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    Simmelina1Simmelina1 Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited January 2013
    or my thread for Max 100 baby challenge:

    <a href="; ><img src="; ></a>
    Max, Amanda & Emma have written a letter for you about their day.
    Max & Amanda became parents to baby David.
    Origin id: Simmelina
    The life of my sims. Elina & Don.

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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
    Liam confronts his attacker LOL



    Were blaming Borage for this :twisted:
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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013
    Welcome! Nice shot.. LOL.

    I commented this on the other thread:
    Hahahahah FAT LIAM!!! :lol: Rosette looks terribly traumatized by it. Whaaat? I've never seen anyone hide under a couch from a fairy. Poor Liam. Tee hee he's such a wuss. Ghetto Life loved it I'm sure. He's ghetto like that.
    Loved the animated gif of fat Liam too.
    Is Aya's mother's name Venexia by any chance?
    Happy last week in your 20's. :) I really enjoyed my 20's, but the 30's seem to be more emotionally secure. :lol: Enjoyed the pics about your birthday. :lol:

    Those pics work!

    Ahh I'm glad you're enjoying the Supers. Adairna is a witch actually, not a vamp. I'll likely finish organizing my CC first, then install Seasons sometime this month (Jan now :P).
    Hmmm sounds like you've got a bit of a dilemna with YW then. What's his traits and LTW again?

    Van just gets annoyed at a lot of things. LOL that's why we love him. :P Yes he is terribly excited to not have to study again. I LOVED the Commodore 64. It was the computer of our family growing up. We had so many games and floppy disks and pirated stuff and used to spend many many hours in the 'computer room' downstairs with friends and at parties. :D *geek* 8) I graduated '91 so we are about the same age :lol:

    Wow your dreams sound AWESOME!! like mine! hehehe. Yes you do seem to have a very creative mind. Some morning when you have nothing to do for a while, why don't you take out a notepad and pencil (or laptop) and write one of those cool dreams down. :) Do you ever consciously think in your dreams too? I am 'lucid' at times and am able to do or change things in my dream. One time I dreamed I got a glass from the cupboard and it was cracked. I opened the door to get another and at the same time thought 'oh no what if they are all cracked?' and sure enough they suddenly were all broken! My mind is creative and sometimes 'awake' when dreaming. :) Cool that you often fly in your dreams too!

    Whoa I love the first 2 pics with the red trees and hot air balloon. Gorgeous.
    "He obviously won the show." :lol:
    Creepy statue!

    I feel like I've been reading forums and posting and doing Sim stuff for the past 3-4 hours straight. I'm wiped, and only slept about 3 hours last night. :shock:

    But have one more thing to post....
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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013

    *click image*
    <a href=""><img src=""></a&gt;

    And tonight near midnight New Years Eve, The Party People reached 4000 views!!!

    Woo! That deserves a drunken table dance. :lol:

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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2013
    Happy New Year Everyone :mrgreen: May the beginning of 2013 be just the start of wonderful things coming your way! I can't think of a more deserving group than each and every one of you!
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2013
    Sharona: Have I accessed my wordpress account? Then it is part of the blog?....that is something my Grand-daughter was helping set up and she was showing me how to transfer the pics...from photobucket and I think we transfered them somewhere else first...maybe that is how they ended up as thumbnails....when it comes to that stuff I have no idea honestly.

    Congrats on 4000views and 280 comments...that does deserve a table dance

    Feel like it's been 4-5 hours? It probably really has been...commenting takes oddles of time...sometimes I can sqeeze in enough time, but I'll tell ya what...not all the time anymore...I hope you sleep well! nite :mrgreen:
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013
    Thanks Wicki. :mrgreen:

    Okay, I was thinking that since you always comment on my Wordpress account that you also had a Wordpress account. But I guess you are just posting on my Wordpress as your Blogger account. :oops: Sorry to confuse you there.

    Hmm let's see... in any case, you should open a Wordpress account. :lol:

    Can I ask how you log on to comment on my blog? Do you just read it from my links and then add your email or username to submit the post?
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    BranneNicoleBranneNicole Posts: 239 Member
    edited January 2013
    Hello Everyone! Wanna wish everyone a very Happy New Years!

    Came here to share the latest chapter of my 100BC! I will say the newest chapter is kinda lazy but I do hope if you read you enjoy if not it's all good.

    <a href="; target="_self">Learning to Love-Exploring Genetics | A 100BC</a>
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2013
    Jazen: I know, they(Tristan&Emily) were my first thought when I lost my save, who knew you could get attached to sims? :shock:

    Silver: read and commented on your blog...thanks for posting the links :mrgreen: What a relief you are feeling better.
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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    edited January 2013
    As the clock has just hit midnight here.... Happy New Year!!!!! Hope it's a wonderful year full of only great things for everybody here.

    and to ring in the new year.... I have a new chapter up at my blog. :mrgreen:

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    GarratGarrat Posts: 758 Member
    edited January 2013
    Hope everyone is enjoying their start to the new year. :mrgreen:

    New Update: I once again took too many photos so the second link is similar to the picture specials I sometimes do. It will be a while before the next update for this story because I want to get into that save and just play for a while and it's still a while before I hit the prewritten chapters. 8)

    The Young Legacy - 3.2 My Brother's Wedding/Bonus Pics
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    MegancharltonMegancharlton Posts: 3,731 New Member
    edited January 2013
    My story is done! The first chapter is out!

    EEK! I'm so excited to see how many people read it!
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2013
    Dreamerz: HiddenSprings is so pretty in the snow...I read your update and left a comment...Happy New Years to you, too :mrgreen:

    Megancharlton: read and enjoyed your chapter one
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    edited January 2013
    Can I ask how you log on to comment on my blog? Do you just read it from my links and then add your email or username to submit the post?

    know this was for Wicki but yes that's how it's done. I don't have a wordpress account but can comment.

    With blogger you can set who is allowed to leave comments not sure if its the same with wordpress. I have mine set to anyone that way people don't have to feel like they must make an account in order to comment.

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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    edited January 2013

    Hope you all celebrated safely and had a fun time bringing in the new year. It was nice to have my nephews here with me to ring it in. We toasted with our traditional Sparkling Apple Cider making the event kid friendly. My kids get a kick out of drinking from the 'special' glasses. :wink:

    My nephews left this morning, they had a 9am flight. :( A little sad about that but it was a great visit. :mrgreen:

    Wicki--getting attached can be easy especially when you have a long running story. Believe me I already dread the day my stories end. :( I wanted to ask you if you are on facebook. If so, when you are ready to set up your blog we can do instant chat there so I can maybe help you better than waiting on messages through the thread.

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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2013
    Jazen: sent you an email...atm I am just posting my play for fun pics up in zumi's thread...the majority of the posters there just post updates of their ingame play....I am about over having lost my saved game with Jenni...that made me so upset at myself I can't believe I did that :roll:
    I have an earlier save and may go back to that...but I just couldn't at that save only Abriana is born and she is still a toddler, but about ready to grow up.

    I bet you do dread the day you come to the conclusion of your story..where I could see an ending for twisted being inevitable...kiss could go on is like Grey's anatomy...the story could go on and always come up with such interesting twists.

    Sharona: yep, Jazen explained how that happens...I appreciate that it works that way too...there are some blogs I cannot post on because of that address thing and prove your not a robot...who thought of that anyway?
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    AnonymousMissAnonymousMiss Posts: 1,482 Member
    edited January 2013
    @Silver: Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it. I think your pioneer challenge sounds really interesting.. I may have to give it a whirl sometime! And beeteedubs, I hope your husband fully recovers soon, and you can find that job!

    @Nay: Oh my god, Liam! He cracks me up so much.

    @Sharona: I'm sorry, oh my. I haven't checked up on it in a while.. :oops: His traits are technophobe, genius, grumpy, brooding, I don't remember off the top of my head. Oh dear. He wants to be a master alchemist, but I'm thinking of switching it to professional author soon.

    Congrats on 4000 views!! BUT GET TO SLEEP! Also I'ma check out Van when I finish this quick assignment!

    @Garrat: I really liked that chapter(:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR'S ALL!!! 2013 is going to be a good year. :D

    And on top of the worldwide good news, a new Belue chapter should be up today! :-) I'm playing around with styles and trying to hop back into the Sims 2 groove, so I'd love some feedback on that. Gracias!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    madhatter123madhatter123 Posts: 5,624 Member
    edited January 2013
    Ooh, Year of the Snake.
    Happy New Year.
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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    edited January 2013

    Dreamerz: Santa doesn't visit me either but I did get a couple of nice handmade scarves from my mother-in-law. Glad that you had a nice Christmas anyways. This is a season for being with family. All the best to you in the New Year. Enjoyed your latest update on Haylie just so you know Crimson and Damon live in the house across from the camp house in the country part of town. She's at the top of the Criminal world so make sure Haylie's puts extra locks on her doors. (Ha! Ha!)

    I think Haylie could take her anyway... if she ever tries to go after Haylie or Haylie's precious little girls.... she'll be regretting it, 'cause Haylie will use her magic to get revenge. LOL.
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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    edited January 2013
    wickichick wrote:
    Jazen: sent you an email...atm I am just posting my play for fun pics up in zumi's thread...the majority of the posters there just post updates of their ingame play....I am about over having lost my saved game with Jenni...that made me so upset at myself I can't believe I did that :roll:
    I have an earlier save and may go back to that...but I just couldn't at that save only Abriana is born and she is still a toddler, but about ready to grow up.

    I bet you do dread the day you come to the conclusion of your story..where I could see an ending for twisted being inevitable...kiss could go on is like Grey's anatomy...the story could go on and always come up with such interesting twists.

    yes I got that and responded to you and sent you a friend request. I'm here to help whenever you are ready. I looked at her thread and it moves super fast. I would get lost a lot if not checked daily.

    I know how it feels to have that moment. :( At least it's not a total loss and you still have some of the family whenever you are ready to go back to them.

    I do dread that. Kiss could go on forever as long as I can keep thinking up plots but it sorta has an ending planned out. Nothing concrete but there and it's one that could be done at anytime since I know I won't be making it to 100. Yes Fiendish will have to come to an end. It's not a story that can keep going unless it gets totally dragged out and that's not what I want.

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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2013
    Jazen: I appreciate that...opening up a blog is something I have to think about, maybe when I have my two days off this week I will check into it more...I have to allow for my mind to wrap around the idea that it would be fun and exciting.
    ooooh but I wish I were a fly on the wall of your thoughts...just how in the hay will fiendish end, well that is also the fun of a good read...waiting to find out!

    Zeph: I read the chronicles and it was sad, but so often how it turns out for people who have regretable acts in the past...had she known of this history back in the day given a bit at a time, things may have went differently...but then in RL people often hide things out of fear of retribution/being judged.
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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013
    jazen wrote:
    Can I ask how you log on to comment on my blog? Do you just read it from my links and then add your email or username to submit the post?

    know this was for Wicki but yes that's how it's done. I don't have a wordpress account but can comment.

    With blogger you can set who is allowed to leave comments not sure if its the same with wordpress. I have mine set to anyone that way people don't have to feel like they must make an account in order to comment.

    Okay yeah I figured out after that she was likely just entering her email to post a comment. I think have mine set to anyone as well but I'll double check my settings.

    Well there's this thing called Gravatar that allows you a single user profile to comment on numerous types of blogs. So I set that up thru my Wordpress and I can comment on Blogger blogs as "jonso" but I still sometimes have to do that stupid word recognition thing - which I often fail! :evil:
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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013
    Wicki aww too bad you won't be on Wordpress but glad Jazen is helping you out! I'll still be able to comment on your Blogger blog anyway. I guess I could just subscribe by email like I believe you have done on mine.
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