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Senior High Cycle 3: The UC - WINNER ANNOUNCED!


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    poida217poida217 Posts: 2,872 Member
    You can go with what the photographers do for yearbooks or something more like senior photos - where they go on location and the shots are a bit more glamorous. But either way, it needs to be no lower than the waist. I'm using them for the model wall so I'm not being too picky.

    I looked up yearbook photos on google to see what they should look like. They seem to be portrait shots with a background that looks like it was in use thirty years ago. I updated my entry with a new shot (incredibly cheesy, but she looks happy)

    And love the new web page :smiley:

    @vid I don't know if someone who turns into a werewolf could ever be considered too cute :tongue:
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    SassyDanaSassyDana Posts: 2,375 Member
    Thanks guys! I'll have my class photo up soon ` taking images ingame now :p
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    SassyDanaSassyDana Posts: 2,375 Member
    Updated my post with the class photo!
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    Thanks guys. I see the updated school photos - nice :)

    And I can't wait to see Cyan.

    I also hope Socal Shows!
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    I also need another judge...spread the word!
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    SocallucyfanSocallucyfan Posts: 1,170 Member
    Assignment 1:

    16480824088_0c4e490987.jpgScreenshot-189 by socallucyfan, on Flickr

    Well, Deans, this is my family. I mean, I guess you can call it a family. My “father” and his wife got married when they were really young. He hadn’t finished med school yet, but they were in love and wanted to start a family as soon as possible. They both wanted children, and at least one of each. Unfortunately, a drunk driver cut their dreams short. My dad walked away from the accident, but my “mom” was not so lucky. She was killed instantly.

    My “dad” was grief stricken. She was the only woman he had ever loved. The only woman he had ever wanted to love. And he couldn’t let her go. He devoted the rest of his life experimenting on how to bring back people from the dead. It was years before he was successful with a rat. All the while her body was decomposing, and falling apart fast. He had to replace the parts that had decomposed. He transferred to the morgue, so he could have easy access to the freshly dead bodies. Then after years of dedidication, and long sleepless nights, he finally brought my “mother” back from the dead. But by this time she was only a fraction of the woman that she used to be.

    But he didn’t stop there. He still wanted a family. Lucky for him a teenage Jane Doe came into the morgue. She had overdosed, and was dropped off at the hospital. He wanted to make her his prefect daughter. But he didn’t want her arms to have marks from the needles. So, he waited until he could replace them. And, like my “mother” before me, other parts decomposed quickly. And even though it didn’t take as long to bring me to life, I don’t feel whole either.

    I don’t remember much of my previous life, but every once in a while I get these crazy dreams. It is only for a few seconds, but I have flashbacks of what my life was like. I can’t see any details, like people’s faces, but I something tells me who these people were to me. The last flashback happened a few nights ago. I couldn’t see her face, but something inside let me know that she was my friend. And we were driving in her car. And even though I couldn’t hear the song, I knew that we were singing along and having fun.

    My “parents” hate these dreams of mine, especially my dad. I think that they are reminders that I am not actually his child. And that the family he created his not what he had hoped it would be. So, when these dreams happens I need what my dad calls a reboot. He will start with my arms and give me little electric shocks. Nothing too painful, just enough wake up my system.

    “You are just nervous about starting school soon.” he told me when we were down in his lab.
    “I guess you are right.” I held out my arm for him to examine. “I wonder what the year will be like.”
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    SocallucyfanSocallucyfan Posts: 1,170 Member
    and here is my yearbook pic

    16461111357_08729a95b2.jpgScreenshot-170 by socallucyfan, on Flickr
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    CyazuraiCyazurai Posts: 1,284 Member
    Assignment 1:


    As many of you may know, a banshee is an Irish Death Omen and messenger from the underworld. When someone sees a banshee and hears her wail, they know that either they or a family member is soon going to die. These are some of the details known to the mortal world about banshees, and because of these they are thought of as fearsome and not something you want to meet in your lifetime. Which for the most part is true, I suppose.

    My mother is one of these fearsome spirits. How can a spirit have a daughter, you ask? Well, the thing about banshees is that those of low status are corporeal. Only the highest class banshees, those who have been around for hundreds (even thousands) of years and only wail for those deemed important enough, can become truly like spirits. My mother is one of the twenty-six banshees who serves under Lady Fionnghuala, who is not of the highest nor the lowest of the banshee nobility. She goes wherever her Lady commands her to go, and several years ago that meant the home of one Bridget Ó Cnáimhín.

    Adam, Bridget’s son, was outside of his house trying to not think about the stress of his mother’s illness when he saw one of the most beautiful, mystifying, frightening women he had ever seen. Of course, that was my mother. It was going to be a romantic moment, it was supposed to be, but even as their eyes locked she knew she had to perform her duty, and so she did. She wailed the most heart-rending banshee scream that may have ever been heard, because she had fallen in love at first sight with this human man and knew this was all that could ever come of it (oh gosh, so cheesy, right?). Her giving him a warning that his mother was about to die. Him realizing what she was, why she was there, and then the too-slow motion of him jumping to his feet and rushing inside before it was too late. I’m told that the moment felt like it would last forever for both of my parents. They knew they would never meet each other again under good circumstances.

    If the story ended there, though, I wouldn’t exist, would I? Mother was obsessed. She continued her duties, but she would leave early for the mortal world and stalk father. This lasted for a long time before he finally saw her. I wish I could say that he courted her, and it was romantic, and they lived happily ever after, but that would all be a lie. The moment their eyes met again time stopped again, and that’s where the cheesy romantic story side ends. I hate to mention what happens next because ewww, so I’ll just say they went inside and a few months later mother was facing serious consequences for her decisions.

    Banshees aren’t allowed to have relations with humans. I’m sure it’s happened before, but evidently it has never ended up in a pregnancy, because my impending existence seriously had the high banshees confused about what to do. Live humans aren’t really allowed in the underworld, but I was half banshee, but, but, but, but! Eventually it was decided that I should be sent to live with my father and my mother would be confined to the underworld with very brief chances to deliver me letters.

    So when I was born, despite my strange appearance I was sent to live in the upper world with my mortal father, Adam. At first he was freaked out because he hadn’t heard anything from my mother for nine months, hadn’t even actually ever learned her name, and well, any human would be freaked out to find a tiny little grey baby with horns and white hair and scary eyes and just, can you imagine it? Can you? I’m surprised he didn’t take me out back and bury me then and there! But he says after he got over the shock, he actually picked me up and I babbled at him and he decided that I was the most important thing to him and silly Dad stuff like that.

    Raising me was really difficult for him, especially since he wasn’t prepared at all, and was a single Dad raising a half-banshee child that had a penchant for screaming. Yes, I screamed for everything, even when I was happy – I couldn’t help it.. it’s in my roots, you know. He homeschooled me for most of my life, and I didn’t necessarily make it easy on him since I just wanted to go outside and play with the other kids. That was the hardest part for both of us. He wanted nothing more than to let me go outside and play, but he couldn’t let people see me. I didn’t understand it for a long time until he tried to date this one woman, and he thought I was asleep so he brought her home one night. They walked in the door and there I was on the couch in all my weird glory. She called me an ugly freak, and when I stood up she screamed and fainted. I never tried going outside after that. He managed to get her to believe she had just been seeing things, but she dumped him anyway.

    When I was thirteen and I was going through puberty, turning into a woman, I was also coming into my banshee womanhood. That was when I first saw the numbers floating around my Dad’s head. I asked him when those got there, and he told me there wasn’t anything there. I kept insisting they were, but then as quickly as they had appeared, they disappeared, and I fainted. While I was unconscious I dreamed of wailing outside a hospital room with a clipboard on the door reading, “Adam Ó Cnáimhín.” I woke up sobbing, and clinging to Dad, realizing what was happening. The numbers were his Countdown. My dream wasn’t a dream.

    It only got worse from there. I only saw his Countdown sometimes, because I learned how to control when I could see it. But I could see the Countdown of every person I saw. When I watched TV, I had to brace myself to see the Countdowns of all of the news people, the singers, the actors, everyone. I went into a deep depression for a while, because knowing how long someone has until they’re going to die is a burden too heavy for a hormonal teenager.

    I think my depression is part of the reason why Dad found this amazing high school to send me to. I was just getting worse and worse, and lonelier and lonelier because I had no friends except for him, and knowing when he would die put me in a really dark place. So he wanted me to know others like me, those who wouldn’t freak out as bad at my appearance or my abilities. I cried when he told me that he signed me up – not out of sadness, but out of happiness and gratitude. I have never been outside of my house, and now I am going to be staying at a school for strange people like me! Honestly, I never even thought that there might be such a place..

    Now, here I am. Ready to start a new chapter in my life. I can control my ability better now, though I still can see Countdowns they don’t overwhelm me now. I can ignore them, or if I concentrate I can make them disappear altogether for a while. I have never fainted and Dreamed the way I did that first time I saw Dad’s Countdown again, so I don’t know if that was a fluke or just something that happens for blood relatives. I just hope it doesn’t happen at school, because that would be so embarrassing.

    So that’s my family. I barely know my mother except letters I get from her occasionally, and my Dad’s my best friend. I’m the freak of the family, and maybe after going to this school I can start to feel like that isn’t a bad thing. As long as I don’t grow into my banshee abilities any more and I can make some friends I’ll be ecstatic.

    (Will have the headshot in a moment!!)
    I believe something's can't be explained
    They are hidden in the mist and in the silver rain...
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    CyazuraiCyazurai Posts: 1,284 Member

    I believe something's can't be explained
    They are hidden in the mist and in the silver rain...
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    poida217poida217 Posts: 2,872 Member
    Two more quality assignments, nicely done, Socal and Cyan :smiley:

    This comp is looking to be quite awesome.
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    SassyDanaSassyDana Posts: 2,375 Member
    Awesome assignments Socal and Cyan! :)
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    Looking awesome guys :)

    I'm still really trying to find a judge for this to work with me. I'm going to try for today and tomorrow, if I don't find one I'll go on with just me. With that time, I'm allowing Kayla or Nini turn in if they still want to join.
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    @Dana: Something's wrong with your piccie!
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    SassyDanaSassyDana Posts: 2,375 Member
    What happened to it? Looks fine to me.
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    SocallucyfanSocallucyfan Posts: 1,170 Member

    Phew, I was worried that I wouldn't get it in on time. I had to rewrite my story after I changed my idea for my picture.
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    So, I've got someone lined up to judge at least this first round. Keeping my fingers crossed on finding a permanent judge by round 2. With that being said, sign ups are now officially closed.
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    ninisims1ninisims1 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Long post coming up...

    Username: Nini
    Model name: Vix Donovan
    Creep factor: Soul shifter--Can take over other people's bodies



    Family Shot:

    Here is the required family photo. You asked for crazy….as if looking at us as a family doesn't satisfy that requirement. We don’t exactly look like your normal, everyday family. We sort of stick out like a neon flag in a dark room. Sorry, I have a tendency for drama. That is what my mom says anyway. I guess overall, we are a great family. I mean we love each other, we laugh, try to have as much fun as possible but there is an overlying element of fear, frustration and things can explode every now and then.

    History lesson 101: When my mom was 12 she got really sick, I mean like deathbed sick. Her mom had died in childbirth and her dad—my grandpa, of course—had raised her by himself and was all crazy with worry over her dying too. He was a scientist and worked for the government. I guess he was kind of a gullible sort cuz some other scientists in a different part of the lab he worked at had been perfecting a new vaccine. They tried it on rats and, for the most part, it worked. Against what, no one knows. They gave it to my grandpa and convinced him it would make his daughter better. At first she heaved and thrashed around on the bed and stopped breathing….okay, okay, not quite. She almost stopped breathing and then had a couple seizures. Grandpa was convinced he had killed her and drank himself in to a coma.

    A day later, she walked out into the main house and when grandpa looked up, he cried out in horror…I guess relief came much later. Anyways, her skin was grey, her hair was blue and she looked a lot different—but, she was alive. I guess they never really got on after that cuz grandpa was kind of afraid of her. He was also worried about what the lab would do, so he told them she died, packed up their stuff and moved away.

    My dad met my grandpa after they moved and became really good friends with him even though he was old. He would come over and mow the grass, fix things in the house and mom always had to stay in her room. Dad knew some girl lived there cuz he would see nail polish, hair spray and girly stuff and he got curious so he peeked in a crack in some curtains that hadn’t been closed and saw her. Guess he liked strange cuz he thought she was cute.

    Then they fell in love--gag--and grandpa knew she had someone to take care of her for a while. Mom doesn’t age anymore. Dad does but his aging slowed down. I will NOT go into details of why. Anyways, grandpa died and it was only my mom and dad now. Mom eventually got pregnant with my brother, Duran. Two years later, she had me. We can’t go out cuz as you can see, I hope, we are too weird looking and don’t fit in—even weirder than my mom. She home schools us and dad works odd jobs here and there. We move a lot and always live on the outside of towns. When my brother was 15, he found out he had weird powers. He ran away a couple years ago wanting to see if there are any more of us out there, so I won’t tell what his power is. I got my powers just a year ago. I can take over others’ bodies and become them. That is why I have tattoos….I fooled my mom and dad into thinking I was one or the other and saying it was okay. I was grounded for months—it sucked!

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot! My name is Vix. Hi!

    School photo:
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    SassyDanaSassyDana Posts: 2,375 Member
    Wow! Love her Nini!

    Is it showing up now, Beech?
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    @Dana: Nope, even when I copy the image link and paste it it takes me to that same little "sorry" image
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    SassyDanaSassyDana Posts: 2,375 Member
    Thats strange, how is this? (LINK)

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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    It's there for me :)
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    We should have scores tonight or tomorrow evening :)
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    SassyDanaSassyDana Posts: 2,375 Member
    Yay, cool! Can't wait for scores :3
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    SocallucyfanSocallucyfan Posts: 1,170 Member
    We should have scores tonight or tomorrow evening :)

    YAY!! I can't wait.

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