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    fruhurricanefruhurricane Posts: 2,204 Member
    edited January 2013

    Totally agree there wicki! I've played a bit without sound now tonight because we plugged the old speakers in to the iPad and created a "stereo" that way. I kind of like it because it's slim and somewhat portable. :) I realized Sims isn't too fun without sounds, though, so I just hit Save & Exit. Think I'll cuddle down with my man and watch a film instead.

    I hope you all had a good start to the new year.
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited January 2013
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    annasommerannasommer Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited January 2013
    I guess I should not have complained about 7 pages last time *sigh*

    Ok- firstly, Happy New Year everyone! :mrgreen:

    I tried to catch up on all new chapters and to comment on everything I could dig up, but it was a lot - so please don´t feel neglected if I missed out on some updates, please :oops:

    @ Megan
    I tried the link to your new story forum, but it´s still empty?!

    @ Garrat
    Jonah is really growing to me, I´d love to see him move on... as for your son, can you transfer him into another kindy group if ther should be trouble with that woman?

    @ Nay
    I wish I had a neighbour like you. Obviously you do on hell of job when it comes to scaring of weirdos :thumbup:

    @ Sharon
    The last few days I was woken by a four year old, and today some idiot sent a text message to our landline... in other words, right now I have NO idea what I was dreaming about. But I remember experiencing that bit about being able to change a dream while dreaming, it´s a very weird thing to wake up to afterwards :?

    @ Zephyr
    Thank you for asking, but no. I think the problem is the language combined with my being not very technical- if I would really take the time to maybe printout your screenshots and work trough your explanations step by step, it would most likely work :wink:

    @ Mercedes
    Welcome! Sorry to read about your foot- I hope you found the link- list Silver put into the first post of this thread in the meantime?

    @ Wicki
    I am glad to read your Dad is feeling better now. And I don´t envy you being the most caring child in the family, either *hugz*

    @ Blackrose
    I think it´s good that your bf finally realized that shoving you into peoples faces will not help much with the first homesickness :lol:
    But hey, take a look on the bright side. All his friends want to friend you- you will settle in in no time :wink:

    @ Poison
    Welcome! :D

    @ Silver
    Hm, that Challenge sounds interesting... hehehe, another thing I could try out after my planned cleanout *rubshands*

    @ Mypal
    Guess who gifted me the socks? My mother in law! After fighting off jumpers, blouses and whatnot for several years, we agreed that one can never have enough socks :lol:
    That rubber plug was a present by a collegue. Somehow the plugs at work get missing all the time.... yes, actually someone steals rubber plugs, how sick is that?!? Anyway, we need them for the washing of dishes. Mine was stolen about two weeks before Christmas, so he bought me a new one :mrgreen:

    @ Lala
    16°C is consideres chilly here in the North of Germany, but not cold. Blazer yes, Jacket no, so to speak :lol:

    Ok, I hope I did not miss anybody- if so, just punch me to let me know, ok? :wink:
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    annasommerannasommer Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited January 2013
    Um, Garrat? This might be something for you... if you can´t get rid of the aliens, why not use them?
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    AnonymousMissAnonymousMiss Posts: 1,482 Member
    edited January 2013
    @Lala: 60 can be cold without a jacket, but in Iowa, it's nothing! It's zero degrees outside right now, so once it hits sixty, it's shorts and t-shirt weather. :-)

    @Zephyr: I'm alright with a little more detail. I like racy. :-)

    @Pals: A Christmas pregnancy announcement? I think yes! That would be the greatest, most hilarious Christmas gift ever. In theory, of course, probably not in practice. I read the summaries of part one and two of A Moment In Time, and am transitioning from the end of part two to part three... Man! It really makes me think. I left you an in depth comment on your blog, but I'm wondering, are there any functional relationships, let alone people, in their town? Gabriella and Nate sure live in dysfunction junction.

    Well, my first day back was remarkably easy. I should be reading Macbeth and studying for finals, but eh. I'd rather hang out here, answer comments, and Sim. If school stays this easy, I'll definitely be posting more chapters this month. :mrgreen:


    Aren't pandas so cute?? I just thought I'd share this. (:
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    GarratGarrat Posts: 758 Member
    edited January 2013
    annasommer wrote:
    @ Garrat
    Jonah is really growing to me, I´d love to see him move on... as for your son, can you transfer him into another kindy group if ther should be trouble with that woman?
    I'm glad he's growing on you. He's getting there, I think Isaac has actually done him a favour even though he didn't mean too. :)
    With Logan I'm just going to wait and see. Some kids where moved around last year in my daughter's year so it is posssible but I'll see how he copes first. I'm at the school fairly often helping with the cooking classes/reading so at least I'll be able to voice any concerns with his teacher. He's just so excited that he's going to big school I'd like him to feel the same at the end of the year as well. :)
    annasommer wrote:
    Um, Garrat? This might be something for you... if you can´t get rid of the aliens, why not use them?
    Hmm, interesting. Might have to try it. Although I've only had one sim get pregnant and that was Jonah in my seasons test. :lol: I'm hoping one of my other saves has an alien pregnancy so I can actually use it. :D
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited January 2013
    @ anna - LMBO at the socks still. Yes, I suppose one cannot have too many socks. My mother would get me the ankle ones I just know it since I hate those. Poor Mom. Four girls is a lot to keep up with. (ick, ended a sentence in a preposition.)
    I don't wanna know why people would be stealing plugs.... :lol: scary.

    @ anon - oh boy, Elena would freak out. It might be a dangerous thing to do since she's preggers herself. New mom and grandma all at once! ack!
    'Dysfunction junction' LOL! Yeah, their relationship never can stay stable for very long. I actually hate that I did that, but that's how the story goes. Right from the start there's always something in their way. Still, the love is there. Thanks for the comment! I'll go have a look-see in a min.
    Ugh, MacBeth... one of the plays I actually can't stand. I just don't get the fatalism ... hm... lol.
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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
    @Anna, I try my best to scare the weirdos... everyone else LOL I haven't seen him since that one day. Maybe he's hiding somewhere.

    My New Years was okay, probably could be better if I knew more people at the party. I wasn't really interested in getting to know the ones there. They were strange, so I had my sis come out and join me. The party didn't have such a good turn out because it was cold and there was a tiny bit of snow. :roll: It's Kansas, idiot.. you should be use to this! :roll: They probably sat at home to moan and cry about it. No one cares. LOL. This is my first pic of the year.


    Apparently I thought this cat needed a drink LOL. She liked me and wouldn't leave me alone while I was at the party. Every time I sat down, she jumped in my lap. She wouldn't do that to anyone else.
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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    edited January 2013
    Good evening everyone. Hope you all had a great day. Now that the holiday season is over I have tried to get back to work on my stories. Kiss went un-updated for the first time ever. :( So I really really need to write the next chapter and get that done. However I spent the day finalizing the wedding venue for Dorian's wedding in Fiendish. I thought using a pre-made house and remodeling would be easy but ha joke was on me. I got it done so only 2 more sets then I can start shooting that chapter.

    I have tons of pictures for Bethany I took while playing. I need to go and write up to match them so you all can see how the family is doing.

    Anon--glad your first day back was easy. Maybe this will be a breeze of a semester.

    Switch--aww sorry you aren't feeling well and have been swamped. Hope you feel better soon and glad you got some inspiration for writing. Send some my way please so I can get Kiss done.

    Wicki--I don't blame you for using the same design. I like the house you made for Jenni.

    Mypal--we are snakes together :D Awesome. The hubby's year was last year--Year of the Dragon. He got a tattoo of a dragon to celebrate. No I am not getting a snake tattoo. :wink:

    Nay--aww sorry Liam got taken again. I guess they will keep coming back for those taken before although so far they have left Bethany alone. I will be downloading that mod that JB gave a few pages back because if those freaking aliens mess up my game while I'm trying to get shots for my story I will be ticked! :x

    I really think I need to set aside a reading day so I can catch up on the stories here. I got two down but have so many to go still. :( I see you all talking about the different ones and feel so lost.

    Any-hoo I will be lurking for a bit the next few days as I try to get back in the swing of working on my stories.


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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013
    @Sharona: I think him being an author would work best, yeah. Now how to shut down the heist... *strokes beard mischievously* Dang, you must be a heavy sleeper! I dunno how you can sleep with the whole bottom floor being torn out. I suppose having a cute kitty to sleep by must help. :-) Your mom needs some tea, pronto! It takes any situation from high pressure to pensive, no joke.

    Woah, I ended up breaking 4000 views today, too! A special seems like way too much work, though. Maybe if I ever hit 10,000, maybe.

    Well guys, tonight's the last day of my winter break. I'm going to be swamped and super sparse for all of January, sigh. Goooo high school. I really really hope I can snag some spare hours to write and catch up, but if not, I hope you guys have a great rest of the month!

    Hah no it wasn't the whole bottom floor.. I guess I didn't quite explain. It was two floors below me and they had to replace two water heaters and also remove some flooring around the toilets to get at pipes to find the blockage. But there were men coming and going and mom on the phone and Josie my cat meowing from stress and such (while the Little One cuddles into me) <3. So not a lot of racket but still activity. But yes I am a Heavy Sleeper. Maybe that's why I dream. :P

    Mom has been drinking a lot more tea! She admitted that! LOL. To reduce her stress.

    AWESOME! Congrats on your 4000 views too. It's a nice feeling that people are enjoying all your hard work, isn't it? Make it seem worth it. I would love to do video specials and such, but I spend enough time at this as it is. :P

    Aww too bad you are back to the grind. I haven't read your update yet but I'll read later in bed likely. Gotta get some accounting done now. (yuck) Pop in when you can pls!
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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
    As I mention before Liam was abducted AGAIN.. So I made these to poke fun at it.. I'll never get to work on pics for chapter 15 for Party Montigo because of Liam.. I was about to move him out then he goes running outside :x After this baby, I'm kicking him out fast and add him back when I'm actually ready for him :?




























    Then after Rosette and Liam stop fighting, they got out of character. It was kinda cute lol


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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013
    I got a bonus chapter up for Vandeen's young adult birthday, here:

    Bonus Shots! More of Van's Birthday

    I'll catch up on today's posts from this thread later this evening after I rest my arms a bit. :p
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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    edited January 2013
    @Nay: LOL, I always love the captions you put on your pics. You're so funny! And I loved that pic of the cute kitty! I attract animals like crazy. Stray cats, stray dogs, chipmunks, squirrels, pretty much any mammal that is furry likes to be around me. That doesn't bother me in the least! I'm a huge animal lover and so are my parents. I've grown up around animals all my life so being glomped by animals on a daily basis doesn't annoy me.

    Well, I start school in about two weeks. I'm very optimistic about this semester! I've had this prof. before and he is amazing. He's so kind and funny, and he doesn't judge you or grade hard. He gives you kind constructive criticism, not the harsh kind that makes you tear up. I've had professors like that and I just loathe them. This guy is one awesome man and I cannot wait to be in his class again! If only ALL my future profs were like him! And I loove the fact that he feels so relaxed and wants us to be relaxed that he wears jeans and a baseball cap to class. He's so cool! He and I still talk in the halls if we run into each other. He really liked my work and was always making my work an example for all my other classmates to follow. :oops: I hate the attention being put on me, but I will admit that it did feel good to be noticed by a teacher. Usually, professors get so focused on teaching and singling out certain students that are suck-ups that they don't notice the smart, eager to please kind of students like me that really are the talented ones. This professor isn't like that. He sees perfection in all his students and is always there to lend a helping hand.
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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013
    Sneak preview pic of next chapter - Van is about to flirt with Kia! ;)

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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
    I'm glad you liked it. My bro had a good laugh it lol. At least of mine non occult males was taken this time. I rather it would of been Max or Finn.
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    ZephyrGirlSimZephyrGirlSim Posts: 475 New Member
    edited January 2013
    Jazen- I went back and reread the last chapter of Kiss. I think I may be having withdrawl... but no pressure.
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    ZephyrGirlSimZephyrGirlSim Posts: 475 New Member
    edited January 2013
    Okay, in an effort to catch up in Whisper I'm accelerating the releases a little. I can't really keeping playing ahead since you all get to do some voting occasionally, and therefore I'm stuck until I can get you caught up.

    Here is Update 2.6 for you. Enjoy!
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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
    While Zinnia and Rosette were off in Twinbrook having more kids with Liam. They missed their daughters' birthdays. They wouldn't had cared anyways lol The girls were 12 before they left.




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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013
    This is for Anony.. if she comes back before heading head-long into school again.

    Van is looking mighty good in his new skin. 8)


    Caught him in a cute half-smile. :wink:<3


    I am uploading Van's new file as YA if you wanna upload that. He's got the new Eccentric trait and dark suit, different tighty-whiteys and athletic outfit. The CC hair is attached if you wanna strip that out before installing, since you have it. And he is now using the Buffy skin which makes his body (AKA the n.ips) look much better than the Praline.
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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
    I already have him aged in my file for Broken tho. My default skin makes all the guys look buff already :p


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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013
    Oh god...Van can't be that buff. :shock: It would totally ruin his geekiness.

    However the slider setting on this Buffy/Joedy skin makes him a little too dark I just realized. He shouldn't be tan either. He hates the outdoors. :)Dang and I already uploaded him. :(
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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    edited January 2013
    So last night I decided I wanted to make a pond my sims can skate on in Hidden Springs (even if my skating interactions aren't working right.) I finally after several hours over the last couple days, put the pond in about half an hour ago. I just planned on a very simple pond....

    it's still not quite done... I have a few things to tweak and I think I wanted to add something, but I forget what.

    I also should be being good and keeping my wrist bandaged up since I've messed it up somehow, and can't even carry my dang groceries or do my job without misery... but... it's too hard to play sims that way (I always manage to mash the wrong keys with my bandage or something and make my computer do weird things :lol: )... at least playing sims is one of the few things that doesn't really hurt anyway. Right now it does, but that 'cause I've been at it so long tonight (I wasn't planning on it... it just suddenly was like 2am. :oops: )... but I'm packing it in now anyway. Tomorrow I'll have to have timed sessions or something. :x Gah, anyway.

    Hopefully tomorrow I'll get to reading a bit around here too, I meant to do that tonight too.... :oops: Hope everybody is having a fabulous start to 2013. :mrgreen:
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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
    Oh god...Van can't be that buff. :shock: It would totally ruin his geekiness.

    However the slider setting on this Buffy/Joedy skin makes him a little too dark I just realized. He shouldn't be tan either. He hates the outdoors. :)Dang and I already uploaded him. :(

    He's fine as long he isn't set on max. GL is set on max.. all my guys are set on max.
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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    edited January 2013
    Jazen- I went back and reread the last chapter of Kiss. I think I may be having withdrawl... but no pressure.

    :oops: I know I know. I am soooo sorry. I am trying to get back on track. :oops: Now that the kids are gone back to school I'll have my days of quiet so that I can think without interruptions.

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