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2 times the FUN! A Randomacy ~ NEW Chapter, 9.11


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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    I like seeing the additions you've added to the house as well as seeing the progression of your legacy. You'll have a boy heir this time while Tanu has a girl for an heir - a diversion from same sex heirs for the first time here! Poor Alice is all tuckered out. Having a little one is hard work. I like the extended family you both have in your legacies to help care for little ones. It's nice and heart-warming. I loved the thought bubbles and the announcement too! Nice update.
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    ciane wrote: »
    I like seeing the additions you've added to the house as well as seeing the progression of your legacy. You'll have a boy heir this time while Tanu has a girl for an heir - a diversion from same sex heirs for the first time here! Poor Alice is all tuckered out. Having a little one is hard work. I like the extended family you both have in your legacies to help care for little ones. It's nice and heart-warming. I loved the thought bubbles and the announcement too! Nice update.

    Thanks, Ciane! This is a really nice house for the family and they really seem to like it and I do too :smiley: I expect more changes will happen throughout the house & yard as each generation gets their rolls and learns what needs to be done in their time.

    Yes! Our paths have certainly gone in different directions with the rolls we get and the unexpected things that crop up in our respective games. All part of the fun for us, that's for sure! If you could only be privy to the amount of texts and pictures that go flying back & forth between our two phones... it's a wonder we actually get any gaming done :p

    I laughed out loud when I realized I would have a boy heir to Tanu's girl heir... then quickly stopped when I saw the rolls I got. Tanu was the one laughing when I told her what they were. I won't spoil the "surprise" but let's just say that my game has once again gone in a direction that I personally wouldn't have considered doing before. Yet in a small way I am looking forward to the challenge that has been tossed at me. Time will tell if I (and my SimFamily) succeeds.

    I LOVE having the extended family and they sure are a help when it comes to caring for the young ones! I think that is part of what is making this experiment work so well on my end... all these extra helping hands :)
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Love your update Addy :) Welcome Nate!

    Nichol spends the majority of her time 'out' in the rocker and will stamp her foot if someone has beat her too it lol If there is no painting on the easel or sketch on the table she will also do that. Interesting what they do even now. :p
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    Welcome little Nate to the family! :) He is very cute! It is nice seeing Nichol enjoying spending time resting in the rocker. It is very nice how your generations of family all care for each other.
    It is a very nice update Addy :) I will look forward to seeing what the next stage in your Legacy family's life involves!
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    edited March 2015
    Tanu's Game ~ Generation Four ~ Be Careful what you wish for

    Jasper had taken Jaci to the hospital for a complete physical and also for a paternity test. Yes she was his child. He still didn't know how but she was his. So then he did quite a bit of research on a town called Lunar Lakes that he had heard of. Several families there had had children born in the same way Jaci had been. At least he wasn't alone. And neither was she.

    Soon Jaci was just another part of their daily lives. It was forgotten where she came from and she was now just a Snyder.


    Jenna in particular loved her baby sister with her whole heart and liked teaching her new games.


    Their favorite was Peek A Boo!


    And Rorie was loving being a Grandmother even though she didn't often admit it


    Jase on the other hand loved to pick on Jaci a little too much


    Rorie told him that he had better be careful or someday Jaci would pay him back for all he did to her but he just chuckled and walked away.

    Jasper was starting to feel the pressure of raising twins, an alien daughter, and keep his career going full swing.


    It was beginning to over whelm him. So one night after work was finished and the kids were tucked in he went in to where Rorie was busy talking on the computer with a friend and told her that he needed to go out for some fresh air. She nodded to him only half hearing him. He decided to forgo his car for one of the families old brooms. He wasn't sure who it had belonged to but it didn't matter as long as he could feel the wind rushing by him as he rode through the deserted streets. There wasn't anyone about this late on a cold and snowy night. Soon he found himself down by the river. He dismounted the broom and starred into the water and then began to talk out loud.

    "I don't know who I'm talking to right now." He paused feeling a bit silly. "But whoever or whatever can hear me I'm going to keep going cause I guess I just need to talk." He looked around to make sure no one was about and satisfied he was alone he looked up at the stars above him. "Why was I given this life? It's not what I used to dream about. I was going to be a top chef and own a fancy restaurant and have more money and girls than anyone deserves. But instead life changed when Dad left. I still don't get it. I mean I know he died and he couldn't control that but he left me. And then Mom, well she was a mess for a long time. She didn't really get her career together until Grandpa and Grandma passed." Jasper sat down on a snow bank and looked at the black water of the river swirling around little chunks of ice that were on the shore. "And then there's the twins. I Love them more than anything in this whole world. My children are my world, but why did their Mom just dump them and leave? I still don't know for sure who she is although I think I know. But even if I did would I want her back in their lives after she just waltzed out of it? And then Jaci, well that sure as heck was not what I was expecting in my life! I mean, me, pregnant? What a laugh right? Wrong. I was somehow someway that I just don't understand. But she is like sunshine. Beautiful and smart and happy. She makes me smile even when I don't think I can. So I guess what I'm trying to say is Thank you for my children, my sister, and my Mother. I'm not ungrateful but I just wish I could understand why and what I'm supposed to do now."

    He sat on the bank a few more minutes then stood up to go back to the road but the water in the wishing well across the street caught his attention. He went up to it looking down in the cool water for a minute and then realized he had pulled a coin from his pocket. He closed his eyes and made a wish. "I wish for unconditional Love and understanding."

    With a flick the coin left his hand and seemed to hang in the air before falling and disappearing into the darkness of the wishing well.


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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    edited March 2015
    Tanu's Game ~ Generation Four ~ Unconditionally

    The coin hadn't even made a sound when it hit the water. Jasper blinked a few times and was unsure if it had even gone in the well. A second later the water began to bubble as if it were boiling and Jasper got really excited that his wish was being fulfilled.


    His excitement quickly turned to fear and anxiety when he saw what or who was emerging from the depths of the well.


    A little girl stepped from the well and looked up at him. He looked at her his face not really hiding his feelings. Was this some kind of joke?


    "Where did you come from? Who are you?" He asked her still looking like he'd been run over by a truck.

    "What do you mean Daddy? I'm your daughter." She blinked her eyes and gave him a small smile.

    "Daughter? Huh? What? Oh my God what did I do now?" He turned away from her then back quick. Yes she was still there with that little grin.

    When he stopped by the hospital with her to have her checked for frost bite or hypothermia from the cold water the nurse didn't even ask him but ran a paternity test. She came back awhile later with a clean bill of health for the child and a positive test. Again he had no idea how but she was his child.

    She had told him her name was Jamila and she didn't remember anything before she came out of the well but she was so happy he had found her. Somehow she knew about her brother and 2 sisters as well and in the cab on the way home she chatted on and on about them like she had known them all along. Jasper kept silent. He didn't know how to process this.

    But he did know what to do the second they walked in the door. "MOM!!!!! HELP ME!!!!"

    Rorie came running from the other room and stopped when she saw a little girl come through the door behind Jasper. Her first thought was well no babies on the porch or green bellies this time.

    "Well hello what's your name?" She addressed the girl.

    "You're so silly Grandma you know me! Jamila!" She smiled up at Rorie who had a perplexed look on her face.


    "Why of course you are! I am silly aren't I?" She gave Jamila a quick hug. "Honey why don't you go play on the computer for a few minutes and let me talk to ummm.... your Dad ok?"

    Jamila skipped over to the computer and within a minute was emmersed in a game. Rorie got up close to Jasper's ear and whispered. "Jasper what the heck is going on now? And why does she think I'm her Grandma."


    "Cause you are Mom. I'm her Dad and you are her Grandmother." He handed her the piece of paper the hospital had given him that stated him as the paternal parent.

    "Jasper I don't understand. Where has she been then? How old is she? Why am I just finding out about her in the middle of the night?" Rorie was so confused her head felt like it was spinning like a top.

    "I went out and I went to the wishing well. The one down by the river in the park. And I made a wish for Unconditional Love and understanding. I didn't get that I got umm....well I got Jamila instead!"


    "Wait you got her from the well in the park by the river?"


    But I didn't get what I wished for!


    Just then Rorie began to laugh. She laughed until her sides hurt and then laughed some more.

    "Mom what is wrong with you! Stop it! It's not funny!" He glared at her until she finally got it together. She touched his arm.

    "Oh Jasper, my son, you got exactly what you wished for! Don't you get it yet? With children you Love them unconditionally and would do anything for them. And you need a whole world of understanding to bring them up!" She turned to look at Jamila who had crawled over to the love seat and curled up sound asleep. "And Jasper just look at her. She's beautiful just like all your kids." Then she did something she hadn't done since he was little she pulled him close and kissed him on the forehead. "We will be ok. I'm here to help you."

    Jasper was worried about how to tell the twins but they already seemed to know somehow and Jenna was telling Jamila that their Dad made the best pancakes ever!


    And Jase? Well he made her a snowman....

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    Your latest updates were written so very beautifully ! @Tanu. :) You have written and posted pictures about them in such a very thoughtful, sensitive and lovely way. They express deep feelings, have a lot of meaning, and also contain humour in them as well. The different children in the family are so very nice! They have all entered into the one special family in different ways!
    Your story writing is very expressive and thoughtfully written. Your pictures and the words written come together well.
    It was very nice reading the latest updates :)
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Thank you so much Rose. Your words mean a lot to me <3 This was a difficult chapter to write and I did the things that made me most comfortable while staying with the rolls. It means a lot that my writing has come across the way I hoped it would. I am relieved that roll is over and fulfilled now. Hugs!
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    I LOVE it! That was awesome. Both chapters were great! And, you told it so well. And the looks on their faces! And, the evil snowman! Precious and priceless!
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Thanks Ciane! This family does have the best expressions for what I need at least for now, lol I love the evil snowman! I think he's cute lol :)

    But my game decided not to save last night. I have everything saved from my story so I'm ok there. So I'm trying to decide if I want to keep going and take the chance of not being so lucky again or starting all over. I'm leaning to starting over so the Snyder's may find themselves in a new town but that's ok it will be easy to work into the story line at this point. It won't take me long to reinstall at all so that's probably what I'll do. I just wanted to stay in the same town as Addy but if I go back to Riverview all the townies will be the age they were three generations ago so anyway......
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Ok so here's what happened. My game went ker-plunk ker-plooey. :( But I had a save from when Jasper and Hannah were children. It took me so many ways of trying this and that to get them into a new game. First it showed as corrupt then it installed but didn't show up. Thank God I know how to fix that little problem and with some help from crinict (Probably spelled wrong) I was able to install it and get them to show up in my game.

    So the rest of the day was spent on aging Jasper and Hannah up to young adults, moving Hannah out and then repopulating the house with Jasper's four children. Now since I wanted to recreate them as close as the original four as I could for this part I accepted the help of twallan and he didn't even know it, lol

    So I had moved the family to Moonlight Falls and I searched around until I found a young adult who looked similar to the girl who is the original twins Mom. She came for a visit and I used twallan's help to recreate the twins. For Jaci I also used instant baby and chose an alien. For Jamila I adopted a girl and changed her skin tone slightly and her hair. Soooo I don't consider this cheating as it got my game back to where it needs to be for the story. I then got everyone aged up to the point they were when my game quit. Rorie and Jasper are where they should be in their careers. The only thing I lost was some of their skills but not being sure where they were with them I didn't want to add them back.

    Rorie had just aged to elder, Jasper to adult, Jenna, Jase, and Jamila all teens and Jaci was a child.

    So mission accomplished they are safe and well and living in Moonlight Falls and eager to continue sharing their story with you. B)

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    I am to hear about what happened to your game Tanu ! It has caused a lot of problems, time and work for you to try to recapture to the point where you were, with sims that are similar to the children. It is great that you have been able to get back to where you were.
    I hope that everything goes smoothly for you now :)
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Thank you Rose me too! I was so happy I could save as much as I did and can continue on with my legacy. At first I thought I wasn't going to be able to save the file I had either and was so frustrated to think I had to stop their story. But the Snyder's are a tough bunch, lol :)
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    Wow Crinrict's helpful blog with links to other helpful posts is always nice to check out. And Twallan is just awesome and I still wish he was around fixing all the loose ends for Sims 3, but there is a great team still working on that at NRaas.

    I'm glad you were able to recreate the family and a move Moonlight Falls will work especially well for your family.

    Someday I will play a world hopping legacy (maybe).

    What made your game get corrupt, do you know?

    I have several Sims 3 folders for different play sessions and change the name of them constantly to switch back and forth. I hope that by only playing IP in one folder and my current build in another, etc. that will help keep the folder sizes smaller.

    I can't wait to catch up on your family now. Knowing that they have all grown up and changed a bit will go well with the new sims.

    Hugs Tanu. Hugs Rose too. And more hugs for Addy and any lurkers.
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Crinrict and twallan are definitely both awesome. I learned how to take a string of numbers which was my file and move it into another folder to make it show up. Something I would not have thought to do at all. So I am very very grateful to say the least!

    I really don't know why the game went wacky. It was fine for awhile and then Rorie started showing up either naked or invisible. The last time I tried saving, save as, save in every different mode, etc and the game just wouldn't save at all. No errors just wouldn't save. So I'm not entirely sure what happened. So to be on the safe side I decided to start over fresh. That was the only game I was running on that particular file. I have my legacy one, one for other games I want to play, and then my totally cc free game for gifting purposes. I hadn't added anything new since I started it so who knows. Just another of the joys of sims 3 I guess.

    Moonlight Falls is the perfect town for them to move into. Of course I would have rathered they stay in Riverview since that's where Addy's family is but now the timing would be off. So it fits with their story at least. The next update will deal with them moving to a new town but that will probably be a few days. I'm so happy I can continue doing this with Addy! She has made it so much fun for me and has made it so I want to keep going. Also writing for you guys makes me want to see where the Snyder family takes us all. <3:)
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    I guess three generations worth in one file might be a normal max file size. Did you have memories turned off? Do you have pets and supernaturals turned off? (They'll still be there, but new ones won't spawn unless you cause it yourself.) Do you keep the inventories cleaned out? Maybe some of the characters in your hood were doing too much traveling and collecting. You might check out what options you can limit with SP and MC to keep your file size as small as possible.

    I learned from MeaganJo (I think) to always use "save as" rather than just save. You have less chance of getting a corrupt game that way and no backup files are ever made that way. You just clear out all but the last and next to last save every time you load your game. The next to last is the backup in case the last got corrupt.
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    christinebremnerchristinebremner Posts: 3,513 Member
    Hi ladies I just caught up with both stories and wow they really have progressed! It's great seeing the generations, and glad to hear you got your game working again. xx
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    I haven't played with memories turned on in ages. I turn off all the supernaturals turned off except for witches since I want new ones to spawn since my family has the witches. I don't want them ending up being the only ones in town. Inventories they only carry what they are going to need. I do wonder if having sp makes it more but I like it and don't want to change that either. So I will just save the house and family at least once after the new heir is born and once I do that I always remove that file as well.

    I also always use save as and rename it something different and clean out those files as well as the cache files. It was just one of those things this time. I'm so happy for a faster computer with more ram and internal memory than I'll ever use too as things don't happen near as much as they used to. Oh and I also make sure to turn off the store in games that is annoying to me.

    Good suggestion about seeing if there is even more I can fine tune with sp and mc though I will sure take a look.

    *Spins you around the room on my way out* :)
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Hi ladies I just caught up with both stories and wow they really have progressed! It's great seeing the generations, and glad to hear you got your game working again. xx

    Hi Christine! You posted at the same time I did so I didn't see it until now. Thanks I'm so happy it is too :)<3

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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    rosemow wrote: »
    Hello Ciane, Tanu, Christine and Addy :) Sending hugs to you all <3

    Hello and Warm Hugs to you Rose! <3
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Tanu's Game ~ Generation Four ~ The Snyder's Move

    A few weeks later Jasper was staring out the window wondering how to talk to his children about a decision that he had already made. They were chatting and eating their breakfast. He was surprised that they had all come downstairs at the same time on a Saturday morning. It must have been the smell of the blueberry waffles he had whipped up that got to them.


    He sat back down with them and cleared his throat. One by one his children looked up at him. When they saw his face they realized something was going on.


    He cleared his throat again. "Guys I have something I need to tell you and I want you to please not freak out about it." He shuffled in his chair looking from one to another. "I made a decision and it's a done deal. I wanted to make sure everything was in place before I told you."

    "Dad just tell us you're scaring us." Jenna said reaching a hand across the table to put it on his. "What's going on? Are you sick? Is Grandma sick?"

    He patted her hand. "No no nothing like that at all. Everyone is ok." He took a deep breath. "We're moving to another town..." Before he could say another word questions started flying and feet started stamping. He stood up and raised his voice. "Enough! You haven't even listened to what I have to say. Everyone sit down and be quiet!" They looked at one another then one by one sank back into their seats.

    "That's better. Now here me out. You all know that Aunt Hannah moved to Moonlight Falls a few months ago to be near her boyfriend. We all miss her a lot. She let me know of a restaurant there that needs a head chef. Now I know I'm still a Souix Chef but with a little hard work I could be the head chef they need there. Here I'm about as high in my career as I can go. Aunt Hannah did some looking around for us and she found the perfect house for us that won't be much more than this one."

    "What about Grandma?" Jase asked quietly.

    "I've talked to her and she said where we go she goes. She can sing anywhere and she knows for my career I have to move. Also and this is the biggest thing, there are people there more like us. They use magic and potions there all the time and we can develop that part of our heritage in the open. We don't have to practice our spells behind closed doors."

    "Are there kids like me Daddy?" Jaci asked.

    "Honestly I don't know Jaci." He smiled at her. "But there are other kinds of kids and no one looks at you like your different there." Jaci got up to leave the table. "Where are you going?"

    She looked at him and gave him a small smile. "To pack."

    The other three kids all looked at each other then one by one got up to leave the room. Jase was last.

    "I don't like this. You're taking us from our school and our friends. It's not fair but we have to go. Don't think I'm happy about it Dad, I'm not!" He stamped from the room.

    Jasper started to clear the breakfast dishes then sank into a chair. Thoughts swirled around in his head. He hoped he was making the right decision to make things better for his kids. He knew he was for himself but he wasn't as important as they were. So many times he felt like a failure with them. He couldn't tell one of them who their mother was and he was doing a terrible job at being a father. Or at least he thought he was.


    About a week later they got a look at the new Snyder residence in Moonlight Falls ~


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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    Hello @Tanu :) It was very nice and very well written how you explained the move to Moonlight Falls! Their new home is very nice. It is very nice pictures of the family eating their meal together and Jasper explaining the big decision whilst they are at the dining table eating. It looked poignant the last picture with Jasper alone at the table with just the empty plates.
    It was great to see and read the update :)
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    Uh oh, Jase is going to have problems adjusting... or is he? Poor Jaci didn't like being so different. Hopefully, we'll see a much happier family in their new home in Moonlit Falls. I am looking forward to what the new "rolls" bring.
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Thank you very much Rose and Ciane! I will be doing another update either tonight or tomorrow. I wanted to earlier but had to take my daughter to her Dad's a day early so didn't have time. There are some surprises up ahead. :)
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