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☆Color My World☆ Rainbowcy (Update 5/7)


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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Maybe you should adjust your Woohooer settings to temporarily disallow teen Woohoo to save yourself from a headache :lol:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited June 2015
    lol or at lest try for baby XD I turned off replace woohoo with risky woohoo XD The moment when Hope and Allium met there was hearts everywhere!
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    Ooo, I like how normal colored Al looks :heart:
    I think you just spoiled with that screenshot who Grimmy came for in your last chapter :lol:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    LOL yea, but I didn't think it was MUCH of a cliffhanger XD
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    ....... *comm goes off* Captain here. Not sure what this boat is doing, but it looks like hot cocoa will not be served in the mess hall much longer. Staying the course. *end comm, commence smacking head on wheel* Wrong way to go about this, Am. Get those hormones in check!

    Seriously, I love how realistic your writing is, and this is totally me, but he's completely acting how my abusive ex-boyfriend started out, right down to teaching her how to play pool. Do you have cameras around here or something? Again, probably reading too much into this, literally, because he was just being cute and all I could think was "she didn't ask for you to touch her STOP HUGGING HER!" On an up note, that picture of him being so sad at his best mate kissing Meadow made me want to hug him myself. At least I know his fictional emotions are from a good (if not well timed) place.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Am could have timed it better, like BEFORE she started dating Al XD But at lest we're heading towards Christmas?
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    miadarkdecidermiadarkdecider Posts: 558 Member
    Just finished reading all of this! :3 Love it! You're a great writer <3
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited June 2015
    @AEventyr- Careful there. You don't want to smack the wheel so hard that you go off course :wink:

    But, indeed, Amaranth is showing signs that he's letting his hormones get the best of that normally level head of his. I will set out the reminder that he's still due for his bad choice moment, but naturally he's not going to go the same route as this ex-boyfriend of yours. That is really freaky that their actions are so similar :astonished:

    @AmberKotori- Well, even then he was already dating Cocoa and Meadow was still trying things out with Sap.
    We'll have to see in the upcoming chapters if Christmas is truly right around the corner :wink:

    On an unrelated note, this just popped up on my Facebook feed. I thought it might be something you're interested in :blush:

    @miadarkdecider- Welcome! Super happy that you like the story :heart: There's some good stuff coming up soon since the generation is getting close to the end (I know I keep saying that, but it's more true than ever this time :lol: ), so I hope to see you stick around :blush:
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    I've been meaning to buy marbles to try that at home! They do look soo cool, and I love the crackle effect! And how dare you sidetrack me with jewellery making ideas @iButterfree XD OOOH Have you seen the two new makes? Phoenix Down and Phoenix Wish? ^.^ Phoenix Wish would be good for Ethereal and Am XD white and red ;)
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    edited June 2015
    Mostly it was how he would put his arms around me and I'd tell him to back off, so he'd stop, act the good boyfriend, then find a different place to put them instead; all 'teasing' of course. Until it wasn't. At least Am chose a proper place like holding hands. And he was the one to teach me how to play pool. Like I said, I was having an anxiety day and so I'm finding out the smallest of things can trigger the weirdest things for me. This boat is definitely still on course! Fully. I completely did not start looking about the waters for a new ship on the in case Amaranth spikes any more unnecessary attacks. *hides blueprints for the totally-not-going-to-happen Lifeboat IceMist* Ahem.... Christmas for my birthday.... or Christmas in July! Now that sounds like a good plan.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    LOL @AEventyr XD ( started typing that as Am >.>) My ex was a d. i. ck. like that too. And other things BUT ANYWHO! Yes s. s. Christmas, but hopefully it happens before my birthday, I don't think I can wait till X-mas for s. s. xmas XD
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Oh, yes please!! Can't wait for Christmas for Christmas! As for those .... plumming plums (I'm sure the site will just plum out whatever I'd want to call them anyway) ... there's a reason they're called EXES! Maybe I'll find a way to fit in a cathartic chapter someday. Y'know. If I could make up my mind on which game to play and find time and junk. When not captaining this ship. *sips lemonade*
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    lol yea they're exes and no longer have control, mwahahahha let them watch us flourish without their evil control.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    @AmberKotori- I actually try to not look at your jewelry too much, since it doesn't do me good to yearn for something I can't get :lol: Even if I did have the money to spare (and if I did wear jewelry :persevere: ), I think you mentioned something about not being able to ship overseas or something, didn't you? I really adore all your pendants like the Aurora and Starry Night ones. The Stardust one and Winter's Magic are some of my favorites too :blush:

    @AEventyr- Sounds like a total creep. I kinda hung out with a guy like that for a week or two, but he was more just completely oblivious than having any sort of wrong intent. He came on a little too strongly and moved a little too quickly. By the end of the third time we hung out he was giving me lovey-dovey eyes, which was why I was like "Uh, nope, bye."

    I guess the good news is that there's going to be more Christmasy things coming soon. After this next chapter, which is the last real deterrent from the last plot before the conclusion, things are going to progress a bit more quickly. There's going to be some pretty big time jumps as well.
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    uh I just have to hear (see) the word abusive exboyfriend.. and I get memorys that makes me pale.... *shivers* so glad I don't live with that jerk any more..... your right strange things can tricker anexity.. and there is no logic to it... well there is if you know the whole story, but to others that don't... it seems so strange that you panick over the sound of keys or the like.
    uh just writting this makes me nearly puke, and think my heart rate just jumped to extream... I got buzzing in my ears....and cold sweat
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    @anettesb I'm sorry that happens to you. It's a new thing for me (not the anxiety, but the specific triggers to it) so I don't know what to say to help except I'm done talking about the subject for now. Going to focus on how we're near the end and get to see Meadow's (hopefully) happy ending! That or Kelsey is still dragging us along and this story will be like Naruto and NEVER END!! Oh wait, Naruto did end. Umm.... Neverending Story?
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    hmm even the never ending story have a ending of sorts...
    yea I hope we soon see a happy ending for Meadow....
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    I can ship overseas, its just costly! I love Winter's Magic and the Aurora ones too, and Purple Haze XD but my Gamer ones are my fave XD I wear the mana potion, blood vial and now phoenix down almost daily XD

    Yay more Christmas! Yay for the hint, can't wait for Mondays chapter ^.^
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    ....wait wait..... You make GAMER JEWELRY!? Great now I'm wondering how much it costs to ship things overseas, and all because i I want to cosplay as Celes from FF6 for an upcoming concert.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    lol yea XD I have mana potions, heath potions, stamina potions, phoenix down, gem stone necklaces, plumbob necklaces, XD I'm on facebook and my online shop is XD
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Those are pretty cool! I need something specific for this cosplay, though, although the health and mana potions could work well. I've been scouring Etsy hoping to find Esper magicite pieces besides earrings (I don't wear them). Not too many folks are fans of FFVI over here, though, and if they are they don't exactly make what I'm looking for.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    The green gem with the red ball in the center? What do you need it as? A necklace? Cuz that would be easy peasy to make.
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    edited June 2015
    Yeah, that's the one! Looking for a necklace if possible. I'll pop you and email about it and would be ecstatic if this works out! *edit* Why can't I hit a like button more than once? Blargh.
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    iButterfreeiButterfree Posts: 2,043 Member
    edited June 2015
    It's probably not as easy to see with the size of the picture reduced, but I was playing around with Amaranth in CAS tonight (for reasons). For lols, I gave him some lipstick. I'm sure it's because I'm super exhausted that it's as hilarious to me as it is, but I figured I'd share the picture since I think it's worth a few giggles in a normal state of mind regardless:

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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    @AEventyr That would be great :)
    @iButterfree lol we took over your thread for a bit XD and yea it looks like hes trying to pull a duckface XD It's funny XD
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