed to be a "u") so I had no choice but to change the name of his wife from that to Hina, who is a Polynesian goddess and not the Hindu goddess that actually was married to Pandu in Hindu mythology. I hate them flagging stuff when it's really harmless. So, as soon as Hina and Pandu get together and start their family, I will be showing pictures. Pandu turned out quite nicely ;)
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hey everybody! I just finished compiling a list of all the mods I use, categorized into six things. ^-^ If you're looking for some mods, why not check out my list?
    EDIT: *Link also on the home page of my site, under the "notes" category*
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    Hi, all :)

    I decided to have a bash at this month's Short Story Challenge, and I've just finished coding and uploading my finished story. The theme is A Different Kind of Love, with a limit of 2000 words and 15 images. Mine comes in at 1992 words, and 15 images (yes, there are 16 on the page, but one is repeated with some text added for the banner image, so it doesn't count :p).

    Whenever I update the forum with chapters of my main story I give the banner image and then a short excerpt, followed by the link, so I'm doing the same here. (I'm also using bold in the excerpt instead of italics, because of the weird Google Chrome bug that stops people from seeing italics on the forum.)

    The one I speak of was so feared that all spoke only of He and Him. To voice his name might be to bring a curse upon crops or babes, but speak his name I did, and will now, for I am not afraid.

    He was Athanase Fulcanelli. Evil incarnate, some said, and true enough his soul was blacker than soot. But soot cometh from wood burned on fires, and so did Athanase’s soul begin: warm, soft wood with a tender heart, ‘til it was burned on the fire of time and grief and age.
    Story link: Ad Vitam Aeternam - To Eternal Life

    Hope you like it :)
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    mastressalitamastressalita Posts: 2,874 Member
    edited February 2016
    @ValoisFulcanelli : Yay, another newcomer to the Short Story thread! I haven't started my February one yet, I keep tossing different ideas around and am not sure yet which one I want to go with. I doubt I'll decide until I'm back from vacay, heh.

    I just got back from seeing Labyrinth in the theater for the first time! Confession: As a Sara, and a child of the 80s, that was sort of "the movie of choice" my parents showed me when I was a kid (seeing as the protagonist is a Sarah), and I've seen it so many times over the years I could probably recite it line by line (hey, we all have one of those, right?) But this is the first time I've ever been able to see it on a big theater screen, so that was really exciting for me! Aaaaaaaaah, so many feels. Keep that dance magic alive on the other side, Mr. Bowie.

    Also, it occured to me I have this website I'm supposed to posting stories to but pretty much never do cause I'm too busy with all my other projects (oops). So uh... Happy Caturday! (Let's see how long I can keep Caturday a thing)


    A new chapter of The Cat Chronicles has been posted!

    Shadow has trepidations about the new human in the household...

    The Cat Chronicles Day 33: The Other Two-Legger
    Have a Sim story site? Please submit your link to the Stories and Legacies Index!
    Check out my Simlit at Sim Stories: Hijinks from the World of Sims 3!
    My Simlit Discussion/Updates | The Fringe | Short Story Challenges
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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    edited February 2016
    Well, for some reason Pandu's wife's screenshot did not show up in my Sims folder, but the picture of Pandu as a young adult and their newly grown daughter Vinata both showed up in my pictures, so I'll post them here:

    Here is Pandu: YA%20Pandu_zpsrulyqq4z.png

    And here is Vinata: Vinata%20Nolan_zps60xvyvwh.png

    Edit: Hina just gave birth to twin boys, Yarikh and Tishtrya Nolan!
    Post edited by FayeShinomori on
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,793 Member
    edited February 2016
    Blythelyre wrote: »
    Spoiler alert, but the baby is here. She's here!!

    I'm a bit late but that's a beautiful picture!! Very clever :)
    @MayaRose1138 Love the bright colours in those pictures! I've always been fond of that hot pink/purple hair combination, because in my one (sporadic!) legacy (which I only ever occasionally post screenshots of on Tumblr) the beloved firstborn son, Patrick, had that hair colour. So it draws my eye every time.

    What really interested me with regard to your images was the colour change of wings. I didn't know those could change as well as skin, hair, and eyes, but I suppose it makes sense. It's interesting how Clara's wings became the same colour as her mother's hair, and the same with Bellusdeo's wings being the same as her father's hair.

    As soon as River was born with that combination, I knew she was the heir. Amy, Clara and most of the boys were clones of their parents, and I didn't like the other combos. Then I went on to get another four with the pink skin/purple hair combo!!

    Yes, the wing colours - and designs - can change within a family. Of the first generation, eight had their father's red wings and shape, while one had small red wings and one had pink wings. In the second generation, Ianto has two children with red wings and one with aqua wings; Martha's two children have red wings but one of them are the small ones; and of River's eight fairy children, 3 have red, two have light orange, one has dark orange, one has pink and one has light green!! Bellusdeo's - according to the colour wheel - is actually a very light orange, which is beautiful and yes, they look similar in colour to her father's hair :) My next favourite for heir has those kind of wings :)
    @everyone (again!) Going back to birth announcements again, I was actually pondering on Tumblr the other day whether it might be fun to create a new thread on here, to act like the Personal Announcements section of a newspaper: the whole Births, Marriages, and Deaths thing - or, as it's called in my family: Hatched, Matched, and Dispatched :mrgreen:

    That would be so cool. I can just imagine it for my game in which I can cover two things in one go:
    Hollie looked up as her husband entered the room. She was busy wrapping Christmas presents but only minutes before had taken a very important phone call. "Good day at work?" she asked.

    "Oh, the usual," Apple replied as he sank down into the nearest armchair. "Anything happen today?"

    "Aladdin just called," Hollie stated, speaking of her son-in-law. "River gave birth today."

    Apple grinned. He liked children - well, he had twenty of his own, so he should - and now he was getting some more grandchildren. "How many this time?"

    "Three." Hollie had to smile; River was just as fertile as she was. "Sigrenne, Andellen and Arkon. The boys are both genies while Sigrenne has beautiful red wings just like yours."

    "Of course." Apple was proud of his family's wings and was pleased that so many of his children and grandchildren had inherited them. He looked over the presents. "So, we'll need some more presents. Speaking of which, how is the wrapping going?"

    Hollie looked over the big pile of presents beside her. "Exhausting but I'm nearly finished the grandchildren." River had the most children so far with quads (Severn, Kaylin, Bellusdeo, Teela), twins (Ybelline and Evanton), triplets (Elianne, Kayala, Marrin), more triplets (Tiamaris, Sanabalis, Tara) and then the new arrivals. "Ianto called and said Jacqueline and Cassandra have requested gift certificates."

    Apple nodded at the mention of their oldest grandchildren, who had just graduated from high school. "Tollin wants something for the X-Box, I assume." The boy was the next oldest in the family.

    "Oh yes," Hollie replied. "At least Nakisha and Chase are only babies and are too young for that kind of thing."

    Picking up one of the brightly-wrapped boxes nearby, Apple chuckled. "At least Martha only has two for us to buy for." Archie and Allina were at the age where they still enjoyed toys.

    "That reminds me," Hollie said as she wrapped another present. "Amy broke up with Gregg yesterday, so I've put his present aside just in case one of the girls gets a boyfriend between now and then."

    "Why not give it to Talan?" Apple asked, speaking of his daughter Clara's husband. "Or Leo?" Who was Nyssa's husband.

    "Because I already have presents for them." Hollie thought it a shame that of her twenty children, only four were married (Martha had her children out of wedlock).

    Just then, the phone rang. Apple reached over and answered it. He listened for a few minutes, nodding and hmming in certain places and then hung up.

    "Who was that?" Hollie was used to her husband's lack of conversation on the phone.

    "Leo. It seems that Nyssa went into labour right after Aladdin rang you. We have two more grandsons," Apple grinned. Two more boys; excellent! That made twelve girls and eleven boys now. "Luke and Obi-Wan."

    "Oooh!" Hollie squealed with excitement. "We'll have to go around and visit them when they all get home." Five more babies to dote on!

    In case people didn't pick up on it, Nyssa's naming theme is Star Wars :) And incidentally, one of Luke's randomly rolled traits was Loves the Heat (because the character was born on a desert planet, for those who don't know) and Obi-Wan's traits were Loner and Athletic (because he was a hermit and a Jedi, who had to do a lot of fighting). I kid you not - those traits were randomly rolled and I had to laugh when I saw them!!!!

    Post edited by MayaRose1138 on
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,793 Member
    Oh, and I have two pictures to share from my ISBI. the first is Nyssa, who has just realised that she's broken her boyfriend's shower. The second is Kayala and Elianne, two of triplets, pretending to be Siamese twins. It's the first time I've seen two toddlers reading from the same book!


    @MayaRose1138 Kaya is beautiful! Aladdin is gorgeous! Now, if he wasn't a genie, I'd totally download him ASAP...

    Thank you :) You could still download him, he just wouldn't register as being a genie. As far as I understand, he would just be a human in your game. I forgot to transfer his file onto this computer but I'm sure I'd be able to do that by the end of the week if you wanted him! Btw, have you used any of my other sims in your game? I'd love to see them :)
    @MayaRose1138: welcome back, Maya. :) I wish I could help you, but I'm as in the dark with glitches as you are, which is why I stopped playing. I don't know much about mods either. :( Sorry.

    @MayaRose1138: Bummer. :( Hope you get it sorted out soon. :)

    @MayaRose1138: Hooray! :grin:

    Thank you, I agree, and thank you :) Last month was so frustrating but at least things are better now!!

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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    The twins have aged up and they are both incredibly handsome, even as children. Here is Yarikh:

    And his twin brother TIshtrya: Tishtrya%20Nolan_zpstgbudyhh.png
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @ValoisFulcanelli Ohhhh, I love the story! ^-^
    @MayaRose1138 At the moment, I have not used any of them because I am just writing stories instead of playing for fun... So... Yeah. As soon as I do just play for fun (which might be sometime this week), then I will probably play with them somewhere in the world! Maybe later on in a certain story, I'll include sims from other stories (if it's okay with the creators) in the background and include updates on them. ^-^ But yes, I would love to have him! Aladdin is very dashing, if I do say so myself. :3
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Good morning!

    Jonathan and Skyla FINALLY get a chance to get away and travel a bit. Wish them well on their road to recovery! Enjoy.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Thank you @SilentWolf101

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    I have made the decision, for those of you who have the sims 3 Pets EP, to make a simself of my kitty.
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    @mastressalita I wasn't sure if I had anything for this month's competition, especially since I'm already writing some sickeningly lovey-dovey stuff in my main story :mrgreen: I've just finished writing the wedding speeches chapter, although I'm stalling on doing the screenshots (mainly because I have to wrangle something like 27 Sims on one lot, and I'm dreading it). But then I read you could put a twist on love for this entry, and I remembered Valois's evil father, Athanase, and I wondered WHY he became so evil. It would be a cliche if he was simply born that way, so there had to be something behind his transformation, which is the sole reason why Valois is immortal. Sure enough, it turned out to be heartbreak :'(

    Speaking of Sarahs (and, like you, I love that movie!) I have two Sarahs in that short story - lol!

    @SilentWolf101 Thank you! It actually really helped me with regard to my main story, since that ring will turn out to be absolutely crucial all the way through, right to the epilogue that I have planned *g*

    @everyone I promise I will get around to making the Hatched, Matched, and Dispatched personal announcements thread soon. I've had a not great couple of days, physically, so I've been mostly just mooching around in between writing and getting screenshots for that story.

    Since there was a screenshot limit for the short story contest, I've been picspamming on Tumblr so I can post all of the screenshots I didn't use. If anyone wants to see the other images, then they can be found here (the medieval house I built for the family), and then the family pictures themselves are here and here.
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @ValoisFulcanelli Because of your little short story, I decided to start reading your full story. And, might I say, it is divine. Everything is amazing, especially the pairing. ^-^
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    ra3reira3rei Posts: 2,418 Member
    Oooh - you're in for a treat, @SilentWolf101 . Valois's world is so rich. :D
    Check out Raerei's Fortress for Builds, Short Stories, and maybe some longer stuff.
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @ra3rei ^-^ Now I'm excited!

    Now, for those of you who wanted him, here is my kitty's simself. ^-^ He is CC free. The pattern might be a bit off because... Sims 3 doesn't have quite the right patterns. but, this is as close to him as I could get. :3 Click on the image to download him. :3
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    @SilentWolf101 Thank you so much! It does get a bit dark in places, and there's... um... a lot of skin showing at times (it's very nice skin, though! *ahem*) but I hope you enjoy it.

    That's a gorgeous kitty-self! I rarely play with pets, but I've included some of them in my stories and side-arcs. There's Ziggy, the bonkers pup from Hollow House (my rockstar arc), Errant, who is Gunther's warhorse from The Knight's Tale (and boy, do I not like playing horses in TS3! I'm not a horsey person anyway, but Errant was such a pain to look after!), Hector - who is bookseller!Valois's calico kitty - and then finally there's Fulcan, the little black kitty who will adopt Gunther toward the end of The Madness of Mr Goth.

    I just get so sad when pets die in the game. Even the little ones like chipmunks! Anyway, here's a quick composite of the main pets my Sims have :)


    @ra3rei Aww, shucks, you! *twirls hair and toes at the rug on the floor* :mrgreen:

    @everyone Does anyone else listen to relevant music when you're writing or creating sets/building homes for your stories? I was listening to an album of medieval music yesterday while building Athanase's home and taking the screenshots. Somehow it helps me to get into the mood of thing.
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