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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2013
    Nay: you shoulda been a don't take long to get the point listen to the first five words you say...your pov works and they'll remember.

    Your Borage update was all awesomeness. Liam needs to go home, his creepy looks/thoughts re: Taco are unpresidented creepiness and has a skin-crawling affect...he has been abducted too many times :shock: Hope you have a good time planning your B-day party and getting your music lined up whatever that entails I have no clue...I would be able to handle the getting smashed/party part :mrgreen:
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2013
    Dreamer: Hope you are feeling better :mrgreen:
    Jazen: Good morning...lovely day here hope you are enjoying the same.
    JP: I commented on Liam upstairs :mrgreen:
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    edited January 2013
    JB--welcome back. Don't worry about trying to catch up. We all understand life happens. Loved Liam's family picture. I need to catch back up on that story.

    Wicki--it's gray and cold here. :( We had sun yesterday so that was good. I prefer sunny days during the winter.

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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2013
    Jazen: Cold/Grey...I hear you, the cold is enough to contend least let there be sun! Here in SouthDakota we get way too many of those chilly dismal grey days...and I really believe it has a mal effect on people..they get edgy/restless.

    I bought the new set yesterday, I didn't do anything with it cuz I don't plan on having babies in my game anytime soon (unless I change my I want to experience it so that could happen.
    I haven't really finished building the needs work!
    This was the laundry the wallpaper is kinda off...guess I will just leave it sit for now.
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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
    wickichick wrote:
    Nay: you shoulda been a don't take long to get the point listen to the first five words you say...your pov works and they'll remember.

    Your Borage update was all awesomeness. Liam needs to go home, his creepy looks/thoughts re: Taco are unpresidented creepiness and has a skin-crawling affect...he has been abducted too many times :shock: Hope you have a good time planning your B-day party and getting your music lined up whatever that entails I have no clue...I would be able to handle the getting smashed/party part :mrgreen:

    It's hard to talk to kids. I want to choke them but there's laws against that LOL. One whined about everyone got a bigger TV than she did. I'm all like "Well people in hell want ice cold water, brats!" They were my cousin's friends, I told her that she needs new friends.

    Liam looked more like he wanted to kill Taco or something LOL He does like to yell at her.:x I was interesting seeing Borage in someone's story. I hope to see him appear in more soon. Doing his POV was fun and fast.. I only had to take a few pics in my game to complete the chapter hehehe. #lazytrait This coming week is gonna be stressful trying to get things together.. Good thing that I still have a full bottle of whipped cream flavor vodka from New Years. I'm gonna need it!
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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited January 2013
    Hi everybody! :)

    Hope everyone here is well. I've caught up on a few pages, read a few stories.

    Love the wedding pics Diane, very nice lot.

    Nay I read your story there, I haven't read it all but I like it so far. I pressed follow on it so I'll prob get an email when it updates. I'm gona put my story onto wordpress now within the next few days so it'll be easier for people to follow if they want.

    jbfairybird, I love your pics those kids are so cute!! Little Desmond is gona be a heartbreaker when he's older. :)

    mypalsim, is Showtime good? It's the only EP I don't have but recently I've become curious. I love the photobooth, pool table and rodeo bull but I wasn't overly interested in a lot of the other stuff. Just wondering if it's worth the money.

    I was away with my boyf all week, I hope you all had a good new years eve! :)
    I always get a lot more gaming time when I'm down with him. I was in his friends house the other day so I wasn't connected to the internet. For the first time in ages I played sims for a long time. Just played too, no building or contest entries or staging pics for a story.
    I forgot how much I loved this game, it's hilarious. All the random mad stuff that happens without me controlling it. Like one of the zombies entering a hot dog eating contest during a full moon rather than eat any brains! :)
    I also made a new fairy lady who is hilarious! She'll appear in my story in a little while and mix things up a lot so that's fun! :)

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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    edited January 2013
    Rockley--welcome back. hope you enjoyed your weekend. I have all the EPs and I do very little with any of them at this point. I'm trying to change that with my for fun game plays. I liked the items that came with Showtime more than anything. I have used the photo booth often. It's my fav. Whether it's worth it for you all depends on your game play. If you are interested in having singers, or acrobats then yes because looking that the pictures from other sims they look like lots of fun. If that isn't a high priority then it might be a waste of money unless you find a good deal on it. Sorry I'm not really helping am I? :oops: I am a little OCD and need to have all the EPs so even though I have zero interest in supernaturals I bought it anyway. (yes I have a problem lol)

    Basically it will all come down to what you want for your sims. If you want just the objects that come with it, then wait until it's cheaper.

    Wicki--love the way you recolored the set. The wallpaper looks fine to me with the room but if they have a boy you might be in trouble. :)

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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited January 2013
    Hi Everybody,

    Hope that you all had a wonderful New Year. I can finally say that I'm on the mend and have only had one major coughing fit in the past two weeks although there have be a few threatening ones but managed to calm them down before they got to the 'bad' stage but for the most part am coughing less. I've been forcing myself to think positive thoughts like I'm feeling OK, head feels clearer, etc in order to get myself to believe it's for real this time which I'm starting to do. Sometimes when a person has been dealing with a whole lot of health issues over a period of time, it's hard to know what feeling 'good' is like. However I did pick up the vacuum for the first time in many months and vacuumed the living room, hallway, bathroom, and spare bedroom. I did have to lie down afterwards but it was a start and I hope to do the kitchen and our bedroom on Monday. Still tire easily but I think I'm on the mend and I hope to be well enough by spring to look for a new job.

    Now to catch up with everyone since my last post.

    Zephyr: Am still playing catch up in Viola's story and just read chapter 5 which I enjoyed very much and left a comment. Hope that all is well with you and all the best in your studies this semester.

    Jazen: Hope everything is going well with you and look forward to hearing from Amari and Carter at some point. Hope that MacGyver can help protect Amari. Since Mulo kind of reminds me of MacGyver's nemesis, Murdoc whom he is always able to defeat, I thought that he might be the only one to be able to protect her from Mulo or Marisol's dastardly plans. Hope you like him.

    Faye: Hope that things are still going well for you and I wish you all the best in your studies this semester and here's to a relatively painless one. You deserve to be able to study in peace.

    As always your Sims are lovely. I think Daimhin's hair color is really pretty almost like a princess. Thanks for uploading her and I will definitely try to find a story for her to fit into.

    Nay: Hope that you have a wonderful birthday and may all your wishes for your special day be filled. That cat in your New Year's photo is gorgeous.

    Age 30 seems like a long time ago for me, now that I'm 41. Actually age 30 start out alright, I was working for AOL Canada at the time but ended not so good as due to a grave error in judgement I almost killed my father's prize horse, Ceilidh who was the second last colt that our late stallion, Clippy sired. Ceilidh had to be put down two years later and my Dad blames me for his death but has since forgiven me. That's a long story though, maybe I'll share it next time. Enjoy your 30s.

    Simmelina: Hi and welcome back and hope you've had a nice holiday. Just read your Challenge update and left a comment.

    Sharona: Thought you might be interested in a weird dream I had this morning. First I was a part of this community where you went to school everyday and the leader made you feel like you belonged. There were people there of all ages later I found out though it was all a sham where there seemed to be no way out and as soon as someone (me in the dream) said no to what he wanted me to do that was wrong he would bring out a whip. There were some Sim related stuff in the dream like students being turned into zombies if they ate a certain food for a few hours. It was kind of like I had fallen into a different world and the only way out was through a door that led the 9th floor of the building I was in. After climbing a bunch of stairs to get away from this '******** in sheeps clothing', I finally found the door to 9th floor where I ended up in this weird futuristic aircraft where there were others who had escaped this madman. One girl even arrived after I did saying that she had been under this man's control for 20 some years before she figured out the leader's true side. One of these people was plotting revenge on this man. Eventually we joined forces or something (don't remember exactly how it went down but we returned to defeat this man and his cult followers.

    Eventually it was just me, my Mom, and childhood friend left and we started on our journey home on foot as it we would journey through different eras until we reached the present. Mom had been injured and somehow Dr Welby entered my dream and being short on supplies he used ether while operating on her to repair her injuries. Anyways the journey continued until we came upon this abandon house that was nicely furnished. The kitten we picked up along the way found a mother cat in the basement that she nursed from. We would be able to shower and rest. Then I woke up. (the easiest way to get home) This is what I remember of the dream. Don't ask me where my brain came up with it though.

    Left a comment on Van's birthday on your blog.

    BranneNicole: Hi and welcome to the thread and I do hope that you come back to visit us and make yourself at home. I read the intro and first Daddy chapters of your challenge and left a comment.

    Dreamerz: Just read the latest chapter in Haylie's life and enjoyed it very much. She's right that lodge is a beautiful place to write at with lots of inspiration around her. Hope that things work out for her and Max as he seems like a nice guy. Her little tigers are precious. I like your new park.

    Wicki: Happy New Year to you, too. Where you able to take some time off for the holidays? I replied to your comment on my Steel legacy update and look forward to your thoughts on Monika & Zach's new story as well as my other updates. I have a facebook account if you would like to add me as a friend. That way we can have more private chats instead of me sending you gifts when I want to say something that only you can see. Ivory and I chat together there, too although it's been a lot harder to catch her lately with her new job.

    As for getting attached to our Sims, all of my Sims become special to me which is probably why I have so many stories going as sometimes I'm not ready to say goodbye to my non-heirs. I also like it when someone makes them townies or something in their stories so I know where they are and are living happy lives. I'm kind of like a mother hen when it comes to my Sims.

    Garrat: Hope you're having a great weekend and I read a couple more chapters of your busy Young family and left comments.

    Megan: Your D.N.A page is very interesting and will certainly keep your team in mind when I need something to compliment my stories. I do like to use Sims from friends' studios in my legacies as spouses to my heirs when the game doesn't generate one and I will always ask your permission first though before using one of yours. The link to your new story didn't work for me though but I'm sure it's good.

    Guess I spoke too soon, the link worked the second time I clicked on it. That Liam always playing tricks. Anyways enjoyed your first chapter and having the clumsy trait does make things interesting and comical. Just wait until Kaitlin makes her first snow angel, it will probably be face first like Lullaby Liz's.

    Anon: Hope that all is well with you and just read another chapter of Bender's story and left a comment. As for my husband and I, we'll make it but will have to budget more over the next three months until I go back to work and his tent work picks up with the Superstore garden centers in the spring. He was able to get one of our bills lowered so that will a help and I should get income tax back this year.

    Ayemee: Just read chapters two and three of your story and sorry that your Sims are not able to have children of their own. Speak from experience, adoption is a really great option as it gives a child who doesn't have parents or is abandoned a chance to grow up in a happy home instead of living on the streets for the rest of their lives or worse. I think I know what this great idea is going to be but am not sure that Nora will like it but I'm sure I'll find out as I continue reading.

    Arrow: Happy New Year to you, too and I want to wish you all the best in your studies this semester.

    TheMonkey: Just read and enjoyed chapter two of Gilly's story. I think my Estiban family have the Bonahilda coffin so I may have activate her sometime when one of them wants a maid. She kind of reminds me of when I had a mummy in in Steel legacy (generation 6).

    Pal: Just read chapter 3 in Gloria's story and enjoyed it. Kind of reminds me of Little House on the Prairie in style. I hope that Gloria wins the lead role in the play over the spoiled rotten girl. Oh, you can send some of the 60 degree weather my way, here in New Brunswick we've been in the deep freeze this week with -20 degrees celsius but feels like -30 with the wind chill. You can figure that out in farenheit.

    Switchface: Hope that your family is feeling better now. You did an amazing job on your interactive hospital and look forward to seeing your story.

    Anna: Hope your week is going well and thanks for the encouragement in your most recent email and I am now starting to believe that this time I'm feeling better for real and now I just need to build from there and now it's time to start crawling out from under my rock. Just read and left a comment on chapter 10 of your story.

    Fairybird: Looks like Liam has trouble coming at him from all sides, Nay's Sims, aliens, and home. Hmm, maybe he should stay with the aliens for awhile. You know if you can't beat 'em join them. Liked Liam's recent family picture and I'll catch up with his story soon.

    Diane: Hope that you're have a great week and that your flu bug goes completely away. Your wedding picture is lovely. Do you have a link to your story?

    Fru: Congrats on the 20K views and you are such a good writer and am glad you have such loyal followers. Am slowly catching up on your posts in Luna's story and just read Brick's sad goodbye.

    Rockley: Glad you had a good New Years Eve. I like playing my Sims, as it happens style, too.

    I think I'm all caught up now and hope that you all have a great weekend.

    Here are the links to my Martingale Songbird legacy for those of you how haven't read it, yet.

    Generation One:

    Generation Two: Chapter One:

    Chapter Two:

    Here are some bonus pictures from my Martingale family update

    I don't think you'd want to eat before going in this ride.


    Autumn rain in Starlight Shores.


    Autumn Colors.


    One of the local performers got turned into a zombie


    Dreaming of a white Christmas


    Spring snow fall in Starlight Shores.



    Here are some bonus video clips of Lullaby Liz's performances.

    Liz performing for tips shortly after arriving in Starlight Shores after delivering a song-o-gram.


    Lullaby Liz performing her first show at the Performance Park.


    Here she is performing a song at the Simfest at Mick's Karaoke.


    Even though Liz didn't win the Simfest the proprietor invited her to perform the next night.


    Here is Liz practicing on the training dummy in China and showing everyone how painful it can be.


    Lullaby Liz put on a winter show at the Coffee House.


    Liz is performing for tips at the park in early spring after the Simfest was cancelled due to the stage still being soggy from the winter snow.


    That's all for now, enjoy!

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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
    I have ALL of the EPs and ALL of the SPs haha. Half of EPs and most of the SPs were given to me for free by a friend who no longer wanted them. I'm glad that I didn't buy some of the EPs cause it would of been a waste of money. WA for example, I have no use for that. I don't make my sims go on adventures. AM was pointless as well. Those 2 were one of the free ones thank goodness. I only bought the base game, Pets, Showtime, SN, Seasons, Diesel and Master suite. I have no interest in that stupid decades SP.
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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited January 2013
    Yeh I kind of think I only want it if it's half price or more because it'll be only really used for the items rather than the professions. It was the first EP that didn't appeal to me at all but now I'm very aware of the little blank spot on the launcher where it should be haha.

    Silver I much prefer just playing and seeing how it goes. I didn't plan anything out the last day I played and I ended up with a really cool new part of my story. I could never have thought of it on my own if the game hadn't done it for me :)

    Aw I think the decades SP is gona be cool. Mostly cos I was doing a flashback chapter in my story and found it quite hard to get 80's clothes. I have intentions of doing other flashback chapters so I think I'll use it. :)

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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    edited January 2013
    @Wicki: I LOVE that nursery! It's really pretty and cozy!

    @Silver: Great! I'm glad that you like her. You can thank my best friend for making that hair color. She makes much better hair colors than I do. I'm better at creating crazy eye colors than I am at creating hair colors.

    Well, Darby and his wife Katell got married last night and just now they had their first child, a baby boy named Diwrnach (Dew-er-nok) which means, "Steadfast; unstinting". Katell is already pregnant with their second child and I can't wait to welcome another little O'Sullivan into the world. Here are a couple of pics, one of Katell and the other of her slow dancing at the spring festival with Darby.

    Slow dancing:

    Darby and Katell look so happy and in love in that last picture. They're the first couple in a long time that I've hooked up with each other without using a Love Charm to get their relationship off to a good start. I hope this marriage lasts.
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    jbfairybirdjbfairybird Posts: 3,923 New Member
    edited January 2013
    @ Arrow- Thanks! I worry that I seem to get behind so much that you guys think I'm not interested on what's going on with you all.

    @ Nay- Yay for birthdays! You shouldn't worry. I think I've looked and felt my best since I've been in my 30s.

    @ wicki- I see. Yes I'm worried abut Liam after those sneak peaks re Taco! I've never seen him yell at a kid like that either.

    I love what you've done with that new set! I plan to use it after I know the direction part 2 takes when I do some re-decorating.

    @ jaz- Thanks. I hope I haven't missed anything important. That pic took forever to stage but I love the way it came out.

    @ Rockley- I know. I have hopes he'll continue to age up well. He might be the best looking boy child I've had born to Liam in my game so far.

    @ Silver- I'm so glad you are feeling better now!

    Unfortunately for Liam I think Nay likes to torture him as much as I do. Trouble is just begining for Liam in my story. lol.

    I'll read and comment on your update soon!

    A teaser for you of the latest chapter. You had to know what was coming:


    “Rose, Liam doesn’t belong to you and we have to get back home. We can’t stall mommy and daddy or our husbands any longer.”


    “I think you should listen to your sister Miss Rose. Mr. Liam is no longer your concern.”

    “You trippin’ if you think you can tell me to leave with that b**** here. I didn’t mind leaving him with you because I know he won’t be interested in your bony, wrinkly a**, but that b**** is trouble.”

    I was afraid something like this might happen. I don’t think that Betsy wants to ruin things for Liam right now, so hopefully things won’t get must worse than some name calling.


    “You have no idea who you’re messing with. Don’t f*** with me, b****.”

    “Old lady, you can trash talk, but don’t try to throw down with Rose. She’s street and you’d be in for a world of hurt.”

    So I see Zinnia won’t be a voice of reason in this situation.

    “Oh, I know her type. She’s all talk. I’m not. If you don’t leave now, I’ll make you go.”

    “Oh yeah Grandma? What are you going to do?”


    “Yes Betsy, just what are you going to do? I think you’ve lost your nerve.”


    To find out what happens read the chapter up now on my blog.

    Quest for Immortality Chapter Announcement


    Chapter 20: Showdown
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    poisonthemonkeypoisonthemonkey Posts: 86
    edited January 2013

    Oh no! Feel better!

    There's some terrible coughing sickness going around right now, at least at my work. I got it for about a day then kicked it, but I swear, the guy sitting next to me sounds like he's going to keel over any moment...hope you're doing better!

    On the topic of the Showtime EP, is anyone else really annoyed by how Sing-a-Grams work? Especially for Workaholics, which my current heir is...he is constantly depressed because it takes time to get to Sing-a-Grams and sometimes I don't even get a pop-up for them. Aside from the gigs (which are so! fun), it doesn't feel much better than a rabbit hole...I've been looking for ways to use the Singer career with the Late Night bands but so far they don't seem to work together at all. Is that just me?
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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    edited January 2013
    Here is little Diwrnach (Dew-er-nok) as a Toddler. He is absolutely adorable!

    He now has a baby sister named Koulmia (Kool-me-a) which means, "Dove". She hasn't aged up yet, but I bet she'll be beautiful.
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    poisonthemonkeypoisonthemonkey Posts: 86
    edited January 2013
    Those eyes are gorgeous, Faye! Can't wait to see him wake up :D
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    FayeShinomoriFayeShinomori Posts: 3,523 Member
    edited January 2013
    @Poison: Thanks! He got them from his father. :)
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    wickichickwickichick Posts: 11,130 Member
    edited January 2013
    Faye: Thanks for the comments on the nursery...I will fool around with it a good deal more, but I did get to see the majority of the content.

    Your sims look so romanticly happy in love at the festival slow dancing...I love that addtion to the game...boy did it take a long time.

    Nay: Kids can be selfish, seldom do I blame the parents for everything these days...their world(kids) is very material based, sadly. Vodka flavored like whipped cream? Sounds good, bet there are some good recipes for that...should look em up.

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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited January 2013
    Anna: I just downloaded one of your Sims, Liliana Chen, to use in my Thao Crimebusters legacy generation 3 as spouse to the apparent heir, Raqim as he is so far the only one entering the crime fighting business by becoming a Private Investigator. His sisters all have general LTW's so will wait to see their career choices when they graduate. I hope you don't mind me using her in this legacy or one of my other ones at some point. Can you tell me what world you were using her in so I can come up with a background story for her?


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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013
    They finally found the sewer problem and according to them was not pretty when they released the blockage... :roll: My mother is slowly recovering! She actually drinks a lot of chai tea as well. I'm not sure if it's Tazo but it's heated and mixed all fancy-like on the stove. I'll have to try some chai I guess, since you are addicted to it as well. :P
    Video specials ARE fun. It's nice to see the characters being 'real'. I'm sure I'll do one eventually for the Jonsos.. I hope to be at this story for a while and actually can't wait for the next generation!
    Van did grow up pretty hot hey? Told you he would :D Yes okay I totally have a crush on him too... to continue our Wordpress convo :lol:
    I will check out Obedear... tomorrow.

    Okay, good that you do feed the cats wet food. I just have talked to some people who feed their poor cats nothing but dry and I tell them that's not good for them!

    The building looks nice.
    TheNay wrote:
    @Sharona, I have so many skins, even if I downloaded those.. I would take 30 mins to find it in CAS.. Ain't nobody got time for that! LOL
    Hahaha. But of course :P
    You're dj-ing at your own birthday? How is that going to work out... LOL.

    Nice wedding pic. Congrats for figuring it out.

    Thanks RE Van's skin. I really don't like guys with muscle either. That's the skinniest Van can be I think. He has no muscle tone, that is just the normal look of a healthy young boy, i.e. that skin. LOL.

    Congrats on getting Showtime. You will enjoy that for being on stage and getting the crowd reaction - especially at the big shows. You can design the stages how you want so you might be able to get the feel you want.

    You got a new dog? Do tell! Hope your busy coming week goes well. Love that pic of Liam and fam. The trips have nice unique looks. Desmond is a cutie! The four toddlers too!

    Thanks RE Van. I'm going to catch up on yours ASAP!

    Still not totally caught up but I think I should head to bed.. I was painting all night and lost some important Simming time! :P
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    yoursharona34yoursharona34 Posts: 3,201 Member
    edited January 2013
    This is for Anony

    click it :lol:

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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    edited January 2013
    Yeah about my party... my friend who was suppose to be throwing it for me. HE'S AGGRAVATING THE :!: :!: :!: :!: OUT OF ME! I'M GETTING REAL TIRED OF THIS :!: :!: :!: This is why I don't want a party. It's too STRESSFUL! I asked him to throw it for me AND I'm DOING EVERY :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: THING!!! :x :roll: I hate men with great passion!
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    poisonthemonkeypoisonthemonkey Posts: 86
    edited January 2013
    Hey, all! I've never done an heir poll before, but I don't have too many readers and would like to get enough opinions before continuing. If anyone has the time and would like to, I'd mighty appreciate a vote. ^^;

    The poll is here, just scroll to the bottom of the page. Thank you! :)
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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    edited January 2013
    This is for Anony

    click it :lol:


    Clicked on the vid! Funny stuff. I'm guessing when a sim says "trelf" they're really saying something that this forum would star out haha.

    Faye your little toddler is such a cutie :)

    I'm trying to figure out wordpress today, my goal is to add all the chapters so far of my story into that by the end of today. :) Fingers crossed!
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    AnonymousMissAnonymousMiss Posts: 1,482 Member
    edited January 2013
    @Wicki: Oh my god, those videos were fantastic. (: I had so much fun dancing around my room to Wangchung and Obedear and The Politics of Dancing. I felt like I was back in the 80s! Thank you so much, you really made my day a lot better. :-)

    Beeteedubs, that house is lovely! I love the wallpaper in the laundry room, even though I suppose it doesn't fit.

    @Diane: Thank you(: I think I'm going to have to put Wangchung on a morning playlist or something. :lol: It is a total mood booster.

    @Pals: I totally get the understanding thing. I had to read the No Fear Shakespeare version for some scenes, because I just couldn't grasp the situation. I do love Lady Macbeth, though. She's such a strong female character. :-) How is Showtime? It never looked that appealing, but sometimes I wonder if I'm just being stingy.

    @JB: It's fine to get behind sometimes! We all have those weeks.

    @Arrow: But-but-but! Fiiiine. I guess staying away from his germs is a good idea. :XD:

    @Silver: I'm glad your husband got one of your bills lowered-that was really awesome of him. :-) It's great that you're feeling better, too! Also, I always love your Seasons pictures in your updates. You have a great talent for taking landscape photos. (:

    @Poison: The singer career doesn't work with LN bands at all. That totally killed all chances of me being Showtime. Beeteedubs, I voted. :mrgreen: I'm like ridiculously in love with Lily. Her traits and personality crack me up so much.

    @Sharona: Woo! Huzzah for modern plumbing! I think it's funny that they had to let you guys know that it wasn't pretty. I mean, if it has to do with water in a building-not in a swimming pool or a shower or-you know what, I'm still super tired. If any of this message makes sense, kudos! Oooh, fancy chai is so good. It's even better when you mix in some espresso-you'll be wired all night. :D

    Video specials are so much fun to make! I loved doing Bender's. You gotta include that Cinch video in there! It was too cute. :-) Van's even cuter in motion than in pictures! I'm so excited to see the next generation, too, especially cuz Van will have some freaking cute kids!

    @Nay: Man, he sucks. You gotta tell your friend off!
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited January 2013

    Luna was best known for constantly skimpy bikinis... I'm sure everyone remembers that ;) But her story, it seems, is very, very different from the lifestyle we expected her to show us. How? You'll just have to read to find out! Click the picture below to read Luna's Rutherwell Short!

    Disclaimer: This short does include some swearing.

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