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The Drifter Challenge Main Page


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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    Oooh that's nice having income like that right off the bat...nice boyfriend choice!!!

    A ha ha ha!!
    AllieMac wrote: »
    Normally I bounce between them all, keeping everyone perfectly green in a perfectly balanced lil Sim utopia. Then along comes Vinisha with her intriguing challenge and the chaos begins with the birth of an heir...
    Gotta' love autonomy & no touchy-touchy =P

    If it makes u feel my Let's Play House 001 heir was ALSO a "D" student =/ It is rather sad 2 watch heh

    Ramble on..I LOVE it!! <3 & I truly do mean that!
    AllieMac wrote: »
    Time to get my house straightened up. Question is will it be in Willow Creek or my own in Texas. Things that make you go hmmm
    Hmmmm...Indeed! =P

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    AllieMacAllieMac Posts: 925 Member
    Vinisha - I'm glad you like rambling, because I tend to fall victim to it. I'm making an effort to keep it reeled in (at least at first). I hope it was ok adding the rooms I saved to the Drifter hashtag thingie. I didn't realize no one else was saving rooms there. I did it mainly bc I can't post pics yet. I'm still wading my way through forum etiquette rules, so y'all please speak up if I start stepping on toes. :smiley: Are there any guidelines I should stick to when using the Drifter hashtag? Should house 002 be labeled as such or just use drifterchallenge? I tend to overthink sometimes and make things way more complicated than they need to be. But once you point me in the right direction, I should be off and running. I still haven't figured out how to tag(?) people in my posts yet. Oooh the joys of being a newbie once again.

    I'm glad to know my heir wasn't the only slacker in school. hehe. I guess they'll both stun people when they actually turn out to be successful adults after all! (fingers crossed)

    MsPrissy88 - my OriginID is txalikat2.

    Time to actually start on House 002, I got sidetracked by my own house after all. Dropped my daughter & her friend at Six Flags and Hubby's going into work early tonight, so I see a lot of simming in my future.

    Have fun y'all!
    OriginID: txalikat2
    Drifter Challenge Blog:
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    Hey @AllieMac it was totally fin adding rooms 2 the Gallery w/the #DrifterChallenge tag. The more Drifter goodies up there...the better =) Just use the #DrifterChallenge tag 4 ALL the houses or Drifter related things that u upload =) In order 2 tag people in a post just use the @ key & the name of the person u wanna spaces in between. Not sure if u have 2 have member status in order 2 do so tho...

    Focusing decor USUALLY sparks the non playable Sims into @ least doing their u can give that a try in the future (do 2 odd circumstances in my Let's Play, I was unable 2 do anything about..well...anything LMAO)

    House 002 here comes @AllieMac ! Woo! Good luck, my dear! Nice when u have a quiet house all 2 yourself =)
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    MsPrissy88MsPrissy88 Posts: 3,122 Member
    edited June 2015
    @AllieMac - Thanks for your Origin ID. I just fav'd everything you have in your gallery!! Way to go #thumbsup

    Vih - When I last checked, the boys have only a few more (sim) days until they age up to young adults!! woohooooo!! I've never been able to make it this far before. *squeeee* :p Soon I'll be moving on!! yaaaaaaay :D

    Edit: Quick question, Vih.... For the second challenge, you want us to pick the Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration. In looking at that in the game, umm.... Can all the steps be achieved?? Especially since you are not allowing us to start this until our heir reaches a child. ((can't we cheat and start this aspiration a little early? lol))
    Post edited by MsPrissy88 on
    Origin ID -- MsPrissySim

    My Twitch Channel

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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    You're sure getting there @MsPrissy88 =)
    Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration CAN b achieved w/the allotted time...I swear =) U just have 2 plan all the other goings-ons around that timeline. Since the 1st steps require that u travel 2 Granite there is not allowed until your heir is Child Stage...starting early really is not an option....feel free 2 work on other aspirations in the mean time...if u need some direction 4 game play. @MsPrissy88 no cheating ;P
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    MsPrissy88MsPrissy88 Posts: 3,122 Member
    Awwww maaaan :(:p kidding! It was worth a shot. I just wanted to know.

    BTW.... I almost had a fit!! My video card didn't like being "on" for the time that it was, so it decided to shut my whole system down --- again. I was scrambling trying to get the latest driver update, and then I gave a shout out to my good friend. Ok. That got updated, then I had to reset my whole game - the fullscreen apect, monitor size, etc. After I get all that done, I go back in and when I got to the main menu.... I almost had a heart attack! I was getting a semi-error. Oh my save was "there", the game was just saying that I had a new save or something like that. **grumble grumble grumble** I had to repair my game -- again -- but this time it worked.

    Ok. So I've been in playing for a bit now, and when I **just** went to save --- I got this funky looking error! Never had it before. So, I tried the saving and then exiting save. That worked.

    Vih.... If I had to start over - or, go back to one of my earlier saves.... I was ready to scream bloody murder.
    Origin ID -- MsPrissySim

    My Twitch Channel

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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    edited June 2015
    @AllieMac - Yay! You are doing great! I noticed you are misspelling Vihisha's name. Easy mistake. I think I might have done it too. So exciting that you've come so far! :smiley:

    @MsPrissy88 - lol I know the feeling of wanting to cheat. But if you don't, the rewards for succeeding are that much sweeter. I managed to do it. You can too! Happy Simming! :smiley: (Edit to add: Oh my goodness. That's terrifying! Glad it worked out for you. But yicks!)

    @Vihisha - You are so awesome. :smiley: Can't wait until 005. Though I have a feeling, 004 is going to take a few tries to succeed. I produced my heir too soon I think. Still working on it though. Been sick lately so haven't done much Simming. Planning on getting back to it soon though.

    Happy Simming everyone! :smiley:
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    Dglbr1969Dglbr1969 Posts: 854 Member
    Just wanted to post i have started this challenge and totally enjoying thus far!!! My founder is a freelance botanist, making way for her heir who will be the outdoor enthusiast, she has fallen in love with the pizza man, Kody, who is just gorgeous, family orientated, loves the outdoors, don't know the third one, but hey, as Meatloaf said "two out of three ain't bad" LOL. We'll see how they progress as time goes on. Thanks for posting this great challenge, just what I was looking for!!!!.
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    @Dglbr1969 - yay! Welcome to the Drifter Challenge! It's smart of you to plan ahead like that. Excellent traits on that pizza man. My Sim married the mailman. Have fun! Let us know how your doing and share pics! I love pics. :smile:
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    AllieMacAllieMac Posts: 925 Member
    Hi y'all!

    It's official. I'm hooked on this lil thread and challenge. I was planning along this morning with plans to pop in here later to post and respond, etc. Then I was surprised by the game, and immediately starting saving and uploading so I could run over here and tell y'all what happened! hehe.

    Anyway.... So Blondie is plodding along at a reasonable pace, and I decide it's time for her to get married. She befriended the mailman quite early in the game, flirted a bit here and there, but was taking it slow. Every time I saw him I tried to discover his traits by using random interactions & conversation topics, with no luck. So it became a little mini game with him (avoiding the observant trait and making him tip his hand on his hidden personality traits). So she amps up the romance interactions, quickly made him her boyfriend, 1 passionate kiss later they're engaged & immediately eloped. He moved in and she FINALLY
    OriginID: txalikat2
    Drifter Challenge Blog:
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    AllieMacAllieMac Posts: 925 Member
    GRRRR somehow I hit the post button! Lol. Looking back it looks like an intentional cliffhanger. I'd edit that last one and keep going, but I can't edit yet. I wonder if Reynaldo is at work behind the scenes getting even with me for what I just did to him. Please forgive this double post, I'm just going to blame my disgruntled postal worker and continue on...

    "He moved in and she FINALLY" saw the "real" Reynaldo. He's a loner, snob, and hot-headed! This just struck me as the funniest thing! I have bought the lowest priced item on everything, except maybe 1 notch up on the TV. The bathroom has no floor and drywall only. Taking into account that he's a snobby, former postal worker and he aspires to be a mixologist, Blondie may have her hands full! All she was hoping for was some companionship, a little help in her ambitious garden, and eventually a child. This should be interesting.

    Since I can't post pictures, I posted the newlyweds & their lot to the gallery hash-tagged and all that. Blondie & Reynaldo Drifter. Twice Drifted is the house name.

    I've rambled enough for this round... I'll save the responses I was going to type initially and do those later today. Have fun y'all!!
    OriginID: txalikat2
    Drifter Challenge Blog:
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    @MsPrissy88 :p IF u would have had 2 start over again I would have screamed 4 u! It's 1 thing when I start over & over & over because of play's quite another 2 b enjoying The Drifter Challenge & HAVING 2 restart due 2 the game or computer issues! Thank goodness all is well still!

    @Rawla I hope u feel better soon...sick sux!!

    @Dglbr1969 Hello & welcome 2 The Drifter Challenge =)=) I am so glad 2 hear that u r enjoying the challenge so far!! Sounds like you're making wonderful progress...let me know what u think...ask questions if u have them...& feel free 2 post pics or updates...I'd love 2 c what u & your Drifter family is up 2!
    Dglbr1969 wrote: »
    Thanks for posting this great challenge, just what I was looking for!!!!.
    U r so so welcome...I'm glad it's what u were looking 4 in a challenge!

    @AllieMac Hooked is good =) OMG that really was the perfect place 2 end that post & leave that cliff hanger. WOW what a shocker...this should b fun!! Loner, Snob, Hot Headed...that's a doozie! LOL love hearing your updates & I'll b sure 2 check out the gallery! THX 4 the updates & the laughs :p

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    AllieMacAllieMac Posts: 925 Member
    The real beauty of it that I forgot to mention was his look. He's balding, wears glasses, tie with his pants rolled up and tennis shoes. In keeping with the "no touchy-touchy" evil theme you've inflicted on us, I left his as natural as EA made him. So I take no blame or credit for his clothing choices.

    @Vihisha - thanks for all of your encouraging words, comments, etc. I've watched the first 5 Let's Play videos you did for Drifter and am really enjoying them. (Another first - watching a Let's Play). I plan to check out the others blogs & videos at some point too.

    @Rawla - thanks for pointing out my spelling error! I'd much rather be told on stuff like that, then continue jacking it up. And I hope you feel better soon. I've been on sick too, I had a really nasty infection in my leg, (Dr. thought it was a staff infection, but we caught it just in time) and now I have to avoid the sun until I'm done with my meds. Which just forces me to spend my free time playing with my Drifters. silver lining?

    @MsPrissy88 - that bites about your glitches, but sounds like you dodged a bullet. Keep bobbing and weaving!

    @Dglbr1969 - nice to meet you. I hope you have as much fun with this as the rest of us seem to be doing!
    OriginID: txalikat2
    Drifter Challenge Blog:
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    VihishaVihisha Posts: 2,767 Member
    LMAO @AllieMac he sounds like QUITE the winner :p It DOES add 2 game play when u leave them 100% as is...HOWEVER...should u chose 2 edit him or ANY of your household Sims...feel free 2 do so through the Manage World-Edit screen =) Awe...that's nice 2 hear you're enjoying my Let's Play' House 001 was quite the wild ride LOL THX so much 4 watching!!! Oooh good thing u caught the infection & I hope u feel better really soon! Darn...more Sim time hee hee

    @Rawla nice catch on the misspell of my name...I truthfully didn't even notice :p
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    AllieMacAllieMac Posts: 925 Member
    @Vihisha OMG you are just tooo adorable! I just watched episode 7 on House 001 of your Let's Play. And your reactions were beyond precious. You had me smiling like a fool right along with you! And the icing on the cake was watching her race down the street trying to catch him before he could get away. That just made my day.

    Reynaldo on the other hand has been very well behaved. Is it wrong to be disappointed by that? (I kinda was looking forward to watching him squirm a bit. Maybe I do have a touch of evil in me after all.) He's already aged up to an Elder. He was 2 days shy of it when they got married. I'm hoping after the honeymoon stage is over, he'll give me a lil bit of comic relief. He is taking care of the garden and cleaning house at least, well when he's not breaking the plumbing that is. I swear that boy is a menace to pipes.

    I decided to embrace "the controlling the main Sim only" completely, so I'm really going to try to just let the game dress them etc. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to resist though. I'm sure hair will be the part that pushes me over the edge and makes my inner control freak rear its ugly head again. We'll see how long that takes.
    OriginID: txalikat2
    Drifter Challenge Blog:
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    MsPrissy88MsPrissy88 Posts: 3,122 Member
    edited June 2015
    **singing in the little kid voice ---->> Guess who's starting house 2? Guess who's starting house 2??

    ME !!!! :DB)

    O M Gawwwwd.... This has been a LONNNNNNNNNNG time coming! @Vih - I am so glad that I decided to try this (yet again)! *squeeee!*

    Edit: **said in a spanish-type accent.... Say hello to my little home.**

    Origin ID -- MsPrissySim

    My Twitch Channel

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    Dglbr1969Dglbr1969 Posts: 854 Member
    Thanks everyone!! for making me feel so welcome and congrats @MsPrissy88 for completing the first challenge! I do have a question though, I thought that our founder and later heir were the "only" playable sims in our households, so although Kody the pizza man and my sim are engaged and he moved in, I haven't been playing him as such, is this what I'm supposed to do? I haven't even looked at his aspiration cause I thought this was mute anyway, but if someone could clarify that would be great :smile:
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    MsPrissy88MsPrissy88 Posts: 3,122 Member
    Dglbr1969 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone!! for making me feel so welcome and congrats @MsPrissy88 for completing the first challenge! I do have a question though, I thought that our founder and later heir were the "only" playable sims in our households, so although Kody the pizza man and my sim are engaged and he moved in, I haven't been playing him as such, is this what I'm supposed to do? I haven't even looked at his aspiration cause I thought this was mute anyway, but if someone could clarify that would be great :smile:

    @Dglbr - Who is your main sim? That is the person you are only allowed to play. And if I hadn't said it.... WELCOME!! :#

    Origin ID -- MsPrissySim

    My Twitch Channel

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    Dglbr1969Dglbr1969 Posts: 854 Member
    Thanks so much @MsPrissy88, yes my main sim is the one I have been playing, does that mean I cant play the heir til he she ages up to ya and moves out right? sorry to be a pain, just want to get it right. Having a blast so far.
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    AllieMacAllieMac Posts: 925 Member
    That's correct @Dglbr1969.

    For House 001, you can only control the Sim that you made and started the game with. The rest in your house (spouse, kids, etc) have free reign. You can click them to watch, but you can't interfere. You can,however, ask them to "join" you while watching TV etc. The first child that is born is the heir for House 002 (you still can't control them). When that Sim reaches YA, House 001 is considered complete. If you met all the requirements, you "win". If not, you "fail" and can start over from scratch if you like.

    House 002 can either be started with the heir from House 001 (leaving their existing family behind and striking out on their own with an empty inventory and no money) OR as a stand alone challenge with a new Sim that you made with CAS. Then the same rules apply. Basically, the entire time you only have control over your main Sim.

    I hope that helped clear it up.

    @MsPrissy88 Congrats on finishing House 001! Did you upload it? And I was cracking up at your Scarface reference! I was reading it on my Nook, scrolled down a touch to see the rest of your post and heard Al Pacino in my head. I literally, actually, DID laugh out loud. It was perfect. So well done my friend!
    OriginID: txalikat2
    Drifter Challenge Blog:
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    MsPrissy88MsPrissy88 Posts: 3,122 Member
    AllieMac wrote: »

    @MsPrissy88 Congrats on finishing House 001! Did you upload it? And I was cracking up at your Scarface reference! I was reading it on my Nook, scrolled down a touch to see the rest of your post and heard Al Pacino in my head. I literally, actually, DID laugh out loud. It was perfect. So well done my friend!

    @Allie - Yes. My house for the first challenge has been uploaded. It's in the gallery with the hash tag #drifterchallenge. You should be able to find it with the drifter challenge hash tag in that area, and in my gallery as well. (my origin id is in my signature) There are two versions of it. The house itself is called - Desert Brick. The one used for the challenge is the second version.

    As far as the Scarface reference? It is?! It just came to me and I had to post it. But I really wasn't referencing anything! I have goofy thoughts sometimes. :p At least I made you really laugh. :D

    Origin ID -- MsPrissySim

    My Twitch Channel

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    AllieMacAllieMac Posts: 925 Member
    @MsPrissy88 - OK now it's even funnier. Pacino's character was from Cuba with a pretty heavy accent and referenced his gun when he said "Say hello to my little friend." You'll have to look it up. I wasn't allowed to see the movie then bc it was Rated R and I grew up very sheltered, so if it said under 17 not allowed, then I wasn't allowed. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever watched the whole thing at once. Hmmm. I might just have to do that.

    On a sidenote, I've reached over 50 pts. Just have to hit 30 posts now I think, then I'll be able to add pics, links, etc.! yay me

    Ok back to my Simmies for just a bit longer, then time to call it a night.
    OriginID: txalikat2
    Drifter Challenge Blog:
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    Glimmer50Glimmer50 Posts: 2,365 Member
    edited June 2015
    I am on House 002 and have been posting there but I just wanted to post a few pictures here since this is where everyone is LOL. Anyway, I originally did not like Calebs choice of wives because she is lazy and she acted really bored when they first met but hey she was a mail woman and was standing next to the tree so he snatched her up. Her voice is real deep too almost manly. But you can't always choose who your Sim falls in love with.

    First kiss:


    Caleb wasted no time in proposing. They really hit it off:
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    Glimmer50Glimmer50 Posts: 2,365 Member
    edited June 2015
    Caleb seems really happy with her so she grew on me. She is a lazy Sim so I was worried that she would do nothing but she has been cleaning the house and actually made dinner once. I was shocked. She is a tad on the heavy side and I have never played a heavy Sim so that is all new to me- hope that doesn't come off as sounding bad. I am heavy myself so I have nothing against heavy people, just never played one. Caleb is not a skin flint though so ...anyway he loves her and they are cute together so she has grown on me. I gave her new hair and different clothes so that helped.

    Picture of their humble abode and them taking a selfie:

    Then to my shock look who stops by while Caleb is at work to meet the new wife. It all happened so fast I barely got a picture of her but this is his mother: Peyton. She even looks good as an elder:
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    Glimmer50Glimmer50 Posts: 2,365 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sorry for the picture spam. It will only let me put up 2 at a time. Otherwise I need approval which never happens. Here is a better picture of the happy couple:

    Oh and here is a good picture of his mother, the founder from House 001 as an elder( I was shocked she lived to see her son turn into a YA but she is still alive as you can see from the picture above- where she stopped by. Anyway this is her in their house at the end of House 001.


    If anyone is interested in seeing house 001 I saved it on the gallery #drifterchallenge. Also my ID is Glimmer50. I am having so much fun with this challenge ..and it is a challenge LOL..that I actually came home and played for an hour last night even after a long day at work. I just had to get in some more play time. Truly addicted V, great challenge. :)

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