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☆Color My World☆ Rainbowcy (Update 5/7)


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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    I couldn't figure out any other way to express my feelings of this chapter. And I only woke up with a minor migraine as a result. ;)

    Hah! Except now you've told us about it so we'll know to expect the unexpected! .....Yeah, I still won't guess it.
    I hope you do get around to the one-chapter thing about the Waters family. Not that I don't want to read more about Elly and the clan (I miss them, so.) but oh my goodness if that family just doesn't interest me to no end. Getting an inside peak is something I'd pay a micro-transaction for.

    It's still realistic for at least some of her friends to get crushes on one another, but I am glad Frost will remain platonic with her. Ooo, now I'm wondering who his crush will be. Is it Monday yet?

    CHRISTMAS IS THE GOODSHIP OF THIS LEGACY I SO DECLARE IT!!! (*end HP reference for this post) It's neat people are picking up on it. You get a lot more posts on your forum than on here, I see.

    D&DS IS fun to say! Don't tell anyone but I whispered it aloud each time I typed it. As for the website, I've stuck with the green, too. The white really is too bright.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    That's good then, haha :smiley:

    Well, that I often go for the unexpected should be expected by now, so that kind of reveal shouldn't be to big :lol: I would love to see what you think it might be though.
    I'm actually hoping I can get to it somewhat soon. There is actually one short story I want to do for Ellothiel, although it's not so much about her. It mainly consists of her talking to someone, so it should be easy to get done as long as I stop accidentally crashing the game :expressionless: After that, the ones for the Waters is next on my list. It'll be a bit more complicated as it'll start back when Glacier and Shell met, but I should have enough time between now and the end of the generation to get everything I need. I mean, I'm already working on making the houses and having the babies for Gen Two :lol: I think I'll be able to squeeze it in.

    Who Frost is involved with may or may not be surprising. I've left a few very tiny hints here and there like I did with Amaranth and Cocoa. His part won't be for a little while though, and we'll see it more from a different perspective than from his.

    Haha :blush: Forum? Do you mean the blog, or Simpletons?
    Yeah, it has gotten rather quiet around here. Readership seems to be about the same as TGO. Honestly, I don't wander about too much in this section so I'm not sure if it's just this thread that's slowed or if the whole place has gone a little less active since some people have moved to TS4.

    I won't tell a soul :wink:
    The white does feel more "clean", but it's also too empty. I like how they made the angles and lines at the top different though instead of just recoloring the green design to white.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Ugh. It's so horrible when the game does that. I hope you find out a way to make it work.
    Wait, you're working on what with gen who now!? O_O

    The blog. I meant the blog. What's Simpletons? I only read a couple of stories on here, but it does seem slower than when I first joined. Figures. But I've heard any Sims2 forums/blogs kept going for a while after Sims3 came out, so perhaps there's still hope. I mean, it's all just fan/original fiction, put to different pictures. What's the big difference aside from the number attached?

    Huh. I didn't even notice that.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    It's the most annoying thing, and I can't figure out why it crashes each time I make a change to the household. I even created a whole new world and placed down a fresh lot, but it didn't change anything. I might have to try it with a blank household and then refill it with everyone. If that doesn't work, I'm just gonna have to deal with it unless I want to rebuild the house from scratch :confused:

    Ah, okay.
    Simpletons is a forum @itsjulie introduced me to when I became a regular commenter on her Through Colour Blind Eyes blog. It's super quiet and small. Only a few of us comment with any sort of regularity, but it's fun :blush:
    I think Sims 3 stories will be around for a while still, thankfully. It's much more conducive to telling stories (especially legacies), and the overall distaste for Sims 4 for so many seems to be encouraging people to stay with 3. I plan to keep telling stories for as long as I can anyway despite what happens :blush: I even have this silly/amusing little dream that if I can make myself relatively big as an author I can then draw enough traffic to the website I would set up by posting Sims stuff. I would keep writing normal stuff of course, but to be able to make decent money making things like TGO and CMW would be the best :lol:
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    edited March 2015
    Sounds like a lot of work just for a chapter, but if it's something you love then it must be worth it! Hopefully you won't have to go through too much more to make it work.

    Making money writing fics. Isn't that the ultimate dream? I'll admit, I STILL have a few play ideas in mind (Random Legacy, Backward ISBI, 100 Baby, Runaway Teen, something involving fairies), but I also have so many other things to work on (like organizing all the junk I've accumulated since, oh, birth, and playing through all the Final Fantasy games in order) that I never seem to actually DO anything about it. When it comes to ideas I'm awesome (/*end boasting), but the follow-through? I'm a sloth. Hopefully the forum and other blogs will still have enough attention for them once I get around to those four. A major hangup is I still haven't found my hard copies of the games to upload to my "gaming" desktop. Trying to run all of those on this laptop would definitely cause mega lag and crashes. I can never seem to have more than one or two saves at a time here. At least for now I keep playing just for fun and it's giving me knowledge on how to best survive those serious attempts at the games.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    AEventyr wrote: »
    Wait, you're working on what with gen who now!? O_O
    Missed this part.
    Yup, I'm already working on Gen Two :blush: Unlike Gen One, a lot of the houses I want to use have to be built from scratch. Since house building generally isn't my favorite thing and I'm slow at it, I'm working on it now so I have lots of time. It also makes sense to have the Sims living in that house on the lot, so I'm putting together the pairs that will end up together and letting them have their babies. It's mostly because I just can't wait to see all the babies, but getting everything set up early will help the transition to the next gen go smoother. Otherwise, there will be a long wait instead of like 2 weeks (the little break I'm going to give myself).
    Not to tease, but I'm already totally obsessed with the next heir :blush:

    It is frustrating work sometimes, but I think it'll definitely be worth it. Perhaps I'll even give it a try over this next week before Easter wipes me out. Of course I have to work then :tired_face:

    I know the feeling. I have much in Sims, other writing, and in real life I have yet to follow through on because of distractions, tiredness, and general laziness :sweat_smile: (If you ever decide to give FF XIV ARR a try, let me know. Would always love another person to play with :smiley: )
    Yeah, a good computer is crucial. If the tools don't work well, the result will be less than stellar. I don't know how I ever survived without my Alienware. Best of luck to you with getting everything set up and eventually giving a challenge or two a try. You've got a guaranteed reader in me :blush:
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Starting ahead is a very smart idea! Especially with how much it sounds like you need. Considering everything I would need to build/prep, it might be a good one to steal and do now. Ugh, that would just make me want to keep playing and not remember ....oh yeah, your parents are still teens right now. Doh! Doesn't knowing how much you like the next heir make you want to just speed things up with Ethy?
    Stop teasing. :s

    Work should not be permitted over holidays. I'm biting my nails hoping to see Easter off on my schedule this week. Hopefully your shifts aren't too long and you get to spend time with family/friends/maybe-some-sims.

    Isn't it just so fun having so many muses fighting for your time and attention? I've actually started trying to picture it like a large filing closet with a bunch of people and papers everywhere, only pulling out who/what I need when I want to use them. Now if I could just get it organized like that in real life! :dizzy: And, y'know make the other voices not chirp up when I don't want them. (Seamus Finnigan was especially strong on St. Paddy's, darn him.) As for Final Fantasy, thank you! I'll keep it in mind but honestly don't play a lot of MMOs. Is it pay-each-month?
    Alienware! :open_mouth: That is the DREAM someday. Right now what I call a "gaming computer" is more like "I spent x-amount more than I wanted to get some better specs". Aww, really? Thank you again! I'm toying with the idea of starting up one of the less story-based options to test the waters of learning how to post, like the Backward ISBI maybe, and just do that on my laptop until the save crashes. After this week, of course.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Chapter Twenty Three


    The park was full of children laughing and merrily screaming as they played. And by children, I mean my teenage friends. There were few actual little ones on the lot, and they were all enjoying themselves in much quieter ways. It was the ones who should have been acting that way who were acting like they were five. Amaranth and Allium were the ones who had started off the crazy game of tag that they, Sunset, and Sunflower were participating in. Allium had claimed that he could finally outrun Amaranth, which had been the wrong move. The two began chasing each other as if stopping meant they would die, and poor Sunset and Sunflower got caught in the crossfire. Needles to say considering how many times Allium was 'it', he was still highly unable to outrun Amaranth.


    It was easy enough for me to ignore the chaos. The noise my friends were making when spread out across the park was nothing like the insanity they created when all crammed into my car as I drove them around. I only even remembered they were there when the game was brought close to where Frost and I were sitting.

    "Ugh! I thought being at the park would be relaxing. I can't concentrate with this noise!" he complained as he focused his gaze harder on his notebook.

    The six of us had all been doing our homework earlier. Well, Frost and I had been helping everyone else do their homework. It was impossible for us to make it through one of our study sessions without the two of us turning into tutors. With all our attention focused on everyone else's work, it was a wonder it was a surprise when the other four couldn't believe we still had our own work to do by the time they were done and ready to goof off. It didn't help that my homework and Frost's was incredibly more difficult given our schedule of almost entirely AP level classes. I gave Frost a friendly pat on the back. I knew his struggle well.

    "What part are you working on?" I asked.
    "I'm trying to finish this essay on how the creation of the Separatist Alliance influenced the Eastern Trade Conference, but I keep confusing the Meeting of Advisers with the Collaboration of Advisers. Why did they have to give two different but similar events that happened at totally distinct times similar names?"
    "Um, Frost," I began hesitantly, "You do know the Separatist Alliance wasn't formed until after the Eastern Trade Conference had been dissolved, right? Shouldn't you be talking about how the Alliance influenced the Eastern Traders Union?"


    Frost practically slammed his notebook into his face as he checked his work. A massive, mischievous grin appeared on my face, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing when he glared at me.

    "You go ahead and laugh! Don't mind the heart attack you just gave me. I tell you I'm confusing two events already, and you think it's a good idea to trick me into thinking I messed up the ETC and the ETU too? I seriously just believed this whole paper was worthless."
    "Sorry." I apologized, but I was still laughing.

    Frost scoffed, shook his head, and then laughed himself.

    "I'm just gonna give up on this at the moment. I'm going to make it a big mess if I try to finish it with my brain all scrambled thanks to them!" he said, half yelling out his last words to our friends running around.

    All of them either didn't hear or ignored him.

    "How about we head back you your place? It's much more private there." I suggested with heavily sarcastic sensuality.
    "Yeah, it'd be easier to concentrate on what's right in front of me." Frost played along, staring right into my eyes as he gave me his best flirty face.

    We both burst out into more laughter seconds later. There was no way we could keep that kind of talk up for long. The scandalous rumor that had caused me so much grief had all but faded into oblivion the second the information for homecoming got out. It, and not me, was the lone thing the school was talking about now. In fact, the rumor had become sort of a joke with me and my friends. Frost and I especially messed around with it whenever we could.

    Continue reading.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Yay Frost time! I should say the little game of tag was distracting for Frost and Meadow. They don't even have anything written on those notebooks! :D

    And she's a LIAR! AMARANTH was her first kiss! *waves Christmas Ship flag* Although, she and Allium are adorable, and being the age they are. what they did in that situation was, once again, very realistic and well written. I'm angry at and feel bad for Sap at the same time. Unfortunately Meadow was a learning experience for him but hopefully years down the road they can look past this. For now, the kid has some things to sort out regarding what his parents taught him versus what he should do. It sucks she had to be dragged into all of it. Yup, still mad. Ooo, I want to know what Amaranth has to say about all of this!
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Frost time indeed :blush: He got more screen time than Am and the Sun combo, even if it was still only two pictures :lol: He'll be around some next time too, for next chapter is homecoming! I've been trying to work on it all weekend, but the amount of teen Sims I'm adding to the household to make sure the gym doesn't look like a total wasteland is giving me more crashing problems. Ah well.
    Let's just say they both flipped to a new page to continue writing and the rest is filled with their genius works :smiley:

    Well, no, technically Sap still had her first "kiss"- first person besides Eden (thus "non-related") to kiss her anyway :lol: After her 11th birthday at the horse stables, remember? :wink: Even though that's still not a kiss kiss. The Christmas kiss doesn't technically count either because it was done under the mistletoe and was half-cheek.

    Glad you think what Meadow and Allium did was realistic. With stuff like that, I'm never entirely sure until I release the chapter and someone tells me otherwise if I'm pushing things a bit too far or too fast. It made perfect sense in my head though. Meadow was already struggling with the fact that feelings were beginning to grow for Allium out of nowhere, and then when she's desperate for relief when her heart is hurting she gets the chance to "redo" in a much better way what Sap wrongly took from her.
    I have sympathy for Sap too. I've steadily got a stronger headcanon (although would it just be canon since I'm the author? :lol: ) growing for him. He, Bud, and Pistachio are a set of triplets, and there's almost always complications when triplets are born. I imagine that Sap was the lucky one that came out as strong as possible while Bud and Pistachio were really weak and had to spend a lot of time in the hospital. It took them a long time to catch up developmentally, which is why Mr. and Mrs. Spring told Sap that he had to be their protector both because he was the oldest and the strongest of the three. Adding onto that, because there's that sense of responsibility and a sort of guilt (he was born strong because he "stole" their health for himself) he doesn't pressure his sisters to take on pretty much any of the expectations his parents have. He takes them all himself because he feels like he has to, which is why I mentioned this chapter about Sap becoming more of a participant in his father's businesses. That pretty much means his parents' words are law to him. Even if he doesn't believe in something (like that he has to be with someone green or that he should have a relationship in Meadow), he simply can't toss away their influence since it's too important to him to be what they want him to be. Like you said though, this whole situation was a crucial eye-opener for him that he needs to sort some things out unless he wants to continue hurting himself and the others around him.
    You shall see :smiley:
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well, no, technically Sap still had her first "kiss"- first person besides Eden (thus "non-related") to kiss her anyway :lol: After her 11th birthday at the horse stables, remember? :wink: Even though that's still not a kiss kiss. The Christmas kiss doesn't technically count either because it was done under the mistletoe and was half-cheek.

    (Meanwhile, on the 🐸🐸🐸🐸. Christmas) All hands on deck! All hands on deck! Author has used REASON and Canon information! PUT UP DELUSION SHIELDS!!!! lalala, we can't HEAR you......

    But I do like how much headcanon you have for the characters and watching it unfold. Horray for homecoming up next!
    Post edited by AEventyr on
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Haha, careful. Too much mutiny against the laws of reason and canon will result in a delay in desired scenes and/or potential relationships :naughty:

    Hopefully homecoming will be fun :lol: I haven't had any strong ideas of what to do with the dance, so I'm just making it up as I go along. It might be a shorter one, but hopefully it should come out decent.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Arr... the high seas of good writing is a terrible mistress. :p

    Even short chapters can be good ones! I look forward to it either way. (Also, on the off chance I'm not around this weekend, have a great Easter!)
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Chapter Twenty Four


    I gave Sunset a friendly smack on the back when she stepped on my toes for the hundredth time. I should have switched her and Sunflower around. As we modeled through various poses, Sunset got lost in her excitement and kept forgetting she couldn't stand right on top of me as she attempted whatever new position she concocted. If I wasn't careful, my feet definitely weren't going to last me through the night. Sunset gave me yet another amused, apologetic grin before backing up and turning to face the camera Eden had pointed our way. The device that hadn't been touched since I tried to take a picture when I turned white was finally getting a moment to shine.


    Besides being mildly annoyed with Sunset, I was also getting irritated with my brother as well. He had been into preparing me for homecoming as much as I had been into it. However, now that the date was here he kept teasingly slowing us down because he didn't want to see me go off and attend my first "big girl" dance, as he liked to call it. Eden had done everything from practically locking himself in the bathroom so I couldn't get ready to seriously hiding my dress and making me go on a scavenger hunt to find it. Now he was fiddling with the camera far beyond what he needed to do to take the shot.

    "Eden. We can't hold these smiles forever. Stop being a 🐸🐸🐸🐸 and take the picture." I commanded.
    "I can't take your words seriously when you say them while smiling so widely." he chuckled in response.
    "Well, you had better take me seriously before I give you a reason to stop your own stupid smiling."
    "I'm sorry," Eden laughed harder, "This is too good- having you threaten me when you look so happy. I'm thoroughly enjoying myself."
    "You won't be if you don't take that picture in five seconds."
    "Ah, sibling love." Sunflower mused wistfully.
    "If you think this is something, you should see me and Vermillion have a go." Sunset added merrily.
    "You have one second, Eden." I warned again.

    With a roll of his eyes, he lifted the camera up and took the picture.


    Eden took several more pictures of the three of us without complication, and Sunset managed to avoid my feet for the rest of the time. It was then that we decided we had enough pictures of our particular group. It was time to switch things up. Eden hadn't been pleased about it at first, but our house had been chosen as the house where me and my friends met up to take pictures before we left for the dance. Amaranth, Cocoa, Allium, and Frost were waiting off to the side just out of the way. I tried to follow Sunset and Sunflower so that someone else could have their turn for pictures, but Allium instantly rushed over and wrapped his arms around me to hold me in place.

    "Finally! It's our turn. Snap away, big bro!"

    A big frown instantly appeared on Eden's face, and he made no attempt to take a picture. Entertained by this, I smiled brighter than I had at any point during that day.

    "C'mon, Eden. You've got to take pictures of us a couple at some point. Might as well get it over with." I teased.
    "You know, I'm still not sure about this whole thing." Eden mumbled as he did reluctantly raise the camera to snap a shot.
    "You had no problem with me and Sap." I pointed out.
    "I had some warning that you two might happen. You two," he pointed to me and Allium, "Came out of nowhere. Besides, I trust Sap to be more responsible with you than this guy here."
    "Oh, please! How can you even say that after what happened?"
    "You know what kind of responsible I mean."
    "You mean you trust Sap not to sleep with Meadow while you think I'll jump up her skirt the first chance I get." Allium said cheerfully.

    Our friends burst out into laughter, me included, while Allium received a death glare from Eden.

    "Just clarifying it in case anyone was confused." Allium shrugged, still wearing his goofy grin.

    Eden's expression didn't waver, but Allium wasn't the kind to back down. He had the two of us shift into a slightly different position to signify that we were ready for another picture.

    "Hand higher." Eden demanded.

    In typical Allium fashion, he lowered his hand down my waist instead. That sent everyone off into a fit of laughter again. I began to fear that Eden's intense glare might actually kill my boyfriend, but he did go ahead and take the picture.

    "Next!" he called for someone else right after.

    Continue reading.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    I wondered when Prissy would show up in this chapter, and look! Alium even called her prissy, too! Okay, he's endearing. A smidge. Frost somehow is growing into my favorite of the boys, probably because I know now he won't be a romantic interest. Sometimes the platonic relationships are even more entertaining than the romantic ones. Also, Alium and Eden are hilarious.

    A+ job on setting up the dance! It looked great.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Yeah, there was no way Ethereal was going to escape the dance without some interference from her mortal enemy :naughty:
    I figured it was about time to add "prissy" in there somewhere for the lols :lol:

    I'm glad you're enjoying Allium's appearances :lol: You sure he's not putting any holes in your ship yet? :smirk: I've already got someone else who's converted :lol:
    I'm even more glad that Frost is going up your list :blush: I know sometimes people only focus on the romantic interests, but the straight up friends need some love too :smiley: There'll be more with Frost and Meadow in the future.
    What I like most about Eden and Allium is Eden's attitude change. Before Meadow really got into pursuing a relationship, he was all "Yeah! Definitely go for it!" Now he's turned into the typical protective big brother standing on the porch with a shotgun when Allium comes and goes :lol:

    Thanks :blush: Getting the shots for it was tricky, because it was all about perspective, perspective, perspective. If you look at it from another view it seems like the lamest homecoming ever. And this was with the household full of teenagers too. There was like twenty of them (including the normal group) :astonished:



    Did ya notice anyone familiar? :wink:
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    (Regarding Sap) The cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone. Hi-ho the merri-oh.....
    Frost is dancing with Sunflower? Darn it, I guessed Sunset. Also, I kept looking for Prissy in the group shots before she showed up in the story.

    LOL @ Eden with a shotgun. There's a country song for that. "Come on in, boy. Sit on down and tell me 'bout yourself. .... See you when you get back. I'll probably be up all night still cleaning this gun." Fun fact: my friend's dad actually did that once. It backfired since her date was an avid hunter. :D

    No, no holes, but the 🐸🐸🐸🐸. Christmas mourns the loss of its crewmembers. Meadow just happens to have a decent current boyfriend is all. "the straight up friends need some love too." Couldn't have said it better myself! I'm glad there'll be more Frost-Meadow in the future. - vs /.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Haha, I haven't heard that song in a while. Now the song is stuck in my head :lol:
    Oh, perhaps you caught onto something there~ Perhaps :wink:
    I was making sure not to show Purity in the dancing group shots since she would have stood out like a sore thumb. I also did it because I was hinting at an implication about Purity and her own relationships from what we see of her at the dance.

    I feel like I've heard that song before too :blush:
    That's hilarious about your friend and her date :lol: They end up talking about guns or something, or was the date just impossible to scare from that kind of tactic?

    I see :smile:
    Ever since you brought up that Frost hasn't been shown for a while, I now find myself getting all these new ideas of what I can do with him :lol:
    Next week the focus will return to Eden-Meadow to take a break from all the romance and stuff though :blush:
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    My evil plan was a success! Next up: the song that doesn't end.....

    Umm.... hard to remember, but I think they were late for whatever was their date because he stuck around talking about guns for a while. Her poor Dad needed it. She was the first of four girls!

    Horray for a sibling chapter!
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    It was funny. I half woke up around like 4 in the morning, and for whatever reason my brain decided to remind me of your post. It wasn't The Song That Never Ends that it suddenly started repeating, but This is the Song That Gets on Everybody's Nerves. That song was all my brain would sing for the minute or so it took me to fall back asleep :lol:
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    :D:D:D Oh gosh, that's too hilarious!
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Don't do it again :lol:
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited April 2015
    Chapter Twenty Five


    I had dreaded its coming. I had wished it would never come, but, alas, winter did come. I wondered what would happen this year. It was nice that I had made it to the Holiday break without coming down with something other than those random colds one gets, but that hardly meant I was out of the woods yet. The snow and the cold would be around for another two and a half months. Would it be the flu? A small infection? In the end, it didn't matter too much what it was. The end result would be the same; I would end up in the hospital again. Such an event truly did happen every year. Normally, it wouldn't be so bad. My stay would be a few days or so. It was only rarely that I became incredibly sick like I did last year. I hoped as I sipped on my fresh hot chocolate that such a bad experience then meant I was in for a lighter ride this time. It helped that Eden let me be lazy during the cold months. I could even wear my warm pajamas all day if I wanted.


    And I had been incredibly lazy that morning. In fact, making my mug of hot chocolate had been the most productive thing I had done. When I heard Eden coming down the stairs, I worried for a moment that he would prompt me to do a little something better with my time. He actually sat himself down in the seat next to mine with a big smile instead. It was the kind of smile he wore when he was planning something.

    "How's your day going?" he asked cheerfully.
    "Fine. I woke up, took a bath, half ignored the television show I was watching by playing games on my phone, made this hot chocolate, breathed- the usual."
    "Good, good," he said too suspiciously, "But are you in the mood to be a bit more active?"
    "Perhaps." I answered indecisively.
    "No need to be so wary," Eden laughed, "What I've got in mind is nothing like whatever you're imagining, I'm sure."
    "What do you have in mind?"
    "Want to go on a vacation?"


    I had a sudden mood change at hearing that beautiful "V" word. My lethargic state was replaced with something more energetic.

    "You're planning a vacation? To where?"
    "To tell the truth, I've already completely finished planned it. Asking if you wanted to go was just a formality. You don't have a choice as to whether you're coming or not. We're heading to Painted Plains. Tomorrow."
    "What?" I asked in amusement and confusion.
    "I got the idea last night and simply went ahead and worked with it. It's been forever since the two of us have spent a long period of time together, not counting when you were white and stuck to the house which made us get on each other's nerves, of course. I know you're going to be busy doing all sorts of things with your friends soon, so I figured I would snatch up the chance to monopolize you while I could. As to why I picked Painted Plains, well, I've always wanted to go there. I think you'll have a good time there since you love riding horses, and the weather there will be much better to you than the weather here. From what I've heard, it still feels like early autumn down there." Eden explained with a shrug.
    "That sounds great. All of it does."
    "There is one thing that you probably won't like though. Our flight leaves tomorrow morning at eight, which means we need to leave by about six, which means we'll need to wake up by five-thirty at the latest."

    Eden laughed at me when I frowned. I definitely didn't like that part, but I wasn't going to complain about it. Once I packed, I had the whole rest of the day to relax and prepare for the early wake-up time.

    Continue reading.
    Post edited by iButterfree on
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    I kept coming back, trying to figure out when your brother was going to let you use the internet. Then I realized you just didn't add the photos here on the site. XD Funny how he was being ugh for a chapter where Eden is so full of win.

    It's scarily nice to see The Company finally come back into play as more than a dark shadowy cloud on the horizon. Now I'm biting my nails for the next chapter! As for Mantis, I saw what someone else commented and yes, his backstory from the other Legacy isn't the prettiest. I have trouble keeping it straight, and I don't think he was adopted but rather his father finally managed to get custody (I'd have to look it up), but yeah. I was going to ask if you had downloaded him to add in later or something.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Yeah, on Blogger you can upload them straight from your desktop to the post, so no internet problems slowing me down there :grin: Me and my sister don't know what's going on though. Our internet has been really bad and spotty the past few days. Our brother leaves his computer and games on all day (even when he goes to work for ~6-7 hours), so we assume he's always the reason when we're having connection problems. I'm wondering if it is him this time around considering the issue has been so persistent, but I don't know what else it could be. Like, I can't even the signatures here to load, and accessing Photobucket is still entirely out of the question. It's driving me nuts :angry:

    It really was time for The Company to start taking their place as a legitimate threat. It's one thing to say they're this big bad evil and another to show it. And, since the villain is becoming more of a presence, you can be sure that that means the end is steadily approaching :wink: Not within the next few chapters or anything, but we're much closer to the finale of Gen One than not.

    I guess the two Mantises are starkly similar, but not quite exactly identical like the Anon commenter said they were. I seriously haven't read more than like the first three chapters of Until My Color Fades away, so it's just one of those weirdly coincidental coincidences :lol: I'm not going to stress too much over it since I don't have any plans at the moment for Mantis being more than a character mentioned once this chapter. I made him and his experience with Eden up at the last second anyway :lol: That paragraph was originally going to be Ethereal and Eden reminiscing about how lying there took them back to the times where they relaxed on the ground when Ethereal was trapped, but I decided I wanted to dig more into Eden's past instead.
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