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☆Color My World☆ Rainbowcy (Update 5/7)


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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    @AEventyr- Nah, you're not. It might be discovered thought that Allium doesn't need anyone to let him off the hook. Sometimes the guilt you have over your own actions last longer and is more of a punishment than other people punishing you for what you did :wink:

    That's an interesting second paragraph :wink: Also interesting that you mentioned colleges :smiley:

    @AmberKotori- I'm so bad with accents. I never even try to mimic themselves since I feel like I would have to apologize to the whole country afterwards :lol: The only time I sound acceptable is when I speak some of the Japanese I know.

    @Adventure4U1- I can't give an exact answer, but I can give you a good estimation. Although I have said in a couple places that Gen 1 is getting close to the end, it's not like it's going to finish in the next three chapters or anything. The next chapter will be more of basic plot and character development, and the two chapters after that will be ones that should give everyone a scare. They'll also usher in the last major plot before the climax of the end starts. That last plot line should last about, hmm, 5 chapters or so. Perhaps 6. The climax should take about 4-6 updates on its own. So, approximately 14?
    Now that I think about it, the ending's not really coming all that soon :lol: I guess it just feels like it is since I know what's going to happen. Or, I guess it's also partially because the days of simple slice-of-life chapters are pretty much over. Not every chapter is going to be a direct confrontation with TC, but it'll all be setting up the crucial moments that the climax needs.
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    Adventure4U1Adventure4U1 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm looking forward to being scared out of my skin (I understand idioms- most people with asperger's and autism don't)
    It's awesome to write. I write myself too (even thought my Mother keeps saying I can't."

    I'm currently working on a a Rainbow, but I haven't posted a single thing yet. Because I'm waiting to finish the story before posting. I probably won't upload the hairs- nor the founder- but maybe his twin sister- Tracy. I'm sure, if you colored her up, you could use her.
    Actually, this founder came from another story I wrote- ahead of time- then posted. I'd love for you to read it. It's about a girl getting sick- going to the hospital- discovering two things wrong- and trying to get well. Her mother's strange in the beginning, but like your teacher, she becomes sweet. Her actions are later explained. o:)Yeh, i summarized a story- first time.
    I can't spoil anymore.

    There's one thing I do want to mention. There's a link between Eth/Meadow and somebody I'm making in a novel who isn't so sweet. There's also a link between a main Character I'm making and Purity- in the same novel- a Mystery Novel. (I can't spill the beans!)
    I'll let you know when it's finished so you can discover for yourself what's in common.
    I guess I'm playing switch-a-roo with some traits.
    Life is an Adventure
    Not a movie
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    I've noticed that I've been loosing my Canadian accent a bit and starting to pick up a Scottish one.

    I can't see Ethereal just picking up and leaving shes too nice for that, even if Ethan tries to make her because something goes down. She'd find someone to let him know she's leaving or breaking it off, she's too nice to hurt him that deeply.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    @Adventure4U1- Writing is all about practice, and it's definitely something one should continue doing even if others say you can't. Getting better takes time and some hard work, but everyone has the capability to improve. I've improved drastically even in the past two years. Just take a look at the early The Goddess' Order chapters that I have edited yet. I consider them atrocious :lol: Unimaginative descriptions, far too rapid pacing, constant tense changes, etc.

    Finishing before you post is a good idea :blush: It makes it easier to write if you don't have the pressure of having to constantly be putting something out on you.
    If you give me the link, I'll read it :smiley:

    Well, in this day and age it's next to impossible to have a truly unique story/character. Mystery novels are fun, so it'll be interesting to see these similarities between the characters.

    @AmberKotori- Unfortunately, I don't think it's a matter of how nice Ethereal is or not. If she's not given the chance to say goodbye or break things off, then that's just how things are going to have to be left. It all depends on the situation.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Chapter Twenty Eight


    I hummed along to the music playing from my phone behind me as I worked. I had learned years ago that it was better to put it on the island counter instead of right next to where I cooked. Eden hadn't been incredibly pleased to find out that one afternoon that I had accidentally knocked half a bottle of vinegar right onto the new phone he had bought me. It took me months doing nothing but chores in order to earn another one. Naturally, I was not keen on repeating the experience. However, my phone was hardly a thought in the back of my mind because I was far more focused on the ingredients before me. Frost adored key lime pies, and since his birthday was tomorrow I had promised him I would bring him the best one he ever tasted. I had looked up several recipes online, and after considering all the variations I had come up with my own recipe. It included things such as a gingersnap crust and just a hint of cinnamon. On paper the recipe seemed strange, but I was confident it would come out well. I know I was certainly pleased with how the pie was progressing when it came time to put it in the oven.


    I mucked about upstairs for the longest time while it baked before I forced myself to finish the last little bit of summer homework I had. My junior year of high school had already started and we had just finished the first week, but the book report wasn't due until Monday. I typically wouldn't have put it off for so long, but Allium had proved ridiculously distracting over break, although there had been a tense air between us after the party situation. When the weariness of the drug wore off and the reality of what could have happened sunk in, that was when my anger peaked. I didn't even talk to Allium for a week. He walked on eggshells around me after that. I went ahead and forgave him a month after the incident, but even to this day his behavior was still changed. All I had to say was that I wasn't that into whatever idea he suggested, and he tossed it out the window and over the cliff. In fact, it was more that behavior that was upsetting me now- mostly because since Allium gave in to all my rejections he had stopped trying to bribe me with food. I wasn't getting to coerce the little treats that used to be my part of the deal for doing the things he wanted anymore. I had tried to talk to Allium about it, but the poor thing was still beating himself up about his mistake. It was months later now, and he continued to act as if it had happened yesterday. Part of me wished he would just move on already like I had, but I could sympathize with him as well. I would probably feel just as guilty if I had done what he had done.

    But anyway, besides that, everything was fine between us. The reason why Allium had been so distracting over break was because we both grew quite addicted to the fact that the hot temperatures meant we got to see the other in little amounts of clothes often. True, we had come to that agreement that we wouldn't take it all the way, but that didn't mean we would keep our hands off each other entirely. I had grown perhaps a bit too comfortable with Allium's touch. It lowered my defenses when it came to me guaranteeing no one was around when we got into it. Eden, unfortunately, stumbled across one of our more personal make-out sessions. That led to another week where I didn't see Allium, and Eden even followed us for the following few days after that.

    It was terribly annoying at the time, but when I went downstairs to begin picking up the mess Button had made with her toys I chuckled to myself. Eden had been awful at being sneaky. Him hiding in the bushes thinking we had no idea he was there was a hilarious memory. And speaking of people hiding in the bushes, I was forced to stop and stare out the window as I bent to put the last toy away since movement outside caught my eye.


    It took all my willpower not to laugh. Amaranth was much more coordinated now compared to back when he was nine, but he apparently still couldn't figure out how to sneak through our bushes properly to stop himself from being visible. His head lightly bobbed along as he thought he crept through all the branches and towards the window.

    Continue reading.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Yay! Great chapter! I'm curious as to what will happen with Meadows friends when Meadow goes bye bye. ^.^
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    You might find that curiosity being satisfied sooner rather than later :wink:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Haha, I would think you would find that more worrying than exciting :lol:
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Horray for Am time! His fight with Cocoa though.... Yikes. Bad WonWon. Don't upset Lav like that.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    I figured it was about time to give Amaranth some love again :blush: We haven't seen him since chapter 24 :lol: Frost has had more screen time than him :smiley:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    @AEventyr has her trouble with Am and Cocoa, now she just needs a bigger fight to break out between Al and Meadow, and for Am to swoop in to the rescue so they can be together ;) XmasFTW
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    *sits back in the Captain's chair of the 🐸🐸🐸🐸. Christmas, sipping lemonade and watching the other boats head for icebergs. considers putting on the Titanic soundtrack* ;)

    If nothing else, I fully expect They-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Acronymed to swoop in on Hogwarts Eden & Meadow and things to sort themselves out at the final battle.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Can I have some lemonade?
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Absolutely, my good fellow. Cheers!
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Cheers! ^.^
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    @AEventyr (and @AmberKotori)- I dunno. Chapter 30 might bring back a lot of love for Alldow :wink: (Alleadow? Allthereal? I feel like none of the couples so far have very good names for combining purposes.) Should bring a lot of sympathy for them anyway. I'm expecting some good responses for the next two chapters, in any case. They are the ones that will give the "scare" I mentioned earlier, particularly the chapter coming this Monday :naughty:

    *swipes a glass of lemonade as well*
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Hey! Lemonade thief!

    Pink and green.... wait, he's pink and purple, right? Purple and green = Barney. As in the dinosaur. Al + Meadow = Barney.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    I like All and Meadow, but c'mon CHRISTMAS! lol And I've always been a sucker for first friends falling in love and having babies, and CHRISTMAS!
    @AEventyr I don't think we want that lemonade back XD
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    Adventure4U1Adventure4U1 Posts: 239 Member
    Oh, just great. Now I cant wait for the weekend to end- for Monday to come- for me to be scared. But that probably won't scare me as much as watching a scary show on ABC starting June 1st.
    What's ironic though, is I learned about this show when I was watching America's Funniest Home Videos (I love to laugh)
    That Lemonade Thief was so funny!
    I also watch Just for Laugh's Gags- I love Pranks so much I had a prankster be a character in a novel! He's pretty nice, but nobody is prefect. Not totally good- no totally nice. The evil company- well they are just trying to get babies for the family, now aren't they? And Eth/Meadow, well, she ain't perfect. Even the mysterious attacker in my Mystery isn't totally evil.
    Life is an Adventure
    Not a movie
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    @AEventyr and @AmberKotori- Geez, so mean :lol: Can't the poor author get a sip of some tasty, citrusy, sugary deliciousness as well? Your ship wouldn't even exist without me :naughty:

    And, if we're talking about general surface area, Allium is mostly pink :lol: So, no Barney. Me no likie Barney- he creeps me out :lol:
    I think something general but cute like Rainbow Sherbert or something would fit them well enough :smiley: Or we can just stick with Allthereal :smile:

    @Adventure4U1- Yeah, it's not like a "scary" scary thing. It's more of a shock- a sign of danger and of a threat.

    Well, if you're talking about The Company, they are pretty much entirely evil. Not all of the workers are as a lot are like Eden (desperate people swayed in and then kept silent by threat of jail or death), but the organization in general is. What they did with Ethereal and the plans they have for her is only the tip of the iceberg. More of what they've done will come to light in future generations.
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    ~Anna~~Anna~ Posts: 61 Member
    I love reading this. I am hooked and can't wait for more!! :) Keep it up!

    A Craftaholic and Amateur Writer. Books are my life!
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    You may have celebratory soda, ice cream and sweet sugary lemonade goodness once our ship IS VICTORIOUS!!! No pressure. ;)
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    Adventure4U1Adventure4U1 Posts: 239 Member
    I am totally looking forward to being shocked! I think I'll re-read my favorite chapters. You know, I was thinking, when your is done, maybe I'll help you with something.
    I did this with my own Sims 3 story- I put it on Publisher so that I could print it out. I haven't printed it out yet, though. My printer won't print in black and white for me, and I'm worried it won't print out my pictures right. I am planning on doing my Rainbowcy still. I think I'll check.

    On the subject of Barney, my grandparents had a dog with that name. Now they have a dog named Toby. (I think Barney was before Toby- but I might be wrong)
    My Mom's parents had a dog named Njony (I don't know exactly how to spell the name) who died a few years back (Njony lived like for over 20 years). That dog was SO Instrumental in making me love barking dogs, cause she'd bark whenever I would say Who let the dogs out and it was so much fun having her bark along to Happy Birthday. And now everybody else in Mom's family- except us- has dogs- One Beagle/Caliver mix named Sunny, (One Golden Retriever named Remy, and a tiny Jack dog who's very quiet. (Except with Sunny)

    One of my neighbors. have a dog named Olive door- a daschund, a little girl dog named Olive e. She's big barker, and I love calling her from my bedroom. I even love hearing her when I fall asleep! The other neighbors have a dog named Carmey.
    I wish my Mother let us have a dog. But once I have my own apartment, I'll get a dog as soon as I can. And I'm going to train the dog to bark to Birthday songs, along to the Piano.
    Life is an Adventure
    Not a movie
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited May 2015
    ~Anna~ wrote: »
    I love reading this. I am hooked and can't wait for more!! :) Keep it up!
    I'm glad you like it :blush: And definitely stick around :wink: I've managed to get ahead with updates, and the next two chapters are turning out quite well, in my humble opinion- particularly chapter 30.
    AEventyr wrote: »
    You may have celebratory soda, ice cream and sweet sugary lemonade goodness once our ship IS VICTORIOUS!!! No pressure. ;)
    Let's hope I don't die of dehydration first then :lol: I need me my sweet drinks!
    I'm steadily looking more and more forward to the second generation. Mostly how it will affect the Christmas shippers :wink::naughty:
    I am totally looking forward to being shocked! I think I'll re-read my favorite chapters. You know, I was thinking, when your is done, maybe I'll help you with something.
    I did this with my own Sims 3 story- I put it on Publisher so that I could print it out. I haven't printed it out yet, though. My printer won't print in black and white for me, and I'm worried it won't print out my pictures right. I am planning on doing my Rainbowcy still. I think I'll check.

    On the subject of Barney, my grandparents had a dog with that name. Now they have a dog named Toby. (I think Barney was before Toby- but I might be wrong)
    My Mom's parents had a dog named Njony (I don't know exactly how to spell the name) who died a few years back (Njony lived like for over 20 years). That dog was SO Instrumental in making me love barking dogs, cause she'd bark whenever I would say Who let the dogs out and it was so much fun having her bark along to Happy Birthday. And now everybody else in Mom's family- except us- has dogs- One Beagle/Caliver mix named Sunny, (One Golden Retriever named Remy, and a tiny Jack dog who's very quiet. (Except with Sunny)

    One of my neighbors. have a dog named Olive door- a daschund, a little girl dog named Olive e. She's big barker, and I love calling her from my bedroom. I even love hearing her when I fall asleep! The other neighbors have a dog named Carmey.
    I wish my Mother let us have a dog. But once I have my own apartment, I'll get a dog as soon as I can. And I'm going to train the dog to bark to Birthday songs, along to the Piano.
    It should be a nice change of pace for everyone :lol: And feel free to go ahead and do so :smiley:
    Unfortunately, CMW isn't going to be done anytime soon. If I get two generations done a year, that still means it's going to take me 5 years to finish :lol: And, right now, there's no way the second generation is going to be done by the time the one year anniversary comes around :sweat_smile: Not all the generations will end up being as long as the first though, I don't think. Depends on what I come up with for ideas.

    I love dogs :blush: Those are some cute names your family has for theirs :smiley:
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