Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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Play and Share continued


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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    edited September 2014
    Woo, home from my trip. It was great, but I'm happy to be home. Well kind of. It's snowing though and looks a lot like winter (gotta love Canada) however it's not snowing where we were, though it was also really hot, I prefer the cold...just not the snow. I didn't get out my Barrett Legacy update before I left, I was so close, but my game was being a jerk and then weebly wanted to be a jerk. I only needed like maybe half an hour more but I just couldn't keep going and went to bed, where I didn't sleep anyway >.<. So I should get that out in the next day or two, whenever I get around to it, maybe even tonight but not likely. I got home yesterday but I was busy today too and I just want to relax but I might feel like working on it later.

    And I think the thread gained like 10 pages or something while I was gone, I'm just kind of lurking through.

    I shared like a couple weeks ago Lexie and Levi's wedding pictures, but I realized I've never showed off their university experience here (I did on my simblr though) and I wanted too, and it was even before the wedding. I don't send my sims to uni much but I'm glad I sent them.

    Lexie studied Science and Medicine and Levi studied Physical Education; both signed up for heavy course loads so really the only chance they had to have fun was the Sunday they arrived. Luckily there was a party they were invited to so they could have some fun. Unfortunately, it was actually pretty lame, and they just hung out with each other and ignored everybody else. I just love this moment where she looked so shy around him despite being engaged to him, but then looked up so lovingly at him (the picture doesn't do the look justice).

    Though she wasn't giving him such loving looks when he threw her through the wall when he was helping her with a kegstand.
    He looks so scared. Poor guy, it was an accident... and the dumb host shouldn't have placed the keg so close to the wall.

    Classes were lame too. Lexie's first lecture was the worst; the professor was some old guy who slowly hobbled into the lecture hall an hour late.

    By the time he got there almost everybody, Lexie included, had fallen asleep.

    Extra credit assignments however were pretty cool... especially pulling the lever of doom, it just sounds cool.
    Though pulling the lever of doom would be cooler if it caused more, or any, doom... but it was still pretty cool.

    And first semester was over before they even knew it. Somebody didn't seem happy with their report card...
    Lexie, tearing up your report card does not change your grades, nor does it hide them from me.

    Silly girl aced the semester...

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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    Comments time, hopefully I can manage to keep with it this time. I am going to start from 5 pages back and try to keep up from there.
    Page 267

    @msbeckycat nice house layout.

    @ddsims3world great update, the fireworks look great combined with the dark sky

    page 268

    @MayaRose1138 as someone who has lost content before to glitches I feel your pain :( sorry you lost your house.

    @TadOlson Great pictures as usual

    Page 269

    @Colorist40 sheesh, Shrek and Fiona still at it. I'm starting to wonder which household has more conflict Shrek or the Hulins :P

    Really Shrek you could have put pants on first, and Fiona you could try not jumping to conclusions.

    Nice update

    @Zabeth0 great tour of dragon valley. Honestly though it's the technology that kills it for me. It would be fun if it had a complete old feel but the cars and phones ruin it. Still a nice post :)

    @TadOlson: Great update

    Page 270

    @Zabeth0 lol nothing better than a nice pillow fight

    @IreneSwift even if they are cheating you I don't think quitting on criminals would necessarily be the best idea, after all they are criminals :P

    Great update

    @Bishty great pictures, it's nice to see others playing sims 4 as well

    @venusdemilosims nice pictures, ugggh never a good thing when your being propositioned by a professor especially when he is over twice your age :P

    @ddsims3world aww your sims seems to be having so much fun with the karaoke machine. My sims have never done anything like a powerslide :( nice update

    Page 271

    @dreamerz13 lol always funny when teachers are late

    general rule of thumb, never call something the lever of doom. That just demands it be pulled just to see what happens :P

    Wait she aced the semester? So why was she so upset? I would be ecstatic. Great update.

    and I am caught up, now to just stay caught up.

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    CatrillaCatrilla Posts: 1,708 Member
    just re-installed Ambitions and Generations. have been watching West Wing and reading The Book of Life, also playing a bit of WoW. these forums guilt me into playing Sims. Pets will eventually get re-un-installed; I keep wanting to like it but they just suck all the time into caring for the pets.
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    Next chapter might be in 2 parts because of Angelica getting pregnant and having her baby
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    Baker93Baker93 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone!
    It has been a while. I'm sadly not going to be able to keep up with everyone's posts. School has been busy and Work is actually opening tomorrow! so I'm gonna be working now. Haven't touch Sims in almost 2 months!!

    When I actually have time to breathe and can relax I'll definitely play some and stop by. I do miss reading and talking with everyone. Hope you all are well and safe.

    For now I will say See you later.
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    wolfkomoki1wolfkomoki1 Posts: 5,053 Member
    Sims 3 stopped working on me so I might as well get rid of it to make room. :(
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    CatrillaCatrilla Posts: 1,708 Member
    Bemjamin has a new bride and a new house. Here he is bringing the smolder.

    The ice cream truck followed him. It is parked outside the new house.

    I just spent 20 frustrating minutes on roofs because I cannot change direction and they go through walls.
    @AiHaou watchyu talking 'bout, Willis?
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    Zabeth0-Thanks for the comment.Rudy is getting her house built gradually over time.Great update!
    IreneSwift-That sound like a great idea if you need a break to play a simpler game.Great pictures!The story sounds good too!I have done this kind of thing before and Rudy has no school until fall arrives.It's going to take a while to get that house built and she's going to live in it and add rooms onto it.
    bishty-Hi there and welcome back!Great update on TS4!
    Munchy-Hi there and welcome to the thread.You had a glitch in your game from the sound of things.
    Celiria-Great update!I hope to get TS4 sometime soon.Thanks for the comments.
    venusdemilosims-Great update!That family sounds very interesting with a rebel kid.
    ddsims3world-Thanks for the comment and Rudy is making a lot of money some days.Great update!
    dreamerz13-Hi there and welcome back.Great update from high school!
    Catrilla-I have Pets installed and I don't put them into every game though I'll get one into Rudy's household.Great pictures!I've had to get Mods that remove building restrictions and disable the auto-roofing.
    msbeckycat-Hi there!
    Baker93Hi there!
    AiHaou- That's bad luck!
    I'll get my update posted a little later.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    Here's my update from Glen Harbor.
    Rudy Wagner got up very early that morning to a frosty morning and the garden was dormant so she ended up eating breakfast and getting ready to head out to GH Community Pool where she could harvest honey.
    She arrived and was very soon getting the honey gathered from the beehives.
    She intended to sell the honey to the elixir shop to make money at it.It was Love day and spring was almost over.
    Rudy decided to go dumpster diving after collecting the honey and got into a few of the dumpsters.
    She had to shower and eat after dumpster diving and got delayed in heading to the elixir shop by a clogged toilet and a broken shower whch both needed fixing.
    She got home at 8PM and got a third section of the wall up on her house.
    Rudy had to spend the night at Woddlands because it was too cold to sleep in the tent.
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    IreneSwiftIreneSwift Posts: 6,247 Member
    I really liked this clay sculpture Kristy made early in her second week.


    On Monday, after delivering her work to the consignment shop, she went to the fall festival. She entered an apple bobbing contest, and won.


    Before she left, she picked 2 pumpkins. The next day, she carved one of them.


    This was her first stone sculpture. The stone was very expensive to buy, and as slowly the money was coming in, it took most of the money she had at the time to buy it. She had to be very frugal in her first couple of weeks.


    Kristy became ill during the week, but the constant struggle to keep the wolf from the door meant she had no time to indulge herself. She had to keep on working, though she did not take her work to the consignment store until she had recovered, so as not to spread her germs to others. However, on Thursday night, with a little time to kill before going to bed, she tried out the friend finder app on her cell phone, not realizing that the person she contacted would come over immediately. She chatted with her briefly outside, but did not invite her in. Besides for not being well, it was getting late, and Kristy needed to go to bed.

    I thought she would be able to chat on the phone with this young woman the next day, to finish making friends with her. She would have been her first real friend. But since they weren't already friends by the time the NPC left Kristy's house, she had disappeared from Kristy's relationship panel, and from the town, by morning.


    On Friday, Kristy mastered the sculpting skill while working on her fifth wood sculpture. She had not yet met any of the skill challenges, however, nor reached level 10 in her career, so not much would change in her life, except maybe that she would get more money for her sculptures.


    Kristy had become a very familiar figure at the consignment store. Since she had moved to town, she had taken something in to sell nearly every day. Considering her financial situation, she didn't really have the luxury of letting them accumulate and taking them in less often, at first.


    After she delivered the sculptures she'd made while she was ill, on Friday, before she had left the consignment shop, one of her many acquaintances called her and invited her over. She went directly to her house, and thus Lorraine Cantina became her first real friend in Riverview.


    Saturday, which was Spooky Day, Kristy spent most of the day at the fall festival. She entered another apple bobbing contest, but the contest was interrupted before anyone won it. Maybe it's because of her irresistable trait, possibly with a little bit of added help from her charisma and her one-star celebrity status, but Kristy seems to be very popular among the townspeople whenever she goes out in public now. One by one, beginning with Robert Newbie, the other contest participants queued up to speak with her.


    She had no opportunity to return any interactions with any of them, before someone else came along to join the group and speak with her. Robert Newbie had left as soon as he spoke with her the first time, but he kept coming back, re-joining the group, and speaking with her again, then leaving, as the group continued to grow.


    Finally, at this point, Dallas Shallow was on his way to ask her to have an evil water balloon fight, when she broke the chain and started initiating some conversation of her own, focused mainly on the teen on the other side of Mary Kay Shallow from her, Ari Moore, who thus became her second friend in Riverview, which also brought Kristy's charisma skill up to level 4. Mary Kay had entered the group conversation by yelling at Kristy, but while Kristy did accuse her of being a diva, she wasn't able to shoo her away, so Mary Kay remained in the group, just as if she had come to be friendly.


    Before she left the festival, Kristy bought something to eat, and exchanged most of her festival tickets for a horseshoe court. With winter right around the corner, however, it had to stay in storage and wait for Spring.

    By the end of week 2, Kristy's social networking skill was at level 5, and her personal blog, the Sculptor's Life, had 77 followers. She had started using her camera a little, but she also bought a photography book and raised her skill to level 3. Using her cell phone to take pictures for her blog helped her photography skill too.

    Kristy took the University aptitude test again, after returning home from the fall festival Saturday night. She did much better this time.


    Her scores were:

    Business, 343 of 400, +6 credits
    Technology, 318 of 400, +6 credits
    Science and Medicine, 100 of 400 (the minimum score)
    Fine Arts, 400 of 400, +18 credits
    Communications, 264 of 400, +6 credits
    Physical Education, 100 of 400

    She was offered a partial scholarship of $1000, not enough to go yet, but she's getting there.

    When she had first arrived at fall festival on Saturday, Kristy had picked a cosmos, Indian blanket, and sweet William, which finally brought in enough money for her to buy a decent shower, and quit getting only cold showers. She also had enough for a nanowaver, so she can finally cook hot dogs, and for another kitchen counter and a food processor to put on it, as well as a covered trash receptacle in the kitchen. I hate those ugly ones with the trash bag showing, and always get rid of them as soon as possible, except when they need to save for more important upgrades, like a decent stove, refrigerator, bed, or shower, which always come first. She still had no car or bicycle, and no curtains or other décor.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    @everybody haven't forgotten you all lol. Just been having anxiety issues last few days, but some better today for now. So I was mostly playing sims 4 yesterday just getting the feel of things more.

    I will be back after hubby goes to work to post comments and later today an update on Kendra.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    LBell wrote: »
    Colorist40 wrote: »
    LBell wrote: »
    ddsims3world: Thank you. I completely agree. I am keeping an eye out for any new styles and possibly sunglasses for Sims 4 Wesker. Great update. I have definitely missed him. I love the fireworks!

    I bought them an iPad... they do not like to share...


    Yay Jackson buddy lol. Now now Jackson you are a grown man, you should have learned to share by now lol.

    Sorry to disappoint but that is not Jackson. That is River. :D Jackson is taking time out of my games for a while.

    He looks some like Jackson waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want Jackson lol.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    Look we got a child! She is to be Michelle's new daughter!


    Michelle & Emily will be together as a mini family. Their update will be tomorrow! B)

    Awww she looks so alone in that pic. I felt bad for her.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    @Celiria, loving your story so far, keep it up!

    @ddsims3world, Michelle's daughter looks like a chip off the old block!

    Haven't gotten a chance to play much this weekend... but the last time I went in game, Sierra, my main sim's rebellious 3rd child, dropped another bombshell.


    Yep, she wants to be a ghost hunter... like her mom was. This after she's spent 2 semesters in college studying physical education for her LTW of professional athlete like her dad.


    Needless to say, these parents will be glad to see the back of her. Lol

    Nah no matter how bad your kid is, you are never glad to see them go. I think she just needs some love to turn her around.

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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    Sims 4 CAS is so evil, I like to fiddle around with it when I only have a little bit of time to play but every time I end up with a new sim I desperately want to play :disappointed: I already have two stories game I can't manage more :cry:
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    Zabeth0 wrote: »
    Evil Travel Agent's Guide To Dragon Valley starring Nicolae Irwin part 3


    Now, it's important to note that though the place looks like the great old days of kings and lords raising up as mercilous tyrants, squeezing the peasants for everything they could possibly scrape up, forcing them to pay salt taxes and other things they couldn't afford and then not batting an eyelash at their plight, this is not 'the good old days'.


    Observe these lovely maidens. I may be talking to them about emeralds, but they do have cell phones to show each other funny and cat videos on, or if you step out of line, to call the law on you.


    Of course...that's assuming they aren't police officers themselves, which one of them is.


    Though there are also modern conveniences like ice cream trucks to make you look innocent while you are observing the neighborhood.


    Because everything in the neighborhood looks one way and is another, observation is the only thing that will save you from doing something stupid. You have been warned.


    Mmmm, I do so love it when Ice cream screams.


    Right, so, even though all the details, such as the mailbox and trash receptacles...


    ...street lights...


    ...cobblestone streets...


    ...the wells...


    ...the old fashioned bridges...


    ...and the ancient trees all point you to think that you aren't in the modern age, you still have a cell phone and it still gets service, right? So do have been warned.


    I love the duplicity here. All the modern conveniences made to look like the ancient times... it's like living in a ren faire....with dragons.


    Like Aurora skies, it has a community garden to plunder.


    Though you can buy groceries if you need.


    This is the science center that I spend most of my days in.


    The place next door is an art museum.


    Being that the primary building material around here is stone or wood, tapestries are quite popular.


    But there are still other art displays. It's not like it's a small building to fill up, after all.


    This is the spa.


    Here's the spa at night. You're welcome.


    Detail of a fountain from the spa.


    Not far from the spa is the public pool.


    At night, this is a great peaceful place to contemplate your master plans to achieve world domination.

    So he thinks the days when barbarians ie: land owners ruled over the serfs were good old days hey? lol He would. He doesn't realize that he is lucky he wasn't born back then as he could have been a "serf" and then he wouldn't have liked it so much lol.

    So instead of ice cream you scream we all scream for ice cream, the ice cream itself screams hey? Novel idea. Not sure I could eat anything that moos, crows or screams right before I am about to eat it lol.

    Great pics of Dragon Valley. Yeah you go ahead Nicolae and plot world domination, but Run might take care of those plans lol.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    Celiria wrote: »
    If I already posted this I'm sorry, I edited the image and wanted to replace it but I can't find the original post.

    I have been obsessively playing my Kaley Green save this afternoon and have then next updates images taken so I thought I would post one I particularly liked as a fun tease.


    I have to say, this is easily my favorite picture I've ever taken :) The update will go up sometime tomorrow.

    Love that picture of the guy playing the saxophone. The girls are cute as well.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    TadOlson wrote: »
    Here's my update from GlenHarbor for today.
    Rudy slept in a little later than she wanted to though she got up at 8AM and got ready to tend her garden.
    She had to eat cereal after showering before getting to work.
    Rudy was grateful she'd spent time in the dumpsters and found a few things like counters and a camp sink.She also found the mini fridge there.
    She spent most of het day after tending the garden studying skills on her iPad and playing social games.SHe also got a salad fixed for her dinner and started learning to cook.
    Rudy ate a plate of salad for dinner and got the leftovers out away in her fridge before going out to gather a few things near her home lot.
    She found a whitecap mushroom and got it planted though it was already dark and about 7:30.
    Rudy got more framing,drywall and sheetrock to build another section of wall on her house.
    She managed to get into her tent and was falling asleep by 8PM.

    What is that evil black looking creature with the red eyes in the first picture?

    Rudy is being smart using stuff found in the dumpster. A lot of times another man's junk is another man's treasure. I think that sometimes people throw away perfectly good stuff, not that I dumpster dive mind you lol.

    Good to see she is building her home little by little and making progress.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    Zabeth0 wrote: »
    @IreneSwift: Sorry, I literally have no idea how to do the blogging thing. I'd study up and do it, but I'm sure only one or two people would care, and it seems like a better use of time to just keep working on the story instead. :D Well, at least you got something out of it. :D Glad to hear you're not exactly in the 'kill Zelda' camp, that way you might not mind a few asides involving her before we answer that question. Well, neither Rafael nor Zelda are what one would call 'good people' but they could have been...had things happened differently. It's not like either of them was born evil. :D

    @Colorist: He couldn't be bothered to put clothes on before going looking for her?! That is disrespectful! Yes, after you are (both) in love and comfortable with each other, then walking around in your underwear might be allowed to slide within the walls of your house, but that's not the starting point! This is not going to go well. "Put a stop to this"? Lol! Oh, his arrogance! He's just going to go make it worse. There, he made it worse. He needs someone to smack him upside the head. Why doesn't he have a fairy godmother to smack him upside the head and explain why he's the one being an -not smart-?! Honestly, I don't know how they could possibly turn this around, unless Fiona suddenly decides that she loves Barthus so much that she doesn't want him to die, and is willing to get married to Shrek and be miserable forever just to spare his life (since she's the only one that might not die as a result of the contract not being fulfilled), but it doesn't appear she even understands what's going to happen. Maybe someone else could explain it to her? Someone who doesn't have any stakes in it would probably be best.

    @GBA: Lol@ horrible hot dogs with "unique flavor"! lol maybe I've been trying to win the contests the wrong way lol. :D I'd never know that thing with the kids throwing the food because anytime I put them in the highchair (rarely), they are seriously hungry first! :D Hmm, maybe I'll be able to use that sometime. Just to see it.

    @Maya: Ouch. Learning to save a lot is hard. (I've learned from such experiences myself, though I hate losing gameplay 5 times as much as builds because at least builds -can- be the same the second time). As others have said, I'm sure you'll be faster the next time, since you already know what you want and have pictures. :D

    @TadOlson: You have a nice close up on Rudy picking fruit from the tree there, with the fence behind her. :D Wow, you actually saw a space rock arive! :D cool :D It'll probably be nice she has her own garden. :D Wow, aliens to break up her routine! Nice haul on the money tree, good to see her starting her house's walls. :D

    His intentions in his own mind were good. He thought offering her a carrot as in getting away would show her that he was thinking of her and caring about her. Of course being unthinking and impatient he couldn't wait to get this resolved as he was tired of her cold shoulder. He really wanted to make things better, but he is pretty clumsy at making amends. He thinks she should appreciate his efforts as in the past, he never would have offered her a trip away.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    Zabeth0 wrote: »

    Jake: "Well, you got that quickly enough. I think it needs to be rewarded with some fun. Let's have a pillow fight break! You're finally big enough to have a pillow fight with!"


    Jake: "Oh, Lil Bear, you're a natural at pillow fighting! Look at those feathers fly!"

    It is nice that he is starting to not only teach her, but to have fun with her. I have a feeling with her being a witch pillow fighting is not the only thing she will be a natural at lol.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    bishty wrote: »
    Hey all :) Sorry I've been so absent lately. I've been mostly unpacking boxes and getting to know the area and dabbling about in TS4. I live really close to two of my brothers now - literally 2 minutes away from one of them - so I've actually LEFT THE HOUSE a few times to go and play with children :D I usually hole myself up inside all summer :P Although I suppose it isn't summer anymore :O I'm aware that that's sort of backwards but at least in my old place there was nothing to do outside and plenty to do inside :P Anyways.
    As far as TS4 goes, it's fairly fun. I've started a list of mod ideas which I think will make the game better. Some I'm sure will be addressed by patches, like fixing the ability to talk while gardening, as currently the game thinks you can do it but in reality they don't chat, they just stand there watching the other sim garden, and others I might have a go at doing myself as I kinda fancy dipping my toe in :P I completed one aspiration, the gardening one, in about 45 sim days. It prompted me to pick a new aspiration but almost all of Sonja's life is about her garden so I didn't. I miss the wish/wants system. Whims are so, well, whimsical. I feel like there's nothing for my sims to aim for, even when they haven't finished their aspirations. Or maybe it's just that their lives are so driven towards their aspirations that I feel like they lack in character a little. It's difficult for me to be objective on that point though because I project character onto my sims in my head. My head is full of imaginary people :P However, my sister got herself a pre-made boyfriend and he's just moved in (in-game obviously :P ) so I'll keep an eye on his behaviour. But I haven't found my sims doing anything interesting or surprising yet. I've found them doing funny things, such as dropping the egg from the frying pan on the floor and quickly replacing it with a guilty look :D I guess I'm just not feeling the essence of the game, or maybe it doesn't have one - what I mean by that is, why did they make it a whole new game. It doesn't really seem to have life, in my opinion. But it's good to pass the time with, it's not like I hate it. Anyways here are some screenshots I took :D Also I can't figure out how to hide the UI. In TS2 and 3 you just pressed F10 but it doesn't work in TS4. If anyone finds it I'd be really grateful :D
    Helen broke the fridge :D
    This is meant to be showing my face in the corner, because it really looks like me :D
    At least Sonja's facial expressions are still quite lively
    This is showing a (albeit faint) line between my sim's head and neck. Tut tut :P
    This is Milly telling me to get a better graphics card already :P
    This is me missing my best friend :(
    I actually really like the jogging in TS4, I think it's very well animated though their jogs are very short
    And finally, just sisters :D

    I kind of agree with you, but I do have fun with it. You just have to lower your expectations. I really like the emotions system, and when my son bought it, I was undecided if I was going to keep it or return it, but after I started playing, I decided if I take things slow, I think the fun can go on. I am not going to try to do everything in one month lol. Anyhow I also felt although in some ways the game is lacking, this is a firm foundation with a lot of potential. Sims 2 had the same format and once the eps came out, it really made the game one of the best in the series. I know that saying that it has potential doesn't mean it will materialize after all this is EA, but I am going to see how it goes. If the eps don't add to the game I just will stop buying them.

    That first pic is funny. She looks like holy bleep did someone just catch me breaking the fridge. It is ok Helen if you fix it. lol

    Wow your simself is pretty. That means you pretty in real life as well. Lucky you.

    Ikr sims know that you playing them, and they like us want to look good lol. Tell her at least your computer runs the game so she can exist lol

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    Munchy wrote: »
    Great pictures, @brishty ! I wish I could run TS4 on my mac! D:<br />
    <br />
    I came on just to share something funny that literally just happened.<br />
    <br />
    In my game, I had one of those folded-up beds. My couple sims were asleep in it and suddenly my female sim teleported to the middle of the room and the bed was folded up with my male sim still in it?! I could see 'Zzzzs' coming out; my male sim was still sleeping in it!<br />
    <br />
    I tried to pause the game to take a picture but because it was fast-forwarded, I totally missed it! <br />
    <br />
    I thought that was absolutely hilarious and wondered if this happened to anyone else?<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    [EDIT]:<br />
    <br />
    Oh, oh! I know why it happened! I tried to make my cat sleep on the bed with both my sims, again. And the bug happened, again.

    Well kill the cat so they can't sleep on the bed making it close up. lol j/k

    That was funny.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    IreneSwift wrote: »
    I haven't played the Morgans since Wednesday. Their game is complex enough that I can't bring myself to play them unless I have a large enough block of time to be fully focused, and that just hasn't happened since Wednesday. But I got an idea from a post in the general discussion, in yet another topic where someone asked if anybody was still going to keep playing Sims 3. The poster said that she had started a sim who is going to live in every EA world she has, and have different goals in each one. I really liked that idea, and decided to do that myself.

    So, I made myself a single, young adult female sim, using randomize until CAS came up with one I liked. I also randomized her traits, though I did change some of them. Since she will be working at many different careers and perfecting many skills, as much as possible, ones that I have not made much use of, I wanted traits that wouldn't be specific to any particular skill or job. So I randomized, then changed some of her traits. I also randomized her favorites. So, she is brave, irresistible, good, friendly, and neat. Her favorites are French music, veggie burgers, and red.

    I decided that I wanted her to live in Tish Cottage in Riverview, and her first career is as a self-employed sculptor. The poster I got the idea from said she used young again potions to keep her sim alive, until she had enough points to get the Age Freeze LTR. But I decided to turn aging off for my sim, with an individual setting in NRaas Story Progession. The rest of the sims around her will age.

    She is going to stay single, as being married would complicate things too much, as far as moving her along to another town when she finishes her goals in one, but she may have boyfriends along the way. Being irresistible, she has been hit on by a lot of guys already. For that reason, I decided she is going to be my sim to play when I need to take a break and play for only a short time. I won't be sharing her day to day activities, but will share some of the highlights of her game.

    Here she is, Kristy Young:


    From Sunday through Friday, I have her make one sculpture each day, then she'll spend the rest of the day doing other things, preferably out in public, where she can meet other sims and work on other skills. She's met quite a few at the library, where she read books to learn charisma and logic. The first sim she introduced herself to was Sherman Bagley.


    Making a living as a sculptor isn't easy, at last not at first. So, when she was offered an opportunity to provide 3 wooden sculptures to the Good Citizen's Warehouse, she accepted. Although she would not knowingly give support of any kind to the town's criminal element, being new to town, it's reasonable to assume she doesn't yet know of the nature of the business they operate. And, this seemed like it could be her first big break.


    However, she got a pretty good idea of the character of this customer when she went there to deliver the sculptures. They insisted that she stay there and hollow them out for them, then when she had finished, they paid her only $286 for the sculptures, which were actually worth $862.

    Now in real life, if somebody was trying to cheat me like that, I would walk out, and take my merchandise with me. Since Kristy couldn't really do that, I instead quit without saving and did the day over. This time, I canceled the opportunity from her queue and had her take the sculptures to the consignment store. All three sold by the end of the day, for a total of $1,462. This also resulted in several promotions at once, bringing her to level 5 in her career, from level 2. She also got a $500 bonus.

    As usual, I'm following Kristy's wishes, as far as directing what she does each day, other than the basic things she needs to do whether she wishes for them or not. Here she is working on her first ice sculpture, which she wished to do as soon as the medium became available for her.


    Every now and then, I have Kristy take the university aptitude test. As soon as she is able to get a full scholarship, she is going to attend. So far, she hasn't even been offered a partial scholarship, which is no surprise, but her scores are improving, and she was offered 6 credits in fine arts the last time she took it. She is gaining skills in handiness, logic, charisma, and cooking, as well as sculpting. She has also started a personal blog, and posts once or twice each day. So far, she has 11 followers, and is at level 2 of the social networking skill.


    Saturday, Kristy took a much-deserved day off, and went to the summer festival. While there, she met enough sims to complete the celebrity skill challenge, which will make it easier for her to make friends. So far, she has no actual friends. But she gained one celebrity level after introducing herself to Constance Shelly, a one-star celebrity. She has met a few other celebrities since. While she's struggling to make ends meet, the discounts are nice, and when she moves to Bridgeport, she is going to go into the film career. So, she might as well get a start on the necessary celebrity now.

    IreneSwift wrote: »
    I haven't played the Morgans since Wednesday. Their game is complex enough that I can't bring myself to play them unless I have a large enough block of time to be fully focused, and that just hasn't happened since Wednesday. But I got an idea from a post in the general discussion, in yet another topic where someone asked if anybody was still going to keep playing Sims 3. The poster said that she had started a sim who is going to live in every EA world she has, and have different goals in each one. I really liked that idea, and decided to do that myself.

    So, I made myself a single, young adult female sim, using randomize until CAS came up with one I liked. I also randomized her traits, though I did change some of them. Since she will be working at many different careers and perfecting many skills, as much as possible, ones that I have not made much use of, I wanted traits that wouldn't be specific to any particular skill or job. So I randomized, then changed some of her traits. I also randomized her favorites. So, she is brave, irresistible, good, friendly, and neat. Her favorites are French music, veggie burgers, and red.

    I decided that I wanted her to live in Tish Cottage in Riverview, and her first career is as a self-employed sculptor. The poster I got the idea from said she used young again potions to keep her sim alive, until she had enough points to get the Age Freeze LTR. But I decided to turn aging off for my sim, with an individual setting in NRaas Story Progession. The rest of the sims around her will age.

    She is going to stay single, as being married would complicate things too much, as far as moving her along to another town when she finishes her goals in one, but she may have boyfriends along the way. Being irresistible, she has been hit on by a lot of guys already. For that reason, I decided she is going to be my sim to play when I need to take a break and play for only a short time. I won't be sharing her day to day activities, but will share some of the highlights of her game.

    Here she is, Kristy Young:


    From Sunday through Friday, I have her make one sculpture each day, then she'll spend the rest of the day doing other things, preferably out in public, where she can meet other sims and work on other skills. She's met quite a few at the library, where she read books to learn charisma and logic. The first sim she introduced herself to was Sherman Bagley.


    Making a living as a sculptor isn't easy, at last not at first. So, when she was offered an opportunity to provide 3 wooden sculptures to the Good Citizen's Warehouse, she accepted. Although she would not knowingly give support of any kind to the town's criminal element, being new to town, it's reasonable to assume she doesn't yet know of the nature of the business they operate. And, this seemed like it could be her first big break.


    However, she got a pretty good idea of the character of this customer when she went there to deliver the sculptures. They insisted that she stay there and hollow them out for them, then when she had finished, they paid her only $286 for the sculptures, which were actually worth $862.

    Now in real life, if somebody was trying to cheat me like that, I would walk out, and take my merchandise with me. Since Kristy couldn't really do that, I instead quit without saving and did the day over. This time, I canceled the opportunity from her queue and had her take the sculptures to the consignment store. All three sold by the end of the day, for a total of $1,462. This also resulted in several promotions at once, bringing her to level 5 in her career, from level 2. She also got a $500 bonus.

    As usual, I'm following Kristy's wishes, as far as directing what she does each day, other than the basic things she needs to do whether she wishes for them or not. Here she is working on her first ice sculpture, which she wished to do as soon as the medium became available for her.


    Every now and then, I have Kristy take the university aptitude test. As soon as she is able to get a full scholarship, she is going to attend. So far, she hasn't even been offered a partial scholarship, which is no surprise, but her scores are improving, and she was offered 6 credits in fine arts the last time she took it. She is gaining skills in handiness, logic, charisma, and cooking, as well as sculpting. She has also started a personal blog, and posts once or twice each day. So far, she has 11 followers, and is at level 2 of the social networking skill.


    Saturday, Kristy took a much-deserved day off, and went to the summer festival. While there, she met enough sims to complete the celebrity skill challenge, which will make it easier for her to make friends. So far, she has no actual friends. But she gained one celebrity level after introducing herself to Constance Shelly, a one-star celebrity. She has met a few other celebrities since. While she's struggling to make ends meet, the discounts are nice, and when she moves to Bridgeport, she is going to go into the film career. So, she might as well get a start on the necessary celebrity now.


    I love Kristy's looks. She has an exotic look about her with her eyes slanting slightly and her darker skin.

    I think this game is a fun challenge so far. Following her wishes is a good idea, as sometimes our sims throw us a loop lol.

    I love to see the sims sculpt and what they come up with.

    Good for her "walking" out on those sheisters who wanted to cheat her. I found it funny the numbers 862 was flipped to 286 . It seems they know the true value of those sculptures. Shame on them lol. She definitely did the right thing. Well at least she has their number now and will never do anything for them again.

    Wow I can't believe selling those sculptures not only netted her that amount of money but gave her a huge boost in her career. I was like whoa!

    I can't wait to see her experiences at university. If she keeps working on those skills she will get a scholarship in no time.

    You go girl. You have looks, skills, and now a small social following as well as being a celebrity. She is going places. Seeing her in Bridgeport will really be a neat experience as that is a totally different feel from any other world, and to see her in the film career which I never played lol, sounds like it would be exciting.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    Celiria wrote: »
    Kaley Green update in a second but first a side note. I love wordpress. I just was just uploading the pictures for this update and I realized I have over 800 sims images in my media library for the site but altogether I've only hit 3% of the data limit wordpress gave me :o I just find that amazing and ridiculous.

    Okay now that that randomness is out of the way it is time for more


    I swear every time I post that image it goes through my head in the over dramatic movie announcer voice :P

    So here we go Day 2

    When we last left our verdant haired heroine she had enjoyed an afternoon with her new friend Kamryn Jaramillo but had come home angry thanks to the evil and horrible Patrice Rizzo.


    So hoping to sleep off some of that stress she went to bed. But in the morning when she woke up she was still irritable from the night before, which meant it was time for drastic measures. The ultimate way to relieve stress....


    BUBBLES!!!!!!!! (also convenient censorship ftw :P )


    After her bath, Kaley enjoyed a quick bowl of yogurt while considering what to do for the day. She was feeling playful so I figured she should get out of the house and go somewhere in town. She also had a whim to go see the art museum and she wanted to chat with Tina Wilkerson (the older woman she'd chatted with by the river the day before). So I was thinking of having her call Tina on the phone and then hitting the art museum to try and meet some new people when...


    ....a familiar face shows up at the front door.


    Kaley was happy to see her friend, especially since they had a great time the previous afternoon hanging out. It also turned out that not only had Kamryn come over to visit...


    she was also feeling flirty.

    and if any of you have doubts about whether she is attracted to Kayley or not....


    .... I present exhibit A

    Talking about Kaley while feeling flirty.... I rest my case :P

    On a side note @Colorist40 I mentioned to you yesterday that I was planning to keep to my rules and not start any romance until either Kaley or Kamryn showed some sign of romantic interest. I would say this is a big sign of romantic interest, a giant flashing neon arrow shaped sign pointing straight at Kamryn with the words "SHE LIKES YOU KALEY!" across it :P with a bunch of dancers tapping around it occasionally gesturing at it, and nasa reporting they can see it from space.... okay I'll stop.


    So, sorry to Tina Wilkerson but Kaley won't be calling you today. When a pretty girl shows up on your doorstep blatantly interested in you, it has tendency to change your plans just a touch. So since she wanted to go to the art museum anyway, and Kamryn is flirting with her, and Kamryn is also an art lover I had Kaley ask Kamryn on a date to the museum (I realize this seems ridiculously convenient but I swear I am not setting this up, this literally just happened by complete coincidence).


    So, they're off to see the museum... the wonderful museum of Willow Creek. Props to anyone who understands this likely poorly executed reference :P


    Once they got to the museum Kamryn was quick to make it clear that she was more interested in Kaley than the art. Seriously this girl is in the wrong save, just imagine how Steph would react in Kaley's position :P

    But despite Kamryn's forward attitude Kaley seemed to want to take things slow, more accurately she seemed to be acting adorably nervous the entire time.


    Kaley tried to sit down and admire the art in the museum but Kamryn was determined. Seriously Steph would be so jealous of Kaley right now.


    Kamryn finally got Kaley's attention completely focused on her but Kaley was still really nervous. To explain slightly, I wanted Kaley to flirt back a bit but I've been sticking mostly to interactions that appear in the games contextual list (when you click on another sim the game initially gives a set of interactions that contextually based on whims, emotions and the scenario that your sim might want to do right now, you can then select more choices and get the normal friendly/romance/etc menues) but despite the fact that Kaley was feeling flirty and was clearly attracted to Kamryn no romance options were appearing in the contextual wheel which made her come across as though she was nervous as she tried to keep looking at the art. I can't properly describe how hilariously cute it was :D


    And the nervousness continued. The date goals list had been filling fairly well thanks to Kamryn's flirts, and the continued socializing as Kaley kept talking nervously about other subjects and the art on display. A new goal appeared on the date list, kiss your date, but much to my annoyance Kaley's nervousness continued and the kiss option wouldn't appear on the context menu, and it was getting late so Kaley was running out of time to .

    So the game was telling her to kiss Kamryn, I wanted her to kiss Kamryn, the timing was telling her to kiss Kamryn, Kamryn wanted her to kiss Kamryn, and you darn well know Steph would be yelling at her to kiss Kamryn.

    But Kaley's nervousness was winning out.



    I intervened....

    Yes, yes I know I shouldn't have but I couldn't take it any longer. I briefly added Kamryn to the household and made her take charge since Kaley was too nervous to make the move herself.


    After that, Kaley loosened up a little and the two officially became a couple.


    Easily my favorite sim picture I've ever taken. I realize I keep saying that but I absolutely love this picture.

    At that point it was getting late so Kaley headed home.


    A nice goodbye kiss (you know for someone who was so nervous about it, she certainly took to it fast :P )

    Or not, Kamryn didn't want to leave yet so since Kaley was hungry so I decided to have her make some salad for the two of them.


    But of course Kamryn had other ideas.


    Lot's of other ideas.

    You can probably guess where this is going.


    And the salad got left abandoned and forgotten.

    And that's it for Day 2.

    What will happen next?

    Will Kaley and Kamryn let me take the rest of the relationship slow or are they going to rush into marriage as well?

    Will the salad ever get eaten?

    Will Kamryn even let Kaley out of bed in the morning? (I really hope so because Kaley has her first day of work the next day :P )

    Find out next time on


    I realize I said I was going to try to keep this slow and realistic but darn, Kamryn just wouldn't let me. And I swear I did not set this up in the slightest. I realize how ridiculously coincidental all of this seems but the only meddeling I did was that one passionate kiss from Kamryn. The rest was the game, Kamryn showing up flirty, Kaley acting nervous, even Kamryn not wanting to leave was the game (I had Kaley say goodbye but Kamryn just decided to stay on the lot). Then I thought well that's okay, we'll have her stay the night and it won't go further than that, but then Kamryn walked up while Kaley was making dinner and blew a kiss, and then Kaley got the whim to want to woohoo.... and at that point I just gave up and said fine :P

    Easily one of my favorite sim experiences ever, and the most adorable couple I've had since Ruby and Alyssa.

    Hope everyone enjoyed the update, and happy simming.

    You so silly lol. I get it. It is ok she is attracted to her without your making her be lol. That is cute. And it is ok you cheated and had them kiss as it took away the suspense lol. After all it is your game and if you want to continue to manipulate that is your prerogative lol. I just like to give you a hard time lol. Someone's gotta pick at you some lol. smiley-bounce014.gif

    Well I have a feeling that the salad will be eaten but with green funk coming out of it lol.

    I love the autonomy of our sims.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,103 Member
    Celiria wrote: »
    I would like to apologize to everyone, in my previous statements regarding the sims 4's graphics I appear to have unintentionally lied.

    I said that the graphics weren't very good even on high. I am not sure why but for some reason even when I set my game on high it didn't render it as it was fully capable, maybe this is due to my laptop but either way it has come to my attention what the actual top level graphics for the game can look like so I wanted to correct my error. Below is a link to a topic where someone posted some top level graphic images.

    That link takes us to the old play and share thread we had closed.

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