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Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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Game Time - tell us what you think


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    mortiamortia Posts: 1,155 Member
    My thoughts on the game.

    I went into cas saved a Sim, exited the game for a few minutes, went back and the sim wasn't in the gallary so that was two hours gone. Cas alone kind of frustrates me I find it hard to grab certain parts of the face and push and pull where I want it to go.
    Also why do children get one trait and teens get two? Why are traits so limited? That doesn't make any sense to me, one trait for a child is just sad.

    Hate that the tips keeping popping up in cas then the game if I want to a tutorial I'll look at the lessons on my own.

    The camera control is a big annoyance I find scrolling to be a big pain. I don't care for the UI screen postition or the chat bar above their heads I find it to be in the way when I went to take a picture.

    The musical chairs is true I found out is true it was way to strange when my sim would chat with the other sim then a few seconds later they moved their seat three times. Why? It's a bit frustrating when I want to film them but they keep moving.

    Didn't seem much of difference in emotions with this game and sims 3 the only emotion mod I have was so they don't die on me.

    Don't care much for load screens either.

    What I did like was the slamming of the fridge when my sim was mad, or the kick at the trashcan, or how she was angry while cooking that was nice.

    Did you use any CC on your Sim? This happened to me the last time I played and I found that you have to enable CC creations under the Advanced tab in the Gallery every. single. time. Otherwise it's like your Sim has vanished to the netherworld.
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    InvaderchickycatInvaderchickycat Posts: 809 Member
    I didn't know that thanks for telling me :)
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    Mrknowitall526Mrknowitall526 Posts: 386 Member
    Just played TS3 the past two hours and never looked bac. There's so much in that game that I have yet to discover. I feel like in my approximately 6 hours playing TS4, I found everything there was to find.

    Also, going on a date ... There is nowhere to go! To the park, museum, gym, or library. Wow, that's thrilling! Not. And, the whole time I tried to do romantic interactions with my date, other random people were joining in and ruining it. The one time I went to the Lounge, I tried to order a drink...and so did the other 12 people on the lot at the same time. I spent the entire time being frustrated because my Sim wouldn't do anything I asked her to because she was too busy having group conversations.

    I wanted to give it a chance. But I really couldn't get into it.

    My biggest issues are definitely the UI, and the timing. It takes only one sim day for plants to be harvested, but close to two sim hours to shower, and two more to eat a meal? Makes no sense!

    I can't wait to see how EA does nothing as a result of this.
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    CinderellimouseCinderellimouse Posts: 19,380 Member
    Mfaw81P wrote: »
    I love that they can multi-task! But people keep randomly joining in, and the active sim still has to introduce themselves?

    I love the different walk styles, and how different personalities interact with objects differently. I think it definitely has a cuteness aspect to it that I very much appreciated.

    I understand that having the town sectioned off helps loading time. It just seems so simplified compared to Sims 3, so why does it cost so much? Could things have been sectioned off, while still maintaining the versatility of the town?

    This might sound creepy, but I like how they colored people's flesh. :D

    I wish that the town was larger. I got used to having 30+ households in a town! And I liked the seemless neighborhood of sims 3.

    I find it odd that when a Sim goes to a community lot, they can't simply wander over to the neighboring building. The game reloads when they go from (for instance) the museum to the bar.

    There is a whole slew of people that play this game purely to watch Sims fall in love, get married, and start families. We enjoy cooing over what our Sim's babies look like when they become toddlers, and we enjoy every aspect of toddler-hood. That being said, I think we would have enjoyed seeing more life stages added, rather then seeing them decreased. I believe a pre-teen stage would have been greatly appreciated. Along this line, I hear there is no longer a family tree? You're breaking my heart here. And toddlers would have looked so cute with the way you made the Sims! Oozing with cuteness in fact!

    Teenagers don't look like teenagers. They look like adults. That's not cool. They need to look like acne-riddled, awkward teens. Teens that think they know what they are talking about. Teens that trip over nothing, because they aren't aware of the length of their limbs. Teens with peach fuzz, and bad decision making skills.

    I enjoy the new stuff in CAS, such as being able to customize body types. However, I miss being able to customize colors and patterns on the outfits, and hair (CASt). Everything has pre-set colors and patterns, and I find that limiting. I think maybe a few more options with colors and patterns would have been nice. However, I LOVE that outfits can be layered over each other.

    I also miss custom lifespans. That was a nice aspect of Sim's 3, because then you could choose what life stage you spent the most time on.

    All-in-all, this feels like the Play Station version of Sim's 2, which I got bored of very quickly. I'm not willing to spend $60 for this game. Will you be having a sale on the game anytime soon? This version of Sims has so much great potential, I would really like to see it evolve, but I'm not willing to spend $ just to see it evolve. Which meant toddlers, and awkward teens, and editing styles. I think I would tolerate all the other limitations if toddlers were added, and teens looked like teens, and if the game was about half this price... I really don't see what is so new and fantastic with this game. It feels like a rehash of the older games, with less content. Really not worth the price. And I didn't even mention the bugs. You should be aware of those by now.

    @Mfaw81P I'm mostly trying to stay quiet in this thread and let the people using the game trial have their say, however I wanted to say I enjoyed reading your post. What you said about teenagers caught my eye. I like the idea of defining them more through things like acne. I like the idea of maybe giving them unique walk styles, maybe an awkward one and maybe a shy 'don't pay attention to me' style too. Perhaps some teen-specific animations would help. :)
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    edited January 2015
    Anavastia wrote: »
    Sk8rblaze wrote: »
    MsMidolUSA wrote: »
    To be fair for those who did not like it no Sims game is fun without any EP’s. Can you imagine playing Sims 2 or 3 with just the base game? It would not be fun at all. So be patient and wait, we may end up pleasantly surprised by what is to come.

    The base game is very indicative on the quality of future content we'll be seeing in TS4. If they can't even get the basics done correctly in the FOURTH iteration of the game released in 2014 (when pretty much everything worked without a flaw in TS2 and sometimes TS3), just imagine how the EPs will be.

    Mobile developers shouldn't be in charge of a PC game as complex as The Sims, to be honest.

    I am not understand why people are coming into the thread to question the feedback that was asked of by dev's to be given of players who did not buy the game yet and are playing for the free trial.

    This thread is a feedback thread, not a discussion.


    Posts that are telling people certain things would not be fun from sims 2 and sims 3 base game, be patient and wait, for what's to come don't belong in this thread. It's off topic and out of line. I don't want to post in a thread bickering about my feedback. I want to just give the feedback of my experience so the dev's read it. These customers aren't waiting for anything there is a reason why they haven't bought the game and they get try it. if they like sims 4 they should post if they don't like it they should post. If they have ideas on how to improve the situations they should post. We should have freedom to do so without being judged or told to be quiet and wait. i don't need people telling me because i didn't like the base game i should wait for the expansions. I liked sims 1, 2, and 3 base game and i didn't have to wait than for expansions to like the game. I'm not about to make exceptions for sims 4.

    I agree, I wish that others would not comment on what the free players have to say. Leave it to the dev's.
    I would have liked to have read all the comments from the free players, not have to read through all the discussions by everyone else who has the game or not. You are taking over the post for the free players.
    NO sense reading any more because it sounds more like the free players are talking more to the players posting, then to EA, nothing much here but the same old same old. I'm gone.
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    meme009meme009 Posts: 46 Member
    Just played the free trial and I have to say it’s just OK. it took about 6 hours to download and after download it would not let me play as it said I had used my 48 hours and should enter my code etc.... so I had to call EA customer service who applied a code and that's how I was able to play however I kept getting the gamecode error throughout but it did not affect my ability to play I have to say I don't think I played for a full 48 hours maybe 14 hours including download time

    Anyway having played it these are my thoughts:

    The good

    No loading screen to get into the game
    The clothing options are more varied and the designs are better for all ages

    The bad

    The camera controls being on top and not bottom it should be more streamlined like in Sims 3 with everything like the rotate, tilt button etc. in one convenient location
    The layout of the Sims icon makes it hard to track every Sim especially for a large family
    The 'care for yourself' etc. option does not seem to be working you go back and the Sims are not doing what you directed them to do
    You should be able to click on a Sim to 'wake them up'
    The level up notification takes over the entire screen like a mobile game
    The tips/tutorial notification that cannot be cannot be disabled and blocks your view of build/buy
    You cannot find all the in game cheats by typing ‘help’ I had to google them
    Also that the cheats are now too complicated why bb.moveobjects instead of just move objects? Also why can’t we pick up and move Sims with this cheat?
    It’s too complicated to move just one person from the household
    I don’t like the name Goth preparatory or whatever it’s called as the name for the school for children I always delete the Goths’ from my game why force that name on everyone you should be able to have an actual school building or give option for no school or ability to change the name to deal with such annoyances
    The loading screen
    You cannot edit parks next to houses as I want to delete all the benches because Sims are always napping on it instead of going home to sleep after a visit
    Is this game supposed to be autonomous because I do not get it… in Sims 3 if a Sim is tired or whatever they will stop the action and take care of their needs in Sims 4 they just continue until you stop them or they are on the verge of collapse and instead of going home sometimes decide to nap in the park definitely not smarter Sims
    There is too much talking for instance a Sim who has just woken up and on the verge of starvation will always seek out another Sim first instead of taking care of their needs
    Why do Sims always prioritise non essential needs first i.e. showering before eating/using the toilet when bladder is very low and then end up peeing on themselves and start the showering process again which by the way takes too long?.
    Sims do not seem to perform actions for long i.e. you send them to watch TV they do this for a few seconds and they go do something else
    Sims take too long to complete actions I do not know if it’s my computer but Sims without any other Sims around them stand still for ages with their needs depleting staring instead of eating the food they just prepared or dong the action they set out to do it’s like if they are not multitasking by talking to others they cannot function
    The fridge is glitched as Sims cannot use it at all… also why is there a need to upgrade the fridge?!
    Why are the Sims always napping even at night?.. at least increase the energy gained from this activity otherwise it’s pointless and annoying and worse of all I deleted all the beds found out thy could nap on the couch, deleted the couch found they could nap on the single chairs, so deleted every single seating surface and found they could go to the park to nap unfortunately cannot delete anything in the park so finally had to delete the front door! Please make the parks next to the housed editable
    Actions take too long as there is a time delay for instance I send a Sim to play chess it stands still for a few seconds before doing the action
    No Toddlers
    No ability to lock doors
    Sims barging in on others in the bathroom
    Sims not intuitive in taking care of the baby they ignore the baby’s needs unless directed and children are blocking adults access with cooing etc not allowing adult to take care of baby’s needs
    The game takes you straight to CAS
    The Origin requirement to play the game even if it’s offline
    No make me know everyone option/make me friends with everyone
    No services like nanny baby sisters etc.
    I find it difficult to use CAS ‘push pull’ method and I would prefer there to be more sliders for instance the eyes can only be pulled apart to a certain extent
    The Ultra speed can be incredibly slow for all actions even with settings set to their lowest and on laptop mode

    Overall the trial will not make me install the game and I already have the Sims 4 having gotten it on release day in the UK and I even bought it at half price just never installed it as I was thinking of selling it because major improvements need to be made for me to like the game by playing it I still hold this view. The only difference is that besides CAS and emotions they have placed restrictions where there need not be restrictions and removed essentials that should have been left in like toddlers, open world to name a few otherwise it’s like any other Sims game to me as I play on high speed so emotions and walkstyles are pointless because I do not see them the only way I know a Sim is ‘angry’ is from the icon and by the time I go investigate they are ‘happy’ so it’s pointless to me
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    Another site taken over, no use coming here to find out how anyone felt about the game, I hope that EA has other places for the free trial people to post.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Evalen wrote: »
    Another site taken over, no use coming here to find out how anyone felt about the game, I hope that EA has other places for the free trial people to post.

    Who has taken over this thread Evalen? I have been reading the feedback from people who played this game for the 48 hours, and the only people I see who tried to take it over were ones who didn't like the negative feedback. I even saw some ask the guru to step in to stop those trying to silence those giving their feedback. I'm sorry, but the only people I see trying to silence feedback are some who actually don't want to hear feedback. And those giving feedback have asked them to stop politely in order to not derail this thread, and quite honestly your comments and even my reply to you is actually derailing in a fashion.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    edited January 2015
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Evalen wrote: »
    Another site taken over, no use coming here to find out how anyone felt about the game, I hope that EA has other places for the free trial people to post.

    Who has taken over this thread Evalen? I have been reading the feedback from people who played this game for the 48 hours, and the only people I see who tried to take it over were ones who didn't like the negative feedback. I even saw some ask the guru to step in to stop those trying to silence those giving their feedback. I'm sorry, but the only people I see trying to silence feedback are some who actually don't want to hear feedback. And those giving feedback have asked them to stop politely in order to not derail this thread, and quite honestly your comments and even my reply to you is actually derailing in a fashion.

    @Cinebar I just wanted to read about the feedback from those who have the free trial, It is not suppose to be a discussion thread, It was a thread for EA.
    to read what they have to say. trying to find the new ones from all the others making their comment is almost impossible. It would have been nice to just read post after post of just their feedback, would have been more helpful to EA also, but trying to go through all the other post by all the regular people is hard. I want to hear feed back from those who have the free game, not others comments. Good or Bad. I want to just hear what they have to say, that is what this post was to be for. The forum people post so much, I can't tell who is posting free play feedback.
    enough is enough. Can't we just have a site for those who want to share how they felt about the game after the free trial, without everyone posting. I need to just get off this forum it is stressing me out too much. I was really looking forward to hearing from the ones who downloaded the free game, not everyone else.
    Another point, they are talking to all the comments instead of talking to EA. That is not what this is suppose to be.
    It is not a discussion thread it is so EA can hear what they the free players have to say.

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    blueasbutterflyblueasbutterfly Posts: 3,425 Member
    Evalen wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Evalen wrote: »
    Another site taken over, no use coming here to find out how anyone felt about the game, I hope that EA has other places for the free trial people to post.

    Who has taken over this thread Evalen? I have been reading the feedback from people who played this game for the 48 hours, and the only people I see who tried to take it over were ones who didn't like the negative feedback. I even saw some ask the guru to step in to stop those trying to silence those giving their feedback. I'm sorry, but the only people I see trying to silence feedback are some who actually don't want to hear feedback. And those giving feedback have asked them to stop politely in order to not derail this thread, and quite honestly your comments and even my reply to you is actually derailing in a fashion.

    @Cinebar I just wanted to read about the feedback from those who have the free trial, It is not suppose to be a discussion thread, It was a thread for EA.
    to read what they have to say. trying to find the new ones from all the others making their comment is almost impossible. It would have been nice to just read post after post of just their feedback, would have been more helpful to EA also, but trying to go through all the other post by all the regular people is hard. I want to hear feed back from those who have the free game, not others comments. Good or Bad. I want to just hear what they have to say, that is what this post was to be for. The forum people post so much, I can't tell who is posting free play feedback.
    enough is enough. Can't we just have a site for those who want to share how they felt about the game after the free trial, without everyone posting. I need to just get off this forum it is stressing me out too much. I was really looking forward to hearing from the ones who downloaded the free game, not everyone else.
    Another point, they are talking to all the comments instead of talking to EA. That is not what this is suppose to be.
    It is not a discussion thread it is so EA can hear what they the free players have to say.

    You're mistaken. This thread was barely getting any responses, the mods are dumping tons of posts in here. Most of the discussion (if not all of it) has come from posts that were created independently and then moved here.
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    EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 2,795 Member
    Evalen wrote: »
    Another site taken over, no use coming here to find out how anyone felt about the game, I hope that EA has other places for the free trial people to post.
    ok how this is not a free trial
    meme009 wrote: »
    Just played the free trial and I have to say it’s just OK. it took about 6 hours to download and after download it would not let me play as it said I had used my 48 hours and should enter my code etc.... so I had to call EA customer service who applied a code and that's how I was able to play however I kept getting the gamecode error throughout but it did not affect my ability to play I have to say I don't think I played for a full 48 hours maybe 14 hours including download time
    man really grow, if you can't handle negative feedbacks then dont read, simple like that, like @cinebar told we are already just reading and following the feedbacks of the free trial posts, if the amount of negative feedback is making you worry just dont read, if you really dont want this game end, "trying to force your own way to think what is right or wrong over others not gonna help, really grow.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Evalen wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Evalen wrote: »
    Another site taken over, no use coming here to find out how anyone felt about the game, I hope that EA has other places for the free trial people to post.

    Who has taken over this thread Evalen? I have been reading the feedback from people who played this game for the 48 hours, and the only people I see who tried to take it over were ones who didn't like the negative feedback. I even saw some ask the guru to step in to stop those trying to silence those giving their feedback. I'm sorry, but the only people I see trying to silence feedback are some who actually don't want to hear feedback. And those giving feedback have asked them to stop politely in order to not derail this thread, and quite honestly your comments and even my reply to you is actually derailing in a fashion.

    @Cinebar I just wanted to read about the feedback from those who have the free trial, It is not suppose to be a discussion thread, It was a thread for EA.
    to read what they have to say. trying to find the new ones from all the others making their comment is almost impossible. It would have been nice to just read post after post of just their feedback, would have been more helpful to EA also, but trying to go through all the other post by all the regular people is hard. I want to hear feed back from those who have the free game, not others comments. Good or Bad. I want to just hear what they have to say, that is what this post was to be for. The forum people post so much, I can't tell who is posting free play feedback.
    enough is enough. Can't we just have a site for those who want to share how they felt about the game after the free trial, without everyone posting. I need to just get off this forum it is stressing me out too much. I was really looking forward to hearing from the ones who downloaded the free game, not everyone else.
    Another point, they are talking to all the comments instead of talking to EA. That is not what this is suppose to be.
    It is not a discussion thread it is so EA can hear what they the free players have to say.

    Well, yes, but that is up to moderators to moderate (no offense moderators) if they feel a thread is going off topic. I think most who played and or who want to see what those who have never played a Sims' game before think of this one is interesting. And yes, I just want to read the feedback and we don't need to hear from those who have been playing for months now and telling others to wait for an EP or they have no problems with the game etc. because we already know that they don't have a problem with the game.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    Evalen wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Evalen wrote: »
    Another site taken over, no use coming here to find out how anyone felt about the game, I hope that EA has other places for the free trial people to post.

    Who has taken over this thread Evalen? I have been reading the feedback from people who played this game for the 48 hours, and the only people I see who tried to take it over were ones who didn't like the negative feedback. I even saw some ask the guru to step in to stop those trying to silence those giving their feedback. I'm sorry, but the only people I see trying to silence feedback are some who actually don't want to hear feedback. And those giving feedback have asked them to stop politely in order to not derail this thread, and quite honestly your comments and even my reply to you is actually derailing in a fashion.

    @Cinebar I just wanted to read about the feedback from those who have the free trial, It is not suppose to be a discussion thread, It was a thread for EA.
    to read what they have to say. trying to find the new ones from all the others making their comment is almost impossible. It would have been nice to just read post after post of just their feedback, would have been more helpful to EA also, but trying to go through all the other post by all the regular people is hard. I want to hear feed back from those who have the free game, not others comments. Good or Bad. I want to just hear what they have to say, that is what this post was to be for. The forum people post so much, I can't tell who is posting free play feedback.
    enough is enough. Can't we just have a site for those who want to share how they felt about the game after the free trial, without everyone posting. I need to just get off this forum it is stressing me out too much. I was really looking forward to hearing from the ones who downloaded the free game, not everyone else.
    Another point, they are talking to all the comments instead of talking to EA. That is not what this is suppose to be.
    It is not a discussion thread it is so EA can hear what they the free players have to say.

    You're mistaken. This thread was barely getting any responses, the mods are dumping tons of posts in here. Most of the discussion (if not all of it) has come from posts that were created independently and then moved here.

    sorry but on the 1st page are 11 post from ones from the forum, and 2 post from free trial people.
    I am not about to count all the post from all of them. It could have started out slow, but it would have been more, but to go through 11 post to read just two feed back is not good. It was not a discussion thread. And those who you say are mods dumping post here, look again the 11 post are the reg. ones of the sims 4 forum. Anyway, I don't care anymore, I'm just going to go play and only come here to get my stress shot once in a while and then leave. thanks it is not you I am talking about, I am just upset I can't read the post from the free players without all the comments. I wanted to see what they liked or did not like on their own.

  • Options
    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Evalen wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Evalen wrote: »
    Another site taken over, no use coming here to find out how anyone felt about the game, I hope that EA has other places for the free trial people to post.

    Who has taken over this thread Evalen? I have been reading the feedback from people who played this game for the 48 hours, and the only people I see who tried to take it over were ones who didn't like the negative feedback. I even saw some ask the guru to step in to stop those trying to silence those giving their feedback. I'm sorry, but the only people I see trying to silence feedback are some who actually don't want to hear feedback. And those giving feedback have asked them to stop politely in order to not derail this thread, and quite honestly your comments and even my reply to you is actually derailing in a fashion.

    @Cinebar I just wanted to read about the feedback from those who have the free trial, It is not suppose to be a discussion thread, It was a thread for EA.
    to read what they have to say. trying to find the new ones from all the others making their comment is almost impossible. It would have been nice to just read post after post of just their feedback, would have been more helpful to EA also, but trying to go through all the other post by all the regular people is hard. I want to hear feed back from those who have the free game, not others comments. Good or Bad. I want to just hear what they have to say, that is what this post was to be for. The forum people post so much, I can't tell who is posting free play feedback.
    enough is enough. Can't we just have a site for those who want to share how they felt about the game after the free trial, without everyone posting. I need to just get off this forum it is stressing me out too much. I was really looking forward to hearing from the ones who downloaded the free game, not everyone else.
    Another point, they are talking to all the comments instead of talking to EA. That is not what this is suppose to be.
    It is not a discussion thread it is so EA can hear what they the free players have to say.

    You're mistaken. This thread was barely getting any responses, the mods are dumping tons of posts in here. Most of the discussion (if not all of it) has come from posts that were created independently and then moved here.

    Thank you, I see, yes, I see that now scrolling back a few pages. Because as of Sunday my time this thread only had about four answers.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Evalen wrote: »
    Evalen wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Evalen wrote: »
    Another site taken over, no use coming here to find out how anyone felt about the game, I hope that EA has other places for the free trial people to post.

    Who has taken over this thread Evalen? I have been reading the feedback from people who played this game for the 48 hours, and the only people I see who tried to take it over were ones who didn't like the negative feedback. I even saw some ask the guru to step in to stop those trying to silence those giving their feedback. I'm sorry, but the only people I see trying to silence feedback are some who actually don't want to hear feedback. And those giving feedback have asked them to stop politely in order to not derail this thread, and quite honestly your comments and even my reply to you is actually derailing in a fashion.

    @Cinebar I just wanted to read about the feedback from those who have the free trial, It is not suppose to be a discussion thread, It was a thread for EA.
    to read what they have to say. trying to find the new ones from all the others making their comment is almost impossible. It would have been nice to just read post after post of just their feedback, would have been more helpful to EA also, but trying to go through all the other post by all the regular people is hard. I want to hear feed back from those who have the free game, not others comments. Good or Bad. I want to just hear what they have to say, that is what this post was to be for. The forum people post so much, I can't tell who is posting free play feedback.
    enough is enough. Can't we just have a site for those who want to share how they felt about the game after the free trial, without everyone posting. I need to just get off this forum it is stressing me out too much. I was really looking forward to hearing from the ones who downloaded the free game, not everyone else.
    Another point, they are talking to all the comments instead of talking to EA. That is not what this is suppose to be.
    It is not a discussion thread it is so EA can hear what they the free players have to say.

    You're mistaken. This thread was barely getting any responses, the mods are dumping tons of posts in here. Most of the discussion (if not all of it) has come from posts that were created independently and then moved here.

    sorry but on the 1st page are 11 post from ones from the forum, and 2 post from free trial people.
    I am not about to count all the post from all of them. It could have started out slow, but it would have been more, but to go through 11 post to read just two feed back is not good. It was not a discussion thread. And those who you say are mods dumping post here, look again the 11 post are the reg. ones of the sims 4 forum. Anyway, I don't care anymore, I'm just going to go play and only come here to get my stress shot once in a while and then leave. thanks it is not you I am talking about, I am just upset I can't read the post from the free players without all the comments. I wanted to see what they liked or did not like on their own.

    Evalen, those eleven people as you call them have every right to try the game for free for 48 hours, just as much as someone who had never heard of the game.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    blueasbutterflyblueasbutterfly Posts: 3,425 Member
    edited January 2015
    Evalen wrote: »
    Evalen wrote: »
    Cinebar wrote: »
    Evalen wrote: »
    Another site taken over, no use coming here to find out how anyone felt about the game, I hope that EA has other places for the free trial people to post.

    Who has taken over this thread Evalen? I have been reading the feedback from people who played this game for the 48 hours, and the only people I see who tried to take it over were ones who didn't like the negative feedback. I even saw some ask the guru to step in to stop those trying to silence those giving their feedback. I'm sorry, but the only people I see trying to silence feedback are some who actually don't want to hear feedback. And those giving feedback have asked them to stop politely in order to not derail this thread, and quite honestly your comments and even my reply to you is actually derailing in a fashion.

    @Cinebar I just wanted to read about the feedback from those who have the free trial, It is not suppose to be a discussion thread, It was a thread for EA.
    to read what they have to say. trying to find the new ones from all the others making their comment is almost impossible. It would have been nice to just read post after post of just their feedback, would have been more helpful to EA also, but trying to go through all the other post by all the regular people is hard. I want to hear feed back from those who have the free game, not others comments. Good or Bad. I want to just hear what they have to say, that is what this post was to be for. The forum people post so much, I can't tell who is posting free play feedback.
    enough is enough. Can't we just have a site for those who want to share how they felt about the game after the free trial, without everyone posting. I need to just get off this forum it is stressing me out too much. I was really looking forward to hearing from the ones who downloaded the free game, not everyone else.
    Another point, they are talking to all the comments instead of talking to EA. That is not what this is suppose to be.
    It is not a discussion thread it is so EA can hear what they the free players have to say.

    You're mistaken. This thread was barely getting any responses, the mods are dumping tons of posts in here. Most of the discussion (if not all of it) has come from posts that were created independently and then moved here.

    sorry but on the 1st page are 11 post from ones from the forum, and 2 post from free trial people.
    I am not about to count all the post from all of them. It could have started out slow, but it would have been more, but to go through 11 post to read just two feed back is not good. It was not a discussion thread. And those who you say are mods dumping post here, look again the 11 post are the reg. ones of the sims 4 forum. Anyway, I don't care anymore, I'm just going to go play and only come here to get my stress shot once in a while and then leave. thanks it is not you I am talking about, I am just upset I can't read the post from the free players without all the comments. I wanted to see what they liked or did not like on their own.

    I've been following this thread, as well as the others from the front page... you can tell from the context which replies were originally posted here and which came from other threads. The *only* people I have seen post in here have been 48 hour players and people complaining (incorrectly) that whiners were trying to derail. There was no derailing. Those responses were relevant to the original posts, which were then moved here. I know because I saw it happen. Ironically, you have managed to derail this thread with *your* griping.

    ETA I actually think it was a huge mistake to make this thread a dumping groung, but scrolling through, it's pretty easy to pick out the original posts, but more annoying because most of them originally had a title to put them in context, and of course once it's merged, the title of the thread gets removed. Most of the feedback was more of the same stuff people have been posting here for ages though so you're not missing much.
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    RubyxAngelRubyxAngel Posts: 333 Member
    edited January 2015
    For those of you who have been having the Game Time Error which prevented you from playing the Sims 4 trial - I found a fix!!

    These were the errors I was getting:
    Error 1: “We could not activate The Sims 4 (Origin Game Time) on this computer using the Origin Account you provided. Please locate your product key to activate the game using your Origin Account”
    Error 2: “Game Time Error: Looks like you’ve already enjoyed Game Time on this account and computer. You’ll be able to continue where you left off when you purchase the game.”

    This is what fixed it:
    You need to log into your Origin account,
    then go to My Games tab,
    right-click on the Sims 4 game and click ‘Check for Update’,
    Also right-click on the game and click ‘Repair game',
    After doing that, try to run the game again

    It worked for me - I hope that helps someone who had the same problems as me!
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    GwinniGwinni Posts: 242 Member
    edited January 2015
    I shied away from the Sims 4 when it first came out due to some of the features lacking compared to the previous base game, Sims 3 (e.g. CAStyle, toddlers). I planned to wait until the first combo package of The Sims 4 and first expansion pack came out to re-evaluate. However, when I saw the The Sims 4 was available on Game Time I decided to try it out over the weekend.

    1. Numerous social interactions and realism of animations. I find myself enjoying watching my sims interact. I especially appreciate the variation in the romantic animations compared to the Sims 3 (I felt like several Sims 3 romantic interactions used the exact same animation). The sims also seem to route much better, esp. taking turns grabbing a plate of food and moving around each other.
    2. New camera controls. I forced myself to try them out and I find I much prefer them. I zoom in more to see my sims up close since I can move around so easily.
    3. Love, love, love the hotkeys to open/close all my little panels like needs and relationships and work.

    4. Immersion is a little interrupted with load screens, but load times are fast and so far I'm okay with it.
    5. My friends loiter at my front door too much; my sim feels stalked.
    6. I had to google how to rotate objects, and right now I'm using angle brackets. If there's a way to do it with the mouse, I didn't look further for it. If there isn't a way to do it with the mouse, I think this makes sense given the different camera controls.
    7. I'd appreciate a more explanation on the Daily Tasks for work in the UI.
    8. The sound when the emotion changes is a bit distracting.
    9. Minor stuff that's more feedback/ideas (E.g. "Eat Leftovers" option; "Open" is weird b/c it opens my inventory.)

    10. Getting promoted and earning money to buy quality items. This is probably good though, as it's always been a bit too easy.
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    Mrknowitall526Mrknowitall526 Posts: 386 Member
    Gwinni wrote: »
    9. Minor stuff that's more feedback/ideas (E.g. "Eat Leftovers" option; "Open" is weird b/c it opens my inventory.)

    Yes! I keep for getting to write about this! It's way too much effort to eat leftovers...especially when the pictures are so small and I can't even see what the foods are!
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     jessynyc78 jessynyc78 Posts: 14 New Member
    So I played it over the weekend.. Since I only have such short time to play it was hard to get into the game since the timer starts once I play it. Can't stay up for two days. I do need sleep!! So the little time I did play, it wasn't bad. I just started playing Sims 3 as of Christmas day last year. I got my computer updated so now I can play Sims 3 and Sims 4. Sims 2 player since 2009.

    But to the point. After being use to feeling of the babies and toddlers in Sims 2 and Sims 3..on the Sims 4..the baby look like a I don't know, a objects..a doll that the children can play with. I do like the new interaction for parents and baby but, the baby look to CG like..and just from baby to children... ummmm....did I miss something? In the Sims 3 I really like the Sim going into the hospital just one big rabbit hole. ..Not a fan of to many rabbit hole.. I really want toddlers back..they are pain but, I really love it cause running a daycare was always a dream of mine and to play it on the Sims 3 was really great... Please bring back toddlers...

    I know it's only a base game and I like the fact for me but a single sim can do so much right now..I really try family but I had to do it fast so really couldn't get everything done..I like the fact pools are back and loved the build mode..Use to loading screen since I played Sims 2 for a long time..but missed the open world..With seem to come out with Night Life EP.. so I will wait... I do miss the Color wheel on the Sims 4..I really like designing my way on the Sims 3.. So it was like back to the Sims 2..with a bit of Sims 3..

    So I will wait to get the Sims 4 when and IF a Sims 5 comes out.. So I will wait still to get Sims 4...
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    StarleisStarleis Posts: 4 New Member
    I have only 11 hours played and it cut off. How can I buy the game if I haven't even got to test how the game runs?
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    StarleisStarleis Posts: 4 New Member
    > @DevilH4 said:
    > I just played the free trial for Sims 4.....I cant even scroll backwards. The edge scrolling for going backwards is non existent...the tutorials are incredibly intrusive....the game just feel soul-less....congrats. You've pushed me away even more from this game. Its bad enough that I cancelled my preorder before this game came out, getting badgered by all the people on the forums who called the people like me (who didnt like what the sims 4 was turning into) haters...4 months later you give out this free trial and I try to go in with a clear head and the basic things i expected from a Sims game. THE BASIC things, barely even function properly...
    > I could explain much farther about whats irking about this game, but then I'd start cursing like a mad man (and I was cursing a lot while playing the trial). To sum it up...this game sucks.

    Same here I read 48 hours game time. Not 48 hours of time to play the game. I'm not buying the game. I'll use my money and go eat enchiladas
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    friohurfriohur Posts: 1,722 Member
    edited January 2015
    ok so i got the trial, still have some time left

    i'm not really trying to get anywhere like a job or kids or anything, but messing around seeing how my two sim act and a little bit of working on basic skills

    it's fun and all but much like sims 3 it's crashing, a lot. the lag i can deal with but if the actual 'full' game crashes this much i'll be waiting for sims 4 to be in the $5 bin before i buy it :/
    Robin: You’re overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed-why isn’t anyone ever just whelmed?

    Robin: If dislike is the opposite of like, is disaster the opposite of aster? See, instead of things going wrong, they go right.
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    alan650111alan650111 Posts: 3,295 Member
    friohur wrote: »
    ok so i got the trial, still have some time left

    i'm not really trying to get anywhere like a job or kids or anything, but messing around seeing how my two sim act and a little bit of working on basic skills

    it's fun and all but much like sims 3 it's crashing, a lot. the lag i can deal with but if the actual 'full' game crashes this much i'll be waiting for sims 4 to be in the $5 bin before i buy it :/

    What are your computer specs? Try right clicking in Origin and say "repair game" Crashes are definitely not a common experience.
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