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☆Color My World☆ Rainbowcy (Update 5/7)


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    Makayla_MakaPakaMakayla_MakaPaka Posts: 771 Member
    Also, Purity is horrible
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    Makayla_MakaPakaMakayla_MakaPaka Posts: 771 Member
    Okay, now that I've finished reading, I'll make a proper comment.

    It was beautiful! I love Allium - he's completely won me over. Of course, there's still a small shred of hope for the Christmas ship.
    Purity was mean at the beginning, but now we've seen a kind side - hopefully she and Ethereal will be better friends from now on.

    That end scene by the water made me want to cry :confounded: beautifully written as always!
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    @Makayla_MakaPaka- I'm glad you enjoyed both the poses and the chapter :blush: This was an interesting one for me, because it wasn't something I ever originally planned to do yet it's going to turn out to be very influential. A lot of what will be seen in the upcoming installments can all be traced back to it.

    I'm glad to see everyone is accepting Allium and Ethereal well as a couple, and that a few have chosen to jump ship :lol: It will be interesting to see what everyone thinks at the end of the generation as well as what everyone's ending preferences are for the couples :smiley:
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    edited April 2015
    *crackling* Good evening, 🐸🐸🐸🐸. Christmas. This is your self-appointed Captain speaking. Krum was never a bad first boyfriend for Hermione, and they probably could have been happy together. YET THE GOODSHIP STILL WON!! *refuses to jump ship*

    ....why do I hear Clopin in the ending of "The Court of Miracles" from Disney's Hunchback as I read the above statement. You know, where he sings, "We find you totally innocent. Which is the worst crime of all.... So you're going to hang! *da na dun dun!*" ? :neutral:
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Honestly, I would have liked to see what a longer Krum/Hermione relationship would have been like. At least in the movie canon. Book Ron/Hermione I like. Movie Ron/Hermione, I'm not the fondest of.
    But, glad to see you're still hanging in there :wink:

    I'm going to have to rewatch the Hunchback. I haven't seen it in forever, so I don't remember that part :lol:
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    I'm working on prepping for the next generation again. Which stage do you think would be better for a 13-year-old Sim- child or teenager? It's a bothersome thing I keep coming across. The child stage looks too young, and the teenager stage looks too old :confused:
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    I'm not happy with how Kloves (movie screenwriter) handled Ron, period! He even openly admitted Ron was (one of?) his least favorite character(s). A lot of his best lines went to other characters.

    Hrm.... I know. Putting them in the most childish outfits and hairstyles doesn't even really work. I'd say the 'teen' stage is for when they've 'matured', so to speak? So, if the offspring acts childish still or is still on the brink, make them a kid? Teen seems more highschool-ish to me, but of course some kids do mature in middle school, you know?
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    I know it'll probably never happen, or it won't happen for an incredibly long time, but I really wouldn't mind a remake of the whole Harry Potter series. I'd especially love it if they could keep the same director or at least keep the style the same throughout. All the sudden changes of style between the seven movies was one of the things I hated the most. One and two were my favorites, four I really liked, and six was pretty good. Five I couldn't stand, and the two sevens were acceptable. I think it would be easier the next time around to keep things consistent now that all the books are out and they know which things are crucial to keep in (and how to keep the characters in character!) I want more of the sassy Harry we see in the books :lol:
    It's terrible that personal feelings got in the way of how a character should've been portrayed :angry: I get that writing about a character you don't particular like is difficult, but it's not like he was writing for himself. He was writing for a whole generation and more of people.

    What I wouldn't give for a pre-teen stage or at least a height slider. I heard a rumor (or one mention) of that team who did Cities: Skylines creating or potentially thinking about making a real simulation game like the Sims. I haven't done any research into whether that's true or not though. If anyone ever decides to give EA a challenge, those two things are high on my wish list :smiley:
    It really is a predicament. I'm leaning on making him/her/them (keeping you in the dark as to who it is :lol: ) teenagers since what I really care about is that he/she/they look distinguishably older than this other character who will be in the child stage. I don't think it'll really ever be necessary for me to state his/her/their age, so as long as I avoid that topic I should be fine. 2nd Gen will be different in that the time in which the characters are younger won't (shouldn't! hopefully) last nearly as long as it did in the 1st gen. Most of them will be young adults, and so the point will become moot :smiley:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    for me 13 is teen (tho this is coming from a girl that started to grow breast at the age of 7 and by the age of 13 already had a DD cupsize >.>) I don't like the toddler to kid,2-4 year olds are like the toddlers in age and their not at the kid stage, the kids in the game all seem to be like 7-10 year olds to me.

    I never read the books till after the movies, I TRIED to read the first Harry Potter because my little brother pressed me on it, but I couldn't get into it, to low of reading for me, but when the first movie came out I took my brother to see it for his birthday and the movie was good, I enjoyed it (and I really didn't think I would) so when I got home I read the first book, in 3 hours, then the second book in about the same time.
    Sadly since JK Rowling worked so close with the making of the movie I don't see a remake ever coming out, if it does, it will be like the Starwars, years and years and years down the line because of the advancements of technology, I LOVED Luna in the books, but they basically cut her out of the movie, only a few shots. Granted I haven't seen the last one (two whatever)
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Yeah, 13-year-olds are considered teenagers in the real world, but teenagers in the Sims world look very mature for that age still. I went ahead and made the character(s) teens though. I'll just stick to not saying their age like I mentioned above, and everything should be fine :lol:

    My older sisters read the books before the movies, and I got obsessed with them after we went and saw the first movie.
    Indeed. It really is one of those kind of movies that isn't bound to get a remake (and seriously not anytime soon.)
    I don't think they cut Luna out of the movies too badly. She doesn't have as many appearances in the movies as she does in the book, but the great casting makes up for that, I think. And the fact that Evanna is incredibly active with the HP fanbase is super cool. IIRC, she even joined in the third A Very Potter Musical to play Luna :smile:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Thats sweet! I didn't know that :) Yea staying away from saying how old they are is a good idea. Besides its not like your documenting every moment of their lives :)
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Chapter Twenty Seven


    I walked out of the store, not too particularly fond of the weight on my ears. I normally didn't wear earrings. If I did, they were usually of the stud variety or either very light. As you might suppose, my ears didn't like most metals that earrings came in. Any extra weight the earrings carried only made my lobes more sore than what they would be when the redness set in. Currently, I only had two pairs that I could wear safely. The ones I had on at that moment were already bothering my skin, but I knew I wouldn't be wearing them long anyway.

    "How do they look?" I asked my companion.
    "They look fine? I mean, they really don't look any different from when you asked that question inside the store thirty seconds ago." Allium answered with slight exasperation.
    "I just wanted to make sure they look alright in natural light as well as artificial light."
    "Do girls really worry about that kind of thing? Besides, you already bought them anyway."

    I merely shrugged as I took the earrings out and replaced them neatly in their box.


    When I glanced up, Allium was giving me that questioning look he had been wearing for quite some time now.

    "Are you still not going to tell me who they're for?" he wondered.
    "I told you- they're for a friend with an upcoming birthday." I answered with a smile.
    "But the only friend you have who's pink is Cocoa, and her birthday is in the fall. And I don't think you're buying them for me, so who else does that leave?"
    "You're just going to have to wait and find out," I said teasingly, "If she ever decides to wear them in public, that is."
    "But I wanna know now." Allium whined.
    "Patience, Charming."

    I gave him a pat on the head. He sighed dramatically.

    "I spent all this time with you shopping, and you won't even let me know the answer to the mystery that's going to torture my existence for all of the next five minutes."
    "Hey, it's not like I invited you along," I laughed, "We just happened to bump into each other, remember? You didn't have to go shopping with me."
    "Still..." Allium pouted.


    He was persistent with his pouting, which was normal but not really preferred at that moment. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek to cheer him up. It worked well. He forgot about the unknown recipient of the earrings and finally changed the topic.

    "So, since fate has brought us together, shall we journey to the sanctuary of pink and purple where we can remain together?" he asked in a grand manner.
    "If that's you inviting me to your house, sure. Give me a piggyback though."
    "Wait? What?" Allium dropped his facade as I shifted to press up against his back in a half attempt to get him to carry me.
    "My feet hurt, and it's a long way to walk." I explained.
    "Then you shouldn't have worn heels," Allium rolled his eyes in amusement, "And you know if I wasn't here you would have had to walk back to your house."
    "But you are here, so let me up." I giggled.

    I grinned brightly when Allium scoffed but smiled too as he helped me get on his back.

    "What happened to you getting embarrassed about this kind of stuff?" he asked after he started walking.
    "Hmm, well, you're a bad influence."
    "I know this," Allium laughed, "I hope you know I'm not going to carry you all the way to my place."
    "Sure you are. You're my big, strong, adorable stud muffin"

    At that, I wrapped my arms tighter around his shoulders and planted a big kiss on the side of his head.

    "I hate that you can do that." Allium said in defeat.
    "I know this." I giggled once more.

    Continue reading.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    I agree about not stating the ages if it can be avoided. If I remember right, someone had attempted to make their own "age-up" mod where the sims grow, but it makes for awkward hugs and other interactions.

    As for Harry Potter, I was at the "I should be too old for this" phase and saw the first movie when my sister got it for her birthday. Fell in love with Oliver Wood, then how adorable Ron was, watched the second movie, THEN went back and read the books. I was just starting the one that introduces The Marauders when the fifth book came out and accidentally spoiled myself on Sirius' death so I never really got into his character. Shortly after that was when I really got into the fandom (writing fanfics/RPs/sitting front row at midnight showings for GoF thru DHp1.) But yeah, love me some Weasleys, even poor, misguided Percy. Yes, Evanna did join the Potter Musical 3 read through! She was billed as the HP fan who got to join the cast when she became Luna. Isn't it funny how everyone can find a different way into a fandom and still enjoy it?
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    edited May 2015
    Ooo new chapter!!!

    ..........*more headdesking* Plums. The both of them. Him for the 🐸🐸🐸🐸 plan and her for still feeling safe with him.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    lol ooooh I know, that Irish accent Oilver Wood was yummy XD
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Al is really lucky that isn't me! I'd have decked him in the face right after what Frost said.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    I've gotta leave for work, so I'll just copy what I posted on the blog and reply more directly when I get back. You'll see a few plums in there, so check out the original comment if you'd like to see all the "bad" words in their full glory :lol:

    "The way I look at it, it's all about the intent. Was Allium a massive, horrible 🐸🐸🐸🐸 for making false promises and lying to Ethereal? Hell yes. Should he have realized sooner that what he was doing was the worst possible thing he could have been doing at the time? Definitely. Was he doing what he did because he did not care about Ethereal or her safety? No. As misguided and stupidly naive as it was, his thought process was that giving Ethereal (an unintentionally cruel) nudge to face her fear of people would indeed force her to bulk up her courage and confidence. He was working under the impression that only his friends would be at the party and that Ethereal didn't have anything to fear from them. Of course, that continues to show that Allium is just as naive as Ethereal can be. Realistically, there was going to be that one drunk jerk who insulted her (I'm not counting Poppy since she was technically all messed up too because of her spiked drink), and that there was going to turn out to be the true 🐸🐸🐸🐸 who would try to take advantage of her. Also, remember that he has no idea what Ethereal has to hide from. He has no idea that she does basically have to fear the world. All he sees is an abnormal and unnecessary fear of everyone that generally wouldn't be a healthy mindset for a person.
    About him guilting her about money, he wasn't purposely trying to guilt her. If you think back even to when he offered to buy her hot chocolate after the snowball fight, essentially all of the deals they make involve Allium promising to pay for treating her. Allium simply assumed that would be the case this time too. And, at least in my eyes, I don't see him blaming her for being assaulted as big an issue as you, mostly because he simply just didn't have all the information at the time. He once again had no clue that Ethereal had been freaked out to the extent she was. As far as he knew, she had been perfectly rational and had had her wits about her when she drank the drink. If she HAD had her wits about her then, yes, unfortunately, SOME of the blame would be on her since it's one thing to have someone spike your drink without you knowing and another thing entirely to willingly accept and drink something that some stranger just hands to you. Him yelling at her was a mix of adrenaline and his own terror for her safety. You'll find that once he learns what was going on he stops putting the blame on her. It's not an easily spotted thing, but he didn't actually get word from his friends as to the truth about how things went down until after he took Ethereal to Frost's house. He took her away from the party almost as soon as he quit yelling at her, which gives a loose hint that the information he didn't have got to him through something like a phone call later on. After that, he does nothing to reject the blame and accepts all fault when sincerly apologizing to Ethereal. She does sort of accept his apology, but she does also note that his actions are things she doesn't get over right away.

    This is still the Allium who has been one of Ethereal's best friends for six years. This is still the Allium who stayed up all night, occasionally crying, due to his fear and worry of Ethereal's safety when she and Purity were stuck on the mountain. The one who didn't leave her side the next day to comfort the both of them that she was safe.
    Once again, did Allium make ridiculously horrible choice that he never should have made? Yes. Is he an abusive, manipulative, lying 🐸🐸🐸🐸 who should instantly be tossed aside? Not quite."
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    I get that Kelsey, and if Al was Richard and that went down, i'd still deck him for what happened, it's how I would react to it. Forgiving, yea not as soon as Ethereal, I'd need to calm down, but yea as you said, when you have a strong bond with a friend or partner forgiveness normally comes, especially once you see things threw their eyes.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    edited May 2015
    @AmberKotori Scottish, actually. But yes, love me that accent!

    I agree with Amber. Al only does not get "the boot" from me because we do know about his growing up with Ethy and we've seen it was likely a one-time incredibly huge mistake. Emotions being what they are, especially magnified as teens, I can see why she just sank into his chest at the end. Love is like a drug and it's difficult to pull away; you have to ween yourself off of it. For me, I see this as his three strikes all in one blow, with the third "under review by the umpires" only due to their long history together. With the way you write and know your characters it's likely he won't turn into a horrible, manipulative, plum crazed man-child but in this chapter there's certainly the basis for it (says the girl who learned warning signs almost too late). It's good to see you noted she's not going to let this one go so easily as it appears.

    What I'm focusing on now after having time to process and get over Al's stupidity, is why did that girl say Am was up there recently. Couldn't have just been the drink.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    <-Lives in Scotland it's Northern Irish accent =p
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    @AmberKotori- I've never pictured Ethereal as a girl who is keen to slap people or even really physical hurt anyone :lol: She pushed Sap that one time, but that was about it. I actually like to consider this an effect from The Company's early influence on her: that she had almost no physical contact with anyone save for Eden during her formative years, so doesn't have as much of an urge as other people do to react with physical actions during moments of great emotional response, particularly angry ones. She associates physical touch more with moments of comfort or affection since that is the kind of touch she learned from Eden.

    Ah, but Ethereal doesn't forgive him :wink: She says she loves him, which is nothing more than a confirmation to him that she does still care about him despite what he just put her through. Though Allium saying he loved her momentarily broke her anger and upset mood, make no mistake that this was something she got over quickly. There'll be more of the after-effects of the party in the next chapter, although it won't be something that's focused on too much since it'll be just a mention of it.

    @AEventyr- It is the truth that it was all just a one-time horrible mistake he made.
    This chapter was another case of me originally planning to address something, but the topic getting changed when I went to write. Mostly the last section was going to focus more on how Allium couldn't understand Ethereal's shyness and how he forgot that just because he views the world a certain way it doesn't mean that he is simply able to change someone so they can have that same view. I scrapped that idea in order to make Allium flat out apologize and begin repenting to Ethereal instead since I felt going with that other angle would have made it seem like he didn't take the situation as seriously as he should, and he totally did take the whole thing very seriously.

    Her letting him hug and comfort her does have to do with the fact that she does love him, but also with the fact that the drug was still lingering in her system. Ethereal was weak and tired and she understood like what we've pointed out that this one awful thing Allium caused did not mean that he was a budding 🐸🐸🐸🐸 who she couldn't learn to trust again. And, indeed, she said nothing about letting him off the hook. The truth and weight of the night had not set in properly yet, and like I said with Amber there'll be a mention of how things were between Ethereal and Allium afterwards in the next chapter.
    Chapter 28 is going to be a whole heck of a lot lighter in tone and I think you'll enjoy it :wink: A good portion of it is simply fluffy fun.

    Nah, I meant for that just to be the influence of the drink :lol: That was another part that got changed. Ethereal was supposed to have totally bombed the conversation she tried to have with Poppy, but I couldn't get that to work well. Thus, I changed it so Poppy's drink was spiked too- hence the crazy, nonsensical reaction :lol:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Yea Ethereal isn't me XD and I have mass issues -.-' but ANNNNYWHOOOO can't wait for the next chapter ^.^
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Fluffy fun sounds good after that trainwreck. Good grief. Am I a bad person for kind of hoping Frost also won't let Allium off the hook so easily? Both because he's the platonic friend and he was the one called on to help.

    Also, a realization literally just jumped into my head. IF the endgame is indeed Ethy with another boy *coughCHRISTMASWILLWINcough*, then the way things were going, she and Al were going to need something major like this to start a tear in the fabric of their relationship. Unless it was going to be just her up and disappearing or "we're going to separate collages despite EA only giving us one neighborhood oh well, bye!".
    <-Lives in Scotland it's Northern Irish accent =p

    What!? But everything I've even read about his actor says he's from Scotland! The whole basis of my fandoming is a lie!!! :anguished: On the plus side, I now know what a Northern Irish accent sounds like.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    lol He could have been putting on an accent XD I love his accent too XD You got me doubting myself with his accent, I will have to watch the first one again with my hubby, he can tell you where someone in Wales, Scotland and Ireland is from based on their accent xD
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    Adventure4U1Adventure4U1 Posts: 239 Member
    I know I heard you say on another story- one I also read- that your first Generation 1 is almost over. How many more chapters do you have before Generation 1 ends?
    Life is an Adventure
    Not a movie
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