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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    edited January 2013
    Sharona that word thingy is also a part of the settings. It's a pain so I have mine turned off. I've only ever gotten spam comments once so I have no worry about people being robots. :)

    Wicki, I'm hoping it will be an ending no one will expect. :? I went through a few different options before settling on one I was happy with.

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    ArrowleafArrowleaf Posts: 3,871 Member
    edited January 2013
    Happy New Years Everyone!
    Hope everyone had fun last night and that 2013 will be awesome for us all! ^_^
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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013
    @Sharona: I'm sorry, oh my. I haven't checked up on it in a while.. :oops: His traits are technophobe, genius, grumpy, brooding, I don't remember off the top of my head. Oh dear. He wants to be a master alchemist, but I'm thinking of switching it to professional author soon.

    Congrats on 4000 views!! BUT GET TO SLEEP! Also I'ma check out Van when I finish this quick assignment!

    And on top of the worldwide good news, a new Belue chapter should be up today! :-) I'm playing around with styles and trying to hop back into the Sims 2 groove, so I'd love some feedback on that. Gracias!

    Oh no worries about The Supers. It'll still be there. ;)

    Hmm are you going to make Young Watson a writer and have him write all kinds of crazy stories? He did write some good stuff already!
    Thanks RE my views! Don't expect any kind of views special or anything. I'm too lazy for that.. haha :lol:
    And I did get lots of sleep. Amazingly though, because we are having major sewer and water problems here at the house. Three apartments below have had sewer backups and since Saturday the place (downstairs, poor tenants) has been practically torn apart and today they also had to replace two hot water tanks which broke as a result of the work! Yes on New Years Day! :evil: My mother is dealing with it, thankfully, but she is stressing major about it, poor dear. Willow and I slept right through til about 3 pm today. :P :oops:

    Looking forward to a new Belues chapter!
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    poisonthemonkeypoisonthemonkey Posts: 86
    edited January 2013
    Happy new years everyone! :)

    : She looks like she is already a little regal and snobby, haha! So cute!
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited January 2013
    Happy New Year everyone! I was asked about a sims-related new year's resolution and I'm really going to put forth a serious effort into reading more. I read stories one-at-a-time, and I plan to get to everyone's :)

    I gave up catching up while I was out of town. Apparently, my tablet hates this thread. Idk, maybe the pics? So, I'm catching up now. :)

    @ anna - um, a rubber plug for Christmas? :shock: and socks, sounds like something my mom would get me. Socks and underwear every year. I begged for no more underwear from her. So, instead, GC to Victoria's Secret. >:)

    @ Nay - lmao, but nothing new there. I hate people taking pics of houses. They're CREEPY!!!!!! I've chewed people out before, but throwing the rock is much better. and fat, preggers Liam. omg lmao!

    @ mercedes - holy crap, you broke your foot?!?!?! Ow. Well, that IS a good excuse to just sit and play sims all the time. No one will expect you to vacuum and stuff.

    @ jb YAY! YAY! YAY! a Liam update!!! *disappears to read* LMAO! Never a dull moment in that crazy house.

    @ anon - yay for seasons!

    @ Silver - thanks for adding the link :)

    @ jazen - I comment on wordpress using my fb acct profile

    I'll admit to only skimming. Hubs is upstairs grilling and I'm starving. I love a man that can cook! 8)
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    AnonymousMissAnonymousMiss Posts: 1,482 Member
    edited January 2013

    “Watch where you’re grabbing!” cried Young Watson. “I just told you that I’m a man-you don’t need to check!”

    “Oooh!” squealed Julia. Her eyes widened. “You’ll do just fine!”

    Young Watson was not used to being handled while standing, and to regain his bruised pride, pushed the fairy away. Her eyes narrowed and her lips pursed. “Did you just tell me no?” she hissed.

    4-4: Fairy Tail

    Enjoy! :mrgreen:
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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
    I commented this on the other thread:
    Hahahahah FAT LIAM!!! :lol: Rosette looks terribly traumatized by it. Whaaat? I've never seen anyone hide under a couch from a fairy. Poor Liam. Tee hee he's such a wuss. Ghetto Life loved it I'm sure. He's ghetto like that.
    Loved the animated gif of fat Liam too.
    Is Aya's mother's name Venexia by any chance?
    Happy last week in your 20's. :) I really enjoyed my 20's, but the 30's seem to be more emotionally secure. :lol: Enjoyed the pics about your birthday. :lol:

    Glitter Bug was chasing him with a blood stained 10 in blade... OF COURSE Liam is going to run for his life LOL. Glitter Bug is going to be far worse than her mom Rosette. Ghetto Life is ironic, he's nothing like his name. He's actually, proper, polite, well spoken and educated. Can't say the same about his twin Glitter Bug. Fat Liam was fun.. I miss fat Liam and Rosette freaking out every time he waddle into the room LOL After he had Aya, Rosette stop freaking out whenever he was in the room. I'm like, "Seriously?" :x LOL I'm giving hell for this week :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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    ZephyrGirlSimZephyrGirlSim Posts: 475 New Member
    edited January 2013
    wickichick wrote:
    Zeph: I read the chronicles and it was sad, but so often how it turns out for people who have regretable acts in the past...had she known of this history back in the day given a bit at a time, things may have went differently...but then in RL people often hide things out of fear of retribution/being judged.

    Thank you for reading. I hope that you are still looking forward to the chapters when they are released. Cassandra does not react well to change, especially when she feels like she doesn't have any of the control or the choice of how she wants to deal with it. She gets a little irrational in an attempt to steer her own course.
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    ZephyrGirlSimZephyrGirlSim Posts: 475 New Member
    edited January 2013
    Well it is a Tuesday; another update from Viola is ready if you click on the banner.

    The latest update comes just a day after the Goth Chronicles Chapter 21 (linked just in case you missed it before).

    It isn't very often that I seek out critiques of my work, however I would like your opinions before I get to writing chapter 23. If you read chapter 21, can you tell me if you felt that it was too racy to the point of detracting from the story or if you felt it was just fine or maybe in between? I rewrote that three times to tone it down and I would like to know what readers think before I tackle 23. It will give me a good place to start.
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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    edited January 2013
    Well, I had a total blast today with my best friend at the mall! We stopped at Barnes and Noble first and I bought two manga; the first is the ninth volume in a series that my best friend and I both love, and the second is a new series I'm starting, which sounds like it's going to be really good! My friend wasn't that interested in it, but that's okay. We don't always have to like the same things one of us likes. Anyways, then we went to this cool little Asian store that sells all sorts of Asian items like jade dragons, key chains, incense, statues of Buddha, Oriental fans (my friend bought two today; they're really pretty!) and lots of other cool stuff. Then we went to MY favorite store, where I bought some incense and a key chain with a pure jade stone on it. I, unfortunately, now only have like $3.00 left on my gift certificate to that shop that I got for Christmas. Their stuff can be either really affordable, or, like the awesome fairy incense burner that I saw there that I liked, it can be really pricy. I tend to stay away from the pricy stuff even though, naturally, that's the stuff that I really want lol. There's this beautiful bronze statue of Christ being taken off the cross by Mary Magdalene and a few other disciples, which I find absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking, and then there's this other beautiful statue of St. Michael the Archangel. I REALLY want that statue. It would really help me feel safe when the shadow people come around!
    Buuut, aside from my awesome day, my friend and I came back to my house and watched Darby age up! He's so cute! He's my favorite of the children, but Oriana and Ardan have another baby on the way so there may be competition for my affection ha ha. Anyways, here's Darby:

    Happy New Year's, everyone! As I read one of you saying in another post, it's the Year of the Snake. Dang. I was hoping it would be Year of the Dragon, which is my year!

    @mypal: I'm hoping someday I'll marry a guy that can REALLY cook because I certainly can't! But my dad is an awesome cook. When my mom gets home from work sometimes and she's really drained, my dad will cook for her and it's really delicious and sweet. He's an AMAZING griller and makes the best hamburgers and steaks on the grill. It's way too cold to grill now. He'd be ankle deep in snow if he tried to grill this time of the year! Also, my dad makes a mean Italian meal! He may be mostly German and Swiss (He's either half-German or full blood German. Either way, I grew up with him saying a few choice words in German and also some helpful phrases so I did well in my high school German class thanks to him) but his Italian food is to die for!
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2013
    Faye: Your family is always cute and sweet...I think that may be because you are!

    Fruh: I love Goth Chronicles, your story is without a doubt one of my favorites! Your story always presents a lifelike growth within the characters and a very realistic human factor, which I very much enjoy...I very much believe this thread showcases some of the most talented writers and incrediable reads of the entire stories/legacy forum...if simmers only knew what a real jem this thread offers.

    Anon: read and very much enjoyed.

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    GarratGarrat Posts: 758 Member
    edited January 2013
    So I just found out who my son is getting for a kindergarten teacher when he starts school in about a month. I hope I am overreacting but ever since I heard that this particular teacher was teaching kindy this year I've been hoping that Logan doesn't get her. There's 5 1/2 kindy classes this year so I figured the chance was low. Guess not.

    She's been teaching 2 or 3rd grade for as long as I can remember and has never struck me as a kindergarten teacher. I went to school there as the same time as her it's been a while.

    Oh well...I might be wrong. She and Logan might get along wonderfully. Logan can be a little over the top enthusiastic, he's also very sensitive about some things. So I'm hoping she doesn't crush him.:(
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    AnonymousMissAnonymousMiss Posts: 1,482 Member
    edited January 2013
    @Sharona: I think him being an author would work best, yeah. Now how to shut down the heist... *strokes beard mischievously* Dang, you must be a heavy sleeper! I dunno how you can sleep with the whole bottom floor being torn out. I suppose having a cute kitty to sleep by must help. :-) Your mom needs some tea, pronto! It takes any situation from high pressure to pensive, no joke.

    Woah, I ended up breaking 4000 views today, too! A special seems like way too much work, though. Maybe if I ever hit 10,000, maybe.

    @Poison: I've been catching up on your blog, and I love it so far! It reminds me a little bit of one called Rated R for Language-I think you'd really like it. :-)

    @Pals: Huzzah indeed! I still haven't played any season but summer and the water balloons got my legacy heir stuck, but so far it's fun. :-) I'ma try to catch up on A Moment In Time. Is it okay if I read the summaries for the first two parts?

    @Zephyr: I read your chapter, and thought it was awesome. You didn't get too racy! I thought it was a nice balance between emotions and sexy, and you definitely didn't put in too much detail during the risque scene. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

    @Wicki: Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I might have to answer you in the morning or tomorrow evening-I'm riding on five hours of sleep and drifting off into Ny-Quil.

    @Garrat: Ooh, that's gotta be nervewracking. Hopefully she understands the differences between third graders and kindergardeners, and isn't too harsh on Logan!

    Well guys, tonight's the last day of my winter break. I'm going to be swamped and super sparse for all of January, sigh. Goooo high school. I really really hope I can snag some spare hours to write and catch up, but if not, I hope you guys have a great rest of the month!
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited January 2013
    So, I have a dumb question...

    My Sim just got a moodlet saying that she was a bit chilly from being outside. Um, okay. So I check the temperature. It's 16 degrees Celsius outside. According to Google, that's equal to 60.8 degrees Fahrenheit, for those of you who don't want to go google it :P

    Just wondering...where on earth is that considered cold? I mean, I know I live in Canada and all, but there's no way anyone can consider that cold...?
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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    edited January 2013
    @wicki: Aww, thanks!

    Well, Daimhin and Angwyn both aged up to Teens tonight and I must say, I am impressed by both of them! My hopes are still resting in Darby, but if he doesn't work out, then I'm pretty sure I'll feel confident in naming Angwyn my heir. First, here is Daimhin:


    And here is the newest member of the family, little Meadghbh (Mayv) which means, "Nimble". She's adorable!
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    GarratGarrat Posts: 758 Member
    edited January 2013
    So, I have a dumb question...

    My Sim just got a moodlet saying that she was a bit chilly from being outside. Um, okay. So I check the temperature. It's 16 degrees Celsius outside. According to Google, that's equal to 60.8 degrees Fahrenheit, for those of you who don't want to go google it :P

    Just wondering...where on earth is that considered cold? I mean, I know I live in Canada and all, but there's no way anyone can consider that cold...?
    16 celsius is the winter average high temperature where I live, our average low is about 8. It depends on what you are used to I guess, sometimes it seems cold to us but our houses are not always built for the colder temperatures. :P

    I have the same problem with the summer temps in the game. 35+ is normal here during the summer and it gets to over 40 degrees all the time and my sims are complaining when it hits 25. :? I think the highest ever recorded temperature here was 50 degrees celsius.
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    ZephyrGirlSimZephyrGirlSim Posts: 475 New Member
    edited January 2013
    So, I have a dumb question...

    My Sim just got a moodlet saying that she was a bit chilly from being outside. Um, okay. So I check the temperature. It's 16 degrees Celsius outside. According to Google, that's equal to 60.8 degrees Fahrenheit, for those of you who don't want to go google it :P

    Just wondering...where on earth is that considered cold? I mean, I know I live in Canada and all, but there's no way anyone can consider that cold...?

    When I lived in Guatemala for three weeks in July for a study abroad it was in the lower 70s F when I would leave in the morning. My house mom always asked if I needed a jacket before I left because she was concerned I would get too cold. She couldn't wrap her mind around the idea that some winters it gets to be -19 F so lower 70s is just never cold.
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    ArrowleafArrowleaf Posts: 3,871 Member
    edited January 2013
    So, I have a dumb question...

    My Sim just got a moodlet saying that she was a bit chilly from being outside. Um, okay. So I check the temperature. It's 16 degrees Celsius outside. According to Google, that's equal to 60.8 degrees Fahrenheit, for those of you who don't want to go google it :P

    Just wondering...where on earth is that considered cold? I mean, I know I live in Canada and all, but there's no way anyone can consider that cold...?

    Depends on where you are from, I guess.

    Like, 60 is 'chilly' in Florida - we wear jackets and such. Like, I could not go outside without a jacket for very long in about 60 degrees without complaining. However, I mean, I wouldn't die or anything. lol
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    ZephyrGirlSimZephyrGirlSim Posts: 475 New Member
    edited January 2013
    wickichick wrote:
    Fruh: I love Goth Chronicles, your story is without a doubt one of my favorites! Your story always presents a lifelike growth within the characters and a very realistic human factor, which I very much enjoy...I very much believe this thread showcases some of the most talented writers and incrediable reads of the entire stories/legacy forum...if simmers only knew what a real jem this thread offers.

    Okay, thank you. I'm happy to hear that you still enjoy it so very much. I just like to check in and make sure I haven't completely veered off course.
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    ZephyrGirlSimZephyrGirlSim Posts: 475 New Member
    edited January 2013
    @Zephyr: I read your chapter, and thought it was awesome. You didn't get too racy! I thought it was a nice balance between emotions and sexy, and you definitely didn't put in too much detail during the risque scene. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

    Well guys, tonight's the last day of my winter break. I'm going to be swamped and super sparse for all of January, sigh. Goooo high school. I really really hope I can snag some spare hours to write and catch up, but if not, I hope you guys have a great rest of the month!

    Thank you very much for offer your thoughts. It is good to know you were able to read the emotion behind obvious. So then my follow up questions is, do you think this is just right or would a little more detail be okay with you (assuming it is in context of the story and not just because)?

    Good luck with school this month!
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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
    Guess what....

    This happen..



    I can't work on a chapter without this happening :x They seem to only take the ones they've taken before and it's going in order. I guess Ghetto Life is next :roll: I want them to take MAX or FINN. Leave Liam alone!!!!!!
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    mypalsim1mypalsim1 Posts: 4,282 Member
    edited January 2013
    It's the year of the snake? Hm. 1977 is when I was born so hm, yeah I guess 12x3=36 so yeah I guess that makes sense.

    @ Faye - it's funny, but the first meal he cooked for me had red and green bell peppers in it, and I don't really like them. Well, I didn't then anyway. Now, they're okay. Still, he had no idea and I tried to force myself to eat it. ugh! I nearly gagged so many times. Then he kept burping it when we were making out omgosh ew! LMBO! sorry if that was tmi.
    But, he's a great cook. He made a cheesecake with those mini-chocolate chips for Christmas at my aunt's house. :) Last night it was one giant steak with the thing cooked in varying 'done-ness' throughout the thing. I like mine almost mooing.
    LOL about the 'learning a few choice phrases in German' thing.
    Great, now I want Italian for dinner tonight....

    @ anon - hehe, I still haven't played anything but Summer and Fall. I have a Monte Vista neighborhood where I'm TRYING to do free-play, and it's in the beginning of winter (I think?). But yeah, my stories are either in summer or fall. Oh! Nevermind. Queen of Denial made it into winter b/c I knew it would be ages before another update. LOL I'm debating if I should make Lee tell Elena (her boyfriend's mom and my avatar) that she's pregnant at Christmas? No? LOL.
    Oh, and about the summaries thing, SURE go ahead and just read the summaries for the first and second parts. That's why I wrote them, so that people could skip ahead :) . They're in-depth enough that you shouldn't miss anything important.

    About the temperature thing: LOL. To me, 60F is a little chilly, and I'll at least wear a flannel shirt over another shirt if not a jacket, but then again, I live in the Atlanta area so... yeah. Still, idk if I'd be actually complaining that it's COLD per se. /shrug.

    Those sims complain too much about cold/hot. STOP WHINING!!!!!

    oh noes! Poor Liam!!!! Now he'll get all fat again. :(
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    fruhurricanefruhurricane Posts: 2,204 Member
    edited January 2013
    Happy new year everyone!

    My 1st of januray kind of passed without being an actual day. Sigh. We hosted a new years eve party that was a success but then there was so much cleaning to do yesterday and I had a bad hangover.

    Back in business today, though! My fiance decided to buy new speakers for the computer tomorrow so I'm eager to try them out once they have arrived. :)
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2013

    I rebuilt a house for Emily and Tristan but I made the livingRoom and Kitchem almost a replica of Jenni and Tony's house..cuz I liked it and wasn't done enjoying it...LOL, I spent several hours yesterday getting things organized...when you have the day to do things you don't feel was a nice peaceful day.

    Morning Fruh: parties are fun and cleanup is not so speakers sound like fun!
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    switchfacexa1exswitchfacexa1ex Posts: 30
    edited January 2013
    Okay, let me just apologize for my absenteeism. I'm SORRY!!!

    I've been juggling a sick toddler and a hectic work schedule, plus now I'm getting sick, and on top of it all I've also been on a creative streak so I wanted to write up a bunch of chapters for my Hemlock Chronicles before I ran into anymore writers block or motivation-dips. Anyway, that's all updated. Now I want to update my Buenavista Diaries story, and I know exactly what's going to happen, but I need some CC first. I can't remember where I saw it, but I know someone on here had CC for a hospital bed and such in their stories. Can someone recommend where I could get that from a reputable site? A direct link would be great! Thank you in advance!

    Happy New Year!
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