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☆Color My World☆ Rainbowcy (Update 5/7)


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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    EEEEEP CUTE Great way to start the day!! <3 I want a double post for my birthday too!
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    EEEEE! Best thing to see coming home from work. Either that or immense tease.... Not sure which. I'm gonna go with squealing!
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Glad you both enjoyed it :lol:
    I could always make a post full of cute picture spam with desired Sims/couples birthday presents too :wink:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    If @AEventyr gets a chapter, I want a chapter =p if she gets spam, I'd love spam too ;)
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    Makayla_MakaPakaMakayla_MakaPaka Posts: 771 Member
    AWWWWWWWW ETHY AND AMARANTH!!!! Perfect <3 Christmas forever
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Since you all liked that, I took some Eden and toddler Ethereal pics since we haven't really seen that period of their lives before.



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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    EEEEEP!! CUTENESSS overload!!! <3
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Glad you like 'em :blush: Now pick your favorite :naughty::lol:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    The sleeping one. That was easy XD
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    I been reading to catch up over the last few days... very interesting story, nervevwrecking....

    and the toddler pictures sooo cute

    peoples ability to use poseplayer amazes me
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Definitely the sleepy one! With the thumbsucker being a close second.

    How about I get the chapter and Amber gets the spam? :D Just kidding around, I love the couples spam idea! The mental picture just came to me of Eden photobombing one for Al & Meadow.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Yay for birthday spam! lol
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    Adventure4U1Adventure4U1 Posts: 239 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've used Pose- Player to take pictures of non-story Sims. For example, I'll do a 100 baby challenge, and have the mother or father develop the photography skill. (I have UL- they allow you to take pictures with your phone if you don't have WA, which I don't) Then I'll pose the kids for family photos, and have the father or mother do the picture. When finished, I hang the photo on the wall. It's fun to look at them.

    Eth is so cute as a toddler. But toddlers are always cute, and so incredibly honest. The middle and last photos are my favorites. Looking forward to tomorrow.
    Life is an Adventure
    Not a movie
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited May 2015
    Chapter Thirty


    My fingers flew over the buttons on my controller. My thumbs had started aching long ago from how I abused them by mashing them against that piece of plastic, but my pride wouldn't have me give in to the hardly irritating pain. I had been winning, and I needed to keep winning.

    "Ohf! Yes! Take that!" Eden cried out in merriment, raising his controller above his head in victory, when my tackle failed to keep his player from entering the end zone.
    "Good job. You managed your first touchdown, and we're only in the third quarter. You must feel very proud of yourself." I teased.
    "Go ahead and taunt all you want. You only have one touchdown too. We're finally even, and I'm not letting you win this one."
    "Isn't that what you've been saying for the past several games? You are aware I won all of those as well, don't you?" I pointed out haughtily.
    "This one is the one. I can feel it."
    "You just keep telling yourself that." I smirked.


    Eden would never learn that the reason he got the touchdown off me was because I had been paying more attention to his face than the game. He had changed over the past week, and there was a part of me that couldn't help but to stare. Eden having been only eighteen when he got tangled up with my project had been something I had known for almost forever, but I rarely stopped to think about what that had meant for him. When I was ten, eighteen sounded so grown up. Now that I was seventeen, I understood how it wasn't grown up at all. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like to have been suckered up by a horrible evil like The Company as well as become an instant parent for a baby you had no relation to when you were at an age where you had pretty much no clue about the world or who you really were, much less how to guide and raise a tiny little life. That Eden had been half the role model he had been for me was miraculous, and it showed me just how freaking amazing he was. It made me pity him some too. I was getting a grasp at how much he had given up and how fast the situation had forced him to mature. The years that should have shown him the most freedom had been spent with him being trapped instead, and he hadn't had a moment to relax since.

    Until now, sort of. He had all sorts of worries at home. Bills, maintaining the house, keeping Allium off me, helping me with my problems, doing whatever he did with his "friends", and just keeping our secret in general. Here, however, it seemed all he had to worry about was dealing with my complaining. This whole thing was turning out to be a mini vacation in a way for the both of us. Eden finally had a chance to relax and show me a side of him I had hardly seen before. The "brother" part of him was out in full force while the "father" part of him was taking that rest.

    "F--- yeah!" he cheered when he won a decent amount of yards.

    Case in point, Eden was swearing a lot more than he normally did. He was rasher, more arrogant, dirtier minded, more rebellious, and much, much lazier. I liked that kind of Eden though. It was fun to look at him strictly as a sibling for once, and it was nice to see that he was indeed having a chance to act the age he never got to enjoy.


    Although, his temper wasn't something to be desired. I got my attention back on the game like it was supposed to be, and Eden found he wasn't having nearly as much luck as before. I scored two more touchdowns, the end of the fourth quarter came, and Eden lost the game yet again.

    "D--- it!" he growled in frustration, slamming his controller harmlessly against the couch cushion.
    "Want to play again?" I taunted.
    "Oh, shut the h--- up," Eden grumbled, not amused, before standing up and walking towards the kitchen, "I'm just going to make myself a bag of popcorn since it's the only thing I'm good at."
    "You already had a whole one to yourself earlier today. You're going to get fat!" I called the warning after him.

    I heard him mumbling under his breath, but he didn't say anything directly to me.

    Continue reading.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Yay! Update! Been so rushed today that I only just got to reading it!
    Poor Al, still on S. s. Christmas though =p Poor Meadow wanting to let Ethereal out.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    ....... ...... ...
    *gets on the horn* Passengers of the 🐸🐸🐸🐸. Christmas, this is your Captain speaking. We thought for a moment there was a clear path about to break through but it seems we were mistaken. Pay no mind to the giant iceberg shaped like Allium dangerously close on the starboard side, nor the lump caught in my throat. It's allergies. Just allergies. :'( *sniff* We're still sailing on! Captain out.

    Also, Kelsey has totally earned freshly squeezed lemonade because dang it all if I don't think this is one of my favorite chapters. Ruddy charming.... Charming.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    It was a good chapter @AEventyr ! And yes Kelsey has eared lemonade and I think some cake too :)
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Hrm... I don't have any cake, but we do have cherry pie?
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    Makayla_MakaPakaMakayla_MakaPaka Posts: 771 Member
    Why, why oh why, WHY do you have to make me love Allium so much? I love Amaranth, 🐸🐸🐸🐸! But Allium just has this way of working himself into your heart... *mutters* doesn't help when Amaranth never spends any time with Ethereal anymore... makes it worse when you post adorable pictures of Christmas.... STOP TEARING MY HEART INTO PIECES!
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    @AEventyr- Your "announcements" always make my day :lol:
    And I will gladly take that lemonade :blush: Still don't have the air conditioning in my room set up yet. I'm so uncomfortably hot that the idea of going to sleep seems painful because it will make me that much hotter. I can't sleep without some kind of cover on me, but even a thin sheet heats me up like I'm in an oven :bawling:
    This is one of my favorite chapters too- if not my favorite. I find it amusing though, because the next chapter I almost can't stand :expressionless: I think I got drained in creativity and writing energy doing 30. As soon as I started 31, I was like, no cares are given. Just get it done and get it over with :lol:

    @AmberKotori- Thank you!
    I'm actually pretty good on cake at the moment :lol: When you work with the stuff a lot, it's appeal steadily declines.

    @Makayla_MakaPaka- Well, Allium can't help being so dang lovable. He knows what he's saying when he calls himself an adorable stuff muffin :wink: Charming is charming, after all.
    All hearts must be torn into pieces before any sort of desired result comes about. It is a rule of Kelsey's writing :innocent:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    lol I can see that Kelsey XD Than again I work with resins, gems, stones, beads, threads, suede, leathers, and I never get tired of it XD
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Chapter Thirty One


    I stopped stirring and glanced over to my left, sighing and laughing in exasperation for what felt like the millionth time.

    "Flower, would you please stop sneaking bits of the hotdogs buns? We're not going to have any left if you keep eating them all." I warned.
    "I can't help it," she smiled as she defiantly popped another little swipe into her mouth, "I'm hungry."
    "We have plenty of other snacks, you know."
    "Yeah, but I don't want those. I want to eat the hotdog buns." she teased.

    I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I had been trying for five minutes to get Sunflower to control herself, and it clearly wasn't going to happen. Our buns were simply going to have to look like they had been pecked apart by birds.


    After adding a few more spices to my bowl of macaroni and cheese, I set it on the stove to cook. However, I barely turned the burner on when I was mildly interrupted.

    "It's almost seven." Sunset, who sat at the island counter, pointed out.
    "Yes, and?" I responded in slight confusion.
    "I don't think she's going to show up."
    "She's not here yet because I told her to come at seven. Why are you expecting her to be here already?"
    "Because she's hoping she won't show up." Sunflower answered for her in amusement.
    "I still cannot believe you did go ahead and invite her in the first place." Sunset sighed, resting her cheek in her palm.
    "Purity? Why?" I wondered.
    "Meadow," Sunset started seriously, "You just asked me why I would be confused that you invited Purity to our sleepover. Purity. You have to know how weird you sound right now."
    "I don't know why you're confused that Meadow has been acting weird again," Sunflower chimed in once more, "She's been acting weird ever since that mysterious disappearance of hers, after all."


    I kept my mouth shut at that statement. Sunset and Sunflower were getting better at letting me off the hook when the topic came up, which was unfortunately frequently, and I wasn't in the mood to spur on the conversation about my time in hiding by taking Sunflower's bait. However, this moment wasn't one of the moments where my friends would let the matter slide. I buried my frustration when I heard Sunset get off the stool and when she slid into my vision as she stood next to me, staring directly at my face. I knew she and Sunflower were just as quietly frustrated with me and my silence as I was with them and their constant pestering.

    "I will repeat myself until I turn blue in the face. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you about why Eden and I were gone for those two weeks. It's a secret that has to remain between us," I said with a shrug, "And, to be honest, I wish you would give me a break about it."
    "You used your one-time, super-ultra-best friend favor on all of us to get us to forgive you for scaring us to death by disappearing for two weeks and then refusing to give us an answer as to why, but that does not mean you're free of us at least trying to get that answer as to why." Sunset challenged.
    "But all that's going to do is drive us crazy. I'm going to get fed up with the unending questions, and you're going to get fed up asking questions and getting no answers. Seriously, nothing good is going to come out of it, because I can't give you my reasons for my disappearance."

    Continue reading.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Bump! :smiley:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    I read this, but I was late getting the kids to school on Monday because I needed to finish it (only around 15 mins late) XD It was a great update :) I like the changes in Purity.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    How did I forget to leave thoughts on this!? Ugh. Definitely a realistic chapter. The girls wanting more information and being uncomfortable around each other makes complete sense. It was nice to see a different side to Purity for once.
    Now, if you'll excuse me, I shall be walking the plank for lack of commenting. (Someone be sure to pull me back up, I'm not abandoning ship that easily!)
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