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What are your Merfolk doing today?


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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2023
    I suspect that most people saw the teasers coming though. Chapter 11 will be ending with Alex's Voice ending up as another addition to Damion's Collection. After all, Alex is another Poor Unfortunate Soul that came to Damion for a quick solution to a problem. Maybe, one day, Damion might break his rule of not returning payment for his services.

    I still need to play Evil-Alexander's downfall. And I am looking forward to that.
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    RavenSpitRavenSpit Posts: 1,387 Member
    Oh thank you so much! Gotta write that down now in my "sims book" (yes I got a notebook for my sims4 stuff).

    Getting the screenshots to my computer is rather easy, I can upload them to dropbox (I think that was what its called) directly from my xb1 and then download them from there to my pc.
    It is more the taking of good ones that troubles me sometimes, especially since they changed the controlls....

    Anyway, dont wanna spam your beautiful thread any longer, thanx again :smile:
    Gallery ID: ra7orrat

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @RavenSpit If merfolk are involved, I’d love to see the screenshots whenever you have some you want to share! This thread was meant to give all players a space to give Mermen and Mermaids a spotlight!
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2023
    Because the Expanded Mermaid Mod allows merfolk to eat without leaving the water, I removed the Forever Full Trait. I'm not sure the Merboys are thrilled about eating kelp, but that's their primary source of food. They have the Fish are Friends Weakness that makes them prefer to not eat seafood.

    Dylan and Zeph are both picky eaters now. I am relieved that they are still eating the kelp to be honest. I think there are few different kinds of kelp merfolk can eat, so the most basic, Sea Lettuce, is still acceptable for them.


    I give all my merfolk the Clumsy Trait because that trait causes sims to occasionally stumble on their feet. I feel like that's a fitting animation for a denizen of the sea that wouldn't normally run around on land. A consequence of this is a tendency for my sims to want to level their handiness. I imagine that the Zalrians make most of their furniture from wood recovered from sunken ships. While Calum was leveling his handiness, carving something for the home, I had Dylan play with his emotions to improve his emotional control. And yes, most of the things the twins use as toys are shells and such found in the ocean.


    Electronics don't normally work underwater, but there are a few things that Dylan and Zeph's parents got from the Magic Realm that are waterproof with the help of magic. Zeph doesn't completely understand what this thing is, but he's absolutely loving these "video games" and "electronics." Since a tail won't help him get very far on land, Zeph only has access to what his parents give him. Kemps, in particular, has some mixed feeling about exposing a merling to human things.



    Dylan is still playing with toys that his parents carved for him. And yes, I'm spoiling the twins. Along with Alex's Story Arc, I have been playing around with everything I can do with the twins so they get the most fulfilling mermadic childhood. It's the one thing I've always wanted for them, and my eyes have been on a few Growing Together Aspirations that look particularly fun.


    Edit: My next story update will have a minor delay. I have around 400 screenshots to go through. At least it's a third of what I've gotten before.
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    BoergeAarg61BoergeAarg61 Posts: 976 Member
    edited August 2023
    Nalani Mah'al was last seen swimming outside a restaurant in Sulani.


    A few weeks ago, she was a frequent visitor at the Moonwood Mill bar.
    I only have one picture in which she seems to dance with bears.


    It looks like she desperately needs my attention. :)

    Edit: Now I spent a simday with her household. I took no pictures, though.
    Nalani has a problem, by the way. She is mermaid but hate fitness. In other words, I have a mermaid who hate to swim.

    Edit II one day later: When I visited the mersims, Nalani was angry. In fact, she is pretty often angry. She hates fitness including swimming. That's bad for a mermaid. :)
    Post edited by BoergeAarg61 on
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,774 Member
    Several monhs ago my evil siren Lily Feng enthralled Mele and Alika with her voice and took them to her secluded shipwreck cove to serve her. This week, Alika discovered a mysterious cave nearby.

    And after several hours of avoiding his chores to explore inside he found a strange type of kelp. For whatever reason, he decided to taste it.

    And after finding out what it did, he gave his wife some too. Here are their new merfolk forms.

    Alika confronted Lily that night.

    She wasn't interested in listening.

    So he demonstrated his new powers.

    She was only pulled under for a while, but he'd made his point.
    BTW how did I not know this man looked that good without his glasses?

    Alika and Mele celebrated this new phase of their life.

    And fell asleep in the ocean.

    I'll update about Lily and her children when I finish with the household for this rotation. Both kids have birthdays coming up.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @Daephene I absolutely loved your update. Alika and Mele aren't sims that often get turned into merfolk, not that I have seen. And yes, without his glasses, he looks like a completely different sim!

    Chapter 11: Days 4-7: Spring Break's End

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2023
    Teaser for Chapter 12: A Sea Witch's Debt

    Introducing Lucian Vatore

    I ended up changing Damion's last name to Vatore. That's the name neighborhood stories gave Damion, likely because it was Caleb that initiated the marriage. In my head cannon for the story, I imagine that new merfolk are born when 2 mers woohoo in the waterfall on Mua Pel'Am.

    I went into CAS, played with genetics, and the game gave Damion and Caleb a son, Lucian Vatore. Lucian is actually Latin for light. I am debating on whether he will go down a path of evil like his Sea Witch Father or a Path of Good Like his former-vampire father. He will be around for a long time to develop into his own character. One thing is for certain, the game tried to give him the Kleptomaniac Trait when I rolled for a random trait. I ended up giving him the Child of the Ocean trait that all merlings get, but I admit, the Kleptomaniac trait is a nice mash-up of Damion's Evil Trait and Caleb's Materialist Trait. I gave Caleb the Child of the Ocean and Clumsy trait because he was reborn as a merman and not a human turned into a merman.


    53101008053_d37c016f21_b.jpg[/url], on Flickr[/url]

    Alexander Goth Had a Very Bad Spring Break

    Part of why Alexander wasn't able to interrupt Alex and Ember near the end of the week had a lot to do with Damion's Minion giving him a hard time. The Poor Unfortunate Soul that kinda deserved everything he got did not get a break from Ukupanipo's Siren's Call. With his needs constantly depleted. He was often too worn out to do much.


    Damion's Special Present for Alexander

    A spellcaster has plenty of power but they can't exactly live in the sea. Damion's solution to make his new minion more at home in the water was fairly simple and straight forward. But then again, Damion never liked humans to begin with so keeping a human around, even if they did have Davy Jones' Curse, simply wouldn't do.





    A Not So Poor and Unfortunate Soul

    After everything Alexander put Alex, Alex's Family, and Ember through, he got what was coming to him. After getting turned into the thing he hated most, Alexander suffered the consequences of not paying the price for Damion's Magic.






    Alexander has a New Life to get used to

    And he's become exactly how he perceived merfolk: slimy-scaley, monsters.

    Post edited by Metior_Ice on
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,774 Member
    @Metior_Ice Thanks! I don't think I've seen them as mermaids before on the forums. I wasn't sure what to do with them and this is just where I ended up. I just realized they are already in the adult stage so I am going to have to have them try for a baby pretty soon.
    I enjoy Alexander's new look! Much more than he does I am sure.

    So as I mentioned last time the children of Lily Feng and George Cahill are growing up! Their daughter Pearl wasn't born a mermaid, but Alika found enough mermadic kelp to fix that when she's a little older. Older brother Ray is merfolk by birth.

    I apologize that their house is always dark. They are off the grid and I forget to replace burned out candles sometimes. Also they do a lot of stuff outside after dark.

    Picture heavy, so spoiler tag.
    For unknown reasons, Pearl was actually born with white hair. Which made me glad I named her Pearl instead of Coral.

    Her birthday came pretty early this rotation.

    And now she's a child!

    Big brother taught her how to play on the monkey bars, build sand sculptures, and swim.

    She made friends fast. This is Keith, her new BFF. He's from my other Sulani household.

    Alika and Mele may not have to obey Lily any more, but they are already attached to the children, so they're still helping with homework and watching puppet shows and fun stuff like that.

    Lily mostly talks to her fish and goes fishing and swimming.

    And deals with poachers.

    New Year's Eve came this week. Mele and Alika took the kids to the bar, where they sat outside and had rootbeer floats until it was time to watch the countdown.

    There was a big crowd.

    By the time midnight came Pearl desperately needed a bath, but she was excited!

    Early in the new year it was Ray's birthday.

    He looks a little old for a teenager I think.

    But he was on his phone as soon as he exited CAS so he thinks like a teen anyway.
    He's excited to go to Copperdale High as a boarding student in the fall! He already bought the t-shirt.

    His merman form inherited Lily's green skin tone.

    He wasted no time befriending a dolphin.

    And then he spent some time with his father's ghost. First doing mermaid squeals by the campfire.

    And just having a chat before he leaves for the mainland.

    Then he tried to use his new powers to improve his father's mood.

    It worked to get George inspired, so they stargazed for a while until it was time to move on to the next household.

    Bonus pic of Alika's tail at night.
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    KerriganKerrigan Posts: 1,578 Member
    "Got your nose!!!!!"

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    A Memradic Teaser

    After Alex returned to Sulani with Ember, the twins snuck off to the Lagoon in Ohan'Ali town. For them, this wasn't a simple thing because they normally get carried home by their parents. The long swim often tires them out.


    Can you tell they are up to some mischief?

    When the twins caught up to Alex, he wasn't too thrilled to see them. He knows that they shouldn't be wandering around in the ocean without an adult.


    I had to have the twins argue with Kemps because he couldn't discipline them for breaking curfew. I was seriously surprised when Dylan won the argument?!


    That did not save them from time out though.


    Oh, and Kemps was really upset that the twins snuck off and conjured a thunderstorm in his frustration. Kemps's youngest brother ended up caught in the rain and was forced back into his mermadic form on land.


    The Daily Life of Damion's Minions

    Ukupanipo has taken up being a lifeguard. This caught me by surprise because Ukupanipo has a weakness from the expanded mermaid's mod called Water Demon, his presence in the water increases the chances of other sims drowning. At least the Davy Jones' Curse makes him do that creepy vampire walk that is super slow... On second thought, he's neither a good lifeguard to have in the water nor capable of rescuing anyone quickly. :D


    Alexander can't relax. He's the thing he hates most and surrounded by everything he hates. His life is filled with misery and that's not about to change anytime soon. Let's just ignore Father Winter behind him.


    Normally, people create these photo walls for a legacy, I decided to create this for my main merfolk family, the Zalrian Pod. The Family Photos would be Calum's idea. It's a human tradition that Calum learned about. Since the twins don't have a human form, he got waterproof cameras. I wanted to share larger pictures of each picture taken, but Kemps's picture didn't turn out right. I'll have to see if I can retake his picture to share it here.

    Pictures are arranged around Kemps, the Patriarch of the Pod.

    I did get a bit carried away with pictures of the twins. They are my favorites. I put the pictures up in their room.

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    I retook the picture of Kemps, so I'm sharing the pictures that are posted in the family room. Unfortunately, I was able to exactly replicate Kemps's picture.

    Kemps Zalrian

    The oldest member of the Zalrian Pod, oldest brother of three, and the Patriarch that makes the rules other pod members are required to follow.


    Reef Kailani

    Kemps and Calum's stepbrother. Reef is younger than Kemps and older than Calum. Reef's red tail gives away his adopted status. If he shared the same father as Kemps and Calum, his tail would be blue.

    Reef and Sarah Kailani

    Since merfolk bond for life, Sarah is Reef's life partner. Merfolk also never die from old age and stay young forever. This makes forming a life bond a much more significant thing than human marriage.


    Kylen and Lir Kailani

    Kylen inherited his father's red tail when he was born. Lir is Kylen's stepbrother. Reef and Sarah adopted Lir when they found him alone in the sea. Out of the two brothers, Kylen has higher confidence and doesn't mind meeting new people. In contrast, Lir is shy and gets tense around strangers. Much like how Reef doesn't share his brothers' blue tail, Lir doesn't share his brother's red tail.


    Calum Zalrian

    The youngest brother out of the trio. His interest in the human world is not shared by his oldest brother. Reef often has to mediate disputes between Kemps and Calum.

    Calum and Arihi Zalrian

    Calum's life partner is a former water elemental. Elementals posses Sulani Magic, a special kind of island magic tied to the Island Spirits. For all intensive purposes, Elementals and Spellcasters are technically human, with special abilities. Arihi is one of the few that outsmarted Damion and got the better end of a deal. Because Arihi was formerly human, she can be turned human if she chose to do so. Also, because Arihi was a human turned into a mermaid, her tail is very different from natural born, or reborn, merfolk that can never become human.


    Alexander, Dylan and Zephyr Zalrian

    Calum and Arihi's sons. Dylan and Zeph are their biological children. Alexander was adopted.


    Dylan and Zephyr Zalrian

    Multiples among merfolk aren't common. Twins and Triplets that are exactly identical in appearance is even more uncommon. From left to right, it's Dylan then Zeph.

    Dylan Zalrian

    The twins don't always wear their accessories. However, Dylan has a necklace made from wood and seaweed. This helps the parent tell them apart.


    Zephyr Zalrian

    The twins don't always wear their accessories. However, Zephyr has a bracelet made from seaweed. This helps the parent tell them apart.


    Extra Pictures of Dylan and Zeph

    Aside from being identical twins, they are natural born merlings that still haven't grown old enough to have a human form. As is typical of merfolk genetics, they inherited their father's tail color. They also inherited some elemental abilities from their mother.





    Alexander Zalrian

    Formerly Alexander Goth, Alexander Zalrian was reborn as a merman after drowning at sea. He doesn't have any memories of his human life. Instead, his memories lost to Davy Jones' Locker took on a life of their own. After some dealings with Damion and overcoming the darkness born from his lost memories, he can no longer speak, sing, or make a sound. Alex signed away his voice to ensure the protection of his family.

    Alexander Zalrian and Ember Pel'Ana

    Alexander originally went to Damion so he could have a chance to be with a human girl. In many ways, Alex is your typical little merman, but his story didn't end with him regaining his voice or becoming human. Eventually, he won Ember's heart and Ember showed Kemps that she is a human the pod can trust.


    Alexander is well on his way to making Ember his life partner. While Alex might have accepted that he will never have his voice again, Ember can't accept that. Additionally, the challenges of being separated by land and sea is something Alex and Ember will have to face. While Alex can't become human again, Ember could choose to become a mermaid.


    I did have quite a bit of fun taking the family pictures. If you haven't read the story, I added some little details about the merfolk in my story.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2023
    One more teaser before I share my next story update!

    Kemps and Underwater Cooking

    Since my merfolk can eat while swimming with the Expanded Mermaid Mod, I decided to remove the forever full trait from my merfolk. Now, my merfolk also started exploring the culinary arts. Kemps was making fruit salad underwater. They don't have a stove because fire doesn't burn underwater, and technically, Kemps is supposed to be in an underwater cave. Arihi started mentoring him on how to prepare fruit salad. I didn't even know she had the cooking skill to offer very good advice. However, out of all my merfolk in the Zalrian Pod, she's the only one that can remember her former life as a human.

    I will say that one of the biggest things missing from the Expanded Mermaids Mod are recipes for cooking the Seaweed Merfolk can harvest and eat.



    Because my merfolk have their hunger need decay, I've been getting the Extra Food Events more often. Reef and his brothers cracked me up when I saw their reaction to the horror movie they were watching.

    "I know bigger fish eat the little fish, but are humans that vicious toward each other?" Reef asked.

    "Most definitely." Kemps replied.


    "Bigger humans eat smaller humans?" Reef said in shock.

    "That dance number at the end seems like an odd way to end the movie?" Calum said.


    You wouldn't believe what shocked Reef after the horror movie ended.


    Yep, the credits and neon angel fish caught reef completely by surprise!


    Just noticed that Dylan was behind Reef listening to Island Music. He seems to be handling things better than his uncle.


    Today, I discovered that the interaction to end a slumber party generates a sleep outfit. I can't imagine the shirt going through his tail is comfortable. None of my natural born mermen wear shirts because of the clipping. Alex... well, Alex might be an exception with his attempts to blend in with humans while on dates and hanging out with Ember.


    Another side effect of a simulated underwater environment is the need to rehydrate. My merfolk can't spend all their time inside because their hydration need decays overtime. Also, the merchildren make use of a bathtub or need to go for a swim to satisfy their hygiene need. Really loving that the expanded mermaid allows merchildren to take a bath in their mermadic form.

    Post edited by Metior_Ice on
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,966 Member
    @Metior_Ice So nice to catch up with your Merfolk! I have missed them and now that I know you have more updates within the thread you made ages ago, I shall have to attempt to play catch-up.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    MrPlumbobMrPlumbob Posts: 339 Member
    @Metior_Ice The ending to that movie confused me the first time I watch it too. I can see how merfolk would definitely be confused and scared by it. Maybe next time they should find a different channel lol. Yesterday, I read a few pages of your merfolk story thread from the beginning, and I really enjoyed it too! You mentioned a simulated underwater environment, how did you get it to look like they are underwater? If you hadn't mentioned it, I'd have thought you found a way to build a house under the water!
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited August 2023
    @GalacticGal No rush, I think the formatting changes I plan on making will help with any catch up you have planned.


    The short answer, lots of cheats and the illusion of surrounding my merfolk with what looks like they are underwater.

    The long answer:
    On the Console and PC, there is a cheat:

    Traits.Equip_Trait Trait_OccultMermaid_MermaidForm

    This cheat will allow merfolk to use their mermadic form on land, basically, they walk around on land with their tails. From a gameplay perspective, it’s not really the same as if they were actually underwater.

    The other parts of the simulated environment come from how I decorate the house. I use objects like corals and seaweed to make it look like they are underwater.

    A lot of objects don’t actually require mods, yes the Sea-nery Stuff from Spinning Plumbob and certain corals in different colors from Serinion are things that I use, but Build Mode has a ton of objects you can access with cheats.

    For both PC and Console:




    Are the build mode cheats that make various corals from Island Living available in build mode.

    Merfolk walking around with their tails is less strange when surrounded by coral.

    Unfortunately, there is a lot of custom content from both Serinion and Spinning Plumbob that I use that is exclusive to PC. I learned the hard way that mods for the Sims is PC exclusive and not supported on the console.

    If you don’t have the pc version, a lot of the content can be accessed using the above cheats on the console.

    Merfolk, in my opinion, were introduced to the Sims 4 before they figured out the best formula for occults, and I haven’t seen any indication that they will revisit Island Living for a refresh. And believe me, I watch developments with Merfolk in the sims very closely.

    If you have the PC, I highly recommend the mods I linked in my story thread. They are free for anyone to use and will completely change the experience with merfolk gameplay. I do not link mods that are not public access.

    The thing about Serinion is that I absolutely love their Castaway Build Mode Items and their Mermadic Reef Beds and Chairs… I have not found anything in Island Living or other Custom Content like it that does what those objects can do.

    The reef beds I use are functional beds for merfolk that speed up time while they are sleeping on them. It’s exactly what I would be looking for if the Sims 4 had an underwater neighborhood for merfolk that they could live in.

    The most comparable objects are from Spinning Plumbob, and I updated all my story updates with links to where you can get the mods. I absolutely love everything Spinning Plumbob creates!
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    GrimlyFiendishGrimlyFiendish Posts: 725 Member
    Thetis and Galene had a birthday dinner (that's their sister, Electra, in the background)


    Followed by a family swim (Thaumas is their brother in this shot)


    Galene has also apparently mastered the art of jogging underwater :D

    Occult Simmer (All Occult All The Time)

    Female Simmer from Australia (she/her)

    I had one of my Sims marry the Grim Reaper & now they have a lot of kids.

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    GrimlyFiendishGrimlyFiendish Posts: 725 Member
    I also lost some of my mermaid Sims that I didn't have backed up when my computer decided to crash. Some of the mermaid sims I have now are recreations of my old ones, except I've given them different family backgrounds.
    Occult Simmer (All Occult All The Time)

    Female Simmer from Australia (she/her)

    I had one of my Sims marry the Grim Reaper & now they have a lot of kids.

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @GrimlyFiendish I absolutely love the update! It’s funny seeing a mer jogging underwater. Quite the talent. The only time I’ve seen that is when Alexander got the low bladder walk and wobbled underwater to the stairs.

    Maybe it has something to do with the change in movement?

    Sorry to hear about the computer crashing. Hopefully, this will be an opportunity for a new start!
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    GrimlyFiendishGrimlyFiendish Posts: 725 Member
    Metior_Ice wrote: »
    @GrimlyFiendish I absolutely love the update! It’s funny seeing a mer jogging underwater. Quite the talent. The only time I’ve seen that is when Alexander got the low bladder walk and wobbled underwater to the stairs.

    Maybe it has something to do with the change in movement?

    Sorry to hear about the computer crashing. Hopefully, this will be an opportunity for a new start!

    Thanks. :) I tend to go through occult phases, where I'll play one occult more than the others. At the moment I'm playing with my Mer-sims a lot. And yeah thankfully I had the majority of my sim families backed up to the gallery, but others I hadn't gotten around to saving so I lost them. Computer was only just over a year old as well, fan burned out and fried the hard drive. Thankfully I had extended warranty so I got an upgraded replacement.

    Occult Simmer (All Occult All The Time)

    Female Simmer from Australia (she/her)

    I had one of my Sims marry the Grim Reaper & now they have a lot of kids.

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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,966 Member
    Metior_Ice wrote: »
    @GrimlyFiendish I absolutely love the update! It’s funny seeing a mer jogging underwater. Quite the talent. The only time I’ve seen that is when Alexander got the low bladder walk and wobbled underwater to the stairs.

    Maybe it has something to do with the change in movement?

    Sorry to hear about the computer crashing. Hopefully, this will be an opportunity for a new start!

    Thanks. :) I tend to go through occult phases, where I'll play one occult more than the others. At the moment I'm playing with my Mer-sims a lot. And yeah thankfully I had the majority of my sim families backed up to the gallery, but others I hadn't gotten around to saving so I lost them. Computer was only just over a year old as well, fan burned out and fried the hard drive. Thankfully I had extended warranty so I got an upgraded replacement.

    This game tends to be hard on computers, sadly. I'm looking forward to a new gaming rig, possibly next month. Yay!
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GrimlyFiendishGrimlyFiendish Posts: 725 Member
    I've grabbed some Mermaid cc and given some of my merfolk a makeover. B)

    I'll try and split them into family groups, although not all of the offspring live in the same household.

    Eurydice (Grim and Aislinn's daughter)


    Eurydice's husband, Talay Uha (yes I know that isn't his name, I had the game generate another Paka'a, renamed them, so now they're identical twin brothers)


    Eidothea (Eurydice and Talay's daughter)


    Enki (Eurydice and Talay's son)


    Ninmah (Enki's wife)


    Nanshe (Enki and Ninmah's daughter)

    Occult Simmer (All Occult All The Time)

    Female Simmer from Australia (she/her)

    I had one of my Sims marry the Grim Reaper & now they have a lot of kids.

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    GrimlyFiendishGrimlyFiendish Posts: 725 Member
    Twins: Thaumas and Electra (Grim and Aislinn's children)





    IdenticalTwins: Galene and Thetis (Grim and Aislinn's children)




    Occult Simmer (All Occult All The Time)

    Female Simmer from Australia (she/her)

    I had one of my Sims marry the Grim Reaper & now they have a lot of kids.

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    GrimlyFiendishGrimlyFiendish Posts: 725 Member
    Danu (Grim and Aislinn's daughter)


    Danu's wife, Li Ban


    Sirona (Danu and Li Ban's daughter)


    Ezili (Sirona's wife)


    Narmada (Sirona and Ezili's daughter)

    Occult Simmer (All Occult All The Time)

    Female Simmer from Australia (she/her)

    I had one of my Sims marry the Grim Reaper & now they have a lot of kids.

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    GrimlyFiendishGrimlyFiendish Posts: 725 Member
    Moryana (Grim and Aislinn's daughter)


    Moryana's husband, Veles


    Damona (Moryana and Veles' daughter)


    Coventina (Moryana and Veles' daughter)

    Occult Simmer (All Occult All The Time)

    Female Simmer from Australia (she/her)

    I had one of my Sims marry the Grim Reaper & now they have a lot of kids.

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