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☆☆ The Starborn Legacy ☆☆


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    ChrinnieChrinnie Posts: 982 Member
    @Cbear13 glad you liked the opening bit. I was worried I was taking too many liberties. I'm stoked to be a part of it. I also have the other one which I have to get into today to move that story forward. I have plenty of time at work today to sim (I bring the laptop to work). Plus, thanks to some recommendations from the writers in this forum, I have a Sim Pose mod that will help me get the right looks on the sims faces for what I need them to do when I need it done. There's a few other mods I have to look for because I want to get the pictures right. I'm turning into a Hollywood director for my sims these days.

    @Liziann1 I am looking forward to the blessed event. There's one problem: my folks don't have enough cash to build a room for the kid once it pops out of the crib. I hope someone gets a promotion and a bonus soon! I would hate to send them both out to fish and dig and look for frogs! These darn legacies always want to start you with little money. At least @Cbear13 let us have $6,000 to start! Of course, with Siobhan working, that makes us a 2-income family.... and I'm yammering! LOL. I guess I'm getting into it, eh?
    Author of: The Rossi Legacy | The Inheritance
    Philadelphia raised, Las Vegas living, avid Sims 4 fan, all around nice guy (if you ask me LOL)
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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    @Chrinnie Tell me about it! The money issues are making me crazy. I have 4 kids and 1 on the way and my sims are literally always miserable lmbo! I am trying to do this legacy using just the telescope and microscope for sources of extra income. My word its hard. Thank goodness 3 of the kids are old enough to fish!

    Has anyone else noticed when you get a larger household that the icon pics on the bottom shrink?! It makes it so hard to select how you want them to work and go to school (work hard or take it easy).

    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    Liziann1Liziann1 Posts: 1,461 Member
    edited December 2015
    @mommataurus2 I have noticed the shrinking icon since a patch, I searched and it is a glitch.
    @Chrinnie my family lived in one room even when the eldest child was a teenager! then built them a new house



    The Current home
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    aka DizziSquirrel

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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited December 2015
    Chapter Six
    Chaos Among Us

    With all the children in the house, Mercury found little time to work on his skills. He was getting promotions left and right but he really didn't feel like he was doing the work to earn them. Perhaps his boss just felt bad when he caught him sleeping at the launch pad. And poor neat freak Nova was losing her mind with the amount of housework! I mean seriously, can these kids not find their way to the sink?!


    Sometimes the stress of it all was so much that Nova would take her dinner to the waterfront to watch the boats come in and just take those few seconds to breathe.


    The children always felt bad when she would take this time and they would busy themselves cleaning up what they could.


    Atleast a few of them would. There was always the one little problem solver who felt she needed to go find her mom and make sure she was ok. Bah! There was just never any peace.


    But Nova had the patience of a saint and would laugh it off.

    "Here honey. Let me show you where we are from."


    And Mercury would head inside and do what he could to entertain the other children.


    It was no surprise with all this chaos that birthdays would come and go with little to no excitement or even notice. It would make the special sim feel sad to be forgotten...but they would soon shake it off knowing they weren't the only one this had happened to and that the important thing was their species survival. Everything else was mere icing on the ooooh cake sounds good.


    With Sapphire's coming of age, she realized there were two things she could do to help her parents.

    1) Get a job!


    Sapphire took a position as a Fry cook. Pay rate $18/hr and she has Sunday's and Monday's off.
    2) Meet a MAN!

    Her parents had told her a little about continuing the legacy. Apparently the child who got the furthest with their aspirations would be the next heir. OOOh Sapphire loved a competition and she set straight away to planting a garden with the seeds her mother had brought with her on the ship.
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    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited December 2015
    Chapter Seven

    Often after a long day at work, Nova can't wait to come home and play with the kids for a bit. Their favorite game is Pirate Adventure and Mom just loves to jump in as a surprise Sea Monster.



    But when the kids are entertained and she has time to herself, she loves to spend time in the observatory. In fact, one day she was so focused in there that she somehow contacted the home planet and the mothership came down and took her for a little joy ride!


    "Cool I can see the layout of our Earth home from up here!"

    The next day Nova woke with no memory of her travels in fact, maybe it was just a dream or something. She went to work that day and focused on creating new serums that would make life easier at home. If only she could brainstorm and think up a way to create a Home Cleaning Serum! Oh yes that would make all this science be more worth it.


    And when her boss wasn't looking she snuck into the space lab and started working on one of the rockets. Maybe if she tinkers with it enough she could figure out a way to get home.


    Chapter Eight
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    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    ChrinnieChrinnie Posts: 982 Member
    edited December 2015
    Chapter 3: A New Addition


    "Wait," Siobhan said with a smile, "you want to run that by me again?"

    "I was thinking, if it's a boy, we should totally name something cool and sleek like Shane or Kelly," Davin said.


    "How about we do this, if it is a girl, we call it Violet and if it is a boy, we call it Vincent?" she asked. "I kind of always wanted to name my kids that. I love the way it sounds, too."

    Davin pondered the conversation in his head for a few moments. "Well, you know I'm cool with that. Vincent for a boy, Violet for a girl. This totally rocks! We're gonna have a kid!"

    Siobhan chuckled, then smiled back. "Yes, babe, we are."

    And when it came to pass that the time had come, young Davin and his new wife, Siobhan, were awakened by someone desperately trying to break into the world unwilling to wait till a more convenient time to arrive...


    "Whoa!" he shouted in a panic, "you mean NOW? Holy cow! I mean, I'm not ready now. Tell it to wait till Sunday!"

    "I can't tell the baby to wait. Are you kidding me? Just get ready, we're off to the hospital!" Siobhan ordered. And Davin, being the good man he is, followed her orders to the tee.

    Of course, after a few moments in the delivery room, after dealing with the check in desk, the little bundle of joy arrived in all its glory.

    "Davin," she said as she dressed herself, "you should meet the baby."

    And Davin was never more happy in his life than in this moment.

    "Hey there, little dude, welcome to the world! Haha! I hope you like the name 'Vincent' cause your mom picked it out for ya. So blame her if ya don't! Haha! Dude, you're so little. You've got so much to look forward to, man. I can't wait till you get older. We're gonna go fishin' and joggin' and have a killer time, man." And he gave his son a kiss. "That's for good luck, dude."


    Chapter 4

    Post edited by Chrinnie on
    Author of: The Rossi Legacy | The Inheritance
    Philadelphia raised, Las Vegas living, avid Sims 4 fan, all around nice guy (if you ask me LOL)
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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited December 2015
    Chapter 8
    And the Beat Goes On.....

    Back at home things were business as usual, things were breaking left and right. The house was in total shambles and that low life housekeeper just never shows up to work. The kids were totally stressed out with all the homework that the school was requiring and the two older children usually did extra credit assignments as well. Then when all that mayhem was caught up and handled, the kids spent tons of time working experiments on their little kiddie laboratories or trying to sneak off to the playground to maybe catch up with some kids at school.


    Merk had been working hard to complete his aspirations. So he was known to show up in the bathroom at the most embarrasing times holding a book thinking this was the best time to read to a child. And the children were all focused on their aspirations as well...playing chess, begging to have books read to them and doing as much homework as they could. It was chaotic.

    Nova enjoyed the chaos. She came home everyday from work and felt like a drill sergeant ordering kids to read this, play that, clean this, clean that. But at the end of the day there was nothing like sitting out by the water watching the boats come in and dreaming about the home they were building and what she dreamed it would look like someday.


    Perhaps she might get to eventually plant those seeds that she found in her crashed spaceship. It sure would be nice to be surrounded by some of the flora that she loved back home.

    The start of the roof top garden...


    And this room when you come up the stairs will one day be a relaxing spa to unwind after a hard days work and their will be stairs to lead up to the rocket launchpad.


    And this gorgeous terrace is going to be Nova and Mercury's dream outdoor bedroom! But right now the kids are using it to play chess.


    Little by little step by step the dream is becoming a reality and Nova couldn't be more proud of her hardworking intergallactic family.

    Chapter 9

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    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited December 2015
    Chapter 9
    Teens, Adults, and Babies Oh my!

    It's true what they say....NEVER throw away the baby furniture because its like a curse or bad omen or something. Before long, Nova was vomitting up her meals, peeing at every rest stop, and had the most unbelievable cravings for Cheesy Eyeballs.

    Something borrowed something....well you know how it goes.


    Days away from Sapphire's YA birthday and she still hasn't completed her aspiration. Will she be heir?! Only time will tell.

    in the meantime, Corona the baby has grown into a child. She loves playing with the dollhouse and playing chess. Also, Sirius has become a teenager and his only aspiration is to be wealthy. Well perhaps if he clicks his heels together hard enough that wish will come true. Only time will tell.

    Time for an updated family photo....don't you think?! Say cheese everyone!


    Left to right-
    Sirius, Corona, Nova, Mercury, Sapphire, Metamorphosis, and Palioxis (she's my personal fave!)
    "Cheesy Eyeballs!"

    Wait?! No Nova can NOT possibly be pregnant again could she?!

    Oh phew....false alarm!

    Chapter 10
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    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    Liziann1Liziann1 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Great updates @mommataurus2 loving the plans for the home!
    Check out My showcase thread]
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    aka DizziSquirrel

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    lisa17annlisa17ann Posts: 2,749 Member
    @Chrinnie you make me laugh! and, the amount of "dude's" you use reminds me of back home in Cali! West Side!

    Wow @mommataurus2 Your new legacy is coming along nicely! Your house is gonna be huge! I'm so jealous poor Summer and the boys still live in a mobile home!

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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited December 2015
    @Lisa17ann I have NEVER gotten attached to a Sims4 family before....and these guys are seriously tugging at my heart strings! I adore them. I figure with such a huge family they were going to need an equally large home. Been playing for days and still barely have the home done lol.

    @Liziann1 Thanks hun. I am glad you like it. It's a big labor of love! I think the founders will actually die off before they get to see their vision for their home completed.

    Anyone know how to make them ghosts?! And if I do that, will they take up space in the family so I can't continue the legacy?! I don't want them to be part of the family I just want them to haunt the lot. Is that possible to do?

    Oh and @Maxis @SimGuruGrant whoever I need to discuss this with....please please please bring back the BUTLER as a free update like you did with the repairman. :) I will have a bed waiting for him/her.

    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    Cbear13Cbear13 Posts: 6,278 Member
    I wish I didnt have to take my laptop in i want to play more haha
    Love your family @mommataurus2 and omg how cute is the alien baby haha
    ✦✦ Origin ID: cbear1313 ✦✦ Gallery: cbear1313 Gallery ✦✦ Cbear's Creations ✦✦
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    lisa17annlisa17ann Posts: 2,749 Member
    James was a ghost on my lot I had to move him the the new crest cemetery I made tho cause they family were so upset all the time lol but, yes of you keep the headstone they should haunt. James got in bed with Summer one night lol

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    ChrinnieChrinnie Posts: 982 Member
    @lisa17ann heh, glad I can help make you laugh! Davin's speech pattern is so entirely modeled after my friend Graham's. But, here in coastal North Carolina, where the surfers prowl, we do drop our share of 'dudes' around here.
    Author of: The Rossi Legacy | The Inheritance
    Philadelphia raised, Las Vegas living, avid Sims 4 fan, all around nice guy (if you ask me LOL)
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    Cbear13Cbear13 Posts: 6,278 Member
    @mommataurus2 lol cheesy eyeballs makes me laugh and love the family pic.... yes missing my laptop already. I want to play....
    ✦✦ Origin ID: cbear1313 ✦✦ Gallery: cbear1313 Gallery ✦✦ Cbear's Creations ✦✦
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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited December 2015
    Chapter 10
    The Wedding

    With all this baby making, house building, and aspiring for greatness; Nova and Mercury had forgotten to get married. By now the overworked, tired, mother of 5 could see no point in marrying.

    One night under the stars, Mercury held his beloved's head in his hands and gazed deeply into her eyes.
    "Nova, my galactic beauty, what if something happens to me? I want to know that everything I have and everything I have accomplished will go to you. We must unite. I will not have it any other way."

    That night, the two stole away into the forest. They held hands as they hiked the trail. Up ahead their appeared to be a clearing. Mercury held a branch out of the way and led his love through. Their in the meadow before them stood an ethereal romantic wedding venue like nothing Nova could have imagined. She felt as if she had been transported home somehow....


    (Photobombed by uninvited neighbor! Hate that!)

    The ceremony was beautiful and all of their children and friends attended. Afterwards, there was dancing, cake, drinks, more cake, swimming, and more cake. Did I mention cake?! Oh how the Neptune family ADORES cake!

    After the wedding, the focus returned to the children as the teens continued to battle for the right to be the next heir. Only Sirius seriously couldn't care about the competition seeing as how the heir had to be a female he didn't stand a chance. So he spent as much time as he could playing chess and hooking up with the ladies. Ya buddy!

    He even tried to hook up with Old Lady Perkins who lived down the street.

    "Why I never!" She exclaimed and whacked him off the noggin with her pocketbook.

    "Can't blame a guy for trying." He winked and then ran off to see what other eligible women he could find.

    Meanwhile, the ugly duckling daughter Palioxis watered the garden while whistling to herself.

    "Hey there." Said a male voice from behind.

    "Uh. Who are you?! What are you doing at my house?" Pal asked.

    "Name's Seamus. Your parents hired me to fix some things around the house. I heard you whistling so I thought I would pop in to say hello."

    "Hmm. Well." She adjusted her glasses on her face. "You new here in town? I haven't seen you before."

    "Actually ya. Me Mum and Dad live in Windenburg. They sent me here to NewCrest to go to University. I was really hoping to get home for Christmas this year but it isn't looking too good." Seamus fiddled with some dust on the floor in front of him.

    "Well. Hey no one should have to spend Christmas alone. Why don't I check with my parents and see if you can come to dinner here." Pal put the watering can down and gave Seamus a very welcoming smile.

    "Gee that would be awful nice. You sure that would be ok. I'd hate to intrude. We don't even know each other yet."

    "We do now." Pal smiled.

    Palioxis and Seamus became fast friends. And soon that friendship deepened into something more.

    Chapter 11
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    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited December 2015
    Chapter 11

    Sapphire aged up to a young adult without completing her aspiration. It was a sad day for her. She cried it out in her bed for a long time. Then she stomped her hand into the pillow and vowed they can't get rid of me that easily! She decided right then and there that she would become the caterer. If she created a need for her, certainly the family couldn't put her out?! She took a job as a dishwasher in a local restaurant and spent all of her time stocking the fridge with delicious recipes to sustain the hardworking family.

    It was between Metamorphosis and Palioxis now. Metamorphosis was barely pulling D's in school and had to convince Dad to help her with her homework as often as possible. All this extra time on her studies kept her out of the garden which is where her aspirations lay. But the extra effort was paying off and she finally brought her grade up to a C. Palioxis on the otherhand, was consistently earning a C average and she aspired to read and increase her logic skill. How hard could that be?! She also has met a possible candidate to help her continue the hmmm it would seem at the moment that Palioxis was in the lead.

    Meanwhile, Nova had advanced her career enough to receive a grant from the Maxis Federal Board of Directors. With that grant she broke ground on a highly innovative state of the art laboratory that was slightly smaller in size than FutureSims lab so that she could spend more time on her research and less time aimlessly walking around. There was a small break area in the front lobby, a gaming station in the main lab to quickly take her mind off of things, plenty of computers to go around and work stations, the rocket launchpad is out back near the parking lot as well as the observatory, a greenhouse, 1 bathroom.
    I give you....Neptune Labs






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    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited December 2015
    Chapter 12
    Finally An Heir

    Over the next few days, Metamorphosis's young adult birthday came and went. She had been so focused on her school work that her aspiration didn't get as much attention as it should have. This said, it looked as if Paxiolis was a sure win for the title of Heir of the Legacy....but only time will tell. She has 4 days until she ages up and still has alot of work to do if she wants to be the one to carry on the family name.

    Meanwhile, Metamophosis was very sad about her defeat and chose to move out to a modern eco-friendly industrial style home in town where she could continue to work on her gardening aspiration and who knows maybe even meet someone to share her life with. It was a small home but it had everything that she needed to feel comfortable and at peace.


    (Built by the amazing Nheressal. Download)

    With Metamorphosis out of the way and her birth date breathing down her neck, Paxiolis decided to learn from her predecessors and take some time off from school to focus on her aspiration. When she called in "sick", the school nurse didn't seem all that convinced. But there was no time to worry about that. There was a legacy to carry on an by golly she wanted to be the child chosen to do it!

    Her current aspiration level requires her to level 4 skills to level 4! My word that one was a challenge as she sat on the sofa watching the cooking channel while complimenting her sisters outfit (upping two skills at the same time in the process). She had already leveled comedy to level 4 and logic was level 5. So she put her nose to the grind stone or rather glued her eyes to the television with hopes of leveling up in time.

    While the Great Heir Debate continued, Mercury aged up to an elder and I must say I find his wrinkled little face to be quite cute! He spends most of his days running around the house fixing everything and working at the Comman Center as Lead astronaut. He and Nova had been growing a little distant lately so he decided if he lives long enough to see it happen, he will take his beloved wife on a date when the Heir is declared.


    Nova has completely leveled up her logic skill and now uses the Chemistry lab at home to create potions and sells them for profit. She has been keeping up her favorite little galactic garden also which helps provide supplies for the potions as well as a nice income boost. Sadly the lab breaks down after every potion and she has to have Mercury repair it...still no upgrade available and it happens strangely every time. With all this extra cash, the parents were nice enough to start upgrading the children's beds to something a bit more comfortable, they also improved their refrigerator, bought themselves a bed, and began putting up the guard rail fence around their outdoor bedroom.

    Sirius and Corona have been spending alot of time together working on homework and improving their chess skills. However Corona misses him terribly when he is off at work.

    And poor poor Cinderella...I mean Sapphire is still spending her days cooking, cleaning and working at the restaurant washing dishes. She is exhausted much of the time but is always happy to listen to compliments about her outfit to help her sister get a little closer to the chance to become the next heir.

    And Paxiolis did it! She got all but 1 skill to level 4 by her birth date. She will be our next heir! Date night approaches...

    Chapter 13
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    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    Liziann1Liziann1 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Wow @mommataurus2 your legacy is wonderful to read, well Done Momma, I look forward to the the next generation . . .
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    aka DizziSquirrel

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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited December 2015
    Chapter 13
    Time and Space

    On her first morning as a Young Adult she and Sirius woke up to a delicious breakfast made by their beloved sister chef Sapphire. They were expressively discussing her culinary prowess when Sirius suggested that they have Sapphire bake a Hamburger shaped cake for Seamus to celebrate his young adult birthday since his family was back in Windenburg and wouldn't be here to spend it with him.


    "That's a great idea Seamus." Paxiolis smiled. "But why a Hamburger."

    "Well a meatball would be more appropriate but I guess a Hamburger will have to do." Sirius threw back his head and laughed out loud.

    So Sapphire set to baking and Paxi cleaned the house. Sirius and Corona sat watching tv to stay out of the way and Dad anxiously awaited the arrival of the birthday boy. (So nice that Mercury likes Seamus...don't you think?!)



    Despite the significant jump in relationship score from their earlier romance, Seamus really seemed to be playing hard to get. Hmm....maybe his trip to Newcrest would be coming to an end soon. Paxi really hoped that wasn't the case. She loved him SO much. But still Seamus continued to pull away in the days to come. And when she did see him she wasn't impressed with just how immature and childish he still seemed to be.

    Her pain was raw and sore so she spent alot of time home focusing on her aspirations and improving her relationship scores with her family. And threw herself into her writing at work. Her ambition and dedication caught her publishers eye. And she soon became the star employee.

    Just as she began to advance in her career. She received an unexpected phone call from Seamus inviting her to a nightclub in Willow Creek. How could she refuse the love of her life?!

    "Look Paxi. I am heading back to Windenburg. My folks need help on the farm. Things with us have been so off lately I just think we need to call it quits ok. Please. Don't call me ever."


    Heartbroken by the evening, Paxis dove into her mother's arms.

    "Seamus is leaving Mom. And he never wants to see me again."

    "Nevermind getting all bothered by this dear. You just don't have time. Your biological clock is ticking and if you don't hurry and find a man you will never continue this legacy." Nova reminded in a mock consoling yet condescending tone.

    "I thought you would have been more supportive. Surely you would have been heartbroken if Dad had rejected you." Paxiolis broke down in tears.

    "It would have broken my heart into a thousand pieces. But despite my heartache, I would've picked myself up and continued on. Our personal feelings are immaterial. The only thing that matters is the continuance of our people." Nova gave her a gentle pat on the back and headed into the observatory to focus on her work.

    Paxi headed into the house to reflect on her mother's words when she thought she spotted Sapphire and a woman flirting out by the park. Hmm...maybe that's why Sapphire never had a boyfriend!

    "Whatever makes her happy." Pax grumbled under her breath as she headed inside to catch up on the latest episodes of Grey's Anatomy on the netflix while stuffing down brownies by the dozen.

    The next day at work, Palioxis dressed up in her best outfit and went to work confident and self-assured. She wasn't going to let the rejection of the previous day interfere with her career success. But when she got to the office she found a dozen roses with a card waiting for her.

    To Paxi-Your words inspire me toward greatness. Would you meet me for a cup of coffee after work?-Gabriel

    The two met at a small cafe after work and there was an instant connection. They laughed, they cried, that laughed some more and then afterwards there was the kiss....


    Then the proposal....and then they couldn't help themselves they eloped immediately. Time waits for noone an with Gabriel already experienced in the ways of love and life he knew if he was going to seal the deal he needed to do it quickly before the man upstairs called him home. Or I should say rather that Pax was in a hurry to seal the deal before this guy kicked the bucket but that sounds so crash and backwards that we will just tell future generations that they had a whirlwind romance that time and space could not interfere with.






    "Look. Um Pax. I love you and everything. But we sure did get hitched fast. You know I have no money right!? hehe. So no pushing a guy to an early grave or anything." Gabriel laughed. Always a kidder. Paxi loved that about him.

    Chapter 14
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    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    popettypop2012popettypop2012 Posts: 1,318 Member
    @Chrinnie Loving your story so far. Wonder what Vincent would look like when he grew up. Would he have blond or dark hair?
    @mommataurus2 Really enjoyed reading your chapters. Mercury and Nova are really busy creating this HUGE family. And I really like the Neptune Labs. It looks really cool. I haven't explore the scientist career yet so I don't know what the items are for but they look really cool.
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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    @popettypop2012 This is my first time exploring the science career as well. So far I have found it to be a blast! This definitely will not be my last science related family. Glad you like the story so far.

    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited December 2015
    Chapter 14

    As Pax and Gabriel prepare for the new baby, Sapphire begins to spend more and more time out of the home. No one knows where she has been but Pax has her suspicions. It wasn't her obligation to share the intel with her parents though. Sapphire will have to do that dirty work on her own.


    Mercury was less than enthused about the idea of his little girl having a child with that 🐸🐸🐸🐸 Gabriel Thibodeaux. I mean honestly what was that old man doing with her anyway. He was old enough to be....well her father! What on Earth had he done wrong in her childhood to give the poor girl 'Daddy Issues'?! Alas, the light in his daughter's eyes and the enthusiasm she showed for Gabriel was enough for him. As long as his little girl was happy.



    Not long after the announcement of the new baby, Nova aged up to an elder. Sad she never did get that rooftop garden going the way she wanted to. Perhaps it was high time she refocused her priorities....


    At the Command Center, Mercury and his co-workers ordered out for Chinese food. To Merk's dismay, his fortune cookie said that his long life was coming to an end, and he should get his affairs in order....COULD ANYTHING BE CREAPIER THAN READING THAT IN A FORTUNE COOKIE?!

    This scary prophecy worried him so much that he rushed home to become best friends with Sirius and to be sure to teach him how to upgrade the sink and tub, how to cook his favorite gourmet dishes, and to show him where all the constellations in the sky were. Then once he was sure that Sirius knew all there was to know to be the man of the house (cause you know that loser Gabriel is due to kick the bucket any day), he then sought out his wife so that he could profess his undying love. And in what he thought were his final moments, he turned to lovely Paxi, felt the baby, hugged her and wished her lots of luck and love.


    "Mercury you sure are acting odd." Nova remarked.
    "How about we go have that date night. Just you and me." He reached for her hand and brought her to the place where they met. And they laid on the ground one last time together to stare up at the sky...dreaming of home.



    Mercury Nebula passed away from natural causes on a Thursday at 8:25pm despite his family's pleading for mercy with the Grim Reaper. Today is a sad day and Mercury will always be remembered for his wit, charm, intelligence, prowess in the kitchen and incredible stamina in the bedroom. May he rest in peace!


    His final gift to his wife was to complete her dream garden terrace. It doesn't have as many alien plants as she was hoping for but he hopes the starter plants will be enough to make her smile.


    Though the guesture was grand, Nova was inconsolable.

    She vowed to find a loving place to put her beloved here amongst her garden.

    He never got to meet his first granddaughter and sadly our Heiress Palioxis never got to say goodbye to her Dad due to the complicated delivery in the hospital.

    Chapter 16
    Post edited by mommataurus2 on

    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    mommataurus2mommataurus2 Posts: 1,845 Member
    edited December 2015
    Chapter 15
    Grieving and Carrying On

    The entire scientific community grieved the passing of Mercury Nebula. There was a huge benefit send off at the Command Center where they sent fireworks in the air that spelled out We Love You Mercury. Nova received all of his old awards and memorabilia from his office at work.

    Sapphire seemed to be taking it the hardest. She had been losing quite a bit of sleep as a result of her grief and was fired from her job at the restaurant. Paxi began to seriously worry about her sister's well-being. With so much loss and still that inner confusion about herself, Paxi worried that she might be flirting with death herself.


    However, Sapphire pounded her fist on the table and resolved to stop pouting and do something! She scoured the newspapers and took a position at the very Command Center that her father had been a part of for so very long. It was the only way she could think of to honor her father.

    Our beloved Paxi, the heir, conceived yet again. But as her baby bump grew her relationship with Gabriel seemed to get more and more strained. It was as if he was trying to hide something from her. Sadly on the day of her delivery, the Grim Reaper arrived and took poor Gabriel away. Paxi cried and cried. If she had known he was sick she would have been there for him. But now she was alone to deliver this baby into the world all by herself.


    TO everyone's surprise Paxi delivered TWINS! Rose and Daisy Neptune! Nova agreed to stay home and care for the babies for a few days so that Paxi and Sapphire could go to a girls retreat weekend. They packed their bags and headed to Granite Falls. The smell of pine, the bite of mosquitoes, the tranquil calls of the wild....yes surely this would help mend their broken hearts.

    The girls worked together to set up camp.

    "Which slot does the A-pole go in again?" Sapphire asked scratching her head.

    "It says here A-Pole goes into A-Slot." Paxi reached for A-slot.

    The girls were dripping with sweat and completely exhausted from the hike to camp.

    "So you and Isabelle, huh?" Paxi handed Sapphire a cool drink and sat on the cooler.

    "How did- Why did- You think-Oh nuts. So you know. Ya we have been a thing for awhile. I really love her Pax."

    "That's cool. I am glad you found someone who makes you happy. You need to have your own life sis. I mean get married. Travel the world. Adopt some kids...heck have a couple of mine. No I am just kidding. But seriously, you have been spinning your wheels for so long sis. I worry about you."

    "How can I leave now?! Leave you and Mom to take care of Sirius, Corona, Azalea and the new baby. I can't do that! If Isabelle loves me, she will understand." Sapphire was unsure. Perhaps she should do as her sister suggested.

    "Don't sacrifice your happiness for us. We will manage. I mean come on really?! You have a chance to have that hit it out of the ballpark kind of love and your going to pass that up to stay home and cook dinner for all of us? Really? I will hire a caterer. Or better yet do the cooking myself before I allow you to waste away with a spatula in your hand" Paxi shoved her sister playfully.

    "So is this you kicking me out then?"

    "If I have to to make you go....then yes." Paxi smiled wide. It was a loving guesture. Sapphire knew it but the thought of moving out and living her own life scared her terribly.

    "FINE. I am tired of cleaning your bathroom ANYWAY!"

    Later on they conspired as they dreamed by the fire...
    Roasting marshmallows, sharing scary stories, and giggling lots of giggling.

    "Hey um. Is there anyway I could snag a log or two from you guys? My fire burned out and uh if that's ok. I just noticed you have like a ton."

    WHO WAS THAT?! Even in the firelit ambience they could tell he was hot.

    "Uh. Actually why don't you join us." Sapphire nudged her sister.

    "Um ya. Please. Join us. We have more than enough marshmallows to go around." Paxi stuttered.

    Love knows no season...Love knows no rhyme....Love can happen any old time....

    Pax barely had the Twins out of her womb yet or her husband in the ground and yet her heart was skipping a beat for this tall, muscle bound, heartthrob of a........ALIEN!

    Chapter 16
    Post edited by mommataurus2 on

    Check out my showcase.Come Check Out My New Sims Blog!

    Big shout out to @Cbear13 the amazingly talented and ever wonderful creator of my siggie!

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    Liziann1Liziann1 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Oh @mommataurus2 your story is fab, I am enjoying reading about them all and like @popettypop2012 Ive not explored the science career either, need to add it to my to do list,

    @Chrinnie, hows your story going ?

    *wave* to everyone else, Ive played a bit, but not enough to add a new chapter ;)
    Check out My showcase thread]
    or look for me in the Gallery
    aka DizziSquirrel

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